If you didn’t watch a movie about aliens the night before and have little interest in this topic at all, then a flying saucer that appears in a dream clearly means something. The dream book will help you understand why you dream about UFOs and other alien phenomena.

Symbol of mystery and higher intelligence

Since a flying saucer is, in fact, an unexplored device that came from somewhere unknown, when deciphering one should rely on its symbolic meaning.

And it says that this object is synonymous with higher intelligence and mystery. Therefore, most often it represents new knowledge and internal capabilities the dreamer himself.

Remember all the details!

An unidentified object signifies uncertainty and fears. Why is he dreaming? To change and not always pleasant. In any case, something will happen in reality that will plunge you into bewilderment, or even complete shock.

In general, the dream book considers an extraterrestrial ship to be an obvious prophecy related to the future. If you dreamed of something similar, then remember everything else that happened in the dream (time of day and year, sounds, colors, place). This will probably help you avoid an unpleasant or even dangerous situation in the future.

Global scale

Why else do you dream about a flying saucer? A vision with her is most often prophetic, and on a global scale, but the dream book advises interpreting it taking into account the details.

Did you dream of a strange device hovering above the ground? Humanity has lost faith and craves miracles. However, this can lead to degradation and even death.

Seeing a UFO fall down and crash is even worse. Such a dream predicts a series of catastrophes and cataclysms, followed by a complete change in the familiar world.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book believes that such a vision may occur during a special period nervous tension and internal contradictions. This also suggests that in a dream you are being attacked by otherworldly creatures. Especially if the dream was dark and scary.

A miracle awaits you!

If we step back from the esoteric meaning of the dream, then the flying saucer is not such a bad symbol. If you happen to see her in your night dreams, then in reality get ready for a new acquaintance.

Moreover, depending on who had the dream, the main interpretation will differ. For an unmarried woman, he promises a meeting with a man who will sincerely love her, but to a young guy- unrequited feelings.

If in a dream you observed an unidentified object flying in the night sky, then the dream book guarantees some kind of miracle.

Interpretation of actions

When trying to understand what a dream means, you should definitely remember own actions. The interpretation of the dream directly depends on this.

  • Seeing a flying saucer in the sky means meeting an old acquaintance.
  • Watching the landing means unexpected guests.
  • To fly on it yourself - to own betrayal.
  • Talking to aliens is a sign of false rumors and pride.
  • Watching for a UFO crash means troubles and trials.

Don't change!

The dream book also has a couple of interpretations regarding a dream in which you were lucky enough to fly on a flying saucer. If you managed to come into contact with aliens and they took you with them, then you will display very unusual abilities.

Did you dream that you were forcibly abducted and forced to fly on an alien craft? The dream book is sure that this vision is a warning: you can lose your family if you decide to cheat.


    Well, I think this will be a pleasant event for me. Because flying saucers are either close or far to the ground. In general, I thought it was some kind of invasion. But the plates were not aggressive and did not shoot. And in this dream, my grandmother and I went into a store. I do not know why. But I was very scared. I thought a UFO would really attack us.

    Help me decipher the dream! We were walking along the asphalt during the day, the sun was warm, it was warm, because we were all very lightly dressed, we were a husband, daughter, grandmother, mother, father, godmother and a plump girl about 5 years old, I don’t know her, but everything seemed to me that this is my godmother’s granddaughter, although she looks different and is also our godmother’s husband. There is a gas station and a store nearby, and there is a highway ahead and we wanted to cross it, but then I look into the sky and see how three supposedly perfectly round clouds in turn turn into a small dot and disappear in the sky, I tell everyone about this, but they didn’t believe me, and when I look back, I see a saucer flying towards us at great speed, not like in the pictures, silver in color, like a turbine on an airplane and it seemed to be more convex, I shouted that you didn’t believe me, but we are the caretakers on the sly , thinking that we are not attracting attention this way, we go into the store, we talk about this to the sellers, I look around and see that my husband and husband's godmother no, I open the door, and they are standing there laughing at them with a plate, I hear how this one is ruining, and my husband says don’t be afraid, they won’t touch me, I start begging him to come in, they close the door, I open it, my dad is already standing there and says the same thing the most, I say there is a fire exit behind and we went. We went out and the sellers were with us, and the place was already there, a high fence and a forest behind, we ran towards the fence, and under the fence there was a hole, we all climbed into it, I remember this earth, it was wet and loose, I take my daughter and the girl this one by the hands, and we began to climb the path into the hill and the forest, there were spruce trees, the grass was dry, and the path was trampled. Looking around and I see that the plate is in the same place, I don’t see my dad, I don’t see my godmother’s husband, I don’t see my husband, but I know that they are there, and there is such a feeling of fear that we abandoned them, but we still ran forward, and this girl was fat and couldn’t run quickly and therefore I pulled her along with me as best I could, I was scared that they would catch up with us, I was scared for my daughter, I was very afraid that something might happen to her and tried to save her, I don’t know how ended, I woke up with a feeling of not much fear, but I looked to see if everything was in place.

    The large flying saucer has turned into a beautiful white stone gazebo with 19th century columns. Instead of aliens, there were clergymen in white outfits embroidered with gold. This reincarnated gazebo descended and tried to get into the thing, when approaching the ground, the priests sprinkled rice everywhere, I hid, but they sprinkled rice on me too. At the same time, I did not experience fear or discomfort. This happened near the private house where I live.

    In the dream, I was a student, I went to meet my new neighbor, and we ended up with her near the gates of my school. We looked at the sky, it’s deep night outside, the sky is dotted with stars, we dream, mostly I say, I say that we will become famous stars, and then I notice a glow, I think that a starfall, I show it to my neighbor, it becomes creepy, I see a UFO landing and taking person, and then they hover over us for a long time. I squint my eyes and think about the house at this moment, I feel how they are trying to take my neighbor, I hold her, when the plate flies away I clearly realize that they were coming for me.

    I dreamed that I was walking through the forest, it was very scary and dark, and there was a flying saucer above. Then I suddenly find myself in it and am amazed at the size from the inside, then I run there almost all day looking for a way out, the passages there are white with blue and the passages are the same as in the submarine with stripes. Then, when I found the exit (the white hatch), I jumped into it and found myself lying on the street and I saw that the flying saucer was still in that place. I ran somewhere and when I ran into the city there was a huge alien ship above it, which obscured half the sky, then there was nothing, I was back in the forest, the plate was still in that place. I jumped into it on purpose and started running along it, then I jumped out of the hatch somewhere not into the forest, but as if onto another planet and I ran, and then my dream switched to another dream, as always, the place to wake up like this others.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a UFO, what does it mean?

UFO – (see airplane).

Seeing a UFO, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to Family dream book)

UFO - get ready for unexpected meetings and new acquaintances. An unmarried woman will meet on her life path a person who will give her his love. Love will be mutual if the girl watches with interest the flight of the “unknowns”. Absent-minded observation of what is happening predicts an unrequited feeling. If you are watching aliens land, set the table and wait for guests to give you an appropriate gift. In addition, your greatest wish will come true cherished wish. If you see yourself flying with an alien, prepare for your own betrayal, which entails divorce. For unmarried girl- a profitable marriage and a faithful life partner.

The meaning of a dream about Aliens (Vangi's Dream Book)

Why do you dream of a UFO - In a dream, you saw how it descended to Earth spaceship aliens - the reality is that in modern world people are mired in unbelief, and therefore they are waiting for some unusual signs to appear. Perhaps your soul is empty and not filled with love for the people around you, so you expect miracles from the outside, rather than looking for them within yourself. Are you communicating with space aliens, symbolizes false news or rumors. You dreamed that you witnessed the disaster of an alien ship - this dream predicts that the disasters and trials that befall people will prepare them for a new reconstruction of the world, in which kindness and love will reign. Otherwise, humanity faces extinction. You came into contact with an alien ship and earned extraordinary popularity and success - this means that in reality you have unusual abilities, which you perceive as a gift from above. But in fact, evil has taken possession of your soul, and this dream only indicates that you have fallen into one of the most terrible sins, whose name is pride.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a UFO mean, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of a UFO moving through the air - to prosperity or new joy.

If in a dream in the summer you dreamed of watching in a dream a UFO flying towards a great miracle.

In the fall, why did you dream of a UFO in the sky - you will be pleasantly surprised by meeting an old acquaintance. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of great true love in her life. You watch a UFO landing - wait for the guests to arrive. A dream can also predict the fulfillment of a wish or the receipt of a long-awaited gift.

In winter, why dream that you have been kidnapped and are flying on a UFO - the dream warns you against infidelity, which could cause you to lose your family and children.

In many dream books, the same interpretation of dreams about UFOs is quite common: meeting pleasant guests, unexpectedly receiving a gift, new love or simply amazing news that will bring joy. However, there are other equally interesting interpretations of dreams about unidentified flying objects. Why do you dream of a UFO, you will find out in this article, a selection of dream interpretations from various dream books all over the world.

Clarify the dream

Fantastic dreams are not uncommon for most people, and people often wonder why they dreamed of a flying saucer, what would happen if they saw spaceships in a dream, as well as UFOs with aliens. We will briefly explain what these dreams can mean, but do not forget that there are other interpretations. If you dreamed of a flying saucer, then the dream is most likely positive; a lot of joy and new positive life experiences will await you in the near future. Perhaps you will soon go to a resort or find loved one, with whom contact was lost.

If you saw not only a UFO, but also representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, then real life you will meet many people. Most likely, these will be pleasant acquaintances and meetings. UFOs and aliens landed on Earth in a dream - expect guests to come to your home. However, it is worth answering the question of why UFOs dream about their invasion - in this case, the interpretation will be as follows: possible infidelity, betrayal on your part towards your loved one. Because of this, you even risk losing your family, so be vigilant and do not give in to temptation. The dream only warns you against this act, so you have a chance to prevent discord in the family.

Another question that is often asked about dreams about UFOs is: why do you dream that UFOs attacked the Earth? An attack by foreign creatures in a dream symbolizes difficult times and trials that may befall you in the near future. It is important to remember what the outcome of the dream was: if you or other earthlings won, then the situation, no matter how difficult it may be, will definitely be resolved in your favor. Otherwise, you may face intractable problems that will take a lot of time to resolve.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the Bulgarian prophetess, a UFO seen in a dream symbolizes something wonderful, magical, amazing and incredible that awaits a person in reality in the near future. Perhaps this will be the appearance in real life mutual love or just meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

A UFO has landed in dreams - guests will come soon. Also, such a dream means the fulfillment of a wish or an unexpected surprise.

Have aliens abducted you? Think about it: this is a sign that warns you against infidelity. Be careful, otherwise there is a risk of losing your family and loved ones...

Coming into contact with a UFO means receiving incorrect, distorted information in life. Perhaps they will try to deceive or slander you.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

An unusual interpretation of dreams about UFOs is given in Meneghetti’s dream book. According to this source, aliens and flying saucers seen in a dream may indicate...hidden mental illness or a subconscious program that was instilled in a person by other people. In any case, according to Meneghetti, a dream about a UFO indicates a negative moment present in the human psyche.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

However, not everything is so bad. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, watching the flight of an alien flying saucer means the appearance of wonderful positive moments in life.

Women's dream book

An interesting interpretation of dreams about UFOs can be found in women's dream book. If you are married and in a dream you managed to talk with aliens, then in reality you will soon be proud of the actions of your spouse.

Spring and summer dream book

If you saw a flying unidentified object in a dream, expect a lot of joy and prosperity in your life. At least that's what it says spring dream book. Similar information can be found in the summer version of the dream interpreter.

Eastern dream book

Not everything is so rosy for Eastern dream interpreters. If in a dream you communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence, then in reality you risk encountering lies or unpleasant rumors about yourself. According to the eastern dream book, contact with a UFO can represent pride and arrogance, which you should definitely avoid when communicating with people.

American dream book

The general American dream book says that a UFO in a dream symbolizes, first of all, enormous mental strength and personal growth.

ABC of dream interpretation

A flying saucer in dreams can predict new discoveries, new knowledge and inner light in a person.

Symbolic dream book

Unidentified objects seen in the air signify karma, an unknown influence that is present in a person's life. Perhaps higher powers have intervened in your destiny and are creating certain life situations for you.

Modern dream book

A very unusual explanation for dreams about UFOs can be found in modern dream book. Alien creatures that a girl dreamed of may symbolize a meeting with a womanizer who will deceive in beautiful words and just uses it! In some cases, an alien can predict completely harmless events, be it moving or other serious changes.

An unidentified flying object, no matter whether you saw it in a dream or in reality, is always associated with secrets and the unknown. So most of the dream books existing in our time promise the dreamer surprise and surprise. This article describes in more detail why UFOs are dreamed of.

Interpreter for the whole Family

Seeing a UFO in the sky in a dream means in reality that in the coming months you will have a lot of new acquaintances and unexpected, but at the same time quite pleasant, meetings with people whom you have not seen for a long time. Especially if you dream of a large and beautiful UFO.

If an unmarried woman dreams of UFO aliens, then soon she will meet a man who will subsequently truly love her and become her legal spouse. If there were a lot of aliens in the dream, then you will even be able to choose from a number of suitors. The Dream Book for the whole Family recommends not to rush with such a choice, but to look as closely as possible at absolutely every candidate.

If you dreamed that you were watching an unidentified plate and felt fear and great uncertainty, then in reality you will not know for sure what to do. To see in a dream how a UFO plate landed on the ground - to guests. The dream book recommends not to hesitate and start preparing for the feast now.

If you dreamed that the “little green men” from a UFO carried out a kidnapping, then in real life you will betray your partner and decide to cheat. The main thing is not to miscalculate and make an irreparable mistake. It will no longer be possible to turn back time.

Prophecies of Vanga and Miller

Seeing a UFO in the sky in a dream means receiving some kind of sign. Now you have lost faith in kindness, in the good, in yourself, but do not despair, the moment is extremely close when something from above will make it clear that luck is very close. The dream promises hope.

If you dream that a kidnapping has occurred and representatives of a foreign civilization are trying to communicate with you, then citizens who are not very friendly towards you will begin to spread unkind gossip. Vanga's dream book advises not to react to gossip overly emotionally and, no matter what happens, to control yourself.

A UFO saucer attack on Earth is a sign of troubles and trials. If the attack ended in victory for the earthlings, then not only will they be able to successfully overcome all the problems, but they will also be able to derive considerable benefit for themselves. If the dreamed UFO attack was successful and you were among the losers, then you should not count on success in the near future. He will have to wait quite a long time.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Vanga's Dream Book

In a dream, you saw an alien spaceship descending to Earth - the reality is that in the modern world people are mired in unbelief, and therefore are waiting for some unusual signs to appear. Perhaps your soul is empty and not filled with love for the people around you, so you expect miracles from the outside, rather than looking for them within yourself.

A dream in which you communicate with space aliens symbolizes false news or rumors.

You dreamed that you witnessed the disaster of an alien ship - this dream predicts that the disasters and trials that befall people will prepare them for a new reconstruction of the world, in which kindness and love will reign. Otherwise, humanity faces extinction.

If in a dream you came into contact with an alien ship and earned extraordinary popularity and success, this means that in reality you have unusual abilities that you perceive as a gift from above. But in fact, evil has taken possession of your soul, and this dream only indicates that you have fallen into one of the most terrible sins, the name of which is pride.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Family dream book

UFO - get ready for unexpected meetings and new acquaintances. An unmarried woman will meet a man on her life's path who will give her his love. Love will be mutual if the girl watches with interest the flight of the “unknowns”. Absent-minded observation of what is happening promises an unrequited feeling. If you are watching aliens land, set the table and wait for guests to give you an appropriate gift. In addition, your deepest wish will come true. If you see in a dream how you are flying with an alien, get ready for your own betrayal, which entails divorce. For an unmarried girl - a profitable marriage and a faithful life partner.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Spring dream book

UFO - Seeing something incomprehensible, unknown to your mind and how this something moves through the air in a dream - to well-being or new joy.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Summer dream book

Unidentified flying object (UFO) - Watching a UFO fly in a dream means some kind of miracle.

Seeing a UFO in the sky - you will be pleasantly surprised by meeting an old acquaintance. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of great true love in her life. If in a dream you observe a UFO landing, wait for the arrival of guests. Such a dream can also promise the fulfillment of a wish or the receipt of a long-awaited gift. If in a dream you were kidnapped and you are flying on a UFO, such a dream warns you against infidelity, which could cause you to lose your family and children.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Modern dream book

Seeing a UFO in the sky - you will be pleasantly surprised by meeting an old acquaintance. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of great true love in her life.

If in a dream you observe a UFO landing, wait for the arrival of guests. Such a dream can also promise the fulfillment of a wish or the receipt of a long-awaited gift.

If in a dream you were kidnapped and you are flying on a UFO, such a dream warns you against infidelity, due to which you could lose your family and children.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Eastern dream book

A dream in which you communicate with space aliens symbolizes false news or rumors. If in a dream you come into contact with an alien ship, do not fall into the sin of pride.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Flying saucer, sphere (UFO) - a period of strong anxiety, anxiety, internal contradictions (influence negative energies). In this form, the demonic consciousness localized in a person’s dreams from the noosphere of the earth more often manifests itself.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

UFO – (see airplane)

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

They indicate a latent form of schizophrenia in the subject, extraneous manipulations or the intervention of a computer alien to the person, as well as the activation in memory of a trace left by a past event in a person’s mental life.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Dream book for the whole family

UFO - get ready for unexpected meetings and new acquaintances. An unmarried woman will meet a man on her life's path who will give her his love. Love will be mutual if the girl watches with interest the flight of the “unknowns”. Absent-minded observation of what is happening promises an unrequited feeling.

If you are watching aliens land, set the table and wait for guests who will delight you with an appropriate gift. In addition, your deepest wish will come true.

If you see in a dream how you are flying with an alien, get ready for your own betrayal, which entails divorce.

For an unmarried girl - a profitable marriage and a faithful life partner.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a UFO hovering in the sky promises you a date with a person whom you have not seen for a long time and whom you will be incredibly happy about.

Seeing it sit on the ground means someone will pay you a friendly visit.

Aliens have taken you captive - beware of relationships outside of marriage, otherwise you can destroy your own family.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

American dream book

Unidentified flying object - personal integration. Psychic strength.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Dream book of symbols

Flying objects, objects - indicate the dynamics, transience of the meaning of these objects, as well as spiritual and karmic influences. In addition, they can emphasize the strangeness, unusualness of the situation (for those objects for which flight is not natural) and the interference in the fate of certain external, local energies and also attach their own additional meaning.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were having a peaceful conversation with aliens, it means you will be proud of your husband’s extraordinary personality.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream you watched the flight of an unidentified object, it means that soon you will be pleasantly surprised by some news or event in your life.

To be on board an unknown space object in a dream is a warning: your carelessness and indiscretion may affect your relationships with family, friends or management.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Hike. Search for the Holy Grail.

Personal integration. Psychic strength.

Why do you dream of a UFO?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

There are two opposite meanings of this sign. The UFO can symbolize the search for inner integration and higher intelligence. The round shape of the plate indicates completeness and integrity. A UFO flying in the sky speaks of heavenly things. So the UFO could be powerful symbol spiritual personal integration.