Barbashov Dmitry, Khamaganova Zoya

Ecological project. The idea of ​​recycling waste.



Scientific and practical conference


Creative and practical project

"Garbage and its second life"

Project implementation period: January-February 2012.

Present the project

students of grade 3 “b” of MBOU “Nizhneangarsk Secondary School No. 1”:

Barbashov Dmitry

Khamaganova Zoya


Barbashov Dmitry

Khamaganova Zoya

Pirogova Nadezhda

Yashkina Anastasia

Kotova Anastasia

Golikova Ksenia


Moiseeva N.A.-teacher primary classes MBOU "Nizhneangarsk secondary school No. 1

n. Nizhneangarsk


The project is divided into two stages.



Information and research stage

Our village is located on the shores of the unique Lake Baikal. We were born in the village, we grow up, we study and we live. But you often see unfurnished garbage cans filled with waste near residential buildings, and the same amount of garbage lying around. And stray dogs rummage through all this. And in the spring our village turns into a garbage field. But then cleanup days are organized, cars arrive, all the garbage is loaded and taken away. "Where?" , adults answer: “To the landfill!”

Relevance of the project.In Nizhneangarsk, there is currently one option for waste disposal - removal tovillage landfill. But does this solve the problem?household waste disposalin an environmental sense? No and no again.

Hypothesis: Or maybe garbage can be given a “second life”?

And then we decided to conduct an investigation on the topic: “Garbage and its “second life.”

Objective of the project:

  1. Learn all about waste disposal methods.
  2. Learn through practical work to find useful uses for household waste, thereby making your contribution to partial recycling and reduction of landfills.


  1. identify which household waste is most abundant in the classroom and at home;
  2. find out which waste decomposes faster;
  3. get acquainted with ways to “fight” household waste, namely with the safest method of disposal;
  4. recycling of waste.
  5. master new technologies for working with various waste materials;
  6. make together with the teacher useful products from household waste;
  7. organize a master class.

Exploring this problem From magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks on ecology, and the Internet, we learned that, it turns out, the problem of household waste is relevant for all countries of the world.

It turned out that:

200 thousand years BC e. The first garbage heaps found by archaeologists.

400 BC e. The first ever municipal landfill has been established in Athens.

200 A city garbage collection service was established in Rome.

1315 After a long break, garbage collection resumed in Paris.

1388 The English Parliament banned throwing garbage on the streets.

1775 The first rubbish bins appeared in London.

1800 The City Council of New York ordered the removal of pigs from the city streets.

Which were supposed to eat garbage.

1874 Organized burning of city rubbish began in Nottingham.

1897 The first waste sorting and recycling center was opened in New York.

1932 Garbage compacting machines are invented in the USA.

1942 Mass collection of waste for recycling begins in the USSR and the USA.

Military purposes.

1948 The Fresh Kills landfill opened in New York and remains

The largest in the world.

1965 The US Congress passes the Solid Waste Disposal Act.

2000 EU countries set a goal to achieve recycling and recycling

Use 50% waste.

On average, every inhabitant of the Earth accumulates about a ton of waste per year, which is more than 5 billion tons. Every country has its own garbage problems, but wherever there is garbage, there are landfills. There are “wild” and specially equipped landfills. We are all familiar with “wild” landfills. In vacant lots, abandoned construction sites, on the edges of forests, along highways and railways They dump a wide variety of garbage, despite the prohibitions.

Of all this garbage, solid household waste poses a serious threat to environmental pollution. Garbage dumps significantly affect all components of the environment and are a powerful pollutant of air, soil, and groundwater. These landfills are also breeding grounds for mice, rats, insects and can become sources of infectious diseases. Plastics and synthetic materials occupy a special place among household waste, since they are not subject to biological destruction processes and can remain in the environment for a long time. So, for example, a plastic bag left by us will lie in the ground for several centuries. There are no bacteria on Earth that can destroy it. And shards of glass, cans, and bottles can, like mines, “work” even after 1000 years: in sunny weather, a shard of glass can act as a lens and cause a fire. And how many people are injured due to broken glass, which can easily even cut through shoes?

We found out that it takes many years for household waste to decompose.

Glass bottles- 1000 years;

Plastic products - 100 years;

Cans – 50 - 80 years

(bury it under a plum tree - 2-3 years);

Rubber soles of boots – 50 - 40 years;

Leather - 50 years;

Nylon products – 30 - 40 years;

Plastic bag – 10 - 20 years;

Batteries - 10 years;

Cigarette butts - 1 - 5 years;

Wool sock - 1 - 5 years;

Paper - 2 years;

Orange or banana peel -2 - 5 weeks.

During the week, we monitored the accumulation of garbage in the classroom and at home.




Food waste


leather, etc.

Day of the week


















+ :was

- :was not

Conclusion: Household waste accumulates the most (paper, plastic, food waste)

At school, paper mostly accumulates.

Then we conducted a survey of school students.

The most littered places

streets – 37%

residential courtyards – 30%

shopping centers – 12%

school grounds – 1%

recreation areas for citizens – 20%

The main reason for littering

Insufficient number of trash cans and containers for waste – 5%

Poor performance of wipers – 2%

Lack of a clear waste collection and disposal system – 47%

Low level of culture of the settlement’s residents – 46%

Who litters the most?

Preschoolers and primary school students – 10%

Teenagers – 66%

Youth – 24%

Adults - 0%

What would you throw away on the street?

Empty cardboard box – 3%

An empty can or bottle of juice, water, beer, etc. – 2%

Chewing gum wrapper – 25%

Read newspaper – 15%

Paper cup – 2%

Peel from banana, orange, etc. – 13%

Nothing at all – 40%

After conducting a survey Among school students we found that

The main reasons for the increase in the amount of garbage in our village are:

  1. growth in the production of disposable goods;
  2. increasing the amount of packaging;
  3. increasing the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.
  4. low level of culture of the village residents.

The amount of household waste is growing every day at a rapid pace. And only 5% of household waste is processed industrially.

World practice offers the following methods that make it possible to get rid of household waste:

  1. method of burial (in the ground, in reservoirs);
  2. combustion method;
  3. disposal.

The first two methods are not harmless to our environment. They pose a serious environmental hazard. The recycling method is the most effective for solving the problem of getting rid of garbage, butTo do this, it is necessary to build processing plants and change the habitual behavior of people, everyone must learn to sort household waste, as is done, for example, in Germany. There, the batteries of garbage barrels near houses are painted in 3 colors: gray, yellow, green.

  1. Into a gray barrel carry newspapers, magazines and cardboard boxes;
  2. In a yellow barrel throw away cans, bottles, plastic, paper, and metal packaging;
  3. The green barrel is intendedfor biodegradable food waste that will later be processed into compost.

In general, the problem of eliminating waste, namely household waste, is modern world is particularly acute. This applies to a greater extent to our country. For example, the first waste incineration plant in Russia was built only 102 years after the opening of a similar one in England. And now the number of waste processing plants can be counted on one hand.

So much garbage has accumulated everywhere that... If you can’t recycle it, it will cover the entire planet.

Recycling waste.


Used glass products are very easy to reuse. Undamaged cans and bottles do not need to be recycled; after processing, they can be used again for their intended purpose. Broken glass can be melted down.

Glass is a durable and wear-resistant material. In itself, it does not harm the environment, but broken glass is dangerous for people and animals. In nature, glass waste breaks down over several hundred years, cracking and crumbling due to temperature changes. The final product of glass container decomposition is glass chips, similar in appearance to sand.

The bulk of glass waste is not recycled and is instead disposed of in landfills.

Scrap metal.

Most often, scrap metal contains items made of iron or cast iron. Iron compounds can cause significant harm to the environment - they are toxic to many organisms. In addition, pieces of discarded metal are dangerous for people and animals.

Scrap metal decomposes when exposed to oxygen, eventually forming iron oxide. The rate of decomposition of metal products is in 10-20 years per millimeter in depth (in fresh water - in 3-5 years, in salt water - in a year or two).

Scrap metal is the most suitable material for recycling. Recycling scrap metal is of great economic and environmental importance. It allows you to unload already depleted ore deposits, reduce fuel costs for smelting essential metals, as well as a significant reduction in associated costs (for example, transportation).

Foil products and aluminum cans can also be recycled. In nature, foil can lie on the ground for up to 20-30 years (and aluminum cans - up to several hundred!), forming generally harmless aluminum oxide and salts under the influence of oxygen. Most safe way disposal of aluminum-based products (not counting remelting) - burial.


Even small, useless scraps of leather can bring a lot of benefit.

From an old belt you can make easy-to-make, reliable and non-creaking hinges for the lid of a box, easel, or casket.

It is easy to make beautiful spines for book bindings from scraps of belts.

A strip of soft thin leather glued to the inside of a metal watch bracelet will make it more comfortable.

If you are tired of metal and plastic bracelets, then, having mastered the techniques of decorative finishing of leather, you can make a comfortable and soft leather watch strap to your taste.

Using the same techniques, it is not difficult to make a convenient and durable bookmark from leather.

A strip of thin leather, folded in half or three times lengthwise and glued, can be sewn as a hanger to a coat or jacket. It is much stronger and more durable than fabric hangers and is not as rough as metal chain hangers.

What can you do with used but still usable natural leather if you collect it centrally? At the cooperative institute, tannery specialists thought out to the smallest detail how to sort and process secondary leather raw materials, how to disinfect and restore them. They developed a technology for making fashionable youth jackets, vests, and slippers from old shoes. Everyone really liked the laboratory samples.

Another example is the development of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Leather and Footwear Industry. Here they proposed using completely useless skin waste as a protein fertilizer for growing vegetables. The skin scraps are crushed, filled with water, boiled and dried. The result is a gray powder that contains 9-14% nitrogen and many valuable microelements. Free fertilizer turned out to be highly effective: potato yield increases by 30%, and tomato yield by 35%.

Feed flour is also made from tannery waste.


Waste paper makes up 40% of all solid waste and is typically end-of-life printed matter consisting of paper (sometimes processed protective substances), cardboard and paint. Despite the fact that paper decomposes in 2-3 years, it does not cause any harm to nature. However, paints and protective coatings can release substances that are toxic to humans during the decomposition process.

Waste paper has great recycling potential. It is used to make paper for various purposes, packaging and construction materials. 1 ton of waste paper replaces about 4 cubic meters of wood, so the collection and rational disposal of paper waste will help to significantly reduce deforestation. Old papers are soaked, cleaned and shredded to produce fibers called cellulose. The further process is identical to the process of producing paper from forest products.

When burning paper waste, harmful dioxides are formed - products of burning paint and printing ink. This method is not rational when disposing of this type of waste.


In the modern world, not a single enterprise can do without the use of polymer materials. Therefore, recycling plastic waste has great potential - polymer raw materials used in the production of products can be obtained from recycled plastic. Products, depending on quality standards, can be made entirely from recycled plastic raw materials, or from a certain proportion of virgin and recycled plastic.

Discarded plastic products interfere with gas exchange in soil and water bodies and pose a threat to animals. There are many examples when a swallowed package led to the death of an animal - even cases of death of whales were recorded. Plastic containers are resistant to aggressive environments and are not digested by the animal’s body.

In addition, plastic releases toxic substances when burned and decomposed, which can take more than 100 years.

Food waste.

When food waste is burned, substances harmful to human health are released - dioxides. This once again confirms the need to sort waste before recycling it.

The safest method of disposing of organic waste is composting. During this process, the content of substances easily digestible by plants - phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, and others - increases in the organic mass, and unfavorable flora and microorganisms are neutralized.

Thus, with proper and timely disposal of organic waste, this type of waste not only does not harm nature, but can also be used as a natural fertilizer

More than half of this waste can be recycled and used again. Let's start with ourselves and try not to pollute our planet so much. To do this, we will use at least basic methods to reduce the volume of garbage.

Glass can be recycled an unlimited number of times. Typically, it is sorted by color, cleaned, melted down and reused into new bottles, decorative items and even flooring.
Take bottles and cans to glass collection points. If you throw them away, put them in a separate bag and place them next to the trash can for others to recycle.

Aluminum cans beverage cans can be melted down into new cans. Steel cans are used in the production of various parts.
In Russia, unfortunately, aluminum and steel are processed only in industry, and collection points for cans exist in few places. Therefore, simply do not leave drink cans anywhere, but throw them in trash bins.

Plastic bottlescan be recycled and used again. In some countries, furniture and accessories are made from melted bottles. The best way out is to sort the garbage. Containers for selective waste are already appearing for this purpose. The yellow tank is for plastic bottles. In some areas there are collection points for plastic bottles.

Cardboard packagingJuice containers are the most difficult to recycle because they usually consist of a layer of aluminum foil or polyethylene in addition to the cardboard to keep the liquid out. If you are vacationing outside the city, do not throw such packaging into the local landfill, but burn it at the stake.

Plastic bagsbuyers take them at supermarket checkouts. Every year, tens of billions of bags are used that cannot be recycled. Try not to take extra bags at the supermarket. Even better: go back to Soviet-era tradition and bring your own bag to the store.

Paper and cardboard make up approximately 1/3 of the household waste we throw away. They are the easiest to recycle and use again. IN Soviet times waste paper was accepted in each district. Currently in Russia, organizations that deal with this mainly accept large parties. But you can donate the accumulated paper and cardboard free of charge by bringing it yourself to the collection point.

Fabric productsthat we throw away every year are mostly good clothes that, according to objective characteristics, can still be worn. Out-of-fashion clothes, curtains, tablecloths can be donated to homeless shelters or churches, where these items will go to those who need them. New items can be returned to Orphanage or boarding school.

And just try not to buy unnecessary and useless goods, calculate the amount of material required for your needs.

Creative - practical stage

We offer our own way of reusing used items and things. There are no unnecessary things, but only a little imagination!

Technological map for the production of decorative bottles.

Stage number

Sequence of work.

Tools and adaptations

Collection of waste material

Involvement of class students and school technical staff.

Creating a Sketch

Simple pencil and eraser

Selection of the required material

Glass bottles, buttons, broken glass, keys, ropes, seeds, buttons, corks, pendants, beads, plastic bottles.

Pasting waste material

Glue, scissors.

Painting the composition

Spray paint in two shades

Our class has a lot of imagination, proof of this is our finished products (it is presented to your attention). Here you will see items that can serve you for some time.Can be used as a souvenir, as a vase, decanter, or as a decorative interior decoration.

Another important result of our research work is that we learned a lot of new and interesting things about household waste, and also learned to work with different materials (plastic, cellophane, glass and others). Pupils of our class took part in the research work, parents, teachers of geography, computer science, as well as technical staff of the school were involved.

In the future, we decided to continue practical work on recycling household waste in the near future: to make souvenirs and crafts for the holiday on March 8th.

Cleanliness and comfort to you!


1. Second life of things. N.P. Konopleva, “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 1993.

2. Gomarovich E.S. "What the city breathes." M.: "Chemistry", 1990

3. Zakhlebny A.N. "Book for reading on nature conservation." M.: Education, 1986

4. Protasov V.F. “Ecology, health and environmental protection in Russia”, M.: “Finance and Statistics”, 2001

5. Rodionov S.K. etc. ((What is garbage. M.:

6. Hefling G. ((Anxiety in 2000). M.: “Mysl”, 1990

7. Khotuntsev Yu. L. ((Man, technology, environment. M.: ((Sustainable World), 2001

Irina Maslakova
Environmental project “Give a second life! Recycling of household waste"

Ecological project« Give a second life (recycling of household waste)


If a person only hears, he can

doubt if he only sees, he can still

doubt, but if a person did something

with his own hands, he no longer doubts.

The words on the wall of Beltsville -


US agricultural center

Summer is the time to collect not only berries and mushrooms, but And: garbage. Unfortunately, plastic bottles and metal cans have become an integral part of forests and river banks. And this is a sign, frankly speaking, of not a very high culture of those who like to “relax” in nature. The waste problem is now acute in many countries. And it needs to be solved comprehensively: not only by searching for new processing technologies garbage, but also with the help environmental education. Moreover, the sooner we start doing this, the greater the chance of forming a generation with a new culture of behavior.

However, this is not enough to simply encourage children not to litter or make fires. In our opinion, bans will not help the matter, although in many institutions environmental work is based specifically on slogans: “You can’t”, “Don’t do”, “Don’t quit.” But the behavior of even a little person must be conscious and motivated. And to the conclusion that trash has no place in the forest, he must come on his own, albeit under the strict guidance of an adult. It serves precisely these purposes project"Garbage must be separated so that use again".

Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, food packaging, all kinds of boxes, straws, old felt-tip pens, newspapers, bottle caps, etc., etc. And we hardly think about how much time it takes to get these the waste has rotted. Now it's fashionable to talk about ecology, about new ways using waste for the common good because much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original children's craft or an exciting toy, maybe used for a fun game room. This topic is inexhaustible. You can endlessly come up with new roles for old things that surround us, and it’s not a matter of wealth or poverty, it’s a matter of moral attitude towards them. The most important thing is to teach children to experience the feeling of joy from independently completed work, to teach them to overcome difficulties and to increase their responsible attitude towards ecological situation in the village.

“Every child is to some extent a genius, and every genius is to some extent a child.” This famous quote from Schopenhauer needs clarification. What is the genius of a child? And where does this natural childish genius manifest itself? The main quality of a genius is to see things and events beyond their ordinary and generally accepted meaning, to see contrary to opinion and prejudices. It is in this sense that every child is a genius. To do this, it is enough to give the opportunity to express and establish children’s creativity, to recognize it as a unique phenomenon that requires respect. A child whose creativity is recognized throughout childhood life will gain the strength to think independently and originally. The passion of a teacher can infect the most passive child. Let him try repeat. Surely he will do something in his own way, he will have to use his imagination - this is an integral property of waste material.

Bottle caps, plastic caps, old pens, yogurt cups and even juice cartons are great materials for all kinds of crafts. And what can you come up with from plastic bottles: they can be sprinklers, vases, skittles, and targets for towns. You can use them to make a shovel and sand molds, boats and even a whole raft.

Working with such materials contributes to the development of children's design activities. With the help of various tools, they learn to process and connect parts from various materials, learn their properties, which contributes to the development of their imagination and technical skills. Working with various kinds of materials expands children's knowledge about the world around them. This topic is inexhaustible.

Preparation project was carried out within the framework of the specialized health-improving school camp "School Academy of Chemist".

The “School Academy of Chemist” program was presented at the regional competition of summer programs and was awarded a certificate for 2nd place and a cash prize of 2 thousand rubles.

Target project: creating conditions for the development of creativity, cognitive and responsible interest in environmental environment through the production of crafts from various household waste.

Work on project does not require large financial outlays. You just need to take a close look at what is around and give the child the opportunity to invent, create, and try on his own.

Expected results:

1. Making creative works from household waste

2. Participation in regional competitions and exhibitions.

1. Methodology project

Any environmental project can be divided into several stages: preparatory, theoretical, creative.

Preparatory stage

We draw children's attention to the fact that every day we throw away garbage. Where does he go? And at home the guys are accumulating garbage? What are his parents doing with him? Is it possible to see garbage in the vicinity of the school? Where does it come from?

Theoretical stage

We collect household waste in the territory kindergarten.

We sort everything collected: metal garbage, plastic, paper, etc. Among we are garbage For example, they found plastic bottles, metal soda cans, paper, pieces of glass, and plastic bags.

We invite children to carefully consider the entire garbage: where could he have come from here?

We discuss that all natural objects are processed, eaten by someone and ultimately turn into soil. But bottles and cans are made by human hands; these are not natural, but artificial objects. There is no plastic in nature, so there are no animals that could eat it or recycle it. The truth arises question: after all, paper is also made by human hands, but it still disappears over time. Why? Let's remember what paper is made of done: made of wood, and trees are nature; many forest inhabitants are not averse to profiting from wood.

What is the period of rotting of various garbage?

Paper decomposes: 1 year Tin can decomposes: > 90

Cigarette filters decompose: 1 year polybag decomposes: > 200

Plastic decomposes:- 200 Years Glass decomposes:> 1000

Practical stage

We made sure that people throw away a lot garbage: Is it possible somehow use? We invite children to make paintings (crafts, toys from waste, create interesting sculptures, and various feeders from packaging materials.

2. Creative laboratory

Search for trinkets" Ecological raid"

To work, we will need the most incredible things from which we can make something. The children were given a task to time: collect on the children's territory garden: something soft, something square, something transparent, something sharp, something long, something left behind by a person, something round, an eggshell, a feather, something paper, etc. d.

Make crafts from everything they find.

Cart for garbage from magazine pages

Champagne cork board

New Year decoration

Old burnt out light bulbs should not be thrown away. If you decorate them with glass paints, you will get wonderful Christmas tree decorations that can last for many years.

The next object of our attention is disposable plates

They also make very, very interesting crafts. The simplest thing is to paint paper plates. It turns out beautifully if the design is located in the center of the plate, and the corrugated frame remains monochromatic (white or colored). You can draw whatever your heart desires.

Disposable plates make funny little animals. A whole plate can become, for example, a lion's head. To do this, we cover it with yellow paint, draw a muzzle, and the mane will be a corrugated edging, painted brown or Orange color. From half of another plate we will make a body for the lion and glue it to the head. The remaining piece of the plate is turned into a tail using scissors. If you get a little creative, you can make a turtle, a cat, and ladybug, and a spider.

hat making

It would be nice to set up a hat workshop. And for this we will need all the same disposable plates. Using a hole punch or scissors, make small holes on both sides of the plate. Secure ribbons or elastic bands in them. These will be the ties. Now put the “hat” on the table and start decorating it. Paints, artificial flowers, ribbons, bows, feathers, beads, pasta, sparkles, scraps of fabric, lace, brooches - in general, everything will be used. And if you remember footage from historical films, where ladies wore not just hats on their heads, but real works of art in the form of vases with fruit or entire ships, then you will probably have additional ideas for decoration. If “hat making” captivates the kids, you can, like real fashion designers, create entire thematic collections of hats. For example: "These amazing animals", "Hello, spring!" or "Sea Treasures". And be sure to arrange a hat show for dad or grandparents.

Matryoshka dolls from a spoon

This round-faced, ruddy nesting doll is made from disposable spoons, cups, and napkins.

For this you will need: disposable cups, colorful paper napkins, thread, markers, scissors, colored paper

"Murano glass"

Glass painting is an ancient art. Therefore, we could not bypass this type of creativity. It's nice to put flowers in a beautiful "vase" any time.

Massage track

In the summer, teachers face an important primary task - improving the health and hardening of children. You can make a simulator for foot massage with your own hands.

You will need: plywood of any size, instant glue, carbonated drink caps and your imagination. Bottle caps are also suitable for playing checkers. What children love very much.

Paperwork master

Over the course of the year, the children accumulate a lot of leftover colored and office paper. In the spring, we warned them not to throw away this paper. During the classes, children learned the basics of modular origami and quilling. To make crafts you only need paper, scissors, and a ruler. You can also use glossy magazines. A craft made in origami style will be wonderful a gift for the holidays.

3. Fun toy library

Use household waste It is possible not only for making crafts, but also for playing very interesting outdoor and board games.

"Soap Extravaganza"

Of course, you can buy a bright jar or gun with soap bubbles in the store. But it’s much more interesting to make bubbles literally with your own hands. To do this, take liquid dishwashing detergent or grated laundry soap. Mix with water in proportion 1 :10 and add 50-100 ml of glycerin. The solution is ready! You can blow bubbles through regular cocktail straws. And you can start game: who has the longest-lived bubble, who has the farthest-flying bubble, who has the largest bubble, etc.

"Air Football"

This game will captivate any child. Take a box with low sides, a drawer, or make your own from a box. To play, you need to install a goal on the playing field, take a large bead instead of a ball, or make a ball out of paper. Two people can play using cocktail straws. Everyone must blow the opponent's ball into his goal. After training, you can safely organize competitions.

Rope course

The ropes course is so called because using ropes. These may be remnants of yarn or strong threads. Moms always end up with a ball that they hate to throw away. This is where it comes in handy.

a) "Web" or "Swamp" (as you like).

On the territory of a school, garden, or park, a flat area with four trees forming a square is selected. A rope/thread with many holes for legs is stretched between them. The task is to cross the entire team through the web from one side to the other without touching any part of it. If you touch the thread, go back and start the exercise again. After training, you can hold a competition between teams.

b) "Geometric figure"

All participants in the game stand in a circle. They are given a thread or rope of a certain length. The children hold on to her. The first task is to compose any geometric figure With with open eyes and talking. On second stage - make a figure (rhombus, triangle, circle, etc.) with open eyes, but not talking. And the third task - the eyes are closed, the mouth is closed, we make a figure at random. Leadership qualities are developed during the game

"Munhausen shooting gallery"

A shooting range is a place where people shoot at targets. The guys made their own darts from scrap materials. The target was made from juice boxes left over from lunch. They glued them together. All that's left to do is arrange a competition to see who is the most accurate.

"Young jugglers"

At school, the kids love to throw different objects at each other. We decided to help them with this. We made blanks of “balls” of a certain size to make them comfortable to hold. For this we needed some leftover paper and tape. Forward. The game begins. This entertainment promotes concentration and the ability to maintain balance.

"Box Meetings"

These are fun sports competitions. And they are “boxed” because in all relay races Use juice boxes, which the children drank for afternoon tea.

Several teams of 3 to 5 people can participate.

Different stages:

Carry the box on your head

Carry the box on your shoulder

Carry the box on your back

Carry the box onto your leg near the foot

Carry the box on your nose

Carry the box, pressing your chin to your neck, etc.

You can make a wonderful robot out of juice boxes." Garbage collector".

Municipal budget educational institution

average comprehensive school № 11

urban district of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region

"Garbage and its second life"

Branch primary school

I've done the work:

Student of 3rd grade "A"

Malyshev Matvey

Scientific adviser:

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 11

Komkova Maria Gennadievna.




Main part

Information and research stage…………………………….…….6

Analysis of schoolchildren’s survey………………..………….……………...…9

Recycling waste………………………………………………………...10

Creative - practical stage

Practical advice……………………………………………………………...……….14



Appendix 1……………………………………………………………………………….18

Appendix 2……………………………………………………………………………….20

Appendix 3……………………………………………………………………………….21


My work is devoted to the topic of garbage and its second life. I was very interested in this topic. After all, the problem of garbage disposal always bothers many, and so I decided to find out how to deal with it and find out what can be made from garbage.

Target My job is to learn everything about methods of waste disposal, learn through practical work to find useful uses for household waste, thereby making my contribution to partial recycling and reduction of landfills.

Having set this goal, I outlined the main tasks of your work:

    how you can reuse waste;

    make useful products from household waste.


In the course of life, it is common for a person to leave behind all kinds of garbage and various wastes. Every home generates a huge amount of various household waste, which is ultimately thrown into landfills and burned.

In recent years, the problem of garbage has come to the fore among other environmental problems. According to experts, currently every inhabitant of the planet produces on average about one ton of garbage per year. The increase in the amount of household waste is due to the following reasons:

Increased production of disposable consumer goods;

Increasing the amount of packaging;

Increasing the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.

Most household waste does not decompose naturally or has a very long decomposition period. For example, paper takes 2 years to decompose, a tin can takes 90 years, an aluminum cola can takes 500 years, and glass takes more than 1000 years to decompose.

Our family throws out a lot of garbage every day: plastic bottles, food packaging, plastic bags, glass containers from various products, boxes, candy wrappers, etc. It’s impossible to list everything. Previously, I had not thought about the fact that much of this garbage could have new uses, becoming the basis for original crafts. And if you throw out less garbage, then the environment will be more environmentally friendly.

In Vyksa, there is currently one option for waste disposal - removal to city ​​dump. But does this solve the problem? household waste disposal in an environmental sense? No and no again.

Household waste as packaging material pollute the environment. Most of them do not decompose under natural conditions or have a very long decomposition period. To create a cleaner environment, we need to reduce the amount of packaging we throw away, and to do this we need to give it a new life.

And then I decided to conduct research on the topic: “Garbage and its “second life.”

Objective of the project:

    Learn all about waste disposal methods.

    Learn through practical work to find useful uses for household waste, thereby making your contribution to partial recycling and reduction of landfills.


    identify which household waste is most abundant in the classroom and at home;

    find out which waste decomposes faster;

    get acquainted with ways to “fight” household waste, namely with the safest method of disposal;

    How can you reuse waste?

    master new technologies for working with various waste materials;

    make useful products from household waste;


October 2014 – January 2015

My teacher helped me in my work: Komkova M.G. and my mother Malysheva A.Yu..

So, the work consists of several stages:

    selection and study of literature;

    carrying out creative work for making crafts from recycled waste.

    survey of 3rd grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 11;

    performance at class hour in Z "A" class with practical advice.

Based on the results of the research and on the basis of the experiment and questionnaire, it is possible to give practical recommendations on the use of the materials of this study.

Main part.

Information and research stage.

Researching this problem in magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks on ecology, and the Internet, I learned that, it turns out, the problem of household waste is relevant for all countries of the world.

It turned out that:

200 thousand years BC e. - the first garbage heaps found by archaeologists.

400 BC BC - the first ever municipal landfill was founded in Athens.

200 - a city garbage collection service was established in Rome.

1315 - after a long break, garbage collection resumed in Paris.

1388 - The English Parliament banned throwing garbage on the streets.

1775 - The first rubbish bins appeared in London.

1800 - The City Council of New York ordered pigs to be driven out onto the streets of the city to eat garbage.

1874 - Organized burning of city rubbish began in Nottingham.

1897 - The first waste sorting and recycling center was opened in New York.

1932 - garbage compacting machines were invented in the USA.

1942 - Mass collection of garbage for recycling for military purposes begins in the USSR and the USA.

1948 - Fresh Kills landfill opened in New York, still remaining the largest in the world.

1965 - The US Congress passes the Solid Waste Disposal Act.

2000 - EU countries set the task of achieving recycling and reuse 50% waste.

On average, every inhabitant of the Earth accumulates about a ton of waste per year, which is more than 5 billion tons. Every country has its own garbage problems, but wherever there is garbage, there are landfills. There are “wild” and specially equipped landfills. We are all familiar with “wild” landfills. In wastelands, abandoned construction sites, on the edges of forests, along roads and railways, a wide variety of garbage is dumped, despite the prohibitions.

Of all this garbage, solid household waste poses a serious threat to environmental pollution. Garbage dumps significantly affect all components of the environment and are a powerful pollutant of air, soil, and groundwater. These landfills are also breeding grounds for mice, rats, insects and can become sources of infectious diseases. Plastics and synthetic materials occupy a special place among household waste, since they are not subject to biological destruction processes and can remain in the environment for a long time. So, for example, a plastic bag left by us will lie in the ground for several centuries. There are no bacteria on Earth that can destroy it. And shards of glass, cans, and bottles can, like mines, “work” even after 1000 years: in sunny weather, a shard of glass can act as a lens and cause a fire. And how many people are injured due to broken glass, which can easily even cut through shoes?

I found out that it takes many years for household waste to decompose.

Glass bottles - 1000 years;

Plastic products - 100 years;

Cans – 50 - 80 years

Rubber soles of boots – 50 - 40 years;

Leather - 50 years;

Nylon products – 30 - 40 years;

Plastic bag – 10 - 20 years;

Batteries - 10 years;

Cigarette butts - 1 – 5 years;

Wool sock - 1 – 5 years;

Paper - 2 years;

Orange or banana peel - 2 - 5 weeks.

Over the course of a week, we monitored the accumulation of trash in the classroom and at home.




Food waste


Leather, etc. .

Day of the week


















+ :was

- :was not

Conclusion: At home, household waste (paper, plastic, food waste) accumulates the most.

At school, paper mostly accumulates.

The amount of household waste is growing every day at a rapid pace. And only 5% of household waste is processed industrially.

World practice offers the following methods that make it possible to get rid of household waste:

    method of burial (in the ground, in reservoirs);

    combustion method;


The first two methods are not harmless to our environment. They pose a serious environmental hazard. The recycling method is the most effective for solving the problem of getting rid of garbage, but To do this, it is necessary to build processing plants and change the habitual behavior of people, everyone must learn to sort household waste, as is done, for example, in Germany. There, the batteries of garbage barrels near houses are painted in 3 colors: gray, yellow, green.

    in a gray barrel carry newspapers, magazines and cardboard boxes;

    in a yellow barrel throw away cans, bottles, plastic, paper, and metal packaging;

    the green barrel is intended for biodegradable food waste that will later be processed into compost.

In general, the problem of eliminating waste, namely household waste, is especially acute in the modern world. This applies to a greater extent to our country. For example, the first waste incineration plant in Russia was built only 102 years after the opening of a similar one in England. And now the number of waste processing plants can be counted on one hand.

So much garbage has accumulated everywhere that... If you can’t recycle it, it will cover the entire planet.

Analysis of schoolchildren's questionnaires.

I conducted a survey among 3rd grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 11.

The students were asked a questionnaire (see Appendix 2) about their understanding of the problem of environmental pollution. 49 people took part in the survey. To the first question of the questionnaire about whether they throw garbage into a trash bin outside the house, 40 people answered that they do, yes, they do, and 9 people answered that they do not. When asked whether children separate garbage, 11 people answered that they do, the rest do not. When asked if they throw away unnecessary things in good condition, the majority answered that they do not throw it away. As it turns out, many guys don’t know how waste is disposed of.

Only 15 people know that there are places for collecting recyclable waste in the city.

Based on the results of the study, we can say that not all children know how to dispose of garbage and what can be made from it. Therefore, the rate of new landfills appearing and increasing in size is growing every day.

Recycling waste.


Used glass products are very easy to reuse. Undamaged cans and bottles do not need to be recycled; after processing, they can be used again for their intended purpose. Broken glass can be melted down.

Glass is a durable and wear-resistant material. In itself, it does not harm the environment, but broken glass is dangerous for people and animals. In nature, glass waste breaks down over several hundred years, cracking and crumbling due to temperature changes. The final product of glass container decomposition is glass chips, similar in appearance to sand.

The bulk of glass waste is not recycled and is instead disposed of in landfills.

Scrap metal.

Most often, scrap metal contains items made of iron or cast iron. Iron compounds can cause significant harm to the environment - they are toxic to many organisms. In addition, pieces of discarded metal are dangerous for people and animals.

Scrap metal decomposes when exposed to oxygen, eventually forming iron oxide. The rate of decomposition of metal products is in 10-20 years per millimeter in depth (in fresh water - in 3-5 years, in salt water - in a year or two).

Scrap metal is the most suitable material for recycling. Recycling scrap metal is of great economic and environmental importance. It allows you to unload already depleted ore deposits, reduce fuel costs for smelting essential metals, as well as a significant reduction in associated costs (for example, transportation).

Foil products and aluminum cans can also be recycled. In nature, foil can lie on the ground for up to 20-30 years (and aluminum cans - up to several hundred!), forming generally harmless aluminum oxide and salts under the influence of oxygen. The safest way to dispose of aluminum-based products (not counting remelting) is burial.


Even small, useless scraps of leather can bring a lot of benefit.

From an old belt you can make easy-to-make, reliable and non-creaking hinges for the lid of a box, easel, or casket.

It is easy to make beautiful spines for book bindings from scraps of belts.

A strip of soft thin leather glued to the inside of a metal watch bracelet will make it more comfortable.

If you are tired of metal and plastic bracelets, then, having mastered the techniques of decorative finishing of leather, you can make a comfortable and soft leather watch strap to your taste.

Using the same techniques, it is not difficult to make a convenient and durable bookmark from leather.

A strip of thin leather, folded in half or three times lengthwise and glued, can be sewn as a hanger to a coat or jacket. It is much stronger and more durable than fabric hangers and is not as rough as metal chain hangers.

Another example is to use completely worthless skin waste as protein fertilizer for growing vegetables. The skin scraps are crushed, filled with water, boiled and dried. The result is a gray powder that contains 9-14% nitrogen and many valuable microelements. Free fertilizer turned out to be highly effective: potato yield increases by 30%, and tomato yield by 35%.

Feed flour is also made from tannery waste.


Waste paper accounts for 40% of all solid waste and is typically end-of-life printed products consisting of paper (sometimes treated with protective agents), cardboard and ink. Despite the fact that paper decomposes in 2-3 years, it does not cause any harm to nature. However, paints and protective coatings can release substances that are toxic to humans during the decomposition process.

Waste paper has great recycling potential. It is used to produce paper for various purposes, packaging and construction materials. 1 ton of waste paper replaces about 4 cubic meters of wood, so the collection and rational disposal of paper waste will help to significantly reduce deforestation. Old papers are soaked, cleaned and shredded to produce fibers called cellulose. The further process is identical to the process of producing paper from forest products.

When burning paper waste, harmful dioxides are formed - products of burning paint and printing ink. This method is not rational when disposing of this type of waste.


In the modern world, not a single enterprise can do without the use of polymer materials. Therefore, recycling plastic waste has great potential - polymer raw materials used in the production of products can be obtained from recycled plastic. Products, depending on quality standards, can be made entirely from recycled plastic raw materials, or from a certain proportion of virgin and recycled plastic.

Discarded plastic products interfere with gas exchange in soil and water bodies and pose a threat to animals. There are many examples when a swallowed package led to the death of an animal - even cases of death of whales were recorded. Plastic containers are resistant to aggressive environments and are not digested by the animal’s body.

In addition, plastic releases toxic substances when burned and decomposed, which can take more than 100 years.

Food waste.

When food waste is burned, substances harmful to human health are released - dioxides. This once again confirms the need to sort waste before recycling it.

The safest method of disposing of organic waste is composting. During this process, the content of substances easily digestible by plants - phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, and others - increases in the organic mass, and unfavorable flora and microorganisms are neutralized.

Thus, with proper and timely disposal of organic waste, this type of waste not only does not harm nature, but can also be used as a natural fertilizer.

More than half of this waste can be recycled and used again. Let's start with ourselves and try not to pollute our planet so much. To do this, we will use at least basic methods to reduce the volume of garbage.

In Vyksa there is a separate collection of plastic bottles, cardboard and mercury-containing lamps. The closest such site to us is in the Central district. (see Appendix 3).

The city has an organization for recycling waste.

In total, there are 68 container sites for separate waste collection on the territory of Vyksa. 11 mesh containers were installed for collecting waste paper and PET bottles at the following addresses:

M-on Gogol, 19; on the street Art. Razina, 9 A; on the street Krasnye Zori, 25A, 33,38 and 45; in Tsentralny district, 6A; Red Square, 16; st. Vavilina, 11 A; m-on Zhukovsky; Anniversary; st. Pushkin.

Ecoboxes for mercury-containing lamps are also located in the city at container sites at the following addresses:

st. Art. Razina, 9 A; M-on Zhukovsky (for school No. 9); Gogol m-on (mag. “Okeanchik”); m-on Yubileiny, 10 (near the kindergarten). There are plans to install it on the street. Belyakova, 28; st. Pushkin in the area of ​​Mag. “Warrant”, as well as on the territory of the district in the r.p. Doschatoe, village Novodmitrievka and Druzhba village.

Even VSW OJSC is implementing a project for the separate collection of waste classified as secondary materials.

Creative - practical stage.

Practical advice.

So, after studying the literature on the use and disposal of waste, I found out the different types of waste recycling and spoke to the children in grade 3 with practical advice.

Glass can be recycled an unlimited number of times. Typically, it is sorted by color, cleaned, melted down and reused into new bottles, decorative items and even flooring.

Take bottles and cans to glass collection points. If you throw them away, put them in a separate bag and place them next to the trash can for others to recycle.

Canning aluminum banks beverage cans can be melted down into new cans. Steel cans are used in the production of various parts.

In Russia, unfortunately, aluminum and steel are processed only in industry, and collection points for cans exist in few places. Therefore, simply do not leave drink cans anywhere, but throw them in trash bins.

Plastic bottles can be recycled and used again. In some countries, furniture and accessories are made from melted bottles. The best way out is to sort the garbage. Containers for selective waste are already appearing for this purpose. The yellow tank is for plastic bottles. In some areas there are collection points for plastic bottles.

Cardboard packaging Juice containers are the most difficult to recycle because they usually consist of a layer of aluminum foil or polyethylene in addition to the cardboard to keep the liquid out. If you are vacationing outside the city, do not throw such packaging into the local landfill, but burn it at the stake.

Plastic bags buyers take them at supermarket checkouts. Every year, tens of billions of bags are used that cannot be recycled. Try not to take extra bags at the supermarket. Even better: go back to Soviet-era tradition and bring your own bag to the store.

Paper And cardboard make up approximately 1/3 of the household waste we throw away. They are the easiest to recycle and use again. In Soviet times, waste paper was accepted in every district. Currently in Russia, organizations that deal with this mainly accept large parties. But you can donate the accumulated paper and cardboard free of charge by bringing it yourself to the collection point.

Fabric products that we throw away every year are mostly good clothes that, according to objective characteristics, can still be worn. Out-of-fashion clothes, curtains, tablecloths can be donated to homeless shelters or churches, where these items will go to those who need them. New things can be donated to an orphanage or boarding school.

And just try not to buy unnecessary and useless goods, calculate the amount of material required for your needs.

In addition, I proposed my way of reusing used objects and things.

There are no unnecessary things, but only a little imagination!

Technological map for the production of decorative items.

Stage number

Sequence of work.

Tools and accessories

waste material

Discs CD ; banks; balls of used deodorant; plastic wine glasses, jar lids; email light bulbs; wallpaper trimmings.

Creating a Sketch

Simple pencil and eraser

Additional material

Satin ribbons; plasticine; acrylic, stained glass paints; nail polish; PVA glue; napkins; lace trimmings; leftovers from gift packaging, stickers.

Gluing waste material, cutting a hole

Glue, scissors, tape, utility knife.

Painting of products

Acrylic paints, stained glass paints, nail polish

An example of my work can be seen in Appendix 1.

Here you will see items that can serve you for some time. Can be used as a souvenir, as a vase, decanter, or as a decorative decoration for the interior.

Another important result of my research work is that I learned a lot of new and interesting things about household waste, and also learned to work with different materials (plastic, cellophane, glass and others) and shared my discoveries with my classmates.


While working on the project, I seriously thought about the problem of environmental pollution from household waste and realized that every family can partially solve this problem. And for this you need to use your imagination a little and make wonderful items from used packaging that can be useful, decorate your home interior, become a good gift for friends and family

As a result of research conducted on the use of solid waste in households, extending the life of plastic bottles, tetrapacks, cans and other packaging materials, I made the following conclusions:

    economic (save the family budget by creating unusual crafts with your own hands that can please family and friends);

    aesthetic (we enjoy creating various products with our own hands);

    environmental (by extending the life of plastic bottles and other packaging materials, we Let's not pollute the environment!)

At the end of my research, I spoke to the 3rd grade children, where I talked about the use of recycled waste and making various crafts from it.


1. Gomarovich E.S. "What the city breathes." M.: "Chemistry", 1990

2. Zakhlebny A.N. "Book for reading on nature conservation." M.: Education, 1986

3. Konopleva N.P. "The second life of things." "Enlightenment", Moscow, 1993

4. Protasov V.F. “Ecology, health and environmental protection in Russia”, M.: “Finance and Statistics”, 2001

5. Rodionov S.K. etc. “What is garbage.” M.: "Chemistry", 1991

6. Hoefling G. “Anxiety in 2000.” M.: “Thought”, 1990

7. Khotuntsev Yu. L. “Man, technology, environment.” M.: “Sustainable World”, 2001

Internet resources

Istoknn .ru /ustanovka -kontejnerov -v -vykse


Annex 1

Materials for making crafts.

My finished crafts

Appendix 2

Questionnaire for 3rd grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 11





Do you throw trash in a trash bin outside your home?


Do you separate your garbage before throwing it away?


Do you throw away unnecessary things: equipment, clothes, shoes, toys, in good condition?


Do you know how waste is disposed of?


Do you know how you can reuse waste?


Do you know what can be made from household waste?


Do you often buy things that soon become unnecessary?


Do you know where in our city there are places for collecting recyclable waste (plastic bottles, cardboard, paper, mercury-containing lamps)?

Appendix 3

I'm looking for bins for separating household waste in the city of Vyksa

Shakirov Ilmir

Environmental project on the topic "Household waste of humanity. How to save your village from garbage"



MBOU "Nadezhdinskaya basic secondary school" of the Pestrechinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Environmental project on the topic:

“Household waste of humanity.

How to save your village from garbage."

MBOU "Nadezhdinskaya secondary school"

Head: Shakirova Tanzilya

Khashimovna, geography teacher.

422782 RT Pestrechinsky district

S. Nadezhnino st. School d1


Introduction 3

  1. Theoretical part:
  1. 1.1.Classification of waste 4
  2. 1.2. Reasons for the increase in garbage 6
  3. 1.3.Waste disposal methods 7
  4. 1.4 Problems of waste disposal 7
  5. 1.5 Problem of lack of sorting 8

Practical part:

  1. 2.1. Determination of the amount of garbage 9
  2. 2.2. Landfills: harm to the environment 10
  3. 2.3.Fighting garbage 12

3. Conclusion 15

Bibliography 17


The environmental crisis today has gripped almost the entire planet. An inevitable companion of civilization is an ever-increasing amount of household and industrial waste from human activity. Mountains of garbage are growing all over the planet. IN Lately the world has begun to pay much more attention to environmental problems than before. On average, each person in the world generates about 1 kg of household waste per day, but this amounts to hundreds of millions of tons per year, and in the USA, for example, this amount increases by 10% every 10 years. Russia in 1991 generated significantly less waste per capita than America, but due to the expansion of Western lifestyles, including disposable free bags, disposable tableware, disposable aluminum cans of beer and other soft drinks, we We're quickly catching up. And if in some countries there is a system of separate collection and recycling of individual components of garbage, then in our country all the disposable packaging and other “benefits” of civilization are replenishing landfills that are growing like mushrooms.

This problem is also relevant for my village. I see how the areas around houses are polluted with garbage, and the roadsides are littered. Plastic snowdrifts and mountains of cans disfigured nearby forests. I was wondering, where does this garbage go? I love my village and it pains me to see how the streets are polluted, so I decided to conduct research on this problem.


study the impact of garbage on the environment


1. Get to know the types of garbage

2. Identify the reasons for the increase in garbage

3. Find out ways to recycle garbage

4. Identify waste dump sites. Kobyakovo

5. Summarize the information received

6. Find out what can be done to reduce the amount of garbage in the village. Kobyakovo

Research methods:

  1. Studying theoretical material on the topic “Household waste”
  2. Practical work:

Determining the amount of garbage

  • Houses
  • At school

Determining the duration of garbage storage

  • in water
  • in the soil

Identification of waste dump sites. Kobyakovo

Theoretical part

In Russia, for thousands of years, people lived in close contact with surrounding nature. There were unwritten rules of nature conservation in nature, which our ancestors religiously followed, making sure that their descendants, i.e. we had enough fish in the water, and berries in the forest, and forests, and water, and air, and sun. For our ancestors, the problem of garbage was not so acute. Today's population of the Earth is a society of super consumers.

It is estimated that each of us spends 20 tons of raw materials per year, although most of it - 97% - goes to waste.

Garbage is gradually becoming a monster of civilization.

1.1.Classification of waste:

What kind of garbage is there?

household special waste industrial

To household waste go:

  • paper, books, notebooks, magazines;
  • glass jars and bottles;
  • metal cans;
  • vegetable peelings, eggshells (organic residues);
  • plastic packaging;
  • cardboard milk or juice bags;
  • plastic bags and packages;
  • worn textiles (socks, tights that cannot be darned, etc.)
  • wood products;
  • metal, iron, rubber things (for example, old toys) and many other things.

Each of us constantly uses many things that are far from safe, without thinking about it. Many of them must be handled very carefully, and after use they must not be thrown away or turned into toys. This is special waste.

Here are some of them:

  • batteries;
  • remnants of paints, varnishes, adhesives;
  • remnants of cosmetics (eye shadow, nail polish, nail polish remover);
  • unused or expired medications;
  • leftovers household chemicals(cleaning products, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols, furniture care products, etc.);
  • mercury thermometers;
  • auto cosmetics.

Old electrical equipment and electronics are very dangerous (because they contain mercury, copper, lead, etc.)

Special waste should not be thrown away and destroyed in a general garbage heap, because it causes great harm to the environment and human health for many reasons.

In addition to household and special waste, there is also waste from industrial enterprises:

  • radioactive waste;
  • mercury and its compounds – chemical industry waste;
  • arsenic and its compounds contained in waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants;
  • lead compounds, etc.

The huge amount of waste generated as a result of human activity has led to the emergence of an industry dedicated to its recycling.

As a result of research, it has been established that the composition of our garbage is a complex complex of various chemical compounds.

1.2 Reasons for the increase in garbage

In every family, every person throws out garbage, and every year there is more and more of it.

There are several reasons for the increase in garbage in recent years:

  • growth in the production of disposable goods;
  • an increase in the number of bright, synthetic packaging;
  • improving the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.

1.3 Disposal methods

The question “where to put the garbage?” is becoming more and more relevant.As a rule, in our country the problem of waste disposal is solved in two ways - more often by disposal to a landfill, less often by incineration.Both methods of disposal cause soil, water and air pollution, which ultimately affects Nature and human health. The volume of household waste is constantly increasing. Nature has no waste. Waste is an invention of mankind.

Waste disposal in Russia occurs to the extent possible different regions. In some regions, the number of landfills increases every year, while in others, waste incineration plants are in full swing.

In the West, one of the ways to dispose of waste is recycling. However, in our country the population does not think about environmental problems and therefore refuses to sort their garbage.

In the capital they have repeatedly tried to introduce separate collection garbage, but so far this program does not work. In St. Petersburg at one time they installed tanks for different types waste, but residents threw everything in them, so this initiative did not find support among city residents. So until the population of our country thinks about environmental problems, then all government initiatives and public organizations about sorting andwaste recycling won't make money.

1.4 Problems of recycling in Russia

For normalization environmental situation not only in our country, but throughout the world, it is necessary for waste disposal to work properly in Russia. However, in our country the problem of garbage removal and destruction is becoming more and more serious. Most often, garbage is simply taken to city landfills, where it is either burned or left to rot. Both of these waste disposal methods are very harmful to the environment. During the burial of garbage, not only large areas of land are polluted, but also groundwater and reservoirs that are located near such landfills. When waste is burned, harmful substances are released into the air, which deteriorate its quality. So both waste disposal processes are obsolete because there is nothe process of processing this waste .

But almost all household waste is an excellent raw material for some types of production, which has long been used in many European countries. But the most important thing is that the raw materials are very cheap.

Let's take plastic as an example. Recycled raw materials will cost at least 2 times cheaper. And it can be used in all areas except packaging of food or medicine.

1.5 The problem of lack of sorting

Lack of literacywaste sorting systems at the very beginning stage - the main problem in the fieldwaste recycling in Russia . In order for the residents of our country to sort their waste by type, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. However, if you think about world experience in this area, then it is worth trying to establish the same recycling system in our country.

Currently, there are a number of methods for storing and processing municipal solid waste, namely: pre-sorting, sanitary earth filling, combustion, biothermal composting, low-temperature pyrolysis, high-temperature pyrolysis.


This technological process involves the separation of municipal solid waste into fractions at waste treatment plants manually or using automated conveyors. This includes the process of reducing the size of waste components by crushing and sifting them, as well as extracting more or less large ones metal objects, such as tin cans. Their selection as the most valuable secondary raw materials precedes further recycling of solid waste (for example, incineration). Since sorting solid waste is one of the components of waste disposal, there are special plants to solve this problem, i.e., to separate fractions of various substances from waste: metals, plastics, glass, bones, paper and other materials for the purpose of their further separate processing.

The main task facing solid waste processing systems is to most fully utilize the waste generated in a certain area. When selecting technologies for ongoing projects, one must be guided by two important requirements: to ensure a minimum or complete absence of emissions and to produce a maximum of valuable final products for their sale on the market. These tasks can be most fully achieved by using systems for automatic sorting and separated processing of various types of waste using modern technologies. Recycling waste will allow you to use natural resources more economically.

Practical part

2.1 Determination of waste quantity

Per inhabitant Russian Federation account for approximately

300-400 kg of household waste per year. At the same time, the mass of waste increases annually by 4-5%.

I decided to find out how much and what kind of garbage my family throws out. We took the main types of waste, sorted it and weighed it.



Mass of trash

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week



500 g


300 g

700 g

2100 g


200 g


250 g

400 g

1350 g




300 g

1500 g

Food waste

1200 g

1100 g

1250 g

1000 g



2300 g

3000 g

1.800 g

2400 g

9500 g

It turns out that my family throws out 9 kg 500 g of garbage per month. A family consists of 4 people, which means that per month, 2 kg 375 g of garbage per person, and about 285 kg per year.

I did the same research in the classroom.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

+ + + +

Friday Saturday

+ =

Over the course of a week, 2 kg 600 g of garbage accumulates in a class; there are 6 people in a class, which means approximately 430 g per person.

This way you can find out the approximate mass of garbage in the school. We have 10 classrooms, which means the amount of waste in the school per month and throughout the school year.

Our school has 43 students and produces approximately 19 kg of waste per student per school year.

I noticed that the school trash mostly contains paper. But paper can be recycled by handing it over to waste paper. When producing paper from waste paper, emissions into the atmosphere are reduced by 85%, water pollution by 40%, compared to the production of paper from primary raw materials - wood. And another 20% of waste paper is saved by one large tree, and one ton saves 0.5 hectares of forest. At school we also collect waste paper and hand it over.

2.2 Landfills: harm to the environment

Pollution of the environment with household waste leads to a disruption of the ecological balance not only in individual regions, but also on the planet as a whole.

Wherever there is no garbage! He's everywhere. Garbage accompanies our lives, we see it everywhere:

  • at the bus stop (cigarette butts, bottles, cans, candy wrappers, etc.)
  • in the forest (tin cans, plastic bottles, packaging, plastic bags)
  • in the store (lots of receipts, wrappers)
  • on a walk (paper wrappers, etc.)

Garbage not only spoils the aesthetic appearance. It causes enormous harm to the environment. We don’t think about the fact that this garbage will return to us in the form of contaminated groundwater and toxic dust. It will become impossible to drink water from wells and springs, vegetables and berries will be poisoned. Most people don't see any problem with this. And therefore, despite the prohibitions, garbage is dumped in places that are completely inappropriate for this purpose. These landfills (even very small ones) pose a threat to people.

In our village every Friday a garbage truck comes and collects garbage. But not all people can get used to this and therefore we have a lot of unauthorized, i.e. simply, landfills. They can be seen mainly near local reservoirs. The wind carries the garbage, the dogs take it away. Substances formed during the decomposition of waste pollute the air; rainwater washes away the toxic substances of decomposed waste. Today, soil and water pollution from household waste has become global. Landfills are breeding grounds for rats, mice, and numerous insects.

It is known that the rate of decomposition of ordinary paper in natural conditions about 2 years, a metal tin can - about 90, plastic bag- about 200 years, and a glass jar - about 1000 years, and most plastics do not decompose.

I can confirm these figures with my research: how long does garbage last in water and soil.

I put the trash out different materials: paper, plastic, metal, fruit, plastic bag,

In a container with water

In a container with soil

Let's see what happens to the garbage:

In water



Plastic bag




Sank to the bottom

Remained on the surface

Remained on the surface

Got wet

A week later

Without changes

Without changes

Will swell

Started to fall apart

A month later

There have been changes

Without changes


In the soil



Plastic bag




A week later

Without changes

Without changes

Will swell

Minor changes

A month later

Minor changes

Without changes

Strong changes

Strong changes

We watched for a month. All this was especially interesting for primary school students. They came running every day and watched. Many, having seen that during the month most of the garbage remained unchanged, everyone drew a conclusion for themselves. They imagined that the container with water was their favorite river where they liked to swim. And they fervently promised that they would not throw garbage into water bodies. I'm sure they will keep their word, but that's not enough. Parents must also realize this. Because wherever children go on vacation, they go there with adults. And if mom or dad throws out the garbage, then the child, even knowing that this is not possible, will still follow the example of the parents.

It’s scary to think what awaits us in the near future: we will find ourselves hostages, we will surround ourselves with mountains of garbage.

2.3 Fight against garbage.

Scientists believe that one effective way There is no fight against garbage, and there cannot be in principle.

Many believe that the most effective method garbage control is incineration. But garbage should never be burned. The fire and smoke of such fires produce chemicals, many of which are extremely dangerous to humans. With smoke, these substances are easily transported over vast distances. Through windows and even air conditioners, toxic substances enter our home and settle on food, clothing and skin. Finally, they enter our body through the lungs. The toxic ash remaining after burning garbage is carried by the wind and washed into groundwater.

Burning garbage is unacceptable. By doing so, we create a threat to our lives and the lives of others and harm the environment. This ban must be absolute!

Here are some numbers: when burning 1 ton of solid waste, 320 kg of slag, 30 kg of fly ash, 6 thousand m 3 flue gases containing oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen fluoride. In developing countries, it disposes of household waste by burning in special high temperature ovens. According to published statistics, in Europe alone in 1995, seventeen percent of all waste was disposed of in this way. Positive side Such recycling is that the volume of waste is reduced by ninety percent, and the weight by sixty to seventy. In addition, when waste is burned, it releases thermal energy, which can be used to generate electricity or heat rooms. However, it should be recognized that during the combustion process toxins and heavy metals can be formed, therefore, in an effort to protect the environment and prevent the release of toxins and heavy metals into the atmosphere, it is necessary to equip furnaces with complex and expensive filters. During use, they also become unusable and are sent to landfill. Therefore, when recycling waste by incineration, great attention must be paid to reducing the amount of acid gases, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and, of course, the emission of heavy metals. All these substances are the most dangerous. They are released during the combustion process and can even get into food products, since in the form of tiny particles of soot they fall on the plants that animals feed on. And if human body Assimilates these elements along with food, they can cause the most unpredictable consequences, including cancer and disruption of the body’s hormonal system.

We can still wait a long time until a sufficient number of waste processing plants are built in our country that will process waste in the most efficient and safe way.

But if we have separate waste collection, I believe that landfills will not scare us with their size. The data given in the table below demonstrates this.

Waste group

Problems and missed opportunities


Food waste

1. Rotting food waste is a breeding ground for germs. When rotting, foul-smelling and toxic substances are released.
2. Incineration may produce dioxins.
3. Food waste makes up about 10% of all waste..
4. Compost is a valuable organic fertilizer. Returning to the soil, organic matter improves its composition and fertility.

1. Composting.
2. Give it to feed livestock.


1. It takes 300 trees to make paper for one person.
2. Paper waste takes up about 35% of the trash bin.
3. Paper production and bleaching is energy intensive and releases pollutants.

1. Save, especially colored paper.
2. Hand over waste paper.


1. Non-degradable (decomposition period up to 500-1000 years).
2. When burned, they release poisons.
3. Plastic waste takes up 10% by weight and up to 40% by volume.
4. Prevent gas exchange in soil and water bodies.
5. Inventories natural gas and the oil on the planet is being depleted.

Do not buy products with excessive packaging.


1. When decomposed or burned, they release poisons.
2. The production of mercury, cadmium and other substances is very energy intensive.

Limit the use of battery-powered devices and use rechargeable batteries.


Aluminum production is very energy intensive.

Donate aluminum cans.

Every spring in our village we spend environmental action“Let’s clear the village of garbage.”

  1. Cleaning the school grounds
  2. Cleaning village water sources.
  3. Cleaning the mosque area.
  4. Cleaning the territory of the monument to those killed in the Second World War
  5. Road cleaning

I want to focus on the last one. Every year we collect garbage along the roads. But, unfortunately, there is more and more garbage every year. What's not there! The most unexpected trash we saw was baby diapers.

There was a bag of diapers lying along the road. But the adults threw it away!

What to do? Is there any hope of winning the “fight” against garbage?

The collection of secondary raw materials has already been established around the world. In most developed countries, separate containers are used for different types of waste: food waste, glass, paper, hazardous substances, etc. This significantly saves money when recycling them. Food waste, for example, is processed much more easily, with less energy and money, while non-food waste requires deeper processing. In addition, certain types of waste (paper, glass, metal) can not be destroyed, but can be recycled into useful things. Garbage can and should be given a “second life”. In our country, such an experiment has been carried out in Moscow since 2005. However, attempts to accustom the population to such waste collection have not yet yielded much results.

This is also evidenced by the data of the questionnaire that I conducted among the children in my class: (see appendix)

The conclusion is obvious. It is necessary to change a person’s lifestyle, his attitude towards a serious problem.

Cleanliness begins with ourselves, with our relationship to the environment, with the place where we live, work, and study. Vladimir Soloukhin wrote in his story “The Verdict”: “I am convinced that if you see from your window every morning a beautiful tree, a beautiful street, a beautiful house, a beautiful landscape, even if it’s a city one, you will feel better and live longer.” "


Having studied the theoretical material on the topic “Household garbage” and conducted my research, I came to the conclusion: the problem of garbage must be solved now and we must start, first of all, with ourselves, with our apartment, school, and yard. Let it be from small, but specific things. For myself, I compiled a reminder “What can one do?”


  • systematically clean the area around the school and home;
  • do not throw garbage anywhere;
  • do not leave garbage in the forest, near a pond, or at a vacation spot;
  • collect and recycle waste paper (while preserving natural resources);
  • hand over glass containers, scrap metal;
  • use notebooks and paper sparingly (for example, the back side);
  • handle textbooks and books carefully;
  • treat things with care so that they serve us longer;
  • give the things you don’t wear to those in need;
  • When preparing food, try not to turn healthy foods into waste;
  • give things a “second life”

If each of us follows these rules, I think that the world around us will become a little cleaner.

Let us together make sure that there is always order in our school, in our village: clean classrooms and corridors, streets and alleys.

The Earth's tomorrow will be the same as we create it today. Let's take care of our Earth! We will not have another planet!


  1. "Our Environment". Tutorial for primary classes, publishing house "Drofa", 2001
  2. Alekseev S.V. Ecology. Textbook for students of grades 10-11. educational institutions of various types. SMIO Press – 1997
  3. E.A. Kriksunov, V.V. Pasechnik, A.P. Sidorin, Ecology, textbook, publishing house. “Bustard”, 1997
  4. Chizhevsky A.E. I'm exploring the world. Ecology. ed. "Astrel" 2003

Internet resources

1.Waste disposal.




  • “Do you collect waste paper?”
  • If we have separate garbage collection, what will you do?
  • “Do you collect and return empty glassware?”
  • “Do you use both sides of the paper for notes?”
  • “Do you use packaging to make useful things?”
  • “Do you give away the clothes and shoes you have outgrown to others?

. “Do you treat school property with care?

Planned meals and smart shopping go a long way toward reducing food waste. In addition, there are a number of known ways to keep food fresh for a long time. What about the peels, peelings, stems and packaging: why do we throw them away without thinking? After all, they can also be given a second life!

1. Coffee grounds

  • To give your hair a natural shine and silkiness, mix the rest of the drink with your conditioner and use this mixture once a week.
  • When cleaning the fireplace, scatter moistened coffee grounds over the ashes to prevent dust from floating in the air.
  • For elimination unpleasant odors In the refrigerator, place a container filled with grounds diluted with water to a paste-like state.
  • Mix the remaining coffee with coconut oil- this product will become the best natural scrub for your face.

2. Lettuce or celery trimmings

Both of these delicious products grow from their own roots. Just add water!

3. Sprouted potatoes

To grow young vegetables, you need to plant tubers with sprouts in soil or water.

4. Egg cartons

Containers of such an original shape can be used for many purposes. You can store fragile Christmas tree decorations in them, store golf balls, plant seedlings, use small cells as a paint palette...

5. Citrus peel

  • For extra fiber and nutrients Add fresh crusts to your favorite smoothie.
  • Insects do not tolerate citrus fruits. After chopping the peel, scatter it around your home - this will serve as a barrier to annoying pests.
  • To neutralize the unpleasant odor from spoiled waste, place citrus fruit trimmings in the bottom of the trash can.
  • If you need to keep the skin soft, place it in a bag of brown sugar and keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Making lemon vinaigrette is easy! It is necessary to dry the zest, chop it and mix with salt or pepper.

6. Milk or juice carton

  • These boxes are coated with wax, making them difficult to recycle. Why not make a birdhouse?
  • To make a base for a container for planting plants, use the bottom part of the bag.
  • You can turn drink packaging into a piggy bank with a hole.
  • Kids can build castles and cities using boxes tightly sealed with adhesive tape.

7. Onion and garlic peels

Did you know that onion and garlic skins contain much more nutrients than the fruit itself? When you decide to make soup, use the peelings as a natural flavoring.

8. Watermelon rinds

  1. You can make delicious jam from them or prepare various pickles.
  2. Rubbing the remaining pulp into the skin helps get rid of acne.

9. Celery leaves

They can be eaten, just like the stems! Add topping to soup, stew or smoothie. They can also be used as an edible garnish for your dishes.

10. Banana peel

  • Can be used as fertilizer for tomato seedlings.
  • To get rid of pests, it needs to be crushed and fertilized with the resulting mass in the garden.
  • Rub a piece of banana peel on your skin to get rid of itching, rashes, psoriatic plaques and insect bites.
  • When frying boneless meat, add the skin to the pan to prevent it from drying out.
  • Naterev inside banana peel shoes or silver, you will achieve a natural shine.

11. Broccoli stems and leaves

Eat them! Freshly chopped leaves make a great addition to a salad. Plus, they can be cooked and eaten like regular cabbage.

12. Roots of leeks (green onions)

Onions are easy to grow at home. To ensure that the bulb continuously receives nourishment, cut off the shoots and place it in a jar of water!

13. Butter wrappers

The small amount of oil remaining on the packaging can be used to grease baking pans! The wrapping paper should be folded and stored in the refrigerator until needed.

14. Wine corks

  • Use them as miniature containers for planting succulent plants.
  • You can make a bathroom mat from corks cut into disks.
  • The plugs connected by the side surfaces easily turn into a hot stand.
  • To get a nice keychain that won’t sink in water, you need to insert a carabiner into one of the flat parts of the cork.

15. Cabbage stems

  • Marinate them.
  • For extra nutrients and fiber, add them to a smoothie or juice.
  • Want to make a unique seasoning? Dry the stems and then chop them and mix with salt.

16. Apple peelings

Pre-dried peels can be used to make delicious autumn tea.
Using malic acid you can get rid of stains on aluminum pots and pans.
To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, place the peel under the lower eyelid for 5-10 minutes.

17. Almond paste

If you've ever made your own almond milk, you've probably wondered what to do with the pulp? Just lay it out in a thin layer on a sheet of thick paper and let it dry. Then grind it into a powder you can use for baking!

18. Pineapple tops

This is true! With a little patience, you can actually grow a pineapple from the crown that everyone usually throws away. You don't even have to live in the tropics to do this.

19. Fruit or vegetable pulp

In the process of preparing homemade juices from fresh vegetables and fruits, a lot of pulp remains. Don't throw it away!

  • You can add it to cocktails to give them a richer taste.
  • Use the mixture to bake delicious bread.
  • The pulp makes excellent and completely harmless fruit chips.
  • Pancakes prepared with the addition of fruit pulp will turn out incredibly tasty.

20. Coffee filters

  • To make your shoes shine, wipe them with damp coffee filter paper.
  • Once pre-cut, use filters to make wonderful muffins.
  • You can wipe off dust with washed and dried filters.
  • This is an excellent replacement for expensive fabric face masks, which are used to moisturize and nourish the skin.

21. Eggshell

  • To calcinate the soil, add crushed shells to it.
  • Place it on the bottom flower pot as drainage.
  • Egg shells, crushed and added to pet food, will become a source of calcium for your pet.
  • To make cheap coffee less bitter, add powdered shells to it.

22. Meat bones

Leave them in the slow cooker overnight along with a not too rich homemade broth, and by morning it will become aromatic and nutritious.

23. Brine

When all the pickles in the jar have been eaten, add fresh cucumbers into the remaining brine. This is how you get instant pickles!

24. Packaging nets for vegetables and fruits

A few simple movements, and such a mesh will turn into a homemade grater for cleaning the bottoms of pots and pans.

25. Paper towel cylinders

There is always a use for such rollers in the home. The cord lock is one of the best options their use!

26. Container of grated Parmesan cheese

Wash it and dry it, after which you can store anything in it. This could be seasonings or any other product (for example, salt or baking soda), which needs to be sprinkled.

27. Packing nets for onions or potatoes

They can be used to create unique gift wrapping, as well as a bag for children's toys or laundry.

28. Apple cores

To make a delicious fruit vinegar, use not only these but also other fruit scraps.

29. Carrot tops

  • Add to soup or stew.
  • When making your own pesto sauce, as an option, add carrot stems to it.
  • In addition, tops can be grown from the trimmed tops of carrots!

Having met these wonderful and, of course, useful tips on the recycling of household waste, you involuntarily think about more global issues. Recently, the population has begun to throw away an increasing number of packages, household appliances etc.

Today the problem of the need to reuse things seems especially acute! If you understand it properly, you can understand that, by acquiring a second life, seemingly unnecessary waste helps to save energy and natural resources.