March 25, 2019 Monday
19th Lunar day.
Third Lunar Phase (Waning Moon).
At 05:24 the period of the Moon without a course begins
At 09:06 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 09:06 the Moon moves from Scorpio into the sign of Sagittarius.
19th lunar day continues

Symbols - spider, web
warn you not only about the danger of falling into other people's networks, but also from the no less danger of subjugating other people. This is a magical day that makes it possible to distinguish your thoughts from thoughts imposed by outside influences, therefore the energy of the Moon on the 19th day contributes to the process of moral cleansing of the soul and thoughts. During this period, any person needs to carefully look inside himself, analyze his thoughts and actions, repent of pride, lies and his illusory fantasies. Try to remember the negative ideas suggested to you by someone and interrupt not only external, but also mental contacts with this person. Be also careful with new ideas (it is not known who suggested them), random acquaintances (it is not known who suggested them). You should also not enter into contracts, including marriage contracts (you can entangle yourself with impossible obligations). On this day, as a rule, there are many offers and, if you do not work on yourself, you can find yourself in an unfavorable situation. Clean your apartment by surrounding it in the corners with a lamp (candle). If the Moon is in the sign of Fire on this day (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), it is better to clean the apartment with incense, i.e. smoke of incense, sage, wild rosemary, juniper, etc. In any case, you must cleanse yourself and the place where you live. Light a fire and sit near it. You can cleanse your intestines and rectum on this day. It is better to eat simple food made from round vegetables - cabbage, turnips, potatoes, beets. You cannot show pride, anger, or envy on this day. You can't lie. Do not lend or repay debts.
Divination. Don't guess.
Dreams in these lunar day They may scare you, but this is an illusion - throw them out of your head. From a medical point of view, vulnerable places in the human body on this day are the appendix and the colon.
Those born on this day will have an incredible magnetic attraction. Vitality, restoration, risk-taking, hard work, honesty and fairness, but loneliness and isolation. Be careful! Make sure you don't fall into the snare of a proud and sadist. Be especially attentive to each other on such a day: you are at risk.
Those born on this lunar day grow normally and safely.
At the lowest level, insidious people are born, cunning people, flatterers who skillfully weave their networks, or losers, or lone creators who are not understood by the world. But if they overcome vices and pride, they will gain wisdom and longevity. On top level- these are people with high moral qualities, selfless, modest people who bring goodness and light.

What lunar day is it today?

Find out what lunar day it is today,

very simple. Just look at this astrological calendar, which will allow you to find out not only the lunar day, but also other popular and useful daily astrological information.
Duration of one lunar day- from one moonrise to another, and the total lunar days in the lunar cycle are 29 or 30, depending on the speed of the Moon. Since the lunar day does not coincide with on sunny days, the lunar day can begin at any time - morning, afternoon, evening or night. Science has proven that human internal rhythms are subject to the lunar cycle, and not the solar one. Each lunar day has its own characteristics. They must be taken into account, since following the recommendations of the lunar calendar for today gives us the opportunity to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature, plan our affairs correctly and avoid many mistakes.

Characteristics of the lunar day today

The duration of one lunar day is from one moonrise to another, lunar days in a cycle are 29 or 30, depending on current speed Moons. Since lunar days do not coincide with solar days, the lunar day can begin at any time - morning, afternoon, evening or night.

The first lunar day is calculated from the new moon to the first moonrise, and the last lunar day (29th or 30th) from the moonrise to the new moon, after which the first day of the new lunar cycle follows again. The duration of the first and last lunar days can be very short, up to several seconds. Each lunar day has its own characteristics. They must be taken into account, since following the recommendations of a particular lunar day gives us the opportunity to live in harmony with the lunar rhythms of nature and our emotions, plan our affairs correctly and avoid many mistakes.

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The distant, cold and mysterious Moon impartially watches us from above, she has nothing to do with our worries, fears and worries. But the influence of this mysterious and changeable planet (or, more correctly, satellite) on the Earth and people, of course, is noticeable. Each lunar day proceeds differently, and if, for example, on a full moon we feel inexplicable anxiety and even panic, then on a waxing moon we are cheerful, optimistic and full of strength.

First you need to figure out what is Lunar Day? The answer is quite simple: a lunar day, or lunar day, is the time that passes between moonrises.

Another question arises: why do some lunar months have twenty-nine days, and some have thirty? There is an explanation for this too. A lunar day begins when the moon rises, and the number of hours in lunar days can vary. The beginning of the first lunar day is considered to be the moment of the new moon, and it ends with the rising of the moon. Therefore, the first lunar day can be quite short - only a few minutes. The thirtieth lunar day usually also passes quite quickly and does not happen in every month.

On average, a lunar month lasts 29.53 days. However, there may be some inaccuracies in the calendars due to the complex movement of the moon in its orbit. There is no need for us to go into the jungle of calculating the length of lunar days and months; it is better to leave this to the guys who are studying the topic seriously.

There is a lot of mysterious, incomprehensible and inexplicable things in the world. Our Earth is called the blue pearl of the Universe, but what can we compare the Moon with? The moon can be called a white pearl; it has its own charm and beauty. The planet has been compared to both a mysterious opal and a mysterious alexandrite. Just as a chameleon changes color, so does the Moon - during the day it appears white or even pink to us, at night we see it yellow, and in photographs from space it is completely gray.

People began to notice the influence of the Moon in ancient times. Sorcerers and magicians were a dime a dozen in those days, but even impostors in caps decorated with planets and stars could identify some patterns.

Each of the lunar days has its own mysticism, special and unique magic, which is why astrologers advise using the lunar calendar and protecting yourself with the help of talisman stones. The stones have amazing energy, but when choosing a talisman that suits the day, you should take into account not only the lunar influence, but also your zodiac sign.

Lunar days have their own lucky and unlucky numbers, lucky and unlucky colors, beneficial and “harmful” directions and, of course, symbols. The symbolism of lunar days has reached us since ancient times; this is a kind of characteristic of the day, expressed in an image understandable to humans. Each lunar day has its own heavenly guardian angels, they protect us from troubles and help us cope with difficulties, suggest the right decisions and protect us from unnecessary risks. The lunar day also has its own elements. These elements include Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire.

There are favorable and unfavorable lunar days, passive and active lunar days. For example, some days are unlucky for cutting and coloring hair, but business sphere will be full of success and achievements, and vice versa.

It should be remembered that there are no bad lunar days. Yes, undoubtedly, there are difficult lunar days, they are even called satanic. But whoever is forewarned is, as they say, forearmed - knowing what lunar day it is today, we can plan our actions and avoid harmful influences.

The “negative” moon helps us understand our experiences; on such days we understand what exactly we are doing wrong and what we need to do in order not to make a mistake. On “bad” lunar days we receive many clues, and our mood and well-being will depend on how we perceive ourselves and this changing world. On “difficult” lunar days, it is not advisable to take active actions; it is useful to reflect, contemplate, observe and pay more attention to your inner world.

A “good” moon gives us strength for new achievements and gives us inspiration. On “positive” lunar days great success is achieved creative people- talented guys with the Moon seem to be on the same wavelength, and the ideas that appear on these lunar days are simply amazing in their unusualness and genius. On a favorable lunar day it is welcomed active position, but we ourselves will not be able to sit still - people have so much energy on such days that they want to move mountains and accomplish some feat.

Women are most susceptible to the influence of the Moon. Emotional and sensitive natures react to changes in the phases of the moon, and not always adequately. To avoid shocks, you need to seek help from the lunar calendar and star advice in time. And be sure to include intuition - the inner voice will always come to an agreement with the Moon and help us do correct conclusions. On some lunar days, instinct can frighten even ourselves - at such moments it is important to be careful, because clairvoyance is given to people for a reason, and joking with such a gift is harmful and even dangerous.

Not only our mood depends on the lunar day - taking into account the phases of the Moon, we can build relationships with people around us, conclude or terminate deals with business partners, plan a wedding and conception. The moon also influences our subconscious - dreams that come to us on one or another lunar day can be interpreted in different ways. For example, a picture seen in a dream on the first lunar day may be repeated on the tenth lunar day, but the meanings of these dreams will be completely different.

By the way, the human biological clock is much more consistent with the rhythms of the Moon than the Sun. Perhaps this is why people tend to blame the Moon for their failures and thank it for successes and achievements.

Many people believe that the Moon protects lovers. Venus, of course, comes first, but also the influence of the Moon on our sensual and emotional sphere cannot be excluded. It is no coincidence that dates are made under the Moon, couples wander along the lunar path, and if love does not work out, we look into the night sky and complain to the Moon about our troubles and sorrows.

If we start living according to the lunar calendar, then there is no doubt that problems will remain in the past, and our days will be filled with bright meetings and beautiful experiences. Of course, we don’t need to structure every day strictly according to astrological advice and recommendations, because if we didn’t make mistakes, our existence would become boring and dull. But the Moon only helps us understand our essence, and with its tips we can make life rich and fun, multifaceted and interesting.

Various lunar phases affect our well-being in their own way. Astrologers compare the change of lunar phases with the change of seasons. Human daily biorhythms largely depend on the lunar rhythm. The gravitational field of the Moon, ebbs and flows, has a significant impact on the human body, primarily on the distribution of blood in organs and tissues.

Chinese medicine states that the twelve major organs, connected by corresponding channels, experience a two-hour tidal wave of activity once a day, and at other times an ebb wave, when the organ is minimally washed by blood. At the same time, the Moon accelerates the flow of biochemical processes in human tissues.

The influence of the Moon on a person largely depends on the phases of the lunar cycle, which last about a week. Each phase of the moon has a specific effect on our well-being. Lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, on the contrary, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body’s defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. Pre-new moon, full moon and post-full moon are periods when you have to extinguish your own and others’ aggressiveness and irritability.

Pre-new moon, full moon and post-full moon are extremely extreme periods of time for all people, regardless of their age or gender. Researchers believe that the full moon is more difficult to bear than the new moon.

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is also an individual lunar rhythm. In this case, the person’s birthday is taken as the original lunar day, which is the beginning of one’s own lunar month. The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. If you know it, you can avoid many dangers and prevent the occurrence of most diseases.

The phases of the moon begin with the new moon, when the Moon is completely covered by the Earth's shadow. Pre-new moon, new moon and post-new moon are very difficult times. The nights are black, moonless, and at this time a person is most weakened, exhausted, the body’s energy resources are at a minimum, the immune system is weakest, the likelihood of malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. During the new moon and the few days following it, cerebral hemorrhages, heart attacks, and epileptic attacks occur more often.

There is also an opinion that the lunar day of not only birth, but also conception determines health, constitution, life expectancy, and indicates possible diseases of certain organs that can be provoked by the relative position of celestial bodies during life.

If you notice your dependence on the phases of the moon in time, you can plan your life more successfully. During difficult periods, do not overexert yourself, do not expose yourself to risks and stress. Each phase of the moon has a specific effect on our well-being.

Lunar phases provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body’s defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc.

It is now the 17th lunar day.

17th lunar day. Moon in the sign of Scorpio 3°7". Strength of the Moon: large. The lunar day began on Friday, March 22, 2019 at 20:38 and will end on Saturday, March 23, 2019 at 22:03. Sunset at 07:49. Moonrise at 22 :03.Coordinates of the Moon: azimuth = 289.3°, altitude = -22.0°.Brightness = 93%. Distance from the Earth to the Moon = 369540 km. The nearest new moon will be on Friday, April 05, 2019 at 11:51. The nearest full moon will be on Friday April 19, 2019 at 2:12 pm.

Characteristics of the lunar day

17 Lunar day.

Symbols: bunch of grapes.
- Stones: hematite, zircon.

Associated with Libra. Shakti Day (this word was used to describe dancers, priestesses of love, as well as cosmic energy). This day is favorable for tantric exercises, marital relationships, intimacy. In general, this is a day of pair contacts, a day associated with the transformation of feminine energy. On this day, sublimated feminine energy can manifest itself as a riot, as an involuntary release. He is associated with Dionysus, the god Bacchus. IN ancient Greece On this day, sacred bacchanalia were held.

You should be careful on this day. Love is the best aspect, but due to uncontrollable energies, it contains an element of surprise. On this day it is good to make marriages, they will for a long time hold on to love. In general, days 12, 16, 17 are good for marriages: on the 16th day the marriage will be based on harmony, on the 12th day - on higher love.

People born on this day need their androgenic half, a true spouse or lover, so that the person has a constant source of pair polarity. Otherwise, such a person will be pitiful and will have no strength.

Dreams and the Moon: 17th lunar day. Whatever you dream, dreams lead to success and come true within twenty calendar days.

This is truly a period of gaining inner freedom, the day of the mystery of Dionysus. This is a day of fun, liberation, and mastery of sexual energy. One of the main tasks of this day is inspiration, the awakening of active creative power, and, of course, it is associated with fertility and growth.

This day is very controversial. On the one hand, it carries a great need for love, marital and couple relationships, it contains the key to ideal feelings. On the other hand, due to uncontrolled energies, feelings can manifest themselves in the form of violence, drunkenness, as a spontaneous involuntary release of energy accumulated inside.

The day is perfect for holidays, celebrations, and fun. Marriages concluded at this time will be based on undying love and eternal ecstasy of bliss. The difficulties of this day are associated with vanity, narcissism and selfishness, which can turn reliable partners, bosses or colleagues away from you. Fasting and intestinal cleansing are recommended, as well as sauna and rejuvenating treatments. Vegetable foods should be preferred to meat foods. It is not recommended to sleep a lot. On this day, weakening of the kidneys is noted.

This day is less happy than the eighteenth. Serious business should not be undertaken on this day. This day favors thieves, gamblers, etc. dark personalities. Those born on this day have a beautiful appearance, but are not very smart; girls can be very happy. This day is unlucky for travelers. Favorable for businessmen. The disciples will not hurry on this day. Dreams are unpleasant and often come true only before noon. It is unfavorable for sowing and planting anything other than onions. Average success for cattlemen.

Haircut on the 17th lunar day of the Tibetan lunar calendar: Danger of obstacles, illnesses and damage (to the body and psyche. Impact of harmful spirits) (In Tibetan: sha rtsi sngo gdan gnod).

Additional Information

The first half is favorable and allows you to use energy with maximum effect. Any own business, enterprise or creative process marital relationships are activated, improved, sexual energy increases, intuition improves, creative ecstasy or a state of insight appears. The second half of the day is unfavorable, and problems may arise with the implementation of plans or ideas. Sensual pleasures consume time or energy and therefore given time It is necessary to be extremely careful in sexual contacts. Feelings of satiety or dissatisfaction can cause conflicts between lovers and also complicate the prospects for cooperation.

It's an unlucky day. You shouldn't do anything about it. Diseases are cruel. Dreams come true after three days. The children are happy.

Guardian Angel of the 17th lunar day: Dorkan - Patron of fertility. Junior Angel of the Earth. Giver of hope and expectation. Dorkan favors all women who are expecting the birth of a baby. This angel will reward you with excellent adaptability and persistent character. He is responsible for such character traits as romanticism, courage, self-discipline, open-mindedness, kindness and modesty. A time of joy, fun, in some ways even bacchanalia, a time of carnivals, a riot of colors and passions, sexuality and love, fertility and slight intoxication. Any despondency and sadness on these lunar days are unacceptable. High spirits and good spirits are a sign of both physical and mental health, so if on the seventeenth lunar day you feel sadness and melancholy in your heart, it means it’s time to think - something is wrong with you. It is not for nothing that the teaching of Agni Yoga says: “Joy is a special wisdom,” and in the Bible the Apostle Paul says: “Rejoice, my brothers, rejoice always!” The relaxation that began on the seventeenth lunar day continues today, but, having cleansed and restored strength, a person feels joy for everything that he did in the previous two lunar phases (of course, this is felt only by those who actually did something). It is very useful to attend some entertainment event, for example, go to a cinema, an exhibition, a satirist’s concert, a disco, and so on. Go in groups, throw parties yourself. Have a fun and joyful time. But remember, joy does not necessarily mean adventure; pranks - yes, but not risky events that could end very badly. If you have children, then this is the most best time in order to take them to the circus, to a children's puppet theater performance or to the zoo. Those who are in the process of courting a loved one are advised to arrange a romantic evening, during which they confess their feelings. Such actions are usually successful during this period. But it should be noted that the Tibetan astrological school considers the seventeenth lunar day to be very dangerous and dubious. According to them, morality and virtue today meet obstacles. They recommend holding funeral ceremonies rather than entertainment events. The 17th lunar day is a time of holidays, new joyful discoveries and unexpected surprises. Don’t be afraid to seem funny or amusing, relax, show a healthy dose of self-irony. Don’t take everything too seriously; in a sense, “let go” of yourself and the situation. You don't necessarily need to control everything. Today will be a day without you. All that is required of you is just to enjoy life. But this does not mean that you should immediately go and get drunk, no, the joyful perception of life lies in the awareness of your integrity, community with the Universe and understanding the world as a game. “What is our life? A game!" Remember that there are only two things that truly bring a person closer to God. This is love and joy. So, the seventeenth lunar day must definitely be filled with love and joy, and then you will feel that God is rejoicing with you. This is a very favorable period for health, when even chronic diseases recede for some time. For example, a constant headache as if she never existed. This phenomenon should be considered as the mercy of the Moon Goddess, but you should remember that this is only temporary, and if you do not change anything, the pain will return again. It is very dangerous to drink too much on the seventeenth lunar day, both in terms of drinking alcohol and overeating. After all, joy doesn't come from getting drunk and stuffing your belly, so practice moderation in everything you can. During this lunar period, you can take a break from training and health programs. Such a vacation will not bring negative consequences; in some cases, on the contrary, it will be useful. Procedures aimed at treating infertility and impotence will be very successful on this day.

Hero of the day - Winnie the Pooh. By the way, honey, which Winnie the Pooh loves so much, is also a symbol of this day. The 17th day is invisibly connected with the mystery of Aquarius, as well as with Russia - the country of Aquarius, where this drink has been revered since ancient times, providing “brain clarity” when used wisely.

On the physical plane, the day is associated with blood, gallbladder, uterus. Practice of the day - keep it simple.

Symbolic correspondence: 13th - 24th degrees of Libra.

Action: ecstasy.

Names: Shakti, bell, bunch of grapes.

The symbol is a bunch of grapes, an alarm bell, a bell.

This is the period of gaining inner freedom, the day of the mystery of Dionysus. In ancient Greece, sacred bacchanalia were held in honor of this god. In Sanskrit, this day was called the day of Shakti - female energy. This symbol also denoted dancers, priestesses of love.

This is a day of accumulation and growth, fertility, ecstasy and joy of being. Favorable for marital relationships, pair contacts, banquets, holidays and feasts. The most striking aspect in the characteristics of this day is love, but one should not lose one's head and caution: due to uncontrollable energy, it contains many surprises.
The day is associated with the transformation of feminine energies, and unsublimated (unprocessed) feminine energy can manifest itself as a riot, as an involuntary release. Household influence: Bad for tedious work, reports and overexertion. Good for travel, trade, pleasure, etc. Favorable for marriage. Lucky for thieves. It is advisable to spend the seventeenth day of the Moon as a day of contacts, fun and liberation, a day of speeches, songs, mastering power asanas, group exercises, sublimation of sexual energy.

The results of this day can be very different: at the highest level - access to the key to perfect love, at the lowest - rioting and drunkenness.

Medical influence: Day of manifestation of infectious diseases. Tense psyche in women. Traumatic day.

On this day it is good to enter into marriages that will last for a long time based on love. In general, the 12th, 16th and 17th lunar days are good for marriages (on the 16th day, the marriage will be based on harmony, and on the 12th, on higher love).

People born on the seventeenth lunar day need their “half”. They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of paired polarity, otherwise the person will be pitiful and weak in life.

Effect on conception: The conception of a child will be in joy and fun and his character will be just as intoxicating and bright. Capricious success chooses those who can laugh at themselves. But be careful. Your child may grow up to be a drunkard and a liar.

Meditations: Dance.

Signatures: amethyst, zircon, raven eye.

Stones - transparent amethyst, raven and hawk's eye, zirconium.

Sometimes you can see disagreements in some places in the descriptions of lunar days. For example, in one place it may be written that today’s dreams portend joy, and below it may be written that you need to treat them as something unimportant. Information was taken from various sources. This is the look from different sides. So just keep both options in mind. It is much better if you reassure yourself with one solution and do not know about the other (hidden) one.