Monday, January 20

26th lunar day with the element Wood. Moon Day.

Favorable: For people born in the Year of the Horse and Dog. Perform virtues, make offerings to the datsan and lamas, perform the “dallga abakha” ritual, begin treatment, buy medicinal fees, herbs, analyzing, making decisions, taking initiations, vows, organizing a holiday, playing a wedding, registering a marriage, wearing new jewelry,
new clothes, conduct matchmaking, dig the ground, pacify the enemy, to firmly resolve certain issues. Going on the road means increasing your well-being.

Unfavorable: For people born in the Year of the Mouse and Pig. Give or sell livestock, horses, sheep.

Hair cutting - fortunately, to achieving your plans.

Tuesday January 21

27th lunar day with the element Wind. Mars Day.

A day marked “Dashinima” is a “day of happiness and good luck”, favorable for any endeavors.

Favorable: For people born in the Year of the mouse, snake, horse and pig; Treat illnesses, perform an operation, comprehend science, study astrology, invite friends to visit, conduct matchmaking, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter as a bride, pacify the enemy, order “taban haryuulga”, conduct funerals and commemorations, for matters aimed at
development. Going on the road means success; all your plans will come true.

Unfavorable: For people born in the Year of the Monkey and Chicken. Get or help get a job, hire a nurse, workers, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter as a bride.

Cutting your hair means good luck in business.

Wednesday, January 22

28th lunar day with the element Fire. Mercury Day.

Favorable: For people born in the Year of the Mouse, Cow, Dragon, Dog and Pig; Build a dugan, suburgan, do good deeds, read the Three Jewels, make offerings, perform the rituals “Hulde Duudaha”, “Dallga Abaha”, “Zhabtuy”, prepare medicinal compounds, begin treatment, invite friends to visit, gather your relatives and acquaintances, to become related, to trade, for matters related to wood and land. Go on the road - all your plans will come true.

Unfavorable: For people born in the Year of the Snake and Horse. Bring your daughter-in-law, give your daughter as a bride, and also conduct funerals and wakes.

Hair cutting - to conflicts and disputes.

Kommersant, November 24, 2004

Armenian orphan

"Moon Monster" at the Art Theater

The premiere of the play “The Moon Monster” was shown on the new stage of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. The play by American Richard Kalinoski about Armenian immigrants in America was staged by an Armenian director - the head of the Yerevan Russian Theater Alexander Grigoryan. Narrated by ROMAN DOLZHANSKY.

Despite the frighteningly menacing title of the play, Alexander Grigoryan’s chamber performance turned out to be peaceful, homely and simple-minded. In general, in Oleg Tabakov’s huge theatrical enterprise, a small stage in the house next to the main building of the Moscow Art Theater could become an experimental laboratory for a new drama. But life decreed otherwise: neither the Japanese “Getting Room,” nor the English “Quantity,” nor the modern version of “Oblomov” had much success. As for the box office Evgeniy Grishkovets and the Presnyakov brothers, they peacefully share not this, but the small stage of the main building with the box office Nadezhda Ptushkina and Alexander Galin. But on the new stage there are three performances by Marina Brusnikina, in which even the most callous individuals reach for handkerchiefs. That's " Moon Monster“This is: for those who come to the theater to have fun, cheer up or be surprised, it is better to pass by, but for those who value sentimental and understandable everyday stories, there is a direct path here.

There are only four people on stage, and one of them is a character from the author addressing the audience. The action takes place in one room in the city of Milwaukee, but the backstory is tragic, terrible, counting millions of victims. Armenians Aram and Seda, main heroes of the play, survived the bloody massacre carried out by the Turks. But they arrived in America, which accepted refugees, in different ways. The photographer Aram managed to settle down, and then, using a photo card, he wrote out a very young girl for himself, who should become his wife and continue the Armenian family. Aram has an old family photo with empty ovals for faces. He glued his and Seda’s faces to the mother and father of the family, and now the main goal of his life is to fill the holes with images of his children.

On stage there is only a table, a few chairs, curtains behind and an ancient camera on a tripod at the side. The success or failure of performances of this format depends entirely on the actors. Sergei Ugryumov and Yanina Kolesnichenko are at their best in “The Moon Monster”: they work in detail, but softly, without forcing emotions, but without losing the thread of the characters. After some noisy premieres this season, it’s nice to make sure that, firstly, somewhere else they play like this and, secondly, that you have not yet forgotten how to perceive such a game. By the way, Mr. Ugryumov has the appearance of a classic Slav, but this should only once again emphasize that the history of the “Moon Monster” is neither national nor ethnographic. And specific Armenian attributes lie on the table as an inactive still life for almost the entire performance: a folded tablecloth with patterns of thick colors, two pomegranates, a green copper jug ​​and a tray. Only in the finale will these items “work”: the heroes decide to take a family photo with their son in a national Armenian setting.

The son is adopted. The fact is that after all the suffering suffered in her homeland, Seda became infertile. And the boy is an American orphan from an orphanage, whom a woman brought to a childless home and warmed him up. Schoolboy Anton Mikhailov in the role of Vincent appears on stage only in the second act - and the audience’s amazement knows no bounds. The teenage actor, two inches from the pot, “masters” the role as if he had become a real professional 20 years ago. He plays a kind of Huckleberry Finn - it’s like cracking nuts, an abyss of charm. So it’s not surprising that Seda took to him so much. Aram gets angry and worries for a long time, but the play ends precisely at the moment when the hero finally accepts the boy into the family. Because true humanity knows no national boundaries, because the suffering they experience makes real people kinder and wiser, because there are no other people’s children in the world. And all this is accompanied by beautiful lyrical music. Have you already taken out your handkerchief?

Izvestia, November 23, 2004

Arthur Solomonov

Innocence has won

The Moscow Art Theater is premiering again. It sounds something like "it's snowing again." This time, director from Yerevan Alexander Grigoryan has been invited to the Small Stage. He staged the play "Moon Monster" about the consequences of the Armenian genocide. The author of the play is modern American playwright Richard Kalinoski, whose “Moon Monster” was treated kindly by all possible prizes and awards.

The simple calculation turned out to be correct. The words “confrontation between Christianity and Islam”, “infidels”, “genocide” hit the target, even if we're talking about about the extermination of Armenian Christians at the beginning of the last century by Muslim Turks. This is, so to speak, a political calculation. The artistic one is just as precise and simple, but more on that later. First - the plot. (By the way, this is a small joy for a theater critic - to watch not the one hundred and fifty-first production of “Hamlet” or “The Cherry Orchard”, savoring the nuances of a new reading to the point of stupor, but simply follow the development of an unknown plot.)

Young Aram Tomasyan (Sergei Ugryumov), whose entire family was exterminated by the Turks, settled in America. He "prescribes" himself a bride - a girl named Seda (Yanina Kolesnichenko), whose family suffered just as terribly from the genocide. The play describes their path to mutual understanding, on which the main obstacles are not her fear, not his desire to be master in everything, but the ineradicable power of the past over both.

The performance is so transparent that, by and large, it does not need analysis. Diagnosis: artistic innocence. Of course, you shouldn’t connect the work and the author, and if the director made the play exactly like this, then that’s what he wanted.

The purity of the genre is observed, without deception, the director's plan is in full agreement with the implementation, since the only possible method was chosen for staging a simple play. And this alone is worth a lot in modern theater. It happens, for example, with the latest premiere at the Moscow Art Theater - "Tartuffe": the director (Nina Chusova) promises to assemble, for example, a computer, and quickly, in five minutes. The result is a vacuum cleaner with wings that neither flies nor cleans the house. But the inventor has no time for that - he needs to quickly whip up a new “product”. In the case of the “Moon Monster,” everything is fair: what they bought for is what they sell for.

The techniques chosen by the director are as old as behind-the-scenes dust, but they work flawlessly. Monologues about suffering are pronounced to the accompaniment of mournful or enlightened music. The husband realizes the degree of his guilt before his wife, falls at her feet, and waves of music cover them. When the phrase “relatives have died” is pronounced, the heroine raises her hands to her face. The girl remembered that her mother often sang it - here's the phonogram. There are necessary pauses for applause, expressing both delight in the actors' performances and compassion for their characters. When a performance floats in such a simple sentimental channel, you expect the signature signs of this style: candles should light up on the stage, and a little later a child will come out, frolicking and touching the viewer. Both the candles and the baby appear.

The drama of the events in Grigoryan’s play is not very intrusive, perhaps also because the narrator (Sergei Sosnovsky) is constantly present on stage: he occasionally comments on events, walks around, but, unfortunately, spends most of the time looking into the audience with a sad smile and genuine tenderness.

The description turns out to be involuntarily ironic, but in fairness it must be said that the action is masterfully adjusted, the actors play according to precisely defined rules and are sometimes very touching and there is no too direct exploitation of the audience’s emotions. No one grabs you by the throat (as, for example, in the recent premiere on the same stage - “White on Black”) and orders: “Have compassion! Do you see how bad people are? Cry if you have even a drop of conscience!”

Would you like to order tickets to the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater for the play The Moon Monster? Fill out a convenient online application form on our website, and we will take care of timely and fast delivery of your order. We offer the best tickets for best places in the theater hall.

Ticket prices for the play The Moon Monster at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater:

Parterre: 2000-3000 rub.

Ticket reservation and delivery are included in the price.
Availability of tickets and their exact cost can be clarified by calling the website.

Duration of the performance The Moon Monster: 2 hours 20 minutes with 1 intermission.

There is no point in retelling the plot of Richard Kalinoski’s play “The Moon Monster” in detail. This performance is a must see. If only for the reason that later you will understand: you should never give up, you must fight - and the light at the end of the tunnel will certainly appear.

The characters in Moon Monster are the ones who managed to survive. And the word “survival,” you see, has a fairly broad meaning, and is not necessarily limited to a purely physical aspect. Survive in modern world- this often means preserving one’s identity, not losing one’s moral principles, not exchanging freedom for a “long ruble”...

Some may notice that the game is not worth the candle, and the efforts made to “rescue” do not pay off with results, and sometimes even bring a lot of difficulties and new problems. However, the heroes of “Moon Monster” do not think like that. Although in no case can it be said that they do not think about the meaning and consequences of their actions - quite the opposite.

According to the author of the play, it is worth making efforts to survive if only so that those around you have hope. After all, perhaps someone next to you is in even more difficult situation than the one you managed to get out of.

Characters and performers:

Mister -
Aram Thomasyan -
Seta Thomasyan -
Vincent - Yaroslav Leonov

Performance Moon Monster at Chekhov's Moscow Art Theater - video

Now buy tickets to the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov is absolutely no problem. We offer a profitable and convenient service - online ticket booking. You can familiarize yourself with the layout of the theater hall and choose the most convenient seats for viewing the performance.


Historical events remain in textbooks and on the pages of encyclopedias, and the people who survived them scatter around the world, taking with them fragments of pain and unhealed wounds.

The play “Moon Monster”, a multiple nominee for various theater awards, does not contain monsters. The title is part of the exhibition, designed to explain to the viewer the balance of power and once again remind the tragedy in Armenia at the beginning of the last century.

About the performance

These events happened in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 1921 to 1927.

The young photographer, Aram, fled from Ottoman genocide to America, having lost his entire family. His house contains family photo, which depicts parents surrounded by children, only instead of faces there are empty ovals. Aram dreams of a family, a wife and children who will not only fill the void in his soul, but also continue his lineage. And he, with irrepressible energy, begins to realize his ideally imagined future. To begin with, he orders a bride from Armenia. The young girl Seda, who also lost her family.

A family appears on the scene. Absolutely strangers- husband and wife. In a foreign country. Without friends, relatives and acquaintances. All that remains is to rely on each other.

Aram glues his and Seda’s photographs in place of the voids.

Time passes, but they have no children. The dream of procreation is about to be shattered, but at that moment Vincent appears. A boy from an orphanage, about eight years old, who conquered Seda’s suffering heart. She persuades her husband to adopt an orphan.

Aram faces a difficult choice: should he accept a stranger into the family or not? Morality and morality, such close concepts, come into fierce opposition.

Aram, as a person who experienced a tragedy, would seem to sympathize with the grief of others and understand how difficult it is for a lonely child. But he, Aram, really wanted his own children, and this crazy boy, who strongly resembles Huckleberry Finn, is not at all suitable to continue the family line. Seda becomes the source of his disappointment.

Not only is his wife unable to bear him a child, she brought him into the orphanage’s house without asking his, Aram’s, permission. He is alone again, but this time surrounded by “family.” It would seem that the dream has been fulfilled, but is this what he dreamed of?

About tickets

You will find out how this dramatic story ends by watching the play “Moon Monster”. To do this, just fill out the ticket booking form on our website and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Tickets for the performance Moon Monster

It is always better to book tickets in advance so as not to miss the opportunity to attend the performance. Call us right now and our operators will advise you on ticket availability. You can also leave a request on our website, and then we will call you back to clarify the details of the order.

The final cost of tickets includes a full range of services: search, booking tickets, delivery by courier or mail in Moscow or the Moscow region and very often differs from the nominal price, which directly depends on the popularity and popularity of the event.

After placing and paying for your order Express delivery tickets within Moscow and the Moscow region are possible within two hours.

Undoubtedly pleasant and amazing prices for our regular and corporate clients!

Despite the name, the play “The Moon Monster”, staged on the stage of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, is not a “horror story” at all, but a very touching story. Its special value lies in the fact that it tells not just about a historical event, but also about those people who had to endure a lot of grief, suffering, and the loss of loved ones. Despite everything, they found the strength to live on and try to find simple human happiness.

Human values ​​are paramount

Spectators who wish to buy tickets to “The Moon Monster” at the Moscow Art Theater are transported to the small town of Milwaukee. This is where photographer Aram lives. He is the only one from a large Armenian family who managed to survive the monstrous genocide perpetrated by the Turks. He leaves for America and meets Seda there, whose family suffered the same tragic fate. It is she who will have to continue the Armenian family. But, unfortunately, the girl cannot have children.

Raised in patriarchal Armenian traditions main character is confused. He has already become attached to his companion, but, on the other hand, he does not want to compromise his convictions.

It would seem that Aram’s dream is not destined to come true, but then Seda brings an orphan boy from the orphanage into the house. Vincent becomes the family's real salvation. And everyone who came to the Moscow Art Theater to watch the play “The Moon Monster” begins to think about the fact that human values ​​should always mean much more than traditions. Even if they are millennial.

I need to move on with my life

Despite all the drama of the plot, the director sought to make his production easy to understand. And he succeeded. The performance “Moon Monster” is watched in one breath. Viewers like everything:

  • wonderful acting;
  • touching scenes;
  • corresponding emotional background.

Those who decide to buy tickets to the Moscow Art Theater and come to the performance will not regret the time spent. “Moon Monster” makes you understand that you need to live, no matter what. Even if it is very difficult.