Over the past five years, Alexandra Kutsevol has been next to the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev. The couple was not married, but friends and acquaintances considered the girl to be the singer’s common-law wife.


In numerous photographs that can be seen on the Internet, Oleg and Alexandra were constantly together. However, after Yakovlev’s death, it turned out that he did not include his beloved in his will. The artist left all his property, which amounts to about 200 million rubles, to his niece and friend, actor Roman Radov.


A few months ago, when it became known about Yakovlev’s will, many speculations appeared on the Internet about what actually connected the young people.

The circumstances of the singer's death still raise many questions. There were rumors online that complications from pneumonia were caused not by cirrhosis, but by AIDS. In conversations with journalists, Yakovlev’s neighbors reported that the artist lived in the same apartment with Roman Radov for quite a long time. And one of the psychics even stated that during the time of “Ivanushki” Yakovlev was subjected to unconventional damage.


Internet users took the side of the disinherited Alexandra Kutsevol

Recently, information appeared in the media that Alexandra Kutsevol was going to sue for part of Oleg Yakovlev’s inheritance, proving that the singer was insane. Thus, the will will be declared invalid, and common-law wife the singer will be able to lay claim to the star’s property.


Alexandra Kutsevol’s intentions are being vigorously discussed on the Internet. It is worth saying that many users feel sorry for and support her, believing that the late singer acted unfairly towards his beloved:

Lana_hater_ Why the thirst for money right away? You live with a man, but he leaves you nothing at all? Well no, it's not fair
gshock2318 they lived together, had a common budget, bought apartments together, and then bam: everything went to a friend and niece. Also dishonest
dinyliafaa It’s somehow unfair, they were together for many years, they still have a wife, although not on paper.
darya_muratova You live with a drunk, wash your panties, cook borscht, pull you out of depression, and then suddenly you are left without everything... It’s a mystery how it was possible not to include the woman you love in your inheritance...


The war between Oleg Yakovlev’s heirs for his property has been going on for several months now. In the will that the man left, only his niece and best friend are named. It seemed that the issue with the distribution of real estate and funds had been resolved, but Alexandra Kutsevol intervened in the matter. The artist’s common-law wife provided a document according to which she married the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” five years ago.

However, this paper caused a lot of controversy and doubts on the part of Yakovlev’s friends. The next heroine of the “Male/Female” program was Oleg’s sister, who explained why she did not believe in the marriage of her uncle and Kutsevol.

“He constantly said that he was not going to marry her. Sasha and I had a normal relationship, we talked on the phone. However, Oleg did not say anything about this wedding. The last changes to his will were made in 2017, shortly before his death, and he did not indicate Sasha as an heir. There are only two names there: mine and Roman Radov, his longtime friend,” said Tatyana Yakovleva.

Friends Oleg and Alexandra also appeared in the studio. They confirmed that they did not know about the ceremony, but saw a ring on Kutsevol’s finger, which could very well be an engagement ring.

To understand the controversial situation, Tatyana Yakovleva sent a request to Serbia, where the marriage allegedly took place. For six months she waited for an answer, and in the end, an official statement foreign country was first read on the air of the program.

“I have the honor to convey a message to the city administration of the city of Chachak that the marriage certificate dated 2012 between Oleg Yakovlev and Alexandra Kutsevol was not included in the registry office of the city of Chachak,” read the presenter Alexander Gordon.

Thus, the marriage between Alexandra and Oleg was not concluded, which means that any of her claims to the singer’s property are invalid. Moreover, Gordon advised Tatyana Yakovleva to go to court with a claim of fraud on the part of Kutsevol.

The news shocked everyone present in the hall, because many sincerely believed that the artist and his chosen one managed to get married. Earlier, Tatyana said that they were scheduled for another trial in the coming days, at which the fate of the inheritance could be decided.

Apparently, Alexandra Kutsevol will not be able to lay claim to Oleg Yakovlev’s property. However, the hosts of the “Male/Female” program noted that the young woman did a lot for the musician, and deserves to receive at least something from his inheritance.

On November 18, 2019, Oleg Yakovlev, the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”, would have turned 50 years old. His relatives and friends still cannot divide the artist’s property among themselves. It recently became known that in the singer’s apartment in the center of Moscow unknown people tried to break the door. Alexandra Kutsevol, Yakovlev’s common-law wife, who is registered in the apartment, was abroad at that moment and she had to call the police to expel the impostors from her living space. According to Alexandra, she is the only heir to the artist’s real estate, because shortly before Yakovlev’s death they legalized their relationship in Serbia and officially became husband and wife. But the musician’s relatives believe that Kutsevol is lying. So who will get the singer's multimillion-dollar inheritance? On "Live" - ​​an investigation.

Alexandra Kutsevol’s friend Tatyana Karmatkova is still in shock from what happened to her friend’s apartment. “Some people broke in, knocked down the door, changed the locks. What right did they have to do this? Sasha did not falsify the documents, the courts are ongoing, the end to this matter has not yet been set,” Tatyana noted. According to her, Kutsevol has every right to live in the musician’s apartment, because she was the closest and dearest person to him. And on the set of the musician’s latest video, Alexandra showed Karmatkova the ring and told her that she wanted children from Oleg.

As it turned out, the musician’s apartment on Derbenevskaya Embankment was opened at the request of Tatyana Kondratyeva, the lawyer of Oleg Yakovlev’s friend Roman Radov, to whom this living space currently belongs. All of Roman’s documents are valid; a certificate of inheritance rights was issued to him in 2018. According to the lawyer, Alexandra Kutsevol was deprived of the right to use residential premises by a court decision, and Tatyana wanted to inquire who lived in her client’s apartment. Alexandra was asked to provide the keys to the apartment, but she did not want to cooperate. And then Tatyana, in the presence of police and journalists, opened the locks.

According to Kondratyeva, after Yakovlev’s death, Roman and Alexandra had a good relationship, the man helped her, paid all the bills. Kutsevol wanted to negotiate with Roman so that he would give her the apartment in memory of Oleg. Everything changed when the singer’s beloved filed an application to the court to declare the will invalid. Defending her rights, she even provided medical documents in an attempt to declare Oleg Yakovlev insane. After this, the relationship between Alexandra and Roman deteriorated, and Radov asked to open the door and change the locks.

Oleg Yakovlev’s niece Tatyana believes that the musician could have had serious reasons for not including Alexandra Kutsevol’s name in his will. A few months before his death, the artist completely rewrote his will, in which he assigned the apartment to his friend Roman. Radov, according to Yakovleva, was best friend Oleg, supported him throughout his life.

Tatyana made a shocking confession - it was Alexandra Kutsevol who disconnected Oleg Yakovlev from the ventilator. “Two days passed after Oleg fell into a coma. The doctors turned to Sasha and asked what to do next. And she turned him off,” said Yakovleva.

Is it true that Alexandra Kutsevol forged a marriage certificate? On what basis was she able to register the apartment in Montenegro, left over from Yakovlev, as her own? Who now lives in the musician’s elite apartment on Derbenevskaya embankment? What happened to the singer’s real estate in Bulgaria? And what does Maskhuda Minidarova, the singer’s alleged biological mother, want? The answers to these and other questions are in the “Live” program.

Oleg was born when his parents were on a long business trip to the small Mongolian town of Choibalsan. There he spent the first year of his life, and then the family returned to Angarsk. The boy grew up and graduated from school in Irkutsk.

At six, he personally chose an activity he liked and entered a music school without the help of his parents. Having confronted my mother, a teacher of Russian and literature, with a fait accompli, he began to demand a piano. Buying a bulky instrument for a small apartment, my parents almost went broke.

As Oleg himself said in his interviews, the humanities were easy for him and he was very drawn to music. From an early age he dreamed of becoming a singer or even a pianist. But he came to the stage in a completely different way.

After graduation, the young man entered the Irkutsk Theater School, majoring in puppet theater actor, but Oleg always wanted to be on stage, in plain sight, in front of the audience. And hiding behind a screen is not his thing. In search of recognition, the young man decided to conquer the capital.


He entered GITIS the first time, in the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina. Yakovlev had good makings, so the guy was quickly considered in the theater world. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself noted the young man’s talent and invited him to his theater.

Like all young artists, Yakovlev worked part-time - first he mastered the romantic profession of a metropolitan janitor, then he got a job on the radio, starred in videos and, of course, played in the theater.

Meanwhile, it was 1997. One of the soloists, Igor Sorin, has left the Ivanushki International group, famous throughout the country. He decided to pursue a solo career and no longer participated in new projects.

Castings have begun to fill the vacant position. Oleg also took part in one of them. He knew that he didn’t quite fit the type - the producers were looking for “small and fair”, and Yakovlev is naturally dark-haired, and also not so short - 1.72.

In one of his interviews, the artist admitted that he was very surprised when he was first offered to participate in one of the videos of “Ivanushki” - in “Doll”. To get into character, Oleg had to dye his hair blond, which he did. Throughout most of his work with the boy band, he abandoned his natural hair color.


He officially joined the team only some time later, when the tragedy with Igor Sorin had already happened. Largely because of this, the public received the new guy coldly, but Oleg was understanding.

The artist was surprised: “Ivanushki” is shown so little on TV, but their songs are remembered and loved throughout the country, in every city they are very much awaited and are still adored. Over time, he also had his own horde of fans.

Yakovlev really enjoyed working as part of such a responsive team. He talked about the importance of having real friends around who will help, will cover you if you are sick and cannot work at full capacity, and will listen.

However, the young man, working in a vocal project, did not lose his acting skills. It is known that in 2010 Armen Dzhigarkhanyan called the singer to return to the theater, where his Moscow career began. But Oleg no longer saw himself in this role.


He decided to go free swimming back in 2012. I took time out to create something of my own. He was pushed to the idea by his beloved girl, Sasha Kutsevol, the same sexy brunette in a red dress who starred in his first solo video.

He said that at first he wanted to present himself as new project, and become the main character of the video for this. But then I thought that his beautiful and charming Sasha could make the product much more popular.

And things went well. The song got into rotation on radio stations, a video was released, and the image changed. Now he had finally become a brunette and expected to eventually become a sort of “Takeshi Kitano” - the most stylish Asian in Russian show business(Oleg’s mother is Buryat, father is Uzbek).

Saying goodbye to “Ivanushki”, after 17 years of joint creativity, he managed to work a little with Kirill Turichenko, who replaced him in the team. Oleg then said in an interview that the cohesion of the team is due to the similarity of characters and energies of all the soloists. He sincerely hoped that Kirill would easily join the team.

Oleg Yakovlev officially terminated his work contract with Ivanushki in 2013.

The same girl from the video has been a fan of Yakovlev since she was 11 years old. But I met my idol only in the late 1990s. The girl won the artist’s sympathy and inspired him to a new creative breakthrough. Then, in 2013, recording solo compositions, he was completely happy.

Alexandra became not only a muse, but also the singer’s director. She handled all administrative issues and was good at it. They spent all their time together, even introducing each other to their parents.

Oleg confessed: “I love Sasha’s parents madly!” They didn’t often visit their beloved’s relatives, but they always returned from there with a bag of homemade dumplings. In moments of discord, Oleg called his beloved’s parents and feignedly complained about Sasha to her dad: “Your daughter didn’t cook borscht for me! She knows how, but she doesn’t want to!” After such playful antics, the couple quickly made up.

The ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev, who died on June 29, did not have time to realize his grandiose creative plans. His relatives and colleagues talk about this. For many sudden death the artist was a real shock.

“I can’t believe it - just a month and a half ago everything was fine,” the lead singer of “Ivanushki” told Reedus.

“I’m shocked, my condolences to the friends he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the Ivanushki International group,” Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, the second member of the popular trio, told RT.

The reaction of other colleagues was similar. "When we met in last time, he had so many good musical endeavors. I always thought it was cool that Oleg would have such new songs that he would conquer the world on his own. “I’m shocked by what happened,” TASS quotes a former member of the “Hands Up!” group. Alexey Potekhin.

TV presenter Yana Churikova expressed condolences to his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol.

“We crossed paths many times at work and on stage, when Oleg was a member of Ivanushki International, and then, when he decided to engage in solo work, to take care of himself. When people leave who, by any criteria, should not have done so, it is unexpected, unpleasant, and pathetic,” Churikova added.

Didn't want to see doctors

On June 27, Yakovlev was admitted to intensive care with pneumonia. His condition was assessed as serious. Doctors fought for the artist’s life, connected him to a ventilator, but, unfortunately,... On the morning of June 29 he was gone.

“The man simply didn’t come to his senses,” his common-law wife and producer Alexandra Kutsevol told kp.ru. She later added that the cause of the singer’s death was cardiac arrest.

The girl admitted that the performer had been having serious problems with health.

He really had bad diagnoses, a lot of things fell on him. In an instant, the condition worsened sharply. Because of this, he was urgently hospitalized,” she said.

Just a week before, Yakovlev on his Instagram page congratulated the doctors on professional holiday and thanked them for being “alive and well.”

According to her, Yakovlev did not want to see doctors until recently.

“The fact of the matter is that Oleg preferred to be treated at home. Before last day he was lying in the apartment. When he became very ill, he was hospitalized. He did not want to be treated, although he had long been advised to go to a clinic. He was stubborn and wanted to stay at home. Perhaps if he had been hospitalized earlier, it would have been possible to save him,” she told “.”

The day before his death, all his relatives were allowed into Yakovlev’s room.

Apparently, the doctors already understood that Oleg would not get up again, so they allowed his family to spend his last hours with him. We held his hand. Somewhere in the depths of our souls we realized that he was leaving us, but we hoped to the last. ... Oleg never regained consciousness,” says the PR manager.

Romance with a fan

The love story of Oleg Yakovlev and Alexandra Kutsevol is truly amazing. Alexandra was an ardent fan of “Ivanushki”. As they write in the media, she first saw Oleg at the age of 11 at a concert and promised herself that she would achieve his favor. For the sake of her dream, Alexandra moved from her native Nefteyugansk, became a television journalist and surprisingly quickly entered the circle of friends of “Ivanushki”.

However, it took at least 10 years to win the idol’s heart. As Express Newspaper writes, the girl found the artist’s weak point: it turned out that Oleg always dreamed of doing solo work. Journalists claimed that after 40 he began to suffer from serious depression, and Alexandra supported him, convinced him to record a solo song and pushed him onto the radio, using her connections.

In total, Yakovlev recorded seven compositions, and his heart finally melted - Alexandra became his manager and moved in with her lover, the newspaper describes.

Unfortunately, personal success“the fair one from “Ivanushki”” became the cause of disagreement in the group. According to eg.ru, he believed that he alone was pulling the whole group, although the producers did their best to meet him halfway. Igor Matvienko even allowed Yakovlev to perform his solo songs at concerts. However, relations between the group members deteriorated, and in 2013 Yakovlev was asked to leave the group. According to another version, he was “left” from the group due to alcohol abuse.