Art style.

Completed by: Buldakova Anastasia Sergeevna.

Checked by: Elena Vladimirovna Metlyakova

Izhevsk 2015


Depending on the scope of the language, the content of the utterance, the situation and the goals of communication, several functional-style varieties, or styles, are distinguished, characterized by a certain system of selection and organization of linguistic means in them.

Functional style is a historically established and socially conscious variety of a literary language (its subsystem), functioning in a certain sphere of human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of the use of linguistic means in this sphere and their specific organization.

The classification of styles is based on extralinguistic factors: the scope of use of the language, the subject matter determined by it and the goals of communication. The areas of application of language correlate with types of human activity corresponding to forms of social consciousness (science, law, politics, art). Traditional and socially significant areas of activity are: scientific, business (administrative and legal), socio-political, artistic. Accordingly, they also distinguish between the styles of official speech (book): scientific, official business, journalistic, literary and artistic (artistic). They are contrasted with the style of informal speech - colloquial and everyday.

The literary and artistic style of speech stands apart in this classification, since the question of the legality of its isolation into a separate functional style has not yet been resolved, since it has rather blurred boundaries and can use the linguistic means of all other styles. The specificity of this style is also the presence in it of various visual and expressive means to convey a special property - imagery.

Artistic style of speech

The language of fiction is sometimes mistakenly called literary language; some scholars consider it one of the functional styles of the literary language. However, in reality, what is characteristic of artistic speech is that all linguistic means can be used here, and not only units of functional varieties of the literary language, but also elements of vernacular, social and professional jargons, and local dialects. The writer subordinates the selection and use of these means to the aesthetic goals that he seeks to achieve by creating his work.

In a literary text, various means of linguistic expression are fused into a single, stylistically and aesthetically justified system, to which normative assessments attached to individual functional styles of the literary language are not applicable.

How a literary text combines various linguistic means, what stylistic devices the writer uses, how he “translates” concepts into images, etc., is the subject of the stylistics of literary speech. The principles and methods of this scientific discipline are reflected most clearly and consistently in the works of Academician V.V. Vinogradov, as well as in the works of other Soviet scientists - M.M. Bakhtin, V.M. Zhirmunsky, B.A. Larin, G.O. Vinokura et al.

So, V.V. Vinogradov noted: “...The concept of “style” when applied to the language of fiction is filled with a different content than, for example, in relation to business or clerical styles and even journalistic and scientific styles... The language of fiction is not entirely correlated with other styles, he uses them, includes them, but in peculiar combinations and in a transformed form..."

Fiction, like other types of art, is characterized by a concrete imaginative representation of life, in contrast, for example, to the abstract, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and re-creation of reality; the author strives, first of all, to convey his personal experience, his understanding and comprehension of a particular phenomenon.

The artistic style of speech is characterized by attention to the particular and random, followed by the typical and general. Let us remember the well-known “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the “face” of the author’s contemporary Russia.

The world of fiction is a “recreated” world; the reality depicted is, to a certain extent, the author’s fiction, which means that the subjective element plays the main role in the artistic style of speech. The entire surrounding reality is presented through the author's vision. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech. Let’s analyze a short excerpt from N. Tolstoy’s work “A Foreigner Without Food”:

“Lera went to the exhibition only for the sake of her student, out of a sense of duty. "Alina Kruger. Personal exhibition. Life as loss. Free admission." A bearded man and a lady were wandering in an empty hall. He looked at some of the work through a hole in his fist; he felt like a professional. Lera also looked through her fist, but did not notice the difference: all the same naked men on chicken legs, and in the background there were pagodas on fire. The booklet about Alina said: “The artist projects a parable world onto the space of the infinite.” I wonder where and how they teach how to write art criticism texts? They're probably born with it. When visiting, Lera loved to leaf through art albums and, after looking at a reproduction, read what a specialist wrote about it. You see: a boy covered an insect with a net, on the sides there are angels blowing pioneer horns, in the sky there is a plane with the signs of the Zodiac on board. You read: “The artist views the canvas as a cult of the moment, where the stubbornness of details interacts with an attempt to comprehend everyday life.” You think: the author of the text spends little time outdoors, relies on coffee and cigarettes, his intimate life is somehow complicated.”

What we have before us is not an objective presentation of the exhibition, but a subjective description of the heroine of the story, behind whom the author is clearly visible. The text is based on a combination of three artistic plans. The first plan is what Lera sees in the paintings, the second is an art history text interpreting the content of the paintings. These plans are expressed stylistically in different ways; bookishness and complexity of description are deliberately emphasized. And the third plan is the author's irony, which manifests itself through showing the discrepancy between the content of the picture and the verbal expression of this content, in the assessment of the bearded man, the author who knows how to write such art criticism texts.

As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Artistic speech, along with non-fiction, constitute two levels of the national language. The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. Here is the beginning of V. Larin’s novel “Neuronal Shock”:

“Marat’s father Stepan Porfiryevich Fateev, an orphan from infancy, was from a family of Astrakhan binders. The revolutionary whirlwind blew him out of the locomotive vestibule, dragged him through the Mikhelson plant in Moscow, machine gun courses in Petrograd and threw him into Novgorod-Seversky, a town of deceptive silence and bliss.”

In these two sentences, the author showed not only a segment of individual human life, but also the atmosphere of the era of enormous changes associated with the revolution of 1917. The first sentence gives knowledge of the social environment, material conditions, human relations in the childhood years of the life of the father of the hero of the novel and his own roots. The simple, rude people who surrounded the boy (a bindyuzhnik is the colloquial name for a port loader), the hard work that he saw from childhood, the restlessness of orphanhood - this is what stands behind this proposal. And the next sentence includes private life in the cycle of history. Metaphorical phrases (The revolutionary whirlwind blew out..., dragged..., threw...) liken human life to a certain grain of sand that cannot withstand historical cataclysms, and at the same time convey the element of the general movement of those “who were nobody.” In a scientific or official business text, such imagery, such a layer of in-depth information is impossible.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics. The number of words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style, first of all, includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life. For example, L.N. Tolstoy in War and Peace used special military vocabulary when describing battle scenes; We will find a significant number of words from the hunting vocabulary in “Notes of a Hunter” by I.S. Turgenev and in the stories of M.M. Prishvina, V.A. Astafieva; and in “The Queen of Spades” A.S. Pushkin has many words from the vocabulary of card games, etc.

In the artistic style of speech, the verbal ambiguity of a word is very widely used, which opens up additional meanings and shades of meaning, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, thanks to which it becomes possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meaning. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular. Let's give a small example:

“In Evdokimov’s tavern they were about to turn off the lamps when the scandal began. The scandal started like this. At first everything in the hall looked fine, and even the tavern floor boy Potap told the owner that God had passed by now - not a single broken bottle, when suddenly in the depths, in the semi-darkness, in the very core, there was a buzzing sound like a swarm of bees.

Fathers of the world,” the owner lazily marveled, “here, Potapka, is your evil eye, damn it!” Well, you should have croaked, damn it!” (Okudzhava B. Shipov’s Adventures).

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in a literary text. Many words that in scientific speech appear as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech appear as concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. For example, the adjective “lead” in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning (lead ore, lead bullet), and in artistic speech it forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead night, lead waves). Therefore, in artistic speech an important role is played by phrases that create a kind of figurative representation.

Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, i.e. changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the famous line from A. Akhmatova’s poem “I still see Pavlovsk as hilly...” The author’s word order options are varied and subordinated to the general concept.

The syntactic structure of artistic speech reflects the flow of figurative and emotional impressions of the author, so here you can find a whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks. Thus, L. Petrushevskaya, in order to show the unsettledness and “troubles” of the family life of the heroine of the story “Poetry in Life,” includes several simple and complex sentences in one sentence:

In Mila’s story, everything went from bad to worse, Mila’s husband in the new two-room apartment no longer protected Mila from her mother, her mother lived separately, and there was no telephone either here or here - Mila’s husband became his own man, Iago and Othello, and I watched with mockery from around the corner as Mila was accosted on the street by men of his type, builders, prospectors, poets, who did not know how heavy this burden was, how unbearable life was if you fought alone, since beauty in life is not an assistant, so It would be roughly possible to translate those obscene, desperate monologues that the former agronomist, and now a research fellow, Mila’s husband, shouted on the streets at night, and in his apartment, and when drunk, so that Mila was hiding with her young daughter somewhere, found shelter, and the unfortunate husband beat furniture and threw iron pans.

This sentence is perceived as an endless complaint from countless unhappy women, as a continuation of the theme of a woman’s sad lot.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are also possible, due to artistic actualization, i.e. the author highlighting some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms. This technique is especially often used to create a comic effect or a bright, expressive artistic image:

“Oh, dear,” Shipov shook his head, “why do you do this? No need. I see right through you, mon cher... Hey, Potapka, why did you forget the man on the street? Bring him here, waking him up. Well, Mr. Student, how do you rent this tavern? It's dirty. Do you think I’ll like him?.. I’ve been to real restaurants, I know.. Pure Empire style... But you can’t talk to people there, but here I can learn something” (Okudzhava B. Adventures Shipov).

The speech of the main character characterizes him very clearly: not too educated, but ambitious, wanting to give the impression of a gentleman, a gentleman, Shipov uses elementary French words (mon cher) along with the colloquial waking, ndrav, here, which do not correspond not only to literary, but also to colloquial normal. But all these deviations in the text serve the law of artistic necessity.

The artistic style is characterized by the use of a large number of stylistic figures and tropes (turns of speech in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense). For example:

· epithet is a figurative definition.

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow...

(F.I. Tyutchev)

artistic style speech language

Above the great, golden-domed Moscow,

Above the Kremlin white stone wall

Because of the distant forests, because of the blue mountains,

Playfully on the plank roofs,

The gray clouds are accelerating,

The scarlet dawn is rising...

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

“In folklore (constant epithets), - writes the literary critic V.P. Anikin, - the girl is always red, the fellow is kind, the father is dear, the kids are small, the fellow is daring, the body is white, the hands are white, the tears are flammable, voice - loud, bow - low, table - oak, wine - green, vodka - sweet, eagle - gray, flower - scarlet, stone - flammable, sand - free-flowing, night - dark, forest - stagnant, mountains - steep, forests - dense, the cloud is threatening, the winds are violent, the field is clean, the sun is red, the bow is tight, the tavern is Tsarev, the saber is sharp, the wolf is gray, etc.”

· metaphor - the use of a word in a figurative sense to define an object or phenomenon that is similar to it in certain features.

Nineteenth century, iron,

Truly a cruel age!

By you into the darkness of the night, starless

Careless abandoned man! (A. Blok)

... let's say goodbye together,

Oh my easy youth!

Thank you for the pleasures

For sadness, for sweet torment,

For the noise, for the storms, for the feasts,

· comparison - a comparison of two phenomena or objects.

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds;

The way the beast will howl,

Then he will cry like a child... (A.S. Pushkin)

Beyond the river in peace

The cherry blossomed

Like snow across the river

The stitch was flooded.

Like light snowstorms

They rushed at full speed,

It was as if swans were flying,

They dropped the fluff. (A. Prokofiev)

hyperbole - a figurative expression exaggerating any action, object, phenomenon; used to enhance the artistic impression.

And if I were a black man of advanced years,

and then without despondency and laziness,

I would learn Russian just because

that Lenin spoke to them.

(V. Mayakovsky)

“A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper”, “A million Cossack hats poured into the square”, Cossack trousers “as wide as the Black Sea”. (N.V. Gogol)

Let it fill with years

life quota, worth only

remember this miracle

A yawn tears your mouth apart

wider than the Gulf of Mexico. (V. Mayakovsky)

· litotes is an understatement.

And walking importantly, in decorous calm,

A man leads a horse by the bridle

In big boots, in a short sheepskin coat,

In big mittens... and he's as small as a fingernail! (N.A. Nekrasov)

My Lizochek is so small,

So small

What from a lilac leaf

He made an umbrella for shade and walked.

My Lizochek is so small,

So small

What from the wings of a mosquito

I made two shirtfronts for myself

And - into starch... (A.N. Pleshcheev)

· paraphrase - replacing a one-word name with a descriptive expression.

You know the land where everything breathes abundantly,

Where rivers flow purer than silver,

Where the breeze of the steppe feather grass sways,

Farmsteads are drowning in cherry groves... (A.K. Tolstoy)

An example of a parodic periphrase is D. Minaev’s political satire on A.A. Feta.

· allegory - allegory; depiction of an abstract idea through a concrete, clearly represented image.

The Tsarskoye Selo garden is beautiful,

Where, having slain the lion, the mighty eagle of Russia rested

In the bosom of peace and joy. (A.S. Pushkin)

Will you wake up again, mocked prophet!

You cannot snatch your blade from a golden sheath,

Covered with the rust of contempt?

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

· personification - transferring human properties to inanimate objects.

My bells, steppe flowers!

Why are you looking at me?

Dark blue?

And what are you calling about?

On a merry day in May,

Among the uncut grass

Shaking your head? (A.K. Tolstoy)

Isn't it true, never again

Will we not part? Enough?..

And the violin answered yes,

But the violin's heart was hurting.

And in the violin the echo was still there...

And it was torment for them,

What people thought was music. (I. F. Annensky)

· metonymy is a common poetic trope, the replacement of a word or concept with another word that has a causal connection with the first.

There are black crosses on the wings

They are threatening us from above now.

We will send flocks of stars at them,

We will ram them in the sky,

We will cross out those crosses

Anti-aircraft flourish of guns. (N. Tikhonov)

However, several creations

He excluded from disgrace:

Singer Gyaur and Juan

Yes, there are two or three more novels with him. (A.S. Pushkin)

· synecdoche - one of the tropes, which is a type of metonymy; Quantity relationships are mentioned: more instead of less or, conversely, less instead of more.

There is no need to coincide with

That the whole earth was humming with cold,

That all the fires faded into smoke,

When his body cooled down. (N. Aseev)

Donkeys! Should I tell you a hundred times?

Send him, call him, say that he’s home... (A. Griboedov)

And a ruble for me

didn’t accumulate lines. (V. Mayakovsky)

· irony - subtle mockery, covered with external politeness.

Mother sang above me,

My cradle is rocking:

“You will be happy, Kalistratushka!

You will live happily ever after!”

And it came true, by the will of God,

My mother's prediction:

There is no richer, no more beautiful,

There is no more elegant Kalistratushka!

I swim in the spring water,

I scratch my hair with my fingers,

I'm waiting for the harvest

From an unsown strip!

And the hostess is busy

Laundry on naked children,

She dresses up better than her husband -

Wears bast shoes with a hook.

(N.A. Nekrasov)

Stylistic figures:

· anaphora - unity of beginning, repetition of a certain word or individual sounds at the beginning of several stanzas, verses or hemistiches.

You're miserable too

You are also abundant

You're downtrodden

You are omnipotent

Mother Rus'!... (N.A. Nekrasov)

This is a cool whistle,

This is the clicking of crushed ice floes,

This is the leaf-chilling night,

This is a duel between two nightingales. (B. L. Pasternak)

· epiphora - a stylistic figure - repetition of the same word at the end of adjacent segments of speech, one of the varieties of parallel syntactic constructions.

I won't deceive myself

Concern lay in a hazy heart.

Why am I known as a charlatan?

Why am I known as a brawler?

And now I won’t get sick.

The hazy pool in my heart cleared up.

That's why I became known as a charlatan,

That's why I became known as a brawler. (S. Yesenin)

Dear friend, and in this quiet house

The fever hits me.

I can't find a place in a quiet house

Near the peaceful fire! (A. Blok)

No priest

And here I am.

There the bride and groom are waiting, -

No priest

And here I am.

No priest

and here I am. (A. Tvardovsky)

The light wind subsides,

The gray evening is coming

The raven sank to the pine tree,

Touched a sleepy string. (A. Blok)

When horses die, they breathe,

When the grasses die, they dry up,

When the suns die, they go out,

When people die, they sing songs.

(V. Khlebnikov)

· antithesis - a stylistic figure of contrast, a sharp opposition of concepts, positions, images, states, etc. in artistic or oratory speech.

I am a king, I am a slave, I am a worm, I am a god.

(G. Derzhavin)

Our strength is truth

yours - laurels ringing.

Yours is incense smoke,

ours is factory smoke.

Your power is a chervonets,

ours is a red banner.

We'll take it, we'll take it

and we will win.

(V. Mayakovsky)

· oxymoron - a stylistic figure, a combination of words with contrasting meanings that create a new concept or idea.

Look, she has fun being sad

So elegantly naked. (A. Akhmatova)

Your son is beautifully sick!

His heart is on fire. (V. Mayakovsky)

That sad joy that I survived. (S. Yesenin)

· non-union (asyndeton) - a stylistic device in which there are no (omitted) conjunctions connecting words and sentences in phrases, as a result of which speech becomes more concise and compact.

Swede, Russian stabs, chops, cuts,

Drumming, clicks, grinding. (A. Pushkin)

The gray shadows mixed,

The color faded, the sound fell asleep;

Life and movement resolved

Into the unsteady twilight, into the distant hum. (F. Tyutchev)

· polyconjunction (polysyndeton) - a construction of a phrase in which all or almost all homogeneous members of the sentence are connected to each other by the same conjunction, while usually in this case only the last two homogeneous members of the sentence are connected.

And earth, and fire, and any river, and mountain,

Angara, and Aragva, and the Dnieper, and the Dvina, and Nepryadva,

Ararat, and the Urals, and Altai, and the Volga-Ra River

Our song will include

like a threefold sacred oath. (P. Antokolsky)

Oh! Summer is red! I would love you

If only it weren’t for the heat, and the dust, and the mosquitoes, and the flies... (A.S. Pushkin)

· inversion - arrangement of words in a sentence or phrase in a different order than established by the rules of grammar; With a successful inversion, the sharply changing intonation gives the verse greater expressiveness.

Rosehip flower in a crevice.

Between the clouds of the moon there is a transparent shuttle... (V. Bryusov)

Only the muses of the virgin soul

In prophetic dreams the gods are disturbed. (F. Tyutchev)

· rhetorical question that does not require an answer, but has lyrical-emotional meaning.

Soviet Russia,

Our dear mother!

What a lofty word

Should I name your feat?

What high glory

To crown your affairs?

Which measure to measure?

What have you suffered?..

(M. Isakovsky)

Familiar clouds!

How do you live?

Who do you intend

Threaten today? (M. Svetlov)

· rhetorical exclamation, which plays the same role of enhancing emotional perception.

What a summer, what a summer!

Yes, it's just witchcraft. (F. Tyutchev)

The boundless steppe is like a marina. (B. Pasternak)

· rhetorical appeal designed for the same effect, especially in cases where interrogative intonation is combined with exclamation.

My winds, winds, you are violent winds!

Can't the winds shake the mountains?

My harp, harp, ringing harp!

Can't you, harp, cheer up the widow?

(Russian folk song)

A wandering spirit! You are less and less often

You stir up the flame of your lips.

Oh my lost freshness

A riot of eyes and a flood of feelings.

I have now become more stingy in my desires,

My life, did I dream about you?

As if I were a booming early spring

He rode on a pink horse. (S. Yesenin)

· gradation is a stylistic figure consisting in the consistent intensification or, conversely, weakening of comparisons, images, epithets, metaphors and other expressive means of artistic speech.

There are two types of gradation - climax (ascent) and anti-climax (descent).

a) menopause is one of the popular figures of Russian poetry, in which words and expressions in a phrase are arranged in order of their increasing meaning.

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees. (S.A. Yesenin)

And the thoughts in my head are agitated in courage,

And light rhymes run towards them,

And fingers ask for pen, pen for paper,

a minute - and the poems will flow freely. (A.S. Pushkin)

b) anti-climax - a figure in which words and expressions are arranged according to the strength of intonation and meaning in descending order.

I swear to the wounds of Leningrad,

The first devastated hearths;

I won’t break, I won’t waver, I won’t get tired,

I will not forgive my enemies a single grain.

(O.G. Bergolts)

The most common is the three-member gradation.

I came, I saw, I conquered. (Caesar).

And where is Mazepa? Where is the villain?

Where did Judas run in fear?

(A.S. Pushkin)

In sweet-foggy care

It will not take an hour, not a day, not a year.

(E.A. Boratynsky)

· parallelism is a compositional technique that emphasizes the structural connection of two (usually) or three elements of style in a work of art; the connection between these elements lies in the fact that they are located in parallel in two or three adjacent phrases, poems, stanzas, due to which their commonality is revealed.

And, devoted to new passions,

I couldn’t stop loving him;

So an abandoned temple is all a temple,

The defeated idol is all god!

(M. Lermontov)

The light wind subsides,

The gray evening is coming

The raven sank to the pine tree,

Touched a sleepy string.

(A. Blok)

· parcellation is a stylistic technique of dividing a phrase into parts or even individual words in a poetic work.

But Russia was coming. There walked a foundry worker, a plowman,

Fighter, ascetic. It was hard, difficult to walk.

It was irresistible! To socialism!

(G. Shengeli)

But the mountains are close.

And snow on them. We'll spend time

At the stove. In Imereti. In winter.

As in Peredelkino, as near Moscow.

(V. Inber)

· silence is a term of Russian poetics, a stylistic figure that consists in the fact that the speech that has begun is interrupted in anticipation of the reader’s guess, who must mentally complete it. The stylistic effect of silence sometimes consists in the fact that speech interrupted in excitement is supplemented by an implied expressive gesture.

And this one? This one was brought to me by Thibault -

Where could he, the sloth, the rogue, get it?

Stole, of course, or maybe

There on the high road, at night, in the grove...

(A.S. Pushkin)

This fable could be explained more -

Yes, so as not to irritate the geese...

(I.A. Krylov)

· ellipsis is a linguistic term, an omission in a phrase of a word that is easily implied.

Who's holding the sleeve?

Leading Nikita

To the house, to the table.

They brought it in and - a glass - knock on him!

And don't breathe - to the bottom!

Walk at the wedding, because -

She's the last one...

(A. Tvardovsky)

We are rich, barely out of the cradle,

The mistakes of our fathers and their late minds.

(M. Lermontov)


Thus, in terms of diversity, richness and expressive capabilities of linguistic means, the artistic style stands above other styles and is the most complete expression of the literary language. The artistic style differs from other functional styles in that it uses the linguistic means of all other styles, but these means (which is very important) appear here in a modified function - in an aesthetic one. In addition, in artistic speech not only strictly literary, but also extra-literary means of language can be used - colloquial, slang, dialect, etc., which are also not used in their primary function, but are subordinate to an aesthetic task.

artistic speech stylistics Russian

The specificity of the artistic style of speech, as a functional one, lies in the fact that it is used in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function. Unlike, for example, the abstract, objective, logical-conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech, fiction is characterized by a concrete figurative representation of life. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and re-creation of reality; the author strives, first of all, to convey his personal experience, his understanding or comprehension of a particular phenomenon. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, and the like. Associated with this is the emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The main goal of artistic style is to master the world according to the laws of beauty, satisfy the aesthetic needs of both the author of a work of art and the reader, and have an aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. The number of words that form the basis of this style, first of all, includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to an insignificant extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

The artistic style differs from other functional styles in that it uses the linguistic means of all other styles, but these means (which is very important) appear here in a modified function - in an aesthetic one. In addition, in artistic speech not only strictly literary, but also extra-literary means of language can be used - colloquial, slang, dialect, etc., which are also not used in the primary function, but are subordinate to an aesthetic task.

The word in a work of art seems to be doubled: it has the same meaning as in the general literary language, as well as an additional, incremental one, associated with the artistic world, the content of this work. Therefore, in artistic speech, words acquire a special quality, a certain depth, and begin to mean more than what they mean in ordinary speech, while remaining outwardly the same words.

This is how ordinary language is transformed into artistic language; this, one might say, is the mechanism of action of the aesthetic function in a work of art.

The peculiarities of the language of fiction include an unusually rich, varied vocabulary. If the vocabulary of scientific, official business and colloquial speech is relatively limited thematically and stylistically, then the vocabulary of artistic style is fundamentally unlimited. The means of all other styles can be used here - terms, official expressions, colloquial words and phrases, and journalism. Of course, all these various means undergo aesthetic transformation, fulfill certain artistic tasks, and are used in unique combinations. However, there are no fundamental prohibitions or restrictions regarding vocabulary. Any word can be used if it is aesthetically motivated and justified.

We can say that in artistic style all linguistic means, including neutral ones, are used to express the poetic thought of the author, to create a system of images of a work of art.

The wide range in the use of speech means is explained by the fact that, unlike other functional styles, each of which reflects one specific aspect of life, the artistic style, being a kind of mirror of reality, reproduces all spheres of human activity, all phenomena of social life. The language of fiction is fundamentally devoid of any stylistic closure; it is open to any styles, any lexical layers, any linguistic means. This openness determines the diversity of the language of fiction.

In general, artistic style is usually characterized by imagery, expressiveness, emotionality, authorial individuality, specificity of presentation, and the specificity of the use of all linguistic means.

It influences the reader’s imagination and feelings, conveys the author’s thoughts and feelings, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery, emotionality, and specificity of speech. The emotionality of an artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of a colloquial style, since the emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function.

A broader concept is the language of fiction: the artistic style is usually used in the author's speech, but the characters' speech may also contain other styles, such as colloquial.

The language of fiction is a kind of mirror of literary language. Rich literature means rich literary language. Great poets and writers create new forms of literary language, which are then used by their followers and all those who speak and write in this language. Artistic speech appears as the pinnacle achievement of language. In it, the capabilities of the national language are presented in the most complete and pure development.

Artistic style of speech is the language of literature and art. It is used to convey emotions and feelings, artistic images and phenomena.

Art style is a way for writers to express themselves, so it is usually used in writing. Orally (for example, in plays) texts written in advance are read. Historically, artistic style functions in three types of literature - lyrics (poems, poems), drama (plays) and epic (stories, novels, novels).

The purpose of artistic style is not to directly convey certain information, but to affect the emotional side of the person reading the work. However, this is not the only task of such a speech. Achieving established goals occurs when the functions of a literary text are fulfilled. These include:

  • Figurative-cognitive, which consists of telling a person about the world and society using the emotional component of speech.
  • Ideological and aesthetic, used to describe images that convey to the reader the meaning of the work.
  • Communicative, in which the reader connects information from the text with reality.

Such functions of a work of art help the author to give meaning to the text so that it can fulfill all the tasks for which it was created for the reader.

To easily identify this style of literature, let’s pay attention to its features:

  • Original syllable. Due to the special presentation of the text, the word becomes interesting without contextual meaning, breaking the canonical patterns of text construction.
  • High level of text organization. Dividing prose into chapters and parts; in a play - division into scenes, acts, phenomena. In poems, metric is the size of the verse; stanza - the study of the combination of poems, rhyme.
  • High level of polysemy. The presence of several interrelated meanings for one word.
  • Dialogues. The artistic style is dominated by the speech of characters as a way of describing phenomena and events in the work.

The literary text contains all the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language. The presentation of the emotionality and imagery inherent in this style is carried out using special means called tropes - linguistic means of expressive speech, words in a figurative meaning. Examples of some tropes:

  • Comparison is part of the work, with the help of which the character’s image is complemented.
  • Metaphor is the meaning of a word in a figurative sense, based on an analogy with another object or phenomenon.
  • An epithet is a definition that makes a word expressive.
  • Metonymy is a combination of words in which one object is replaced by another on the basis of spatiotemporal similarity.
  • Hyperbole is a stylistic exaggeration of a phenomenon.
  • Litota is a stylistic understatement of a phenomenon.

Substyles and genres of artistic style

  1. epic(prose): fairy tale, short story, story, novel, essay, short story, sketch, feuilleton;
  2. lyrical(poetic): poem, ode, fable, sonnet, madrigal, epigram, epitaph, elegy;
  3. dramatic: drama, comedy, tragedy, mystery, vaudeville, farce, extravaganza, musical.

Epic genres:

  • Epic- a genre of work in which historical events predominate.
  • Novel– a large manuscript with a complex storyline. All attention is paid to the life and fate of the characters.
  • Story- a work of smaller volume, which describes the life story of the hero.
  • Tale- a medium-sized manuscript that has the plot features of a novel and short story.

Lyric genres:

  • Oh yeah- a solemn song.
  • Epigram- a satirical poem. Example: A. S. Pushkin “Epigram on M. S. Vorontsov.”
  • Elegy- a lyrical poem.
  • Sonnet- a poetic form of 14 lines, the rhyme of which has a strict construction system. Examples of this genre are common in Shakespeare.

Genres of dramatic works:

  • Comedy– the genre is based on a plot that ridicules social vices.
  • Tragedy- a work that describes the tragic fate of the heroes, the struggle of characters, relationships.
  • Drama– has a dialogue structure with a serious storyline showing the characters and their dramatic relationships with each other or with society.

The book sphere of communication is expressed through an artistic style - a multi-tasking literary style that has developed historically and stands out from other styles through means of expressiveness.

Artistic style serves literary works and aesthetic human activity. The main goal is to influence the reader with the help of sensory images. Tasks by which the goal of the artistic style is achieved:

  • Creating a living picture that describes the work.
  • Transferring the emotional and sensory state of the characters to the reader.

Features of artistic style

Artistic style has a purpose of emotional impact on a person, but it is not the only one. The general picture of the application of this style is described through its functions:

  • Figurative-cognitive. Presenting information about the world and society through the emotional component of the text.
  • Ideological and aesthetic. Maintaining the system of images through which the writer conveys the idea of ​​the work to the reader awaits a response to the plot's concept.
  • Communicative. Expressing the vision of an object through sensory perception. Information from the artistic world is connected with reality.

Signs and characteristic linguistic features of artistic style

To easily identify this style of literature, let’s pay attention to its features:

  • Original syllable. Due to the special presentation of the text, the word becomes interesting without contextual meaning, breaking the canonical patterns of text construction.
  • High level of text organization. Dividing prose into chapters and parts; in a play - division into scenes, acts, phenomena. In poems, metric is the size of the verse; stanza - the study of the combination of poems, rhyme.
  • High level of polysemy. The presence of several interrelated meanings for one word.
  • Dialogues. The artistic style is dominated by the speech of characters as a way of describing phenomena and events in the work.

The literary text contains all the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language. The presentation of the emotionality and imagery inherent in this style is carried out using special means called tropes - linguistic means of expressive speech, words in a figurative meaning. Examples of some tropes:

  • Comparison is part of the work, with the help of which the character’s image is complemented.
  • Metaphor is the meaning of a word in a figurative sense, based on an analogy with another object or phenomenon.
  • An epithet is a definition that makes a word expressive.
  • Metonymy is a combination of words in which one object is replaced by another on the basis of spatiotemporal similarity.
  • Hyperbole is a stylistic exaggeration of a phenomenon.
  • Litota is a stylistic understatement of a phenomenon.

Where is the fiction style used?

The artistic style has incorporated numerous aspects and structures of the Russian language: tropes, polysemy of words, complex grammatical and syntactic structure. Therefore, its general scope of application is enormous. It also includes the main genres of works of art.

The genres of artistic style used are related to one of the genres that express reality in a special way:

  • Epic. Shows external unrest, the author’s thoughts (description of storylines).
  • Lyrics. Reflects the author’s inner emotions (the experiences of the characters, their feelings and thoughts).
  • Drama. The presence of the author in the text is minimal, there is a large number of dialogues between the characters. Such works are often made into theatrical productions. Example - Three sisters A.P. Chekhov.

These genres have subtypes, which can be divided into even more specific varieties. Basic:

Epic genres:

  • Epic is a genre of work in which historical events predominate.
  • A novel is a large manuscript with a complex plot line. All attention is paid to the life and fate of the characters.
  • A short story is a work of smaller volume that describes the life story of a hero.
  • A story is a medium-sized manuscript that has the plot features of a novel and a short story.

Lyric genres:

  • Ode is a solemn song.
  • An epigram is a satirical poem. Example: A. S. Pushkin “Epigram on M. S. Vorontsov.”
  • Elegy is a lyrical poem.
  • A sonnet is a poetic form of 14 lines, the rhyme of which has a strict construction system. Examples of this genre are common in Shakespeare.

Genres of dramatic works:

  • Comedy - the genre is based on a plot that makes fun of social vices.
  • Tragedy is a work that describes the tragic fate of heroes, the struggle of characters and relationships.
  • Drama – has a dialogue structure with a serious storyline showing the characters and their dramatic relationships with each other or with society.

How to define a literary text?

It is easier to understand and consider the features of this style when the reader is provided with a literary text with a clear example. Let's practice determining what style of text is in front of us using an example:

“Marat’s father Stepan Porfiryevich Fateev, an orphan from infancy, was from a family of Astrakhan binders. The revolutionary whirlwind blew him out of the locomotive vestibule, dragged him through the Mikhelson plant in Moscow, machine gun courses in Petrograd ... "

Main aspects confirming the artistic style of speech:

  • This text is based on conveying events from an emotional point of view, so there is no doubt that this is a literary text.
  • The means used in the example: “a revolutionary whirlwind blew out, dragged” is nothing more than a trope, or rather, a metaphor. The use of this trope is inherent only in literary texts.
  • An example of a description of a person’s fate, environment, social events. Conclusion: this literary text belongs to the epic.

Any text can be analyzed in detail using this principle. If the functions or distinctive features described above immediately catch your eye, then there is no doubt that this is a literary text.

If you find it difficult to deal with a large amount of information on your own; the basic means and features of a literary text are not clear to you; Examples of tasks seem difficult - use a resource such as a presentation. A ready-made presentation with illustrative examples will clearly fill gaps in knowledge. The area of ​​the school subject “Russian language and literature” is served by electronic sources of information on functional speech styles. Please note that the presentation is succinct and informative and contains explanatory tools.

Thus, once you understand the definition of artistic style, you will better understand the structure of works. And if a muse visits you and you want to write a work of art yourself, follow the lexical components of the text and the emotional presentation. Good luck with your studies!

In this article:

The nature of the work directly depends on the style that the author uses while writing. Classics of Russian and foreign literature implemented artistic style in their texts. It is one of the controversial and confusing genres.

Artistic style: concept, features

Artistic style is used in literary works. Examples of literary text should tell about a life situation and reveal simple truths as understood by the author.

The artistic style is found in such genres as poem, verse, play, short story, novel and story.

In order to express emotions as fully as possible and more accurately explain a point of view, the author uses various linguistic means in an artistic style from other speech genres.

The aesthetic opinion of the narrator should cause not only a positive, but also a negative reaction in the audience. Without a response word, it is difficult to understand whether the reader has understood the lines read. This is one of the problems of a literary text. Not every author knows how to correctly use expressive means in the text.

Therefore, the reader may not delve into the author’s thought, may not be convinced of it, and may question what he has read. If after reading a person has questions or a desire to express an opinion, then this is considered a response to the work. But it does not guarantee a complete understanding of the meaning.

Having received answers to questions and listened to the opinions of other readers, he can be convinced of the accuracy and correctness of the narrator’s thoughts.

Distinctive features of the artistic style

  1. The author expresses his own position through various tools of literary language. A sentence in an artistic style contains tropes - epithets, metaphors, metaphors, similes, etc.
  2. Lyrics in the genre of artistic style are filled with emotion.
  3. The characters of fiction are described vividly and vividly using linguistic means.
  4. The presence of the author in some works is constantly observed.

The main task of the artistic style is to convey to the reader the opinion of the author in such a way that this opinion will receive a response (criticism). Various styles of fiction allow you to present any information in an interesting and unusual way.

For example, scientific phenomena are described in works using a scientific and artistic style. An artistic and journalistic style can be used in newspapers and magazines.

Main features of artistic style

To understand that a text is literary, you need to find certain signs. The features described above are characteristic of the artistic style. Other characteristics can be added to them.

  1. Speech multitasking. In a well-written literary style text, every word will have meaning. The words will provoke different thoughts in the reader regarding further events in the story.
  2. It is not always clear which language device the author used. The essence of the text is not to explain linguistic forms of self-expression, but to show point of view, feelings, thoughts.
  3. A storyteller can convey his or her position in many different ways. You can do this smoothly, or brightly and calmly. In any case, the text of the artistic style implies the self-expression of the author.
  4. Each storyteller has his own style. The author takes any means from another genre of the Russian language. For this reason, the works differ from each other. In other words, an “author’s style” is created.
  5. Organized text. The work has a clear chapter structure.
  6. One word can have several meanings.
  7. Template phrases are not used.

Features of artistic style

There are three distinct functions of artistic style.

  1. The first is aesthetic. A literary text not only conveys a certain meaning to the reader, but also evokes aesthetic feelings. Through ideological perception, the audience must understand the meaning of the entire work.
  2. The second function is influencing. Through emotions, the author influences the reader and at the same time conveys information about the world. The information can be simple worldly wisdom, the author’s opinion on any issue.
  3. And the third function is communication. The reader responds to the thoughts and ideas described in the work. If the text has completed the first two tasks incorrectly, then there will be no response from the audience. This means that the work did not fulfill a single task and the narrator’s worldview was misunderstood.

Area of ​​use of the style

The artistic genre is used in literature. Sub-styles are divided: artistic-journalistic and scientific-artistic.

Due to its syntactic and morphological characteristics, the style is used in such sub-styles as epic, lyric poetry, drama.

Epic is divided into epic, novel, short story and tale. Epics are also considered epics, ballads, legends, myths and parables.

  1. In the epic, historical events play a large role.
  2. The storyline of the novel is based on the lives of the characters.
  3. The story is about one incident.
  4. The story contains the characteristics of a short story and a novel.
  5. Lyrics, that is, poetic form, are divided into ode, epigram, elegy, sonnet. This genre is well used by Shakespeare.
  6. An ode is a praise of an event or a person, an epigram is a satirical poem.
  7. Elegy is a lyric poem.
  8. A sonnet is a special poetic form with a strict structure.
  9. Drama is divided into genres such as comedy, drama, and tragedy.
  10. In comedy, the author ridicules social problems or vices using satirical techniques.
  11. Tragedy tells about the broken destinies of heroes.
  12. Drama makes very good use of the medium of dialogue in an artistic style.
  13. Through dialogue, it describes a sharp and interesting plot, the relationships of the characters with each other and society.

Linguistic features of artistic style of speech

The artistic style uses various linguistic means. Some are borrowed from other genres. The main feature of the artistic style is the abundance of morphological and syntactic properties.

A large role is given to verbs, pronouns, adjectives and participles. They make the text dynamic and sincere. The text of the artistic style uses the entire wide range of syntax - punctuation marks, participial phrases, direct speech, quotations.

Elements of artistic style

The style is characterized by various linguistic means for self-expression. In other words, paths. Among them:

  • Epithets.
  • Metaphors.
  • Comparisons.
  • Allegory.
  • Inversion.

Detailing in literary text

Every detail is clarified in the text. Even if it does not affect the further plot. For example, in the novel The Thorn Birds, the story about the bird at first seems incomprehensible.

However, there is a hint of a conventional love story. Already at the end of the book, the full meaning of the priest’s quote is revealed to the reader. At first glance, this story about a bird singing once in its life means nothing. But after reading further, it will become clear what the author means.

Detail in a story can mean something important. This is a kind of hint or preparation of the reader for an important event or discovery.

Conveying the author's feelings and emotions


An epithet (from the Greek ἐπίθετον - “attached”) is a trope expressed in the form of an adjective, less often an adverb, a noun, or a numeral.

When an epithet appears in the text, a different meaning, a new shade appears. A word “attached” to this element becomes colorful and rich. For example, “wooden face”.


Metaphor (ancient Greek μεταφορά - “transfer”, “figurative meaning”). From the ancient Greek language this word means “transfer”.

In the text, metaphor has the same meaning - that is, the properties of one object are transferred to another. The author compares phenomena using words, replacing meaning. The reader unravels the mystery almost immediately.

Example: “When Varya saw the price of the bag, she was “strangled by a toad.” Seeing the price, Varya regretted spending money on it. If the author had described what was happening in direct phrases, the sentence would hardly have had any mystery or interest.


Comparison is a common trope. Its meaning is to compare two objects or phenomena in relation to one phenomenon (or object). The purpose of this action is to discover new properties that are important for the narrator.


Using elements from other styles

The main elements borrowed from other styles in a literary text are direct speech. In general, there are quite a lot of other stylistic elements in the artistic style. Direct speech is taken from the conversational style.


In inversion, the significant part of the sentence stands out among other words. This also affects the further meaning of the entire plot. It stands out by rearranging the word.

Artistic style example analysis

Any literary text can be identified by its characteristics. Let's take an excerpt from Bunin's work:

Features inherent in a work of art:

  1. Details are described carefully.
  2. Lots of epithets.
  3. The text evokes emotions.