• 3. Where to donate glass containers?
  • 4. Conclusion

Nowadays, many people know that in the old days, glass container collection points brought good income to their owners. Today, each manufacturer has individual containers and there is no point in collecting whole bottles, but there are broken ones.

Many people are looking for work and do not suspect that money is literally lying under their feet. So, how to increase it your well-being on broken glass (cullet)?

1. Start your own business using broken glass - how to make money from broken glass

First of all, it is necessary to find an appropriate area for storing broken glass, as well as for sorting and processing the collected glass cullet.

2. Collecting broken glass - 5 effective ways

Where to get it broken glass, and who can act as suppliers of such raw materials? Let's look at some ways:

1. In addition to the unfavorable contingent such as homeless people, there is another group of glass collectors - this wipers. They will help you collect broken glass, your job is to load and remove broken dishes.

2. Another option for extracting broken glass is window installation companies. All you have to do is negotiate with them for a small fee, and they will give you broken glass from old frames, because in many cases window frames are thrown into the trash.

3. The next promising option is to negotiate with local authorities, supply additional containers for glass.

4. There are also various catering establishments:

  • restaurants,
  • cafe,
  • drinking establishments.

5. You can collect broken glass from different areas of the city. Important advertise, and in the near future they will offer you broken fragments and wait for your arrival for them.

glass containers

3. Where to donate glass containers?

As a result, collecting broken glass is a solvable task, the main thing in this business is sales of broken glass containers.

The situation here is quite simple - all factories working with glass will be happy to take cullet from you.

Making glass is challenging and rewarding. big money production, but recycling broken glass makes it possible to use these raw materials in new production cycles.

Before handing over recyclables, you need to wash and sort them, and there is special equipment for this procedure.

4. Conclusion

Drawing conclusions, we see that this is a really good and very profitable type of business. Factories that produce glassware will gladly accept broken glass from you.

By starting this business now, you can soon achieve good results. This type of activity is not even half filled in the domestic market.

Household and industrial waste are not recycled. Broken glass is one of these types of waste; moreover, it is actually eternal waste. The glass will remain where we left it, without breaking down for hundreds of years. If we were talking only about household glass waste, the problem would be less global, but there are also industrial waste the same type. A fifth of all garbage in landfills is... That is why researchers are actively working on possibilities for glass recycling.

One of the leading areas for recycling broken glass is building mixtures. The glass is crushed and then added to concrete mixtures. Concrete with such a filling acquires new physical and mechanical properties, allowing it to withstand critical loads and exposure to aggressive environments. Another advantage of the technology is the cost-effectiveness of the processing process; the final material is not only effective in its characteristics, but also cheap. This forces industrial enterprises to open glass and glass collection points on the territory. You can donate glass there in any volume and type. Moreover, receive a certain amount in accordance with the weight of the accepted waste.

Factories that process broken glass handle industrial volumes of cullet. Obviously, delivery of such a plan to the processor site is unlikely. That is why they are beginning to actively develop small companies, engaged in the collection and accumulation of one or another type of secondary raw material for its subsequent sale to processing companies. Similar companies currently exist in most major cities, and their network is constantly expanding. Any type of glass can be delivered to the collection points of such companies - from glass containers to windows.

You can check the availability and address of the nearest company of this profile in the administration of your district - collectors and processing enterprises, mainly private firms, but a mandatory rule for them is to pass state accreditation.

You can also contact a company that, if it does not collect household waste(for example, does not have permission for this type of activity), then in any case it must organize a contract with a third-party company. Usually once or twice a month a truck arrives at the microdistrict and accepts glass from citizens. In order to save money, many housing departments and homeowners associations approach the situation differently: they install containers for collecting waste on their own territory. You can throw glass there at any time and without restrictions.


Most people do not find a use for glass containers, as a result of which jars and glass bottles simply lie in the trash. Today, all garbage dumps in cities are filled with glass containers, which can be recycled and make good money from it. Its recycling is quite profitable business for a big city.

How to start your own glass processing business

First, you should open a glass collection point, and then think about where it will be processed. For collecting glass containers, you need to install it near each apartment building special containers so that residents have somewhere to put glass jars and bottles. Containers must be attractive appearance, make a person want to throw glass containers at him. You can additionally organize a special collection point for glass containers for a certain amount of money.

If there is no initial capital to purchase such containers or open your own point, then you should use the standard free method - collecting the necessary material from landfills, although this is not the most pleasant method. You can, of course, come up with many more ways to extract old unnecessary glass, for example, negotiate with production companies various types drinks in similar containers. They always have a marriage.

Glass recycling as a business idea

Material processing is a complex process. The most labor-intensive process involves separating glass from various debris. These are still little things; processing gives it a new quality and strength.
Before starting a business for collecting, receiving, processing material, it is necessary to prepare an area that meets all the necessary requirements. First of all, the point where raw materials are collected and processed must have a high fence around the entire perimeter. Specialized containers of large parameters must be present on the territory of the enterprise. A separate entrance must be organized for the delivery of glass containers.

The main point: the collection and processing of the substance should be carried out outside the city, since such production will cause a lot of noise.

Sorting, reception point

Processing the substance, the point of receipt, is a very profitable business. The collected containers must be pre-sorted: by type of production, color. Then the sorted containers must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, various impurities, etc. When the glass is crushed, it is again thoroughly cleaned. Only after all the above measures can the glass be remelted.

Required equipment

To open a business in this area, you need to purchase working equipment: a special crushing plant, a sieve for filtering crushed glass. To move waste, it is also necessary to purchase a conveyor, and for efficient production operation, a melting furnace. To organize this glass container business, hire a large number of There will be no need for employees; such production is fully automated.

For production to operate efficiently, several employees are needed to ensure the smooth implementation of the technological process. If you have decided to open your own business in your city, then it is worth purchasing automotive equipment for transporting raw materials. For the relevant business, domestically produced cars and equipment are quite suitable. For such equipment, it is subsequently easier to find the necessary spare parts for repairs. For significant savings at the first stage, equipment and equipment can be purchased second-hand.

Approximately, you need to spend about eighty thousand to purchase such equipment.

Organization of production

To create an enterprise, it is recommended to create a collection point and a room for processing the substance near a city landfill, where there is the greatest likelihood of finding a lot of cheap raw materials - the outskirts of the city, an industrial zone.

To deliver raw materials from the landfill, it is not necessary to buy your own freight transport, if you can rent one in the city public utilities. For a fee, they will deliver glass containers directly to the substance's processing plant.

To organize a corresponding business, you will need several separate premises: for a production workshop and a collection point for storing glass containers. For warehousing and storage of raw materials, you will need a room measuring up to one hundred square meters, and for a workshop - up to five hundred square meters.

It is necessary to understand that starting such a business without initial capital is unrealistic. Cash will be required for issuance wages employees of the enterprise, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, as well as for the purchase of glass containers from people handing over bottles to the glass containers collection point.

The recycling business is considered one of the profitable businesses. The payback for such production is expected within the first six months. But the income itself, of course, depends on the turnover capacity of the enterprise.

Business plan

To ensure stable good earnings, first of all, you need to correctly draw up a business plan.
Most of the capital will go to the construction of the production itself. You can create a small glass processing enterprise that will generate maximum income from this business. But this is only possible if you have your own funds of approximately three hundred thousand dollars.

About two thousand dollars should be spent on repairs and installation of equipment in industrial premises. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the current requirements for fire safety and sanitation standards. To purchase basic equipment: a glass crusher, a sorting line, a sieve for cleaning crushed glass, you will need about seventy thousand.

If you have enough money to start a business in this direction, then it’s worth a try. This is a profitable direction.

Is it possible to make a million from... garbage? Yes, yes, the one that’s just lying under your feet! It turns out that it is possible! Moreover, history provides many examples of this. This may, of course, be a lucky coincidence of circumstances, incredible hard work and perseverance, or a combination of both, or something else, but the fact remains a fact. But if you make a million. While you can collect garbage (even in large quantities!) in, say, a year or two, you can get the same million by recycling garbage much faster. Recycling glass, waste paper, scrap metal, and plastic will help reach the coveted million in just a few months.

Do you know how many metal collection points there are in the country? No? And I don't know. I think that no one knows this, because such points grow like “mushrooms after rain”, because this activity brings huge profits to its organizers. The same goes for paper and waste paper. By the way, I already told you how to open a waste paper collection point in one of my previous publications. But glass recycling is far from the last business in foreign countries, in Russia it still remains an undeveloped area, despite the enormous prospects.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 1 - 3 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 500 thousand
Industry situation:low supply saturation
Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: from 1 year

A few years ago, when collection points for glass containers were as common as scrap metal collection points now, we all remember how they collected empty bottles homeless people. At that time, manufacturers of alcoholic and lemonade products did not strive for “pretentiousness” of packaging, and the shape of the bottles was standard for most drinks. Now the design of bottles has begun to differ from each other, and most of the previously in demand containers have begun to accumulate in huge quantities in landfills.

Meanwhile, this is “real” money lying “dead weight”, waiting until someone enterprising and smart (like you) picks it up. Of course, this is as profitable an activity as recycling the same metal or waste paper, but on this path you will not meet as many competitors.

For example, we can cite real numbers. In Moscow alone, according to analysts, about 200,000 tons of glass “garbage” accumulate, of which less than 10% is recycled. Just think - 180 thousand tons of unclaimed glass worth 360 million rubles are simply lying in landfills.

The second “life” of glass, or where cullet is used

When I first heard about this business idea, my first thought was: “Where does cullet find its application?” Well, I opened a receiving or processing point, crushed the raw materials into the desired state, what's next? Where to sell it? Who needs it anyway? It turns out that recycled glass is used to produce abrasive tools, ceramic plumbing fixtures, various insulation and building materials, and glass structures. In general, the sales market is simply huge. And while theorists are deciding how profitable recycling cullet is, practitioners are earning millions from it.

How to complete the necessary documentation to start a business

First of all, you need to officially register your future enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You can find out which form of doing business is beneficial for a particular case.

Currently, to process waste, which is divided into classes according to the degree of environmental hazard, it is necessary to obtain a license from Rosprirodnadzor. To obtain this document, you must submit an application and a package of certain documents to the licensing authority, the detailed contents of which will be familiarized to you on the spot.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire service to ensure compliance with established standards for the production premises and organization of the labor process.

This is important: a license for activities related to waste processing is issued only for groups of recyclable materials that have a homogeneous origin or education. In other words, it will not be possible to recycle glass and waste paper under one license - you need two different licenses.

Organization of raw material supplies

One of the most important questions: where to get raw materials? I offer only a few sources of glass waste:

  • The main source of supplies of broken glass, glass containers, and other glass waste are collection points. Of course, organizing such “points” requires additional costs, but, as a rule, they are justified. To reduce costs, you can organize a collection point directly at production, offer the removal of recyclable materials if there is more than 1-2 or more tons of glass.
  • The next largest source of supply is those installed on city streets. garbage containers for glass waste. To prevent competitors from getting hold of the accumulated glass, the containers must be locked and emptied every evening. I think that the city authorities will only welcome the appearance of such bins on the streets, because usually money from the city budget is spent on this.
  • Collection of waste from enterprises engaged in production related to the use of glass. For example, these could be manufacturing companies plastic windows, mirrors, etc.

Garbage, and in particular glass waste, in city landfills is a significant “ headache» any local administration, because glass practically does not decompose; this can take tens of thousands of years! Therefore, you can try to offer your services for cleaning city solid waste landfills from glass waste, and get a kind of carte blanche to “develop” waste “deposits”. More information about the processing of various types of recyclable materials can be found at this link -.

Search for premises

Glass recycling should take place in a separate building on the outskirts of the city or in an industrial zone. Most of the territory will be occupied by warehouses in which collected recyclable materials and finished processed products will be stored. The area of ​​the production premises in which everything will be installed necessary equipment depends on its expected power, and, consequently, its dimensions and production volumes.

Since the processing of cullet is a hazardous industry, the workshop must be equipped with good exhaust hood.

Process of recycling glass cullet

Production processes are entirely dependent on installed equipment. For a novice entrepreneur, it makes more sense to talk about organizing a business with minimal costs, which means the initial task of a glass processing workshop is to produce clean cullet. This is achieved in the following steps:

  • Sorting of brought glass waste
  • Cleaning glass
  • Drying
  • Waste shredding
  • Warehousing and subsequent shipment to customers

With time and the desire to modify production, two more production stages can be added:

  • Adding fillers to cullet to produce various types of glass
  • Heating of crushed glass cullet in special furnaces

Despite the fact that glass processing in private hands is a relatively new line of business, equipment manufacturers offer businesses a fairly wide selection of various automatic lines and individual machines. However, independent installation of the latter requires extra costs, so most entrepreneurs prefer multifunctional production lines.

As a rule, equipment for glass processing pays for itself in up to 1 year, provided that during this time the business owner does not sit back and wait for profits to flow to him.


Glass recycling is a process that does not require the participation of qualified specialists at certain stages. You can learn how to operate an automatic line in a few days. All you need is a mechanic to service and repair the equipment.

The majority of glass processing employees are engaged in glass sorting, which is done manually. The final number of personnel employed at the mini-factory depends on production volumes.

Are there any prospects for such a business?

There is an opportunity for development in any business, and recycling of cullet is no exception. After a successful launch and reaching the planned capacity, you can think about producing the final product within the walls of the enterprise - at least the same bottles. Of course, this will require the installation of additional equipment, but this is a completely different level of production and income, which, with skillful planning and management, I think anyone can master.

When the conversation turns to production of glass products, many people immediately remember fusing. This technology is presented as something innovative and simple at the same time. With its help you can get cute trinkets almost at home. At the same time, there are many other methods and ideas for working with glass. Moreover, it is not necessary we're talking about about melting glass in special furnaces where high temperatures are reached.

“Glass has more advantages than plastic, which they wanted to replace this material with a history of thousands of years,” says business angel, startup community expert K.E. n. Associate Professor Igor Malyugin. “In my opinion, the following technologies that can be implemented in a small business are of interest: the production of mirrors, the processing of glass to look like crystal, the protection of glass from mechanical destruction, the production of glass tiles and much more.”

Glass paintings

The easiest way is to use specialized printers, for example, Italian Praktika or VitRex, to print any digital image on glass. The whole highlight lies in the ink, which, when hardened, becomes resistant to high and low temperatures and moisture, fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and, most importantly, to mechanical stress. Such equipment is not cheap, so a DreamJet 329 Miracle can be purchased for 275,000 rubles including VAT. The format of the resulting glass paintings has dimensions of 329x600 mm, which makes it possible to print triptych paintings.

Manufacturers are concerned about speeding up ink drying and making it easier to fix the glass. For this purpose, the printers are equipped with integrated heating and vacuum clamping. As practice shows, these innovations are very convenient to use. And, importantly, to work on this equipment you can use almost all graphics programs, including such popular software as PhotoShop, CorelDraw, Illustrator. “The quality of such a picture turns out to be decent,” says cameraman Andrei Gorshkov. “The resolution of 2880x2880dpi allows you to obtain high-definition images.”

The printer has an integrated thermal dryer and a work table equipped with a vacuum clamp. These innovations significantly speed up the process of instant drying of paint on thermally conductive materials. And the vacuum clamping function holds the sheet workpiece without additional fixation. As for sales, paintings on glass can be sold as door inserts, as a decorative element in design projects, and for individual orders.

Businessmen from the looking glass

Another business that fits perfectly into the concept of “making money on glass” is mirror making. “Silver plating technology is traditionally used, which has proven itself in small-scale production,” says chemical technologist Olga Petrova. “As for aluminizing, this technology, although cheaper, still requires special equipment and other production volumes, since we are talking about glass metallization by thermal evaporation of aluminum in a vacuum at a pressure of 0.003 Pa.” According to the expert, it is best to use glass of standard sizes from 220x400 mm to 1250x1400 mm as a basis, while production should be based on normative document SZhP-005-93, in which mirrors are divided into codes.

Beginning businessmen will be helped by G. G. Broderson’s book “Industrial Technochemical Formulations” from 1931, which can be downloaded on the Internet. It is also published under the names "Handicraftsman's Handbook" and "730 practical advice" In these editions, chapters 11 and 12 are devoted to gilding and silvering.

Equipment you will need is a table for cutting glass, a dryer, a container for silvering (non-metallic), a grinding machine, scales, and an extractor hood. All this can be placed in a production facility with an area of ​​15 m2. “I’ve been in the subject for three years now,” forum member ZACHAR shares his experience. - In a small workshop, about 20-25 m2 of mirrors can be produced per shift. It’s actually not difficult to improve your skills, however, at first people neglect chemical protection, and then they get headaches and kidney problems. Don’t be lazy, do a normal hood. I recouped the investment in six months, and at the initial stage itself big problem There was a sales organization, but then everything worked out.”

This beautiful, beautiful world

Those who decide to make money on glass should first read the book by V.V. Patlakh, which is called “Technologies for working with glass.” In particular, businessmen may be interested in decorative finishing and painting on glass, production of stained glass windows and partitions, and glass stamping. For example, the production of stained glass mosaics will be in demand in cottage construction, due to the revival of the neo-Gothic style. Glass panels assembled from fragments, somewhat similar to well-known puzzles, which are glued to a white base using transparent epoxy-based glue, are also in steady demand.

"I would advise making tempered glass furniture, as well as dining and computer tables,” says Igor Malyugin. “In general, a separate and popular topic could be strengthening already installed double-glazed windows with special anti-burglary films.” In addition, the expert advises paying attention to the automobile market, since the same mirror workshops can provide a service for manufacturing car mirrors to replace broken or lost ones, since the cost of original ones can be prohibitive.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the manufacturing technology of glass tiles, which are made from fractionated glass by adding a dye of the desired color and a binder. Typically, polyester resin is used as an adhesive.
in a ratio of 1:200 to glass chips. The resulting tiles can even be used in bathroom tiling. Businessman Ivan Kramolnikov, who mastered this production, claims that the profitability of this production is at least 100%, since it uses broken glass, which is ground into crumbs in electric mills.

Glass is initially a beautiful material from which you can create beautiful world things and make money from it.