We all know that a person’s appearance, some habits and even diseases are inherited. All this information about a living being is encoded in genes. So what do these notorious genes look like, how do they function and where are they located?

So, the carrier of all genes of any person or animal is DNA. This compound was discovered in 1869 by Johann Friedrich Miescher. Chemically, DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. What does this mean? How does this acid carry the genetic code of all life on our planet?

Let's start by looking at where DNA is located. A human cell contains many organelles that perform various functions. DNA is located in the nucleus. The nucleus is a small organelle, which is surrounded by a special membrane, and in which all the genetic material - DNA - is stored.

What is the structure of a DNA molecule?

First of all, let's look at what DNA is. DNA is a very long molecule made up of structural elements– nucleotides. There are 4 types of nucleotides - adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). The chain of nucleotides schematically looks like this: GGAATTCTAAG... This sequence of nucleotides is the DNA chain.

The structure of DNA was first deciphered in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick.

In one DNA molecule there are two chains of nucleotides that are helically twisted around each other. How do these nucleotide chains stay together and twist into a spiral? This phenomenon is due to the property of complementarity. Complementarity means that only certain nucleotides (complementary) can be found opposite each other in two chains. Thus, opposite adenine there is always thymine, and opposite guanine there is always only cytosine. Thus, guanine is complementary to cytosine, and adenine is complementary to thymine. Such pairs of nucleotides opposite each other in different chains are also called complementary.

It can be shown schematically as follows:

G - C
T - A
T - A
C - G

These complementary pairs A - T and G - C form a chemical bond between the nucleotides of the pair, and the bond between G and C is stronger than between A and T. The bond is formed strictly between complementary bases, that is, the formation of a bond between non-complementary G and A is impossible.

"Packaging" of DNA, how does a DNA strand become a chromosome?

Why do these DNA nucleotide chains also twist around each other? Why is this necessary? The fact is that the number of nucleotides is huge and a lot of space is needed to accommodate such long chains. For this reason, two strands of DNA twist around each other in a helical manner. This phenomenon is called spiralization. As a result of spiralization, DNA chains are shortened by 5-6 times.

Some DNA molecules are actively used by the body, while others are rarely used. In addition to spiralization, such rarely used DNA molecules undergo even more compact “packaging.” This compact packaging is called supercoiling and shortens the DNA strand by 25-30 times!

How do DNA helices pack?

Supercoiling uses histone proteins, which have the appearance and structure of a rod or spool of thread. Spiralized strands of DNA are wound onto these “coils” - histone proteins. Thus, the long thread becomes very compactly packaged and takes up very little space.

If it is necessary to use one or another DNA molecule, the process of “unwinding” occurs, that is, the DNA strand is “unwound” from the “spool” - the histone protein (if it was wound onto it) and unwinds from the spiral into two parallel chains. And when the DNA molecule is in such an untwisted state, then the necessary genetic information can be read from it. Moreover, genetic information is read only from untwisted DNA strands!

A set of supercoiled chromosomes is called heterochromatin, and the chromosomes available for reading information are euchromatin.

What are genes, what is their connection with DNA?

Now let's look at what genes are. It is known that there are genes that determine blood type, eye color, hair, skin and many other properties of our body. A gene is a strictly defined section of DNA, consisting of a certain number of nucleotides arranged in a strictly defined combination. Location in a strictly defined DNA section means that a specific gene is assigned its place, and it is impossible to change this place. It is appropriate to make the following comparison: a person lives on a certain street, in a certain house and apartment, and a person cannot voluntarily move to another house, apartment or to another street. A certain number of nucleotides in a gene means that each gene has a specific number of nucleotides and they cannot become more or less. For example, the gene encoding insulin production consists of 60 nucleotide pairs; the gene encoding the production of the hormone oxytocin - of 370 nucleotide pairs.

The strict nucleotide sequence is unique for each gene and strictly defined. For example, the sequence AATTAATA is a fragment of a gene that codes for insulin production. In order to obtain insulin, exactly this sequence is used; to obtain, for example, adrenaline, a different combination of nucleotides is used. It is important to understand that only a certain combination of nucleotides encodes a certain “product” (adrenaline, insulin, etc.). Such a unique combination of a certain number of nucleotides, standing in “its place” - this is gene.

In addition to genes, the DNA chain contains so-called “non-coding sequences”. Such non-coding nucleotide sequences regulate the functioning of genes, help in the spiralization of chromosomes, and mark the starting and ending point of a gene. However, to date, the role of most non-coding sequences remains unclear.

What is a chromosome? Sex chromosomes

The collection of genes of an individual is called the genome. Naturally, the entire genome cannot be contained in one DNA. The genome is divided into 46 pairs of DNA molecules. One pair of DNA molecules is called a chromosome. So, humans have 46 of these chromosomes. Each chromosome carries a strictly defined set of genes, for example, chromosome 18 contains genes encoding eye color, etc. Chromosomes differ from each other in length and shape. The most common shapes are X or Y, but there are others as well. Humans have two chromosomes of the same shape, which are called pairs. Due to such differences, all paired chromosomes are numbered - there are 23 pairs. This means that there is chromosome pair No. 1, pair No. 2, No. 3, etc. Each gene responsible for a specific trait is located on the same chromosome. Modern guidelines for specialists may indicate the location of the gene, for example, as follows: chromosome 22, long arm.

What are the differences between chromosomes?

How else do chromosomes differ from each other? What does the term long shoulder mean? Let's take chromosomes of the form X. The intersection of DNA strands can occur strictly in the middle (X), or it can occur not centrally. When such an intersection of DNA strands does not occur centrally, then relative to the point of intersection, some ends are longer, others, respectively, shorter. Such long ends are usually called the long arm of the chromosome, and short ends, respectively, short shoulder. In chromosomes of the Y shape, most of the arms are occupied by long arms, and the short ones are very small (they are not even indicated in the schematic image).

The size of the chromosomes varies: the largest are chromosomes of pairs No. 1 and No. 3, the smallest chromosomes are pairs No. 17, No. 19.

In addition to their shape and size, chromosomes differ in the functions they perform. Of the 23 pairs, 22 pairs are somatic and 1 pair is sexual. What does it mean? Somatic chromosomes determine all the external characteristics of an individual, the characteristics of his behavioral reactions, hereditary psychotype, that is, all the features and characteristics of each specific person. A pair of sex chromosomes determines a person’s gender: male or female. There are two types of human sex chromosomes: X (X) and Y (Y). If they are combined as XX (x - x) - this is a woman, and if XY (x - y) - we have a man.

Hereditary diseases and chromosome damage

However, genome “breakdowns” occur, and then people develop genetic diseases. For example, when there are three chromosomes in the 21st pair of chromosomes instead of two, a person is born with Down syndrome.

There are many smaller “breakdowns” of genetic material that do not lead to disease, but on the contrary, impart good properties. All “breakdowns” of genetic material are called mutations. Mutations leading to diseases or deterioration of the body’s properties are considered negative, and mutations leading to the formation of new ones beneficial properties, are considered positive.

However, with most of the diseases that people suffer from today, it is not the disease that is inherited, but only a predisposition. For example, the father of a child absorbs sugar slowly. This does not mean that the child will be born with diabetes, but the child will have a predisposition. This means that if a child abuses sweets and flour products, he will develop diabetes.

Today, the so-called predicative medicine. As part of this medical practice, a person’s predispositions are identified (based on the identification of the corresponding genes), and then he is given recommendations - what diet to follow, how to properly alternate between work and rest so as not to get sick.

How to read the information encoded in DNA?

How can you read the information contained in DNA? How does its own body use it? DNA itself is a kind of matrix, but not simple, but encoded. To read information from the DNA matrix, it is first transferred to a special carrier - RNA. RNA is chemically ribonucleic acid. It differs from DNA in that it can pass through the nuclear membrane into the cell, while DNA lacks this ability (it can only be found in the nucleus). The encoded information is used in the cell itself. So, RNA is a carrier of encoded information from the nucleus to the cell.

How does RNA synthesis occur, how is protein synthesized using RNA?

The DNA strands from which information needs to be “read” unwind, a special “builder” enzyme approaches them and synthesizes a complementary RNA chain parallel to the DNA strand. The RNA molecule also consists of 4 types of nucleotides - adenine (A), uracil (U), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). At the same time, they are complementary next pairs: adenine – uracil, guanine – cytosine. As you can see, unlike DNA, RNA uses uracil instead of thymine. That is, the “builder” enzyme works as follows: if it sees A in the DNA strand, then it attaches Y to the RNA strand, if G, then it attaches C, etc. Thus, a template is formed from each active gene during transcription - a copy of RNA that can pass through the nuclear membrane.

How does the synthesis of a protein encoded by a specific gene occur?

After leaving the nucleus, RNA enters the cytoplasm. Already in the cytoplasm, RNA can be embedded as a matrix into special enzyme systems (ribosomes), which can synthesize, guided by RNA information, the corresponding sequence of protein amino acids. As you know, a protein molecule consists of amino acids. How does the ribosome know which amino acid to add to the growing protein chain? This is done based on the triplet code. The triplet code means that the sequence of three nucleotides of the RNA chain ( triplet, for example, GGU) code for a single amino acid (in this case glycine). Each amino acid is encoded by a specific triplet. And so, the ribosome “reads” the triplet, determines which amino acid should be added next as it reads the information in the RNA. When a chain of amino acids is formed, it takes on a certain spatial shape and becomes a protein capable of performing the enzymatic, construction, hormonal and other functions assigned to it.

Protein for any living organism is the product of a gene. It is proteins that determine all the various properties, qualities and external manifestations of genes.

We live in interesting time, when much knowledge is becoming increasingly accessible to the general public, and therefore it is extremely difficult to protect any secrets. This also applies to secret societies, information about which is becoming so accessible that secret organizations may soon lose their main “conspiracy” status. Almost every one of us has ever thought about who really rules the world, since few people believe in the real power and authority of the official government. More and more people are coming to the conclusion that all governments and parliaments, in fact, are large decorations that are created so that ordinary people think that they are taking part in choosing power. In fact, the people do not have any power, and, moreover, they are forced to obey the rules that legislators adopt, based on the goals and objectives set for them.

It would be wrong to assume that information about the “world secret government” has only become known now. In the past, many people, despite lacking widespread access to knowledge, came to their own conclusions about who ruled the world and for what purpose. After all, if you trace the entire course modern history very carefully, we can conclude that many events did not occur by chance. Take, for example, the First World War. The official reason for its occurrence is considered to be the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914 by a Serbian nationalist. After this, the empire attacks Serbia, Russia provides assistance to the Slavic state and finds itself drawn into the war. Then Germany declares war on Russia, joining Austria-Hungary. Random chain of events? Not at all. It’s just that someone benefited from a large-scale war in Europe, which ultimately claimed the lives of tens of millions of people.

The desire of secret societies for world domination has been known since ancient times, but the real opportunity to create a world government appeared to secret managers only after the end of World War II. They also created the global banking system, with the help of which it became possible to have a great influence on the economy different countries, as well as their level of development. By the way, global economic crises are also not accidental, since, having such significant levers of power and the ability to manage, secret societies can have a significant influence on the politics of any state.

Today the following information is also known: in the structure of those who rule the world, there is the following hierarchy:

Level 1 - think tank - several people; their names are unknown, but they have supernatural powers and are associated with dark forces.

Level 2 - the richest people on our planet, and not all of them are known to the world community. They control the governments of most countries, causing wars and economic crises.

Level 3 - famous politicians, presidents, sheikhs, kings, and so on.

Level 4 - large businessmen, religious figures, political officials of all levels.

Level 5 - law enforcement agencies, which include the KGB, GRU, FSB, police, FBI, CIA, armies of all countries of the world.

Level 6 - the rest of humanity, the percentage of which is approximately 90% in relation to all other levels.

Our life is full of everyday bustle and daily hassle, so many people don’t often think about who controls this world. However, if you take an interest and delve into this issue deeply enough, you can get a large number useful information. Many things happening in the world today become completely explainable and understandable if you understand the purpose for which global governance is carried out. Unfortunately, it is the secret rulers who are currently holding back the development of alternative energy, since many discoveries have already been made in this area, which are simply hushed up or are found exclusively in experimental laboratories.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that today most people have the opportunity to gain access to a wide variety of knowledge, and it is up to us whether we want to be literate in this regard. More will pass in just a little time, the vast majority of people will understand who controls the world and for what purpose this is being done. It is difficult to predict what will happen in this case, but you need to be prepared for various emergency situations that can happen in the world.

In the foreseeable historical process, the foundations for governing humanity were laid back in the days of Ancient Egypt by the priestly caste. Managing people and keeping them in obedience was carried out through the dosed distribution of knowledge to various layers of society and concealing its entirety.
At the current level of development of society, methods of managing it have changed little. This management system is most fully set out in the Concept of Public Safety, provided by the Non-state institution of additional education “Institute of Conceptual Analytics” in the form of a crowd-“elite” model of society.

The “World Government” (or the Global Predictor, so called by conceptual analysts) formed two virtual pyramids. One is the structure of society, the other is the knowledge represented by each of these structures.

At the top of the pyramid of knowledge, which has an inverted appearance (pointing down) is the entirety of the knowledge people have and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. In the middle is fragmentary, partial knowledge, such as that received by specialists. And at the bottom of the pyramid are pieces of knowledge for people to perform individual operations. If you are a mechanic, then know your vise with a file and that’s it.

This approach ensured the formation of another pyramid - the pyramid of the structure of society (looking like the tip up). Those who knew more than others ended up at higher levels. And those who knew less are at the lower levels. As a result, the whole society fell apart into three parts (in relation to knowledge).

At the top of the pyramid is the priesthood (“World Government”)

It possessed the fullness of known knowledge (factology) and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. As in Ancient Egypt The “world government” supposedly consists of 22 hierophants (the top of the clan financial families of the world): Guy de Rothschild, Montefiere, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, Goldschmidt, Bleichrode, Mendel, Wallenberg, Warburg, Sassoon, Morgan, Dupont, Stern, Heine, Krup, Mellon , Cohen, Flip, Ford, Schultz, Roos, and Evelyn de Rothschild.

These names are practically not highlighted by the media either as the richest (in Forbes magazine) or as heads of any states. They are always in the shadows.

Corporate clans of financial families

At the disposal of the “World Government” there is a hereditary supranational Corporation of clan financial families: Sachs, Deutsch, Lebs, Kuns, Cannes, Teiners, Weiners, Meiers, Ostriches, Sulpi, Baruchs, Limens, Lazars, Paynels, Scythians, Fishers, Warbergs, Mordokhs, Boyers, Schiffs, Abrahams, Kalmans, Goldmans, Brosers, Lazaruses, Balusteins, Guggenheims, Seligmans, Kaufmans, Harrimans, Dreyfuss, Morgenthows, Weinbergs, Blumenthals and so on (358 clan families in total).

Direct management is carried out by the supranational transnational unified leadership of the planet - the conferences of millionaires (executive committee), subordinate to which are: the Coordinating Council of Jewish Organizations (located in Washington - USA) and the Advisory Council of Jewish Organizations (located in New York - USA). All of them manage the so-called “System”, which includes:
1). “World Zionist Organization” (WZO) (founded in 1897, the highest body is the World Zionist Congress (WZC), which elects the World Zionist Council (WZC), the WZC executive committee is located in New York, and the branch is in Jerusalem);
2). Jewish Agency for Israel (EADI - Sokhnut) (founded in 1929, branches exist in all countries of the world, the EADI Executive Committee operates under the auspices of the WSO);
3). World Jewish Congress (WJC) (founded in 1936, operates in 67 countries).

Managerial "elite"

Below is the managerial “elite”. It includes: various parties, Zionist organizations, religious organizations, Masonic lodges, all kinds of movements, transnational banks (there are about 250 of the largest TNBs), foundations (Rockefeller, Soros, Thatcher, Joygia, “World Laboratory”, “Initiative Fund”, "Center applied research", after 1991 - the Gorbachev Foundation and others), transnational corporations (there are about 800 of the largest TNCs in the world: General Motors (USA), Ford Motors (USA), Exxon (USA), Royal Dutch Shell (England), General Electric ( USA), British Petroleum (England), IBM (USA), Siemens (Germany), Dipont de Nemours (USA) and others), international organizations and unions (UN, UNESCO, GATT, EBRD, CSCE, IMF, NATO, ILO and etc.)
The managerial “elite” does not have all the knowledge. The priesthood gave her knowledge (factology) in part concerning her, but did not give her the whole, complete knowledge. As a result, the “elite” does not see integrity and does not understand who forms integrity and why. At the same time, the priesthood maintained among the “elite” a sense of superiority over other people. They were told that they were the “chosen ones”, they were the “smartest”, “the most gifted”, that they had the right to a “special” position in society. This allowed the priests to control the “elite” without structure, and the dosed distribution of knowledge to them made it possible to keep them in obedience. In order to manage society sustainably and so that the “elite” would not guess how they were being governed, the “World Government” updated it from time to time. Using any slogans suitable for the occasion (“Orange” revolution, “Rose” revolution, “Tulip” revolution, etc.), it pushed the “crowd” into revolutions, coups and pogroms. And after the old “elite” was destroyed, a new one, prepared in advance, was installed. It is only the “elite” that thinks to itself that it is the “top” of society, but in fact it is no different from the “crowd”, which is at the very bottom, at the base.


The priests gave even less knowledge to the “crowd” than to the “elite.” This knowledge was supposed to provide quality work"crowd" for the benefit of the "elite" and "priests"

The existing education system still provides this crowd-“elite” model of society with “personnel”. IN secondary schools form “kaleidoscopic idiocy” - prepare the “crowd”. If you were born into a family of a turner, then be a turner! “Every cricket know its nest!” And in "special" schools” they whisper to children: “You are gifted”, “You are smart”, “You study in an “elite school”” - they are preparing the “elite”. This is how the principle of “Divide and Conquer!” is implemented today.

It is noteworthy that in 1952, in the work “Economic problems of socialism in the USSR” I.V. Stalin wrote that for real socialism, labor productivity must increase so much that the working day can be reduced to 5-6 hours, and free time people could use it to receive a well-rounded education. A diverse education is necessary, since it alone can break the chains by which a person is chained all his life to his profession in the existing association of labor.

Thus, the priesthood formed two crowds. One crowd is the “crowd”, the other crowd is the “elite”. Only one of the crowds is well-fed, privileged (and terribly afraid of “falling down”). And the other crowd is the poor, disadvantaged, who were brought up with the desire to break through to the “top” of society in order to live well, satisfyingly and at the same time, as it seemed to them, without doing anything special.

Various political parties are fighting for power, their leaders strive to take a place in the “elite”, to rise above the “crowd” in State Duma, government, other large commercial companies, etc. Get “your piece.” They do not understand that they are all CROWD and are doomed to another “circumcision”, despite the current “fatness” of this piece.

“Management” and “confrontation” are closely related

When looking at the life of society (hundreds or more years), one can see that there are ways to influence society, the meaningful use of which allows one to control its life and death. We are talking about the priorities (levels of significance) of the confrontation between two different systems.

Conceptual analysts in the Public Safety Concept provide us with 6 priorities. The level (priority) number reflects the power and significance of each type of weapon. Priorities 4, 5, and 6 are material weapons, and priorities 1, 2, and 3 are information weapons.

One country can be conquered by another by force of arms. If now in Novosibirsk we set up patrols of “Krauts” in helmets with machine guns at street intersections, then everyone will understand that they live in an occupied country, although the current state of Russia is also occupied. This is exactly how the everyday consciousness of people perceives the concept of “occupation.” “Hot” wars are fought with the help of machine guns, tanks and airplanes.

Management priorities

Military priority number 6. Once upon a time, the “ancient extremists” realized that just as quickly as they conquered a country at priority 6, they could get an answer just as quickly. In this case, there is a possibility of dying yourself. In addition, it turned out that slaves in the conquered country work poorly, without “enthusiasm.” Therefore, the “extremists of antiquity” began to improve their methods of aggression without changing their goals: seizing the resources of other countries.

This is how priority 5 was “invented”: weapons of silent genocide. Means of genocide that affect not only the living, but also subsequent generations. They destroy the genetically determined potential for descendants to master and develop the cultural heritage of their ancestors. These include: nuclear blackmail - threat of use, alcohol, tobacco and other drug genocide, food additives, all environmental pollutants, some medications, Genetic Engineering and biotechnology.

Then they invented a weapon of 4 priority - economic. It gives even more sustainable results over time. The leader can “jump off the needle”, and from the “binge” he can “come out”. He might die from an overdose.

Then the aggressor needs to tinker with the new leader. And then I lent it to the “leader” today, and the children and grandchildren of the “leader” will pay for this debt with the resources of their country, their people. And no bloodshed! Everything is quite “cultural”. Therefore, such aggression began to be called “cultural cooperation.”

You can break the needle, but it is impossible to repay the debt, since the credit and financial system was designed by the “ancient extremists” in such a way that you cannot “break the needle.” It is based on usurious loan interest. Applied to entire countries and peoples on a global scale by the global Zionist-Nazi mafia, this credit and financial system, in principle, does not allow one to leave bondage.

3rd priority – ideological. So that the people do not figure out what they are doing to them in the 6th, 5th and 4th priorities, the “ancient extremists” create various ideologies. With their help, people's consciousness is processed, they are dumbed down. In ancient times, “extremists” adapted people’s faith in God for their own interests - religions became such a tool. Then “secular ideologies” appeared, as well as “lack of ideology” - this is also an ideology. Each of us feels all this on ourselves. How? And here’s how: “everyone needs to repent for the sins of their ancestors, otherwise you won’t save Russia... pray and repent...”, “money makes money,” “wine in small quantities is very useful,” “marijuana is not a drug,” “he who smokes Marlboro is cowboy”, etc. and so on.

And finally, about the highest priorities

2nd priority – chronological, historical information. Whoever owns this information can see from the position of priority 1 the direction of all processes, the direction of the “general course of things”, the tendency of a particular process.

Hence the furious attempts to distort the history of even the coming years (the Second World War: its heroes and anti-heroes, the victors and those present).
These priorities can be used individually or in combination with each other. Obviously, only having information on priorities 1 and 2 can you see and accept right decisions, as well as giving advice to others or calling for something.

Now you can see on what priority this or that politician, party, or movement “works.” From this we can conclude that we can expect from some “leader” and his party whether this party can win if it wants to achieve everything only by force (6th priority) or “economic” reforms (4th priority), or “spiritual rebirth” (3rd priority). The answer is obvious. The one who has a higher priority will sooner or later always win over the one who “works” only on lower priorities.

Using priorities 1, 2 and 3, the “World Government” conducts so-called “information wars”. Information war- this is a war with the aim of seizing the raw materials, energy, and human resources of countries not controlled by the “World Government”. It is carried out using such influence on the minds of people in the field of ideology, religion, politics, history, philosophy, science, when such false ideas about what is happening in society, in the lives of people, which allow the aggressor to freely manipulate both the government and the people of this country and seize resources, practically without encountering any resistance, i.e. without armed intervention.

Information wars have been waged between several centers of human civilization for centuries, only sometimes turning into “hot wars.” Over the past 3.5 thousand years, information aggression against the peoples of the Earth has been carried out by the heirs of the rabid ancient Egyptian priesthood, who imagine themselves to be the rulers of the world - the secret “World Government”

Aggression is carried out by the method of “cultural cooperation”, through the governing “elite” of the country-victim of aggression, who, to the extent of their understanding, thinks (maybe even sincerely) that they are working for their people, and to the extent of their lack of understanding of the general course of things, they are, in fact, a puppet in the hands of the aggressor, carrying out his plans.

The instrument of aggression (“army”) are the so-called “agents of influence” who are massively introduced into the victim country. An agent of influence is not just a spy. His task is much broader. Through him (sometimes these people themselves do not fully know the depth of their role and the tasks assigned to them by their supreme leadership) there is indirect control of the heads of state and their entourage, commanding staff at all levels, economic, political and social processes. Influence occurs both directly and through close and distant relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc.

As a result of aggression among the victim people:

The holistic perception of the surrounding world, of everything that happens around (including in public life), is destroyed, the connection with surrounding Nature and there is a formation of a fragmented, partial, kaleidoscopic consciousness, easily manipulated from the outside, through the subconscious;

Historical self-awareness is collapsing, real story people is replaced by false myths, holistic historical process breaks into pieces that are opposed to each other;

Connection with God. Nature is replaced by faith in idealistic or materialistic “sacred scriptures”, which collide with each other and wage an age-old, irreconcilable struggle - “Divide and conquer!”;

Generally speaking, an alien concept of life is being imposed on the people, which leads them to degradation and destruction.

For many of us, the real power of the current government is in question. Almost every person has thought at least once about who controls the world in reality, because behind any power there is always some other powerful organization.

When choosing a government, ordinary people believe that they can influence the course of events, although everything has already been decided long ago. In fact, the highest levels of power in any country are planned, skillful decorations, deliberately created by world rulers for their own purposes.

The most mysterious organization, around which there are many legends, is the Society of Freemasons. He is credited with running the global financial system, and some people strongly believe that the United States is not only connected to this organization, but is also controlled by it. These speculations do not have direct evidence, but the fact of the existence of Freemasons and their influence on the international economy cannot be denied.

The desire of secret dynasties for world domination can be traced back to ancient times. However, it was only after the end of World War II that they created a powerful banking system. With its help, they were able to influence the development of the economies of different countries.

By the way, global economic crises do not occur by chance either. With such powerful levers of control in their hands, secret organizations can influence the policies of any state.

You can trace a clear hierarchy of world domination, which consists of 5 steps:

  1. Central control core. It consists of several people who are given supernatural abilities to communicate with the Higher Mind.
  2. The richest families and dynasties on the planet. They manage the main circulation of funds; government representatives of most countries are subordinate to them. According to their plans, wars or large-scale economic crises occur.
  3. Famous financiers, sheikhs, kings, presidents.
  4. Political officials, big businessmen, leaders of religious societies.
  5. FBI, police, GRU, army.

These 5 levels of government have a direct impact on humanity, although they constitute only 10% of the total mass of people. The remaining 90% are ordinary inhabitants of the earth who live their own lives, and most of them are not at all interested in the question of who really rules the world.

The Rockefellers are the most famous financial magnates

The Rockefeller dynasty consists of politicians, bankers, financiers, and industrialists. Its origins lie with John Rockefeller, who founded the Standard Oil oil company in 1870. He became famous after he became the first dollar billionaire on the ground.

success and great wealth it achieved due to increased demand for petroleum products. Rockefeller gained power and authority after many years of hard work. He pursued an aggressive takeover policy, during which he bought the companies of his competitors, ruined them, created large concerns from several small ones and actually created a monopoly.

John Rockefeller was involved in charity work, financing medical institutions and educational institutions. His heir, John Rockefeller Jr., became involved in real estate. His famous office building was Rockefeller Center, and he was also involved in financial activities and was one of the owners of Chase Bank.

Today the head of the dynasty is David Rockefeller, a supporter of globalization and the creation of world governance. It raises troubling questions such as maintaining population levels after depletion natural resources, advocates for cleanliness of the environment and maintains a leading position in business. The Rockefellers are at the head of the following companies:

  • Xerox
  • Pfizer
  • Boeing
  • Exxon Mobil (oil concern)
  • New York Life (insurance company)

Many attributed to the family a connection with the Freemasons and control of the world. One thing is clear - these are special people who were able to build and maintain their fortune even in difficult periods and influence the financial and banking systems of the whole world.

Rothschilds - financiers who rule the world

The founder of the dynasty was Meyer Rothschild. The Rothschilds created business relationship, influenced decisions royal families, bankers, financiers. The activities of Nathan Rothschild, one of Meyer's sons, include the sale of gold and the supply of raw materials for certain types of industry. As a result, the Rothschild financial empire became the largest creditor of many European countries even during the wars involving Napoleon.

Clever, well-thought-out moves that were several steps ahead of their rivals, and a well-regulated system for transmitting and receiving information allowed the family to make successful financial decisions and increase their wealth. The Rothschild Empire is one of the initiators of the creation of the American Federal Reserve System.

Many consider this family to be supporters of the “Jewish conspiracy” and attribute unimaginable legends and bloody stories. But taking a sober look at the history of the dynasty, it becomes clear that these people are successful businessmen who were somehow able to win the trust of many countries.

It remains unknown until the end what their goal is - to control the world or to destroy it. And if the power over the world is truly concentrated in their hands, everyone else can only hope that they will make their efforts to preserve and strengthen it, so that people can live in peace.

Families that rule the world

The list of the richest and most influential people on the planet is headed by three dynasties: the Slim family, Gates and Buffett.

Until recently, no one knew Carlos Slim Helu. But he managed to quickly burst into the world of wealth and even oust its leader, Bill Gates.

Contrary to legends, Slim did not make his fortune from scratch. The initial capital was an inheritance from his father in the amount of $400 million. For many years he was engaged in buying up bankrupt enterprises and giving them new life, turning it into a super profitable business. For this they began to call him Midas - in honor of the famous mythical king who turns everything into gold. Today his capital is estimated at $68 billion.

The Gates family is worth about $62 billion. Founder of Microsoft actively invests in politics - finances the US Democratic Party and is involved in charity work.

Some envious people claim that Gates' company makes huge profits due to its monopoly position in the global market. The American government not only does nothing to correct the situation, but also acts on the world market as a kind of representative of Microsoft.

Warren Buffett founded his first investment firm in 1956, successfully turning its initial capital from $100,000 into $7 million. He then bought shares of Berkshire's fading textiles company and quickly turned it into a profitable company.

His investment portfolio is replenished with shares of Gillette, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, American Express, Walt Disney, etc. Today, Buffett's fortune is estimated at $44 billion.

Who is at the helm of government?

The lion's share of the world's wealth, about 80%, is earned by 1,318 companies. They are headed by 147 major corporations, a significant part of which are financial entities and banks of the Federal Reserve of America.

Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, George Soros, Donald Trump – everyone knows the names of famous and influential people today. Do they all really rule the world?

Opinions differ between two categories of people. Some believe that:

Like all wealthy families, these dynasties have a profound influence on the global economy as a whole. They develop new industries, invest in innovations and inventions, donate money to charity and can defend their personal interests at the government level.

Most likely, these names and the history of the creation of their wealth are an example of how to build and save your business, resorting to the correct establishment of all processes and connections. After all, their main trump card is an accurate understanding of the situation and the ability to analyze information resources, directing them in the right direction.

No wonder they say:

Whoever owns information has the power to rule the world.

Perhaps this is the main secret of the success and prosperity of these powerful families. But attributing to them control of the world and the desire for dominance remains controversial.

Supporters of the other side hold completely different views. Although the modern world is very a complex system, so that several people can control it, but still for various reasons and, having strong evidence of this, many people are sure that this is exactly the case...

“Politics should be nothing more and nothing less than applied history. Now it is nothing more than a denial of history and nothing less than its distortion.”

The aphorism of our great historian Vasily Klyuchevsky seems simple only at first glance. In fact, it carries a huge internal load. Indeed, much in our thoughts and actions, in relation to the world around us, depends on how we understand and know our history.

And the war with monuments that has broken out in the world evokes many thoughts: from the Taliban and ISIS to Poland, the Baltic states and the United States.

The thought involuntarily arises that this is a well-thought-out and organized campaign by someone. Its content is obvious: at the global level, someone very strong and influential wants the peoples to forget their past and agree with the life that those who live at their expense wish for them, and therefore brainwashes them.

This behind-the-scenes game did not escape our country either. This is clearly visible in the current discussions about the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

For some reason they “rebaptized” Nicholas the Bloody into Saint Nicholas. Natural questions: why such “developed” English and French did not sanctify Charles Stuart, Louis and Marie Antoinette.

And why should we forgive Russia’s involvement in the First World War, which was alien to it, which brought death and suffering to millions of people, which became the driving force behind all the revolutions and wars of the last century, as well as those that continue to this day.

First World War was an imperialist war for the political and economic division and redivision of the world. One can hardly argue with this.

This war ended with the Treaty of Versailles, which meant the robbery and humiliation of the German people. It is clear that after some time this “backfired” with the Nazis coming to power.

At the same time, the victorious powers saw the collapse Russian Empire caused by the mediocrity of the autocracy. They saw new prey and, under various pretexts, began an intervention against our country.

But they failed. The people rose up and liberated their land from the invaders and White movement, who was seen as a class enemy supported by foreign capital.

The results of the First World War laid the impetus for the next war. German capital and Japanese militarists demanded a new redivision of the world.

Winners last war they didn’t want to fight and therefore began to feed the Nazis with handouts in the form of Austria, Czechoslovakia, etc.

In fact, World War II began not in 1939 or 1941, but earlier, when Germany captured Austria. But this is Europe. And in Asia, already in 1931, Japan invaded China, Italy captured Ethiopia in 1936.

Only when it came to Poland, with which England and France had concluded a corresponding agreement, did they have to start a war with Germany, which is called “strange” in all sources.

Their main goal was to set Germany against the USSR and profit from it. Therefore, the behavior of the so-called allies in 1941–1945 is not surprising. Their troops acted anywhere, but not against Germany: in North Africa, Italy, the Balkans, etc.

They fought where the United States, after the death of the USSR, began to show its imperialist essence.

They went against Germany only when the outcome of the war became clear, and it was possible to plunder a weakened and exhausted Germany with impunity. Therefore, for British and American imperialism, the Second World War could not end in 1945, since the goals set by the ruling circles of the United States and the British Empire were not achieved.

Therefore, it should be said with great reservation that the Second World War began with the German attack on Poland, just as it should be said that the Great Patriotic War was a war of fascism and communism.

To some extent, the war against the USSR was truly a war of ideologies. But that was not the main thing. The war that ended for us with the surrender of Germany in 1945 was a war for the survival of the peoples of the Soviet Union before the attack of imperialist predators.

But, unlike the First World War, it did not end with the conclusion of peace treaties. In reality, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany led to its occupation by the victorious powers.

But the Anglo-Saxons were not satisfied with this. In the Fulton speech, Churchill declared the continuation of the Second World War to achieve world domination of the Anglo-Saxons.

Nowadays, unfortunately, few people remember this speech. But in vain. Here is part of the comments of the leader of the USSR at that time: “It should be noted that Mr. Churchill and his friends are strikingly reminiscent of ... Hitler and his friends.

Hitler began the work of starting a war by proclaiming a racial theory, declaring that only people who speak the German language represent a full-fledged nation.

Churchill also begins the work of starting a war with a racial theory, arguing that only nations that speak English are full-fledged nations called upon to decide the destinies of the whole world.” (Stalin I.V. Works, volume 16).

World War II entered new stage which was called the Cold War.

From time to time, the cold gave way to skirmishes in “hot spots.” The USSR's attempt to come to an agreement at the Helsinki Conference did not help to end the war.

The act adopted at this conference and the creation of the OSCE became a new good cover for the imperialists. It was a frank surrender of positions, which, after the betrayal of Gorbachev’s leadership, ended with the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact.

A characteristic feature of the new stage of the war was the actual occupation of Europe by the US army with the help of obvious lies about NATO, which is nothing more than a unit of the American army under the command of an American general.

That is why the so-called European Union does not dare to make a word in defense of its legitimate economic and political interests. The formation called the G7 actually exists - the boss (USA) and his “six”. Sorry for the criminal terminology, but it is very difficult to define the current situation in the world in any other way.

At this stage of the Second World War, not only the balance of power changed, but also the form of warfare. It is clear that now it is no longer possible to drive millions of people into the trenches. And it is useless with modern technology and technology for exterminating people.

Therefore, everything begins to be built on primitive deception, when representatives of countries that use weapons of mass destruction de facto accuse the victim country of having (not using) weapons of mass destruction.

Under this pretext, a war begins to overthrow the government and destroy the state structure. Well, on the quiet - robbery and the most primitive robbery of territory and peoples.

For such actions, you must first prove to everyone that the destruction of people and the seizure of the wealth of other peoples is a noble cause, and that this is a requirement of the “world community,” that is, them, “developed and civilized.” This lie is called information war.

The second theater of military operations is economics and finance. Here money becomes the main weapon. For this purpose, people are persistently hammered into their heads that the main goal human life are only money.

That for the sake of money one can commit any crime, that a person does not need anything that does not bring money: neither family, nor society, nor homeland, nor honor, nor conscience.

For such a war, it is not dreamers and heroes who are best suited, but swindlers and scoundrels. Which is done by overthrowing national governments legally elected by the people. Power is transferred to crooks who profit from robbing the people.

But when analyzing money, which is placed above universal human values, it is discovered that first these rogues robbed their peoples, and only then, having acquired a taste, they began to rob all the suckers who do not understand that in the last century money ceased to be real wealth.

Before World War I, expensive commodities such as gold and silver were used as money. After the war, precious metals were withdrawn from domestic circulation by governments and bankers.

The latest in the expropriation of the population was the United States, where Roosevelt requisitioned gold coins on January 1, 1933. But gold or its equivalents were used in foreign trade until 1971.

That year, Nixon announced the refusal to exchange dollars for gold, which was promised by the United States to the world community in 1944. From that moment on, the robbery began not only of citizens and businesses, but also of entire countries.

This is done in a primitively simple manner. The money used in any country is not any goods of real value, but the “obligations” of banks in the form of entries in accounts and bank notes (banknotes) issued by the Central Bank in accordance with the monopoly granted to it by the state.

Therefore, the central question that every sane person should ask is: how will banks actually answer for the obligations they issue?

But the answer lies on the surface. You need to purchase goods, services, property. You offer the seller the bank's debt obligations for them. In other words, you transfer your debt to the seller into the bank’s debt to him: a mutual guarantee of debt obligations arises, which is only mockingly called money circulation.

From this mechanism arise completely unique possibilities for waging economic wars.

When money was used to purchase weapons and even to bribe the right people in the enemy camp, there was nothing unusual in this, the money was used for a conventional war. What is the content of economic war? And why is it related to forms of modern money?

To understand this, let's remember that imperialist wars are waged to seize sources of resources and markets. To do this, you can overthrow an undesirable government and bring to power a new one, which will grant the right to develop natural resources to the right company and will not allow foreign competitors into its market. This is how it was done before.

Now these same goals can be achieved in another, calmer, more effective and cheaper way.

At one time, capital export was used for these purposes. It's better than fighting, but it's still expensive. Therefore, it is economically profitable to export money instead of exporting real capital and real investments.

As noted, modern money is nothing more real than the promises of banks, which can be used if in the country where you have a bank obligation to you, you can exchange it for something worthwhile.

And translating this into practical language, the modern monetary system is structured like this:

The US Congress, when passing the budget, determines the amount of borrowing allowed by the government. Within this amount, the Treasury issues debt obligations.

If there is no one willing to purchase them from among those who have dollar bank obligations, then they will be mandatory will be acquired by the Federal Reserve System, which has the right to replace the Treasury bond with its own, that is, American dollars.

In other words - “to cross a pig into a crucian carp.” And then, in theory, the US government should make sure that everyone accepts these dollars as money.

Therefore, the policy of economic sanctions adopted in recent years strikes at the core of the American economy: if dollars cannot be bought, then why are they needed? Hence the tendency of many countries in recent years to abandon the US dollar as a currency that cannot be used.

There is a second aspect to the same problem. Essentially, for the owner of US dollars, the difference between the currency and its investment in treasury bonds is only that you can get a small income from treasury bonds, but you have to pay for servicing bank accounts yourself.

However, experience shows that it is quite difficult to do business with American banks. The government of this country considers itself to have the right at any time to freeze or seize funds from clients, who very often become victims of politics and unfair competition.

Therefore, the public must understand: although dollars are needed in international transactions, keeping these dollars in American banks is risky.

The bankers of the USSR and then the People's Republic of China found a way out of this situation in 1952, when the United States started the Cold War.

The solution was brilliantly simple. Soviet organizations closed accounts in American banks and, for the first time in history, opened accounts denominated in dollars in Soviet foreign banks - banks owned by the USSR, but under the jurisdiction of less cowboy countries.

Note that five years later, London banks used this experience, laying the foundation for the so-called Eurocurrencies.

Unfortunately, in our country, after the collapse of the USSR, this system changed under the influence of our “partners” from the IMF.

I don’t want to attack our Central Bank, but many aspects of its activities, including even the regulatory framework, require strict audit and revision.

Indeed, is it normal, when assessing the degree of risk, to consider the assets of foreign countries to be less risky than the liabilities of one’s own government?