Hello dear readers. Any housewife knows that even from the simplest cake layers you can create the most delicious cake in the world. It’s so easy to prepare a rich cream that will taste like everyone’s favorite ice cream, but with a completely different consistency. Remember store-bought cakes, which consist entirely of protein cream, and its naturalness is in great doubt. At the same time, the price of such a confectionery product will quickly “force” you to bake the cake yourself, or at least cook cream for store-bought cakes. We all love homemade cakes, but we don’t always have enough time to prepare them. But there is always an alternative, and we are not talking about store-bought cakes. We're talking about cakes bought at the supermarket that can be turned into a real confectionery masterpiece.

In addition, such a mass can be an ideal decoration for the top of cupcakes. Before you know it, all the “hats” on the baked goods will be successfully taken off by your child, who will be eagerly joined by other family members.

And the cream ice cream will help us with this - airy and delicious. It’s not difficult to prepare, and besides, this activity definitely won’t take you a lot of time.

Here it is important to strictly follow the recipe in order to get a truly real creamy mass with the taste of your favorite ice cream.

How to make cream ice cream for a cake - cooking secrets

At first glance, cooking itself causes a certain fear in almost every housewife, because anything can happen in the process: the cream can turn out to be too liquid or too sweet, or even burn out, and so on.

But don’t worry so much, because there are many recipes, thanks to which you can find the simplest option, which is impossible to spoil.

Of course, if you are preparing such a thing for the first time, some difficulties may arise during the cooking process, but this is unlikely to greatly spoil the taste of the finished product.

All types of cooking have constant components, without which the expected result simply will not work.

The basis of any cream is a custard mass, which consists of milk, powdered sugar, starch and a small amount of flour.

Well, the following ingredients can give a characteristic taste: butter, cocoa, condensed milk, whipped cream.

The good thing about this product is that it can be given absolutely any flavor without losing its consistency. And this is an important condition for preparing to serve any baked goods.

How to whip cream for cream

In order to get a creamy mass in the form of a melted ice cream, use whipped cream as an additional component.

But not every housewife can get a real ice cream in the form of cream, because any gross mistake in the process of whipping cream can completely change the consistency. Whipping is the most important step in preparing this product!

To achieve maximum airiness of the finished product, you must:

Use cream with a fat content of at least 30%, so you are unlikely to be able to prepare a dietary version. A product with a lower fat content simply will not allow the liquid to turn into cream, and this option is not suitable for spreading the cake.

The product should only be used chilled. Before starting cooking, leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Before whipping, thoroughly shake the product package to ensure its homogeneity.

You can beat it either manually or using a mixer or blender. Of course, with the help of kitchen appliances, you will quickly cope with the task.

The beating process should first be carried out at minimum speed, after which you can speed up a little.

Why does the ice cream separate?

Do you know the feeling when you seem to do everything according to the recipe, but the cream ends up gathering in lumps, or even separates into two different consistencies?

In this case, there can be only two reasons - different temperatures of the ingredients and inaccurate adherence to the recipe.

The cream can completely change its structure if:

Do not stir the liquid while cooking the main ingredients.

Place supercooled butter into the main mixture. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to remove the product from the refrigerator and wait until its temperature approaches room temperature, and then soften it with a spoon.

Use frozen cream, which is why lumps may appear.

Add cream that is too cold to the warm custard mixture. There will be a sharp “collision” of different temperatures, as a result of which the structure will be disrupted.

Pour the entire amount of cream into the prepared base at once. The finished product should be introduced gradually, approximately one spoon at a time. With each serving, stir the mixture thoroughly.

Cream ice cream for cake - delicious recipes

There are a large number of recipes, each of which will be ideal for soaking cakes or decorating homemade cupcakes.

Some options can be served as a full-fledged dessert, which can surprise even the most picky guests.

Airy cream for ice cream cake

The classic recipe for making a creamy mass that tastes like ice cream is well suited for spreading cakes. We are talking not only about sponge cakes, but also about puff and honey ones.

This option ensures the cakes are completely soaked, making the cake incredibly soft. The secret is that starch is used as the main ingredient.

To prepare you will need:

  • 600 ml medium fat milk
  • 5 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 30 g vanilla sugar
  • 1 spoon of wheat flour
  • 125 g butter
  • 180 ml heavy cream
  • spoon of starch

The cooking process consists of several stages

  1. Boil the milk in a separate pan.
  1. In another bowl, mix starch, powdered sugar and flour in advance.
  1. Slowly pour warm milk into the main ingredients, after which we set it to warm up.
  1. Boil until the consistency thickens, while you need to stir the mixture all the time so that lumps do not form in it.
  1. Mix the already softened warm butter with the custard base.

  1. Whip cold cream in a bowl until fluffy. After achieving the desired result, add them in small portions to the general mixture.

Cream filling with sour cream

For lovers of high-calorie baked goods, we offer an option with the addition of sour cream. So, the mixture turns out to be quite fatty, and the consistency itself will be dense, so it is ideal for serving as decor for various muffins and cupcakes.

The likelihood of separation is quite high if you use store-bought sour cream, the consistency of which is not even close to that of a real homemade product.

And, of course, only warm, softened butter will help the finished product not to separate into its original ingredients.

To prepare the sour cream version of the ice cream, we will need:

  • 2 cups homemade sour cream
  • 3 chicken eggs (preferably homemade)
  • 2 spoons of sugar
  • 2.5 tablespoons flour
  • pack of vanillin
  • 300 g butter
  • lemon zest
  • powdered sugar (half a glass)

Preparing the creamy mass is quite simple

  1. In a regular saucepan, beat the eggs with the sugar and flour.
  1. Add sour cream, vanilla and fresh lemon zest to the resulting mixture, after which you can immediately begin beating the entire mass using a blender.
  1. Place the bowl with the liquid on the fire and let it boil a little. At the same time, it is necessary to stir the mixture all the time so that lumps do not form. Thus, the cream should thicken completely.
  1. Beat the butter together with the powdered sugar until you get a more or less homogeneous consistency.
  1. Mix the prepared sour cream mixture into the whipped butter in small portions.

Creamy ice cream for cake

This option will appeal to all those with a sweet tooth, because its ingredient responsible for the richness of taste is condensed milk.

The resulting mixture will turn out incredibly tasty, but its consistency will be quite liquid, which means this option is not suitable for decoration.

Although, there is an option to increase the thickness using gelatin, so you can easily decorate homemade cupcakes. In addition, this cream can be served as a full-fledged dessert.

You can prepare it using these simple products:

  • medium fat cream (half a liter)
  • 150 ml condensed milk
  • 140 g powdered sugar
  • gelatin (2 teaspoons)
  • 500 ml water

Prepare the cream mixture with condensed milk in a few steps

  1. Dissolve the specified amount of gelatin in purified cold water. Wait until the crystals swell and turn into a homogeneous mass.
  1. Whip the cream, slowly adding powdered sugar until it is completely dissolved. This way we will get a sweet airy mass.
  1. We heat the soaked gelatin using a water bath, thanks to which we obtain a homogeneous gelatin mixture.
  1. Add gelatin to the cream mixture, while continuing to beat it.
  1. Stir condensed milk into the total mass.

Cream filling for cupcakes

This creamy option is ideal for decorating cupcakes, because to achieve a dense structure you need to use a special thickener for cream.

The texture will be quite dense, which will not allow it to change its shape and spread throughout the muffin.

To obtain a cream of ideal consistency, the main purpose of which is decoration.

You will need the following components:

  • 4 egg yolks
  • half a glass of sugar
  • 50 g starch
  • one and a half glasses of milk
  • glass of heavy cream
  • 100 g butter

The cooking process is carried out step by step

  1. Grind the yolks with sugar, to which the specified amount of starch is added.
  1. Pour in the milk and place the resulting mixture on the burner.

  1. Bring the combined ingredients to a boil, stirring them constantly so that the sugar does not burn. After boiling, leave for a while so that the mixture cools down a little.
  1. Add thickener to cold cream and beat until smooth.
  1. Beat the butter separately from the cream.
  1. Gradually combine the separately prepared mixtures. And only lastly add the whipped cream.

Custard ice cream

Each recipe requires the use of a custard base, but, you must admit, this takes a lot of time.

Therefore, we offer a version of the cream, for the preparation of which you can use a dry custard base. And you can buy such a “convenient product” in any supermarket.

This will greatly facilitate the cooking process itself, and, moreover, will help you save a lot of time. And such a dry concentrate will cost you several times less than purchasing all the individual components of a regular custard mixture.

The main thing here is to find a really high-quality product, because otherwise, you can spoil all the ingredients, which are far from the cheapest.

To prepare this simple option, we will need:

  • 1 pack of dry custard
  • 140 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 350 ml cream
  • 1 pack of vanillin

The process is carried out in just three simple steps

  1. Following the recipe detailed on the product packaging, prepare the custard mixture. Wait until it cools down completely.
  1. Whip the cream until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Butter and sugar should be beaten separately.
  1. Add whipped butter to the custard mixture, then add cream. Mix all types of mixtures thoroughly in one pan.

Chocolate cream ice cream

This version will delight all chocolate fans, because its preparation requires a considerable amount of this product.

Despite its bright taste, such a mass will turn out tender, reminiscent of chocolate ice cream.

The original recipe calls for dark chocolate, but you can add your favorite type of chocolate. In addition, cocoa powder will also fit perfectly into such a light consistency.

In order to prepare chocolate deliciousness, we will need the following products:

  • 3 eggs
  • 140 g powdered sugar
  • 250 g butter
  • 45 g starch
  • half a liter of milk
  • two chocolate bars
  • 150 ml cream

Making dessert is easy, step by step.

  1. Boil the milk in a separate pan. At the same time, you need to grind the eggs with sugar and starch.
  1. Place the pan with the ground eggs on the fire, while gradually pouring hot milk into it. To prevent the mixture from burning, it must be stirred all the time.
  1. Cook until the mixture thickens completely, then remove from heat and add chopped chocolate. As you stir, the chocolate pieces will begin to melt, giving the cream its characteristic dark color.

  1. Separately beat the butter and cream.
  1. Add whipped butter and cream, while continuing to beat.

Cream sundae with fruits

This creamy mass has a characteristic bright color, which can vary depending on the choice of berries.

In this case, we will use strawberries, which will give the cream a little fruity freshness.

To make strawberry ice cream you will need the following products:

  • 200 g fresh strawberries
  • 2 eggs
  • a glass of milk
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1.5 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1.5 spoons of flour
  • 35 g butter
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla
  • tablespoon gelatin

The dessert is prepared in several simple steps.

  1. Pour gelatin with cold water and leave for some time, giving it the opportunity to swell.
  1. Separate the yolks from the whites. We put the whites in the refrigerator, we will need them for the protein cream.
  1. Grind the yolks with flour and granulated sugar, then pour milk into them and mix thoroughly.
  1. Heat the resulting mixture on the burner.
  1. Add butter.
  1. We wash the strawberries and use a blender to turn the berries into a homogeneous puree.
  1. Take the whites out of the refrigerator and beat them with powdered sugar until you get an airy protein cream.
  1. Dissolve gelatin.
  1. Combine whipped strawberries with egg whites and add to the cream base, after which add gelatin.

By following simple recipes, you can prepare a delicious homemade ice cream, you know how to make it. No store-bought cake cream can compare with this cream, it’s not that difficult.

Ice cream cream recipes are suitable for cakes and cupcakes. After all, we cook only from natural products, if combined, we will get the ideal mass, which will be the best addition to homemade baked goods.

The recipe for “Ice cream” for a cake is useful for every housewife, because this filling is an excellent layer option for any type of cake. The delicate creamy taste will decorate even the simplest cake, perfectly saturate it and give it an amazing taste.

There is far more than one recipe for “Ice cream” for a cake; there are many different ways to prepare it. It is mainly prepared using custard and various additional ingredients. Thanks to the addition of whipped cream, the cream turns out very fluffy, like melted ice cream. You can find recipes that use cream cheese; you can make a cream ice cream for a cake using sour cream or condensed milk. In some cases, to make the cream dense, dissolved gelatin is added to it.

  1. Cream - you need to whip it until thick foam; for this, choose a fresh product with a fat content of about 30%. It is also important not to overdo it, since natural cow's cream can separate. This does not happen with plant-based creams.
  2. Sugar - it is better to use granulated sugar or powdered sugar, depending on the recipe. Do not neglect the dosages from the recipe, because the consistency of the cream depends on the amount of sugar.
  3. Milk – used to brew flour. Any fat content is suitable, as well as milk powder and even condensed milk.
  4. Butter – the cream will become especially tender, soft and airy. Most often, the butter must be whipped in a separate container and then added to other ingredients. To achieve the desired result, you need to wait until the oil softens.

To make the cream for the ice cream-flavored cake fragrant, vanillin is added to it. In addition, liqueur, melted chocolate, zest, cocoa and coffee add a special flavor.

Recipe for airy cream ice cream for cake

This is a recipe for “Ice cream” for a cake in its classic version. Suitable for any type of cake, including a very tasty cake with this cream and vanilla sponge cake. Potato or corn starch is used to prepare this filling.


  • milk – 2 glasses;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • flour – 2 spoons;
  • starch - 1 spoon;
  • butter – 110 g;
  • cream - 160 ml;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour granulated sugar into the pan, along with flour and starch. Mix this mixture thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  2. Sugar needs to be diluted with milk and stirred. Then we heat this future cream over the fire. It is important to stir regularly to prevent burning. In the end you need to stir without interruption. After the cream thickens and boils, it must be immediately removed from the stove. Allow the mixture to cool.
  3. Whip the cream to stiff peaks.
  4. In a separate container, beat the butter, slightly melted and softened.
  5. Mix all the ingredients of the cream. Add boiled milk to the mixer, gradually pour in the butter and add vanillin.
  6. Finally add whipped cream. With them, the cream does not need to be vigorously whipped in order to leave it airy, like melted ice cream.
  7. You can spread the cake immediately, or keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to thicken.

How to make cake frosting using egg yolks?

The cake filling cream recipe is very rich in taste. To prepare it, use corn or potato starch. The fat content of the cream should be more than 33%.


  • starch – 1500 g;
  • sugar – 130 g;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • milk – 280 ml;
  • butter – 110 g;
  • yolk - 4 pieces.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and pour into a separate container, add starch and sugar there and beat thoroughly with a whisk.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil and remove it from the stove.
  3. Gradually add milk to the pre-whipped mixture, stirring with a whisk to prevent the egg from boiling.
  4. Place the future cream on the fire and bring it almost to a boil. Then we remove it from the stove when we notice that the mass is moving away from the walls of the pan. Let the cream cool.
  5. Additionally, you need to beat the butter.
  6. In a separate container, whip high-fat cream.
  7. Mix all the ingredients. To make the cream homogeneous and without lumps, add a little cream to the butter, and at the very end - whipped cream.
  8. Add vanillin or something similar to the cream for flavor.

How to make a cream filling for a cake using mascarpone?

The recipe for this cake filling cream is perfect for any type of cake and will make them especially tender and tasty. It won’t be difficult to make it, so even a beginner in the culinary business will be able to do it.


  • powdered sugar – 80 g;
  • cream – 220 ml;
  • mascarpone cheese – 220 g;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  • In a separate bowl, thoroughly whip the cream until thick foam forms. Keep in mind that if you overdo it, the cream will curdle and the water will separate.
  • In another container you need to beat the mascarpone with powdered sugar. It is necessary that the mixture becomes homogeneous; once this is achieved, add vanilla sugar.
  • Mix these two masses slowly from bottom to top using a special spatula. To keep the cream airy, you don’t need to shake it too much.
  • You can spread the cakes right away. It is advisable to prepare the cream in such a way that you do not leave it for a long time, especially in the refrigerator.

Cream ice cream recipe with sour cream for cake

This recipe for ice cream for a cake with sour cream is not like the others. Most often, milk is the basis for this filling; sour cream is also used here. The product must have high fat content - from 25%.


  • sour cream – 600 g;
  • butter – 280 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • flour – 4 spoons;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • vanillin and lemon zest.

Method for preparing ice cream for a cake using sour cream

  1. Add sour cream to a separate container, break the eggs there and add sugar, as well as flour and vanilla sugar. Using a mixer, thoroughly beat this mixture for several minutes. Add a little lemon zest to taste.
  2. Place the pan with the cream in a water bath and, stirring regularly, bring our filling to a thick consistency, preventing the eggs from forming in separate pieces.
  3. Leave the brewed cream to cool.
  4. Beat the pre-warmed and softened butter with a mixer for about 5 minutes. The mass should become more voluminous and lighter.
  5. Then gradually add butter to the cooled brewed sour cream. The cream for the cake, like a sundae, is ready!

How to make a cream filling for a cake with gelatin?

A simple and easy recipe for “Ice cream” for a cake with a thick consistency and a pleasant delicate taste. To prepare this filling, use powdered gelatin.


  • gelatin – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • condensed milk – 3 spoons;
  • cream - 2 cups;
  • water – 45 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

  1. First of all, you need to pour gelatin with water at room temperature so that no lumps form.
  2. Whip the cream with the addition of powdered sugar until thick foam, add vanilla sugar. You can add “Ice cream” flavoring.
  3. Gelatin dissolved in water needs to be heated (in the microwave or in a water bath). It is important to know that it is better not to allow overheating, but to bring it to the point where all the clots disperse.
  4. Gradually add gelatin to the whipped cream, while beating the mixture with a mixer.
  5. Add condensed milk to the resulting mass and beat for a couple of seconds.
  6. Spread the cream on the cake immediately, since after refrigeration it will lose its airiness.

How to make a filling cream for a cake at home with the addition of strawberries and mascarpone?

This recipe for ice cream for cake is very tender and incredibly tasty. Mascarpone can be replaced with any other type of cheese. Instead of strawberries, you can also use raspberries, wild strawberries and other berries.


  • cream – 200 g;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • berries – 150 g;4
  • butter – 120 g;
  • powdered sugar – 170 g;
  • vanillin – 1 pinch;
  • starch - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. We thoroughly wash the berries and grind them using a sieve or in a blender. We will need about 150 g of berry puree. Add starch to it.
  2. Place the strawberry puree in a water bath and boil until it reaches a thick consistency, like jelly.
  3. The butter must be softened and whipped for five minutes, gradually adding the pre-cooled berry puree, and then the cheese must be added there. Mix thoroughly, but do not beat for long.
  4. Add cream to a separate container and beat until thick foam.
  5. Add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar a little at a time to the whipped cream and beat until you get a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Mix all the mixtures with a spatula and the ice cream flavored cream is ready!

Recipe for ice cream for cake - important subtleties

The “Ice cream” recipe for a cake is a fairly simple way to prepare something very tender and airy for your cake, making it very tasty and unusual.

An ordinary sponge cake, thanks to the “Ice Cream”, will become an unrivaled dessert. There are many options for preparing this cream. Most of them are based on the use of cream and vanilla. It is the combination of these two ingredients that creates the magic of taste and aroma of “Plombir” ice cream. The main ingredient of the cream in these recipes can be sour cream, condensed milk and even mascarpone cheese. Most often, the “Ice cream” is prepared as custard. But not always. Gelatin can also be used to give the cream the necessary thickness.

Any of the proposed recipe options, if prepared correctly, will give excellent results. You can please yourself and your loved ones and try to prepare the cream according to different recipes in turn.

The main product in ice cream, which gives it the aroma and delicate structure of the ice cream, is whipped cream.

Preparing Ingredients

  1. Cream. In order for the cream to be tasty and have the desired consistency, when preparing it, the cream must be properly whipped into a thick, stable foam. This is easier to do with heavy cream, which is why it is most often used. The finished whipped cream should hold its shape well. Dense peaks appear on the surface of properly whipped cream.

Natural cream of animal origin, when whipped for a long time, can separate and turn into butter. Artificial cream made from vegetable fats does not separate. The advantage of artificial cream is its relatively low cost and the ability to reduce the calorie content of the finished product.

  1. Sugar. Powdered sugar or granulated sugar can be used to make the cream. The most preferable option is powdered sugar, but here it is better to focus on the recipe. As for the amount of sugar, it is also better to stick to the recipe, this will determine the taste and texture of the finished product.
  2. Milk. The percentage of fat content is not so important, but you can use low-fat if you want to reduce the calorie content of the finished cream. For custard, regular milk can be replaced with diluted dry or condensed milk.
  3. Butter. In order for the cream to “melt in your mouth”, that is, to be pleasantly smooth, airy and homogeneous, before adding the butter to the cream, you need to beat it, first softening it. The oil binds all the components of the cream into one, making the texture of the finished product homogeneous.
  4. Aromatic additives. Vanilla sugar or vanillin is most often used, but it can also be vanilla essence. A pleasant aroma can also be added to the finished cream using lemon or orange zest, cocoa powder, grated chocolate, and a variety of confectionery syrups.

Airy butter cream “Ice cream” for cake

This cream is simply created to be combined with sponge cake and vanilla, and if you add cocoa to the cake batter, the finished cake will taste like popsicle.

  • 3 teaspoons starch,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons flour,
  • vanilla,
  • 110 g butter,
  • 400 ml milk,
  • 150 ml cream (fat content 30-35%).


  1. Sift the flour, mix thoroughly with starch and sugar until smooth.
  2. Gradually add milk to this mixture, stirring with a whisk. The mixture should be brought to a boil over medium heat, but the cream should not be allowed to boil. You must not miss the moment, remove the thickened mass from the heat in time and cool.
  3. Whip the cream into a fluffy, stable foam. It is important to stop the whipping process in time, otherwise they may separate (if it is natural cream).
  4. Next, beat the butter. It should be soft, but not melted. The easiest way is to first leave it at room temperature for 40-60 minutes.
  5. All ingredients must be mixed gradually. First, the whipped butter is gradually introduced into the custard base, spoon by spoon. In this case, you need to continuously stir the cream.
  6. Add vanilla.
  7. Cream should be added, stirring gently, without whipping. When prepared correctly, the cream has a very light, delicate consistency.

All that remains is to coat the cake layers and place them in the refrigerator to soak. The thickened cream tastes like ice cream.

Cream “Ice cream” based on egg yolks

It is advisable to use farm eggs, then the cream will be tastier. Cream must have a fat content of at least 30%. Of course, this is a very high-calorie cream.


  • 4 egg yolks,
  • 1.5 tablespoons starch,
  • 140 g sugar,
  • 1 glass of cream,
  • 250 ml milk,
  • 110 g butter,
  • vanilla.


  1. Separate the yolk from the white of 4 eggs.
  2. Add starch and sugar to the yolks. Mix with a whisk and beat.
  3. Boil milk over medium heat.
  4. Brew the cream by gradually pouring the egg-sugar mixture into the milk.
  5. We put it on the fire again and, stirring constantly, cook without bringing it to a boil. It is important to prevent the formation of lumps. To do this, the cream must be thoroughly mixed during the brewing process. The finished cream easily comes away from the walls of the dish. It needs to be cooled down.
  6. Beat softened butter.
  7. The cream also needs to be whipped to a stable foam.
  8. Add whipped butter to the cream, followed by cream. This must be done very carefully, in small portions, stirring the mixture thoroughly after adding each spoon.
  9. Add vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste.

Ice cream flavored cream with mascarpone added

This recipe is not the most common, but the finished cream turns out very elegant. This delicious cream is suitable both for making a cake and for serving as a full-fledged dessert with the addition of berries and fruits. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to prepare.


  • 80 g powdered sugar,
  • 1 cup heavy cream,
  • 220 g cream cheese,
  • vanilla.


  1. Whip the cream to peaks.
  2. Mix the cheese with the powdered sugar, beating a little.
  3. Add vanilla.
  4. Mix the cream and sweet cheese-vanilla mixture.
  5. The cream should be served immediately or spread onto the cake layers; it should not be stored.

Sour cream “Ice cream”

This recipe is based on custard, but brewed not with milk, but with sour cream. Moreover, sour cream with a high percentage of fat content is used. Accordingly, the calorie content of this cream is higher than in a recipe based on milk.

To prepare the cream you will need:

  • 600 g sour cream (20% fat content or higher),
  • 270 g butter,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 20 g flour,
  • 240 g sugar,
  • lemon or orange zest,
  • vanilla.


  1. Beat the eggs (yolks and whites) into the sour cream, add sugar, mix and beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  2. Pour flour into the resulting mixture, add vanilla, mix everything again and beat thoroughly.
  3. When the mixture is mixed and whipped, add a small amount of lemon or orange zest.
  4. Now you need to brew the cream in a water bath. It is important to stir it constantly and prevent it from boiling so that the eggs do not curdle. When the cream thickens, remove it from the bath and cool.
  5. Gradually add the brewed cream to the whipped butter with a spoon and mix well. The finished cream should be smooth and homogeneous.

If you want to use ready-made ice cream as ice cream cream, it is better to prepare it yourself. Thus, you will receive natural ice cream cream “Ice cream”.

Gelatin-based cream with “Ice cream” flavor

This is the densest consistency of the “Ice cream” for cake. Its base is gelatin.


  • 1/2 teaspoon gelatin powder,
  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of 30% or more,
  • 40 ml water,
  • 150 g powdered sugar,
  • 3 tablespoons condensed milk,
  • vanilla.


  1. Soak the gelatin in warm water until it swells.
  2. Whip the cream with powdered sugar and vanilla. To make the creamy taste of the cream even brighter, you can use a little trick and instead of vanilla, add a special flavoring for ice cream flavored cream.
  3. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath. You can also do this in the microwave.
  4. Add gelatin to the whipped cream in small portions, continuously whisking the mixture.
  5. Add condensed milk while whisking.
  6. Cream “Ice cream” for the cake is ready!

This cream cannot be stored!

Strawberry ice cream with mascarpone cheese

This is one of the most delicious recipes. Mascarpone can be replaced with soft curd cheese, strawberries with other berries.

For preparation you will need:

  • 1 glass of cream,
  • 200 g cheese,
  • 150-160 g berries,
  • vanilla,
  • 120 g butter,
  • 170 g powdered sugar,
  • 1 tsp. starch (you can use either potato or corn starch).


  1. Making berry puree. According to the original recipe, we use strawberries for this. But, depending on the possibilities, there may be other berries to taste. For example, raspberries or strawberries.
  2. Add starch to the berry mass. Heat this mixture in a water bath. Let cool.
  3. Combine the whipped softened butter with the berry mass and add the cheese little by little with a spoon. The mass does not require long beating.
  4. Combine whipped cream with powdered sugar.
  5. Add vanilla to taste.
  6. The mixture must be whipped again to a stable foam, which is then carefully, without whipping, introduced into the berry puree.
  • the container in which the cream is whipped must be perfectly dry, clean and, preferably, chilled;
  • It is most effective to whip cream the old-fashioned way - with a whisk or hand mixer. The blender whips worse;
  • For custard, powdered sugar is more suitable than granulated sugar, which takes longer to dissolve and is not as uniform;
  • In no case should you specifically heat the butter before whipping. It should be left for an hour at room temperature. If you heat the oil, it will separate;
  • you can increase the fat content of sour cream by removing excess liquid from it, for which it is enough to hang the product in a gauze bag over an empty container;
  • All ingredients must be added to the cream in small portions, whisking or (depending on the recipe) stirring after each added spoon.

Cream ice cream for cake recipe with photos step by step

Cake cream

Step-by-step recipe for making ice cream for cake with cream, with sour cream and condensed milk, custard and egg whites, with cream and milk, as well as chocolate

1 hour

355 kcal

5/5 (8)

A cake without cream is not a cake at all. And the final result of your efforts will depend on what cream you use. Some people like to make ricotta-based cheese cream for layering and leveling, but I suggest you use filling cream, the taste of which is familiar to us from childhood thanks to ice cream.

Despite the fact that the recipes at first glance look a little complicated, they are actually prepared very easy and simple. Moreover, a bread maker or multicooker will help you bake a sponge cake, and while it is baking there on its own, you can start preparing the cream. I hope that my recipes with photos and step-by-step explanations will help you figure out how to make step-by-step filling cream for a cake, and not only for sponge cake. There are a lot of cake options for using it, although it is good, first of all, perhaps, for soaking sponge cake. Learn how to cook it and you will feel like a real pastry chef in the kitchen!

Cake cream recipe Creamy ice cream

Required ingredients:

Mixer, saucepan, whisking container, spoon or silicone spatula

To prepare the filling cream we need egg yolks.

This cream will perfectly soak the cakes when you cook.

Video recipe for making ice cream

You can see how easy it is to prepare ice cream flavored cream for a cake by watching the recipe in the video:

The following recipe for ice cream cake with sour cream.

Sour cream ice cream

Required ingredients:

  • 400 g of any sour cream;
  • 150 g butter;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • one egg;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of flour.

Kitchen appliances and supplies: mixer or whisk, saucepan, whipping container.
Number of servings: one.
Cooking time: about an hour.[

The finished ice cream with sour cream can be used in...

Video recipe for making cream Ice cream with sour cream

You can watch the video to see how to make a delicious cream that resembles ice cream:

Cream Sundae on whites

Required ingredients:

  • three eggs;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 300 (150+150) g ​​sugar;
  • 50 g water
  • 200 ml milk;
  • one full st. spoon of corn starch;
  • one tbsp. spoon of flour.

Kitchen appliances and supplies: mixer, whisk, saucepan, whipping container.
Number of servings: one.
Cooking time: about an hour.

This cream perfectly soaks the cake layers. It may come in handy when you bake. You can use the same cream to make cake decorations using a pastry syringe with attachments.

Video recipe for making cream Ice cream with squirrels

You can watch the video for a detailed recipe for making this cream:

Cream Ice cream with condensed milk without eggs

Required ingredients:

  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 100 g condensed milk;
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 400 ml 35% cream;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of gelatin;
  • 50 ml water.

Kitchen appliances and supplies: mixer, whipping container, small bowl.
Number of servings: one.
Cooking time: about an hour.

This cream can be used in a recipe.

Chocolate cream ice cream

Required ingredients:

  • 250 ml 35% cream;
  • 5 egg yolks;
  • 100 g butter;
  • dark chocolate bar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 2 full tbsp. spoons of corn starch.

Cake cream filling is a delicate baking filling that can turn any simple delicacy into a confectionery masterpiece. The base is a thick custard mixture to which cream, butter or milk is added to more effectively convey the aroma and creamy taste of the most popular dessert in the world - ice cream.

How to prepare cream filling for a cake?

Ice cream flavored cream is prepared in various ways. The custard is mixed with whipped cream, softened butter or condensed milk to convey the flavor of the ice cream as accurately as possible. For thickness, potato starch is added to the mass, and the aroma is emphasized with vanilla, zest, melted chocolate or coffee.

  1. Cake cream filling contains many components and each of them must be properly prepared. Use only chilled cream with a fat content of 33%. Beat them with a mixer or whisk.
  2. It is better to replace sugar with powdered sugar: it dissolves faster and makes the mass smooth and airy.
  3. The butter should be soft, but not melted - otherwise the cream will flow. Remove it from the refrigerator in advance. The butter is whipped separately until fluffy, and then combined with all the ingredients.
  4. Milk can be replaced with dry concentrate or condensed milk.

Cream ice cream with sour cream - recipe

The sour cream ice cream has simple and affordable ingredients. To prepare you will need sour cream, butter, eggs and powdered sugar. In this budget version, the cream turns out to be very tasty, delicate and stable, which allows it to be used not only for layering cakes, but also for leveling baking surfaces.


  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • powdered sugar - 180 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter -230 g;
  • starch - 60 g;
  • zest - 10 g.


  1. Mix sour cream, powdered sugar, eggs, starch and zest.
  2. Submerge in a water bath.
  3. Remove from heat and cool.
  4. Beat the butter and add it to the cooled cream.
  5. The cream filling for a simple cake is cooled for 60 minutes.

Creamy cream filling for cake

The cream-based ice cream is distinguished by its tenderness and richness. Thanks to the fatty components, the mass is juicy and can quickly soak up different types of cakes. For the cream to be successful, you should follow a step-by-step process. First, a mixture of butter and sugar is added to the chilled custard, and only then is whipped cream added.


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • butter - 125 g;
  • cream - 300 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon;
  • starch - 60 g.


  1. Add eggs and starch to milk. Bring to a boil and cool.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar, add to the custard and mix with a mixer.
  3. Whip the cream separately and add it to the mixture.
  4. Use the cream sealer for a multi-layer cake immediately.

The custard ice cream is based on a classic pastry cream brewed with milk, eggs and starch. The cream is prepared not in a water bath, but on the stove, and since thickeners are added to it, it is stable and is used not only for cakes, but also as a dessert. Cream serves only as an addition to convey the filling taste.


  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • starch - 20 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cream - 480 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g.


  1. Mix 100 ml of milk with 30 g of sugar, 20 g of starch and eggs.
  2. Add 30 g of sugar to the remaining milk and bring to a boil.
  3. Add the heated milk-sugar mixture to the egg mixture and cook until thick.
  4. Add oil and stir.
  5. Pour gelatin with water and heat through 10 minutes.
  6. Combine with cream and leave to cool.
  7. Whip the cream with vanilla sugar.
  8. Fold the cream into the cream.

Chocolate cream ice cream is an excellent option for adding a bitter taste to baked goods. This cream is very easy to prepare: you need to add a little cocoa powder to the custard mixture and boil it in a water bath. The cream is perfect for. For a thick consistency, refrigerate the mixture for a couple of hours.


  • cocoa - 30 g;
  • sour cream - 350 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • cream 33% - 230 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer.
  2. Stir in flour, cocoa and sour cream.
  3. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 8 minutes. Refrigerate.
  4. Whip the cream and combine with the mixture.

Cream ice cream with milk

Ice cream flavored cream for cake provides incredible opportunities for culinary experiments. One of these is making cream without cream. They are appropriately replaced by whites, which, after whipping into a fluffy foam, are added to the classic custard. The resulting mass is low in calories, but just as tasty and tender as creamy.


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • starch - 20 g;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • sugar -180 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • water - 50 ml.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Combine the yolks with milk, starch, flour and 30 g of sugar.
  3. Boil in a water bath. Refrigerate.
  4. Beat the egg whites with 30 g of sugar.
  5. Boil syrup from water and 120 g of sugar.
  6. Add to the egg white mixture, whisking continuously.
  7. Combine custard and protein mixtures.
  8. Cream ice cream without cream for the cake is ready to use.

Cake cream filling is a recipe that will take on new flavors if you add mascarpone. Italian cheese is a fertile basis for creating desserts, but in combination with cream it can turn into the most delicate cream. The main thing is not to overdo it when whipping, otherwise the mass will become similar to butter.


  • mascarpone - 250 g;
  • cream 33% - 250 g;
  • powdered sugar - 70 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g.


  1. Beat the cream and cheese separately with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.
  2. Combine the two masses.
  3. Use the mascarpone cheese cream immediately.

Cream ice cream with boiled condensed milk

Cream seal with condensed milk is the most popular method. The cream is incredibly simple, but no less tasty. All you need: gradually increasing the speed of the mixer, beat the sour cream and boiled condensed milk. For the viscosity of the cream, you should add a cream thickener, and for fluffiness, cooled fat sour cream.


  • boiled condensed milk - 300 ml;
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • cream thickener - 10 g.


  1. Combine sour cream and condensed milk.
  2. Beat the mixture with a mixer for 3 minutes.
  3. Add thickener and stir.

The chocolate ice cream is delicious and delicate. One of its features is not just smooth, but very soft and silky texture, which can be obtained in just a couple of minutes by combining with white chocolate chips. This exquisite cream is not only used to layer cakes, but also to fill various pastries.


  • cream 33% -150 ml;
  • white chocolate - 180 g;
  • milk - 450 ml;
  • yolks - 8 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g.


  1. Warm the milk and cream.
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar.
  3. Add them to the creamy mixture and simmer for 7 minutes.
  4. Add chocolate and stir.

Cream filling for leveling the cake

The mastic seal cream is not just a mass that skillfully masks uneven baked goods, it is also an incredibly tasty cream. The main condition for leveling coverage is stability. This can be easily achieved by whipping butter and condensed milk into a fluffy foam. To overcome the pronounced taste of the butter, dark chocolate is added to the cream.