"Congratulations to the lovely ladies!"

Student 1. Magic holiday, women's Day!

Fragments of a formidable standard

Winter, grumbling, rakes into the shade.

Spring triumphs,

Shining in the golden rays,

And the whole world rejoices with her,

The drops are ringing, the stream is babbling.

Student 2. Having showered everything around with flowers,

Spring is beautiful and light,

Love, happiness and dreams

I painted the clouds.

Spring will melt the ice in our hearts,

Rainbow bridges will light up,

And a song by a song without hesitation

Spring flowers will sing.

Host: On March 8th we celebrate the Spring Festival. And not only.

Student 3. Who loves you, children, more?

Who loves you so tenderly

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night?


Student 4. Who rocks the cradle for you,

Who sings songs to you?

Who tells you fairy tales?

And gives you toys?


Student 5. If, children, you are lazy,

Naughty, playful,

What happens sometimes -

Who is shedding tears then?

Song about mom.

Competitions for mothers.

1 competition: " Cooking quiz." Guess:

1. The signature dish of magpies is thiefs (porridge).

2. Zucchini delicacy (caviar).

3. Soft-boiled potatoes (mashed).

4. Maxi-cake (cake).

5. What is left of the jam when all the berries (syrup) have been eaten from it.

6. A bakery product that can be steered (steering wheel).

7. The product that the crow was going to have for breakfast (cheese).

8. A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and chicken (omelet).

9. Fruit kefir in our opinion (yogurt).

10. What did Buratino eat in the tavern, paying for himself, the cat and the golden fox? (crust of bread).

11.Which note is not needed for compote? (salt).

Host: Now guess the name of the song:

12.A song about a boy who did not want to participate in agricultural work. (Antoshka)

13. A song about the tragic fate of an insect. (In the grass Grasshopper sat)

14. A song about how two poultry behaved at the same place elderly woman. (Two cheerful geese)

15. A song about a curly tree standing in a field that they wanted to break down. (There was a birch tree in the field)

Guys, what do you think, is it easy to be a mother? (children's answers).

2 competition:“Mom is a trap.”

Children sit on chairs, and mother is blindfolded. Mom with eyes closed I have to find my child by hand.

6. What a gift for mom?
Will we give on Women's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas.

7. After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It's just interesting...
We'll knead the dough in the bathtub
Or wash the chair.

8. Well, I’m a gift for mom
I'll paint the closet with flowers,
It would be nice if the ceiling...
It's a shame he's not tall.

Children give handmade gifts to their mothers.

Student 9. I am with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time,

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her,

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Student 10. Very much my grandmother -

I love my mom!

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand,

I just want to touch it,

And then kiss.

Maybe I am like that too

I will be kind, gray-haired,

I will have grandchildren

And then, putting on glasses,

I’ll tie gloves for one,

And for the other - shoes!

Host: It is clear that March 8th is: a spring holiday - one, a mother's holiday - two, a grandmother's holiday - three.

Song “Grandmothers - Old Ladies”.

Competition for grandmothers “Find out the fairy tale.”

I propose to find out how well our grandmothers tell fairy tales, and how carefully their grandchildren listen to them. Three tales have been prepared - crossroads. Grandma pulls out a piece of paper and reads the text. Each team must understand what fairy tales are involved.

Fairy tale 2: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a frog princess. One day she sat down on gray wolf and went to look for Finist Yasna Falcon’s feather. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she tells him: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.

Fairy tale 3: Once upon a time, a woman and her grandfather had a bun. Once he was lying on the window. And then the mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running, ate everything, and left the crumbs. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. The swan geese flew in, began pecking at the crumbs and drinking from the puddle. Then the scientist cat says: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats.”

1st boy: We continue today’s holiday,
We congratulate our girls!

2nd boy: We would sing separately for each,
Just say we sing, it doesn’t matter!

3rd boy: If I ever teased you, it’s offensive,
Honestly, I'm very ashamed.

4th boy: And not out of anger, I’m out of habit
He often pulled your pigtails!

5th boy: We are all bullies, because you know it yourself
But we won’t offend you anymore!

6th boy: We ask you very much, you will forgive us
And please accept these congratulations!

7th boy: May the rays of spring shine on this day
People and flowers will smile at you.

8th boy: And may they always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams.


Competitions for girls:

1 competition: " Let's make a vinaigrette."

For three participants, cards with the names of products are laid out on the table: beets, radishes, cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, eggplant, peppers, meat, herbs, vegetable oil.

The girls, on command, select cards with vinaigrette ingredients. The girl who chose the right cards correctly and fastest won.

2 competition:"Cinderella".

The same amount of mixed cereals (rice, buckwheat, peas) is poured into three plates. The girls share the cereal as a team. The one who completes the task faster wins.

3 competition:"Purity".

One girl participates in the competition. 5 inflated balloons for each are laid out on the floor. Girls, using brooms, must sweep all their balls over the line. Whoever sweeps away all the balls faster is the winner.

4 competition: " Pick a flower"

You are clever and brave

Who is the fastest of you?

This is what we will try to find out now

To the music you need to run around the flowers

But only she will remain silent

I'll borrow a flower for you.

(summarize the results of the competitions)

To our mothers!

To our mothers!

Affectionate, most beloved!

And to busy grannies,

And to the laughing sisters...

May it be a fine spring day

It will turn into a day of luck.

On Boxing Day, Flower Day

And swept floors.

Cleanly washed dishes

And other such tricks.

Even birthday cake

I'm ready to bake for mom.

Honestly, honestly, without deception!

Everything is for the joy of dear mother!



1 tale: Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. Here the Little Mouse and the Frog were running past. They saw a hut and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to me!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, went to the door, and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Apparently the sleeping beauty lies there and waits for Emelya to kiss her.

Fairy tale 2: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a frog princess. One day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist Yasna Falcon. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she tells him: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.

Fairy tale 3: Once upon a time, a woman and her grandfather had a bun. One day he was lying on the window. And then the mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running, ate everything, and left the crumbs. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. Geese-swans flew in, began to peck at the crumbs and drink from the puddle. Then the scientist cat says: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats.”



vegetable oil



vegetable oil



vegetable oil

Scenario of the competition program for March 8"Miss Impromptu Show" was written by real professionals; such a program can be held in any venue, even a purely women's team. No special preparation is required: you just need one good presenter and a desire to have fun. This wonderful example- programs about women and for women: with competitions, table entertainment and compliments. (Thanks to the author of the idea from the site prazdnichno.ru)

Prefacefor the competition program "Miss Impromptu Show"

Leading: When the whole world talks about one of the women, then most likely it is a show business star. If the lady is known, without exaggeration, throughout the country, then we conclude that she is the president’s wife. If a woman is popular in wide circles of one city, then most likely she owns a beauty salon. But when a woman reigns undivided in the soul and mind of one man, it means that she is his beloved, the one and only!

Good evening, gentlemen and ladies! I'm glad to see you at today's festive evening. Moreover, it will be dedicated to Her Majesty the Woman! I think the men gathered here today will not at all be against such a wonderful object for discussion. In the old days, the sages said that “there will always be something new to say about women, as long as at least one of them remains on the globe.” I am sure this is the true truth, otherwise there would not have been so many poems and songs dedicated to To the beautiful lady! (we turn on the soundtrack to which the presenter recites).

Musical congratulations for March 8th “To the very best…”

Dear, nice, kind, pretty,

And practical, and very practical too.
Your whims, your smiles, your greatness
They drive us obscenely crazy.
We can't do without you,
This is not a trifle,
I'm telling you this
We are nothing without you
Everyone knows that
You can't live without women
Without a doubt!
Smart, strict, powerful, very different,
But you are all as beautiful as one.
You learned how to subjugate us just so well,
So you always reign over us!

Thank you for the applause! They are intended for you, dear ladies! After all, you are simply sorceresses! As one witty and observant Italian said: a woman can make a salad, a tragedy and... a hat out of nothing! A very subtle observation, isn’t it?! Based on this, I suggest playing a little!

Game moment "Hat out of nothing"

Leading: That’s right, a hat in a woman’s life is a separate chapter. Karl Lagerfeld used to say: add a little hat, a little feathers to a woman, and any of them will turn into a beautiful and mysterious stranger! Apparently, the fashion designer of the House of Coco Chanel is right, especially if we recall the anecdote about two friends who met by chance. “Oh, what a hat you have,” one says to the other. “It must have cost you a lot?” “No, at a very reasonable price: one scandal, two broken cups and a week of silence! - her friend answered. So, ladies and gentlemen, let me offer you a “hat auction”. Its conditions are as follows: it is necessary to recall literary, musical works and films whose titles mention the treasured word “hat”.

(the presenter needs to keep track of the most active participants, whom he will then invite to participate in the competition. There should be three or four people. The answer options are: “Straw Hat”, “Living Hat”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Sombrero”, "Wizard's Hat", etc.).

Competition "Reliable Roof"

Leading: Let's think: what is a hat really? Why is it needed? The first thing that comes to mind is the thought of the protective function of a hat. Right? The hat is like a roof. This means that the hat should not only be beautiful and elegant, but also reliable. Go ahead. A hat is almost a roof, a roof is good protection, but who real woman can be better protection? Of course, a real man! Please do not be confused: we are not interested in those men who are “hats”, but those who are “roofs”! Reliable, strong and not leaking! Therefore, ladies, choose one such male defender from the audience!

(men go up on stage and are given funny clown caps made of paper; sewing needles are attached to the tip of the caps - we immediately warn the players about this!).

Leading: We will decorate our “roofs” a little, because they also need to be beautiful! No matter how you symbolize the roof-hat. Now each of you fits the definition of “elegant”! Spin around yourself, please! Nice! However, we are forced to check your reliability, because, unfortunately, even a very beautiful cap can leak or have other flaws! Ladies! Get one balloon each! When I wave my hand, you throw the balls up, and the men you have chosen must pierce the ball with a needle embedded in the cap. This is necessary so that the ball, God forbid, does not fall on your lady’s wonderful head! (the presenter addresses the men) You need to pierce the ball without using your hands or feet, just by touching it with the tip of the cap! Whoever copes with the threat first wins! In this case, you can butt the ball, press it with your head to the floor or walls, in general, use your head to full program! Do not be shy! And you, ladies, are not at all prohibited from tossing the ball several times, but no more than three times!

Game episode "Salad"

Leading: Well, our ladies really made a hat out of “nothing” easily, especially since they were helped by real men who could serve not only as a hat, but as a whole roof! And now it would be interesting to see, and perhaps even try, a salad made from “nothing” too! No, no, we won’t chop up men. Moreover, modern women prefer low-calorie foods, which cannot be said at all about Russian fellows! However, the author of the statement familiar to us most likely meant the lack of suitable products. But this, I promise you, does not threaten us. But first, a little warm-up for you, dear ladies!

Game decoy "In the garden, in the vegetable garden"

The presenter invites women to remember songs that, one way or another, mention the names of berries and fruits. It is imperative to keep an eye on the most active participants, three of whom will become the next players. Possible options answers: “The aroma of love attracts with a heavenly apple,” “ Apples and pears were blooming..”, “The raspberries beckoned us to them...”, “Apples in the snow...”, “Horses in apples, white horses...”, “Oh, an apple, and on a plate. .." etc.

Leading: great results, girls! Introduce youreself! ( Participants in this musical call their names). We’ll get to know the recipes for your fruit and berry salads later!

Competition "Chopping cabbage"

Leading: As the dictionaries say, “salad” is, first of all, a mixture of different components. So we “mix” different cabbage. Why not a vitamin salad? But don’t think that we are talking about broccoli and regular cabbage. Now we will chop a different kind of cabbage. Can you tell me what kind of cabbage people chop with special pleasure? (the word “money” is always shouted from the audience). Certainly! Everyone will like this cabbage. However, it is very difficult to process. And now I will invite our heroines to pull out one piece of paper from my cabbage bag without looking. The catch is that, along with real banknotes of various denominations, the bag with cabbage will contain ordinary pieces of paper. Each participant will have three opportunities to visit the treasured bag. How more money According to the total amount the participant collects, the more likely her winnings will be! Be careful: simple pieces of paper have the same size and texture as real money!

If after three attempts everyone has the same amount, then you can allow the ladies to “cut down the cabbages” one more time. The winner is given a cosmetic set, and all other participants are given a tube of good hand cream. Then everyone returns to their places.

Game episode "Tragedy"

Leading: It’s just wonderful that so far everything is working out exactly the way the witty Italian noted! All that remains is to “prepare” a tragedy and, as usual, from absolute “nothing”! Moreover, let's try to play a prank. I'm just sure that for Russian women - the most talented women on earth - it doesn't cost anything! So, listen to the third competition task.

Game decoy "Tragic premise"

Leading: My charmers, do you know that every real tragedy, to achieve its full effect, must be distinguished by three unities? This is the unity of time, place and action. That is, everything should happen quickly, preferably in a confined space (in the bedroom or kitchen) and face to face with your offending lover. However, what am I explaining to you! You know all this yourself! Only one question remains unclear: for what reason to start a scandal, that is, to create a tragedy?! I invite the entire room to answer the question posed. Authors best options get on stage and continue competitive program.

Of course, there may be different reasons: coming home drunk, going on a fishing trip instead of a planned trip to the theater, but you should choose three ladies who answered more original, for example, while on a business trip, he did not send daily wishes good morning and good night.

Competition "Find a handkerchief"

Leading: Even though a “tragedy” awaits us ahead, I still ask you, ladies, to give your names! Remember what Shakespeare said. That the world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. He also wrote the world-famous sad story about the love of the Moor Othello for the beautiful Desdemona. Yes, it all ended sadly here! But I won’t be afraid to ask you, ladies, to choose your own from the hall based on Othello, however, don’t be alarmed, we won’t allow murders! Who remembers why all the fuss broke out in this tragedy? Exactly! Because of a simple handkerchief! Isn't it a very insignificant thing, especially considering the consequences. But we will change the roles a little, and in our tragedy women will strangle men... just kidding! We won't strangle anyone this time! Also a joke! It’s just that our “Othellas” will receive handkerchiefs from us. You, dear men, need to carefully hide them in your clothes. At this time, women will turn their heads in my direction, and will finally notice what an attractive man is entertaining them all evening!

Leading: So, the scarves are hidden! Ladies, look closely into the eyes of these insidious traitors - what do they hide in their depths?! I give you half a minute, after which you give me your answer.

It is unlikely that women will immediately guess where their gentlemen hid their handkerchiefs. Therefore, the competition continues.

Leading : Well, it's really difficult! Therefore, I officially allow you to engage in assault, that is, simply touch this insidious subject. But rummaging through your pockets and behind your collar is prohibited! You can only lightly touch the clothes.

Here you can give two attempts to correctly determine the location of the scarf. Someone will definitely discover it. The first one to do this wins.

Final competition "Weak?"

Leading: I like the expression that a woman’s strength is in her weakness. This is very true. That's why our finale has this name. For the “weak” competition, I invite our three winners. The task is simple: each of you tells an honest company that she can do something special right now and thereby takes her rivals to task. If the opponents are able to repeat the declared feint, then the game continues. If someone still doesn’t dare to repeat it, then, unfortunately, they drop out of the competition. This continues until there is a lady left whose trick no one but her can do. We'll give her the main prize!

As competitive moments, the tasks of doing the splits, taking off a dress, kissing someone else's husband, and so on are quite suitable.


Leading: The famous author of The Little Prince is credited with saying that woman is “the most obvious living flesh, which radiates the most tender light.” I agree with Exupery’s words one hundred percent! After all, there is so much built into a woman! God has given her such inner treasures that there are enough of them for many people around. She can be gentle and weak, but fearless and the strongest, she is kindness itself, but if necessary, she will be the most principled and tough. She knows how to love selflessly! She does not measure her neediness by money and just expects reciprocal love and understanding from those around her. Men! Be attentive to the woman! Make sure your woman never loses the feeling of her own pricelessness!

May your day be sunny, beautiful,
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear.
O woman, always be happy!
When playing with primordial force,
Mother Nature created this world,
She contains in you, oh woman,
All your beauty and grace.
There is a gust of thunder in you, a dawn of radiance,
The splendor of mountains and river holes,
Delight for the eyes, charm for the soul,
Through You the world and man are eternal.

On the stage, reclining, Comrade Sukhov, writes a letter and dreams...

(Music “Dear Anna Matveevna..." plays)

Sukhov: Hey, Petrukha!

(Petruha runs in)

Petrukha: I'm here, Comrade Sukhov!

Sukhov: Please report the situation!

Petrukha: I really want to get married!

Sukhov: You’ve decided to get married... you’re in vain... we have a hard time with women...

Petrukha: How tight? I just saw twenty beauties arrive. And here they are, and they sent a telegram (takes out a telegram)

Sukhov reads: I ask Comrade Sukhov to conduct and organize beautiful holiday for all women of the East, and to congratulate them with dignity on this wonderful holiday, and I ask you to hold the “Merry Bachelorette Party 2011” competition.
Signed: Clara Zetkin.

Sukhov (very unhappy): So I have to wander around the sands with these women again?

Petrukha (gives a list): This is congratulations, Comrade Sukhov.

Sukhov (is reading): The presenter must, accompanied by music, in a cheerful voice, announce the beginning of the holiday and congratulate everyone...
Petrukha, who will be the presenter?

Petrukha (scared): I won’t, I can’t, I really want to get married!

Sukhov (ironic): I already noticed that...
So it is! Listen to my command! You will be the leader...

Petrukha (rejoices): Comrade Sukhov, are you...?

Sukhov: Exactly! So, have the women arrived? Amazing. Is everyone already in the hall? Great! Will there be gifts and prizes? Petrukha, let's play music! I ask for applause!

(The phonogram “creaking and grinding of metal” sounds. Said’s head appears in a turban, from a barrel)

Sukhov: Said, how did you end up here?

Said: Everyone clapped so much!

Sukhov: Get out of your barrel, and come with us to congratulate the women.

Said: Who will avenge the Motherland if I go with you?

Sukhov: The border is locked! Then we will have time to take revenge! I really count on you Said, we always need literate people!

Said: Okay, we’ve persuaded you, I’ll stay.

Petrukha (addresses Said): Where are your elders?

Said: Now they will come... (claps his hands 3 times)

(men in turbans appear on stage)

Sukhov: Will these respected and valiant people be our decorators, or will they carry props for us?

(men shrug their hands)

Let's not argue, but let's start congratulating!


Sukhov: Our dear and dear women! Do you already feel that spring is approaching? And it’s already March outside the window!

Petrukha: I really want to congratulate you all, dear ladies, beautiful girls! What a good word “girls” is, it’s your mischief, rosy cheeks, and in general, this word is ageless!

Said: Today, this holiday has brought us all together! This is your holiday, and therefore our holiday! Because when you are happy, then we are happy, next to you, our dear, dear friends!

Sukhov: Let's play with you a little! We have several competitions!

Competition "Entertainment Girls":
Who can string beads onto a thread faster? The winner receives the “Naughty Hands” medal

Petrukha: And now, I want to invite ladies who have daughters here.


Sukhov: Are you hinting at something? These are the real ones - living mothers-in-law! Did you come up with a competition for them?

Petrukha: Yes, I... (takes out mops and brooms) I heard that when the mother-in-law holds a broom in her hands, many people say, “Mom, have you decided to clean up or fly?

Competition "Real Mother-in-Law"
Here's the inventory... (basin or bucket, mop or broom)
One foot in a bucket, a broom in hand, and who can get to the goal faster and back. The winning team is awarded the “Real Mother-in-Law” medal

Petrukha: Help, guys, I need to rehabilitate myself in front of all women, otherwise no one will give up their daughter for me. For the next competition, I need two men and four lovely ladies.

Competition "Scarecrow"
You need to dress up 2 men like a scarecrow with things from the audience in the hall.
Ladies are awarded the “Most Smart” medal.

Sukhov: Our dear ladies, we’ve been sitting a little too long, it’s time to warm up. I need 3 pairs.

Competition "Dancing on a chair".
Women sit on men's arms and dance lambada.
The best couple is awarded the “I Love to Dance” medal
Then all participants are awarded.

The celebration continues with dancing.

Q.1.Good evening! Today we have gathered here to congratulate our














V.2.YOU, dear teachers, girls, women, mothers, grandmothers.

IN 1. You girls!

AT 2. May there be Spring in every woman
It bursts with colorful paints.
We celebrate your Day today.
The lovers will have no time to sleep!

IN 1. It’s a glorious day for us, the Eighth of March,
It was not given in vain: it is needed,
So that we can tell the whole truth
Who is grateful or in love!
Everyone around will congratulate you today
Sisters, wives, daughters, mothers, girlfriends!

B.2.On this day, beautiful, sweet words they say to all women. Our 8th grade boys also did not stand aside. They have the word!

Q.1.Today we have to reveal the talents of our girls, evaluate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness, find out which of them is the Super Schoolgirl! Participants from each class are invited to the stage!

B.2. A modern girl should be able to do everything! Our first competition is called: “Style your hair.” It takes 5 minutes to prepare your hair and protect it.

Q.1.So, our girls showed how quickly, skillfully and creatively they can do their hair, dress up and go on a date. Surely you are familiar with the lines from the song: “We were both: I was at the pharmacy, and I was looking for you at the cinema...”. Now our girls will invite gentlemen on a date, but in a special way. The date must be arranged in the form of a pantomime; speaking is prohibited.

Task options: Wednesday, 7 pm, near the subway.

Sunday, 7 a.m., at the laundromat.

AT 2. Now let's talk about flowers. All the flowers of the world are at the feet of our participants today! There are many colors. Do you know songs that contain flower names? In 3 minutes, remember these songs and sing them! Time has passed.

Songs: Yellow tulips, White roses, Lilies of the valley, Hidden daisies...

Q.1.The musicality of our participants exceeded all expectations. Legends can be made about them. Do you know legends about flowers? Guess which flower we're talking about! (Application)

Q.2.8 March is a holiday of spring. Together with spring, love comes to us. How many poems and songs have been written about it! Do you know the names of the most famous couples in love? Each team will receive separate names for women and men. You need to connect them. For example: Orpheus and Eurydice.

List of names: Master and Margarita, Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Antony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Yesenin and A. Duncan, Pushkin and N. Goncharova, Lermontov and V. Lopukhina, Lensky and Olga, Pechorin and Princess Mary, Red and Scarlet, Shrek and Fiona, Bella and Edward.

Q.1. Spices are scattered in the kitchen, everything is mixed up. Cinderella needs to find starch to starch her collars for the ball. The second Cinderella needs to be found citric acid. Third Bay leaf. (They search blindfolded.)

B.2.And now - Game with the audience. Young men are welcome. Competition "Ladies' man" After taking every step, you must give a compliment. (For example: Swallow, dawn, sun...)

We have excellent ladies' men. True connoisseurs of women!

B.1.And we continue our competition program. The next competition is called “GUESS THE MELODY.” Songs of different categories will be offered to your attention, and after listening, you will have to sing a few lines from this song.

1.Transport – Blue carriage.

2.Names - Antoshka.

3. Geography names - Chunga - changa.

4.Insects – Grasshopper

5. Secret - A secret to the whole world.

6. Light - Lanterns.

7.Geography – Clouds.

AT 2. Our next competition is called “UNDERSTAND ME!” I am reading summary songs, and you name it.

1.A song about a city where trains don’t go and planes don’t fly. (" The boy wants to Tambov").

2. A song about the disappearance of a puppy with red spots and a tassel tail. (“The dog is missing”).

3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows. (“Cheburashka’s Song”).

4. A song about the daily activities of children for 11 years (“They teach at school”).

5.A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (“If it takes a long, long time...”).

6.Song about a huge bouquet bright red flowers, presented to the actress (“A Million Scarlet Roses”).

7.A song about a holiday that happens once a year. ("Birthday").

8. Song about the wooden man. (“Pinocchio”).

9. Song about a lazy red-haired boy (“Antoshka”).

10. A song about a green insect who was friends with flies (“Grasshopper”).

11. Song about an evergreen tree. ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").

12. Song about mythical creature, whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs. (“I am a merman”),

Q.1. On this musical note we end our competition. While the jury sums up the results, the 11th grade is given the floor.

B.1.And the postman carries it in his bag

A million smiles.

IN good mood he goes into houses.

Here you go! Congratulations to you!

Knock Knock! Three letters for you!

The mail is knocking here and there,

The post office woke up early.

And we have it for our ladies

These telegrams:

“Even though I am fickle and changeable, I am never bad. So accept me today as I am.”

“Today you will listen only to us”
(Congratulations and Wishes)

“I wither in comparison with your charm.”

“Ready to put the wind into your sails!”

“We wish our dreams come true.”

“I’ll take care of the festive illumination.”

“Those who wanted to congratulate you cut me off!”

“Don’t be sad that you parted with us. Next year we promise to visit more often.”

“I spread out into black rivulets of joy.”

“You celebrate, we’ll wait.” .

“I forgive you for not noticing me.”

“Forget your sorrows, give yourself to me.”

“Knock, knock, knock, it’s me!” Open the door!"

Q.1.Well, we give the floor to our jury to sum up the results.

And now congratulations from the 9th grade boys!

IN 1. Dear girls, women, ladies!
Happy Women's Day to you, happy new spring!
Again we write poems for you like novels,
We compose odes for you at night.
All confessions are only for you on this day,
All the compliments, bouquets of flowers.
May your wishes come true
Let there be spring and love in life!












A. Duncan


N. Goncharova


V. Lopukhina




Princess Mary





  1. Rose.

One Greek legend tells us how this flower appeared - it was created by the goddess Chloris. One day the goddess discovered a dead nymph and decided to try to revive her. True, it was not possible to revive, and then Chloris took from Aphrodite the attractiveness, from Dionysus - the heady aroma, from the Graces - joy and bright colors, from other deities - everything else that attracts us so much in these colors. Thus appeared the most beautiful flower, ruling among all the others...

They call me the queen of flowers

For the color and smell of my petals.

Even though my green bush is ready to hurt you,

But who won’t forgive me the prickly thorns?

  1. Lily.

The Greeks attribute to her divine origin. They believed that this flower, a symbol of innocence and purity, grew from the milk of the mother of the gods - Hera (Juno), who found the baby of the Theban queen Hercules hidden from her jealous gaze and, knowing the divine origin of the baby, wanted to give him milk. But the boy, sensing his enemy in her, bit and pushed her away, and the milk spilled across the sky, forming the Milky Way. A few drops fell to the ground and these flowers turned into flowers.

  1. Delphinium.

According to another ancient Greek myth, the cruel gods turned a young man into a dolphin, who sculpted his dead beloved and revived her. Every day he swam to the shore to meet his beloved, but could not find her. One day, standing on a rocky shore, a girl saw a dolphin. She waved to him and he swam towards her. In memory of his love, the sad dolphin threw a blue flower at her feet. For the ancient Greeks, these flowers symbolized sadness. According to Russian belief, they possess medicinal properties, including helping to heal bones during fractures, which is why until recently in Russia I called these plants larkspur. Nowadays, the plant is more often called spur. In Germany, the popular name for this flower is knight's spurs.

  1. Iris

The generic name of the plants comes from the Greek word iris - "rainbow". According to ancient greek mythology goddess of the rainbow Iris (Iris), fluttered across the sky on light, transparent, rainbow wings and carried out the orders of the gods. People could see it in raindrops or on a rainbow. A flower was named in honor of the golden-haired goddess, the shades of which were as magnificent and varied as the colors of the rainbow.

The sword-shaped leaves of the iris symbolize courage and courage among the Japanese. That's probably why in Japanese the name of the flower and the “warrior spirit” are indicated by the same hieroglyph. In Japan there is a holiday called "Boys' Day". It is celebrated on May 5th. On this day, every Japanese family with a son displays many items with images of these flowers.

The Japanese prepare a drink from flowers and bitter orange, called “May pearls”. In Japan, they believe that drinking this drink can instill courage in the souls of future men. In addition, according to Japanese beliefs, “May pearls” have medicinal properties and can cure many ailments.

  1. Tulip.

The legend about this flower says that it was in the bud of the yellow flower that happiness was contained, but no one could get to it, since the bud did not open, but one day a little boy took the yellow flower in his hands and it opened on its own. A child's soul, carefree happiness and laughter opened the bud.

  1. Pansies

An ancient legend tells that once upon a time there lived a beautiful woman, Anyuta. She fell in love with her cold-blooded seducer with all her soul. The young man broke the heart of a trusting girl, and she died of grief and melancholy. Violets painted in three colors grew on poor Anyuta’s grave. Each of them personified three feelings that she experienced: hope for reciprocity, surprise from an unfair insult and sadness from unrequited love.

  1. Hyacinth is a flower of love, happiness, fidelity and... sorrow

According to a later legend, during the Trojan War, Ajax and Odysseus simultaneously claimed ownership of Achilles' weapons after his death. When the council of elders unfairly awarded weapons to Odysseus, Ajax was so shocked that the hero pierced himself with a sword. From the drops of his blood grew this flower, the petals of which are shaped like the first letters of the name Ajax - alpha and upsilon.

  1. Carnation - divine flower

An ancient Greek myth tells about the origin of cloves. One day, the goddess of the hunt Diana (Artemis), returning very irritated after an unsuccessful hunt, met a handsome shepherd who was cheerfully playing a merry song on his pipe. Beside herself with anger, she reproaches the poor shepherd for dispersing the game with his music and threatens to kill him. The shepherd makes excuses, swears that he is not guilty of anything and begs her for mercy. But the goddess, unconscious of rage, pounces on him and tears out his eyes. Only then does she come to her senses and comprehend the full horror of the crime committed. Then, in order to immortalize those eyes that looked at her so pitifully, she throws them onto the path, and at that very moment two red flowers grow out of them, reminiscent of innocently shed blood in color.

Wednesday, 7 pm, near the subway.

Tuesday, 6 am, at the zoo.

Thursday, 5 pm, at the library.

Friday, 9 am, in the staff room.

Nugaeva Lyudmila Vasilievna

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 1" Saransk


  • promote in children a sense of love and respect for family and friends;
  • to promote in children the ability to compare themselves with other people, to recognize the similarities and differences of their personality;
  • develop Creative skills, feelings, volitional qualities;
  • continue to “build” friendly “bridges” between the children’s and parent communities.

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! Today we have gathered here to congratulate all grandmothers, mothers and girls on the upcoming Women's Day. March 8 is the most wonderful holiday of spring. We dedicate all our smiles, songs, poems to you, dear ones!

Boy 1:

Hello, dear guests!

Girl 1:

Have fun and joy!

Boy 1:

It’s not without reason, friends, that we bow to you,

Using polite words.

Girl 1:

We came here to relieve boredom,

We came to have fun and play.

Boy 1:

Sing songs with you,

Look at the fun, the fun.

Girl 1:

Is it convenient, dear guests,

Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?

Was there enough room for everyone?

Boy 1:

I see there is enough space for the guests,

Are the owners ready?

After all, we have a big holiday today.

Children come out dressed as Matroskin, Sharik, and Pechkin.


Let's get ready for the meeting of mothers.


I will greet mothers as honored guests. With all solemnity.


Do you have to understand that you will solemnly bark at them, and then go in for a kiss?


Could be so. It can be done differently. I will greet them with flowers!


And where will you get flowers now? Are you going to pick out dandelions from under the snow?


Why dandelions? We have a cactus growing in our class.


This is my cactus, I have been caring for it for two years now.


Well, for dear mothers, you even feel sorry for the cactus.


I don’t feel sorry for anything for my mothers. But cacti are not given as gifts upon meeting.


Stop quarreling. We need to meet our mothers with bread and salt.


Salt is white poison. It makes my knees creak when I walk.


Then we'll meet our mothers with bread and sugar.


Sugar is also white poison. It even makes teeth fall out.


Then we will greet mothers with bread and butter or mayonnaise.


You should also offer to spread shoe polish on the bread.


And I read in one newspaper how a minister and an orchestra were greeted and a guard of honor was formed.


Sharik is a specialist in guard duty. He considers himself a guard dog. As soon as he sees a thief, “Guard” shouts.


And another newspaper wrote that when they met the president, everyone chanted.


It’s like at the stadium: “Spartak is the champion!”


Or like at a wedding: “Bitter! Bitterly!".


But shouting loudly is also not advisable. This is a violation of public peace.


We won’t just shout, but in honor of mothers.


And why do you suggest shouting?


We will all chant:

We wish you happiness and joy!”

Guys, are you ready to greet moms with us and shout together?

Sounds like a touch.

Boy 2:

Why does spring come in March?

Is the snow melting, are your hearts beating faster?

Why is it hot in winter clothes?

And the icicles cry by the porch?

Boy 3:

Very simple - women's smiles

They warm everything with their warmth.

Became International Women's Day.

Song "Merry Song"

Leading: Today we have an evening of discoveries - discoveries of new stars and constellations in the starry sky, which we dedicate to our beloved mothers and grandmothers, girls. Look: the first constellation with the gentle name “Dear Mother” lights up in the evening sky.

Student 1: I love you, mom

For what, I don’t know.

Probably because

I breathe and dream.

Student 1: And I rejoice in the sun,

And on a bright day -

For this I am for you,

Dear, I love you.

Student 2: For the sky, for the wind,

For the air around.

I love you, mom

You are my best friend.

Student 2: My mother brings me toys, candies,

She sings funny songs

The two of us are never bored together.

Student 3: I tell her secrets

But that’s not why I love my mother.

I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight,

Well, simply because she is my mother.

Sketch "Children's Reasoning"

Boy 1: I'm thinking, wondering,
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

Girl 1: Why do you need all this?

Boy 1: For a specific answer!
TO adult life Preparation...

Girl 1: You came up with this cleverly!

Boy 2: Yes, I feel bad for my mother,
There are no problems in life.

Girl 2: Yes...we have a lot of problems...
Not an easy position - mother.
It would be easier for her
Without children like us.

Girl 3: Ugh! What nonsense!
She will be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring it in a glass?
Just imagine now
A mother without children at all!

Boy 1: At home - quiet... cleanliness... Beauty!

Girl 4: And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
Without children he is not alive!

Boy 2: But, let me tell you straight away,
Mom is having a nice rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solve problems for children,
Write an essay,
For various tricks
Either scold or punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Collect toys again.
Without sparing nerve cells,
Keep the kids in bed!

Girl 5: And hear, falling asleep,...
You are so beautiful
Honestly, I say honestly
Mom, I love you so much!...

Boy 1: Yes...hmm-hmm...sounds nice...
What about this prospect? -
Just raised children...
Got married quickly...
Do you want to relax now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

Girl 1: So what? Play again.
Answer grandma
They sat down, stood up, ran,
All the toys have been collected again,
Workout at the stove
A cartload of domestic fuss,

Boy 2: Why do they need to live like this?

Girl 2: Aerobics all the way!
Hurry up to get everything done.
There's no time to grow old!

Boy 1: No! I still doubt it
So many nerves and worries!
I'm becoming more and more convinced:
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to raise them,
And educate, teach,
Don't get enough sleep at night,
To worry day and night
And help with studies,
And feed and dress up...

Girl 3: What is the difficulty? I don't understand!
I dress up dolls!

Boy 2: Well, I compared! Wow - it gives!

Girl 4: Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
More important than everyone else, I’ll say it straight out.
For mothers, children continue.
Both honor and respect!
And great love.

Boy 1: And care again and again...

Girl 5: So, my friend, calm down!
Worries are fun!
While you raise the children,
You won't get bored for a moment.

Boy 1: Yes-ah-ah, I got the answer -
The meaning of life can be seen in this.

Girl 1: The meaning of life is seen in
May the house be full of children!
Every mother has a child!

All: Well, it’s better to have two at once!

Girl 2: So that mommy gets bored
I didn't have a headache.

Song "Take care of the children"

Competition 1. "Lucky case"

Presenter: We will hold a “Lucky Chance” competition. Two teams are participating. The team that gives the most correct answers will win.

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Which note is not needed for compote? (Note "salt")

2. Which composer's name resembles a hunter's shot? (Bach)

3. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (Perhaps a piece of ice)

4. Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare)

5. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

6. Bird of prey at night. (Owl)

7. Frill on the dress. (Shuttlecock)

8. Which Russian word consists of three syllables, but indicates 33 letters? (Alphabet)

9. The bird that flies to us first in the spring. (Rook)

10. Sense of proportion, ability to behave in society. (Tact)

11. What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway station)

12. Which wing never flies? (car fender)

13. Fruit of a tropical palm. (Coconut)

14. Hidden treasures. (Treasure)

15. Sleeveless women's dress. (Sundress)

16. Old Russian prince, the legend of which was used by A. S. Pushkin

for one of his works. (Oleg)

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. What part of the plant can be found in the ground. (Root)

2. Water in gaseous state. (Steam)

3. Garden bulbous plant with narrow leaves and large white or yellow flowers. (Narcissus)

4. Equilateral rectangle. (Square)

5. Fermented baked milk. (Varenets)

6. Hero of Russian folk puppet shows. (Parsley)

7. Place on the square for trade. (Bazaar)

8. Paper bag. (Envelope)

9. Break between acts of the play, sections of the concert. (Intermission)

10. A bright green mineral used for crafts. (Malachite)

11. Single-celled fungi used in baking. (Yeast)

12. Chemical element, due to the color of its vapors, got its name from the Greek word for “purple”. (Iodine)

13. Place of performances in the circus. (Arena)

14. Smooth shiny surface that gives reflection. (Mirror)

15. A plot of land under vegetables. (Garden)

16. Variety of noodles. (Vermicelli)

Student 1: Our dear mothers,

We declare without embellishment,

That your holiday is the very best,

The most joyful for us!

Student 2: We wish you, mothers,

Smile more often.

We wish you good luck from work

Come back early.

Student 3: So that every day we see

Not only on weekends

You are so Beautiful,

How young.

Student 4: So that there is time left

For your entertainment.

So that there is less with us

Hassle and grief.

Student 5: We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

Student 6: We wish you, dear ones,

Always be healthy

May you live for a long, long time,

Never getting old!

Student 7: May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

Student 8: We want it for no reason

They would give you flowers.

Men would smile

Everything comes from your beauty.

Student 9: Let the sun shine for you,

Lilacs bloom only for you.

And long may it last

The most Women's day in the world.

Competition 2. “Do you know the qualities inherent in a mother?”

Leading : And now we will find out if you know the qualities inherent in a mother.

Competition questions:

1 . Every mother who loves her child has this quality. (Kindness)
2. This quality is indicated by such an amazing word! It is always in my mother's soul. (Care)

3. This property of the soul can be seen in the mother’s gaze, heard in her voice. (Tenderness)

4. The ability to intelligently solve different problems difficult questions, give wise advice. (Wisdom)

5. And this quality manifests itself when mom jokes and makes everyone laugh. (Humor)

Competition 3. “Are you a good housewife?”

Leading : And now we want our mothers to join the competition. We offer them the test “Are you a good housewife?” For each “yes” the participant receives one point.

Test questions:

1. Do you record your income and expenses?

2. Do you save some money for large purchases?

3. Can you quickly prepare dinner if you have unexpected guests?

4. Can you cook the ten simplest dishes in half an hour?

5. Do you often don’t have enough money before payday, even though you haven’t made any major purchases?

6. Do you always know what’s in this moment missing in the household: oil, matches, salt, for example?

7. Do you shop in reserve?

8. Do you often throw away stale food or is this an emergency for you?

9. Does your family have a savings book?

10. Do you clean your apartment every week? certain days or from case to case?

11. Do you know where exactly the things you temporarily don’t use are stored?

12. Does the sight of unwashed dishes irritate you?

13. Does the whole family help you when cleaning the apartment?

14. Do you manage to find 20 minutes in the morning to have a calm breakfast and put on your beauty?

The test results are summed up:yes - 1 point, no - 0.

10-14 points - you run your household in an exemplary manner. It's amazing how so many talents coexist in one woman! You must have a lot of patience and time, or you must be a good organizer.

6-9 points - you are a skilled housewife, but sometimes you allow yourself to deviate from strict rules. It's not bad! Order in the house is important, but not the only thing.

0-5 points - household- not your greatest affection.

Leading : Apparently, you are stronger in something else. But don’t be embarrassed - it’s never too late to learn the art of home economics. Start today.

Competition 4. “Vasilisa the Wise”

Presenter: And now, dear women, let's test your erudition!
I propose to carry out a little quiz. Chips will be awarded for correct answers, but if a man answers correctly, he must give his chip to any of the ladies present here.

1. Which ditty mentions both women and the number 8?
(Eight girls, one me. Where the girls go, there I go!)

2. Remember films with the word WOMAN. (“Strange Woman”, “Sweet Woman”, “Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, “Woman as a Gift”...)

3. What movie titles consist of only adjectives addressed to women? (“The most charming and attractive”, “The only one”...)

4. In which songs are they mentioned? female names? (“Lisa! Don’t leave!”, “Oh, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka!”, “Me and my Masha are at the samovar,” “Hello, hello, Alena”...)

5. What plants remind you of women's names? (Rose, lily, pansy, daisy, Ivan and Marya...)

6. Which movies have women's names in their titles? (“Mashenka”, “Anna Karenina”, “Valentin and Valentina”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, “Seraphim and Seraphim”...)

Leading : So, the title “Vasilisa the Wise” has been earned...

Competition 5. “Marya the Mistress”

Leading : And now we will ask the women who sewed today’s outfit with their own hands to come here. Please walk in front of us so we can appreciate your art! So, the title “Marya the Artisan” and our main prize was earned by...

Leading: Thanks to our attentive mothers and children! Now guess the riddle. She loves children. Always kind and caring. Whenever you want, he buys something tasty. Never scolds, always rushes to help. She is my father's or mother's mother. Look: a new constellation with the gentle name “Grandmothers” lights up in the evening sky.

Student 10: Well, what kind of old grandmothers are they?

These are our older girlfriends!

What is two and two?

What are islands?

Why did you climb into the den?

Where does the Snow Maiden live?

How does a plane fly? –

Grandmothers can answer everything.

Student 11: I love grandma

Work to help.

I love being next to my grandmother

Walk along the street.

I love together with my grandmother

Watch a hockey match.

My grandmother and I decided a long time ago

We are rooting for Spartak.

Student 12: My grandmother and I are true friends.

How good my grandmother is.

He knows so many fairy tales that he can’t count them,

And there is always a new one in stock.

Student 13: But grandma’s hands are just a treasure!

Grandma's hands are not allowed to be idle.

Golden, dexterous, how I love them!

No, you probably won’t find others like them!

Student 14: Our dear grandmothers!

We will try:

Let's eat pancakes

Wash with soap.

Student 15: Let's forget about pranks

It really is necessary

So that you are overjoyed

Everyone has become younger.

Competition 6. “Riddles for Grandma”

Leading: And now we invite our dear grandmothers to the stage. Grandmothers are very wise. We have prepared difficult riddles for them.

1. All full of holes and evil,

And so biting.

Only her grandmother gets along with her:

He rubs and strokes her sides. (Grater)

2. From a hot well

Water flows through the nose. (Kettle)

3. The house is windowless and closed,

And it's cold inside.

If a cat sits next to you,

This means the cat is hungry. (Fridge)

4. Mal Erofeyko,

Belted short

Jump-jump across the floor,

Swept it up and sat in the corner. (Broom)

5. Whoever doesn’t go, everyone pulls her by the hand. (Door)

Leading. Our grandmothers are great, they solved all the riddles!

Leading. Mom left for work early in the morning.

Our girls are going to school.

Who will braid their hair?

Well, of course, grandmothers.

Competition 7. “Braid your hair”

Grandmothers braid their granddaughters' hair to the music. The winner will be the one who completes the task faster and better.

Student 16:

They waved their hand at me,

I envy grandma:

She doesn't have to sit through her homework.

It’s easy for her - she cooked dinner, did the laundry

And washed it

And he can calmly watch cartoons.

Student 17:

Mathematics and Russian,

Ambient, Mordovian –

I will never master all the sciences.

I leaf through the textbooks and solve the problem.

How to get sick with something not scary.

Student 18:

Mom and Dad tell me:

You will be ignorant and stubborn.

Why argue with my parents - I’m silent.

Well, who cares? I'm tired of studying!

I want to retire, I want to retire.

Student 19:

And I love vacations and holidays,

Ready to walk 12 months a year.

I'll be patient a little longer

Then, like a grandmother, I will retire.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Leading: What other constellation is not in the sky? Of course, this is the constellation “Our Girls”.

Boys read poems dedicated to girls.

Boy 1:

We are funny guys

Congratulations, girls,

Happy spring holiday,

Tenderness and beauty.

Boy 2:

We dressed up today

The shoes are on fire,

They gathered as if for a parade.

Boy 3:

We are starting our performance,

Dear girls, congratulations to you,

We would write poems for everyone,

It’s just that we write poetry, it doesn’t matter.

Boy 4:

We congratulate our girls,

We would dance a funny dance.

We would dance separately for each one,

We just dance very unimportantly.

Boy 5:

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

There is simply no such thing in the entire school.

Boy 6:

We wish our girls

Never be discouraged

Every year to be more and more beautiful,

And we are less likely to be offended!

Boy 7:

And you get straight A's at school!

And praise you at home!

So that all film actors

We fell in love on the spot.

Boy 8:

If we teased you offensively,

Honestly, we are very ashamed.

And not out of anger, but out of habit

They often pulled your pigtails.

Boy 9:

Congratulations girls

And please don't be angry:

Not everyone succeeds

To be born boys.

Competition 8. “Me + you = we”

Presenter 1 : Two teams are given a task that they complete simultaneously:

1. Team members should stand according to hair color (from dark to light, or vice versa).

2. Arrange in alphabetical order, taking into account the initial letters of the last name.

3. Match the color of your skirts or jeans.

Competition 9. “The most charming and attractive”

Everyone wants to be beautiful and kind. Those who consider themselves the most charming and attractive live easily and happily. Choose one of the most talkative girls from the team. They take turns going on stage and, within 1 minute, showing off in front of the mirror must prove to us that they are the most charming and attractive. So, who will praise themselves better?

Song to the tune of “I won’t brag, darling...”

I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
As soon as I see Lena,
I feel in my heart: I’m burning!

I want to tell Yana,
Moving his shoulder towards her,
About the weather, about football,
And you never know what?!

Everything comes in handy with Katya,
I don’t need others Katya:
Both in fact and in fact
You couldn't find Katya better.

I look at everything as if it were an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Dasha, Dasha, Dashulya!
You know how much I love you!

I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
All our dear girls,
I love you very much!

Boy 1:

Tanya! Alyona!

Boy 2:

Christina! Pauline!

Boy 1:

Alina! Lisa! Marina!

Boy 2:

You are God's gift, beautiful goddesses,
You always excite my soul!

Boy 1:
We stand now, bending our knees,
Everything is in front of you, blazing, barely breathing.

Competition 10. “Handicraft”

Leading: And for you girls, I have one more task. Here I have threads, needles and beads. Your task is to place as many beads on the thread as possible in 1 minute. Who will have the longest chain?

Competition 11. “The Best Hostesses”

As you know, all girls should be good housewives and help their mothers in the kitchen. Choose from each team the most economical girl who knows different cereals well. Your task is, blindfolded, to determine by touch what kind of cereal is poured into the saucers: buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, pearl barley, barley, cereals etc.

Competition 12. “Dexterous hands - kind heart”

Each participant in the competition needs to draw and cut out a heart. Who is faster, prettier, neater?

Poem "If I were a girl"

Boy 1:

I'm for the girls today

Taught congratulations,

And now I'm worried -

Eh, I forgot all the words.

Boy 2:

If I were a girl

I would get up at dawn.

Got straight A's

And I didn’t fight in the yard.

Boy 3:

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste time!

I wouldn't run down the street

And I would solve problems.

Boy 4:

If I were a girl

I would be much smarter

Then I would not only use my hands,

But I also washed my neck.

Boy 5:

If I were a girl

I would wash and dry the cups.

I would be your little sister

And I would pick up the fragments.

Boy 6:

If I were a girl

The house would be in order.

If there is litter in the house,

I would tell my mom right away.

Boy 7:

Why aren't we girls?

That's the problem, that's the problem...

We would always congratulate you!

Competition 13. “Bows”

Girls tie bows for the boy: on his arms, legs, stomach, neck, head - the more, the better.

Competition 14. “Young artist”

Now each girl will receive a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. With your eyes closed, under my dictation, you must draw a symbol of home comfort - a beautiful cat. Are you ready?

Draw a big circle

It's small at the top.

There are two ears on the top of the head -

This will be the head.

Let's draw for beauty

Give him a fuller mustache.

Here fluffy tail ready -

Competition 15. "Mom is going to work"

Leading : Various jewelry, cosmetics, and a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls. The task is to portray your mothers as they get ready for work.

Competition 16. “Help Mom reschedule her shopping”

Leading : Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes there are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their mothers. Let's see how they do it.

Competition 17. "Find your match"

Leading : Well done boys! Moms are probably very happy to have such helpers! And I have one more task for you. You will receive cards with names written on them. fairy-tale heroes. You need to find your match.

Pinocchio – Malvina
Prince - Cinderella
Ruslan - Lyudmila
Kai – Gerda
Father Frost - Snow Maiden
Prince Guidon – Swan Princess
Ivan Tsarevich – Frog Princess
Mole - Thumbelina

A slow dance


This concludes our competition.

I wish all of you girls

May you always be healthy.

To laugh and joke.

Have a joyful and tender spring.

May March give you gifts, even snowy ones

Your smiles and flowers.

Boy 1:

Congratulations to you today

And gifts from the heart.

And we admit that it is very

You are good today.

Boy 2:

We promise to become more mature

Don't lose your friendship.

Well, if someone offends you,

We will protect you!

Boys giving gifts to girls

Boy 3:

Our holiday is already over.

What else can I tell you?

Let me say goodbye

We wish you good health!

Boy 4:

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Never get angry.

So young

Stay forever!

Boy 5:

Have a joyful and tender spring,

Happy days and pink dreams.

May March give you gifts, even snowy ones.

Your smiles and flowers!

Teacher. I wish you only happiness,

May life be cloudless.

More sunshine, less bad weather,

More joy and warmth.

May the sky be peaceful above you,

Let the nightingales sing only for you.

Live surrounded by friends

I wish you health, happiness and love!

Let the spring rays on this day

People and flowers will smile at you,

And may they always go through life with you

Love, health, happiness and dreams.

May your life be wonderful

And the children are always happy

Let your home be a full cup!

Good luck, happiness and goodness!