The holiday season in the Krasnodar region begins in the spring month of April. This month the southern spring is already ending, then, for example, in middle lane In Russia it is just beginning. And here the gardens are already in full bloom and the meadows are turning green, the bright sun is shining and the birds are chirping. The air temperature this month during the day is already rising to +20 º C and even higher, and the sea water temperature is up to +16. Starting from April, all kinds of cafes, nightclubs, sanatoriums and health resorts, restaurants and self-service canteens are already open, and you can also visit museums and excursions. Everywhere in our country it is still spring, and for example in Anapa, summer is already felt.

In May, on the Black Sea coast you can already get a full tan; by the way, it turns out to be the most beautiful, natural and healthy. On the May holidays, some already swim, but this depends on the air and water temperatures, as they change from year to year. Usually the water is already warmed up to +17 º C, the air temperature is daytime hours reaches +25 º C. At this time, the sea spearfishing season begins and fishermen become more active. Of course, prices during this period are also encouraging, because they are much lower than at the height of the season.

There is no intense heat in June, but already full swing Summer is coming and it is very comfortable to relax this month. There are not many people on the beach yet, the water in the sea is very clean and prices are also not high compared to mid-summer. The air temperature rarely exceeds +30 º C, but does not fall below +20 º C, and the sea water at this time is already warmed up to +20 degrees. Another pleasant moment is that in June various berries are already ripening, such as raspberries, blackberries, red currants, mulberries, as well as everyone’s favorite cherries and strawberries. Currently, in the Rostov region, some innovative enterprises have begun to grow entire hectares of strawberries. This year the harvest was a great success and it is delivered to the shelves of stores and markets every day. Moreover, the strawberry varieties are selected in such a way that they will ripen until frost. So enjoy this delicious berry many can. In addition, peaches, shadberry, and cherries also ripen in June.

The summer month of July is the height of the southern season. Schoolchildren are already on vacation, young people have passed all exams - the time has come for an excellent and have an interesting holiday. At this time, there are a lot of people in the resort villages, all entertainment and entertainment venues are working at full capacity. A huge number of concerts are held with the participation Russian stars open-air stages. The sea has already warmed up to +25ºС, and the air temperature to +27ºС. In July you will be pleased with their taste qualities fruits such as plums, apricots, cherry plums, pears and apples. I must say that already at this time the watermelon season begins and it is at this time that very cheap vegetables are sold here.

In August everything is balanced, weather the most stable and soft. The sea water temperature is around +24ºС, and the air warms up to +30ºС; by the way, the water in the sea at night is also very warm, like fresh milk. The season of watermelons and melons is already in full swing, and grapes and figs are also ripening. Well, how can we not talk about everyone’s favorite “velvet” season, which begins in September. In central Russia, everyone is going to school, it is already completely felt that summer is over and cold autumn has begun, and in the south at this time summer continues. Lucky are the vacationers who go on vacation to the south in September - from autumn back to summer. The air and water this month are approximately the same - the sea is +20ºС, and the air is +23ºС. All fruits and vegetables in the markets are very cheap, natural and the most delicious. You can enjoy watermelons, juicy sweet melons, pears, dules and apples, as well as dark and green grapes. September is considered the last month of summer in the south. At this time, the season of underwater hunting and fishing begins!

Winter in the Krasnodar Territory is usually warm, with virtually no snow, and sometimes people go outside without outerwear. A lot of vacationers come here for New Year. The air temperature in January is recorded from 0ºС to +10ºС. The winter months here are also called the off-season. Despite the fact that this is not the season, excursions, dolphinariums, sanatoriums and health resorts are open, so it’s never boring here.

  • Accommodation: RoomGuru compares prices for hotels and apartments in all booking systems, such as, and others. The project does not work in Crimea, use the Russian analogue of Hotellook there.
  • Road: the most convenient way to arrive is by plane, and the lowest prices for air tickets are found by Aviasales, we recommend taking train tickets in, some may also need buses, the latter are available in

An extensive selection of where you can go on an inexpensive vacation at sea in the summer of 2020 thanks to low prices on tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 30,000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow(for tickets - for a round-trip flight departing from Moscow, taking into account all fees) and are current at the time of publication.

Summer holidays by your own sea. Tours and tickets

Cheap seaside tours in summer 2020

You can go to the Black Sea very inexpensively in the summer: in June 2020, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only 21 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 38 thousand for 11 nights and from 43 thousand for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: this includes the Crimea (Balaklava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta) and the cities of the Krasnodar Territory (Anapa, etc.).

Cheap sea tickets

Fly to summer season to Russian Black Sea resorts (according to the current situation) are somewhat cheaper than to Europe. The picture will change closer to summer - last-minute cheap charters will appear for a number of European resorts. Well, for now...

Cheapest tickets in Crimea in summer can be found in June 2020 - from 5800 rubles. Regarding tickets to Adler (Sochi) for the summer of 2020, then prices start from 5,500 rubles for flights in June, from 7,000 rubles for flights in July and from 7,600 in August.

Flights to Anapa And Krasnodar in summer they cost between 4,000 and 6,000 rubles. From Krasnodar it is easy to get to any resort Black Sea coast by bus or train.

Lazarevskoye has a rocky bottom, so the water is clear on calm days. greater depth(Photo © / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)

Where is the cheapest place to fly to the seaside in summer?

Below we provide a list of destinations where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2020 to the sea - within 30,000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when departing from Moscow (tours from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10,500 rubles/person.

Swimming pool at the hotel, Gudauta (Photo © / Hotel "Papa")

Bulgaria: from 12,500 rub./person.

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo /

Türkiye: from 10,200 rub./person.

Cirali beach in Kemer, Türkiye (Photo © s_wh /

Greece: from 11,500 rub./person.

Beach in Nea Moudania, Chalkidiki (Photo © / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 14,000 rub./person.

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from RUB 16,500/person.

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 /

Cyprus: from RUB 20,500/person.

Cyprus is a great place to go on a seaside holiday in the summer: flights are quite cheap, accommodation, food and entertainment are not too expensive either, the visa issue can be resolved very simply online. Read.

Peyia is a small resort town in Cyprus (Photo © Tobiasvde /

Tunisia: from 17,500 rub./person.

Beach in Aryan, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani /

Spain: from RUB 13,500/person.

Another great place where you can inexpensively fly for a seaside holiday this summer is sunny Spain. The cheapest tours are for June 2020: from 27 thousand rubles for two for a week, from 37 thousand for 11 nights and from 51 thousand for 14 nights. In July and August, vacations are usually more expensive. Find out more

It doesn't matter what time of year you are on vacation. There are enough places on our planet to choose the right resort just for you and in a given season. The main thing is to decide how you imagine your vacation: stormy and fun, calm and respectable, educational or active.

Sports lovers probably know better than all tour operators where and when they can find the best ski slopes, the right wind strength for surfing or the most beautiful undersea world... And where should Russian tourists go on vacation, who are systematically exploring more and more new horizons in search of unforgettable experiences? And how to spend a vacation without disappointment, without spoiling your mood with rain, cool sea or sweltering heat? Everything has its place and time!

Where to find the sun in January and February?

At the beginning of the year, a hot holiday is guaranteed on the Caribbean islands, among which the most popular for Russian tourists are Cuba and Dominican Republic. They attract our compatriots with a visa-free entry regime, relatively inexpensive prices for accommodation, a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere, loved by the all-inclusive system.

However, other islands are also in demand: Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda and many others. Each of the islands has its own unique landscape, luxury hotels and offers a variety of entertainment to suit every taste.

Warm currents and sunny weather will delight tourists in Florida.

In January-February it is dry (without strong long rains) season in South-East Asia quite suitable for a pleasant holiday. Discover the original world of Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia.

Midwinter is the time to travel to Thailand, India or Cambodia. The monsoon season is over, the sun and exoticism of countries with rich culture will conquer lovers of active and beach holidays.

Turn your attention to Southern Hemisphere. When it's winter here, it's summer there. Therefore, in winter you will have a wonderful holiday in Australia, Chile, southern Brazil and northern Argentina.

Not the best choice:
In winter, you should avoid traveling to northern China. Worthy ski resorts You won’t find it there, but a bitter frost is guaranteed. The southern coast of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Morocco) at this time will probably seem too gray and joyless to you. The UAE can be quite chilly for swimming. And in Egypt it is quite windy, especially in the evenings. But the prices are an order of magnitude lower, so draw your own conclusions.

Excursions or the beach? We vacation in March-April

At the beginning of spring it is still quite cool in Europe. But for those who are less interested in the sea and the beach than cultural values, this is the ideal time for tours of European cities. During this period, prices are affordable, there are no long queues at museums, and you can enjoy walks along the quiet streets of the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Hungary...

If you already miss the heat unbearably during the long winter and dream of the sea, go to the beaches of your almost native Egypt, as well as Thailand, Goa or Sri Lanka.

A heavenly holiday awaits you too Maldives and the Philippines. Idyllic nature, diving and amazing tranquility will not leave you indifferent.

Holidays on Hainan Island will delight you with decent service, beautiful beaches and warm sea.

In March you can enjoy relatively inexpensive beach holiday in Tunisia, combining it with an excursion to the desert. However, don’t forget about a windbreaker and a sweater, it’s still cool there in the evenings.

Craving adventure? South America is ready to offer you an unforgettable vacation in the countries of the Inca Empire of Peru and Bolivia.

During these months, the cheerful Rio de Janeiro in Brazil will greet tourists especially hospitably.

The Caribbean islands are still waiting for their tourists. Please pay Special attention to Antilla. The south of Australia and Chile also remains a very attractive beach holiday destination.

Not the best choice:
Reunion Island, Papua New Guinea at this time of year will not please you with the weather. The Atlantic coast (Spain, Morocco) will also be disappointing with its inhospitable climate.

Thirst for the sun before summer: holidays in May and June

The end of spring and the beginning of summer - quite good time for vacation. The choice of beach destinations is quite large, but the prices are still low. And there is no massive influx of tourists. Moreover, it will good opportunity for trips on excursions, since it is not too hot yet.

In May-June, the Mediterranean islands are perfect for relaxation: Greek Crete and Corfu, Italian Ischia and Sicily, and the island of Cyprus. Good weather on the Thai island of Koh Samui.

Nice prices in May for a beach holiday in Spain. In addition, this is a great opportunity to visit Barcelona, ​​which is not overcrowded with tourists.

An excellent choice would also be Canary Islands, Jordan and Israel with many attractions and shrines, Morocco.

A trip to Malta in June will give you the pleasure of nature, which at this time blooms with all its colors, and the opportunity to attend local festivals that are frequent during this time.

Exotic lovers can treat themselves to a holiday in the Seychelles, Bali or Japan.

In June it will already be quite comfortable on the Adriatic coast of Croatia or Montenegro. If main goal If your trip is the sea, then you shouldn’t go there earlier.

From June, resorts in Italy and Bulgaria will also be ready for the beach season.

Don’t forget about the most popular resorts among Russian tourists in Turkey and Egypt.

Not the best choice:
The rainy season begins in Thailand, India, Kenya, Cambodia and Oman. Uncomfortable weather for holidays is also in western Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso) and the Philippines.

High summer and vacation time: July and August

No wonder almost everyone beach destinations July and August are considered the “high” season. This means that at this time there is the greatest demand for tours and, accordingly, the highest prices. All cities and resorts in Europe are at your service. At this time, various festivals, colorful shows and celebrations are often held here.

Good in July-August in Croatia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece, especially on the islands, as well as in Cyprus and Malta.

It's time to go to the islands of the Atlantic coast: Madeira, Cape Verde or the Canary Islands.

From exotic destinations with comfortable weather, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia are suitable (in August there is minimal amount precipitation), Vietnam, Bahamas, Fiji.

Anyone interested in a safari will be interested in going to Tanzania at this time, where the “dry” season begins.

Not the best choice:
Popular resorts in Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia will be met with sweltering heat and crowded beaches. And prices will remain at high level. Not everywhere in July-August good weather: rains may interfere with holidays in Thailand, New Zealand, Peru, India, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

Velvet season: September and October

Summer is over, but enjoy the sunny weather and warm sea not too late. The wave of tourists has subsided, the intense heat has subsided, it’s time to spend the Velvet season by the sea. Temperature Mediterranean Sea quite suitable for swimming.

Holidays in Greece (preferably in Crete, as it can be windy on the small islands), Italy, Cyprus, as well as in the countries of North Africa (Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt) are especially pleasant at this time of year.

It is better to go to Turkey in September, but October, despite low prices, can be disappointing with rainy weather.

One of best places during these months it is United Arab Emirates. October is considered high season in the UAE. However, it must be taken into account that most of the month falls during Ramadan, when there are strict restrictions on all entertainment and alcoholic beverages.

Do you want to combine a beach holiday and a rich excursion program? Choose Israel (in particular Eilat) or Jordan. In addition, you can receive medical treatment and spend unforgettable days at the Dead Sea.

September and October are great for study tours in Europe.

The beginning of autumn is a great time to visit the islands of Madagascar and Reunion, Lebanon, or Oman.

Not the best choice:
It is better not to go to Spain, especially southern Spain, from mid-autumn. Cold currents and the onset of the rainy season can ruin your mood. If you are not a fan of extreme weather, including storms, strong winds and heavy rains, then you should not vacation on the Caribbean islands and countries of Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos...) in September-October.

A worthy end to the year: holidays in November and December

If you want a Christmas tale, go to one of the cities in Europe. Elegant streets, numerous fairs, festivals and shows, moderate frost, cozy hotels and decent service will create a pleasant mood on holidays.

You will get children's delight from the New Year or Christmas holidays in Finland by taking a trip to the village of Santa Claus, riding a reindeer sleigh and experiencing all the delights frosty winter: skis, skates, snowmobiles... And then, of course, a hot sauna. Holidays are also fun on ferries traveling between the northern countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark).

Looking for summer sun you can go to cheerful, noisy Brazil, carefree Cuba or the respectable Dominican Republic.

The Maldives will give you a relaxing holiday in a pleasant exotic atmosphere.

History buffs can travel through Mexico in the footsteps of the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs.

The end of the year is the beginning tourist season in Southeast Asia. Great time to visit Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos.

The rainy season is ending in India. The beaches of Goa will greet you with warm, dry weather, beautiful hotels and a hectic life.

For those who are not afraid of long flights and crave new experiences, this time is ideal for a holiday in southern Australia, where spring reigns.

Egypt has become an almost classic holiday option at the end and beginning of the year. Despite the cool and windy evenings, during the day you can sunbathe and swim in the beautiful Red Sea.

Not the best choice:
You are unlikely to get the most out of Europe during these months. Gray and cold will not give you a complete picture of beautiful cities. Vietnam, despite warm weather, can be disappointing with a choppy ocean. The water temperature in the UAE is also not pleasant for swimming.

Svetlana Apreleva

With a baby at sea: is it worth it or not?

Definitely worth it. A properly prepared family vacation has a positive effect on the internal family climate, and this, first of all, UNITES the family, creates positive conditions in the family for the growth of healthy, happy children, who subsequently form a healthy society.

At what age can you relax on the sea coast?

In my opinion, from anyone, even from 1 month. When the child has adapted to “other” living conditions, and the mother has passed the postpartum period (especially if this is the first child. Within 1 month, the mother has already become accustomed to the new schedule of her life.) Parents must provide the child with comfortable living conditions, quality nutrition and adequate medical care, in case it is needed. For this stinks wonder:
  • Holidays outside the country?
  • A hotel with all amenities, or just a rented room or a tent?
  • Warm water for hygienic baths?
  • Hotel food, public catering or self-prepared food?
  • Conditions for preparing food (separate kitchen or in the room where they relax, gas, electricity, dishes, water)?
  • Where in the holiday destination is medical care provided, cost?
  • Insurance, what scope of medical services does insurance include (if you travel outside the country)?
  • The duration of the holiday with children must be more than 14 days.

If you answered these questions, then you already have a personal opinion about your future vacation with your children. My advice: with a child under 3 years old, go on holiday in Ukraine, where, if necessary, the child can receive free, high-quality medical care in medical institutions in Ukraine, where the adaptation period WILL NOT be acute and long for your child.

When is the best time to go to the sea with a child?

Better in early June and late summer: August-September. When the air temperature reaches 35 degrees. When the sun is at a certain angle to the surface of the Earth. At the end of summer, the sea has time to warm up, which is more comfortable for children.

How does changing climate zones affect a child?

A sharp change in climatic zones negatively affects the child’s body than smaller child, the stronger the manifestations negative impact. Your vacation can turn into sheer horror when your child falls ill upon arrival at your vacation destination. Therefore, plan your vacation without significantly changing climatic zones if you have a child under 3 years of age. Most often, when climate zones change, the body's cardiovascular and immune systems are affected. If you and your child do not have any violations of these systems and your child has reached the age of 5 - 6 years, you can change climatic zones, subject to temperature fluctuations of no more than 10 - 15 degrees. There is no need to experiment with relaxation, traveling from winter to summer. The likelihood of adaptation failure increases.

What if you fly abroad?

In my opinion, you can fly abroad with a child under 3 years old if the climate of the country matches the climate of the country, or there are slight changes in climate parameters, especially temperature. These are Bulgaria, Greece, Türkiye, Croatia.

How to prepare a child for the sea?

If the vacation takes place on the sea coast, then at least 1 month in advance. Small children should gradually reduce the water temperature by 1 degree while swimming. every 3 days, bringing it to a minimum that does not cause discomfort in the child. For children, contrast shower, alternation warm water with water, 2 - 3 degrees lower. Lowering the water temperature by 2 - 3 degrees per week. For 2 weeks, I advise you to eat easily digestible foods, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, and sour-milk foods. For 2 weeks, avoid fried, fatty, smoked and alcoholic foods. Drink plenty of water. When preparing for vacation, limit physical activity, organize a rest and work schedule, start sunbathing, this way you will prepare your skin for the sun. If your vacation is in a different time zone, start getting up or going to bed for 15 to 30 minutes gradually (earlier or later) according to the time zone of your vacation destination. Avoid stressful situations. In this way, you will prepare yourself and your child for adaptation, while the negative manifestations of which may go unnoticed.

Who doesn’t want to sunbathe under the southern sun and how to properly accustom your baby to it?

While on vacation, children under 1 year of age should be under direct sun rays contraindicated. So that the child does not get sunstroke, so that the child does not get sunburn because the skin is very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable. Children under 3 years of age need a dose of exposure to the sun. Children from 1 year to 3 years old, at the beginning of the rest, should be in the open sun without risk to health for no more than 5 minutes, then gradually increase the time of stay to 15 minutes over 3-5 days, then at 1:00. The first sunbathing should take place at an air temperature of at least 22 degrees; sunbathing for children at temperatures above 30 degrees is contraindicated. The younger the child is, the higher the sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. After sunbathing, you can take a dip, but only after, not before. Bathing after a bath should last no more than 10 - 15 minutes. Remember that ultraviolet rays penetrate water to a depth of 2 to 3 meters.

After bathing, be sure to remove wet swimwear and dry your child dry. Use it sunscreens for children. Apply them to dry skin in your room, before going out into the open sun, and be sure to reapply after being in the water. Sun cream for children should have a protection factor of at least 40. Test the selected sun product before rest, apply a small amount to the child’s forearm, if after 20 or more minutes the skin does not become red, then the product you have chosen can be used. Don't neglect hats. Panama is required condition the child's exposure to the sun, even during bathing, the hat should cover the child's ears and nose. It's best if it's a Panama hat from natural fabric, light colors with margins, the margins of which can be prevented if necessary. Best time a child's day in the sun is the morning and evening hours (before 10:00 am and after 16:00).

Contraindications to sunbathing are:

  • Kidney diseases
  • Acute diseases
  • Heart defects
  • Some skin diseases
  • Photo allergy
  • Oncological diseases
  • Systemic autoimmune diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis

Use of drugs that cause photosensitivity (some antibiotics tetracycline, sulfonamides, some antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs)

What to put in a travel first aid kit for a one-year-old child?

If your child has a chronic disease, put in the first aid kit the medications that the child takes during the active period of the disease. If your child is healthy:
  • Antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine - your choice, the more you trust);
  • Bandage, cotton wool, alcohol, plaster;
  • Phys. Nasal rinsing solution (now available in pharmacies;
  • Antibacterial eye drops (for purulent conjunctivitis, when the child most often has yellow-green discharge in the corners of the eyes in the morning);
  • Antipyretics (choose the form yourself, it depends on the age of the child: suppositories, syrup, tablets)
  • Sorbents (activated carbon, sekta, enteros-gel);
  • Test strips for acetone (if the child has a history of acetone crises);
  • Anti-burn foam (panthenol).

How many days do you need to go so that your child has time to adapt and get the maximum benefit from the vacation?

It should be taken into account that on average, acclimatization of a child occurs more slowly than in adults, namely 5 - 7 days. The minimum period of vacation with children should be at least 14 days, optimally 21 - 24 days. If possible, relax with a child 1 - 2 months old.

If the rest period is reduced, the likelihood of adaptation failure, which manifests itself in the form of illness, increases. Remember that upon returning from rest conditions to normal living conditions, the child feels re-acclimatized. Therefore, I advise you, upon returning home, to go through gradual periods of reacclimatization, gradually returning to the rhythm of life that is familiar to you and your child. Do not send your child to kindergarten, school, or section the next day; leave a few days of vacation for adaptation at home. I talked about changing the time zone earlier in the section preparing for vacation.

Seatherapy has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Children most often have ENT pathologies: adenoiditis, sinusitis, chronic disease. tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, etc. When swimming, sea water gets into the nose and rinses the throat well. Sea air, saturated with ions, has a positive effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, increasing local immunity, which in turn protects against frequent colds. But when a child has frequent otitis, there is a narrowness of the nasopharyngeal tube, there have been cases of perforation of the eardrum; you can swim only after covering your ear with cotton wool; it is better not to dive into the water. Sea air has a good effect on children who have had pneumonia or chronic bronchitis. For children with inhalation allergies and bronchial asthma, it is better to visit the sea before August; in August, ragweed begins to bloom in most resorts. Children with scoliosis, poor posture, and rickets benefit from relaxing at sea. Swimming strengthens the muscles and relieves the load on the spine. Teenagers who have problem skin are advised to relax at sea. Children who have vegetative-vascular dystonia can relax at the seaside, given that the morning rays of the sun have a tonic effect on blood vessels, while the rays at sunset have a calming effect and relieve stress.

To decide on a holiday with children, consult a pediatrician and undergo a minimum examination: OBC and VAS, blood pressure measurements and examination by a pediatrician. If your child has chronic diseases, or there are diseases in the family that are a contraindication to seaside holidays, or are taking medications, be sure to inform the doctor about this. Contraindications for seaside holidays and prolonged exposure to the sun are printed above. Also, take a preventive visit to your dentist before going on vacation.

I do not advise:

  • Holidays outside the country for children under 3 years of age;
  • Change the climate sharply: from winter to summer for children under 6 years of age;
  • Carry out routine vaccination 1 month before rest, and 2 weeks after rest;
  • Children can go on vacation to other countries without vaccinations;
  • Going on vacation with a sick child, or with an exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • Children under 3 years of age should not be exposed to the open sun;
  • Buy any food or drinks on the seashore;
  • Eat food by the sea;
  • Use air conditioners after being on the seashore;

Have a nice overall holiday!!!

Be healthy!!!

We have a lot of requirements for a summer trip - cheap, warm and clean sea, parties and attractions. I really want a perfect vacation! We tell you in which countries to look for it.


In Cyprus, everyone can find a resort to their liking. If you want to have fun and dance at the best parties, then without a doubt you need to go to Ayia Napa. A quiet (maybe even too quiet) holiday awaits you in Protaras. European-style, refined, well-groomed and a little pretentious... of course, Pathos! The most Russian resort is Limassol.

Aphrodite's Stone, Paphos

When to go?


This country is beautiful for many reasons: you don’t need a visa, inexpensive prices for housing and food, there are mountains, sea and historical cities, you can easily communicate in Russian. But avoid holidays in Budva at the height of the season: you simply won’t find a place on the beach. Better look for more secluded beaches in the surrounding area.

Perast, Montenegro

When to go?

The peak season in Montenegro begins in the second half of June, when many tourists arrive and prices soar. It lasts until the 20th of August. At this time, it is better to choose secluded places. And from the end of August to mid-September it is very comfortable in Montenegro - the weather is still warm, and the flow of visitors and prices drop. Closer to October, the nights are already becoming cool, and you may be lucky with a beach holiday, or it may rain.

Where to go?


If you want to go to the sea in Italy, then be sure to go to Sicily! There are many beautiful coves along the coast of Sicily, and most of the beaches are awarded the Blue Flag. Fly to Catania, rent a car and go - don't miss Syracuse, Taormina, Messina, Cefalu, Palermo, Mondello.

Cefalu, Sicily