Simple questions. A book similar to an encyclopedia Antonets Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Why is it cold in winter?

Why is it cold in winter?

I found the correct and strict answer in the second volume of the “Physical Encyclopedia” in the article “Earth”: “Rotation around an axis causes the change of day and night, the tilt of the axis and revolution around the Sun causes the change of seasons.”

Indeed, since school days we have known that the Earth revolves around the Sun in a flat, almost circular orbit with a radius of approximately 150 million kilometers. It also rotates around its axis, which passes through the North and South poles and is inclined relative to the orbital plane at an angle of just under 67 degrees. If the Earth's rotation axis is inclined relative to the orbit, then it turns out that the angle of incidence of the rays on the Earth's surface changes as they move along the orbit. It gets closer to vertical, then further away. If the rays fall obliquely, it turns out that the same radiation is distributed over large area. To put it more bluntly, this is not happening. Therefore, simply the amount of solar radiation falling on the surface is greater in summer and less in winter.

You've probably noticed that it's very hot on the roof in the summer. This is because the roof has an angle that is added to the latitude angle, and therefore in Russian latitudes the roof is often almost perpendicular to the direction of the sun's rays. That's why it's insanely hot there.

Thus, it turns out that cold and heat overtake us only because the angle of incidence of the sun's rays changes. If you want to use such rays to heat water in your country house, you must place your tank at an angle so that more sun gets in. Moreover, if you make a hill on which to plant, for example, strawberries, they will ripen better. You yourself know that berries always taste better on a sunny slope.

There are two parallels on Earth where the Sun is directly overhead once a year. They are called the Northern and Southern Tropics - this is approximately a latitude of 23 degrees, and since the inclination of the axis of rotation relative to the orbital plane is 67 degrees, the total is 90 degrees. That is why at these latitudes there is a moment when the Sun is directly overhead and objects do not cast shadows. These are very hot places.

A decrease in temperature is an objective cause of cold. But sometimes we feel cold in the summer too - when a person says that he is cold, but in fact he feels the heat exchange taking place. If a lot of heat is given off - no matter for what reasons: for example, a person is wet and the wind is blowing on him - then we feel cold.

As a result, it turns out that the rotation of the Earth around the Sun with an inclined axis leads to a change in temperature, but we perceive cold and heat according to the degree of heat exchange. So it's cold in winter because it really sets low temperature, which we feel due to the increase in heat transfer.

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Why is it cold in winter and warm in summer? and got the best answer

Answer from Oblom[guru]
due to the fact that the earth is round and rotating on an axis around the sun, read the textbook

Answer from cornflower[guru]
It’s warm in the summer, because everyone walks around lightly dressed, some in just thongs, which heats up the air, but in winter, on the contrary, they put on fur coats and there’s nowhere for the air to get warm, so it gets cold...

Answer from *** [guru]
The thing is that there are 4 seasons and their change is caused by the rotation of planet Earth around the Sun. This happens in 365 (366) days, but at the same time the Earth also manages to rotate around its axis every 24 hours. This is how the days change.
If the Earth's axis (an imaginary line from North to South Pole) was located at right angles to the Earth's orbit around the Sun, we would have no seasons, and all days would be the same. But the Earth's axis is tilted.
The fact is that various forces act on the Earth. Firstly, this is the attraction of the Sun, secondly, the attraction of the Moon, and thirdly, the rotation of the Earth itself. As a result, the Earth rotates around the Sun in an inclined position. This position remains all year round, therefore the Earth's axis is always directed to one point - to the North Star.
This means that part of the year the North Pole is turned towards the Sun, and the second part is hidden from it. Because of this tilt, the direct rays of the Sun sometimes illuminate the area of ​​the Earth's surface north of the equator, sometimes at the equator, sometimes south of the equator. It is the varying exposure of areas of the earth's surface to direct sunlight that causes the seasons to change in different areas of the globe.
That is, winter occurs in the Southern Hemisphere if direct sunlight hits the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa. During winter, the sun illuminates both hemispheres, but some of the rays are scattered, so they are not able to warm the hemisphere to the same extent. This is what causes the cold in winter.
Isn't it strange: when winter reigns in the northern hemisphere, the Earth is 4,500,000 km closer to the Sun than when it is summer there.
The fact is that in this case the weather is determined not by the distance from our planet to the Sun, but by the inclination of the earth's axis relative to the plane of the earth's orbit. The angle of this inclination is 23.5 degrees.
The Earth rotates around the sun in such a way that its axis is always directed towards the North Star. Therefore, during one half of the year the North Pole of the earth tilts towards the Sun, and during the other half it deviates from it. In the first case, summer reigns in the Northern Hemisphere, in the second - winter. In South, of course, everything is the other way around.
The weather in a particular region of the earth depends on the angle at which the sun's rays fall on a given area of ​​the earth's surface. In winter, the low sun illuminates the earth with sliding rays, and in summer they fall vertically. Grazing rays heat the Earth's surface less for two reasons. Firstly, because the same amount of heat is distributed over a larger area in winter than in summer. Secondly, in this case the rays pass through a thicker layer of air in the earth’s atmosphere, which leads to large losses of their thermal energy.
Climate is determined not only by the amount of heat entering a particular area of ​​the Earth's surface from the Sun, but also by other factors. For example, in the vast seas and in the areas adjacent to them, temperature changes with the changing seasons are not so great. On the contrary, in the interior of the continents the difference between winter and summer temperatures is much greater. This occurs due to the fact that the earth cools and heats up much faster than water. Another factor influencing the weather is the difference in altitude above sea level. As altitude increases, air density decreases, and therefore its ability to retain heat decreases. As a result, the climate in mountainous areas is much colder than in the plains.

Line UMK E. V. Saplina. The world (1-4)

The world


Why is it cold in winter and warm in summer?

“Why is it hot in summer?” - this children's question very relevant given the time of year. In winter, it will be replaced by another - “Why is it cold in winter?”, accompanied by an attempt to warm frozen palms through mittens. In our new section“Why” we will regularly answer in clear and in simple language to the most interesting questions of preschoolers and schoolchildren.

“Why is it hot in summer and cold in winter?” - this question is asked by both preschoolers and schoolchildren. It would seem, well, what is the difficulty: the tilt of the axis, the rotation of the earth, the Sun... But when you try to explain to a child, you begin to get confused yourself.

Answer to the question: the reason is the angle of the Earth's axis

Our planet Earth moves around the Sun, and the Earth's axis itself is located at an angle to the plane of this movement.

Around the Sun, the Earth rotates in an elliptical orbit, close to circular, at a speed of about 107,000 km/h in the direction from west to east. Average distance to the Sun 149,598 thousand km

Due to the elliptical shape of the orbit, the distance between the Earth and the Sun varies. The closest point in orbit to the Sun is called perihelion - at this moment the star is approximately 147 million kilometers away. The farthest is called “aphelion” - 152 million km. A 3% difference in distance results in about a 7% difference in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives while in those orbital locations.

But the main thing is that it is not the distance that changes, but angle of incidence of sunlight on the surface,- that’s why there are seasons.

The planet's axis forms an angle of 66.56° with the orbital plane. Accordingly, the equatorial plane forms an angle of 23.44° with the ecliptic plane.

If it were not for this tilt, then day and night anywhere on Earth would be the same in duration, and during the day the Sun would rise to the same height throughout the year.

The tilt of the Earth's rotation axis. Source:

3 Geographical Reasons for the Change of Seasons

    Seasonal changes in the length of daylight hours: in summer the days are long and the nights are short; in winter their ratio is reversed.

    Seasonal changes in the height of the sun at midday above the horizon. In summer in temperate latitudes at noon the Sun is closer to the zenith than in winter, and, therefore, the same amount of solar radiation in summer is distributed over a smaller area of ​​the earth's surface.

    Seasonal changes in the path length of solar rays in the atmosphere affect the degree of their absorption. The Sun located low above the horizon gives less heat and light than the Sun located high, closer to the zenith, since the sun's rays in the first case overcome a thicker layer of the atmosphere.

The textbook for grade 2 continues the new integrated course “The World Around us.” the main objective textbook - to provide basic information about the Earth and Space: from the mythological ideas of ancient people to modern scientific ideas. The UMK includes an electronic application posted on the website of the Drofa publishing house, as well as workbook for independent work of students and Toolkit, containing thematic planning and comments on all course topics.

The equator does not move away from the Sun, is there no winter and summer there?

Yes. There are no seasons at the equator because it is always at the same - and close - distance from the Sun. During calendar year The sun's rays at the equator fall vertically (at right angles) onto the earth, warming the surface and the air above it well. In fact, it is always summer there. And the closer to the equator, the longer the summer and the shorter the winter.


This time we will not ask you to calculate anything, as we did in the material “Why is the sea salty?” Send us to social media your “whys”: this could be a question that worried you as a child, or it could be a question that a child or student recently asked. Among all participants we will choose the 3 most interesting questions and reward their authors with book prizes!

The change of seasons is a common occurrence for us. On cold winter days we freeze from severe frosts, and with the onset of summer we suffer from unbearable heat. At the same time, few of us think about the reasons for such processes.

Why is it hot in summer and cold in winter? What influences the change of seasons? And why do winter and summer come at different times in different parts of our planet? different time?

Why is it cold in winter?

Everyone knows that the Earth rotates around the Sun and around its axis. At the same time, in the process of its movement, it either approaches the Sun or moves away from it to the maximum distance. While at perihelion (at minimum distance), it is 147.1 million km away from the star, and when approaching (at aphelion) it is 152.1 million km away.

Many people believe that when the Earth is at its furthest distance from the Sun, winter comes. In fact, everything is not so simple, since the onset of cold weather is influenced by another factor - the planet’s tilt axis.

The axis of rotation of the globe deviates from the plane of its orbit around the Sun by 23.5 degrees. It passes through the southern and North Pole, while the latter is always directed towards the North Star. Thus, when rotating around the Sun, for one half of the year the northern hemisphere of the planet tilts towards the star, and for the other half of the year it deviates from it.

At a time when the angle of inclination moves the northern hemisphere away from the Sun, the day shortens and the sun's rays do not warm up as well earth's surface, resulting in winter.

Why is it hot in summer?

In summer, everything happens exactly the opposite. When the northern hemisphere is closest to the Sun, it receives much more sunlight, the days lengthen, the air temperature warms up, and eventually it becomes hot.

In addition, in the summer they fall to the Earth almost perpendicularly, so the energy on the earth’s surface becomes concentrated and heats the soil much faster. In winter, on the contrary, the rays pass through, as a result of which the soil and water in the oceans do not have time to warm up quickly, remaining cold.

In other words, in summer the density of solar energy falling on the earth’s surface is higher, in winter it is lower, and temperature indicators depend on this. Moreover, in summer there are longer daylight hours, the Sun shines much longer above the horizon, and therefore has much more time to warm up the soil and water surfaces.

How do the seasons change in different zones of the Earth?

When summer begins in the northern hemisphere, winter comes in the southern hemisphere because it is further away from the sun at that time. A similar thing happens in the second half of the year: when approaching southern hemisphere towards our star it becomes hot, and in the northern hemisphere, accordingly, it becomes cold.

At the same time, in different belts various planets are observed climatic conditions, since they are at unequal distances from the equator. The closer regions are to the equator, the hotter the climate, and vice versa - regions further away from the equator experience colder temperatures.

The weather can also be influenced by the location of certain regions in relation to sea level. As altitude increases, it decreases, and the Earth gives off less heat, so in mountainous areas it is always colder even in summer season.

Why is there no winter and summer at the equator?

Why does the degree of heat and cold depend on location to the equator? The fact is that this imaginary line crossing the center of the Earth, regardless of the planet’s tilt axis, is always closest to the Sun.

For this reason, regions located on the equator constantly experience a large influx of solar radiation, and the air temperature on their territory remains unchanged within +24...+28 °C.

In addition, the sun's rays fall on the equator at right angles, due to which this part of the land receives more light and heat than others.

It is known that our planet has the shape of a ball. Many children learn from childhood that this is why the distribution of heat on our planet is not uniform. At the same time, we all know that our planet constantly rotates around its axis. However, many people still wonder why it turns out that not all the inhabitants of the planet feel warm in the summer. In addition, it remains unclear why it is cold in winter in some regions, while in others it is incredibly hot.

Why is it so cold in winter

Many people do not understand why in winter it is very hot in one part of the planet and cold in another. As we noted at the beginning, in addition to rotating around the Sun, the Earth rotates around its axis. When the seasons change, the angle formed between the orbit and the axis also undergoes some changes. This angle is 23 degrees and makes slight deviations throughout the year.

In northern latitudes, with the onset of winter, the rays begin to slide across the surface of the northern hemisphere. In other words, the Sun is no longer at right angles to them. This is why the air temperature begins to drop. Our country is located in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, summer in the regions of our country begins when the sun's rays fall on them at right angles.

Meanwhile, in some regions of Russia, for example in the Krasnodar Territory, warm weather costs almost all year round. This is due to the fact that the Krasnodar region is located at a different latitude.

As for countries where it is always hot, even in the winter months, their case is explained by their close location to the equator. Sun rays constantly fall on them perpendicularly. It is worth mentioning that in countries with sharply continental climate The weather does not depend on the location on the globe and the time of year, but mainly on the activity of air currents.