Calculating the expected date of birth (EDD) can be done in several ways, and each of them will only be indicative. Every gynecologist has a “favorite” method that he relies on. But the deviation of the due date from the calculated one is a variant of the norm.

The proposed method is on the first day of the last menstruation. Suitable for women with a regular cycle lasting 28 days.

How to use the calculator

Just enter the date of the first day of your last period in the field - and click the button “Find out the due date”.

How else can you find out your gestational age and due date?

1. In the first trimester, you can find out the gestational age with high accuracy directly at an appointment with a gynecologist. He will determine the due date without any tests, simply by the size of the uterus. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters this will no longer work.

To carry out calculations using this method, you need to add 280 days to the date of ovulation.

You can use the date of sexual intercourse as the initial data (just keep in mind that fertilization of the egg can occur on the 2nd or even 3rd day after it.

3. Hardware calculation of gestational age and date of birth using ultrasound. Using this method, the period can be determined with an accuracy of 1-3 days.

Using ultrasound, a specialist can observe the condition of the fetus, placenta, the position of the child’s head in relation to the entrance to the pelvis, the size of the opening of the cervix and other important parameters. That is why this method is highly accurate.

Estimated date of birth(PDF) is the day when the pregnancy is exactly 40 weeks. Although a full-term pregnancy is considered to have reached a full 37 weeks, and in some cases a healthy full-term baby can be born at 42 weeks of pregnancy, it is still customary to focus on 40 weeks, since most births begin at this period.

Importance of Calculation expected date the birth of a baby is beyond doubt, and the point here is not only the desire of the parents to prepare for the arrival of a new family member. The medical side of the matter is also important. Let us list the reasons why a doctor managing a pregnancy needs to know the expected date of birth.

Fetal growth and development. It is important for a doctor monitoring the course of pregnancy to know how the developing baby corresponds in size to the gestational age (which is calculated based on the expected date of birth) in order to promptly diagnose such a serious complication as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), which is a consequence of placental insufficiency (pathology , in which the placenta does not fully perform the functions of providing the fetus with everything necessary for growth and development). Timely adequate diagnosis, and therefore treatment of this complication, has great importance for the further full development of the baby.

Preventing pregnancy complications. During the observation process, the obstetrician remembers that at various stages of pregnancy the development of certain complications is possible, and therefore the time frame within which it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures to identify complications, their prevention and treatment is determined (for example, prenatal screening - diagnosis congenital malformations of the fetus - must be carried out within clearly established periods of pregnancy, and if these terms are not observed, its diagnostic value is sharply reduced). For diseases such as diabetes and hypertension - if the course of the disease worsens or treatment does not have a positive effect - it may be necessary to deliver before labor begins on its own. Then the doctor needs to know in order to ensure the maximum possible degree of fetal maturity in a given clinical situation.

When to go to the maternity hospital

If there are indications for early hospitalization before delivery, it is important to correctly determine the timing within which the pregnant woman should go to the maternity hospital. Indeed, if hospitalization is too late (for example, on the eve of a planned cesarean section), there is a risk of not having time to carry out the necessary amount of examination and preparation for delivery, and too early hospitalization is not advisable, since a long stay of the expectant mother in the hospital can lead to an increased level of anxiety and stress the day before childbirth The duration of prenatal hospitalization for various complications during pregnancy may vary. For example, when diabetes mellitus It is necessary to hospitalize a pregnant woman no later than 36 weeks. In case of transverse position of the fetus and placenta previa, the expectant mother should be in a hospital setting no later than 37 weeks (since during this period the processes of preparing the body for childbirth begin, which poses a great danger due to prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid in the case of transverse position of the fetus and the development of bleeding during presentation placenta). Women with breech presentation and anatomically narrow pelvis are sent to prenatal hospitalization at 38–39 weeks of pregnancy in order to have time to conduct a full examination, choose a method of delivery, and prevent post-term pregnancy.

How to calculate your due date

For determining expected date of birth Several methods are used.

Obstetric term(by date of last menstruation). It is generally accepted to consider the reference date menstrual cycle the date of the first day of the last menstruation - that is, the full menstrual cycle is calculated as the interval from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation.

For calculation expected date of birth There are two ways to determine the date of your period:

280 days are added to the date of the first day of the last menstruation (this is the average duration of pregnancy, counting from the date of menstruation).

Naegele's formula: 3 months are subtracted from the first day of the last menstruation and 7 days are added. For example, the last menstruation was on May 10 - subtracting 3 months, we get February 10, and adding 7 days, we get February 17 - this will be the expected date of birth based on the date of menstruation (we will assume that on February 17, the gestational age will be a full 40 weeks, and therefore, labor should begin around this time).

Embryonic term(by date of conception or ovulation). The probability of pregnancy is greatest on the day when ovulation occurs - the process of the release of a mature egg from the ovary. This usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (for example, if the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th day, and if the cycle is 32 days, then on the 16th day).

Considering that the egg is capable of fertilization within 24 hours after ovulation, and the lifespan of the sperm is on average 72 hours (in some cases it can reach 4-5 days), then the probability of fertilization is not 1 day, but much earlier - starting from 9 -10th day of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle). This circumstance makes it much more difficult to determine the expected due date based on the date of conception. Establishing the due date by conception is possible in cases where a woman knows exactly the date of ovulation (for example, she monitored basal temperature or medical indications ultrasound monitoring of folliculogenesis, the process of egg maturation, was carried out). To determine the maximum age, 266 days are added to the date of conception (since this is true duration pregnancy) or 38 weeks.

With a regular menstrual cycle (28 days long), there is no difference between calculations based on the date of the last menstruation and the date of conception, therefore it is most convenient and informative to determine by the date of menstruation.

By date of first appearance antenatal clinic. This method Determining the duration of pregnancy and childbirth will be as informative as possible if the expectant mother consults a doctor before 12 weeks of pregnancy. When registering, in order to verify the presence of pregnancy and determine its duration, the doctor will perform an examination on a gynecological chair to determine the size of the uterus. It begins to increase from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy and takes on a spherical shape. In addition, during pregnancy the uterus becomes soft (outside of pregnancy, the uterus is pear-shaped and has a dense consistency).

When determining the size of the uterus during a gynecological examination, the doctor specifies which gestational age corresponds to an enlarged uterus. For example, at 5-6 weeks the uterus becomes the size of a chicken egg, at 7-8 weeks - the size of a goose egg, by 12 weeks it reaches the size of a newborn’s head and its bottom (so-called top part uterus) it is already possible to palpate (feel) through the anterior abdominal wall without resorting to vaginal examination. Starting from the second trimester, the height of the uterine fundus can be used to approximately determine the duration of pregnancy: by 16 weeks, the uterine fundus is in the middle of the distance between the womb and the navel, by 24 weeks - at the level of the navel.

It is important to remember that the longer the gestational age, the higher the error may be when determining it using this parameter, since the height of the uterine fundus depends on many individual characteristics: the number of births in history, the size of the fetus, gynecological diseases (for example, with uterine fibroids, the size this organ will be larger than the norm for a given period), the anatomical features of the expectant mother’s body, etc. Therefore highest value to determine the PDD by attending the antenatal clinic, an examination was carried out before 12 weeks of pregnancy - then the doctor will be able to determine the gestational age based on the size of the uterus.

According to ultrasound data. Determination of gestational age and expected date of birth It can be done quite accurately if an ultrasound is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). When conducting an ultrasound examination at the earliest stages (and it is possible to see the fertilized egg by ultrasound from 3-5 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo begins to be clearly visualized a little later - starting from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy) the average internal diameter is measured ovum and the coccygeal-parietal size of the unborn child’s CTE. For each stage of pregnancy, there are certain CTE standards, measured in millimeters, by comparing which with the data obtained, you can quite accurately determine the expected date of birth.

In the second and third trimesters gestational age is established based on the measurement of certain dimensions of the fetus: such as biparietal size (the distance between the parietal tubercles, or the large transverse size of the fetal head), head circumference, abdominal circumference, diameter of the chest and abdomen of the fetus, length of the femur. The data obtained also allows us to judge the gestational age, but it must be remembered that the longer it is, the greater the likelihood of error. This is explained by the fact that as the fetus develops, depending on the characteristics of the pregnancy, the presence of maternal diseases, hereditary factors, the size of the fetus, by which the gestational age is judged, will vary significantly. One mother will have a child weighing 2600 g and a height of 48 cm, and the other will have a child weighing 4500 g and a height of 57 cm, which is completely normal, since all people have individual anthropometric characteristics. Thus, it is possible to determine the gestational age as accurately as possible using ultrasound data in I trimester of pregnancy or at about 20 weeks, when there is the greatest correspondence between the size of the fetus and the gestational age.

By date of first movement fetus PDP can also be determined by such a parameter as the date of the first fetal movement. In this situation, it is more correct to talk about the date when the pregnant woman first felt the fetal movements, since the fetus begins to actively move in the uterus from 8 weeks of pregnancy, the mother simply does not feel this due to the too small size of the child. It is believed that primiparous women first feel fetal movements on average from 20 weeks of pregnancy, and multiparous women - from 18 weeks, therefore, to determine the expected due date for this parameter, 20 weeks are added to the date of the first fetal movement in primiparous women, and 22 weeks in multiparous women.

It should be noted that this method definitions of traffic rules is considered additional, or auxiliary, since fetal movements are a very subjective sensation, and moreover, expectant mothers do not always notice it for the first time within the above periods. For example, first-time mothers may feel fetal movements for the first time later in pregnancy - after all, this is a sensation that is still unfamiliar to them, and at first they may confuse it with intestinal motility or simply not notice it. Women with a pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat may first feel fetal movements 1-2 weeks later. Multiparous women, on the contrary, can notice the first movements at an earlier date (at 16-17 weeks), since they already know how it happens. These circumstances may reduce the accuracy of determining the expected due date based on the date of the first fetal movement.

For what calculate the maximum allowance according to several parameters?

The need to calculate expected date of birth according to several methods is simultaneously caused by the following factors. Firstly, despite the presence state-of-the-art methods Estimating the duration of pregnancy, predicting when a woman will go into labor (with an accuracy of the day) is almost impossible. Secondly, some data from which it is customary to calculate the expected date of birth may, for various reasons, be uninformative. For example, if you have an irregular menstrual cycle, calculating the gestational age based on the date of the last menstruation will not be accurate, and if you arrive late at the antenatal clinic, have gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids), or are overweight, it will be difficult to determine the gestational age based on the size of the uterus. Taking these circumstances into account, the doctor sets the expected due date according to maximum number data to clarify the time interval in which labor is most likely to begin. As a result expected due date most often it is defined not as one specific date (for example, January 15), but as a time period (for example, from January 12 to 17).

However, even at the expected date of birth, which is correctly calculated based on all data, not all pregnant women begin, since the duration of pregnancy in each case depends on many factors. That is why the date of birth is called estimated.

Length of pregnancy, and therefore the period when regular labor will develop, are individual, and are also calculated based on the fact that labor will begin upon reaching a full 40 weeks, but the pregnancy is considered full-term after 37 weeks, so labor can begin in 2-3 weeks before the expected due date. A variant of the norm is the development of labor in the 41st week of pregnancy.

Thus, on duration of pregnancy and the timing of childbirth is influenced by many factors, among which an important role is played by the history of the expectant mother, the number of previous births, the presence of miscarriages, premature births and/or abortions in the past, existing chronic diseases. In addition to these features, for a period onset of labor The characteristics of the course of a given pregnancy also influence. For example, during a multiple pregnancy, labor often begins earlier than during a singleton pregnancy, and the gestation period is inversely proportional to the number of fetuses (the more fetuses, the shorter the period), which is due to overdistension of the uterus. With the development of placental insufficiency (a pathology of pregnancy in which one or more functions of the placenta are disrupted, leading to insufficient provision of the fetus with everything necessary for growth and development), it is possible that early development labor activity, and an increase in the duration of pregnancy by 1-2 weeks.

Despite the absolute impossibility precise definition date of birth, it is still necessary to correctly calculate the maximum allowance. Focusing on the expected date of birth, the degree of biological readiness of the expectant mother’s body for childbirth (determined by a doctor based on a number of signs, one of the main ones is the degree of maturity of the cervix - the presence of biological readiness for childbirth is the key to the physiological course of labor and a favorable outcome for the mother and fetus) and condition fetus, the doctor will be able to promptly resolve the issue of the need for preparation for childbirth, prenatal hospitalization, drug treatment and so on.

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Almost immediately after receiving a positive pregnancy test result, women start thinking about when to give birth. This date is important as a guideline, a direction that will help you better understand how much is left, as well as plan things and prepare for the birth of the baby. The expected date of birth is also important for doctors. There are several ways to calculate it - by last menstruation, by date of conception, by ovulation. This article will tell you how to do this in practice.

PDR - what is it and why count it?

The expected date of birth is usually considered not only so that future parents can check the “Saints” and choose a name for the child, but also plan dad’s vacation. PDR is an important guideline that is necessary for the attending physician and the woman herself to monitor the dynamics of pregnancy, plan the method and method of delivery.

The estimated due date is not exact, so don't treat it as your baby's due date. When the day of birth comes, medicine, alas, cannot predict in advance. Childbirth is a very complex and multi-stage physiological and biochemical process, which requires full readiness both mother and fetus. And you only need to calculate the MDA in order to know the approximate time period in which the day of birth will occur.

Normally, full-term babies are born between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy inclusive. Your due date may fall on any day during this time. Only every twentieth baby is born strictly in the PDD, the rest prefer to surprise their parents with their birth either earlier or too late, indicated in the mother’s exchange card as a PDR.

Calculation method

You can make the necessary calculation in two ways - yourself with a calculator and calendar, or using a pregnancy calculator that works online. The calculator will help you save time, since it allows you to calculate the required date in seconds. The calculation algorithm is the same both for independent calculations and for using a calculator. It is based on the obstetric method of calculating gestational age.

This means that it is customary to count PDR not from any day, but from the first day of the last menstruation. This calculation is considered the most correct method. The fact is that the start day is the last one before the onset of " interesting situation“menstruation is the only precisely known date, and it is simply impossible to determine all the others with an accuracy of the day. According to obstetric standards, gestational age is calculated from the first day of menstruation, considering this day as the first day of pregnancy.

  • add 9 to the day of the last menstruation calendar months and subtract 7 days;
  • 3 months are subtracted from the day of the last menstruation and 7 days are added;
  • 280 days are added to the day of the last menstruation ( average duration pregnancy in humans).

Using an online calculator, the calculation does not take much time. A woman simply enters the day the last menstruation began and receives free information about how many days are left before giving birth, what date the end of the 40th week falls on (this is the PPD), what period the woman is now (accurate to the week and day). The calculator will also make it easier to find information about the due date - it will provide useful links to articles about the development of the baby, it will remind you when you need to go to a consultation, what tests to take at what time, when to come for the first or second prenatal screening.

How to calculate the date of birth based on the date of conception is a complex question. The fact is that it is extremely difficult to establish the exact date of conception, even if a woman knows exactly what kind of sexual intercourse led to the birth of a new life. Fertilization itself occurs only during the ovulatory phase. It does not last long - from 24 to 36 hours after the release of the egg. This is the life expectancy allotted to female reproductive cells.

Sperm are more persistent and hardy and can exist in the woman’s genital tract for up to 3-5 days, and therefore after the egg leaves the follicle on the surface of the ovary, it can be fertilized like those germ cells that were already in the genital tract after intercourse for 3 -4 days before ovulation, and sperm from a “fresh batch”.

Ovulation itself is also a very unstable date; it can happen a little earlier or a few days later, since this process is directly dependent on the endocrine background.

If a woman believes she knows the date of conception because she remembers the day of sexual intercourse, this does not mean at all that fertilization itself occurred on that day. For this reason, the date of birth is not calculated from the date of conception. But you can also make a calculation based on the date of ovulation (if you know it exactly) - 266 days are added to it. This allows you to find out what day your expected due date falls on.

Neither doctors nor calculators use such a calculation system due to its high error and inaccuracy.

Irregular cycle and IVF

It is quite difficult to use a calculator and do your own calculations if a woman has such an irregular cycle that she simply does not remember when her last period began. Irregular cycles can vary. If they appear with different cycle lengths (either 28 or 32 days), this will not affect the calculations, since the date of the last menstruation is there, the rest can be calculated without problems.

If the date is unknown, then you need to do it early Ultrasound to determine gestational age. Only up to the 10th week of pregnancy can it be determined with great accuracy. Before this period, the processes of embryogenesis occur, when the baby’s organs, tissues, and systems are formed, and the growth of different embryos at this period proceeds at approximately the same pace.

By the end of the first trimester, babies in the mother's womb begin to grow differently: some are larger, others are small. This is influenced by the genetic program received by the baby from the parents, or simply by heredity. Determining the period based on the size of the fetus becomes difficult.

If the desired pregnancy occurs during an IVF treatment protocol, general calculators and calculation methods for pregnant women are also not suitable. For artificial insemination, a woman is induced to undergo drug-induced superovulation, and then several mature eggs are taken from several follicles at once using follicular puncture. Fertilization with the husband's or donor's sperm occurs in a laboratory setting. After a few days, the embryos are transferred to the patient's uterus.

14 and 21 days after this, the woman can visit an ultrasound specialist to confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy. In this case, nothing can be calculated from conception either, because the conception took place in the laboratory. It all depends on how large the embryos were transferred when they implanted.

There are special calculators that help calculate the date of birth and the current period for women after IVF. They need to indicate the date of embryo transfer, as well as the age of the embryos at the time of transfer (three days, four days, five days). As a result, they receive a calculation in which the gestational age is indicated in the obstetric period, and the PPD, like everyone else, occurs at the end of the 40th week of pregnancy.

What to consider?

When determining the due date using any of the methods described above, a woman should remember that there are a number of personal characteristics of the body that can also affect PDD. The calculations, of course, will remain the same; no adjustments need to be made to them, but you should know that in women with a short menstrual cycle, childbirth usually occurs earlier than the expected date. With a long cycle (more than 33 days), there is a high probability that the pregnancy will also be prolonged to 42 weeks or more.

Women with an established cycle usually give birth as close as possible to the expected day of birth, lasting from 28 to 30 days. This is the classic obstetric standard for the duration of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman is expecting her first child, then childbirth is most often also approaching the date defined as PDA. And with repeated births, there is a higher probability that the child will want to be born earlier than the date indicated in the maternal exchange card.

​​​​​​​Multiple pregnancies usually end in childbirth before the PPD. Large babies are in no hurry to be born, so labor may begin later than expected.

Relative confidence in the timing can only be for women who, for medical reasons, are scheduled for planned C-section. Its term is set for 39 full weeks, unless there are circumstances and reasons for an earlier delivery. In this case, the expectant mother can choose her own child’s birthday within the specified time period; doctors give this opportunity, offering a choice of any day between 39 and 40 weeks.

Having learned that the baby will appear in about 9 months, the expectant mother is eager to find out the exact date joyful event. You want to meet the long-awaited new family member ready mentally and physically.

Gynecologists calculate the expected period of resolution of the burden different ways. Usually the baby is born between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.. An examination by a doctor, ultrasound data, the date of ovulation - this is information that helps calculate the future “day X”.

The most calculation based on the beginning of the last menstrual cycle is considered simple and popular. This is a simple method by which the estimated date of birth (EDD) is determined. It is called the obstetric method. But like other calculations, it shows an approximate date.

Obstetric calculations serve as the basis for tests; based on them, a certificate of the beginning of maternity leave is issued, and the maximum allowance is calculated. They will help you find out your due date based on your last menstrual period.

It is easy to find out your due date from your last menstrual period. However According to statistics, only 4 women out of 100 give birth on time. For the rest, this figure fluctuates within 2 weeks in one direction or another.

Obstetric method for determining the date of birth

Using the obstetric method, the date is calculated from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle. Most suitable for women with regular periods.

Obstetric calculations serve as the basis for tests; based on them, a certificate of the beginning of maternity leave is issued, and the maximum allowance is calculated.

The PDR according to this method is found as follows:

  • 3 months are subtracted from the start date of the last cycle;
  • 7 days are added to the result;
  • the resulting number is the desired PDR.

This date is very important at the initial stage of pregnancy for the doctor and for the mother in labor.

It allows the doctor:

  • control the pregnancy process;
  • monitor the development of the fetus and the health of the woman;
  • prevent or notice pathological changes in time;
  • determine the maturity of the fetus, taking into account the indications of ultrasound and other examinations;
  • prepare the woman psychologically, choose a method of childbirth, taking into account the maturity of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

Knowing the due date helps a woman:

  • find out the date of birth (based on the last menstrual period) at the very beginning of pregnancy and compare with your further sensations;
  • adjust it with your doctor if necessary;
  • receive a certificate on time maternity leave in the antenatal clinic;
  • Discuss with your doctor the due date and obstetric care, based on medical indications.

Knowledge of traffic rules helps to the expectant mother prepare properly for what's coming important event, comply with the doctor’s requirements at every stage, which will improve the health of the woman and child.

How to determine the due date using Naegele's formula

The formula of Naegele, a famous German obstetrician, is used in the obstetric method for determining PDR.

Of course, each organism is individual, but there is an average obstetric pregnancy duration. The basis is 280 days, based on the average static cycle duration (28 days). This correlates with the phases of the moon, which is why pregnancy is said to last 10 lunar months.

Pay attention to doctors' advice

According to the formula, 9 months are added to the first day of the last menstruation, then another 7 days are added. With the obstetric method, the previous 3 months are subtracted and 7 days are added. This is the so-called inverse Naegele formula.

This simple formula will help you find out your due date based on your last period.

A similar calculation of the maximum permissible value has been used in practice for many years, the error is up to 2 weeks, but additional examinations help to significantly reduce it.

Important to remember! Finding out the date of birth using data from your last menstrual period is very important. This must be done as early as possible so as not to give birth in inappropriate conditions (if the due date was determined incorrectly). The health of the mother and child, payments and the duration of maternity leave depend on this.

Online calculator to determine your due date

Such calculators help you quickly calculate the required date. They are built on the use of the same Naegele formula. By entering the required numbers in the required fields and clicking the mouse, you get the expected date.

But for a more accurate result and the correct course of pregnancy, additional examinations are required that will help clarify the PDR.

Everything is convenient and fast. But for a more accurate result and the correct course of pregnancy, additional examinations are required that will help clarify the PDR.

How accurately can you calculate your due date?

Cycle duration and MRP are interconnected. The primary calculation is based on a cycle (28 days). With a longer, irregular or shorter cycle there will always be deviations. That's why the number that the doctor determines using this method is only the estimated date of onset of labor.

Test data, examinations by a gynecologist in consultation, and monitoring the course of pregnancy will help reduce the error.

Interesting fact! The date of birth of a child depends on various reasons; it can be changed by illness, stress, or expecting twins. If twins or triplets are born, then this happens ahead of schedule. In this case, gynecologists consider this to be the norm.

Other ways to find out your due date

Having calculated the PDR, the doctor will closely monitor the health of the expectant mother and fetus. The duration of pregnancy is largely determined individual characteristics mother and child. To take into account all factors and reduce the likelihood of error, the gynecologist constantly analyzes data from various studies.

To find out the date of onset of labor, gynecologists use not only calculations based on the last menstruation, but also a number of other methods:

  • ultrasonography;
  • taking into account the first movement;
  • embryonic calculation method (ovulation, day of conception);
  • gynecological examination.

All these methods provide the doctor with additional information about the actual duration of pregnancy, fetal maturity, and readiness for childbirth.

All methods are not absolute. So, a woman giving birth for the first time will feel the movement of the fetus in the middle of the term. A woman who has already given birth will feel the movement of the fetus much earlier, because she expects it and listens to herself more carefully. Ovulation does not necessarily correspond to the day of conception, and the height of the uterine fundus is a rather individual indicator.

Do not miss useful recommendations:

However the totality of data allows the specialist to determine the onset of labor within 1-3 days. An ultrasound examination at 11-14 weeks is considered the most accurate.

Important to remember! All methods are not absolute. So, a woman giving birth for the first time will feel the movement of the fetus in the middle of the term. A woman who has already given birth will feel the movement of the fetus much earlier, because she expects it and listens to herself more carefully.

Note! The duration of the menstrual cycle has a direct impact on the due date. They are connected in direct proportion. In the case of a shorter cycle, labor will occur earlier than the calculated date. If the cycle is longer, then the event will occur later, although in both cases these will be healthy full-term children.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, the expectant mother should immediately register. A gynecologist will help a woman correctly determine the period and will accompany her at all stages of pregnancy. Knowing the due date will help a woman properly prepare for the birth of a baby and become a happy mother of a healthy child.

How to find out the gestational age, knowing the date of the last menstruation:


There is little that compares to the joy of receiving a positive pregnancy test result! Having realized the wonderful news that you will soon become a mother, you will begin to think about practical questions. One of these questions is how to find out your due date?

Start with

Cycle duration is 21 days. 22 days 23 days 24 days 25 days 26 days 27 days 28 days 29 days 30 days 31 days 32 days 33 days 34 days 35 days 36 days 37 days 38 days 39 days 40 days

Defining it is not as easy as it might seem. Most expectant mothers don't realize they're pregnant until their first missed period, by which time they can be up to five weeks into their pregnancy. This means that simply counting nine months from the date of the pregnancy test is not enough, even if you try to take into account the weeks that have passed since your last ovulation.

It will be possible to determine the exact date of birth of your unborn child only if you remember exactly the day of the ovulatory cycle at the time of fertilization.


What you may not know is that menstruation and ovulation are considered the first two weeks of pregnancy. So it's no surprise that the calculations can be tricky, especially if your cycle is longer or shorter than average (28 days).

Although pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks, your due date can depend on various factors. Our calculator takes into account the start date of your last period and the length of your cycle to quickly calculate your estimated due date based on your cycle length.

If you know exactly the date of conception, indicate it. The calculator takes into account the first two weeks that fall during menstruation and ovulation.

  • 1.Specify first the first day of your last period, as well as the average length of your cycle. This is the number of days from the first day of one period to last day before the start of the next menstruation. If you know which one the day conception occurred select this option as an alternative.
  • 2. Enter relevant dates to the calculator.
  • 3. Then click To know!

Remember that the calculator calculates an approximate date, not an exact date. In the end, each pregnancy has its own individual characteristics.


By calculating the due date, you will know the approximate date of birth of the baby, and you can begin to prepare for it

If you haven't already, start by making an appointment with your doctor, who can confirm your pregnancy with blood tests and an exam and help you determine a more accurate due date.

At each subsequent examination, the doctor will determine the size of your uterus and monitor the development of the baby. The highlights of these exams will be when you hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time, as well as when you see it on the sonogram. As your pregnancy progresses, your due date may change.

Remember that throughout your pregnancy you should first listen to your doctor's advice. However, there are some things you can do yourself. Check out the rest of our site for more information.