Charcoal is a product obtained from the thermal decomposition of wood without access to air. The feedstock does not burn, but undergoes gasification under the influence of heat, thanks to which its structure is preserved, and the final product contains big number capillaries and pores. This quality is the reason for its widespread use charcoal in various fields of human activity (it is an excellent adsorbent). It is used in the food industry, metallurgy, medicine, agriculture and other sectors. In addition, it is biologically pure and non-hazardous to environment type of fuel. And the production of charcoal can bring good income.

Product Description

Charcoal is a unique high-carbon material obtained by dry distillation (charring) of wood. The raw materials for its production can be both coniferous and deciduous wood. The type of wood processed determines the type of final product. It is customary to distinguish three types of such coal:

  • black - obtained from soft wood (aspen, linden, alder);
  • red – a product of distillation of hard wood (oak, birch, etc.);
  • white - made from coniferous wood (spruce, pine, etc.).

Firewood is considered the best source for producing coal. They produce a high quality product. However, it is allowed to use waste from the woodworking and forestry industries (branches, twigs, stumps), as well as waste from furniture production (trimming boards and planks) and even wood scrap (damaged and unusable pallets, boxes, etc.) as raw materials. It is useful to know why it is gaining more and more popularity among small businesses.

Important! Requirements for raw materials are determined by GOST 24260-80. Charcoal must be manufactured to meet the requirements GOST 7657-84. In accordance with this standard, the grade and belonging of coal to one of the grades is determined: A, B or C.

Charcoal is in great demand as a fuel. It is valued for its high heat transfer, the impossibility of spontaneous combustion, and the absence of harmful substances. Such a product does not emit smoke or open flame during combustion. Therefore, it is often used for grills, barbecues, open fires, stoves, and fireplaces.

This material is used to disinfect industrial wastewater and air emissions from factories and enterprises. It is used as a reducing agent in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy. Charcoal has also found its application in animal husbandry and crop production: it is added to feed for birds and livestock, and it is used to fertilize upper layer land. It does a great job of removing unpleasant odors and is suitable for the regeneration of water and air in closed spaces.

In addition, during the decay of wood, by-products are formed - resins, which can later be used to make acetic acid, turpentine, methyl alcohol, etc.

All this suggests that charcoal production as a business is a very promising area. Next we will talk about what an entrepreneur will need to master it.

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Technology and equipment

The production is based on the process of thermal pyrolysis - the decomposition of organic compounds in the absence or limitation of oxygen. Until recently, the installations used to ensure this process caused significant harm to the environment by releasing the resulting gases into the atmosphere.

Modern technologies are based on the use of retort-type charcoal kilns for the production of charcoal. Such furnaces solve the problem of pollution; moreover, they allow the use of gases formed during the pyrolysis process to maintain the required temperature, thereby reducing the entrepreneur’s energy costs and ensuring a continuous production cycle.

Raw materials are loaded into removable retorts (closed containers), which are placed on top of the combustion chamber. In these containers, wood decomposes under the influence of heat (temperature is 400–500 ° C). At the same time, in the oven, the raw materials are dried in the upper part, the wood is heated in the next retort, the wood is decomposed and the coal is calcined in the middle part, and the finished product is cooled in the lower part.

The vapor-gas mixture formed in this case is discharged through special pipes, after which the gas is separated from the liquid in a condensation device.

Equipment for the production of charcoal can be either stationary or mobile.

If your budget allows, you can immediately buy an expensive and high-performance installation. For example, you can purchase a frontal two-retort Russian furnace PF2RG-60 “Standard” with a capacity of up to 120 tons finished products per month. Its price is approximately 2.5 million rubles.

Such an installation will also make it possible to effectively use excess heat and energy from pyrolysis gases. To service it, only one employee and a loader for carrying retorts with a lifting capacity of 5 tons are required. Any piece of waste can be used as raw material.

It’s easier and cheaper to purchase a small-volume installation, consisting of a chamber with a built-in boiler and equipped with afterburning of pyrolysis gases, for example, the Zarya charcoal kiln. It has a simple design, does not require electricity, and is suitable for installation in logging areas.

In one cycle, such a plant can produce up to 5 tons of high-quality coal (the number of cycles per month is from 7 to 16). Its cost varies from 480 thousand to 1,180 thousand rubles, depending on the modification. Mobile pyrolysis plants of small volume, producing up to 8 tons of products per month, cost from 100 thousand to 360 thousand rubles.

The cheapest and simplest option for producing charcoal, which you can try even at home, is to use an ordinary two-hundred-liter metal barrel for this purpose. A description of the method and a diagram according to which you can design a stove yourself are in the following video:

Certainly, big money this method will not work. It is more suitable for those entrepreneurs who run their own cafes and kebab shops and need regular supplies of charcoal for cooking (see). Those who plan to produce coal for sale should consider the more productive options discussed above.

In addition to the basic equipment, you will need a device for chopping wood, hand tools (axes, hacksaws), a chainsaw, scales and a packaging machine. According to the most conservative estimates, it will take about 800 thousand rubles to launch a mini-production.

Business Starting Plan

Before you start implementing an idea, you need to prepare a project. It is advisable to start with market research. You need to outline the circle of potential clients, determine the existing level of supply, and analyze your capabilities.

An important step in organizing such a business is searching for suppliers of raw materials. Ideally, if the production is located near logging or wood processing enterprises. The further away from the sources of raw materials, the higher the transportation costs and the cost of finished products.

The business plan for charcoal production must include calculations of capital and operating costs, as well as a forecast of income and profit. One-time start-up costs include costs for preparing the territory, purchasing, delivering and launching equipment, processing documents, conducting promotional events and so on.

Important! You can register such a business as a . Main type code entrepreneurial activity according to OKVED, which must be indicated when registering a charcoal production business – 20.14« Production of other basic organic chemicals» .

In small production (up to 15 tons per month), the cost of a ton of charcoal is approximately 20 thousand rubles. average price for finished products – 25 thousand rubles per ton. Thus, by producing 15 tons of charcoal per month, you can receive about 75 thousand rubles of net profit.

It's useful to read about. Legal aspects, choosing premises, purchasing equipment and searching for personnel.

Charcoal is a natural biofuel that you can make yourself.

Making charcoal in a pit

You can make it yourself in a pit. Used this method a long time ago. This way you can make coal quite simply. To do this, it will be necessary to prepare a small pit, which should have the shape of a cylinder, while the walls should remain vertical. Its diameter should be 80 cm, while the depth should be 50 cm. Using this technology, you can get two bags of biofuel.

Features of making a pit for producing coal

If you decide to make it yourself, you first need to prepare a hole. After its bottom is thoroughly compacted, you can use the method of pressing with your feet. This is necessary in order to prevent mixing of the finished product with the soil. After this, you need to make a fire using birch bark and small branches. Gradually you need to start adding wood and thin branches to the fire. You need to ensure that everything is covered with burning wood. Once the fire is lit, you can begin making charcoal. To do this you will need to prepare firewood.

Requirements for raw materials for the production of coal

Do-it-yourself charcoal will turn out to be of high quality if you throw firewood that does not have bark into the pit. This is due to the fact that it smokes a lot. Whereas coal using such firewood is of very low quality. In order to use fuel more comfortably, the raw materials must first be cut into individual elements.

You can choose the dimensions of the workpieces yourself, but the size of one element should not exceed 30 cm. New firewood must be laid on top, and the mass must be moved with the help of a long pole. The beams should be laid in layers as densely as possible. Thus, the hole should be filled to the top. The duration of burning will also depend on air humidity.

When you make charcoal with your own hands, it will be possible to fill a pit of the size mentioned in about 3 hours.

Final works

After the hole is filled, it needs to be covered with grass and also leaves. Everything is sprinkled with a layer of soil on top and compacted. In such conditions, charcoal should remain for two days, after which it can be sifted and then packaged. As soon as this work can be completed, it can be considered ready for use.

Making charcoal in a barrel

You can use equipment for the production of charcoal according to the type of container. To do this, it will be necessary to prepare a thick-walled steel barrel. Its dimensions should be selected depending on the amount of coal expected to be received.

If the barrel is large, it will take much longer to fill it. If the container has ever been filled with chemicals, such containers cannot be used. If petroleum products were stored in a barrel, it must first be prepared by burning, and then used, but only in its pure form.

Options for making coal in a barrel

Pyrolysis of wood will make it possible to obtain coal using one of the technologies, each of which involves the use of a barrel. The first method involves lighting a fire inside the container. In this case, the process will not differ from the production of coal in a pit. The container should have a large capacity (about 200 liters) - this is necessary so that the wood does not clog the fire.

It is also necessary to install 6 bricks; it is advisable to use fire-resistant products. A fire will have to be lit between them. If you use such equipment for the production of charcoal, then the firewood must be immersed carefully until it covers the bricks. Afterwards, a grate must be installed on the product so that the next batch of firewood can be placed on it.

The wood should be laid in rows fairly tightly. After the barrel is filled to the top, you need to wait until the flame appears from above. Afterwards, you need to cover everything with a steel sheet and leave a small gap. In order to speed up this process, you need to make a hole in the bottom of the container through which air will flow. While the wood is burning, you will need to monitor the color of the smoke. As soon as it acquires a bluish tint, the barrel will need to be closed as tightly as possible and left until it cools completely. Afterwards, the lid is removed from the container, and the finished coals are removed from the inside.

An alternative option for making coals in a barrel

Pyrolysis of wood can make it possible to obtain coal using a slightly different technology. To do this, it will be necessary to fill the container to the top with wood. Afterwards everything should be covered with a non-flammable lid. The barrel must be closed almost hermetically. It is necessary to leave a hole for the gases to escape (it must be large), the temperature inside will need to be brought to 350 degrees.

In order for the production of charcoal to become possible, the container must be installed on a platform. This way it will be possible to isolate it from the soil. The easiest way to implement this is with the help of bricks, which must be laid on a sheet of steel. A fire should be lit between them, which will warm the barrel.

After a certain time, the process of oxidation of the wood will begin and gas will begin to escape. As soon as the gas output stops, the barrel will need to be left on the fire for some time. Thus, it will take about 2.5 hours to burn a 200-liter container. After this, the barrel must be removed from the heat and the remaining holes in the lid must be sealed. In this condition, the container must be stopped until it cools down. Charcoal at home will be ready after the barrel is opened. The coal can be used immediately.

Making charcoal using a stove

If you're wondering how charcoal is made, another method you can consider is using a stove. After the firewood burns out, you will need to select the burned, but not yet collapsed, coals. They should be red. They will need to be placed in a container with a well-sealed lid. It is preferable to use a ceramic container, but you can also use a small bucket or barrel. It is worth remembering that the use of steel containers must imply compliance fire safety. The lid must be kept closed until the coal cools completely. Once it is cold, it can be considered ready for use.

Composed of almost 100% carbon, charcoal is also known as an environmentally friendly and efficient type of fuel that does not pollute the air with toxic fumes and is very convenient for use. quick cooking food. Along with its use on the farm, charcoal is also used in industry. Entire metallurgical and chemical complexes. It is also used in construction as a convenient insulating material. Farmers use it as an additive to livestock feed.

Here we will talk about the production of charcoal, equipment for its production, technology.

  • Black - obtained by firing soft wood (aspen, poplar, alder, etc.);
  • White - obtained by firing hard wood (hornbeam, birch, oak, etc.);
  • Red - obtained by soft firing method mainly from coniferous species trees.

In accordance with GOST 7657-84, coal is divided into three grades based on quality: A, B and C (see video below).

Main Buyers

Given the high demand, the production and sale of finished coal can turn into a respectable business with a very high percentage of profitability. Food service facilities alone consume more than four million tons of charcoal in one season. If we add to this other enterprises and living facilities (schools, kindergartens, universities, etc.), as well as private consumption (hunting, fishing, summer cottages), then we get a completely gigantic figure. It should be taken into account that this form of business does not require any high-tech and costly forms of production.

Equipment for the production of

The following equipment is used for the production of charcoal:

  • Charcoal kiln (from 100 thousand rubles);
  • Libra (from 5 thousand rubles);
  • Electricity generator (20 thousand rubles);
  • Chainsaws (from 5 thousand rubles);
  • Hydraulic device for splitting firewood (from 55 rubles/piece).

An open and level area is required for setting up a furnace for making charcoal. The area of ​​the complex, including storage facilities, will be about 200 sq.m.

Production technology

As raw materials for the production of commercial coal, you will need wood (price from 1000 to 1800 rubles/m3) and bags for packaging (price from 7 to 11 rubles/piece).

The basis for the production of charcoal is the process of pyrolysis ( special process burning wood without oxygen). For these purposes, mobile and stationary charcoal kilns, also called retort kilns, are used. Such furnaces consist of special chambers in which the firing and drying of raw materials is carried out. The basic principle of operation is that the vapors and gases released during coal combustion flow into the furnace, where they are burned, providing the process with additional heat.

Detailed video of charcoal production technology:

The action occurs in the following order: the wood delivered for these purposes is placed in a special loading chamber. After receiving the appropriate signal from the sensors about the burning and drying of coal, it is unloaded and left to cool. Then the final product is crushed into small pieces and packaged in paper or plastic bags and bags. The degree of crushing depends on the purpose of the batch. Coal intended for domestic use is crushed into smaller pieces. For industrial enterprises, crushing is correspondingly larger.

When producing coal, any type of raw material can be used. wood waste– stumps, branches, waste from the paper and furniture industries. Contacts are often established with local forestry workers who carry out annual logging. Peat and sawdust can also be used. The consumption of raw materials per ton of the final product is approximately as follows: birch wood - 7-8 cubic meters, soft wood varieties - 11-12 cubic meters. m.

It is recommended to locate facilities for the production of charcoal in suburban areas. The optimal number of workers is approximately 2-3 people. Highly qualified personnel are not required to service the equipment. In addition to workers, you will also need a watchman, an accountant and a manager.

In recent years, a type of fuel such as charcoal has become increasingly popular. This is due to the ease of use in the most different areas- from barbecuing and heating fireplaces to the production of non-ferrous metals. The charcoal production business is very promising, as it does not require complex technology or the search for rare raw materials. Therefore, today we will look at some points related to compilation.

When deciding to open a new enterprise, it is worth assessing all aspects of this endeavor. Before launching sales, it is necessary to assess the feasibility of production. It is important to foresee at the planning stage possible risks and problems.

Key features of a charcoal production business plan

The products of the timber industry are accompanied by a large amount of secondary raw materials - shavings, sawdust, tree bark and various trimmings. The same waste is found in furniture factories. But these wastes have a wide range of uses. One of these areas is the production of charcoal.

In the process of compilation business plan manufacturing charcoal we will try to identify all the prospects for creating such an enterprise for processing recyclable materials from the timber industry.



Activities of a charcoal production company

The main purpose of organizing such an enterprise is the processing (pyrolysis process) of recyclable materials for the production of charcoal. The raw materials in this case can be: knots, stumps, cuttings from logging production, waste from furniture factories and woodworking enterprises. For high-quality coal, ordinary firewood is used. Next, this raw material is burned without oxygen and dried, after which the cooling process occurs.

The activities of the enterprise are simplified, which is subject to consideration in sections charcoal production business plan, as follows:

  • Purchase of raw materials (sawdust, shavings, bark, etc.);
  • Processing of raw materials;
  • Loading raw materials into the machine and performing pyrolysis;
  • Crushing, briquetting and packaging;
  • Sales of products.

The attractiveness of such production lies in the fact that the products are manufactured from cheap and abundant raw materials, which do not require complex processing. Another advantage is that charcoal has become quite actively used for heating houses and cooking over open fires. That is, the market capacity is increasing.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch charcoal production

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Charcoal production development sales plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of charcoal production

7 – Conclusions

The charcoal production business plan is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


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Drawing up a business plan for charcoal production

Business planning is a very labor-intensive process that requires analysis large quantity information. Therefore, further we will outline only the key sections that you will need to pay attention to when planning future activities.

Charcoal market analysis

Overall situation recent years favorable enough to open a charcoal making business. In addition, consumers of such products can be both individuals and industrial companies.

When analyzing competitors, direct and indirect competitors are subject to consideration. Direct competitors will be domestic and foreign charcoal producers. But indirect competitors are represented quite widely. These may be enterprises producing other fuel raw materials. But competition will also come from substitute products such as ordinary branches, sawdust, etc., or standard coal. Therefore, it is important to understand what competitive advantages your product has, how many consumers are willing to purchase it and at what price.

Registration of charcoal production

When creating an enterprise, it is necessary to register it. To do this, you can register as individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. At the planning stage, keep in mind that you will have to spend time providing all the documents - to the tax office; V Pension Fund and Foundation social insurance, open bank accounts, get others permits— conclusions from the labor protection inspection, fire safety, etc.

Production plan

At one of the first stages, you need to decide on the location of the company, select the necessary equipment, and, in accordance with the dimensions of which, determine the size of the production and utility areas.

To save money, production premises can be located outside the city or in an industrial zone, where the rental cost is several times lower. But when compiling plan release charcoal Please note that the site must have basic communications and convenient access for the delivery of raw materials and shipment of finished products. The production areas should accommodate:

  • Manufacturing facility;
  • Raw materials warehouse;
  • Finished goods warehouse;
  • Administrative premises;
  • Utility rooms.

IN business plan it is necessary to register the characteristics of the one used for production coal equipment. The specific list will be different for each enterprise, but the main equipment includes:

  • Bake;
  • Scales;
  • Electric generator;
  • Chainsaws;
  • Hydraulic equipment.

Also, the main categories of personnel will depend on the production program and staffing table specific enterprise. But in any case business plan manufacturing charcoal You will need to take into account the salaries of the following specialists:

  • Manager;
  • Technologist;
  • Production line operator;
  • General workers;
  • Loaders;
  • Security guard;
  • Other auxiliary workers.

A fundamentally different, but also quite profitable and promising line of business could be opening a porcelain factory. includes a description of all business processes, financial model calculations, etc.

Investment calculations in a charcoal production business plan

It is very difficult to give specific figures for the required investments, since they depend on the characteristics of the enterprise. But you can download a sample on our website business plan for the production and sale of charcoal, the financial model of which will allow you to automatically calculate all the necessary indicators depending on the characteristics of your project.

  • Equipment - xxx r.
  • Premises (rent) - xxx rub.
  • Working capital - xxx rub.
  • Marketing - xxx r.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx rub.

Despite the fact that charcoal is produced from recycled materials, the amount of financial investment when organizing serious production will be very significant. Experts recommend focusing on large production volumes, since this ensures maximum minimization of production costs. Usually to start a business it takes approximately50 - 150 million rubles.

Operating costs for coal production

In addition to investment costs, in the calculations of any business plan there are also operating costs associated, as a rule, with the purchase of raw materials and payment wages. Their approximate structure as follows:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.
  • Salary – xxx rub.
  • Raw materials – xxx r.
  • Utility payments – xxx rub.
  • Depreciation – xxx rub.
  • Taxes – xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) – xxx rub.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx rub.

The total amount of financial investments consists of investment and operating expenses.

Income in a charcoal production business plan

It is even more difficult to name the exact structure and amount of income, since it also depends on a number of factors - seasonality of demand, market capacity, assortment, etc.

Earning income is possible through sales the following types products (differ in raw materials and combustion technology):

  • black coal;
  • white coal;
  • red coal.

The most acceptable distribution channel is usually the conclusion of contracts with construction markets and home improvement supermarkets that sell packaged charcoal. Wholesale sales are also possible to companies that use charcoal in industrial production.

The planned revenue from production for the xxx period is calculated based on average prices in Russia and can amount to xxx thousand rubles. The average payback period for such production will be approximately 3 - 5 years.

There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Professional development of a charcoal production business plan

Before you begin activities to launch a business, you need to plan and calculate everything. Correctly drawing up a business plan will allow you to avoid possible risks, save your time and money, and also help attract investment and credit resources. For example, on our website you can download a sample of the finished business plan for charcoal production. This business plan provides a clear structure of all necessary sections and a financial model that allows you to automatically change all investment indicators. You can also order the development of an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the specifics of your business, by clicking on the link below.

The charcoal production business is attractive due to the large number of distribution channels, as well as the relative simplicity of technology and raw materials. But the success of such activities largely depends on the correct business plan and a reliable determination of market demand.

Man uses different kinds energy daily. And, which is typical, the need for it increases more and more every year. Therefore, the need for fuel that generates this energy increases.

Charcoal - biological species fuel, environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for the atmosphere. This explains its popularity among consumers and the feasibility of organizing an enterprise for its production.

  • This type of fuel is irreplaceable in industrial production as a reducing agent in the smelting of especially rare valuable metals.
  • With the direct participation of charcoal, the processes of regeneration of water and air are carried out in a confined space.
  • Activated carbon, known to everyone, is a wood processing product that saves you from poisoning.
  • It is indispensable for cleaning gas emissions from enterprises and industrial wastewater.
  • The material is widely used in agriculture - for feeding cattle, pigs, poultry, and as a fertilizer for growing crops.
  • In everyday life, charcoal is used in fireplaces and barbecues.

As you can see, the scope of coal use is extremely diverse, which explains the rapidly growing demand for it.

Selection of premises and equipment

Ideally, the knowledge should be located close to the sources of raw materials, this will significantly reduce transport costs.

In order to start purchasing equipment, you should have at least general idea about the charcoal production process. In special ovens, the raw materials are subjected to oxygen-free combustion and then dried. Next, all that’s left to do is package the coals and pack them (by hand or using specialized equipment).

Oven production capacity suitable for small businesses – up to 400 kg per day. As practice shows, manual packaging is extremely labor-intensive and ineffective. Therefore, on the list necessary equipment In addition to the combustion furnace (costing 800-850 thousand rubles), packaging equipment is added.

It is not advisable to purchase a high-performance furnace right away. At the stage of business development, it will be difficult to find buyers willing to purchase charcoal in large quantities.

Necessary raw materials, their main varieties

The main raw material for the manufacture of the products described is wood waste. The specific type of raw material should be selected depending on the region where the business is located. As a rule, workshop owners enter into agreements with forestry enterprises for the supply of wood. It would be a good idea to establish contacts with a furniture factory or sawmill, if there are any nearby.

The quality and characteristics of the resulting finished product depend on the type of raw materials used in production.

There are three types of charcoal:

  • Red– its production is based on breeds only coniferous trees. The finished product is obtained by soft charcoaling at a minimum temperature.
  • White– a product of processing of hardwood trees (deciduous: elm, poplar, stone wood, hazel, maple, etc.).
  • Black– it’s easy to guess that this type of coal is produced by simmering soft wood (deciduous: chestnut, willow, aspen, alder, etc.).

The tree varieties described above are divided into groups based on wood density. For example, the yield of coal from linden or aspen will be much less than from acacia or birch.

Technology and production stages

Today, there are several technologies for producing wood fuel. The choice of a particular one is determined by the raw materials used and the desired quality of the finished product.

The basis of any of the technological processes is the use retort type charcoal kiln. This stage is aimed at burning wood without oxygen. This process is called pyrolysis. This stage involves placing the wood in retorts, as well as sending them to the pyrolysis drying chamber. Upon reaching a certain temperature in the combustion chamber, wood combustion begins without oxygen. The gases that are released during the heat treatment are used to maintain combustion inside the chamber.

Upon completion of pyrolysis, the retorts with coal are moved to metal grates, where they are finally cooled.

The equipment, the use of which is necessary to ensure coal production, does not contain heaters and fans. This minimizes energy costs.

The ultra-modern method of producing coal is aimed at processing wood briquettes (and not solid wood, as standard technology assumes). The resulting finished product is of higher quality, and its production can be called waste-free.

You can find out exactly how these products are manufactured from the following video:

Product sales channels

In our country, the consumption of such coal is at a low level. That's why the best option sales will be the search for foreign partners. In European countries, such products are very popular and in incredible demand. If you do not have “exits” to a foreign market, you can find buyers in your own country:

  • One option is to organize wholesale sales.
  • Don't forget about smelters and forges.
  • You can safely add gas stations, grill bars, restaurants and kebab shops, as well as specialized stores for country holidays to the list of potential partners. Demand will be seasonal. In summer it will be twice as high as in winter.

An important condition for business development is the creation of a memorable company logo, which must be applied to each bag. So, having used your product once, the buyer is more likely to prefer it again.

You should also maintain an active marketing policy, place advertisements on billboards and on the Internet, where buyers will find you themselves.

Financial plan and production profitability

This business is relatively new for our country, but, without a doubt, promising. General promotion of environmental protection stimulates the transition to the use of charcoal. Starting a business does not require significant expenses. The production technology is quite simple and does not require the construction of large-scale complexes.

Essential equipment to produce 32-35 tons of products will cost a month 500 thousand rubles, this amount includes:

  • retort-type charcoal kiln costing 35-82 thousand rubles;
  • an industrial measuring device worth up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • petrol or electric saws costing 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • an electric generator costing 25-35 thousand rubles;
  • additionally: hydraulic device for splitting firewood and packaging equipment - as needed.

Don't forget about the legal side of the issue. Registration will take no more than a month. With the expected income, the entrepreneur will transfer taxes to the state according to.

To produce 32-35 tons of coal monthly, the following raw materials will be required:

  • chopped firewood – 1.5-2 thousand rubles/cubic meter;
  • bags (mesh) for packaging finished products – 12-15 rubles/piece.

The remuneration of working personnel (5 people will be enough to start with) will be 85-100 thousand rubles monthly. Advertising and transport costs may vary slightly from month to month.

Subject to the implementation of the planned implementation plan, monthly income will be 75-80 thousand rubles at a cost of finished products of 20-25 rubles/kg.

The objective advantage of the business for the production and sale of charcoal is the small initial investment, as well as minimal competition in this market segment. Even if problems arise with the sale of products, Project payback period – 2 years. If we manage to establish an export option, the investment can pay off in just six months.