The healing properties of the bath have been known for a long time. During this time, many ways and means have emerged that can significantly increase the positive impact of the steam room on the human body. One of these products is essential oils for baths.

What are essential substances used for?

Fragrant liquids used during this time can have the most harmful effects on a person. beneficial influence. Physiological scientists draw an analogy between the effects of essential oils and hormones on the body.

In combination with water and the high temperature of the steam room, bath oil improves your mood. It creates a feeling of bliss, lightness, joy. A person experiences a surge of strength and energy.

In addition, aromatic oil for baths and saunas can have a healing effect on the human body. Depending on the agent used, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects can be achieved. Some types of oils have a relaxing effect, while others have an invigorating effect. When starting to use essential oils, a person should know everything about the properties they have.

Where did the tradition come from?

The experience of using natural concentrated liquids has a long history. More than ten thousand years ago, people already knew how, using essential substances, they could protect themselves from diseases, increase efficiency, and improve clarity of thoughts.

No one will probably be able to name the exact place where the tradition came from, as a result of which they began to use essential oils for baths. The reason for this is simple - the miraculous properties of plant odors were used wherever people lived.

The ancestors of the Europeans used the product to make the product. The Scythians steamed, throwing seeds and flowers of various plants onto hot stones. By rubbing cedar sawdust, women received a substance also used in aromatherapy.

The ancient Greeks and Romans can be called real experts who perfectly mastered the art of using aromatic oils. The healers of China, India, and Tibet also became famous for this.

Rules for using essential oils

Having become acquainted with the properties that oils have, it is necessary to follow the rules for their use in a sauna or bathhouse.

  • Essential oil for baths should be used in strict dosage. For one liter of hot water, it is enough to take no more than 10 drops of oil. Using the product in large quantities may lead to negative results.
  • The prepared solution is poured over hot stones, brooms, and shelves.
  • The fragrant liquid can be used to wipe the body during bath procedures.
  • The container containing the oil-flavored water should be placed near the heated stove.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drip bath oil directly onto a hot heater.

Flavored Liquid Recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing products that contain essential oils. The choice of one or more of them depends on the result that a person strives for.

  1. To prepare the product you will need 5-10 drops of essential oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 liter of water. All parts are combined and mixed thoroughly.
  2. Instead of honey, you can use whey, fresh milk or sea salt.
  3. You need to take 1 liter of water, add 4 drops of lavender and lemon oils and 3 drops of the resulting fragrant liquid can give the body a pleasant fragrance and freshness.
  4. A composition prepared from 4-5 drops of essential substance and one liter of water will fill the bathhouse with the aroma of pine needles. Both pine and fir oil are suitable for this. This product can also be used for bathhouse shelves, walls, benches. It is enough to spray their surfaces with the prepared liquid, and the pine aroma will remain in the room for a long time.

What are oils made from?

The production of essential oils is a complex technological process. For this, natural raw materials are used, which are some types of plants.

Their processing during the preparation of the product can be different - distillation, pressing, extraction. No matter how plant raw materials are processed, the concentration of essential substances in the resulting product is always higher than in the plant itself.

The most popular bath oils are those made from fir, mint, sage, geranium, and rosemary. The scents of chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender also have their fans. Oils with the scent of orange, lemon, and bergamot are in high demand.

The list of plants used to produce aromatic essential oils can be continued for a long time. You need to know that several types of plants can be used in the production of different types of oils. This will change not only the aroma, but also medicinal properties facilities.

Types of oils, their use

The fact of the therapeutic effects of bath oil is indisputable. Which products are best to use for this and how to combine them - read below.

The following clary sage and rosemary add freshness to the body. It is allowed to use one of the oils or a combination of them.

Lavender, lemon balm, and chamomile oils effectively cleanse pores, allowing the skin to breathe freely.

Oils made from lemon, bergamot or orange will help relieve stress, relax, and enjoy.

Jasmine, carnations, sandalwood will fill the steam room with aromas that can improve your mood and evoke pleasant memories.

Oils of pine, anise, eucalyptus, chamomile, juniper, and sage will help heal a sore throat or cold, and eliminate a cough. As you know, these same plants are used when a water bath is prepared to get rid of an illness. The oil prepared from them is characterized by greater efficiency.

Classification of oils

For the convenience of using essential oils, a classification system has been compiled. The groups included liquids for the production of which plants with similar properties were used:

  • camphor;
  • herbal;
  • citrus;
  • floral;
  • spicy;
  • resinous.

Modern folk and official medicine recognizes the positive effects of essential oils on the human body. Their use when visiting baths and saunas is, of course, encouraged. But we must not forget about following the rules and a sense of proportion.

In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that essential oils may have an unnatural, synthetic composition. Their smell is not inferior to those made from natural raw materials, but the therapeutic effect after their use will be completely absent.

Everyone has the right to choose what suits them.

Using essential oil in a bath or sauna. Using essential oils in the sauna. Essential oils for a bath. Rules for using essential oil in the bath. The benefits of essential oils in the bath. How many drops to drip in the bath? Essential oil in the steam room. Bath oil.

Pure Rus'– we tenderly call our Fatherland. It was in Europe that people in the old days did not wash themselves, but used rubdowns and other means incomprehensible to Russian people. Although, there was some benefit from this - they learned how to make perfume to mask the smell of sewage. 😳

Russian people respect the bathhouse and for many it is a sacred ritual. Some people prefer a Russian bath, others prefer a sauna. For some, it is a way of communication and relaxation, for others it is a path to healing from illnesses - a sacred ritual.

People have long used decoctions of herbs, flowers and pine cones to rinse their hair; brooms for the whole winter were prepared from juniper and oak, birch and St. John's wort. We can say that the Russian Bath is our domestic method of aromatherapy.

It is in the bathhouse that there is everything for the rapid penetration of essential oils into the human body. The heat opens the skin pores wide, allowing essential oils to penetrate quickly. Every cell of the body literally swallows aromas. Through the respiratory tract, molecules enter the lymphatic and bloodstream, thereby making the effect of essential oil even more effective. The very atmosphere in the bathhouse is conducive to rest and relaxation of the body, which is useful in itself.

You cannot put water with essential oil on the heater! The oil will burn... Combustion products are harmful to breathe.

Good to know, What Russian bath contains humidity of about 100% and affects the human body at a temperature of 50-60ºС. The heat source is a stove-stove. Essential oils are ideal for taking a bath, imbuing this procedure with additional healing qualities.

Sauna – The Finnish sauna has become very popular with us. It does not contain active humidity (10-15%). The air in the sauna is dry and hot. The temperature reaches 80ºС. Many Russian people are adherents of this particular type of bathhouse.

Indications for the bath procedure: Hypertension, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma (sauna), rheumatism (without exacerbations), polyarthritis, gout, circulatory disorders, neurasthenia, radiculitis.

Contraindications: Acute inflammatory processes internal organs, high arterial pressure(200 and above), epilepsy, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, acute bronchial asthma, acute infectious diseases, pregnancy.

Directions for use:

1. Container with water and oil. Place 5-7 drops of essential oil in a bowl of water and place it on the floor next to a heat source. The aroma will gradually spread and will not be too strong. You can use a vessel with a narrow neck. This is for those cases when you prefer an unobtrusive light scent.

2. Oil on wood. Place 3-4 drops of essential oil on a bench or bath wall next to you. The oil will be absorbed into the warm wood, and the room will immediately be filled with a thick aroma.

3. Masks for the body and face. They can be prepared in advance. The base can be homemade unflavored yogurt, sour cream, honey, egg yolk or fine-textured fatty oil. Essential oil is selected individually or at the request of your group of friends and fellow bathhouse guests. There are many recipes and there is one for everyone.

4. Bath Soap self made with essential oil. Both beautiful and useful. And so that your friends don’t envy you, give them a piece of soap with essential and fatty oils as a gift.

5. Aromatherapy massage. Many people like to combine a bath with a massage procedure. Make essential oils suitable for you based on carrier oil. Massage with essential oils is very... very! effective.

6. Bath brooms soak in water before using them. You can enhance their effect if you add 2-3 drops of essential oil directly into the soaking water.


How many drops of essential oil are needed for a 5 sq. m steam room?

  • In the steam room, essential oil is added every hour in the amount of 5 drops per 500 ml of water.

Procedures in the dressing room - masks, massages, compresses...

  • For application to the body - 3 drops per 1 teaspoon of fatty oil.

Recommendations and warnings.

— If you are not alone in the bathhouse, then you should ask your neighbors in the steam room if they want a foreign smell in the bathhouse. Who knows? What if someone has an allergy or just doesn’t like the smell. Aromatherapy methods are based on personal liking for aromas, otherwise it does not work.

— Also, it should be remembered that essential oils volatile and flammable, which means they evaporate easily when high temperatures. Oil You can’t put steam on the heater. It will burn instantly, and as a result you will get a combustion product in the steam room instead of aroma.

- Only 100% natural essential oil should be used. can only be added to masks.

*Aromatic - fatty oil with the addition of essential oil in small quantitiesPlease, take care of yourself! Some characters, without understanding, buy synthetic oils. They are cheaper and practically do not differ in smell. It is better not to use anything in the bath than synthetics. A bathhouse, first of all, is needed for health, cleansing and pleasure, and cheap oils can greatly spoil the procedure with headaches or anaphylactic shock!

— Don’t sit in the steam room for a long time, go out more often and cool down, and most importantly! — drink more clean, living water or herbal tea. Since a lot of useful substances come out with sweat, it would be a good idea to take vitamins A, group B, C, minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sea salt (vitamins should not be taken on an empty stomach; you can wash them down with yogurt in a bathhouse). You will feel that sitting in the steam room will be easier.

Oils are divided into

If you need to warm up the body, then take hot oils, such as pine or fir, for a bath. If you need to reduce the heat in the bathhouse and make it easier to stay in the steam room, then use mint, lemon or tea tree, etc.

it could be anything. The main thing is that it is not food grade. It is very difficult to penetrate into pores, as it has large molecules. It is more useful to use cosmetic vegetable oils.

You should not add essential oil to the finished industrial cream. The cream already contains a ready-made formula and is often prepared on a mineral basis, which does not have penetrating (carrying into the skin) abilities.

...and most importantly!... lastly. Introduce aromatherapy procedures gradually, follow the dosage. Too intensive use can lead to unpleasant consequences. You need to be especially careful in the bathhouse, since severe overheating of the body is already stressful!

List of essential oils suitable for use in the bath:uh

For example, you can also use essential oils for:

Removal of toxins:

To tone up the body:

To restore strength: pine, myrtle, orange.

Preventive: hyssop, lemongrass, lemon balm, citronella

For cellulite:lavender, fennel, lemon, juniper, tangerine, pine, spruce.

To improve immunity:ev calyptus, spruce, mint, rosewood, birch tar.

For skin regeneration and rejuvenation:R ose, lemon, lavender.

Take care of your health. Have fun!

Aromatologist Sharova Olga... with care and love

Those who visit the sauna regularly know the unique feeling of relaxation, liberation, energy and freshness that this procedure gives. This is not surprising. Under the influence of hot steam, it is cleansed and toxins are removed from the body. Penetrating into the lungs, heated air helps get rid of infections and cleanse the respiratory tract. Massage with brooms further enhances sweating, cleansing and toning the skin. The cool plunge pool is soothing and peaceful.

People have long known: a bathhouse cures almost any ailment, especially if the steam is not simple, but healing, infused with medicinal herbs. Today, when going to the bathhouse, experts prepare herbal decoctions in advance to pour on the hot stove. But there is a simpler way - use oil bath or sauna.

As is known, all aromatic mixtures and essential oils for baths can be divided into several types, depending on their effect on the body.

Disinfecting essential oils for baths

Such mixtures and essential oils for baths used at the very first stage - to disinfect the air in the steam room, as well as to prepare for the procedures of the person who will massage with brooms. Yes, yes, disinfection in this case is necessary - the steam will cleanse the skin and breath of the bathhouse attendant from harmful microorganisms. Essential oils of eucalyptus, chamomile, oregano, mint, cedar, juniper, and green tea are suitable for these purposes. Mixture for the prevention of colds: spruce – 5 drops, eucalyptus – 5 drops, peppermint – 3 drops.

Stimulating essential oils for baths

Such essential oils for baths Suitable if you want to cheer up, regain energy and improve your mood, the body's immune strength. These include: bergamot, lavender, grapefruit, rosewood, jasmine, ginger, geranium, fir.

Soothing essential oils for baths

These oils can be used if you feel nervous and want to relax and calm down. Essential oils for baths with a calming effect: lemon balm, ylang-ylang, lemon, tangerine. You can prepare the mixture in the following proportions: ylang-ylang - 3 drops, bergamot - 5 drops, orange - 3 drops.

Healing essential oils for baths

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of bath procedures for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Healing steam acts like inhalation; warming the entire body enhances the separation and removal of phlegm and mucus.

Essential oils of anise, dill, juniper, marjoram, and ginger are suitable for treating cough in a bath. All of them have an expectorant effect, which is especially important for severe coughs.
If you add essential oils of sage, chamomile, eucalyptus to the mixture, peppermint, then the effect of the oils will be enhanced by the antiseptic effect. Just before going to the bathhouse, in this case, it is better to consult a doctor - some types and forms of upper respiratory tract diseases are a contraindication for visiting the steam room.

Many people know that it is good to have a massage during bath procedures. The body is warmed up and relaxed, all the necessary processes are running, it’s time to get a massage. Anti-cellulite massage performed after a steam room gives excellent results. The mixture can be made on the basis of base oil (see “”) or use honey, kefir or cream as a base.

After the massage it is necessary to tone the skin. The easiest way to do this is with the same steam. Mixture essential oils for baths for skin toning: lemon – 4 drops, rose – 3 drops, lavender – 4 drops.

When preparing aromatic mixtures of essential oils for a bath for the first time, you need to take into account that they may have a slightly different effect on you than you expected. Therefore, do not get too carried away with the concentration of aroma; first make a test portion and evaluate. The first procedure should last no more than three minutes, when you get used to the action of aromatic oils and make sure that they have a positive effect, steaming can be continued for up to 20 minutes.

You should not use essential oils that do not suit you or if you are allergic to them. An allergy test is required if you are using aromatherapy for the first time. Essential oils for baths You can use them independently or make mixtures of them, selecting them from groups that are combined with each other (it is clear that it is not recommended to use calming and stimulating oils in one mixture).

How to prepare an aromatic mixture for a bath

Usually for flavoring steam essential oils in the bath do not drip directly onto hot stones, but prepare a solution with the addition of a few drops of an aromatic substance. For these purposes, take a ladle or other container with a volume of 1 - 1.5 liters and pour into it hot water. Then add a few drops of oil. If you are steaming with essential oils for the first time, add 3-5 drops, if this is not your first experience, then the recommended proportion is 10 drops of essential oil for a bath or mixture per 15 m2.

You can first treat the shelves in the steam room with the resulting mixture and soak brooms in it.
During the process, the mixture can be poured from a ladle onto the stones in small portions if you use a small amount of oil (3-5 drops per liter of water). If you use oils in higher concentrations, it is better to pour the aromatic liquid over the walls and wooden shelves, otherwise the smell of burnt oil will be mixed with the healing aroma.

In the sauna, it is better to pour water with essential oils into a heat-resistant container and place it near the stove, rather than pour it directly onto the stones.

In conclusion, it must be said that bath procedures have contraindications. Cordially vascular diseases, problems with blood pressure, inflammatory processes, exacerbation of diseases and other similar phenomena require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Scientists have proven that the best effect of the medicine occurs when the patient inhales the beneficial substances. An old Russian bathhouse or, more familiar to a modern city dweller, a sauna will help you with this.
The effect obtained in the bathhouse is comparable to the effect of an aerosol: the beneficial substance enters the air, then is inhaled by the lungs, and through them enters directly into the blood, bypassing gastrointestinal tract. This treatment takes less than 1 minute, but after a short period of time the person feels much better. This method has been known for a long time, and our ancestors also treated colds with bath steam mixed with the smell of pine. The complex art of the bath procedure is the ability to correctly compose aromas.
Here are some secrets of this science:
Firstly, you need to decide right away - four types of aromatherapy can be used in a bathhouse and sauna:
1 - mix oils directly into a vat of water;
2 - dissolve healing oils in water and pour onto the hot masonry of the stove;
3 - pour aromatic oil into a container and place it near the stove;
4 - apply essential oil in several strokes to the wall, closer to the floor.

Mandatory rules for using essential oils in a bath or sauna:

1. To prevent a burning smell from spreading throughout the steam room, do not spray essential oils onto the heating elements or into the heater. Follow safety rules and avoid getting oils in your eyes. To prevent a burning smell from appearing in the steam room when carrying out aromatherapy, first splash a little water on the heater and immediately add oil dissolved in the water, then again a little clean water and again oil.

2. If you are using oil for the first time, take the minimum dosage of 1-2 drops.

3. The most acceptable concentration is up to 10 drops per 15 square meters. meters of steam room. If combined mixtures are used, the amount depends on the volume. So, with 2 oils - 5 drops, with 3-4 types - 3 drops, etc.

4. The time spent in a steam room with healing steam should increase gradually, starting from 7 to 30 minutes.

5. The steam room must maintain an acceptable temperature at which a person feels as comfortable as possible. Only in this case will you enjoy aromatherapy to the fullest.

6. To achieve maximum effect, you must comply certain rule breathing: inhale and exhale through the nose, breathing evenly and calmly.

7. Use diaphragmatic breathing on a count: slowly inhale through the nose (4-5 s), stop breathing (3-4 s), exhale through the nose (2-3 s).

8. It is better to perform proper breathing in a lying or reclining position, this will make it easier for you to relax and get rid of muscle tension.

9. Since aromatherapy has a biological effect on the main systems of the human body (nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular), to prevent negative influences It is not recommended to consume alcohol, drugs or smoke 2 hours before the bath.

10. For aromatherapy in the bathhouse, you can use low heat-resistant vessels with a stable bottom and a wide neck. Pour hot water at a temperature of 90 degrees into the container. Celsius, to which add 10 drops of essential oil. These vessels are placed at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the heater, at a height of about 1 m from the floor.

11. If you experience discomfort when using this or that oil, then replace it with another. But, according to the rules, to understand how much this scent is yours, you need to carry out 5-6 procedures.

Most often, tinctures purchased at the pharmacy are splashed onto the stones, but homemade oils can also be used. Popular eucalyptus extract. The leaves of this plant have unique characteristic— contain 40 components of essential oils, which give their odors in different proportions. Thus, some types of eucalyptus emit a rose scent.
In addition, the plant contains cineole, which instantly destroys the causative agents of dysentery, diphtheria, and typhoid fever. Therefore, eucalyptus is considered to be the best.
Healing steam from thyme is very useful. If you suffer from insomnia, then by steaming with this aroma 4 hours before bedtime, you guarantee yourself a sound sleep.
Geranium and chamomile can be used for the same purpose.
A short visit to a steam room (about 7-10 minutes), which uses mint or tangerine oil, will have a hypnotic effect.
To invigorate, use jasmine and lavender oils.

Essential oils have healing properties. Classified by origin and method of use. Every scent has a purpose. A line of products is provided for the bath, the fragrances of which will improve health and have a sedative effect on nervous system.

The benefits of aromatherapy in the bath

The Russian bathhouse has long been famous miraculous properties- expels illnesses and cures ailments. The peculiarity of the bathhouse is steam. Previously, to effectively treat and prevent colds, decoctions were poured onto hot stones. medicinal herbs. Traditional methods The treatments helped cleanse the body of viruses, relieved the skin of sores and restored vital energy.

With the advent of essential oils, the bathhouse acquired a new character. There is an opportunity to influence certain systems and processes of the body, restore physical health and improve mental balance.

Essential compounds are successfully used for:

  • Fight cellulite;
  • Eliminate dandruff;
  • Hair strengthening and growth;
  • Relieving swelling;
  • Neutralization of insect bites;
  • Relieving fatigue;
  • Relief of symptoms from bruises, tendon sprains, pain in muscles and joints;
  • Erotic attraction;
  • Fighting impotence and frigidity;
  • Inflow breast milk in nursing women;
  • Symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma, epilepsy, ischemia;
  • Treatments infectious diseases and relieving inflammation of internal organs.
There are recipes where experts suggest combining and combining essential oils for baths for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. A few brief recommendations and tips for improving your health through baths and essential compounds:
  1. You can enhance the healing properties of a steam room by using oils with a pronounced effect on the upper respiratory tract: dill, anise, juniper. The extract of these plants causes an expectorant effect and clears the nasopharynx of germs. Peppermint and eucalyptus oils have strong antiseptic and sedative properties, having a direct effect on the skin and the cardiovascular system.
  2. Headaches caused by blood pressure and vascular spasms are treated with lemon verbena or geranium oil. The latter is also involved in the establishment and restoration of the nervous system. And fragrant rosemary oil will cure stress and depression.
  3. Skin diseases disappear after a course of bath procedures using essential oils of celandine, chamomile, sea buckthorn, valerian, yarrow, pine, and sage. As a result, the skin becomes velvety and clean, without blemishes and rashes.
  4. Essential substances coniferous species have high antibacterial properties. Oils of cedar tree, fir, pine and spruce contribute fast healing wounds, cuts, abrasions. When visiting a bathhouse, you need to add a few drops of the oil you like to a liter ladle of water to splash on the heater.
  5. Steam room with sandalwood, lemon or juniper extract - correct solution for weight loss, ridding the body of cellulite, improving metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layer.
Absence indirect influence medicinal drugs and a favorable humid environment creates an optimal microclimate for the penetration of active substances into skin cells and the body. At this moment, the pores open, toxins and grease are removed, and microparticles of essential oils fill the empty cells and enter the blood. An exchange process takes place.

Since essential oils in their pure form can cause serious allergic reaction, then it is much more effective to use them for steam in low concentration.

Types and properties of essential oils for baths

The properties of essential oils for baths are individual; such substances can cause an allergic reaction in the body if they are absolutely incompatible with other components. Essential oils are conventionally divided into categories of narrow and broad spectrum. Essential products of the first category can be used with the permission of a therapist. Samples with a wide spectrum of action are universal and are intended for complex bath procedures, if there are no contraindications to the active substance. Let's take a closer look at the properties and effects of volatile substances on the body.

Essential oils for baths for colds and flu

This category presents essential compounds, mostly intended for the treatment of colds and viral diseases. The active substance of these oils contains a sufficient amount of components that help dilute and remove mucus, destroy viruses and bactericidal treatment of the respiratory tract.

Bath oils for colds:

  • Anise oil. Often complements the composition of liquids for inhalation. Such mixtures of essential oils in the bath are prescribed for colds, asthmatic syndromes, chronic bronchitis, and nervous disorders. In the bath, the effect of the composition is greatly enhanced, since volatile substances quickly penetrate the body through the skin and respiratory tract.
  • Ate butter. Has a pronounced antibacterial effect. The product contains a natural antibiotic. Spruce squeeze in low concentration is used to disinfect premises. Minimal amount added to the steam room to increase stress resistance, treat depression and psychological disorders.
  • Fir oil. It is an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent. Promotes expectoration and removal of mucus. Tones the skin and neutralizes unpleasant odors.
  • Oil tea tree . It has a unique antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic effect. Restores vitality body after a complex illness. Promotes wound healing.
  • Eucalyptus oil. Helps in the treatment of colds and viral diseases. Relieves pain, facilitates the removal of phlegm. Powerful natural antiseptic.

Aroma oils for the treatment of nervous disorders in the bath

Light, unobtrusive notes of citrus and floral plants are endowed with powerful vital energy. Can relieve symptoms of deep depression and nervous tension.

Essential oils based on these components are successfully used for baths, SPA procedures and relaxation sessions:

  1. Orange oil. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates feelings of anxiety and fear, relieves tension in the frontal and temporal zones. Often acts as an antiseptic.
  2. Ylang-ylang oil. The scent reminds me of jasmine and neroli. Removes headache, brings the pulse back to normal, improves blood circulation. Effective as an erotic stimulant for problems with potency and frigidity.
  3. Lavender oil. It is considered a universal remedy for restoring vital functions, treating migraines, pain in muscles and joints. Lavender incense relaxes, relieves stress and fatigue. Indicated to improve sleep quality. With regular use, it strengthens the immune system and restores psychological health.
  4. Lemon oil. Quickly relieves fatigue and depressed mood, promoting positive emotions. Also used to treat varicose veins.
  5. Melissa oil. This is one of the most expensive and hard to find products. Affects mainly emotional sphere. Marked as an anticonvulsant and analgesic.
  6. Myrrh oil. A symbol of glory and successful love unions. In practice, it is used to treat insomnia and depression, dulling feelings of anxiety and excessive arousal. A course of procedures will recreate a feeling of peace, spiritual healing, reliability and security. This product is often used for meditation and also as an aphrodisiac.

Oils to strengthen the cardiovascular system in the bath

A series of oils to support immunity and restore the cardiovascular system is characterized by mixing contrasts. Impact on immune system occurs due to the saturation of the squeeze with a pronounced volatile substance with a maximum content of vitamins and vascular strengthening properties.

We list the oils that can be used in a bath to increase immunity and strengthen the cardiovascular system:

  • Bergamot oil. This is a unique product for stabilizing blood pressure. It is characterized by a high antiseptic index, which is a priority for use in a bath environment to prevent viral diseases and strengthen the immune system.
  • Mandarin oil. Nourishes cells with vitamins, promotes skin tone and brain activity, improves the body's protective functions and resistance to viral diseases.
  • Juniper oil. It gives off noble notes and creates a specific microclimate in the bathhouse. Effective for colds and viral diseases. Strengthens the vascular system and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Normalizes blood pressure and relieves dizziness.
  • Rosemary oil. Effectively fights migraines, stimulates sensuality and relieves stress. It has an analgesic effect without a sedative effect on the body. Relieves fatigue and muscle stiffness. Stimulates brain activity and has a positive effect on concentration.
  • Clary sage oil. This is a fresh, cool scent. Strengthens immunity. Relieves inflammation of the respiratory system, increases physical ability. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces excessive sebum secretion and sweating, and heals wounds.

Essential oils for muscle and tissue restoration in the bath

Essential oils can improve the condition of hard and soft tissues and promote cell restoration. In a favorable bathing environment, this process is activated, and the active components work more efficiently.

Aroma oils for baths to restore muscles and tissues:

  1. Oregano oil. Effectively used in therapeutic practice for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, abrasions and bruises, and disinfection of the respiratory system.
  2. Cedar oil. Provokes regenerative processes in cells, promotes active tissue restoration. Relieves symptoms of arthritis and osteochondrosis, is an antiseptic.

Recipes and combinations of essential oils for baths

Base oils can be successfully combined, and the effectiveness of using essential oils in a bath depends on this. You cannot combine products with completely different purposes. One or more points, but must match. The proportions are minimal. Use up to 10 drops in total per 1 liter of water. Also, you should not combine more than 3 scents at the same time.

Several effective recipes:

  • For a speedy recovery from a cold, exhaustion of the body, and lethargy, prepare a combination of eucalyptus, peppermint and spruce in a ratio of 3:3:2 drops for a bath.
  • If you suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases, prepare a mixture of eucalyptus, fennel and juniper essential oils in a ratio of 2:3:1 drops. Steam will enhance the effect of oils, warm the air and imbue it with healing properties that enter the body through breathing and skin.
  • Viral diseases can be quickly cured by visiting a steam bath based on tea tree oil, lemon, juniper and rosemary. The proportion for a ladle of water is 3:2:1:2 drops.
  • Rheumatism and arthritis are well treated by bathing in its pure form. But if the steam is saturated with a mixture of fir, rosemary and fragrant sage, in a ratio of 3: 3: 2 drops, then recovery will come faster.
  • An essential cocktail of ylang-ylang, orange and bergamot will help get rid of depression and depressed mood. The recommended proportion is 3:3:3 drops.
  • You can increase your immunity and prevent disease in 1 session by soaking the air in a paired combination of essential oils of lemon, sandalwood and juniper - 3:2:1 drops.
  • A panacea for anxiety, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, stress and fatigue - a mixture of ylang-ylang, lemon, lemon balm and rosemary. The optimal ratio is 3:2:2:4 drops.

Oils are often sold in sets with ready-made recipes, where the purpose of the complex action is described in detail.

Rules for using aromatic oils in the bath

Essential oils, like any cosmetic or chemical products, have a direct effect on the body - beneficial or negative. If you do not know how to use essential oils in a bath, try to follow the precautions very precisely:
  1. The oil is a strong concentrate and must be diluted with water. More precisely, drop it on water, at the rate of 2-3 drops per liter ladle of water. After the body adapts, the proportion can be gradually increased - to a maximum of 10-12 drops per 1 liter of water.
  2. You should not inhale oily incense in a humid environment for a long time. For the first time, 2-4 minutes is enough. Gradually the time can be increased to 15 minutes maximum. You should be careful with some esters and be sure to follow the recommendations on the product label.
  3. Before splashing oil diluted in water, it is necessary to pour plain water over the fried stones to reduce the glow temperature.
  4. Remember that essential oils are prone to inflammation.
  5. For an accelerated effect of filling the bathhouse with the aroma of essential oil, spread a little product on wooden shelves and walls.
  6. To achieve a positive result, you must visit the bathhouse regularly, but not more than once a week.
  7. Before using essential oils in a bath, you must read the instructions, in particular the section on contraindications.
  8. Before use, open the bottle cap and inhale the aroma. If the first impression causes nausea, nausea and dizziness, do not use this product.
  9. Buy essential oils at pharmacies or specialty stores. Market products without a certificate may have a negative impact on your health.
  10. When purchasing, check whether the bottle is sealed properly and whether the seal is broken.

Remember! Specific essential oils for baths should be used carefully. Start with a small dosage. Some ester samples cover a wide range of actions, are considered a universal remedy and are safe for inhalation.

How to use essential oils in a bath - watch the video:

Essential oils have a direct effect on the body. If you don’t know which essential oil to choose for a bath, consult a specialist who will assess your health and recommend the optimal complex. Please read the warnings and contraindications carefully before using essential aromatic products.