The production of frozen semi-finished products is a promising area for investing money, since there is always a demand for these products. Organizing a business does not require much time; the main task is to equip a workshop where an automatic line will be located - the production of semi-finished products, hire qualified workers, find reliable suppliers of high-quality raw materials and establish a sales system. The easiest way is to establish an individual enterprise; it is both faster and cheaper. It is necessary to obtain state permission for this type of activity, sanitary and epidemiological permission.

Features of production areas

When choosing a premises where production will be located, you should take into account the proximity to farms that will supply raw materials, this will reduce transport costs. The optimal workshop area is 200 m2; a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. The building must have all communications, utility rooms, and an administrative department.

Before starting work, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire supervision authorities and the SES authorities. All elements of the semi-finished products production line operate from the electrical network, so it is necessary to provide an emergency power generation system, the power of which should be sufficient for at least two hours of operation to complete the production process. Since finished products are produced frozen, the warehouse for their storage must be either a large refrigeration chamber or equipped with industrial refrigeration units. If the enterprise is located in rented premises, then the rent will be 15 thousand rubles, another 15 thousand for utility bills per month.


The production of semi-finished products involves the production different types cutlets and pancakes. Each type of product has its own set of equipment. The cutlet production line is serviced by two workers, the pancake line will also require two people per shift. One person will be enough to prepare the raw materials and one to prepare the pancake filling. You will need a loader, a technologist who controls the production process and the quality of finished semi-finished products, and a commissioning engineer to service the line. The wage fund will be 100 thousand rubles per month, when the enterprise operates in one shift.

Consumption of raw materials for the production of semi-finished products

The main ingredient for making frozen cutlets is meat. According to the original recipe, there should be 50% pork and 50% beef, the total proportion of meat in the cutlets is 55%, the rest consists of: water (22%), raw fat (5%), bread (13%), onions (3% ), bread crumbs (2%), pepper (0.1%), salt (1%).

Table for calculating the cost of manufacturing 100 kg of cutlets:

To make pancakes you will need:

  • flour;
  • eggs or egg powder;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

For the filling you can use fruit jams, curd mass, minced meat or liver. In the production of frozen pancakes, a wide variety of fillings can be used, catering to the tastes of potential buyers.

Pancake production technology

Pancake maker The manufacturing process is carried out using an automated pancake production line. The first step is to prepare the dough. The required ingredients are mixed in the bowl of the beater and stirred for several minutes. The finished mass is fed to the pancake machine, where the dough is rolled out and baked. Semi-finished products are cut according to specified sizes and served on the table for stuffing. There are lines in which this process is manual, but most of the machines are fully automated. Following the baking line is a filling dispenser, then a mechanism that folds the pancake in half and folds the edges. Finished products must be blast frozen. It is the speed that plays an important role, since the dough can become saturated with the filling and change its structure and color. After freezing, semi-finished products are ready for packaging and transportation to refrigeration chambers.
Line for double-sided frying of pancakes

To organize the production of this type of semi-finished products you will need:

  • pancake production line;
  • cooling chamber;
  • low temperature monoblock.

The automated line performs dough kneading, baking, stuffing, and wrapping. Characteristics:

The refrigerator compartment is designed for storing finished products. Characteristics:

  • dimensions – 4040*6460*2200;
  • volume – 58 m3;
  • cost – 177,500 rubles.

Low-temperature monoblock is used for shock freezing of semi-finished products:

  • chamber volume – 80 m3;
  • power – 380 V;
  • temperature - up to -22 o C;
  • cost – 160 thousand rubles.

Cutlet production technology

Cutlet production line

At the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare all the components. The meat is cleaned and deboned, veins, cartilage, and small bones are removed. To create minced meat, a minced meat mixing unit is used, which is part of the cutlet production line. All other ingredients required by the recipe are gradually added to the bowl of this installation. At this stage, it is important to observe the temperature regime - do not allow the minced meat to heat above 14 o C, otherwise its bacterial characteristics may deteriorate. The resulting mass is sent to the molding unit, in which semi-finished products are dispensed according to the specified parameters. Cutlets of different weights, sizes and shapes are obtained by using different attachments. The next stage is the blast freezing process. Finished semi-finished products can be packaged and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Profitability of production

For the convenience of calculations, the profitability of cutlet production on a semi-finished products production line will be given. The cost of the line itself may differ from different manufacturers; for example, let’s take the KOPPENS VM model, its cost is 1,450,000 rubles. The cost of finished products consists of the cost of raw materials, employee wages, premises rental, and transportation costs. Per month fixed costs will be:

  • wages – 100 thousand rubles;
  • rent – ​​15 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • packaging – 8 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs – 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 10 thousand rubles;
  • total - 158 thousand rubles.

The cost of production is calculated on the assumption that 50 kg of cutlets will be produced in one shift, there will be 22 shifts in a month, and the cost of raw materials per 1 kg of finished product is 101 rubles. We multiply all the indicators - we get 111,100 rubles of the total cost. The retail price of 1 kg is 400 rubles, monthly revenue will be 440 thousand rubles. Profit calculation: revenue (440,000) – cost (111,100) – fixed costs (158,000) = 170,900 rubles. With this amount of net profit, the profitability of production will be 40% - this high figure indicates a rapid return on capital investments (within 18-24 months).

Video: Process of production of semi-finished meat products

Pancakes in our country are as legendary and beloved by everyone as pizza in Italy or sushi in Japan. One thing is absolutely certain - pancakes in any form have always been popular among our citizens. They are still successful today. And probably no one will deny that they will always be at the peak of popularity. This suggests that pancakes are an excellent basis for organizing your own food business. And today we will tell you - no, not about opening a pancake shop - about organizing your own workshop.

Why frozen pancakes?

Probably many of you are thinking about the same thing right now. Why does anyone need all this frozen food anyway? After all, in Russia pancakes are traditionally prepared at home. And, for sure, homemade pancakes turn out much tastier than store-bought ones. Yes, and much cheaper. Why pay 100-200 rubles for 300 grams of frozen pancakes, if from one bottle of milk, a glass of sugar and flour you can cook a whole mountain of fresh golden pancakes.

The thoughts are, of course, correct. There is logic here. But it’s worth considering one important fact. Today life is becoming faster and busier. This is especially evident in big cities. People have less and less free time. So not everyone can find the extra hour or hour and a half to fry pancakes. And everyone wants to eat. And, from time to time, you want delicious hot pancakes. And there is not much choice here.

Either order food from a restaurant or turn to convenience foods. And the first option is not suitable for everyone, due to its high cost. So frozen pancakes have remained popular for many years. And if so, it’s time to talk about opening your own workshop for the production of this popular semi-finished product.

Frozen pancake business

Probably one of the most serious advantages of this product is its diversity. When we talk about the production of pancakes with various fillings, we picture in our heads, first of all, meat, fruit, and curd semi-finished products. But let's take a broader look at the situation.

Nobody limits us at all in choosing fillings for the future product. Or rather, of course, they are limited by the taste preferences of clients. But here's what's interesting. Thanks to constant experiments with fillings, we can always find and attract new customers to our business.

Perhaps some people don't really like empanadas with meat, ham and cheese. But, quite possibly, they will like pancakes with fish. Or pancakes with mushrooms. Some people are tired of apple, strawberry, and blueberry fillings. So why not try something more exotic? For example, mangoes, oranges, bananas.

Thanks to the constant expansion of the range, you will always find new audiences of customers. This means your business will grow and develop.

Frozen pancake production process

It’s probably worth saying a few words about the technology for producing frozen pancakes with fillings. The entire manufacturing process of this semi-finished product is divided into several key steps.

Step one is preparing the dough for future pancakes. A special dough mixing machine comes into play. She is the one who prepares the dough for the future delicious pancakes. And the better it works, the better the dough will be mixed. This means that the pancakes will turn out delicious.

Step two - baking pancakes. Before we get to work with the fillings, we need the pancakes themselves. It is at this stage that they are received. The dough mixing machine kneads the dough and transfers the resulting mass to a special pancake machine. This is where the forming and baking of pancakes takes place.

Step three - working with fillings. After the pancakes are ready, they are transferred to the next stage. Here, fillings are added, the shape of the future product is set, and the finished spring rolls are packaged in plastic film. Another option is that they are packaged using a special machine in branded containers.

Step four – shock freezing. The stage of operation of a special low-temperature chamber begins. Here the finished product is subjected to shock freezing.

Step five – sending for storage. Frozen semi-finished products are sent to huge industrial refrigerators, where they are stored. All. This is the entire process of making frozen spring rolls.

What is needed to start a frozen pancake business?

Naturally, you will need space for a production workshop. Considering that we will be dealing with food production, the premises must comply with all standards (you can check them with the relevant inspection authorities).

Workers will also be needed. At a minimum, people who will monitor the operation of the automatic line for the production of frozen pancakes. As a maximum, a full set of employees who perform many operations manually. It all depends on the chosen equipment. But, in any case, you definitely can’t do without workers.

Ingredients are also required. The final set depends on the selected fillings. But, in any case, you will need a lot of flour, salt, sugar, milk, etc.

And finally, you need equipment. This is the largest graph in this business and requires the maximum investment. In general, the equipment consists of three main items.

  • Production line for making pancakes;
  • Low temperature refrigerator blast freezing unit;
  • And refrigerated chambers for storing finished products

The cost of the production line is about 800-1000 thousand rubles. A blast freezing chamber will cost another 200-300 thousand rubles. And one refrigerator chamber for 60 cubic meters will cost about 150 thousand rubles. Total, the real costs of organizing your own business Pop production of frozen pancakes will cost 1.5 million rubles.

The investments required are, of course, not small. But the prospects are very great. After all, pancakes are in constant demand. And no crisis can stop them. By the way, according to experts, the average payback period for a business is about 1.5 years.

Pancakes are one of the most popular products in Russia, in constant demand among consumers various levels income and social status. At the same time, in Lately people no longer spend long hours standing near the stove in order to bake thin, flavorful pancakes. Any large or small store sells frozen pancakes with various fillings.

Advantages of a frozen pancake business: small investment, high demand for goods, quick returns.

All this makes this idea attractive and effective.

Features of production and sales of products

Frozen pancakes are popular not only among the population, but also among various cafes and fast foods. As we said earlier, modern Russians no longer spend as much time on cooking as they did before. That's all today more people purchase semi-finished products good quality so that at the very fast time prepare a delicious and hot dish at home. For example, based on the results of 2012, the growth of the market for frozen semi-finished products, according to RBC estimates, amounted to 10%. And this is a very serious figure, which means that you have every chance of creating a profitable and popular business.

By making frozen pancakes, you can attract customers with different taste preferences. As a filling you can use meat, cottage cheese with raisins, boiled condensed milk, jam from various fruits, liver, mushrooms with potatoes and much more.

There are different types of pancakes:

Pancakes with potatoes

By developing a business producing frozen pancakes, you can create your own in the future trading network, open branded pavilions and points in markets. This, of course, will require other costs, in particular, the purchase of refrigeration equipment.

As for product sales, frozen pancakes can be sold to wholesalers or worked directly with retailers. You can also enter into agreements with catering establishments.

The main thing is to always maintain high quality products and guarantee timely deliveries.

Frozen pancake production technology, equipment selection

The process of preparing frozen spring rolls consists of the following steps:

1. Kneading pancake batter in a special beater.

2. Feeding the dough to the pancake machine and baking the blanks.

3. Filling the blanks with filling and packaging them in plastic packaging.

4. Placing the finished product in a special refrigeration chamber, where the pancakes will be subjected to “shock” freezing at a very low temperature.

Shock freezing cabinet

5. Transfer pancakes from the low-temperature chamber to the refrigerator for long-term storage.

The ingredients for making pancakes will be eggs, flour, sugar, salt, spices, and soda. The filling uses mushroom or chopped meat, raisins, cottage cheese, fruit jams.

To make frozen pancakes you will need the following equipment:

  • Line for the production and freezing of pancakes.
  • Refrigeration chamber for storing finished products and raw materials.

Frozen pancake production line

Expenses and income

Purchase of equipment - about 900,000 rubles.

Delivery and installation of equipment – ​​100,000 rubles.

Preparing the premises - 200,000 rubles.

Purchase of raw materials – 100,000 rubles.

Other expenses – 100,000 rubles.

Capital costs for starting a business producing frozen pancakes will be 1,400,000 rubles.

The approximate payback period is 14 months.

Projected revenue is 490,000 rubles.

Thus, for quite short term you will be able to set up your own production of frozen pancakes. The main thing is to follow the recipe, strive for consistently high quality and establish cooperation with a sufficient number of consumers.

Final stage of production

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The market for frozen semi-finished products in Russia is considered favorable for starting a business, despite the competition. Its volume per last year are estimated at approximately 1,900 thousand tons of products, or in monetary terms - $4-4.2 billion.

To open profitable business In this structured market, a business plan for the production of frozen convenience foods should certainly be drawn up. The most popular segment of such production is pancakes/dumplings/dumplings/khinkali. It takes up approximately 30% of turnover.

Initial conditions

Where to start drawing up a business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products? When is it not worth taking on it even if you have the funds? The answer is obvious. Initially, you need to achieve firm contracts or agreements on the future sale of products. It is unacceptable frivolity to establish production without ensuring dynamic sales of products.

Buyers of frozen products can be wholesale trading companies, supermarkets, and mini-markets. Direct supply to the catering sector is also practiced. Frozen semi-finished products for cafes are popular. An entrepreneur should constantly expand his sales area.

It is important to comply with regulatory parameters. Of course, it is necessary to thoroughly study GOST R 52674-2006, which regulates the production of semi-finished meat and meat products, as well as GOST R 51187-98, which prescribes labeling of packaging of semi-finished meat products

But if you are a manufacturer and you already have refrigeration equipment in operation, then not opening this business is simply frivolous, because the cost of producing frozen semi-finished products will be half as much.


To launch the production of frozen products with an output of 1 ton per day (with automation of the main processes), a staff of 7 people will be needed. In the future, increasing production output, additional personnel should be recruited.

You should not rush to open a business without having at least two qualified technologists on staff who can organize and manage automated (semi-automated) production.

To optimize the number of personnel at the stage of increasing production to 5 tons of products per day, it is preferable for the director to perform the functions of an accountant, and the deputy for procurement (with the right to conclude contracts) to perform the functions of a driver.

Registration and rental

The organizational and legal form of such a business is usually an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most founders open medium business, registering as individual entrepreneur, choosing a simplified form of taxation. Featured OKVED codes, used during registration - 1511400, 1511410, 1511420.

To rent a production facility with an output of 1 ton of product per day, we recommend using a similar-purpose production facility with an area of ​​70 m2. In this case, sanitary standards for food production will be automatically taken into account. And without you special problems When certifying products, they will issue a sanitary and epidemiological certificate of the production premises and a declaration of conformity.

Main products

A business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products (pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, khinkali in 0.5, 0.7 or 1.0 kg packages) begins with a description of the main aspects of the activity.

Let's imagine his example. The daily output of the enterprise is 1 ton of products. The main assortment: pancakes (minced beef and chicken, cottage cheese, fruit filling), dumplings and khinkali (minced pork, beef and chicken), dumplings (liver, potatoes, cabbage).

Features of the technology: the production of pancakes, dumplings, khinkali will be carried out without the addition of soy.

Purchase of raw materials: farms"A", "B", "C", "D", "D" in the N-sky district.

Sales of products: supermarkets "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G".

Since in this article we are limited by volume, the further business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products will be deliberately narrowed to the production of pancakes. We believe that entrepreneurs (our readers), having understood the principle, will be able to independently equip lines for the production of dumplings, dumplings and khinkali.

Trademark registration

A registered entrepreneur who has understood the peculiarities of his production and competitive advantages products, it's time to register a trademark. You, as the copyright holder, submit to Rospatent an application, a registered designation, a list of products for assignment of a trademark, and its verbal description. During the year, the package of documents will be examined (clarifications are possible during the course), as a result of which the applicant receives individual state registration. It makes its products recognizable and prevents counterfeits.

Production method

Product production can be organized in two options. The first is using manual labor (for this you need to pay for the labor of 8-10 molders), the second is based on the operation of automatic (semi-automatic) specialized equipment.

Manual labor brings its own limitations to production: the quality of mixing minced meat suffers when processing frozen meat, the meat has to be defrosted, which negatively affects shelf life and quality.

We will choose automation for obvious reasons. Accordingly, we will include the purchase of special equipment in the business plan for the production of pancakes.

Test equipment

In the modern market, you have a choice between equipment made in Italy, China, and Russia. Italian is much more expensive, but it is fully automated, guarantees high quality and productivity, so it is recommended for large productions (where it pays off). For medium-sized producers, Chinese and Russian semi-automatic equipment producing frozen pancakes is more suitable.

To prepare pancake dough you will need a flour sifter and a dough mixer with a capacity of 50 liters or more. Pancake batter has a liquid consistency, being made from flour, eggs, milk, sugar.

Preparation of minced meat and other fillings

To process frozen briquettes you will have to purchase:

  • a band saw that cuts meat briquettes;
  • two chest-type refrigerators with a capacity of 1.5 m3 each (the first is for raising the temperature of the briquettes to – 10 0 C before cutting, the second is for freezing minced meat);
  • bath for defrosting when sawing;
  • industrial meat grinder;
  • mince mixer.

The approximate price of such a set of equipment will be from $5.5 thousand.

The option of processing half carcasses is more economical; it will require the purchase of a deboning table, an industrial meat grinder, a minced meat mixer, and one refrigerated chest (from $3 thousand).

Other fillings are also produced using an industrial mixer (from $0.7 thousand): cottage cheese with raisins, potatoes with mushrooms and onions, and various fruit fillings.

For heat treatment of fillings, additional equipment will be required: steam converters and digesters ($3 thousand).

Finally, the pancakes themselves

Modern automated production of pancakes is carried out on a specialized line. Its price is from 20 thousand $.

There are two technologies for baking the dough base of pancakes: drum type (with Rotofour filling) and carousel type (traditional pancakes). In both cases, the working surfaces are heated by gas.

The experience of entrepreneurs we reviewed involves double-sided carousel-type pancake frying machines. They produce (optional) pancake strips, rectangular or round perfectly baked blanks. Then they move along the conveyor to the filling dispensing device and the folding device.

Thus, pancake production lines can ensure dynamic development of production and high quality of their production.

Packaging, freezing

Packing of pancakes in packs of 0.5, 0.7 or 1 kg is carried out on a packaging line, which includes a cartoner, a horizontal packer, and equipment for automatically marking the current production date. The price of the above-mentioned equipment is relatively low and amounts to $1.5 thousand.

The last stage of preparing pancakes is their low-temperature freezing in an industrial refrigerator. This equipment is the most expensive, its price starts from $25 thousand. Modern technological equipment allows us to answer the question of how to freeze pancakes without filling and with a wide variety of fillings.

Business profitability

There is no point in organizing non-automated production in the 21st century, especially since the costs for a workshop of frozen semi-finished products are relatively low. To open a business equipped with special equipment and capable of further dynamic development, minimum amount initial costs are $60 thousand.

For a newly launched enterprise, reaching the break-even point will not take much time (about 0.5 months). The lion's share of fixed costs will be rent, purchase of raw materials, depreciation, payment for electricity and gas, wage. To increase profitability, you should take a course to increase production. The dynamics here are obvious: with a daily gross output of 1 ton, the profitability will be 9%, for 3 tons this figure will increase to 12%, for 5 tons - to 5%.

Note that handmade frozen products can give a profitability of 15% even for a smaller daily production output than 1 ton, but the prospects for growth and stability of such a business are questionable.


IN last years In this segment, there is a positive trend of replacing price competition with quality competition. The population's demand for cost-effective products that are close in their characteristics to homemade products is growing. Consumers are beginning to focus on brands they like.

Technologists go out to produce very high-quality products and certify them. Business consolidation is taking place. Automation allows you to increase production volumes, and therefore profitability. Small manufacturers who make products by hand are being replaced by larger, technologically advanced competitors who are able to operate dynamically and demonstrate consistent quality.