Many hunters, having purchased a smoothbore gun, begin to think about how they can tune it. The first thought is to install optics. But it seems to me that installing an optical sight on a smoothbore gun makes no sense, and here’s why.

Firstly, shooting from a smoothbore gun is carried out at a relatively short distances(up to 50 m with shot, and up to 100-120 m with a bullet). At such distances, any increase will be unnecessary. Secondly, they most often shoot from a shotgun offhand, and catching a target, especially one moving quickly, will be very difficult.

What does a red dot sight do? Having a special optical design, the collimator allows you to replace the rear sight and front sight with one point. You no longer need to combine three points at different distances from the eye: target, front sight and rear sight.

When is a collimator needed? It is most advisable to use a red dot sight when shooting at short distances up to 100 m, especially if the target is moving quickly. This is bird hunting, driven hunts, picking up wounded animals, etc. Can a red dot sight replace an optical sight? In short, no.

Rather, a red dot sight replaces open sights. From all that has been said, it is clear that the optimal magnification is 1x. In addition, it is highly advisable to look at the target, as they say, both ways when shooting. We must also not forget that most scopes, even 1.2-4x20 variable sights or analogues, are quite large in size and weight.

So, we can conclude that compact devices are most suitable for installation on a smoothbore gun small size and masses that make it possible to shoot with two with open eyes. Red dot sights are very close to the described formulation. Let's take a closer look at them.

A common feature of all collimators is the lack of focusing (they simply don’t need it) and the ability to position it at any distance from the shooter’s eye. Collimators can have interchangeable aiming marks, which makes it easier to aim and make corrections for distance or lead (in the case of a moving target). First of all, red dot sights can be divided into closed and open.


The KZT is a tube similar to an optical sight, the difference is that the KZT is much lighter and more compact. More recently, it was possible to come across “deaf” devices, looking into which we are surprised to find that nothing is visible at all, except for one luminous point.

It worked as follows: raising the gun, the shooter looked into the collimator with one eye and saw the dot, with the other - at the target. In the shooter's head, the images were combined, and when aimed correctly, a dot was projected onto the target. Such devices quickly disappeared from sale, as they had enormous parallax and “turned off” one of the shooter’s eyes, severely limiting the view. Fortunately, they have been replaced by normal closed collimators.

KZTs are smaller and lighter than optical sights, but still quite bulky. But they have one advantage over open collimator sights: at the same price, a closed collimator sight will be more durable and protected. Also a big plus is the good visibility of the tag in any light, even on a bright sunny day.


CAT is a small device on which the image of the aiming mark is projected onto a small screen or lens. CATs can be both quite massive and ultra-compact (literally the size of a matchbox). Open type collimators are the most compact, practically do not reduce the view and, in my opinion, are more aesthetically pleasing, although, of course, they differ in taste and color...

Disadvantages include less durability (mainly due to the lens) and reduced visibility of the brand in bright sunlight. A very interesting version of the CAT is the holographic sight. Its main difference is complete absence parallax, the focusing of the reticle is in the target plane, the reticle itself can be anything, including three-dimensional, the reticle is changed by changing the holographic screen.

A special feature of the holographic sight is that a shot can be fired when the aiming mark and the target are aligned, in an arbitrary position of the shooter or weapon.

Like an optical sight, any collimator must be sighted after installation, for which purpose they have adjustment drums. For most tasks, especially with smooth-bore weapons, it is enough to align the aiming line with the collimator mark using a cold sighting device.

To install a collimator sight, it is necessary that the weapon has seats (“dovetail”, weawer, etc.). It is important to note here that it is highly desirable that the collimator be mounted on a quick-release bracket and that the additional rails and mounts of the bracket do not block the sighting rail of the shotgun. Whatever one may say, no matter how compact the collimator is, it still protrudes greatly beyond the dimensions of the weapon, so it can be knocked down or damaged when moving with a weapon, flooded with water or splashed with mud when hunting waterfowl.

Another weak link in the collimator is the power supply. Most of them are battery-operated, as are open collimators, which are powered by small coin-cell batteries that are very sensitive to low temperatures.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of collimator. For shotguns and large-caliber rifles, in my opinion, closed or open holographic collimators are more suitable. For small-caliber rifles and rifles of caliber up to 7.62x39 (and analogues), open collimators are more suitable. After choosing the type of sight, you need to find out whether the collimator mount will fit the base of your gun.

The fact is that most closed collimators and all open ones have integrated brackets, and it will be almost impossible to change them later. The collimator you choose should have an adjustable reticle brightness, and it is advisable that it be replaceable. Good collimators have from 5 to 9 different marks.

A lot of red dot sights have appeared on our market. There are very cheap models, from 15 USD, which can only be used for toys or light pneumatics.

When choosing a sight, you should remember that a red dot sight is just that: a sight, i.e. quite a complex optical device. In addition, when shooting, it experiences large overloads, so it cannot be cheap.

Finally, I would like to mention Chinese-made collimators. At a fairly low price, they can have very impressive characteristics. It is often difficult to distinguish them “by eye” from the products of branded manufacturers. Unfortunately, they have one very unpleasant drawback - unpredictable quality.

Almost all of them withstand the recoil of small calibers well (.22Lr, 7.62x39, .223, etc.). But not everyone is able to withstand the recoil of a smoothbore gun, especially with magnum cartridges. Sometimes they simply go out, but more often the aiming mark begins to shift, which leads to inexplicable misses. This state of affairs makes you wonder whether it’s worth saving on a collimator and risking the long-awaited hunt.

The effectiveness of shooting depends not only on the practical skills of the hunter or athlete. You can train for years, but still not achieve the desired precision in combat. There are several types of devices that become indispensable assistants for novice shooters and people with impaired vision during the fishing process (or at the stand). One of them is a collimator sight, which is a type of optical device.

Not everyone understands why a red dot sight is preferable to traditional optics for a 12-gauge smoothbore shotgun, and this should be explained for those who do not have sufficient experience in hunting with a smoothbore shotgun.

Firstly, any shotgun has a limited range of shots. The maximum is up to 120 m, and this is subject to an enhanced charge, which is rarely practiced. It is unlikely that multiple magnification is required at such distances. Therefore, the purchase of expensive optics is not justified.

Secondly, fishing with smoothbore weapons is most often carried out using the running method. Consequently, shooting is predominantly done offhand. The slightest delay and a miss. Therefore in similar situations A traditional optical sight is a poor assistant.

A collimator is essentially a universal device. In it, the mark (dot) replaces both the rear sight and the front sight smoothbore weapons. When hunting at close ranges, a red dot sight is much more effective than any expensive optics and cheap frame devices that are installed on the muzzle of the barrel. Therefore, it is considered an intermediate option, and for a 12-gauge shotgun it is the best choice.

Aiming does not require closing one eye, as is done when installing traditional optics on a weapon. It is more than convenient for walking hunting and saves a lot of time, allowing you to make an accurate shot at a running (flying) object in a matter of seconds.

Another argument in favor of installing a collimator on a 12-gauge smoothbore weapon. Firstly, shooting is usually done with shot. And its spread is such that maximum alignment of the aiming line is not required to hit the target. Secondly, 12 gauge is the largest. Consequently, the area covered by “shot residue” (at equal distances) is greater than that of other guns. The main thing is to choose wisely best option collimator sight for a specific type of hunting.

Rating of the best red dot sights for a 12 gauge smoothbore shotgun

There are several series of optical devices of the same brand on sale. All their advantages are noted based on reviews from athletes and hunters, which are easy to find on forums and websites of the relevant topic.

Prices are approximate, for the Moscow region, in Russian rubles.


Model SM1

Series 3005. This red dot sight is perfectly suited for fishing in low temperatures. At temperatures down to -25 ºС, the brightness of the glow does not change. The light weight of the device, protection from mechanical damage and falls from a height make it attractive for lovers of outdoor hunting. Price – 9,000.

Series 3003B (BOX 1x33). Open type collimator. Advantages - excellent panoramic visibility, the presence of several types (up to 4) of aiming marks, which ensures the accuracy of the shot with both a bullet and a shot charge. Price – 6,290. Series 3001. Attracts, first of all, with its small dimensions. This device belongs to the category of mini-sights, so it is perfect for those hunters who prefer to fish in places with dense vegetation (forest belts, etc.). The specific design of the lens provides visibility in a large sector without moving the barrel of a 12-gauge weapon. Price – 8,190.

Model SM2

The 6003 series collimator sight stands out here. Such models are called ultra-compact (weight - 60 g). Type – open. The battery capacity allows for continuous illumination (when fully charged) for 8–9 days. Hunters note the ease of use when proactively shooting, that is, at a moving object (hare, ducks taking off, etc.). Price – 8,430.


Model SCP

Series RD40RGW-A. Collimator type – closed. The main advantage is quick installation on smooth-bore weapons. This allows you to carry the device in a special case while moving to the hunting location. Another plus is that there are 2 colors for the aiming mark: red – clearly visible against the background of foliage and grass; green – for autumn and winter fishing. Price – 2,680.

DS3028W Series. Another red dot sight closed type. Advantages - good protection from impacts, ease of installation on smooth-bore weapons, sufficient viewing angle (at a distance of 100 m it is equal to ± 160). Price – 3,890.

Aimpoint Micro

This model of red dot sight is considered one of the best for 12 caliber smoothbore weapons. It optimally combines the advantages of open (ease of use, light weight) and closed (reliability, inertness to recoil) types of optical devices. The battery is designed for 48,000 hours of operation, and the quality of the backlight does not decrease even at extremely low temperatures.

This collimator is not afraid of water (allowable immersion is 5 m) and can be installed not only on a 12-caliber smoothbore shotgun, but also on other types of weapons equipped with a ventilated rail. Price – from 32,990.

DOCTER Sight (Model III 3.5)

The type of collimator sight is open. The main highlight is the ability of the optics to independently adjust the brightness of the backlight depending on the lighting conditions. This creates convenience during winter hunting - you don’t need to press against the cold butt for a long time and take aim. The mount is proprietary, universal. Price – from 18,190.

The red dot sights given as an example are not the only high-quality ones. There are also models on sale from other manufacturers, to which there are no special complaints - “Hakko BED” (Japan), “EOTech” (USA). But this is explained not only by their high reliability, but also by low demand - they are much more expensive, and therefore are purchased less often by owners of smooth-bore weapons. Accordingly, there are not so many reviews.

To be fair, it should be noted that all devices under these brands entering our market are manufactured in China.

Many positive reviews about Russian development optics for smoothbore weapons. The Cobra collimator (EKP-8-21 series) is excellent for 12 gauge. The price is significantly lower than many foreign analogues - 12,780, and the quality is not inferior to them.

For smooth-bore weapons, including those, it is advisable to focus on open-type devices. They are more compact and provide good review. If the sight is closed, then it should be a holographic collimator, and not the old-style model, when when aiming you had to close one eye to connect 2 dots.

Mounting type

You should immediately clarify whether it is suitable for a specific 12 gauge weapon. There are collimator sights on sale with a universal locking mechanism. They are preferable for two reasons. Firstly, you don’t have to do “trying on” right in the store (and to do this, come to it with your gun). Secondly, if you plan to purchase a more advanced weapon instead of the old model, then the collimator will not need to be changed.

Type of marks

There are several options, depending on the collimator manufacturer - a single dot, also in a circle; intersecting lines; triangle. It is advisable to try out the ease of aiming from different models of the device. Here, third-party recommendations are unnecessary - only your own feelings. The only thing that needs to be clarified is at what distance this sight is most effective.

Dimming limits

A collimator is considered good if it has at least 5 replaceable marks. But these are active types of sights, suggesting their use in the dark. They cost more, so you should think about whether this optical device is really needed for running hunting, during the day. But for a sit-down it’s an excellent choice.

Power supply

Here it is short - battery is preferable. The fact is that all battery-type elements, colloquially called “tablets,” are sensitive to sub-zero temperatures. During winter hunting, this will directly affect the quality of functioning of the collimator sight.


One of the main points when choosing a device. By definition, high-quality optics cannot be cheap. Example – branded binoculars, glasses, microscopes. There are various models of collimator sights manufactured “in China” everywhere on the market. In many respects, they are characterized quite well, but there is a significant drawback that completely eliminates all the existing advantages - they are sensitive to recoil. Because we're talking about about smooth-bore weapons of 12 caliber, then it is quite significant.

No professional can predict how the device will behave after the first shot, especially if it is fired with a Magnum cartridge. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and spend money on a more reliable red dot sight from a well-known manufacturer.

The law of the Russian Federation that regulates the circulation firearms, limits the permitted types of firearms for novice hunters, and therefore smoothbore guns are most widespread. In addition, there are many inexpensive models on the market (especially the secondary market) with low cost of cartridges and maintenance. Therefore, choosing a sight for a shotgun is the most common question we are asked. We will cover this topic very briefly and with reference to other articles.

Contents of the article

To select a scope, you need to understand three key features of smoothbore shotguns:

  1. Cartridge power
  2. Hunting conditions
  3. Installation method for the selected sight

To begin with, let's look at the first two factors common to all guns of this type - cartridge power and hunting conditions (we will narrow the range of recommended sights), offer the best sights of each type (and explain why): optical, red dot and night vision, and then consider the options.

Cartridge power and hunting conditions

The 12th is the most popular caliber for smoothbore guns in Russia. It should be borne in mind that the muzzle energy of a heavy bullet, buckshot or shot is 4,000 ... 4,500 Joules - the maximum, and when using Magnum cartridges it can be even higher. Accordingly, the recoil of the weapon causes a colossal shock load on the sight and bracket. When choosing a sight, first of all pay attention to the muzzle energy of the cartridge and correlate it with the weight of the weapon and the characteristics of the sight, which are indicated in its passport. Despite the relatively low cost of smoothbore shotguns, you need to take the choice of a sight based on impact load seriously: most cheap scope models are not suitable for smoothbore guns. And definitely not worth ordering.

Shot and Buckshot

The distance for shooting with shot or buckshot does not exceed 35 meters. At such a distance, it is advisable to use only a red dot sight for hunting. If you already know for sure that you will only hunt in this way (for example, birds), go straight to.

For self-defense, the conditions of which involve closed spaces and short distances, it is possible to use a collimator or laser sight. There are also combined models - collimator + laser, all of them are listed in. Functionally, they do not differ from conventional collimators and we will not dwell on them in detail.


The debate about the effective range of a bullet fired from a smoothbore gun will never subside. Some craftsmen achieve good accuracy: using an optical sight, a muzzle attachment (paradox) or a special barrel (Lancaster) and self-made bullets, they get a spread of 200..300 mm even at a distance of 150 meters! But still, it’s not worth talking about mass hunting in this way. IN general case the target range for a bullet from a smooth-bore weapon does not exceed 70 meters, and a confident kill of an animal is 50 meters. This distance is sufficient for hunting all large animals of the CIS countries, perhaps except for the swift bear. It is worth noting that a distance of 50 meters is suitable for almost all types of hunting.

Types and best models of sights for smoothbore

So, having dealt with the limitations on cartridge power related to the accuracy of a smoothbore gun - distance and, as a result, hunting options, we will consider all types of sights and models of sights suitable for a smoothbore gun.

Optical sight for smoothbore weapons

An optical sight on a smoothbore gun will most likely disappoint the hunter: unnecessary magnification for short distances will reduce the field of view and complicate aiming.

However, the use of such sights is justified in the following cases:

  • for sports or amateur target shooting;
  • to increase accuracy when firing a bullet at the maximum distances for a smoothbore (about one hundred meters);
  • for hunters with low vision.

Below we list the best models of optical sights for smooth-bore weapons.

Civilian equivalent of the legendary
sight PU 3.5x22

Due to its low cost, lightness and reliability, the Vologda PO 3.5x20 sight is one of the most popular optical sights for smoothbore guns

Optical sights of variable magnification on smooth-bore weapons. A small magnification provides a wide field of view for quickly identifying an animal, and a small magnification (usually up to 4 times) helps to aim more accurately at medium distances.

A universal and inexpensive variable magnification optical sight, the Hakko Hunter 1-4x20 can withstand the recoil of any smoothbore caliber.

Optical sights from the Novosibirsk plant are the standard of reliability. The new series of sights PO with the letter P are designed for installation on a rail. This quick-release mount will allow you to quickly replace the sight, for example, with a collimator one. If the weapon does not have a factory rail, a bracket is used to position the barrels.

The compact and lightweight Japanese collimator sight Hakko BED-35 Panorama also has a MR-02 mark changing system (4 marks) and 7 steps of brightness adjustment. The thinnest body that holds the lens literally dissolves while aiming and focusing on an object, providing a panoramic view of the target. This is very convenient when shooting at moving targets, such as birds.

The American Rubicon collimator sight from Bering Optics is no less compact and has an adjustable backlight, which is more convenient for those who do not like the “surprises” of automation. The scope has a universal 3 MOA mark, which is suitable for both slug and shotgun hunting. Its analogue with auto-adjustment of mark brightness larger size(5 MOA, for feathered game) - OP-LA Reflex.

Hunting for nocturnal animals is popular in Russia. It is difficult to hunt long distances in the dark, so smoothbore shotguns with their short range are often used for this type of hunting. To select a night vision scope, keep in mind that the sighting distance of a smooth-bore weapon will be short, so you should not chase expensive 2nd or 3rd generation image intensifier sights and, especially, thermal imager sights. However, when hunting at night you don’t have to shoot at a greater distance (for more details, see the article). Thus, it is more practical to use 1st generation sights, which allow you to aim up to 150 meters. But here, as with collimator sights, the muzzle energy of the weapon is important. Not all 1st generation scopes can withstand heavy recoil. If we consider the most popular 12 gauge, then the following night vision scope options are suitable for it:

Separately, it is worth noting digital night vision sights. Their design eliminates the glass bulb of the image intensifier tube, and therefore digital cameras can withstand any recoil. The first samples of digital sights were much inferior to sights with image intensifier tubes in the viewing angle and, which is important for smooth-bore weapons, in price. Now the cost of digital sights has decreased and continues to decrease, and if you have the opportunity, we recommend considering the option of purchasing an inexpensive digital one.

Types of smooth-bore weapons and sight mounting options

Smoothbore weapons have many varieties. The difference lies in the number of barrels and their location, as well as in the use of different calibers and reloading method.

An important factor for selecting a sight for a smooth-bore weapon is its installation. So many guns were made with the calculation of aiming exclusively using a mechanical sight, which often affected the lack of seats. To solve this issue, consider popular smoothbore shotguns.

Double-barreled hunting rifle IZH-27

The IZH-27 shotgun has a number of features. Firstly, it is a double-barreled shotgun with a vertical position, and secondly, reloading is carried out by breaking the barrel. There is no seat on the receiver. But the presence of a ventilated rail allows you to install sights. Mounting scopes to a vented rail is quite easy, which has led to the popularity of adapter mounts, such as:

Transition strip from ventilated to Weaver UM-07. This adapter bar allows you to use the mechanical sight without dismantling it.

It is also possible to buy a red dot sight with already installed mount under the ventilated strip, the most popular:

PFO 1x25 collimator sight. Operates without batteries and is very lightweight.

Pilad P1x42 collimator sight for ventilated rail. The collimator has a large lens of 42 mm.

The use of a ventilated rib for many shotguns has become simple solution for mounting a sight on a shotgun. But this type of mount is only suitable for installing red dot sights. This is due to the weight limitation of devices that are installed on a ventilated bar. For night vision sights and in the absence of a seat on the IZH-27 receiver, the Novosibirsk plant has manufactured a unique bracket, which is installed by compressing two gun barrels:

Bracket for smoothbore Vertical Weaver. The bracket is installed by wrapping around two trunks.

The MP-153 hunting rifle is characterized by a swinging fore-end or, in other words, a pump-action reloading method. The presence of a ventilated strap, as described above, is already an installation method, and for heavy night lights there are adapter brackets installed using standard receiver pins:

Weaver bracket for MP-153. The bracket has a cutout for the bolt handle.

Self-loading smoothbore carbines Saiga 12 and Saiga 410

The advantage of AK-based smoothbore carbines is their rate of fire. To enhance this feature, you must use the appropriate sights:

  • Laser sight - for self-defense (short-range shooting)
  • Collimator sight - for all other cases

Often combined sights are used - laser + collimator, or even more “sophisticated” models - with a tactical flashlight, for example.

AK-based smoothbore shotguns have a side rail. To install collimator and night sights, adapter brackets from the side to the top Weaver are most often used. This type of mount will allow you to use one bracket for two types of sights. Nevertheless, hunters often use scopes with a side mount already installed. Such sights eliminate additional fastening (for example, rings), which increases the reliability of the design. In addition, scopes with a side bracket most often have a quick-release mount, which allows you to quickly change optics, for example, depending on lighting conditions or changing the type of hunting. Below are a few of our recommended models.

Collimator sight Rakurs-A1 (PO1x20 A1). The sight has diopter adjustment.

Collimator sight "Cobra" EKP-1S-03. An open-type collimator sight with a side bracket for a Vepr smoothbore. IZHMASH is produced in small batches. You can see analogues in

If you need to install a compact red dot sight taking into account its low weight, we recommend that you become familiar with this type of mount, such as installing a Weaver rail to replace the standard front sight:

Weaver bracket for rear sight "Rybka-AK". An easy-to-install bracket that allows you to shoot with a mechanical sight.

In summary, what should you consider when purchasing a scope for a shotgun:

  • take into account the distance you are shooting at; optical sights are useless for smooth-bore shotguns;
  • Each scope has limitations on muzzle energy, for example, 12 gauge has 4200 J;
  • Mounting a scope is sometimes more important than the scope itself. Please note whether installation on your gun is possible.

Collimator sights smoothbore weapons are used very actively in our country. The thing is that they are compact in size, light weight, bright aiming mark. In this case, there is usually no parallax. So this is a position in our catalog that is worthy of your attention.

Why should everyone have this device?

A collimator sight for a smoothbore shotgun is an element of humane hunting. Do you agree that it is much more correct when the game dies in a matter of seconds, without experiencing prolonged suffering? This is possible thanks to increased shooting accuracy. After all, a hunter can aim and watch the game with two eyes at once. Even if it is not in a static position.

Operating principle

The collimator sight complements the smoothbore gun on the principle of collimation of light rays. A beam of rays located in a parallel plane at a far distance repeats the object of observation. The lens is thus long-focus. It contains a point called the aiming mark. It glows and allows you to do correct conclusions about the location of the object.

Mounting type for red dot sight

Remember: the best red dot sight for shotguns is the one that fits you perfectly. Therefore, first pay attention to the type of bracket. It must match the design of the gun in your arsenal. If you choose a model without a bracket, you can easily buy it separately.

Today, optical sights for rifles are an integral part of the equipment of a hunter or target shooter.

Having this device eliminates the need to combine the target itself, the front sight and the sight (when using an open sight, these 3 objects must be on the same line), just point the crosshair at the target and you can fire a shot.

When you have optics in your arsenal, the process of learning to shoot is greatly simplified, and many of them are capable of magnifying the image several times, which makes it possible to aim more accurately and increases the chances of hitting the target.

Even a person with visual impairments can hunt with such a device. Devices of this modification are produced for both rifled and smooth-bore weapons.

Basic parameters

Optical sights for hunting shotguns and rifles are not a simple design and have a number of parameters.

It is precisely in these parameters that they differ and have their own specific purpose. The main optics parameters include:

  • multiplicity;
  • light transmission;
  • parallax;
  • lenses, their sizes and anti-reflective coating;
  • method of fastening.

One of the most important characteristics of any “optics” is multiplicity, this also applies to sights. You should not trust the stereotypes that the higher the magnification, the better the scope. This is not always true.

The magnification varies among different models from 2 to 50, but this does not mean that scopes with low magnification are bad and cheap, and those with high magnification are expensive and good. High magnification systems are installed on weapons if it is necessary to hunt small game or small animals at a distance.

For hunting large animal(elk, wild boar) optics with low magnification or collimator are used. - This is a type of optical, which usually have a constant magnification of -1. Such systems are designed for hunting moving animals; they have excellent light transmission, high strength and are considered the fastest.

The collimator is an LED built into the sight, which can be in laser or conventional (infrared) versions. When the carbine or shotgun is aimed at a target, a red dot appears on the object.

Light transmission is the amount of light transmitted through the scope to the eye. The greater the multiplicity of the device, the smaller this parameter. The most expensive scopes have light transmission of 95-97%.

is the illusion of deviation from the goal. On “optics” with a magnification of more than 10, when there is a break in aiming or a sudden movement of the head, one gets the feeling that the target has “gone away”.

To prevent this effect from happening on scopes for hunting at close range with a magnification of 8 or more, install a parallax adjustment ring. It comes in the form of a drum around the scope body and in the form of an adjustment pin on the side of the body. Each division on such a “device” corresponds to the distance for the shot.

Most manufactured optical sights for a three-line or shotgun have lens diameter from 40 to 45 mm and are waterproof and also protected from internal fogging.

Many optical targeting systems, in addition to the different parameters given above, may differ in method of attachment to weapons. Experts advise mounting all devices on the “native” brackets and mounting rings for each weapon, so that the sight and gun are a single whole mechanism.

Models for professionals

Today you can choose a rifle scope for absolutely any purpose. For hunting wild boar or other large animals, models with a multiple of 3-9 are most often used. There are many systems with these indicators, both domestic (Belarusian) and cheap Chinese-made. The following models are in greatest demand among professionals:

Models for hunting in the steppe

For hunting in the steppe or other open area use sights on carbines with a magnification of 4-12, 4.5-14. Popular models are:

Now on sale large number optical sights for various requirements. Every hunter must understand what he pays money for when purchasing a system and which values ​​of the above parameters are important to him and which can be neglected. You can buy optics in almost any hunting store or online.