



Those who play World of Tanks have probably come across terms such as “efficiency” or “rating”. Hearing these words for the first time, I want to know what it is, what it is made of, what it affects, and how it can be improved.

What is efficiency and rating in World of Tanks

Like many other multiplayer games, World of Tanks has its own ratings and indicators that show how well a particular person plays.

All of it is summarized in one word “statistics”.

It means your win percentage, average damage for your account and for individual tanks, as well as accuracy and survivability indicators.

Important for the in-game community are unofficial ratings created not by the developers, but by the WoT audience itself. There are several similar ratings, but they are all united by the common name efficiency - efficiency factor.

As the name suggests, they characterize how useful a player is in battle and whether he brings benefit to his team.

  • RE (Efficiency Rating) is one of the very first rating systems.
  • WN6 - this rating was created by American World of Tanks players, and they tried to take into account both the personal wishes of the players, as well as their experience in using RE and their knowledge in the field of statistics.
  • WN7 – having collected experience in using the WN6 rating, its authors made some amendments.
  • WN8 is the next version of WN7, on this moment is the most popular of the presented ratings; only RE can compete with it in the championship.

What does the rating value in World of Tanks affect?

Like official statistics, A player’s efficiency in WoT is a universal “measuring yardstick”, a way to compare gaming skills, abilities and experience (all of this is collectively called “skill”) of oneself and other players.

Also, efficiency is very important when joining a good clan - first of all, you will be assessed precisely by its value. The more prestigious and powerful the clan, the stricter these requirements will be.

Determining your rating and that of other players in battle

So, you chose a tank, replenished it with shells and consumables, and went into battle. How to find out efficiency in World of Tanks while playing? This can be done using the XVM modification - eXtended Visualization Mod, also called “deer meter” and “user meter”. You can download it either from the official website

After downloading and installing the mod, XVM needs to be activated - without this, the “deer meter” will not work, and you will not be able to view your own or other people’s statistics in battle. To do this, you need to visit the XVM website (link given above) and log into your personal account using the login and password of your WoT account.

It is completely safe for your data and account if you visit the site specified by us. Next, click on the “Activate Services” button located at the top of the page. Now the “reindeer measurer” will be available to you within two weeks. Then it will again require re-activation.

In the “Settings” tab located in the upper right part of the site, you can select additional parameters for the XVM mod and which of the above ratings it will display.

How to find out efficiency in World of Tanks without a “deer gauge”

The need to find out the rating of a player in WoT (both yourself and someone else) very often arises outside of combat. For example, when accepting a newcomer to a clan. There are many websites that allow you to do this. We will give a list of them below; you just need to copy this or that site and paste it into the search bar of your browser.


Having opened the site, you just need to enter the nickname of the player whose efficiency you want to know into the required line and press the appropriate button. After this you will receive all the necessary information.

It is worth noting that on the website there is a player gradation scale - that is, you can not just look at the bare numbers, but see whether he performs well or poorly in WoT, or whether he is a strong average player. If you need to see extensive statistics on your account, with graphs and tables showing changes in efficiency, then is suitable for you.

Additionally, there is a browser plugin called WoTClanInfo. By installing it, you get the opportunity to find out the player’s extended statistics and his ratings directly on the official World of Tanks website by finding the player through the Communities-Players tab (

Ways to increase your efficiency in the game

So, now you know your rating in World of Tanks and want to improve it.

You can increase it by following a few tips:

  • Deal as much damage as possible during the battle. This is the best way to improve your rating, as their calculation algorithms largely depend on the damage you deal. To do this, use a high-level technique with a large “alpha strike” (that is, damage per shot), or with a high DPM (that is, rate of fire).
  • The second point is in many ways a continuation of the first. Play on fairly popular machines, since the average statistics on them are quite low. Therefore, if you are able to gain enough experience and damage from them, your rating will increase. Examples of such machines are the KV-1, IS-3, T67. At the same time, try to minimize the number of battles using rare or unpopular vehicles.
  • Use light tanks. If you have sufficient experience in the game and are able to fight effectively on LT, then this will be good way increase your efficiency. As good cars I can recommend ELC AMX, T67, LTTB. At the same time, try to conduct reconnaissance and “light up” enemy tanks, and, if possible, capture his base or defend your own.
  • Play as a platoon. Remember, in most battles there is little or no coordination between players on the same team. Therefore, if you take two comrades with you, then you and your team will only benefit from this.
  • Try to play more on high-level vehicles, since the increase in ratings from playing on low-level vehicles is small. This was done in order to prevent unscrupulous players from gaining high efficiency by fighting with inexperienced players in tanks of levels 2-5.
  • Improve your gaming skills, learn to analyze the situation in battle, predict enemy actions, learn the weak points and features of the tanks you face, study maps, look for good positions on them. The growth of gaming skills is well facilitated by various manuals, guides, and tips, which can be found in abundance both on the official forum of the game and on the YouTube channels of World of Tanks video bloggers (Jove, Murazor, Amway921 and many others).

Now, after reading this article, you know what efficiency and player efficiency ratings are in WoT, how to find them, and how to increase their values. By fully following the tips above, you will be able to significantly improve your game skill, statistics, and performance ratings.


World of Tanks online efficiency is a collection of data that shows how effectively you play, deal damage, and perform in battle. It was with the help of the efficiency calculator that tankers began to be judged in random. This is the same way a player is evaluated when he is accepted into a clan. WOT combat effectiveness has become an alternative to the simple win percentage indicator, since the latter does not reflect the game in detail specific person. The automatic WOT efficiency calculator allows you to evaluate a set of factors that show how well a player plays in World of Tanks.

In game chats, on World of Tanks forums and in other places related to “World of Tanks,” players see questions like “Tell me my efficiency,” “Tell me efficiency,” “What color am I?” and so on... Many tankers know what it is, but some are wondering - what is the efficiency of World of Tanks?

In this article we will try to answer the questions:

  • What is efficiency?
  • What are rating points awarded for?
  • What equipment should you use to lift?
  • Give tips on damage techniques.

General concept of efficiency, or WOT efficiency

World of Tanks efficiency is a tanker’s personal rating, which shows your overall skills, abilities and mastery of the game. There are two types of statistics - hangar and combat. Combat efficiency is the rating that the player sees in battle, and hangar, or individual efficiency for a tank is xTE, that is, statistics on a separate vehicle, which is compared with the average performance of the same tank of all its drivers.

Color scale

To make it clearer, let's say this - the more useful and effective you are on the battlefield, the higher the WOT efficiency value. There are 6 color zones that reflect the tanker’s professionalism (nickname color). The first zone, scary for any World of Tanks player, is red. Such guys, as a rule, have overall account statistics of up to 47% and efficiency from 0 to 629. These terrible and hated players received in-game nicknames such as “crawfish” and “bottom”. Basically, these are World of Tanks newcomers who are learning and understanding the basics of the game, although there are exceptions.

The second zone is Orange color, World of Tanks efficiency ranges from 630 to 859, and the win percentage is about 47-48. Such players are treated more normally compared to the “crayfish”, but the “orange” ones also come under criticism from their allies because of their gaming decisions. This zone includes those tankers who enjoy the game not from the numbers after battle statistics, but during the battle. “I left first, fired a couple of shots, merged first, got on another tank and drove on” - here general concept about the “orange” from the top VOD producer of “World of Tanks”.

The third, extensive zone is the “yellow” players, whose statistics range from 860 to 1139, and their winning percentage ranges from 49 to 51. It is the players with yellow efficiency who are the bulk of the game.

These “tankers” are guys who understand the basics of the game:

  • How the main battles take place on the map.
  • They know the main directions and places.
  • They know the types of shells, penetration zones, and the style of “backlight.”

These are “shot” guys who are able to repel the enemy. Yes, these players are not “ideal”; they tend to make mistakes in important moments, or even lose their way at the beginning of the battle due to their stupidity. But the main thing is what they think during the fight, and not everyone succeeds in this!

WOT efficiency

After the yellow zone, the zone of “extras” begins - players who care about their efficiency and try to play on the technique that suits them to maintain or improve their statistical indicators.
So the fourth color is green. Players with a rating of 1140-1459 and a win percentage of 52-56. “Green” players are a support for the allied team, and a danger to opponents. As a rule, a platoon of three “green” players, if they are in the TOP of the team’s list, are able to change the outcome of the battle in their favor. Tankers of this class know the terrain of the game maps, know where to appear first and where not to interfere - such players have a good reputation. It’s not for nothing that people start recruiting into TOP clans from the “green” zone.

The penultimate color scale is profiles with turquoise statistics, rating 1460-1734 and 57%-64%. Trained and “wolves armed to the teeth” who change the outcome of a battle, even a weak one. Take first place in experience and damage? These guys can handle such a task - they know how to “bend” and what is the most convenient and easier way to do it.

And the last zone, which is conquered by the chosen ones, is purple. WOT efficiency from 1735 and above, percentage – 65 +.
Often, only avid twinks have such accounts, but there are exceptions. When the players took their heads and adjusted their values ​​​​to this framework. “Purple” guys are the most dangerous opponents on the battlefield. They tend to change any situation to suit themselves. Extras play on a technique that is called “imbo-shaped” - that is, one that has penetration and accuracy indicators, has drums and speed. Examples of such machines are drum 10s such as BatChat, T57 Heavy, AMX 50B. And if we talk about comfortable shooting, these are the German and French ST Leopard 1, AMX 30B and E-50M, and the entire trio of 10th ST USSR. These cars are very demanding of their drivers, but they are also capable of doing incredible things.

How to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks?

The moment when a player thinks about his statistics comes in different ways - for some it comes at the beginning of his “path”, and after a couple of dozen or hundreds of battles, and for others this period can last up to 5-10 thousand, not to mention those who won’t get it at all, who will still ride the red “crustacean” with 30 thousand fights and an efficiency of 540...

So, there are two solutions to the problem of “how to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks”:

  1. Create a new game account.
  2. The second is to come to your senses and begin to lift (or “overcome”) from the base.

A new account is a simple solution, but not every player decides to go down this path - many have high-level 8s on the “base”, for which they paid decent money. If there are no “preset bonuses” on the “base” or the pocket allows you to buy one or two more eights for a new “acc”, then the “twink” is a good choice, especially when on the main profile the battle level has exceeded 30-50 thousand, and the overall percentage is only a pitiful 47, and the efficiency is below 900... The process of raising statistics on such a profile is delayed, so “twink” is a good choice. Another thing is, if there are 5-8 thousand battles on the “base”, then this can be fixed - choosing the right fighting style, choosing the right and “imbal” branches, smart game and - voila! With such plans, the account will turn green, or even turn turquoise by 20 thousand battles!

So, after the player has decided for himself what he wants - a new game profile or “overcome on the basis”, the question comes up - “which tanks to play on and what to download first?” We will try to answer this too.

Which vehicle is easier to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks?

A good choice would be to start playing tanks from the USSR branch. Soviet heavy vehicles forgive mistakes of their driver, and the USSR ST of the 10th level is included in the list of the best TOP tanks in the game. If for some reason you don’t like the USSR or have these vehicles, then pay attention to the drum TT and ST of France, TT of the USA - these vehicles are interesting and dangerous on the battlefield. In general, if you put your hand on your heart, you can “bend” and raise statistics on everything except ART-SAU.

Almost any high-level tank, starting from 5, has its own flavor that can be used. The main thing you shouldn’t forget is to deal as much damage as possible in battle. The first rule is to beat off the HP of the machine you are playing on, and then your account will have excellent statistics!
Well, this article comes to an end! Good luck on the battlefields and in increasing your World of Tanks efficiency!

Efficiency in World of Tanks- this is the player’s efficiency coefficient, the benefit that you brought to the team during the battle. The calculation of efficiency includes damage inflicted, killed equipment, flares, and assistance to the team.

How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?
In this article we will talk about tactics, choice of technique and many small details that are simply unknown to beginners. First, let's look at which tank is better to choose to increase efficiency and win percentage in the game. We advise you to look in the achievements on which tank you had the most battles with, the most victories, and damage. To see more detailed statistics you will need the Deer Measuring mod for World of Tanks. See also the average damage and efficiency in general. Based on these statistics, choose the tank you play best on. If you have few fights on your account, the statistics rise faster and easier. For example, if it is less than 5000, the statistics grow by leaps and bounds. It is very quick and easy to understand the win rate and efficiency ratio (Efficiency Ratio) provided that you play well and are in a platoon with elite tanks. But with the same success bad game it can fall quickly. But if you have 15,000 battles or more, the statistics rise very slowly. You will have to fight a lot and always try to play well. Of course, it will rise over time. Many players who initially played for fun are now thinking about increasing their statistics. They create new accounts, so-called twinks. They invest real money in the game, transfer experience and play for statistics. Due to experience with clean slate create an account with excellent statistics.

Some players increase their win rate in companies. But due to this, the damage on the tank and the efficiency in general are greatly reduced. Which is not good for everyone. For newcomers, it will be comfortable in the company, there will be an opportunity to study tactics and try company gameplay. He's completely different there. This separate topic. It is possible to fall into a bad company of newcomers and waste not only damage, but also your win percentage. Be careful with your choice. If you have a good commander, but in random games you can’t increase your win percentage, then we recommend playing in a company.

Does a weak computer and low FPS affect the game?
If FPS is less than 20 in such conditions it is very difficult to drag, it is almost impossible to play. You should set the graphics to minimum; we recommend installing the WoT Tweaker program as well and removing all effects in the game. This will definitely increase your FPS. You can set compressed textures, for example, to 25%, the highest compression is up to 3% of the original size. At the same time, the game loses its beautiful picture, but it becomes comfortable to play. We recommend turning off effects in sniper mode, track tracks, etc. in the graphics settings. This makes it seriously buggy. To see opponents even from afar, set the rendering distance to maximum. Try to keep the game FPS at 50 or more. The lower the FPS, the worse your effectiveness in battle.

To increase the percentage of victories, some players create a platoon of experienced tankers to play at levels 1-2 of tanks. Such platoons most often fall on newcomers. Having a pumped-up crew, modules and everything you need, you can easily increase efficiency and statistics. But not everyone will like this. If you are not a very experienced player, you may well try this option. Get a good win rate per session. But you shouldn’t play too much in the “sandbox”, otherwise you will get the nickname “pedobear” and such statistics will not be impressive, but will only look bad. If you are already an experienced player, choose tank levels 7,8,9,10.

Another tip is to always play to your maximum. Even if you don’t like the team or the map, don’t hang your nose and try to make more money, survive in battle, bring more benefit team. In general, play as best as possible.

Many players try to quickly complete the tank, upgrade to the next level, play a lot of battles, but the quality of the battles is poor. Because of this, efficiency drops and the winning percentage is not high. Remember, in World of Tanks it is not the quantity of battles that matters, but their quality! You should play when you are in the mood and desire, and not when you need to quickly pump up a tank or shoot down stars, but you don’t want that at all. If you play without desire and enthusiasm, then most likely your statistics are unlikely to grow. You need to play when you want, play on the technique you like, with the equipment and consumables. This is how maximum effectiveness in battle is achieved. Take the same people into your platoon.

Another important point. You shouldn't have too many fights a day because you'll get tired and your effectiveness will decrease.

Using gold shells to increase efficiency. How effective are they?
On certain vehicles, you can get very good damage using gold shells. Of course, this is expensive and everyone decides for themselves whether it is necessary. You can alternate BB with Cumulatives and act on combat setups. Let's say you play on Isu - you can shoot only AP shells on it, play calmly and not worry. On it, gold shells are not particularly needed, but when you get to level 10 they can be used. We recommend taking gold shells to any tank so that difficult situation you were able to penetrate less armored targets. If you are more likely to penetrate the target, you can use regular projectiles. But if the chance of penetration is less than 70%, then it is worth loading a gold shell. Classic example is excellent soviet tank is6, he is a farmer and many people use him to earn credits. IS6 is great for increasing efficiency and win percentage.

With the development of the World of Tanks game, various modifications began to appear, thanks to which the life of players is greatly simplified. Among such modifications, MOD is very famous. With the help of MOD, you can very accurately determine the effectiveness of a player in battle, the benefit he brings to his team.

You can calculate the efficiency (efficiency factor) in the game for any player. So the more he plays game World of Tanks, the more experience he gains from each battle, thereby increasing his efficiency indicator.

So how do you calculate World of Tanks efficiency?

Make a calculation efficiency World of Tanks is very simple. Of course, first of all, you need to highlight this point: in the client and on the game website there is a player’s performance rating, which is located in the Achievement tab. And it is an important characteristic of a given player, individual efficiency. However, this rating is more likely to be derived from superficial statistical information about a player than from actual performance.

Nowadays, many different calculators have been created that analyze statistics in the game and make the necessary calculations

When calculating efficiency, the following data is included in the calculation:

1. Total player fights.
2. The number of enemies, that is, enemy tanks destroyed.
3. The total amount of damage you caused.

4. The total amount of damage caused by the allies thanks to the intelligence data of the player for whom the calculation is being made.
5. The total number of points when capturing enemy bases.
6. The total number of knockdowns when the enemy captures the bases of the player’s allies.
7. The level of all equipment that participated in the battles. This indicator is very important because in one battle, thanks to a level 10 vehicle, you can cause as much damage as in 30 battles using a level 1 vehicle. Consequently, technology is more high level raising efficiency is not a problem.

In a word, calculating the efficiency of World of Tanks is not ordinary dry statistics.

By correctly analyzing the statistics, based on won and lost battles, you can significantly improve your own game, making it as effective as possible. You can also learn about your rivals, understand who is worth fighting with, and who is best fought against with the help of allies. You can also determine the strength of your own team and each player in it, so you can build the right battle tactics.

World of Tanks is a multiplayer toy that is a whole virtual world in which many players spend all their time free time. At the same time, all players can be divided into less and more advanced. The level of skill is determined by familiarizing yourself with the so-called efficiency factor, which depends on many factors. Now let's talk directly about how to find out your efficiency in WOT, how it is formed and why it actually needs to be increased!

What is efficiency in VoT?

If we talk about World of Tanks, then in this case the efficiency factor can be interpreted classically - the more intensely the player spends time, the higher his efficiency will be. Literally every player strives to overtake the others by this criterion in order to become cooler. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that some tankers do not even know how can you find out the efficiency in WOT and what actually influences it! Therefore, it is impossible not to consider these issues more carefully.

What affects efficiency in World of Tanks?

In principle, it is not difficult to predict what influences the formation of the efficiency factor in WOT, but still, we list the main factors:
  • number of destroyed and detected enemies;
  • the level of military equipment used;
  • amount of damage caused;
  • the amount of damage caused by allies to tanks that a specific player discovered;
  • capturing/shooting down an enemy/allied base.

Where and how to find out?

Well, now let's talk about how to find out your efficiency in WOT. In fact, this is not so difficult to do; you just need to visit one of the special sites and enter your nickname into the “window”. The following two services are considered the most popular and reliable:
  • In addition to this, you can install a special modification - XVM, after which you can find out your efficiency at any time by looking at the corresponding designation.


    Find out your efficiency in WOT It's not difficult, it's much more difficult to improve it. In any case, first of all, familiarize yourself with the available parameter. Perhaps your efficiency within the game world is already quite high, but you don’t even know that you are such a seasoned tanker! So check it quickly, and raise the desired “value” if you think it necessary. By the way, in addition to efficiency, players often look at the winning percentage. Show off 60% wins purple Not every player will be able to, but many will be able to reach turquoise. You just have to understand how. And we just have an article on the topic: