How to become a smart girl, an interesting and erudite conversationalist? Modern girls, oddly enough, have a desire to be not only beautiful and sexy, but also smart. Moreover, it is the presence of intelligence that gives modern young ladies the right to be filled with self-esteem.

Someone will offer the argument that intelligence is an innate quality. Perhaps this is true. But every girl can develop her erudition and become more intellectually perfect. The only important thing is to really want it.

The mind can be conventionally described as a body of knowledge. And in order for someone to say that you are an intelligent person, you really have to know a lot. This cannot be achieved if you do not expand your own horizons constantly, and not from time to time.

Eloquence will be a great opportunity to show others your mental abilities. But most often he also has to deliberately learn. And for this it is not enough to scroll through Dictionary. Fortunately, thanks to the tips described below, you will cope with this difficulty with dignity.

  • Reading

It is possible to develop your intelligence and eloquence by reading books regularly. But it is better to refrain from romance novels that are currently popular and written in a quick fix detectives. Nobody dares to challenge other people's tastes.

But not any of the books for developing the mind and eloquence skills will be useful. Various kinds of encyclopedias will have a positive impact in this regard and will help in becoming smarter. Studying such books is a very exciting activity. Try to choose those encyclopedias that at least roughly relate to the topics that interest you. This way you combine benefits and a pleasant pastime.

Of course, it is useful to read philosophical literature. Ancient philosophers tried to capture a lot of interesting things and personal considerations in the form of literary sources. Of course, philosophical categories for understanding may not be given immediately. But everything that at first seems complex and completely incomprehensible to perceive will gradually become elementary with continued practice. By reading philosophical works and learning to understand them, you will be able to join the minds of the great.

In your everyday life, this will find expression in the fact that your own reasoning will become more logical and reasonable. It is likely that you will be able to form your own clear and fairly realistic position in life, or at least an opinion on a number of important issues. A natural consequence of this will be certain changes in your worldview.

It is very useful to read articles and books on psychology. Humans are extremely complex creatures. And many of us do not know how to react correctly to the words or actions of others, not knowing what psychological characteristics personalities are hidden behind them. And by reading books on psychological topics, you will certainly learn to understand all the subtleties inherent in the human mind.

Such study will only benefit you. After all, even in order to be able to present yourself correctly and form a worthy impression of yourself to others, you need to know about at least some forms of presenting information. Psychology will allow you to become truly smart, and not just arrogant. This will make you a higher-flying person in the eyes of others.

  • TV

Not all book information seems attractive to people due to the need to read for hours. If you belong to this category and want to become smarter, then you can watch educational TV shows to broaden your horizons. The number of television channels and the programs they broadcast today is enormous. And besides entertaining shows and series, it is quite possible to find something that will contribute to the acquisition of mental skills and knowledge. Always choose watching, for example, a program about animals, rather than some cooking show.

  • Internet

A huge information space allows you to find an answer to almost any question. If you don’t know something or have heard some unfamiliar term, do not put it off until tomorrow, but immediately satisfy your curiosity and find out the information you are interested in, thereby expanding your knowledge base.

  • Develop memory and cunning

You will become more intelligent if you periodically develop your memory as well as your cunning. The knowledge gained will not be of much use if your memory is, as they say, worthless. Well developed, she will be a great helper in your life. And not only for the reason that you will be able to remember every little thing.

Thanks to your developed memory, you will establish yourself in your eloquence. After all, it won’t be difficult for you to remember any smart quote from a recently read work and cleverly insert it into the conversation. It is appropriate to talk about such a trick here. If you can't remember something, then never say it out loud.

Searching for the information you need in the depths of your memory will not give you authority if in the end you “didn’t give it away” desired result. Better use a cunning closely related to the mind. It will allow you to deftly and quite decently avoid answering. Being cunning in some matters is generally very useful. A true woman should always be a little cunning. This quality has always allowed women to achieve what they need from men.

  • Try writing a book

You will be able to develop your eloquence and your own mind faster if you start writing a book. This is not a necessary condition, but it greatly facilitates the task of developing mental abilities. This activity will allow you to improve your grammar. And for smart people with such a quality as literacy, everything should be in perfect order.

Writing your own book will also allow you to gain the skill of expressing your thoughts clearly, concisely, beautifully and with utmost clarity. Constantly updating and complementing your lexicon, and this is absolutely necessary to do so that the sentences of your speech are not of the same type and, as they say, dry; you will also latently develop your imagination. A developed imagination will always serve as a generator of new ideas. As a result, others will perceive you not only as very smart, but also as a creative thinker.

Perhaps writing a book will become a prerequisite for the formation of your individual style. Meanwhile, it is the individual style that is clearly visible from the first lines that is a very valuable skill. They can rightfully be proud. But for most it appears only with experience. Of course, at first you will consider writing your own book just as a hobby. But who knows, maybe this activity will open up broad horizons for you in the art of writing. Most famous authors started this way.

  • Learn to speak correctly

It is not so important to become a smart girl, as it is important to show your intelligence to others. Having learned to express your thoughts beautifully and extremely clearly on paper, clearly expressing your thoughts out loud will not be an issue. In the art of oratory, it is recommended to practice in front of a mirror. Practice clear pronunciation. To do this, you can read aloud the texts you created yourself. Gradually your voice will become more confident and smooth.

It is quite easy to find a suitable opportunity for practice. The main thing is to find a person with similar interests, so that the conversation really goes on at the proper level, and does not represent ordinary chatter about trifles.

Communication will also allow you to obtain new pieces of information on topics that interest you. Communication is extremely important also because, in the pursuit of knowledge and developed eloquence, it is easy to become a very closed person, as if cut off from real life.

And even without direct communication, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to find out how smart, well-read and eloquent a person you have become. By choosing smart people to communicate with, you can clearly assess what else you need to strive for. And it is not at all necessary to copy such an “ideal” person. It will be useful to you as a new source of information.

Of course, today the required amount of information can be easily obtained from the Internet. However, the knowledge communicated real people and addressed individually to you, you will remember better. An excellent mind is not only about the amount of knowledge and the ability to recall it at the right time.

  • Develop your thinking

Intelligence presupposes, first of all, a trained brain. If you want to become smarter, various logic problems, crosswords, unusual tasks, puzzles and other developmental exercises will be great helpers in this regard. From them, the performance of your brain can always remain at the proper level. As a result, in life you will be able to demonstrate to others your original ideas and non-standard format of thoughts.

It is generally not recommended to follow patterns in life. They inevitably narrow the range of our possibilities. But a non-standard approach to solving problems brings tangible benefits. With experience you will have this characteristic like unpredictability. And by the way, she is highly valued by all men, as is wit.

Finally, it must be said that in pursuit of developed intelligence and skills in terms of eloquence, one should not forget about own health. Excessive passion for intellectual improvement often leads to a person literally burning out. And then there will be no benefit from a remarkable mind. Therefore, when training your brain activity, be sure to give yourself rest.

Fresh air, quality sleep and proper nutrition should be mandatory companions in your life. Only in combination with them will intelligence and eloquence have a positive impact on your life. We answered the question: how to become smarter as a modern girl. Now it’s up to you - boldly get down to business and you will definitely become an intelligent and interesting person.

To reinforce this, watch this interesting video.

Have you ever noticed that you don't understand what others are talking about?

Maybe your friends are teasing you similar situation? It is not enough to be born a smart person; to become smart you need to put in a lot of effort. Of course, you can re-read the explanatory dictionary and try to remember what is written there. However, this is a completely useless activity that will not help you answer the question “ How to become smarter" There are several really proven methods that will help you achieve success in this matter.

Educate yourself

Set yourself a goal - to educate yourself!

First of all, you must tell yourself: “ I want to become a smart person" We must understand that education is not at all the activities that we do at school or college. Education is perception and understanding of the world around you. Remember that a brilliant mind always poses questions and tries to find answers to them. This is the secret of genius.

Work on your vocabulary

A wide vocabulary always characterizes a developed person.

Start reading the dictionary. Read words starting with one letter every day. It will take you about a year to study the entire collection, but during this time you will become much more educated. You can also subscribe to special content on the Internet, which will send you interesting articles daily. You will not notice how you begin to grow intellectually.

Read a variety of literature

You must read a lot and at the same time different literature. You may not like this activity, but remember that most people read every day, as a rule. You can, which won’t stress you out much, but will also provide plenty of food for thought. If you like to read, you can read more quickly from electronic media almost anywhere.

Become interested in the world around you

Cultivate an interest in everything that happens in the world.

Be interested various items, events, political facts, scientific research, funny incidents. In a word, everything our planet lives on. Learn to think critically about what is happening around you. Understanding cause and effect will make you an order of magnitude smarter.

Start watching special educational channels, only avoid commercial television and various talk shows, whose ultimate goal is to hook you on advertising and pointless programs.

Use the information received

It won't be enough if you put the information you have received somewhere in your head.

We need to learn to use new knowledge. Practice will strengthen them, and they will become firmly established in your life. Look for practical benefits from information, rather than just storing useless little things in your head. In certain situations, you must be able to use this or that information that you happen to receive from somewhere. Only such information will make sense, everything else is nonsense.

Expand your horizons

Learn a new language

In addition to developing your linguistic skills, you will be able to communicate with many people.

When you arrive in another country, you will always find something to talk about with the local population. You will notice that there are phrases and expressions that are not translated into Russian; they should be taken only in their original interpretation. It will take some time for you to reach the desired level in your knowledge.

Visit new places

Visit many new places more often, of course, if possible.

If you don’t have the opportunity to travel abroad, then you can definitely do it within your own country. This activity will expand your understanding of the world and also teach you to understand it. You will know different cultures, you will see people’s lives, which will make you much more educated and interesting.

Be open to new things and be willing to learn

Stop being constantly in your comfort zone.

Get out of it more often. This will allow you to learn new things. Leave your home more often, go for walks, communicate with different people.

Develop good habits

Always ask questions

Feel free to ask questions.

If you don't understand something, ask a question. This is natural, because in our everyday life someone constantly asks questions. There is nothing wrong with not knowing why or how something happens. Each of us doesn't know something. Develop in yourself healthy habit ask and you will notice that you become smarter.

Set goals for yourself once a week

Before setting a goal again, ask yourself: “ What goals did I achieve in the previous week? Why didn't I achieve this or that? What should I do to improve the situation?».

Constantly move towards your goals. When you achieve something, treat yourself. Stay organized and in control of your time. Spending it wisely, while realizing how useful your activity is, is a step towards success.

Spend time on education

You should not think that just by taking up your education, you will turn into an intelligent person overnight.

This is a rather long and labor-intensive process that will require considerable effort from you.

Always learn

Numerous sources of information are available to you, such as books, films, etc.

When studying at school or college, you gain knowledge from only one source of information. And this will not help you become smarter. The diversified development of your intellect will make you more educated and smarter.

Unleash your brain potential

Solve puzzles

Remember that the brain is like a muscle, which means it needs to be constantly exercised.

Solve riddles, puzzles. Rubik's Cube, Sudoku, etc. are perfect for this task.

Get creative

Painting, modeling, choreography and many other types of creativity will help you develop your brain in this direction.

Creatively developed person is able to think outside the box, which allows him to find non-standard solutions to various problems.

Study the exact sciences

Learn math

Remember basic rules, practice them, solve math problems. Try to understand more complex mathematical formulas on your own. This will make your brain really work. As a result, you will think faster and more efficiently.

Start writing poetry or stories

This activity develops your brain by making it project dialogues, situations, characters and settings.

You will be able to process information better and become a thinker. You will also be able to expand your vocabulary, express your thoughts and yourself.

Develop people skills

Communicate more easily

There is no need to talk about things that only you understand.

Don't act like a genius. A true genius is able to turn the complex into the simple, and not the other way around. Remember that if someone does not understand you, it is only your fault, because you could not convey it in an accessible way to third parties.

Learn to listen

It is important to learn not only to hear what your interlocutors say, but also to listen to their words.

Always listen to opinions controversial issues, or for things you don't know about. Always be open to receiving new information. The more questions you ask, the smarter you will become.

Always be positive

Only a mature person who has reached a certain level of intelligence will always be in in a great mood, even in the face of problems.

You must remember that you have a lot to learn from other people. So always be kind to them. Never judge people if you have only basic knowledge about them, their way of life and life.

In any activity, remember a sense of proportion. Give yourself time to rest, during which you evaluate whether you are moving in the right direction. Do not flaunt your knowledge and skills. Modesty is also an indicator of your intelligence and intelligence.

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Developing intellectual abilities helps a person become better and achieve more in life. There are several tips on how to become smart, which are given by teachers, psychologists and specialists in different areas. Regular training and working on yourself will help you move forward.

How to become smart - psychology

Analyzing abilities different people and thanks to numerous experiments, psychology experts have identified several tips with which you can improve.

  1. It is important to set goals for yourself to achieve which you need to develop and become smarter.
  2. Many psychologists, answering the question regarding how to become an intelligent person, recommend reading books, and you should choose literature that is interesting for a particular individual.
  3. Feel free to ask questions to find out new information. You can contact both real people and the Internet. It is equally important to ask yourself questions to try to find the answer, as this is a sign of active thinking.
  4. When figuring out how to become smart, it’s worth pointing out one more effective tip - learn to focus on a specific task and don’t get distracted. There are numerous psychological techniques and spiritual practices for this purpose.
  5. Don't be afraid to think out loud, because it has been proven that when a person speaks information out, the attention is less distracted and he thinks more productively.

For mental development You don’t have to attend special courses, spend days and days solving problems, and to get started, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Try to regularly break your habits, for example, when doing housework, use left hand(for left-handed people - the right one), periodically take a different route to work, and so on. Thanks to this, new connections between neurons will be created in the brain.
  2. When figuring out how to become a smart girl, it’s worth giving one more effective piece of advice - keep a diary, but you need to not just make a banal list, but evaluate the events that happened, analyze information and describe your own emotions.
  3. Regularly expand your vocabulary, no matter what language. Classical literature, which contains many rare words and interesting phrases, is especially valuable in this matter.
  4. If you are interested in how to develop and become smarter, then it is recommended to exercise regularly, since it has long been proven that exercise stress Helps effectively improve brain function. This is due to the fact that during training it is actively supplied with oxygen.

How to become smarter - brain exercises

There are many exercises that allow you to develop your abilities:

  1. For attention. Turn on the TV and place a clock in front of you. The task is to follow second hand without being distracted by what's on the screen. When you can concentrate only on the clock for 3-4 minutes, then you can complicate the task and you need to not only follow the hand, but also reproduce odd numbers from 1 to 9 in your mind.
  2. To become smarter and develop memory, it is recommended to do the following exercise: write down 10 nouns that come to mind first. For a minute, remember their order, and then turn the sheet over and try to reproduce them. Over time, the task can become more complicated.

What games should you play to become smarter?

You can develop intellectual abilities in a playful way. If you are interested in how to become very smart, then use the following entertainment to spend your leisure time:

  1. Many will be surprised, but the favorite game of the 90s - Tetris or puzzles - is considered a classic puzzle. While composing details, memory improves, critical thinking and the ability to assimilate large amounts of information develop.
  2. Checkers, chess, Monopoly and so on. All these games force a person to think ahead, calculate possible moves, remember information and develop thinking.
  3. When describing ways to become smarter, one cannot help but recall crossword puzzles that have been popular for decades. By solving words, a person develops, remembers new information and makes his memory work actively.

Books to help you become smarter

Reading various literature is the most accessible and one of the most effective ways to improve your intellectual abilities. It is recommended to read these books to become smarter:

  1. “From Good to Great” D. Collins. The tips offered by the author teach you how to correctly highlight the most valuable from general information, how to understand business processes and quickly move towards your goal.
  2. “Self-confidence” E. Muir. This book describes tips on how to become smart, recognize in yourself strengths and become resistant to various life trials and troubles.
  3. "Emotional Intelligence" D. Goleman. A specialist in the field of psychology gives good advice, how to properly curb your feelings and emotions in order to easily achieve success in your career and personal life.

Prayer to become smarter

There is a special one before which one prays in order to choose the right path in life and achieve success in studies. Speak to Mother of God possible in situations where you need enlightenment of thoughts and help in choosing the right decision. Parents are allowed to pray in front of the icon for their children who have learning problems. If you are interested in how to become an intelligent woman with the help of Higher powers, then acquire the image of the Mother of God and pray in front of her every day.

Hypnosis to become smart

One of the newest ways to increase your mental abilities and get motivated to learn is hypnosis. It is important to note that this method only speeds up the process of mastering information and skills, increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. If you are interested in how to become smarter with the help of hypnosis, then you need to go for help from a professional, since you can put yourself into required condition very difficult and sometimes impossible.

How to become smart - magic

Known a large number of rituals that are aimed at improving intellectual abilities. The presented spell to become smart can be used by students who want to quickly learn the material and get rid of worries before exams. With its help, you can quickly and correctly perceive and analyze information. To carry out the ritual, take any book, cross it three times and say the indicated conspiracy

Smart people have always been respected. They are excellent conversationalists, can easily find an answer to almost any question, and they move up the career ladder more confidently. That's probably why each of us wondered, how to become smarter. This would make life much easier and would bring many advantages. The only question is how to do it.

The mind directly depends on a person’s brain activity. Essentially, the more we think, the smarter we become. One must distinguish intelligence from wisdom. I believe that intelligence is the ability to find solutions to practical problems, and wisdom is the ability to find solutions to everyday problems. Therefore, in order to “pump up” the mind, it is necessary to play various tasks, as well as train the brain. So the only way become smarter - think more. Just kidding, of course. Although the concept, in my opinion, is correct, so I will make recommendations based on it.

Before practical advice One property of our brain should be mentioned. It can be trained just like a muscle. Constant training will make your brain flexible and highly efficient. It will be easier for you to control yourself, you will be able to cope with tasks faster, and mental work will not take so much energy. This will help you develop in other areas, so you need to constantly train your brain.

Read more books

Think for yourself, don’t you associate a smart person with a person who reads a lot? Of course yes! Books allow you to expand your horizons, play various situations and develop along with the development of the characters. Certainly, we're talking about about literary works, and not about books that the author writes every two weeks. You need to read books chosen by the people, which have already been tested for quality more than once.

They can be found using special ratings. Most easy way– type something like “Top 100 novels” in Yandex. Another option is to ask your friends. Surely you have a couple of people among your friends whom you consider very smart. Ask them which books they remember most and be sure to read them. Go to the library or visit a bookstore. From my own experience, I know that it is better to read a real book. It is impossible to do this from a computer; it is very difficult to keep the essence. Another good option is e-books.

This is probably the most popular answer to the question of how to become a smart person. Once upon a time I watched a video, and there the video blogger talked about how experience accumulates over the years, and books can double and triple this experience. In 50 years you can only gain 50 years of experience, and if you read books, this experience will be several times greater. Let's say 150 years. Do you think it’s realistic to live that long? Of course not, but books allow that too.

By the way, not fiction books, but, as I call them, practical books also help to develop the mind well. Essentially, this is some kind of experience that is known to the author and which he shares with readers. For example, I prefer books on psychology. Usually I just go to some “Read City”, find the shelf I need there and look through book after book. Having found a suitable option, I write down the title and author or buy it right away.

Choose an area that interests you. Maybe it will be economics or political science, or maybe it will be esotericism and philosophy. It all depends on your preferences. And... read 100 books on your topic! Two famous business coaches recommend doing this to become the most the best specialists in your field. Surveys show that 90% of professionals have read 1 or fewer books on their topic. That is, after reading even one book, you will become better than 90% in your field. Won't it make you smarter?

Create an environment

Our environment predetermines us. It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s enough to get to know a person’s friends to understand who he is. The people with whom we constantly come into contact greatly influence us. We adopt their manner of communication, words and topics of conversation. I often notice this in myself. At one time I had to spend time in a circle of people who adored poetry and sublime themes. I soon began to notice that I, too, was trying to find meaning even in seemingly ordinary words. By the way, after that I really fell in love with Brodsky.

When I was in school, I had to constantly go to children's camps (first as a child, then as a counselor) and I noticed that it was very difficult for me to acclimatize after such trips. There was a friendly atmosphere in the camps, a focus on the best, on achieving results. When I arrived home, I saw only despondency and indifference in my eyes, which at first was very painful. I remember that I didn’t even want to talk to anyone for a couple of weeks, despite the fact that these people were my friends or classmates. Then time passed, and I returned to my usual routine.

In my opinion, the biggest influence on me was my eaglet brother Misha. Then I was still little interested in how to become smart and rich, but the first steps were already taken. Misha was a year younger than me and had already achieved quite serious (for that age) heights. He was very smart, had a great command of words and wanted to become a journalist. His achievements inspired me, since I was older, but I couldn’t boast of even half of these awards. In my homeland, I was one of the best in my environment and always tried to maintain this, but here is such a paradox. Of course it made me change.

The other guys in our crew were also quite smart and quirky. Communication with them seriously changed me. Considering that I spent 24 hours a day with them for a month, this could not but affect me. I have truly become smarter and, it seems to me, more sensitive and responsive. When I arrived home, I felt this especially acutely; even my friends told me that I had changed a lot and began to work more with my head.

So, don't think about how to become the smartest. Just find someone who is smarter than you and make friends with him. You will not only have extra brains, but also new friends. And that's always good. Also, don't forget about your colleagues. They must share your interests and for this, of course, it is necessary.

Cognitive transfers

How long have you watched National Geographic or BBC Live nature"? Despite the fact that I am one of those people who believe that television is evil, there is still a lot of good in it. And these are cognitive transfers and normal documentaries. Television employs real professionals who are able to cram a lot of useful and interesting knowledge into a short video. As a child, for example, it was impossible to pull me away from the TV when there were programs about animals.

How often do you watch TV? I found statistics on the Internet that say that on average a person spends 2-3 hours a day on this box. Now imagine that during this time you will be watching not the unhappy love of a poor girl from the village, who met with bandits and is forced to become a surrogate mother in order to pay off her drunken ex-husband, but useful programs. How much new knowledge can you learn during this time? A lot of. So many. It seems to me that you won’t even have to say: “I want to become smarter” anymore; you’ll rather want to write a book.

If you, like me, don’t watch TV at all, you can find various videos on the Internet. For example, I like to watch videos on YouTube called “Nauchpok”. There, truly interesting knowledge is given out in small bursts of 3-5 minutes. You can also find the necessary video materials using Yandex or Google. Just enter a query with the topic you are interested in and add the word “video”. For example, “how to become smarter than video” or “how the land of video came to be.”

Look for answers

School and college are a golden time for people who want to gain knowledge. Why? Because it is in these institutions that you are taught to find answers to the questions that interest you. Now, with the advent of the Internet, this has become much easier, but previously you had to sit in the library for hours to find the necessary material. By the way, at university I also had to deal with a similar problem several times. What can I say? After spending 6-8 hours in the library searching for the right question, you can learn any topic thoroughly. But that’s not what this subsection is about.

As I said at the very beginning of the post, intelligence is, essentially, the ability to solve certain problems. Remember mathematics. you passed new topic and started solving examples. At first, everything is difficult, because you need to carefully understand everything, understand what’s what and constantly think. But after you solve a couple of problems, the process becomes noticeably faster and you can solve more complex examples. In addition, if you understand this topic well, then subsequent tasks will be much easier for you to solve. The same thing happens in life.

For example, you are interested in: how to become smart in school. You ask your parents, teachers, smart classmate, look on the Internet and finally find the answer. Congratulations, you've become a little smarter. The more answers you can find, the smarter you will become in the end. Therefore, excellent students who are truly interested in studying are much smarter than their C-grade classmates. I'm not saying that they are more successful, I'm talking specifically about mental abilities.

Again, choose an area in which you want to become smarter and constantly ask yourself questions. For example, if you want to become a writer, you might wonder how to title a book, how to write to publishing houses, how much work you need to do on a manuscript, and so on. The more answers you have, the easier it will be for you to find new ones, since everything in this world is interconnected. You will become much smarter, and with practice will come experience, with the help of which you can.

How to become smarter? Create!

Bring all your knowledge on one topic together. You will be surprised, but you will be able to learn a lot of new things for yourself and at the same time consolidate them by improving your memory. By the way, if you are interested in memory issues, you can read my article “”.

Take any area in which you feel like a professional, highlight the main topics that may interest other people and try to answer them. Firstly, you yourself will become noticeably more professional. You no longer have to ask other experts how to become smarter and more interesting. Secondly, you will be able to help other people who want to become smarter. Third, you will gain a reputation. Fourthly, you can make money from this if you sell your articles. I think this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Take care of yourself

All the points above are somehow related to this. But it’s worth dwelling on it in more detail. Perhaps you are already a smart person, but you just don’t know it. Maybe you've been told too often that you're stupid and you've come to believe it. Maybe you're too irritated Lately and you can't concentrate on solving problems, so you feel like you're stupid. Or maybe you have found yourself in a circle of intellectuals, compared to whom you seem too stupid. There are many factors that are independent of your intelligence.

The solution here, oddly enough, is the same. Look for the problem and fix it, and then improve yourself. Try to understand yourself which methods work better and which ones work worse, and so on. Try and don't give up. Remember, there may be many unsuccessful steps, but one of them will sooner or later lead to victory.

By the way, I noticed that for some reason girls, girls and women want to be smarter. This again speaks of low self-esteem, which often affects the fairer sex.

Let's repeat it again basic ways to become smarter:

  • Think more;
  • Read more books;
  • Create an environment;
  • Watch educational programs;
  • Look for answers to questions;
  • Create;
  • Develop yourself;
  • Find other answers to the question of how to become smarter;

I hope my article helped you. I try to make my posts clear and simple, but at the same time, fully cover the topic. So far it’s not going well, but I’m trying, so I’m looking forward to your feedback in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe to updates to receive new posts first. Bye!

Hello, dear readers! In today's article I will tell you how to become smarter. I'm sure many are looking for the answer to this question.

It is believed that people who have innate talent become smart. It turns out that it is impossible to correct a person born stupid. It is a myth. The brain can be trained and improved throughout life and, if desired, everyone will become smart, regardless of age, income and social status.

Step-by-step action plan

I'll tell you the assembly useful tips And step by step instructions that will help you become smarter. Armed with this information and gaining a dose of knowledge, you will get closer to your goal.

  • Train your brain . This applies even to smart people. Otherwise, you will lose your mental abilities. Constantly activate thought processes. Many methods of brain training have been developed: reading books, solving problems. As for innovative methods of improvement, they are focused on training memory and mental functions.
  • Keep a diary . Write it down step by step plan achieving a strategic goal, indicate how many books you plan to read and solve problems over a certain period. This will allow you to track your progress.
  • Read. I recommend reading more, because reading books develops your brain. While reading, a person thinks. Watch useful videos, but they are less effective in activating your brain.
  • Make your own decisions . People who do this think a lot before making a decision. By shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of another, you will not become smarter.
  • Talk to smart people . Otherwise, people around you will express admiration for your intelligence. This will increase self-esteem and satisfy the ego. Remember, lack of opportunity to learn contributes to degradation. Communication with smart people will negatively affect self-esteem, but this effective method become smarter.
  • Explore the world and expand your horizons . If you sit at home, read encyclopedias and watch educational films, it will not bring results. Many people believe that a wise man- hermit. It's a delusion. Visit new places and, if finances allow, travel actively.
  • Act outside the box . Actions according to a pattern hinder brain development, and coming up with and applying non-standard solutions contributes to this. Only active improvisation brings new colors to life.
  • Ask yourself difficult questions . Spend a lot of time searching for answers. At the same time, I recommend using knowledge and life experience. This will force the brain to work actively. Constantly encouraging curiosity never hurt anyone.
  • Keep a daily routine . This advice may seem ridiculous, but I recommend that you listen to it. Poor nutrition, along with insomnia, cigarettes and alcohol, does not allow the brain to function normally. That's why it's so important to eat healthy, quit smoking, and avoid drinking alcohol. Pay attention to sleep, do exercises, walk, eat foods containing B vitamins: nuts, fish and liver with vegetables.
  • Don't ignore spiritual self-development . Methods of spiritual development open up new horizons and abilities of the brain. Meditate to clear your mind of worries and unpleasant thoughts.

I forgot to mention how to make sure that your intelligence has increased. An IQ test will help with this, which I recommend taking periodically. Under conditions of constant work on yourself, the results of subsequent tests will increase. This is evidence that you are getting smarter and moving in the right direction.

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How to become smarter and wiser

Intelligence and wisdom are different concepts. Not all smart people are sages and vice versa. Every person on the planet strives to find happiness. Some are of the opinion that only smart people can do this.

  1. Curious people become smart, and that's true. That is why it is recommended to read books, communicate with smart people, and strive to expand your skills and knowledge. However, do not forget that this will not open the way to wisdom.
  2. A person strives for authority and wealth. By becoming smart, you can build a career and earn an excellent income. It is not surprising that the rich provide their children with education.
  3. Clever man differs from a sage in the amount of knowledge that is much greater. At the same time, among the sages there are more happy people, because they know what things in life deserve attention.
  4. If you understand the difference, you will be selective about sources of information. This will help you acquire the necessary skills and knowledge that will be useful in life. And remember that the lack of necessary knowledge is a direct road to misfortune.
  5. Analyze what you hear and see. At the same time, subject the information to harsh criticism, because an objective assessment allows you to become wiser.
  6. The sages know that everyone strives for happiness. But everyone has their own approach to achieving their goal. That's why think deeply, which will provide an understanding of what is required to happy life.
  7. Brain training helps you acquire a good mind. That's why keep him in good shape through healthy eating, exercise and outdoor activities. To improve your skills, hone them constantly. For example, if you pump up your muscles, over time you will notice that they have become more massive and harder. In the case of the brain it is similar. If you want to be smarter in any area, do it only.
  8. For people involved in mental work, I recommend doing physical exercise. Exercise clears and relaxes the mind, saturates the brain with oxygen. Exercising increases your metabolism, which increases the rate at which your brain clears toxins. He gets more nutrients.
  9. Nutrition is the key to a healthy body. Review your diet to include more vitamins and nutrients. Eat fruits, vegetables and greens.
  10. If you are on a diet, do not completely give up carbohydrates - a source of glucose that feeds the brain. It is noteworthy that about twenty percent of the body’s energy is spent on brain function.
  11. Make sure you have a good sleep schedule. An adult needs 8 hours for proper rest. I recommend getting as much sleep as you need. feeling normal and recuperation.

If you start moving towards your goal, do not forget that working too hard will not lead to good things. The result is not improved intelligence, but reduced mental abilities. Act thoughtfully, carefully and within normal limits.

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What books to read to become smarter

I will devote the last part of the article to increasing intellectual abilities through books at home. People read for information. And it’s not surprising, because it increases intelligence and improves life. There are a lot of books, which makes it difficult to allocate time for reading.

As practice shows, some people use reading for entertainment, while others try to gain benefits. It takes a lot of time to read a book, and literally after a month it is forgotten. As for reading books to increase intellectual abilities, it is a kind of work that is rewarded throughout life. Choose your books wisely.

  • Special attention focus on scientific literature. If you think that it is represented only by volumes with intricate terms, you are mistaken. This section contains books that promote a normal understanding of the world. They talk about people and society.
  • The advantage of such books is their ability to develop curiosity and awaken a desire to learn. With the help of scientific literature, you can develop intuition and intensify interest in the world and personal abilities.
  • Do not ignore the philosophy, which is based on analytical thinking. Experts call philosophy the science of human life. This category includes religious works. Books like the Quran and the Bible encourage people to live a good and meaningful life.
  • Philosophy is losing popularity, giving way to technology and technology. Remember, we live in a world of people, not machines. Many people, with the help of philosophy, determine wishes and needs, gain knowledge that allows them to implement ideas.
  • When it comes to serious fiction, many consider it to be a collection of fictional stories. This opinion is held only by individuals lacking imagination. A great novel can take us to new world and introduce you to a different reality. And since at the core classical works history lies in tandem with philosophy and psychology, fiction helps expand consciousness.
  • Reading on literary language, increase the accuracy of your thoughts, writing and speech. If you read foreign literature in the original, this will help improve intelligence and development in English.
  • History is considered boring because it is associated with a school curriculum that involves learning facts, names and dates. At the same time, history is a collection of incredible ideas and exciting events that contributed to the formation of civilization. Close acquaintance with the past allows us to understand the present. Of course, history cannot predict the future, but it helps to improve the understanding of events and makes life conscious.
  • You can even increase your intelligence through poetry. Poetry is an easy genre aimed at conquering girls. But people who think so deprive themselves of the opportunity to understand secret meaning words Good poetry is a combination of meaning, music, love and beauty. It is thanks to her that in the conditions modern world We have access to the first masterpieces of humanity. With the help of poetry, develop eloquence and hone your language skills.

The main role in increasing intelligence at home is played by the book, not the genre. It's up to you to decide which author's works to choose. After the advent of the Internet, choosing books has become easier. Just look at the thematic site and read it summary. If it turns out to be uninteresting, don't buy it.