Oh, these sea maidens, so beautiful and sad, well known to all of us from fairy tales and myths, promising destruction to any unwary traveler. In fairy tales these are mostly beautiful girls who, top part the body is human, and instead of legs they have a fish tail. Mermaids are spirits of water that inhabit bodies of water and swim to the surface on moonlit nights. Each nation has its own ideas and beliefs about mermaids, but they all agree that mermaids can be called and asked for help. Let's see how to call a mermaid, according to ancient beliefs.

Mermaids, like any intelligent creature, can be friendly or negative towards a person, so in order to appease them, you need to have some kind of gift with you, best of all, jewelry made from natural materials.

Rituals on how to summon a mermaid near a pond

Method No. 1
In order to summon a mermaid, you will need to go to the shore of the nearest body of water on the evening of the full moon. In order for the mermaid to be kind and willing to help you, take gifts for the mermaid with you - a wooden comb, preferably a new one, and any decoration made of shells. Sit near the water and let your hair down, start combing it with a comb. Throw the hair remaining on the comb into the water with the words: “Hair, my hair! Attract the spirit of the waters to me! So that the mermaid will swim and help me comb my hair.” You can’t look into the water, otherwise the mermaid might pull you under the water. After asking her for everything you wanted, throw the gifts into the water. which they brought with them.

Method No. 2
On a full moon, at night, come to a pond, go knee-deep into the water and, clapping your palm on the water so that the reflection of the moon ripples, say: “You, mermaid, daughter of water, come to me when I call! Tell me your secrets and share your secret."

Method No. 3
You can summon a mermaid using a shell necklace. You will need an odd number of shells to make the necklace. Place the necklace on the stone protruding from the water and say: “Mermaid, here is a gift for you! Come, take it, and reward me!”

How to call a mermaid at home

Method No. 1
Pour water into a basin, place it on the floor, turn off the light in the room and sit near the basin in the lotus position. Say the words three times: “Mermaid, come!” If the water in the basin has become warmer, then the spirit of a mermaid has visited you. Say your wish and the mermaid will make it come true.

Method No. 2
Place it at front door water in a bottle and hang candy over it. Turn off the light and say five times: “Mermaid, come!” If the candy disappears, it means that the mermaid came to you when you called.

Method No. 3
To carry out the summoning ritual, on a full moon, take a glass and put a shell in it, throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water. Place the glass on the windowsill so that it reflects full moon and say three times: “Mermaid, come!” Then go to the bathroom and fill the bathtub with water, light three candles, turn off the light and say: “Mermaid, come and show me your tail!”

Explanation of the essence, calling the mermaid and rituals to the mermaid.

Today we will dive into mysterious world, which is of interest to many people. Namely, let's talk about mermaids. Do they really exist and what needs to be done to cause them - this will be described below.

Myths and real facts about mermaids

The existence of mermaids is spoken of not only in fairy tales, but also in various legends, which are distributed throughout the world. Moreover, meetings with mermaids are described in different sources and at different times.

Witches claim that mermaids are creatures, spirits of water, who can grant wishes and come to the aid of those in need. But it is impossible to see her, they only control water element.

However, there are stories of people who saw mermaids with their own eyes. True, they describe these creatures in different ways. Scientists explain this by saying that the creatures seen by people may be at different stages of development.

So, we offer you documented facts that describe a meeting with mermaids:

  • In the 12th century, the chronicles of Iceland mentioned a creature that had the body of a woman and a fish tail. It was named "Margigr".
  • In 1403, in the chronicles of Holland, there is a record that after a storm, a discarded girl with a fin instead of legs was found on the banks of the Scheldt.
  • In 1608, the personal notes of the navigator Hudson described a meeting with a beautiful woman at great depths in the ocean. She had bare breasts and long black braids.
  • But in the 17th century, an interesting article was found in a Spanish newspaper about a guy who was sucked into the abyss while swimming. So, after some time, sailors from this area found this guy in the sea with scales instead of skin and membranes on his limbs.
  • In 1982, combat swimmers discovered an amazing creature on the western shore of Lake Baikal. At a depth of 50 m, they saw a 3-meter monster with shiny scales. This creature moved very quickly and as soon as the fighters tried to get closer to the mermaid, they were thrown ashore from a distance of 20 m. Scuba divers claim that the mermaid did this with the power of thought. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the ejection of eight people at the same time. After this, the fighters began to suffer from decompression sickness and three died the next day, the rest remained disabled.
  • In 1992, fishermen from the city of Florida, who sailed to remove their catch from their nets, discovered a strange picture. There were people near the nets, but when the fishermen began to approach, the people dived, and a tail appeared out, like a seal’s. When the fishermen approached the nets, it turned out that all the nets had been torn apart and the catch had been released.

It is possible that mermaids still exist, because many stories have been written about them for a long time. But there were still swindlers. Who stitched together the corpse of a monkey and a fur seal in order to gain fame. Therefore, it is impossible to completely deny the existence of mermaids, but it is also not possible to assert that they exist as real sea creatures.

What are the appearance and character traits of mermaids?

If mermaids do exist, then what do they look like? Let's collect all the information about the image of a mermaid and tell you about it step by step:

  • Mermaids have a feminine figure and a tail instead of legs.
  • The hair of mermaids is long and light, mixed with mud and seaweed.
  • It is generally accepted that mermaids are girls who died before marriage, but are already engaged.
  • Most often, mermaids are beautiful and slender girls in white clothes (the clothes they wore when they died or were buried). But encounters with fat, ugly mermaids who were pale and unapproachable are also described.
  • Mermaids have psychic abilities and with their singing they could bewitch fishermen and sailors, making them their slaves.

  • Mermaids do not like people because they constantly interfere with their habitat - swimming or fishing.
  • The intelligence and speed of thinking of mermaids is much higher than that of people.
  • During Trinity Week, mermaids came out onto land to visit their favorite places or a place where they had spent little time.
  • Mermaids can control natural phenomena. In a moment of anger, they can send hail, rain or drought. Moreover, if they reacted negatively to some to a specific person, who is, for example, a farmer, mermaids are able to cause damage specifically to the field of this person.
  • If a mermaid likes a man, she can pull him into the water and turn him into her slave.
  • Previously, when all people mostly worked in the fields, children were baptized almost immediately after birth, so that the mermaid would not take them. After all, mermaids love children very much and, having taken the baby, they want to make the unrealized dream of motherhood come true.

What needs to be done in the daytime to summon a mermaid at home?

In order for the mermaid to be kind to you, you should become related to the water element that owns this essence. In addition, it is important to understand that even kind mermaids can be very insidious and will easily bewitch you or take away your gift without fulfilling your wish.

But if you still decide to call a mermaid, then use these tips:

  • On the banks of a river or sea (if they are near your home), leave a gift for the mermaid. It should be a necklace with an odd number of shells or corals.

Say these words:

  • Before leaving, thank the water spirits for fulfilling the request and return home.
  • In 3 days your wish should come true.

How to summon a mermaid spirit that lengthens your hair?

Girls most often asked the mermaid for beautiful curls, because this creature is famous for its long hair. But remember that the mermaid may demand gifts in return for your request, and ones that will be absolutely incommensurate with your request. And if you refuse, then both you and your loved ones may suffer from her anger.

If you still decide, then do the following:

  • On the banks of a river or lake, let your hair down and comb it with a new wooden comb.
  • Mentally imagine your curvy long braids.
  • Now take the silver ring and say: “I see what is hidden at the bottom of the sea. Mermaid, come."
  • Throw a hair from your head and say: “Float my hair, attract the spirit of the waters, help me comb my hair.”
  • The appearance of circles on the water means that the mermaid heard you.
  • If there are no changes in the water, then say further: “Spirit of water, give me long braids, beautiful and healthy, and I will give you a gift for this.”
  • Finally, send the ring into the water to reward the mermaid and return her to the water world.

How to become a mermaid in real life and get her power on a full moon and without a full moon: rituals, conspiracies, rituals.

Modern films, cartoons and computer games are capable of stimulating the imagination. There are a lot of queries on the Internet search engine about how you can become a mermaid. We offer you several options, but we still advise you to think 100 times before doing something like this:

  • On a full moon, light a lot of candles.
  • Pour water into the bath and throw in a lot of sea salt

Lie down in the bathroom and say:

  • Next, look at the moon and go to bed

You can also use the above spell when doing the following:

  • On a full moon, go outside with a ladle of sea water.
  • Stand so that the moon is reflected in it and, having said the above words, pour yourself with this water, wash yourself and drink a little.
  • Also take another glass of the same water and soak the shell in it overnight.
  • In the morning, cast the spell again and drink water.

Swimming in a pond on a full moon greatly increases the possibility of becoming a mermaid.

If the full moon has already passed, and the desire is very strong, then:

  • Go outside in the evening with a bowl of water, a plate and a wooden comb.

After placing the comb in the water, close your eyes and say the following:

  • Without opening your eyes, touch the water.
  • Having taken out the comb, you can open your eyes.
  • While combing your hair, say the spell again.

Now let's move on to rituals with magical power. They are used less frequently, but are also very effective:

Ritual No. 1:

  • Apply some toothpaste to a piece of paper and place it on the edge of the sink.
  • Close all windows and doors, turn on the water.
  • Turn off the light and say: “Mermaid, come!”
  • You should catch a fishy smell or the rustling of scales.
  • Now ask the mermaid for a tail out loud.

Ritual No. 2:

  • Take fish scales, spring water in a glass, a bunch of your hair, a piece of paper, matches, 3-4 candles and 2 mirrors.
  • Burn hair in paper.
  • Place lighted candles around the mirrors, which are placed opposite each other.

Throw the ashes from your hair into a glass of water and say:

  • After extinguishing the candles and leaving the lights on, take a bath.

These rituals may cause you to mistrust and you may not even receive desired result. it depends on how much you believe and want to get the mermaid's tail and power.

How to become a mermaid in a month?

Transforming into a mermaid requires a long ritual that lasts a whole month. For this you should prepare carefully, namely, take:

  • 7 candles
  • A gift for spirits - it may not be too expensive a decoration or a wreath of flowers
  • Pectoral cross as a talisman against evil spirits

To perform the ritual:

  • Go to a body of water, preferably a large one - this way you will get more mermaid power
  • Choose a place you like, because in the guise of a mermaid, you will be in this particular body of water.
  • Make sure no one is nearby. This is a prerequisite for the ritual.
  • Next, after taking off your clothes and arranging the candles, say:

  • Get into the water up to your knees and say the following words:

Conspiracy on the River
  • Go out and get dressed.
  • Repeat these steps for a month.
  • On the last day, when you come out of the water, say: “For what I heard and allowed my plans to be realized. For not driving me away,” and throw the gift.

Remember that there is no turning back. Therefore, be careful and careful when performing this ritual.

Why do mermaids sing?

The singing of the mermaids is theirs magical influence on the human psyche. Since it is known that it is through singing that they can draw you into their world.

Mermaids use singing when they like a man to lure him and make him their slave. Also, by singing, mermaids cloud their thinking and can drag them into the abyss out of revenge or out of malice and deceit.

What grass are mermaids afraid of?

What mermaids fear most is wormwood. It was this grass that was used to fumigate a home during Rusal Week and was woven into a wreath on Ivan Kupala.

Not only mermaids, but also all evil spirits are afraid of this grass. That's why better protection Such evil is caused by grass hanging in the home, as well as fires with wormwood.

Spells to mermaids for rejuvenation

Mermaids are often represented as very beautiful and with long hair. But they are cunning and do not want to share their beauty with anyone.

No sources have information about what kind of conspiracy should be read specifically for mermaids in order to rejuvenate. But in turn, we would like to advise you not to contact mermaids with any requests, since these creatures often ask for gifts that are absolutely not commensurate with your request.

In addition, it is important to understand that you are somehow colluding with a magical creature. And it is not known how this will affect you in the future.

Video: Mermaids: myths or truth?

We all remember fairy tales and cartoons about lovely girls with tails and beautiful long hair. As a child, everyone wanted to meet a mermaid in the real world, and some even wanted to become a sea beauty. About these inhabitants depths of the sea there are a lot of legends. One of them can tell us about how mermaids punished their offenders, and those who brought them gifts had their cherished dreams come true. However, getting a gift from these creatures is sometimes not so easy.

The right time to call a mermaid

If you believe the old beliefs, then it is best call upon the spirit of the lake in the summer. In winter, they hibernate in their underwater palaces. In the summer they are quite friendly, ready to have fun and try to communicate with people. Most good days- feminine, such as Wednesday, Friday and Saturday during the full moon. You can, of course, try to call on another day, but the likelihood that the little mermaid will not be in the mood is very high. IN bad mood She can cause harm, she won’t kill, but she can do dirty tricks.

Good mermaid

To call a mermaid during the day, you need to understand one thing: these creatures are very cunning, they are able to bewitch you or take your gift and give nothing in return. If you are not stopped by a possible turn of events, then you can get started.

To call a sea creature one condition will need to be fulfilled. This applies to a gift for the little mermaid. In order to appease this water creature, you need to come to the shore of a river or lake with a gift. A shell necklace or bracelet is best suited for this. It is very important to have an odd number of corals or shells. If the condition is met, you can begin to “hand over” the gift. Go to the water and put down the decoration, while saying:

Little mermaid, take the gift and do me a favor.

When the water takes the gift and carries your gift away with the wave, this is a sign that the mermaid wants to fulfill your wish. After this, you need to go to the water and immerse your hands and feet in it (if possible), and then say the phrase:

Princess of the Waters, hear me, you took my gift, so do me a favor, grant me a wish (say a wish).

After this phrase, you should thank the water spirits for listening to you and accepting your request. It's best to bow low, after which you can go home. If the sea essence did not deceive you, it means that within 3 days the fulfillment of your desire or request will begin.

Calling a mermaid at home

Summoning a sea essence at home is quite simple; you don’t have to go to a pond and give something. All you need is water, a large basin or bucket. There are two options for summoning this entity; for the second you will need another shell. So, water should be collected on the full moon at exactly 12 o’clock at night. The main thing is that the water is very cold. Place a container of water on the floor and sit next to it. If you are completely confident in your decision, then let's get started. Focus on what you want to ask or ask, discard unnecessary thoughts and think only about it. Say three times:

Mermaid, appear!

Dip your hand into the water if it becomes a little warmer - this is a sign of the appearance of a water spirit. If not, it means that the little mermaid does not want to this moment start communication.

Second home method : we do everything the same, only when the water is collected, we place the shell there. We say that phrase three times and after each time we knock on the shell. Then we say:

Spirit of water, come out!

We check the water with our hands, if everything works out, the water spirit is here. Remember: if you didn’t succeed in summoning the mermaid, you cannot try to do it again immediately after this ritual. Even if it comes, the water entity will be very angry and the consequences are unknown.

How to ask for hair extensions

What is the most memorable thing about these beautiful, but sometimes dangerous creatures? If you do not take into account the long tail, then the first thing that catches your eye is gorgeous hair. They are always long and silky, strong and thick, such that you can’t even see them in your dreams.

Our ancestors very often, when calling mermaids, asked for hair. The sea beauties took great pleasure in making the girls even more beautiful, for a small “payment,” of course. Such a ritual is not carried out at home, since nothing will work. To do this, you will have to go to the bank of a river or lake, and be sure to take a gift with you. It is best if it is a silver ring, as it will send the entity back to where it came from.

Come to the pond, sit down and let your hair down. Start combing them with a wooden comb. There should be thoughts in your head about how your hair grows, how the water spirit helps to lengthen it, it becomes stronger. How your thick strands fall over your shoulder and glisten in the sun. Say:

Mermaid, mermaid, show yourself.

You should cut off some hair(just a little bit) and throw it into the pond. After this say:

My curls, swim, call the mermaid, comb your hair.

If a water spirit comes to you, then circles will appear on the water. Without looking at the water, say your request for beautiful, thick and long curls. You can’t look into the water because the mermaid may call for you, but you won’t have the strength to resist. After making your request, throw the ring into the water and say:

Here is my gift, take it.

If the mermaid did not want to make contact, then it is better to just go home and not try again, but repeat after some time.

Water Spirit of Wishes

Summon a mermaid without a full moon, of course, it is possible, but with a full moon the chance that this creature will appear is greater. So, to call a mermaid without a full moon you will need:

After midnight, turn off the lights and light three candles, placing them around a basin or bucket of water. Take a wooden comb and run it through your hair three times, then lower it into the water. Call the mermaid:

Come to me, little mermaid, soul of blue waters.

This phrase must be said three times, after which you should make three circles in the water with your index finger. Test the water with a dry hand; if it becomes warmer, it means everything worked out and the mistress of the seas has appeared. Ask her for what you wanted, and the next day it is advisable to go to the pond and throw a comb and a small gift into the water.

How to hear a mermaid

It is known that all mermaids have an unearthly voice, with which they pulled sailors to the bottom of the sea. This amazing voice can be heard with the help of a small and simple ritual, but it is extremely undesirable for men to do this. Sea creatures can easily attract a man to them. For the ritual you will need:

  • Come to the bank of a river or lake.
  • Bring two glasses or glasses of wine (red and white).
  • Present.

You need to put the glass of red wine on the shore, take a sip of white wine, and then say:

Beauty of the sea, destroyer of men's souls, drink some wine with me and sing your song.

After the phrase is said, lower the second glass to the shore and move away as quickly as possible. After a few meters you will already hear a song performed by a sea maiden, but you cannot turn around, but you must listen to the song to the end. When she stops singing, come back and thank her for her wonderful singing.

How to see a mermaid? No one can do this, these creatures want to remain unnoticed.

Call this tailed thing sea ​​creature quite simple, but is it worth getting involved with water evil spirits for the sake of desire or achieving a goal? If you are still determined, then do not forget to prepare carefully and think carefully about your desire.

Attention, TODAY only!

Oh, these sea maidens, so beautiful and sad, well known to all of us from fairy tales and myths, promising destruction to any unwary traveler. In fairy tales, these are mostly beautiful girls whose upper torso is human, and instead of legs they have a fish tail. Mermaids are spirits of water that inhabit bodies of water and swim to the surface on moonlit nights. Each nation has its own ideas and beliefs about mermaids, but they all agree that mermaids can be called and asked for help. Let's see how to call a mermaid, according to ancient beliefs.

Mermaids, like any intelligent creature, can be friendly or negative towards a person, so in order to appease them, you need to have some kind of gift with you, best of all, jewelry made from natural materials.

Rituals on how to summon a mermaid near a pond

Method No. 1
In order to summon a mermaid, you will need to go to the shore of the nearest body of water on the evening of the full moon. In order for the mermaid to be kind and willing to help you, take gifts for the mermaid with you - a wooden comb, preferably a new one, and any decoration made of shells. Sit near the water and let your hair down, start combing it with a comb. Throw the hair remaining on the comb into the water with the words: “Hair, my hair! Attract the spirit of the waters to me! So that the mermaid will swim and help me comb my hair.” You can’t look into the water, otherwise the mermaid might pull you under the water. After asking her for everything you wanted, throw the gifts into the water. which they brought with them.

Method No. 2
On a full moon, at night, come to a pond, go knee-deep into the water and, clapping your palm on the water so that the reflection of the moon ripples, say: “You, mermaid, daughter of water, come to me when I call! Tell me your secrets and share your secret."

Method No. 3
You can summon a mermaid using a shell necklace. You will need an odd number of shells to make the necklace. Place the necklace on the stone protruding from the water and say: “Mermaid, here is a gift for you! Come, take it, and reward me!”

How to call a mermaid at home

Method No. 1
Pour water into a basin, place it on the floor, turn off the light in the room and sit near the basin in the lotus position. Say the words three times: “Mermaid, come!” If the water in the basin has become warmer, then the spirit of a mermaid has visited you. Say your wish and the mermaid will make it come true.

Method No. 2
Place a bottle of water at the front door and hang candy above it. Turn off the light and say five times: “Mermaid, come!” If the candy disappears, it means that the mermaid came to you when you called.

Method No. 3
To carry out the summoning ritual, on a full moon, take a glass and put a shell in it, throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water. Place the glass on the windowsill so that the full moon is reflected in it and say three times: “Mermaid, come!” Then go to the bathroom and fill the bathtub with water, light three candles, turn off the light and say: “Mermaid, come and show me your tail!”

Legends about mermaids have existed since time immemorial. Our ancestors believed in them unconditionally. According to legend, mermaids, if you please them, can make any wish come true. Therefore, most methods of summoning these water spirits are based on offering gifts, preferably small shiny trinkets.

The second frequently used attribute in such rituals is the comb. As everyone knows, these supernatural water creatures are the owners of thick long hair, and therefore such an item is very attractive to them. So let's talk about how to summon a mermaid.

Let's start with the fact that this can only be done in the summer, because according to legend, in winter these spirits sleep deep underwater in their crystal palaces. By summer they wake up, play their games and quite willingly communicate with people. If you are wondering how to call a mermaid, then most likely you want some of your wishes to come true. To appease the spirit, prepare a shiny thing: a keychain, a hairpin, a brooch, etc. You will also need a wooden comb.

For best results, you should wait until midnight. How to call a mermaid during the day? Essentially the same as at night. And at this time of day they can appear to anyone who wishes to see them. However, at night they do this much more willingly. The easiest time to call a mermaid is on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.

Go to any body of water and place your gifts on the shore. After that, sit next to him and start combing your hair. You need to make sure that the falling hair flies into the water. In this case, it is necessary to say the following words: “Long hair, drown, bring me the spirit of the waters. Daughter of water, swim here, help me comb my hair.”

There is another way to call a mermaid. To do this, they go to a lake, pond or river with a gift and, going knee-deep into the water, clap their hands on it. In this case, you need to say the following: “You, mermaid, daughter of water, come to me when I call, take my gift and tell me all the secrets.” At the same time, look more carefully at the lake or river. As soon as there are ripples in the water, immediately make your wish. Perhaps you will see the water maiden herself. Sometimes you can notice a certain translucent, swift figure of quite large size.

If you decide to call a mermaid, keep in mind that she is very strong and somewhat evil. To make him obey, you need to have powerful energy. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to use the Neptune amulet made by an experienced magician to make the call. They put it around the neck on the shore of a reservoir and say the phrase: “Amenos urus kutala merkanto ugus.” After this, monitor the surface of the water. A sudden sharp gust of wind (as well as ripples) may indicate that the spirit has responded.

We hope you now understand how to summon a mermaid. If you decide to do this, it means you believe that nature perfume exist in reality, and therefore must understand that they must be treated with a degree of respect. Otherwise, you may subsequently experience various water-related problems.