Today, fried potatoes are a favorite dish for many; both children and adults adore them, despite the calorie content. This dish can be served as a side dish, or eaten as a main dish, without adding anything or by frying potatoes with mushrooms, meat or just onions. So, let's prepare delicious fried potatoes.

When was it invented fried potatoes, it is not known for sure, but the fact that potatoes prepared in this way are a relative of French fries is indisputable, so their history is inextricably linked, and the Belgians can safely be called the creators of the dish.

In our country, potatoes fried in a frying pan or oven with a little oil are considered an everyday dish, but many housewives also cook them for the holidays, garnishing them with rosy potatoes. flavorful pieces potatoes, various fish, meat dishes and poultry dishes.

The main secret of delicious fried potatoes is a crispy golden crust. And this is precisely what often becomes a problem for many cooks - to make potatoes, especially when they are fried in large quantities in a frying pan, crispy, but at the same time it is not so easy to bring them to readiness. To achieve this result, you need to choose the potatoes correctly, prepare them and observe certain nuances when frying - we’ll tell you about this.

Choosing potatoes – which one will crisp up best?

The best option for frying is medium-cooking potatoes with pinkish skin, hard and well-retained.

You can fry both pre-boiled potatoes and raw ones; the latter turns out tastier and juicier, but it will take more time to bring them to readiness. Boiled potatoes are cut into slices and fried in a frying pan with butter until browned - in this case it is easier to achieve a crispy crust than by frying raw potatoes, which can be called a whole art.

Choosing oil - which one is right?

Most often, potatoes are fried in refined vegetable oil, but you can also use butter, but in this case there is a higher risk that the potatoes will burn - you will need to carefully monitor it, but the potatoes will turn out more aromatic and tender. You can also use a mixture of vegetable and melted butter - such a mixture will not burn, and the potatoes will turn out very aromatic. Another option is frying in bacon or animal fat - the crust turns out very golden brown, but the calorie content of such a dish is literally prohibitive.

Preparing potatoes before frying

It is better to cut the potatoes as thinly as possible, into slices, cubes, sticks, strips or slices. If you soak it in cold water for half an hour before frying, and then dry it, there is a better chance that it will turn out crispy and will not stick together in the process, but soaking will also lead to the loss of most of the nutrients.

You can fry potatoes without additional ingredients, or by adding onions, mushrooms or any meat products to it - any type of meat will do. To ensure that your potatoes always turn out successfully when frying, take note of these tips:

  • Always place potatoes only in hot oil;
  • The layer of potatoes in the pan should be no more than 5 cm for even frying;
  • Do not salt the potatoes before frying - they will absorb a lot of fat, it is better to do this before serving;
  • To keep the potatoes crispy, fry them first on high, then on medium heat, never cover them with a lid, otherwise they will turn out to be stewed rather than fried;
  • If you dip the potatoes in a bowl before frying hot water and dry it after that, it will fry faster;
  • To ensure good browning, the potatoes can be lightly sprinkled with flour;
  • Raw potatoes fried in a pan can be cooked in the oven;
  • When frying, potatoes should not be stirred too often; it is better to do this with a wooden or plastic spatula, immersing it from the edge and lifting the lowest layer of potatoes to the top in one light movement.

Crispy fried potatoes recipe

You will need: 4 potato tubers, 6 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook fried potatoes. Peel, cut the potatoes into thin circles about 3 mm thick, place in portions in a frying pan with hot oil in one layer, fry for about 10-15 minutes until tender, turning once when they are browned on one side, after frying, place on a paper towel. Before serving, sprinkle the potatoes with salt and chopped dill or green onions.

Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions

You will need: 500 g of potatoes, 300 g of fresh champignons, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, herbs, black pepper, salt.

Cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms. Cut the potatoes into strips, the onion into cubes, chop the garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil or its mixture with butter, remove them from the pan. Place in the frying pan where the onions and garlic were fried (the oil should be hot), stir-fry until browned, add salt, reduce the heat and continue frying. Separately, fry mushrooms cut into plastic pieces in oil until browned, chop the greens. Add mushrooms with previously fried onions and garlic, greens to almost ready potatoes, stir, turn off the heat.

Fried potatoes slices in the oven

You will need: 900 g potatoes, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. flour, salt.

How to fry potatoes in the oven. Heat the oven to 220 degrees. Peel medium-sized potatoes, cut into quarters, place in boiling salted water and boil for 15 minutes, uncovered, place in a colander, and dry. Next, pour the oil over the potatoes, sprinkle with flour and mix gently with your hands so that they are evenly coated with oil and flour. Pour oil into a baking dish or onto a sheet, put in the oven, heat the oil, carefully remove the sheet, lay out the potatoes, put them in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until browned. These potatoes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Recipe for fried potatoes with meat

You will need: 600 g potatoes, 200 g pork tenderloin, 10 g herbs, salt, pepper.

Cooking fried potatoes with meat. Not large pieces cut the meat, fry in a frying pan with heated oil. Cut the potatoes into strips, add to the meat, browned on both sides, fry for 10 minutes, pepper and salt, add spices to taste, reduce the heat and fry until tender, stirring every 5 minutes, before serving, sprinkle the potatoes and meat with herbs.

For men, crispy fried potatoes with meat will be a real pleasure; it is very appetizing and satisfying. Always make your loved ones happy delicious dishes together with!

Video recipe for fried potatoes

They prepared it. Look what happened

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Potatoes are a favorite dish for many. Some people prefer them boiled, others baked, but true connoisseurs know that fried potatoes are the most delicious. Not all housewives know how to properly fry potatoes in a frying pan with a crust. However, you just need to remember a few secrets. To cook perfect potatoes with golden crust You need to remember simple rules.

How to choose potatoes

Culinary experts believe that the most suitable varieties for frying are pink and yellow potatoes.

When choosing potatoes, pay attention to their tubers. They should have a thick skin and be fresh. Old tubers can negatively affect the taste of potatoes.

How to choose the oil to fry potatoes in

It is worth choosing refined sunflower oil for making fried potatoes. You shouldn’t even try to fry a vegetable using Deodorized unrefined. It will only create an unpleasant aroma, smoke and a coating on the potatoes.

You can also use lard for frying. However, it is worth considering that such an ingredient will add a significant portion of calories to your dish. Many housewives use butter, it makes the potatoes tender and soft. The disadvantage of cooking with such oil is that you will have to carefully monitor the frying pan so that the product does not burn for minutes.

To make the potatoes really tasty and have a golden crust, it is best to use a mixture of vegetable and butter.

For 1 kilogram only 125 mg is needed. vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of cream.

What kind of pan to fry potatoes in?

When you have selected all the products, you can start choosing a frying pan. You should immediately abandon aluminum options that have a thin coating. Cast iron and aluminum frying pans with a thick bottom are most suitable for cooking potatoes.

A prerequisite is a wide bottom. Since you have to constantly stir the potatoes.

You should not allow the dish to have multiple layers. In order for the potatoes to be completely fried, they must be placed directly on the hot bottom of the pan.

How to properly cut potatoes before frying

The optimal size is considered to be slices of 5-7 mm. Such pieces can be well fried both inside and outside.

A vegetable cutter will simplify the task. With its help, you can complete the task in a couple of minutes.

Recipe for fried potatoes with a golden crust

You will need:

Finally, when you have selected all the ingredients, selected the pan and cut the vegetables, you are ready to start frying.

Most main secret delicious fried potatoes - a minimum of starch. The less it is in a vegetable, the easier it is to achieve a golden crust.

To reduce the percentage of starch in potatoes, you need to pour them cold water for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the vegetable under running water and lay it on a towel to dry.

It is necessary to pour the potatoes into a well-heated frying pan to prevent the vegetable from sticking to the surface. Only after heating the pan, coat its bottom with a mixture of two oils and let them warm up. If you don't have one of the components, it doesn't matter. You can only use vegetable oil. To make sure your pan is hot enough, place just one slice of chopped potato on the surface.

When the oil begins to sizzle and squeak, this is a sign that the pan is ready for frying. You can pour all the chopped potatoes into it. Distribute the slices evenly over the entire surface of the pan so that they heat thoroughly. Stir the vegetable regularly to prevent the potatoes from sticking or sticking.

Pause for 3-5 minutes to let the potatoes bake. Because by stirring it, you lower the temperature of the dish. After a couple of minutes, turn all the slices over to the other side. Use a wooden spatula. The potatoes should turn over as a whole layer, and not in separate parts. This moment will let you know if you did everything right. Fry the dish on the other side for the same time. Repeat this procedure a couple more times until the potatoes are completely baked.

How long does it take to fully cook potatoes?

It will take you about 20 minutes to cook fried potatoes with a golden crust. You need to fry potatoes without a lid. If you cover the dish, you will start the stewing process. These potatoes will be loose and soft, falling apart when stirred.

You can salt and pepper the potatoes only at the end of cooking. Then the dish must be thoroughly mixed. Chefs recommend adding grated garlic when serving potatoes. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then blot all the potatoes with a paper towel. This way you will remove excess oil from the slices and reduce the fat percentage.

I don’t know why, but people are usually divided into two categories - those who love and obey fried potatoes, and those who, no matter how much they puff, cannot learn how to cook this simple dish. Fortunately, I have long been and reliably (I hope reliably) belonged to the first group - I know how to fry potatoes, I love it and I create in every possible way. Do you want me to tell you my secrets?

Fried potatoes: the classic way

If you still dream of mastering the actually simple science of frying potatoes, you'll have to start somewhere. This is what we’ll talk about first.

Ingredients: large potatoes - 3-4 pcs., vegetable oil, salt.

  1. Peel the potatoes and immediately place them in a bowl of water, while the vegetables should be completely covered with liquid. Cut into cubes, which we then also put in a bowl.
  2. After all the potatoes have been chopped, put a frying pan with a thick bottom on the stove (ideally cast iron, good steel with a thick bottom). Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and turn on medium heat.
  3. At this time, drain the water from the potatoes and place them on a paper towel (can be fabric) to dry off excess water.
  4. When the frying pan with oil is completely hot, add the potatoes. And we don’t touch it for at least the next 5-7 minutes, while reducing the gas slightly - to a little weaker than average. We don’t stir, we don’t mix, we don’t remember. This is one of the main rules for successfully fried potatoes.
  5. After the specified time, take a wide spatula and turn the potato layers over with a few movements. We don’t flicker, we don’t shallow—briskly, broadly, confidently. If you find the right moment, then the potato bars will turn over in layers. WITH reverse side A delicious golden brown crust should await you. Done? That's it, go about your business, don't touch dinner for a little less time now - about 3-4 minutes.
  6. So, we turn it over a second time and go to rest. After a while, turn it over a third time, wait a couple of minutes, select the thickest block and check it for readiness. If the potatoes are a little damp, stir again and fry until done.
  7. Add salt, mix lightly and carefully and place on plates. Tasty!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Ingredients: potatoes - 2-3 tubers, mushrooms - 100 g; onion - 1 pc. . salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, dry them and place them in a well-heated frying pan. Fry over medium heat until done.
  2. At the same time, place finely chopped mushrooms in another frying pan (heated and greased with oil). If we are talking about champignons - raw, if the farm has wild ones - boiled. Fry until golden, at the end add the onion cut into half rings and fry until the onion is ready.
  3. Place the mushrooms in the potatoes, stir, fry for about another minute, add salt and serve immediately.

On a note. I recommend not neglecting the second frying pan - both potatoes and mushrooms give off quite a lot of water when frying, so if you want to get not something stewed, but a rosy and crispy dinner, don’t be too lazy to get another frying pan.

Fried potatoes with eggplants

Fried potatoes with eggplants must be served hot. If you want to reduce the fat content, use a non-stick pan. Keep in mind that vegetables should feel spacious in the pan; they should be fried, not stewed. Therefore, try to cook no more than two servings at a time.

  • large eggplant – 1 pc.
  • large onion – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.
  • sweet bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste
  • mixture of ground peppers - 2 chips.
  • dried basil - 2 chips.
  • garlic – 1 tooth.
  • parsley – 3-4 sprigs

Country style potatoes

How delicious! This is how my grandmother cooked - and it seems to me that I can still, when I close my eyes, remember that magnificent combination of aromas, sounds and pictures that accompanied country-style potatoes. Incredibly yellow potato tubers, orange eggs, snow-white onions, dazzlingly bright greens - I would give half the world now for dinner prepared by gentle wrinkled hands... Alas, in the absence of the opportunity to try my grandmother’s treat, I go to the kitchen myself.

Ingredients: potatoes - 2-3 tubers, eggs - 2 pcs., parsley - several sprigs, lard - 3-4 slices, salt.

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them into slices - first in half lengthwise, and then into slices: you get crescents.
  2. Place the lard on a heated frying pan and melt the fat over low heat. You can remove the cracklings (or you can leave them), put the dried potatoes in the frying pan.
  3. Fry until done, add salt at the end and pour in slightly scrambled eggs. Cover with a lid and cook until done – just a couple of minutes. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

New fried potatoes

Contrary to popular belief, young potatoes can even be fried. To avoid troubles such as falling apart and spreading, we will resort to little trick, which will turn your dinner into a real feast.

Ingredients: small new potatoes - about 1 kg, butter - 50 g, a bunch of dill, salt.

The potatoes should actually be small - about the size of Walnut, no more. In addition, it is necessary to select tubers of the same size. To avoid wasting time and feeling like Cinderella, go to the market: during the young potato season, grandmothers sell exactly what you need. Digging up the harvest in the garden, they immediately sort it by size, wash it, put it in bags and take it all to the market in the hope that there will be a buyer for each product. And he will be found - you! Let them look at you strangely, it doesn’t matter. Don’t hesitate and take the cheapest potatoes – the smallest ones. Yes, and don't worry, you don't need to clean it.

  1. Take out a large bowl, place the trophy in it, pour in a few handfuls of coarse rock salt, close the lid, turn on your favorite music loudly and, hugging the bowl, dance. Energetic, strong and a lot, while it is important to shake the bowl, shake and shake. After about five minutes you will receive peeled potatoes (all you have to do is wash them), good mood, lost calories and toned muscles.
  2. So, wash it and put it in a saucepan, fill it with water. Bring to a boil, cook until almost done, turn off and immediately drain the water.
  3. Dry (you can put the pan on the fire and wait a minute or two). Heat the butter in a frying pan, add the potatoes and, stirring occasionally, fry until cooked. Salt and serve, sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

French fries

Once upon a time there lived a Belgian man named Frite. One day he came up with a wonderful thing - to sell takeaway potatoes, and not ordinary ones, but fried cubes in a lot of oil. The dish quickly became popular, and now, in my opinion, everyone knows what fries are and what they taste like.

Ingredients: potatoes - 1 kg, vegetable oil - approximately 0.5 l, salt.

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of equal thickness. Dry it.
  2. Pour the oil into a small-diameter ladle (saucepan) and heat well. You can fry potatoes only after the oil is completely heated.
  3. Carefully place the potatoes in a saucepan in small portions, fry until slightly evenly golden brown and immediately remove with a slotted spoon.
  4. Place the finished potatoes on paper napkins and add salt before serving.

Fried potatoes with hunting sausages

Fried potatoes with hunting sausages - a recipe for every day and for a beer party with friends. Prepares quickly and eats even faster!

  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • large onion - 1 pc.
  • hunting sausages - 4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste
  • mixture of ground peppers - 2 chips.
  • oregano, basil - 2 chips each.
  • dill - 10 g

Deep fried potatoes

Another option for deep fried potatoes is roses. Such “flowers” ​​can be used as a decoration for salads, or act as a separate dish, or simply serve as decoration for serving the above-described French fries.

Ingredients: large potato tubers - 3-4 pcs., salt, vegetable oil.

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half lengthwise, and then into thin, thin semicircles. Select the first “petal” and roll it into a tube. We wrap the second “petal” around the first, trying to press the base tightly and, on the contrary, leave the top free. Thus, we form a “rose” from 10-15 petals, and fasten the “peduncle” with a toothpick.
  2. Lower it for a few seconds a large number of hot vegetable oil (all potatoes should be covered with oil), remove as soon as the vegetable acquires a light golden hue.
  3. Place on a paper towel. After cooling (slightly, or better completely), remove the toothpick. Salt before serving.

Fried potatoes "Khvorost"

Have you seen the bundles with which the men carry brushwood from the forest? This is what we’ll be preparing – well, maybe a little shaggier, but the difference won’t be particularly noticeable.

In general, the recipe is shamelessly reminiscent of potato pancakes and potato pancakes, and the essence is the same, but still the result is not potato pancakes, but fried potatoes.

Ingredients: large potatoes - 3 pcs., medium carrots - 2 pcs., eggs - 2 pcs., flour - 3 tbsp. l., salt, vegetable oil.

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into strips. This is important - we cut it, and don’t be lazy and grate it. Moreover, if you want to get the ideal version of edible “brushwood”, you should strive to ensure that all the straws are relatively the same thickness (and preferably not very large).
  2. We clean the carrots and also cut them into strips, much thinner than potato strips.
  3. Mix, salt, add eggs and flour. Let stand for a couple of minutes, then fry, covered, laying out small pancakes, over a little less than medium heat, until golden brown.
  4. Turn over and fry again until done. Don't rush - the potatoes are cut into cubes and may not have time to fry, so it's better not to turn the heat up to high. Serve immediately.

How to fry potatoes in a slow cooker

Today, when many processes in cooking are automated, you can hear the question: “Will fried potatoes turn out delicious in a slow cooker?” Imagine, it will work. Delicious, even very tasty. And it’s easy to do, you just need to stir once.


The simplest option and the most boring is a plate with a pile of fried potatoes on it in an appetizing heap. At best, sprinkled with finely chopped dill. Let's move on from this?

You can serve potatoes in a hot frying pan very effectively: the fat is still sizzling, the vegetables are almost bouncing in the oil, and you are carrying a frying pan that will keep warm for a loooong time and not let the food cool down. You carry it and sip sweetly with your nose - the aromas tickle and seduce, the picture pleases the eye and soul, and with a sharp thought comes a feeling of the beauty of life!

Avoid serving potatoes alone. Garnish with fresh vegetables, pickled cucumbers, a few balls of green peas, a spare piece of parsley - it doesn’t matter, just to dilute the potato aria with something.

Oh, and don't forget the sauces! Ketchup just begs to go with potatoes, and banal sour cream mixed with garlic is also not bad at all. Aioli, satsebeli, adjika, mushroom sauce - in this case, almost anything will be appropriate.

When announcing that today, for example, you are having fried potatoes for dinner, you should understand that there will be... potatoes on the table. Confused? I mean, the key thing when choosing a product for this dish is its taste qualities. Varietal properties are also important, but they are secondary, but the savory contents are more important than ever. If you buy potatoes that are watery, have an unpleasant aftertaste, or have an unclear consistency (ready-made), it’s better not to waste your time: you won’t succeed. In this case, candy will not come out of nonsense, therefore, having found and noticed a suitable potato once or twice, mentally put a tick next to it: you should buy this particular variety for frying.

Nevertheless, certain rules it is still possible to get it out. It is best to choose medium-cooking potato varieties with thick skin and low starch content. If after heat treatment the tubers keep their shape well, this suits you, take it. Experts say that it is better to prefer yellow and pink flowers– I won’t give a justification, since everything is much simpler for me: I take what I grow in the garden. Perhaps you should look for “your” granny in the market, who will sell you the best proven product?

Oil and fat

They fry potatoes on anything. Most often and, I think, healthier - with refined oil, which is specially refined for use in a frying pan. Nevertheless, I will say from experience that the most delicious potatoes are those cooked in lard or lard. Yes, yes, you can close your eyes in horror and sigh defiantly, imagining how much the calorie content of dinner will increase when using such fat. However, since we initially decided that occasionally we can afford little holiday stomach, then let's spend it so that it actually is a holiday, and not a pathetic semblance of a matinee in kindergarten. So, potatoes with cracklings, rosy and crispy, crispy and aromatic - this is what is the standard for me!

By the way, you can also fry in butter, however, there is a big risk of getting dinner together with the frying pan: it’s easy to miss the moment, and then the potatoes will hopelessly stick to the bottom. Tasty, not uncomfortable. The way out is to add a small amount of butter to the main amount of vegetable oil.

1. To fry potatoes, it is better to take a large-diameter frying pan: let the frying area be thorough, and the layer of potatoes be insignificant. This way you will get the finished dish faster and will do with less stirring, which will significantly affect the integrity of the potatoes and their crispness.

2. When cutting potatoes, housewives usually put them in a bowl of water (to prevent them from darkening). Make sure that you place pieces on the frying pan that have drained off excess liquid very, very well.

3. Another reason why you should put potatoes in a container with water before frying is starch. After half an hour spent in the “bath”, the vegetable will lose most of this substance, which will have a very positive effect during frying: the potatoes will not fall apart.

4. Frying pan – perfectly and fully heated!

5. While frying, try not to stir the potatoes very often, and when you do, use a spatula with a wide “blade” that will turn a large layer at a time. Start from the edge, carefully move to the center, turn over to the same place with a sharp, precise movement.

6. You need to salt the potatoes at the very end of frying - otherwise they will soften and absorb excess fat.

7. It’s worth frying the onion along with the potatoes – it adds flavor and sweetness to the main vegetable. In addition, carrots, celery and parsley root, and finely shredded cabbage go well with this dish. Any meat product fits perfectly into the picture - bacon, ham, boiled pork and even sausages.

Calorie content, benefits and harm

I think it’s not worth talking about why fried potatoes are not a healthy food - words about carcinogens, cholesterol and other nasty things have long set everyone’s teeth on edge. In general, I don’t want to raise this topic, it’s not interesting. It’s better to say a couple of phrases in defense. Of course, most of the vitamins and nutrients contained in potatoes are lost after heat treatment, however, something remains - and therefore we can say that this vegetable is a rich carrier of vitamins C, B, K, E, PP , there's quite a lot in it folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium salts. In addition, potatoes are considered a product useful for cardiovascular diseases, problems with stool and swelling.

Calorie content... well, yes, the number is not very pleasant. On average, 100 g of fried potatoes contains 300 kcal. However, everything is good in moderation - and if you don’t eat a bucket of potatoes at a time, I think such a dinner will do more good than harm, while I suggest not forgetting about the incredible gastronomic pleasure and considering it a significant argument in favor.

Benefit. Sometimes we sacrifice our time for her. Or, conversely, through interest we acquire something bigger and much better that you never had. With this tasty article, you won't be a loser either. After all, it involved savory, tender and sometimes crispy fried potatoes. This can be cooked, but also in a regular frying pan, and even in a slow cooker.

Thanks to her, dinner will be saved, appetites will be satisfied and your tummies will be very happy. How to brown the bulba so that it becomes one of the favorites on your menu?

Create a treat according to classic recipe with tender onions or wild mushrooms. You will be delighted with the vegetable, which with all its taste and juiciness will intertwine with chicken meat and champignons. Fans of lard and garlic - there is a way to prepare chopped tubers for you too.

For those who don’t like to bother, prepare a fried dish with stewed meat. And where would we be without tender minced meat, which we brown in a slow cooker not only with potatoes, but also with carrots, onions and spices.

All these options for creating a popular vegetable will bring you a complete advantage. Quickly open the bags of bulba. Get the rest of the provisions. Let's start creating quickly.

Do you like to win? You did this because in front of your eyes there is a delicious way to brown pieces of tubers with delicious onions.

This interweaving of tastes stretches from our childhood. Do you remember? Now the delicacy will remind you of itself again and will sparkle in your mouth with painfully familiar and delicious notes.


  • 3 medium tubers;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. odorless vegetable oil;
  • any fresh herbs by eye.

Method for creating the dish:

1. First, let's clean the vegetable tubers. Place them in the sink and wash the bulb from dirt. Remove its skin and transfer to a bowl with clean water.

If the fruits have “eyes” or spoilage, be sure to cut them off.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and place it over medium heat.

3. While heating the fat in the pan, place the tubers on a cutting board. Divide them into halves. And cut them into small slices.

4. You can transfer the vegetable mass to a bowl or leave it on the board. Salt and pepper it. And mix the ingredients thoroughly so that the taste of the spices is deliciously intertwined with the root vegetable.

You can also add your favorite spices to the bulb. For example, paprika, turmeric, ground ginger root, thyme or coriander grains, or herbes de Provence. Pick one thing.

5. Now add the vegetables to the heated frying pan. Mix them with oil. Fry the dish without a lid for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula.

Hot oil will allow the bulba to acquire a golden crispy crust.

6. While the delicacy is in the frying pan, peel the onion and cut it into half rings on the board. Separate them from each other.

7. Take 2 cloves of garlic, remove them from the top layer and cut the component into plates.

8. Transfer the garlic and onion mixture to the frying pan with the potatoes and mix everything thoroughly. Continue roasting the contents for another 20-30 minutes.

The duration of creation of the dish depends on the number and thickness of the components. Periodically taste the potatoes for maturity. This way you will understand how soon it can be removed from the stove.

9. About 5 minutes before the food ripens, rinse the fresh herbs in warm water and chop it finely.

10. As soon as the entire bulb becomes soft and tender inside, turn off the burner.

Oh, how seductively the delicacy sizzles on the stove. Pick it up with a spatula and place it on a plate with a beautiful golden mound. Decorate it with chopped herbs and prepare pieces of black bread and fresh vegetables for the meal. Indulge in satisfying pleasure. It will be a real paradise.

Delicious recipe for potatoes fried with onions and mushrooms

When I was little, our whole family went mushroom hunting. Having collected a rich harvest, they created a unique dish from it, along with root vegetables.

And if you add the same onion to the dish. The result will be a bomb taste. If you have in stock Forest mushrooms, create a Russian dish in its best traditions for your whole family!


  • 1 kg of mushrooms (porcini and boletus, or other forest mushrooms);
  • 2 large onions;
  • 1 kg of tubers;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • any greens of your choice.

Creating a dish:

1. Peel the washed bulb and place it on a board. Cut the tubers into plates no more than 0.5 cm thick. Then divide them into strips. Transfer the resulting mass to a container with cold water.

Potatoes should be in water for at least 10-15 minutes. It is then that, giving excess starch to the liquid, it will turn out fried.

2. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly. Separate their stems from their caps. Scrape the stems off the top skin. Do not cut the mushrooms very finely, as they will shrink when frying.

Porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, butter mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, umbrella mushrooms and russula can do without additional heat treatment, that is, cooking. Be sure to boil milk mushrooms, morels, stitches, pigs and oak mushrooms before frying.

3. Place a frying pan over medium heat and pour vegetable oil into it. Once it's hot and sizzling, transfer the mushrooms to the fat. Mix them with butter.

Be sure to wait until the moisture has completely evaporated from the mushrooms and they begin to brown. At this point, they need to be stirred constantly, adding a little more oil so that they do not burn.

4. As soon as the mushrooms are browned, this means that they are “ripe”. Salt and pepper them. Mix everything. Transfer the mixture from the frying pan to a separate bowl.

5. Place the same frying pan on medium heat again and pour vegetable oil into it. Let it warm up. Place the chopped tubers in a bowl. Mix them well with the fat so that it saturates the vegetable pieces.

As soon as the bulba begins to acquire a golden brown crust, stir it and add a few pinches of salt to the eye.

6. While preparing the dish, peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings.

7. Return to the frying pan. The vegetables in it emit an active hissing sound. Stir them occasionally until the dish is ready. This will take you another 10-20 minutes.

8. Next, add chopped onion to the bulb and mix everything. Wait another 5-10 minutes. As soon as the onion browns and becomes soft, add mushrooms to the delicacy. Mix the ingredients together and keep them on low heat for another 2 minutes.

9. While the dish arrives, finely chop the washed greens. Soon you will decorate your aromatic dish with it.

I remember we used to eat this delicacy straight from the frying pan. They placed it in the center of the table and everyone put as much as they wanted into their plates. Repeat this ritual, perhaps the food will seem even tastier to you.

Rosy potatoes with chicken and champignons

You will win over appetites and hunger if you produce vegetables in the company of pieces juicy chicken, tender champignons and onions.

The dish is created quite simply. Reserve about one hour and there will be an appetizing, not tricky, but such a tasty dish waiting on your table.

  • 6 medium tubers;
  • 3 chicken thighs;
  • 2 large champignons;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • refined vegetable oil by eye;
  • salt, black and red pepper to taste.

1. Peel the bulb and cut into strips on a board. Place the vegetable in a bowl of water.

2. Cut the peeled onion into half rings and place on a plate.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and place it over medium heat. Let the fat get hot.

4. Move on to the chicken thighs. Rinse them in warm water and divide the bird's thighs in half or into three parts. Place the meat on a heated frying pan. Turn the pieces once every 2 minutes to ensure even browning on all sides. Fry the chicken for about 10 minutes.

5. After there is not a single pale spot left on the bird, place the bulb on it. Stir the ingredients and cover the pan with a lid for 2 minutes.

Covering the dish will help the vegetables soften from the inside.

6. Then remove the lid of the frying pan and mix the chopped tubers with the meat again. You will most likely already see that a crispy crust has appeared on the vegetable. Continue cooking uncovered for another 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Be sure to turn up the heat under the frying pan so that the vegetable is guaranteed to be golden brown.

7. Check the bulb for softness. To do this, place it on any plane and cut it. If the vegetable has become uniform in color and tender in consistency, it means it is almost ready.

8. Add onion half rings to the dish and stir everything. Cook the yummy for another 5 minutes.

If you don’t really like browned pieces of vegetables, then simmer the delicacy under the lid, or stir it often throughout the entire process of creating the dish.

9. While the onion is browning, place the champignons in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Cut the mushrooms into slices. Place them in a frying pan with the food. Salt and pepper it. Mix the ingredients. Simmer them for another 5 minutes.

I am overcome with white envy if you have created such a seductive second. After all, everything around is fragrant with mushroom and meat aromas. Serve in larger portions and garnish them with, for example, tomato slices. Take a seat at the table. Hearty, tender and unique tastes await you in the company of rosy dishes.

Video on how to cook delicious deep-fried potatoes stewed with meat

Men are always absolutely delighted with such a dish. How else?! After all, this recipe is about meat and potatoes -. Two tasty and satisfying products combined in one dish. Moreover, they will not connect immediately, but only after both have undergone a little preliminary training to achieve their maximum taste qualities.

Ask how to do this? Yes, very simple! Watch the video, everything is told and shown here. And the man is preparing the dish! And when the stronger sex takes up cooking, it’s always delicious!

This is the kind of deliciousness and beauty that comes out of yoga. By the way, there is also an appetizer made from pickled onions and cucumbers in barrels. Well, what else do you need for a delicious healthy dinner? Everything is there, and by the way, preparing this is not at all difficult and quite quick.

And don’t even pay attention to the fact that it contains meat. It fries in a matter of minutes.

A simple recipe for potatoes with lard and garlic, fried in a frying pan

There are not special fans of this product, but there are avid admirers. But you will definitely like this component if you mix it with bulba. It's about about salty and spicy lard.

Try to create pieces of tubers with this fat and they will sparkle with new flavors in your mouth. And if you add garlic, onions and herbs to them, you will get a savory song, not a dish. So, let's get everything we need for this.


  • 1 kg of tubers;
  • 200 gr. lard;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • fresh herbs by eye.

Method for creating the dish:

1. Cut the peeled bulb into small cubes. Place them in cool water for 10-15 minutes. Then we wash the vegetable several times to remove starch from it.

2. Lay a clean, lint-free towel on the table and place all the chopped root vegetables on it. Cover the cloth with a second towel and roll the potatoes into a roll. This way it will quickly get rid of unnecessary moisture.

The absence of water on the bulb will prevent the fat from “splashing” and this way it will fry better.

3. Let's make lard. Cut it on the board into not too thick pieces. Then place the frying pan on medium heat and add all the lard into it.

4. As soon as the lard gives up its fat to the dish, place pieces of tubers on it. Mix everything. Fry the dish without a lid for 5-7 minutes. There is no need to stir it at this time.

5. Peel the garlic. Place it on the board and chop it finely. Place the mixture in a bowl.

6. Moving on to the fragrant onions. Free it from scales and rinse the vegetable. On a board, divide it in half and chop the onion into half rings of medium thickness.

7. Then stir the vegetables in the pan. The first crust should already appear on them. Continue frying the dish for another 5-7 minutes.

8. After time has passed, add onion and garlic to the bulba. Mix them together. The food will become much softer and more ruddy. Let it stay on the same fire for another 10 minutes.

9. Once the minutes have passed, stir the dish again. It should already be ripe. Keep it on the fire for a couple more minutes.

10. While the food arrives, chop clean greens. Soon you will be able to sprinkle it on your treats.

11. Now turn off the heat under the frying pan, add salt and chopped herbs to it, stir the food. You can serve.

How wonderful life is. That it contains such simple and at the same time wonderful delicacies. Eat it with different pickles. Or serve any meat along with the bulba. Your whole family will love the most tender potatoes in lard even more. She no, no, and will ask you to cook this dish for lunch.

A quick recipe for fried potatoes with stew

When there is little imagination and time for culinary feats, serve this interesting and easy-to-create dish of bulba and delicious stew. It can be anything - either beef or pork.

The main thing is the combination of components. The dish will turn out tender due to the potatoes, and small pieces of meat will provide it with satiety, spicy notes and endless relish.

You will need:

  • 500 gr. bulbs;
  • 250-300 gr. stews;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Creating a dish:

1. Cut the washed and peeled tubers into arbitrary small pieces.

Then place them in water for a few minutes. Rinse the bulb thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel.

2. Place a frying pan over medium heat and add vegetable oil. Heat it up and add the chopped tubers to the fat.

3. Turn up the heat under the pan and cook the vegetables until golden brown, 4-5 minutes.

If the oil splashes too much in all directions, turn off the burner and let the dish sit for 2 minutes. Then return it to high heat.

4. Then, using a spatula, carefully turn the vegetables over to the other side. You will see that the bulb has already “set” and turned rosy. We continue to cook the dish over high heat on the other side. This should also take you about 5 minutes.

5. How time will pass, reduce the burner to minimum. Mix the vegetable pieces and cover them with a lid for 5-7 minutes. They must soften from the inside.

6. Open the can of stew and place it in the ripened dish. Mix everything thoroughly.

Absolutely any stew will do: beef, pork or another.

7. Simmer the treat for another 5-7 minutes on the same fire. During this time, the meat jelly should completely dissolve in the dish. Then turn off the burner. Taste the food for salt. If necessary, add salt and mix it. Feel free to serve the second one while it’s hot!

Now, as if by magic, the bulba dish will gather all the household members at one table. Courteously serve each of them a portion of the meat delicacy. Let their stomachs and receptors “melt” from the bliss of the dish. And your main reward will be the satisfied and well-fed faces of your loved ones. Bon appetit!

How to fry potatoes with minced meat and carrots if you don’t have a frying pan (in a slow cooker)

A slow cooker is a huge plus in your kitchen. And she will gladly take part in frying vegetables. Use the technique to brown pieces of bulba, carrots, onions and garlic, placing savory minced beef and pork next to them.

This dish would not be a shame to serve at a regular meal, or to treat arriving guests with a delicacy. So let’s start creating something delicious, let it quickly conquer your minds and bellies.


  • 700 gr. bulbs;
  • 350 gr. minced meat (pork and beef);
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • ground black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • 1 clove garlic – 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil by eye.

1. Soak the peeled, washed and cut into slices bulba in water.

2. Free the onion from the husk and finely chop it on the board.

3. Wash the carrots thoroughly and peel them. Cut the vegetable into small pieces and place the mixture in a plate.

4. Open the multicooker bowl and plug it in. Pour vegetable oil into the equipment, place onions and carrots on it. Mix everything. Set the display to “Frying” mode and the timer to 5-7 minutes. Without closing the lid, sauté the vegetables until golden brown.

5. Drain the water from the bulb and rinse it thoroughly. Dry the vegetables with a towel and place in the slow cooker.

If the equipment timer turns off, do not touch it yet.

6. Place minced meat in small pieces on top of the potatoes in the slow cooker. This way it will easily mix with the ingredients. Salt and pepper the dish. Mix everything vigorously.

If there is no minced meat, but there is whole meat, then grind it through a meat grinder, or puree it in a blender. You can combine together not only pork and beef, but also, for example, cow and chicken meat.

7. Set the “Frying”, “Pie” or “Baking” mode on the display, and the timer for 30-40 minutes. Close the lid and press “Start” quickly. Periodically stir the dish with a spatula so that it does not burn.

If you don’t want a noticeable crust on the bulb, then set the “Stew” mode for half an hour, and you can also add a small amount of water to the delicacy.

8. While the food is browning, finely chop the peeled garlic clove. Send it to the dish 5 minutes before it ripens, mixing everything well.

9. After completing the creation of the dish, open the lid of the multicooker and place the dish on plates.

A miracle, not a technique. Convenient multicooker right hand, support, deputy and your assistant, came to the rescue at the most needed moment. Rather, drown in a delicacy of bulba and unsurpassed minced meat. You will want to see this duet on your table more than once! Have a great experience, friends.

Useful tips: how to fry potatoes tasty and correctly

So, there are secrets left with tips for creating a simple, but original dish from young potatoes, of which there are a lot now.

1. Give preference to root vegetables with reddish skin and firm flesh that holds its shape well.

2. And each type of bulba browns in a frying pan different time. Therefore, to ensure even browning of the food, use the same type of vegetable. We fry red tubers only with red ones, and white ones with white ones.

3. Also, for high-quality cooking of the root vegetable, cut it into approximately equal cubes. They shouldn't be too thin, otherwise you'll end up with a mess. And try not to cut the bulba thickly, as the flesh of such pieces will ripen in the pan longer than necessary.

4. The shape of the chopped tubers can be any: circles, cubes, straws, cubes or slices.

Be sure to soak root vegetables in cold water, this will help draw out unnecessary starch from them. Young tubers need to be soaked in water for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

5. About the frying pan. Create the dish in a clean, dry container with a thick, flat bottom. This way it will definitely not burn and will brown evenly. Give preference to cast iron, ceramic and Teflon containers.

6. Place chopped vegetables in a frying pan in 1-2 layers. This way they will fry better and soften more evenly.

7. About oil. You can cook with different fats:

  • refined sunflower or vegetable with flavor. Everyone chooses the first option, because it does not interrupt the taste of the other components in the dish;
  • butter. Only when it heats up, it releases flakes that can burn during the process of creating the dish. The root vegetable itself falls apart, but the taste turns out to be more tender;
  • animal fat;
  • special olive oil for frying.

Many people prepare the delicacy using a mixture of refined vegetable oil and butter.

8. Salt the food and add other seasonings to it along with onions, garlic and herbs at the end of the process of creating the dish. Why? These components cause the vegetable to release moisture and it will not turn out golden brown.

If you peel too many vegetables to fit into the pan, brown them in several batches. This will make it easier for you to mix the pieces of tubers and they will brown more evenly.

9. It is best to cover the dish with a lid at the end of cooking. It already has a crust, all that remains is to steam the bulb from the inside.
10. How can you easily check if a root vegetable is ready? Try to break it. If you can do it easily, then you can eat the treat.

11. You can save the situation if the pieces of tubers are well fried on the outside, but remain raw on the inside. To do this, bring the dish to maturity in the oven.

12. Place the overly oily delicacy in several layers before serving. paper towel. It will absorb excess fat and the food will be saved.

Also, use a slotted spoon to remove excess fat from the dish. The oil will simply drain through it back into the dish.

13. Why do vegetables stick to the bottom of the pan? Either you didn't heat it well or the oil you're frying in has gone bad.

14. A sprig of rosemary will add an interesting piney and spicy aftertaste to your dish. Throw it into boiling oil at the beginning of creating the dish and remove the spice after a few minutes. And only then put the pieces of root vegetables into the frying pan.

15. The less starch in the bulb, the crispier your dish will be. Determining the starch quality of tubers is very simple. Cut them in half raw. Rub the halves together. If water appears at the cut site and the parts of the vegetable do not stick together, it means there is not enough starch in them.

16. Serve the dish immediately after removing it from the heat. It tastes so good when it's hot!

It is worth saying that this dish is quite filling. Its calorie content per 100 g will be 192 kcal. It contains the most carbohydrates - 23.4 g, fats - 9.5 g, proteins - 2.8 g.

We look for the good in everything. To save time, shops with good discounts when buying useful items. We also want our kitchen to have not only a tasty, but also a very satisfying and not difficult to create lunch.

You will hit the bull's eye if you include fried potatoes in the family menu. Familiar from childhood and endlessly delicious. You can brown root vegetables with different ingredients, so that everyone will undoubtedly like it, and the dish will only benefit from it.

All that remains is to take a comfortable position near the equipment. And with all the love, put the ingredients into a frying pan or slow cooker. So that a unique, original and crispy, crispy dish arises in them. Delicious victories to you, friends!

And bon appetit, of course!

If you know how to properly fry potatoes with a golden brown crust, you can enjoy this dish every day. It is worth considering that these will be not only crispy, but also incredibly tasty potatoes.

We will share three recipes that are very similar to each other. But the end result is different tastes, different aromas, and even different appearances.

The queen of our table today is potatoes, so we will talk about them. How to choose it so as not to make a mistake with the variety?

When choosing potatoes, our goal will always be medium-sized tubers. Small potatoes have too few useful elements, large ones no longer have them, but medium potatoes have just the right amount of everything.

Choose potatoes that have thin skins to avoid cutting half the fruit into the trash. Thick root vegetables are suitable if you plan to purchase the product for the whole winter. A thick peel will keep the inside of the potatoes fresh and prevent them from drying out. The thickness of this very peel can be checked by picking at least one fruit. You will immediately see how thick the peel is.

It happens that they sell a product that has already turned green or even begun to sprout. It is better not to buy such potatoes, as they are simply oversaturated with alkaloids. Their consumption can cause serious poisoning.

If there are small holes in the potatoes, there was a bug that simply could not pass by. Brown spots on potatoes indicate that the fruit is suffering from a fungal disease. Deep holes may mean that there were cockchafer larvae in the potatoes.

Try “cutting” the potato with your fingernail. If a large amount of liquid comes out and the peel is easy to cut, it is saturated with nitrates. If the potato is hard and cannot be damaged, it is likely that it was grown naturally and in the right conditions.

Potatoes with red and pink skins are best suited for boiling; it is better not to use them for frying. White potatoes are suitable for mashed potatoes; they boil very quickly. Oval tubers that are yellow or brown on the outside and yellow on the inside are suitable for frying. These varieties retain their shape well and therefore, when fried, they will not turn into porridge.

Knowing the basic rules of how to choose potatoes, you can go shopping at the market or store and then start cooking when you get home.

Fried potatoes in a frying pan with onions

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Incredible quick dish, juicy, and yet incredibly simple. And this is not student food at all, this is a classic quick dinner!

How to cook:

Tip: You can use both red and white onions. These varieties are juicier and sweeter.

Crispy potatoes with a light creamy aftertaste. Much more interesting than regular fried potatoes, but the ingredients are simple!

How long: 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content: 152.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly under running water, peel off the skins;
  2. The tubers need to be cut into fairly large pieces, and then they should be dipped in cold water for a couple of minutes so that they release the starch;
  3. Remove the potato pieces from the water and place them on a towel to remove the moisture;
  4. Heat the butter in a frying pan and put the root vegetable here. Fry until a crust appears, stirring frequently;
  5. Two minutes before the end of frying, you need to add wheat crackers and stir quickly so that they have time to stick to each potato and not burn;
  6. When the crackers have acquired a darker shade, it’s time to turn off the stove. Serve sablé with fresh salad.

Tip: the butter should be quite fat, ideally if it has 72% fat content. And definitely natural!

It is because of the golden brown crust that many people love fried potatoes. In this recipe it turns out especially crispy and at the same time soft. And how spicy!

How long: 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content: 118.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them, keep them in water for a while to wash off the starch;
  2. Cut the tubers into thin rings, sprinkle them with salt to taste, as well as nutmeg and allspice;
  3. In a deep frying pan, mix butter and corn oil and heat them;
  4. Place the potatoes in a frying pan in one layer and fry them, without disturbing, over medium heat;
  5. When a slight blush appears on the bottom, close the frying pan with a lid and turn the heat to the lowest setting. Maintain this for fifteen minutes;
  6. Then open the lid and, with a large spatula, remove the resulting potato cake onto an empty plate with the brown part facing up, and then quickly return the cake to the frying pan with the other side down;
  7. Wait for the color to appear on this side as well, and then remove the cake to a sieve. This will help drain excess fat. Can be served with fish or vegetables.

Tip: the cake can be broken if desired. This way she will look more impressive. And pour tomato sauce on top.

Potatoes can be cooked not only in butter or sunflower oil. There are dozens of other oils you can fry with. This will not change the crust of the potatoes, but the taste will change dramatically. For example, you can use mustard, corn, peanut, and hemp oils.

As for spices, here the root vegetable is friends with almost everyone. It is very tasty to combine it with herbs, such as basil or rosemary. You can use infusions such as suneli hops or herbes de Provence. You can also use fenugreek, saffron, coriander, paprika, chili, garlic and other spices.

Just serving potatoes with fresh herbs is fine too. a good option. Especially with green onions. Ukrainians often eat lard with it. And if you learn how to cook tomato, cream, cheese or mushroom sauces, then fried potatoes will instantly become a haute cuisine dish!

Just a few nuances that we described today will help you achieve perfect crispy potatoes in any pan!