Unfortunately, it is very easy to imagine a situation where it is vital for you to get involved in a fight. For example, when you return home late in the evening, and on your way, in a poorly lit place, a group of people appears whose mood, to put it mildly, is not conducive to friendly relations. They begin to pursue you, you cannot hide from them, and it is also impossible to solve the problem peacefully. There is only one way out - a fight, but you are not mentally prepared for it...

How to stop being afraid of a fight, and why does this fear even arise? As a rule, its cause is easy to find in your childhood and in your first fights, which could happen both in kindergarten, and in the yard of your house. Usually, regardless of whether you came out of this fight victorious or not, a beating from your parents awaited you at home. It could leave a mark on your memory negative memories, and your fear of a fight is explained by a subconscious fear of punishment.

Another barrier that makes people afraid of fighting is parenting. In every children's group you can almost always find at least one child who is constantly forced to endure humiliation. Beatings and bullying from stronger classmates. Moreover, this happens even when the victim has a strong physique and could fight back against his offenders, but such a child endures all the blows with humility and does not respond to them in any way. How can this be explained?

As a rule, such victims are children with a good upbringing, who from childhood are implanted with the idea that fighting is bad, that they should be avoided, that only hooligans and bandits fight, and that you cannot become like that.

Also, factors that prevent a person from doing so may include the fear of ruining their appearance, as well as the fear of pain. The first fear is more typical of the fairer sex, as they are afraid of disfiguring their face and body with bruises and wounds, getting abrasions or fractures, which will negatively affect their beauty. In the latter case, we can talk not only about the fear of experiencing pain on oneself, in one’s own skin, but also of hurting another person.

The main reason that people are afraid of fights and try their best to avoid them is that they simply do not know how to fight.

How to stop being afraid of a fight? To do this, you must determine the reason that causes this fear in your mind, and try to completely eradicate and eliminate it. Always remember that despite all the technology, culture and “advancement” modern society, they are still governed by primitive laws, according to which the strongest survive, those who can stand up for themselves. Having identified the cause that causes fear of, you need to eradicate it. First, understand the truth - in modern world The primitive rules still apply: the strong survive and the weak perish. Another piece of advice is that you must understand that the ability to stand up for yourself and fight back against someone who threatens your life, health, well-being and reputation does not make you a less intelligent and cultured person.

If you find yourself in difficult situation, but you don't know how to stop being afraid of fights, use a little psychological trick. Imagine in your mind the fight itself in every detail, step by step. Think about where you will hit your offender, where your second blow will be directed, what actions will you need to take immediately after that?

Start attending self-defense classes or start studying one of the martial arts. This will help you put an end to your fear forever, and in any situation, even the most dangerous one for you, you will be able to fight back the villains attacking you.

And finally, a video for you!

Our fears are our hidden enemies. They overcome us regardless of age, social status and professions. Fear is a rather insidious and cunning enemy that can easily devastate us from the inside, poison our minds, kill our sound thinking and steal our inner peace.

We very often experience a state of fear before certain events: conflicts, changes, fights... Let's dwell on the last point in more detail and find out before a fight. This question can be conditionally classified as eternal. The fact is that there are quite a lot of ways to talk about things before a fight, but they cannot be applied in practice... Hence the constant demand (excuse the pun) for this question! In our article we will not list certain ways to combat this fear, but we want to offer a completely different way to solve this problem, namely, a small step-by-step psychological training on self-improvement. Now you will understand everything yourself.

before the fight?

Stage one. Postulate to success

First of all, understand that we are all mortal, each of us experiences pain, we all have blood flowing through us. So fear in the same situation is characteristic of each of us. For some, to a lesser extent, and for others, to a greater extent. That’s why you can be sure that your “opponent” (the person you have to fight with) is just as afraid and in just as much pain. Only a sound understanding of this postulate will allow you to remove the illusory and imaginary idea of ​​your opponent.

Stage two. Modeling

Remember, fear of a fight is not a death sentence! Before a direct confrontation with the enemy, you need to imagine that he has already begun to beat you. Try to play out in your mind the worst-case scenario for the development of such a situation: imagine how he simply beats you and how bad he speaks about you and your loved ones, laughing in your face. In general, simulate a very terrible situation in which the enemy almost sends you to another world. Why is this necessary? It's simple! This is a psychological impact on your nervous system, which will certainly awaken the real beast in you and cause serious rage!

Modeling the situation is the basis before a fight. The fact is that at this moment you will definitely no longer be afraid, since your desire to take revenge on the potential offender will be so great that you will physically feel a huge surge of strength! Your once fear transforms into unbridled rage. All you have to do is release it into the wild, like a bullet from a clip!

Stage three. Self-concentration

This is another condition on how to overcome the fear of fighting. There’s simply nowhere without him! In no case should you think about what they are looking at you now, about what they will say about you later, etc. You should concentrate only on how much you want to fight with the enemy. Don’t forget for a minute that he is insulting your family, your honor, etc. Only in this case will the accumulated rage make itself felt in full!

Most likely, after such self-cheating, it will happen to you - and the inner beast sitting inside will do everything itself!

Any fight should require from the fighter not only physical training, but also certain moral strength. They are necessary in order to meet your opponent, to challenge him and not be afraid to take a blow. Even experienced fighters who enter the ring every day sometimes don’t know how not to be afraid to fight. However, the natural fear of beatings can be overcome, but to do this you will have to undergo a course of psychological and physical training.

What causes fear of a fight?

Why is a person afraid to face his opponents in a fist fight? Everything here is quite prosaic, and the reason lies in the natural instinct of self-preservation. The brain gives certain signals, analyzes possible turns of the collision, making a person worry about future injuries. What other reasons can give rise to a nagging feeling of fear before battle?

It's about specifically about professional clashes, when a person enters the ring with a specific purpose. If he is simply attacked in the alley, fear does not have time to become active, and the fighter himself is driven by the natural desire to protect himself and survive.

Most often, psychologists explain such cowardice by physical unpreparedness. The lack of proper fighting skills affects the fact that a person does not feel confident, he is afraid to even step into the ring. Sometimes they come into play psychological aspects. Thus, many professional fighters spread rumors about their increased aggressiveness and inadequacy in the ring. These rumors influence their rivals, giving them a natural feeling of fear for their lives.

Ways to deal with fear

How to stop being afraid to fight, and what needs to be done for this? When asking these questions, a person usually plans to receive a specific, intelligible answer. However, there are no clear techniques to combat the problem.

Psychologists and experienced trainers advise in such situations to turn to the following methods of overcoming fear:

  • improving your fighting skills, because what better person fights, the less afraid he is to enter the ring;
  • communication with a psychologist to improve moral preparation for battle;
  • a person needs to enter the ring again and again, and against strong opponents, overcoming fear during each fight;
  • learning the tricks of fighting and false swings will also help reduce the fear of battle;
  • Before a fight, you need to properly set yourself up and project your thoughts exclusively towards victory.

It is physically impossible to completely eradicate fear, since this natural sensation helps a person maintain life in stressful conditions. A fighter without fear is doomed, because he will always get into trouble, which will ultimately lead to disastrous consequences.

The first and most important advice in such a situation is to continue training. How more people knows and knows how, the less he fears his opponent. The fighter is aware of his own superiority, and therefore strives to take part in a new fight.

This rule applies not only to professional fights in the ring, but also to street fights. If a guy is bullied by hooligans, he is afraid to fight back because he simply doesn’t know how to do it. However, training in a variety of martial arts can help turn this fear into a deadly skill.

Psychological preparation techniques cannot be ignored either. Often good fighters lose to less experienced opponents due to their lack of confidence. They are pre-set to lose, and therefore enter the ring doomed. A psychologist should always work with a fighter, convincing him of his superiority, cultivating a certain moral and ethical image of the winner.

Fighting a stronger opponent: rules for dealing with fear

Sometimes an experienced fighter enters the ring, confident both in his abilities and in his victory. However, when he sees an opponent as huge as a rock, his confidence disappears, it is replaced by fear, and the battle is lost.

It is always easier to fight weak opponents than those who are superior to you in physical strength. However, only a fight with the latter type can finally dispel all fears. How to defeat an opponent who is larger and stronger than the fighter himself?

The main rule in the fight against an opponent whose strength turns out to be greater is not to give up, not to give up. As soon as a person accepts defeat, fear will cover him completely, and the battle will be lost. The fight must be waged to the last, perceiving your opponent not as a powerful and invincible villain, but as a person with his own minor weaknesses.

Psychologists say that when in the right mood a person can defeat anyone. Once the fight has already begun and the first blow has been struck, fear usually recedes. In such a situation, natural instincts come into force and the body’s defensive function is triggered.

To defeat an opponent, while forgetting about fear, you first need to defeat yourself. If a person improves his skills, not forgetting about psychological preparation, then it is not he who will have to be afraid, but potential rivals.

Sergey, Moscow

I'm afraid to fight, I'm not a man?

February 21, 2015 - 7 comments

“I’m afraid to fight, what should I do?” — this seemingly non-men’s problem is discussed on men’s forums. Moreover, psychologists are not far behind in their conclusions and advice from ordinary people.

Firstly, not all men are afraid of fighting. This is a problem for men with...

Fear has big eyes

The basis of the deepest fear of a visual person is the postulate: “I am afraid of death.” Fear of death, fear for oneself is the natural fear of the viewer, as well as the cultural restriction developed by society on killing another person - it cannot be overcome by self-hypnosis. “I’m afraid to fight” is just a sign behind which lies precisely the fear of death, and it’s not so easy to get rid of it.

The opposite pole of fear is love. The visual vector, at best, goes through 4 stages of its development: from focusing on one’s own self, fearing for oneself, for the safety of one’s life to love and compassion for other people, when the value of another life is higher than one’s own, when giving oneself to society is the true source happiness for a person.

In the worst case, the social environment of the child’s visual development affects him, he “gets stuck” in a state of fear for his life, and even the very thought of a fight drives him into fear, since the imagination of the spectators is very, very eloquent, in bright colors paints bloody pictures with a sad ending, where you need to feel sorry for yourself and your loved one.

Developed visual child“I feel sorry for the bird,” he avoids fights. Intellectual. Botanist. Nevertheless, fights are a way of ranking in a children’s team, and what matters here is what the child’s lower vectors are. If the viewer is in adolescence got into a fight, he was in pain, “his glasses were broken,” then fear is also recorded, although before that he could fight with boys without problems. It’s just that in adolescence, these fears and conditions begin to manifest themselves especially acutely.

“...Hysterical fears of darkness, heights, depth, spiders, snakes, women under the bed, ghosts in mirrors and other evil spirits of the other world have been eradicated. No, I don’t deny that I can be scared, but as panicky as before, I’m no longer afraid of it. I used to be even ashamed of this...” Novel
Text: http://www.yburlan.ru/results/review14326

And so the visual boy grows up and has an added fear of fighting: “I’m visually afraid, but I’m a man, how can I not fight? Then I won’t be a man! How can I be afraid of hurting others? Men must be strong and courageous!”

Considering that in addition to the visual vector, a modern person has other vectors, then what exactly they are depends on the color with which a person experiences fear of a fight. For example, an anal-visual man is especially afraid that he will not be able to protect his woman and will be disgraced or betrayed, let his friend down at a fatal moment and also be disgraced... This fear is especially intensified in the Russian mentality, where “not a man” is not recognized by society.

In addition, for every anal person, his first experience is important: if he had an unsuccessful fight with someone, the fear is fixed and a huge fear arises before a new fight; a past unsuccessful experience comes to mind.

A skin-visual man is gentle, refined, and not born for fighting. By his nature, he is not a man in the full sense of the word, he is anti-man in his properties, and thanks to the flourishing of culture, he is in demand today in modern society(designers, artists, singers, etc., and in the primitive era such children simply did not survive). “I’m afraid to fight” - this phrase will only emphasize the peculiarities of his mental structure. He will run away from the scene of a fight at the right opportunity, and will not experience pangs of conscience and social shame, like an anal man who has fallen into a stupor.

A urethral-visual man is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, protecting the weak, without thinking about his own benefit. A muscular-visual man will fight for company and easily falls into a blind rage.

Illustration: Hengki Lee facebook.com/HengkiLeePhotography

Let's sum it up

Fear of a fight is a problem for men with a visual vector. The cause of fear lies deep in the psyche - it is the fear of death, fear for oneself. The characteristics of the feeling of fear of fighting depend directly on the vector set of a man.

It’s normal to fight when ranking in a children’s group, when children go through the “primitive” stage; then, in fact, cultural norms should be absorbed by children, and they become cultural people, that is, real people.

Unfortunately, mistakes in education lead to the fact that some individuals of the human race remain savages.

Therefore, yes, you need to be able to fight, you need to know how to overcome the fear of fighting when faced with subhumans in a bestial state.

“...Many fears have gone and continue to go away. I didn’t have phobias, any obsessive or severe fears, but those that did exist were often unconscious or repressed; only certain situations can become their catalyst. But when you understand the roots of fear, then you begin to control impulses from the unconscious, decipher them and realize the sources - and fear cannot be born, it does not exist...” Evgeniy, internet marketer. Text: http://www.yburlan.ru/results/review2266

You can step over your fear, transfer your mental unconscious into a state of blind muscular rage, when there is no fear of death, when there is a need for this, for the sake of preserving the lives of people in need of protection and help, for preserving your life, during a war against your enemies, in the end.

First of all, you must admit to yourself that there is fear and there is no escape from it. You are not proficient in martial arts, and this is worth remembering. It is likely that awareness of these things will push you to exercise. If you have a friend who practices martial arts. Ask him to spar. If you miss punches in a practice fight, as you probably will, then in a street fight it can be even worse.

Will the martial arts section help you overcome the fear of missing a punch?

The decision to enroll in the martial arts section may be the only right one if you want to learn how to stand up for yourself. Now the choice of trends and styles is great and everyone will find something to their liking. Surely you will not regret making this decision in the future. However, remember that injuries will happen, but they will only make you stronger.

If we talk about the potential benefits of martial arts training, we can highlight the following:

  1. Fighting will become a habit, and your fear of it will gradually disappear.
  2. In any difficult situation, you will begin to feel confident, but you will not look for adventure.
  3. The more time you spend in aggressive conditions during training, the easier it will be for you to endure them during a fight.
  4. You will strengthen your body and character, and an experienced fighter is extremely difficult to break.
  5. Practicing strikes and spiritual growth only possible during classes.
  6. You will learn various self-defense techniques and stop being afraid.
As one improves in training, a person gets rid of fear. However, martial arts allow you to strengthen not only the body, but also the spirit. For many people, any type of martial arts is primarily associated with the ability to fight. However, this is not entirely true. Let's find out what benefits can be obtained from practicing martial arts from the point of view of spiritual growth:
  1. A feeling of peace appears - in any situation and place you will be relaxed and calm.
  2. You will gain confidence in your abilities - this is useful in any situation. life situations, and not just during a fight.
  3. Eliminate fear of crowds - in a fight you often have to face several opponents.
  4. Learn to use net worth, and not draw it from others.
  5. After classes, your aggression will disappear.
  6. Learn to control your breathing, which will be useful in any life situation.
  7. You will be able to use energy as economically as possible.

Exercises to combat the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street

A street fight is significantly different from sparring and this should be remembered. If you want to learn how to overcome the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street, we suggest doing two exercises.

Exercise “Two people in a ring”

  1. Two fighters are located in the center with their backs to each other, and the rest surround them in a ring.
  2. Blows are delivered to mark the places where you have opened up.
  3. The fighters in the ring can not only dodge and block attacks, but also strike back.
Thanks to this exercise, you will gradually stop being afraid of blows to the face. In addition, peripheral vision improves, which can be very useful in a street fight. You will no longer be afraid of attacks from several opponents at once, and will be able to control the situation.

Exercise “Every man for himself”

Start working for large area and each fighter must defend himself from everyone. Be careful with blows, because no one wants injuries. After a certain period of time, the area for training is reduced by half. If you want to know how to overcome the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street, then in this exercise try to be in the very epicenter of events.

Carrying out this exercise, you will get used to fighting in a confined space with large cluster fighters. There are no rules in a street fight and you need to prepare for it. During training you have to give it your all, and don't be afraid to miss shots from the side. Gradually, you will develop a sense of distance, and opponents will not be able to approach you within striking distance. You will stop panicking when you see a crowd.

Why is there a fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street?

Fear is a natural state for everyone normal person. It helps us survive, but in certain situations it is necessary to get rid of it. If in an extreme situation, for example, when you are attacked on the street, you feel fear, then you will not be able to show your best. When a person is afraid of a fight, there is a high probability that he will be defeated.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of fear, we note:

  • Fear of death - if you are not afraid of it, then there will be no fear.
  • If you are afraid for your body, you should not identify yourself only with the body.
  • Project events into the future - you shouldn’t think about the future before a fight, you should prepare yourself for the fight as if it were the last one in your life.
  • Focus your attention on the surrounding stop - concentrate on anything, but not on what is happening.
  • No fighting experience - if you don't train, you don't have enough experience to win.
  • False perception of reality - you may be unsure of own strength and this will play a cruel joke on you.
  • Resistance to fear only provokes its intensification. If you are afraid, then accept the fear and do not resist it.

How should an experienced fighter behave?

If in the ring you have to fight with one opponent, then in a street fight this happens extremely rarely. Here are some tips on how to behave when facing a crowd:
  1. Each member of the crowd always hopes for the help of a comrade - if a fight with the crowd cannot be avoided, and you find yourself in the minority, then each of the attackers will wait for the first step from their comrades.
  2. Attack the strongest enemy first - choose the strongest among your opponents and attack him. This may catch everyone else off guard and dampen their enthusiasm.
  3. Scare one of the attackers (you can make a false swing) and switch to the strongest one - this way you can keep the enemy at a distance.
  4. Don't show your fear - once the crowd senses your insecurity, things can end badly.
If you don't know how to overcome the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street, then remember these tips and use them in extreme situations. But if you don’t train and don’t have combat practice, it will be extremely difficult to win. It should also be recalled that a fight is the most the last way solutions conflict situation. First try to resolve everything peacefully.

A fighter with sufficient experience does not strive for a fight. He does not need to prove anything and words will be used first. In most cases, street fights are started by cowards who are nothing at all on their own and can only attack if they form a pack.

Remember, personality will always show itself. If you are confident in your abilities, then this will be noticeable in everything: your manner of speech, behavior in an emergency situation, your gaze, etc. Perhaps in the future you will need some tips on how to solve a problem without a fight:

  • Look your attacker in the eyes and, while listening to his words, do not show aggression.
  • Your gaze must be intense to be in complete control of the situation.
  • By your eyes, the enemy can determine whether he should start a fight or whether it is better to retreat.
  • Listen to the attacker without reinforcing his negative views.
  • If your opponent is impulsive, do not adopt this manner of speaking from him.
  • If the attacker sees that you are not provoking him to further aggression, there is a high probability of a peaceful outcome.

Psychological preparation in boxing

Before a fight, a boxer must not only be in good athletic shape, but also his psycho-emotional state must be appropriate. In the history of this wonderful sport one can find many examples of how athletes with great talent were unable to fully develop. The reason for this is psychology and they simply did not have enough willpower to become stars.

Some were simply lazy to work in classes with full dedication, others could not cope with the difficulties that arose in their sports path, and some were not able to overcome fear at all. At the same time, there are many who were able to cope with all these problems and, thanks to willpower and tirelessness, became known throughout the world.

When preparing a boxer, you need to pay a lot of attention not only to his physical qualities. Tactics and psychology are no less valuable, and sometimes even more significant. Boxing is a tough sport and it is impossible to do without appropriate preparation of the athlete’s mind. WITH physical fitness everything is much simpler because all boxers train a lot and hard, but why then are only a few included in the elite?

Everything is quite simple, because only those who know how to properly manage their resources can win. One of the greatest trainers of the twentieth century, Cus D'Amato, did a huge amount of work systematizing knowledge about the psychological preparation of boxers. In his understanding, fear is the fire that an athlete can use for his own benefit or “burn out” in it.

Cas was sure that fear should not be completely suppressed, since it is a kind of defense. D’Amato’s students worked on their psychological state no less than in gym. They could walk a very fine line between necessary and acceptable fear.

Modern American school boxing is to one degree or another influenced by the ideas of this person. Not many boxing fans know that Muhammad Ali himself often turned to D’Amato for help. This may indicate that even great boxers find it difficult to solve psychological problems on their own.

All athletes who plan to achieve high results in boxing can be recommended to study books on psychology. First of all we're talking about about two publications:

  1. “Psychological preparation of a fighter” - author O. Yu. Zakharov.
  2. “Psychological preparation of a boxer” - written by N. A. Khudadov.
They will definitely be able to help you solve your problems. psychological problems and as a result prepare well for the fight. Note that both publications are known not only in our country, but are also very popular abroad.

How not to be afraid of blows in boxing or on the street, watch the video below: