Most retirees prefer to spend their old age at home, within their own walls. However, it happens that an elderly person does not have children or who can provide proper care. In this case, you just need to know how to get into a nursing home.

Registration with a government agency

Every year there are more and more lonely elderly people who are unable to provide for themselves good life. The only way out is a nursing home. Of course, it cannot be said that the living conditions there are at the highest level. However, employees provide necessary care for every guest. In addition, we should not forget that communication with other people in old age also plays an important role.

You can find out how people get into nursing homes from the social security authorities at the person’s place of residence. There you will need to write an application and provide a package of documents for registration.

What documents will be needed:

  • Passport of the applicant.
  • Policy health insurance- in original.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • If you have a disability, you must mandatory provide a certificate.

When all the necessary papers have been prepared, they need to be handed over to the social service so that they can check everything. A special commission will be appointed whose responsibilities include checking the living conditions in which the pensioner is located and whether he has any relatives. If it is confirmed that old man is not able to take care of himself on his own, then he will be sent to a boarding home, given a conclusion and a direction to stay there.

Who can go to a nursing home

Before entering a nursing home, you must fill out a special form with the social security authorities and provide a full package of necessary documents. The candidate must meet the following criteria:

  • Age category. Men must be at least 60 years old, women must be at least 55.
  • Having a disability of the first and second groups, confirmed by a certificate.
  • War veterans.

Psychoneurological departments

Institutions of this type can accommodate disabled people of the first and second groups or those pensioners who suffer from senile dementia. In addition to the application and documents, the guardian or relative will need to submit a certificate from the attending physician, which confirms the pensioner’s diagnosis.

Depending on the disability group or degree of incapacity, special care will be prescribed. Each specific case is considered taking into account many secondary factors.

Payment for stay in a boarding house

In most cases, pensioners are sent to a state nursing home. How to get there, who will pay for the stay - these and other questions are clarified with the social protection authorities.

There are two main scenarios:

  • The pensioner pays for his accommodation independently from his pension. Typically, 75% of the amount is spent on payment, the other 25% is given to the person.
  • It is possible that a pensioner has children, but they live abroad and cannot provide the parent with attention and care. In this case, any close relatives can pay for living in a nursing home.

To whom does the pensioner’s property go?

When preparing documents, you need to know not only how you can get into a nursing home, but also who will get the pensioner’s property. There are three scenarios for the development of events:

  • If an elderly person has children or other close relatives, they have full right to dispose of the property that remains.
  • If the pensioner has no one, he can transfer real estate or other possessions to the boarding house in which he will live. This will pay for his maintenance and stay in a nursing home.
  • If the pensioner has no relatives and he has not transferred his property to anyone, the state has every right to seize everything into its ownership.

Private boarding house - a dignified old age for everyone

Today there are boarding houses not only public, but also private. Institutions of this type are considered the best for retirees who want to meet old age with dignity. Private nursing homes are characterized by the best care for the guests, high level comfort and qualified medical care. Here pensioners will not only communicate with other people of their age, but also receive the necessary treatment.

However, it is worth noting that not everyone can afford such luxury. If government institutions are overcrowded, then there are a lot of private places. The thing is the cost of living: it is very high. If you are interested in how to get to live in a nursing home, then contact the social service, they will provide you with a list of public and private institutions.

Benefits of a nursing home

Of course, many may say that it is terrible for an elderly person to spend his old age in such a place. But, if you look at this question from the other side: what should those pensioners do who have no one and who simply want to meet their old age with dignity? There is only one way out - a nursing home. It’s very easy to find out how to get there, the main thing is to prepare Required documents.

So, let's look at the advantages that can be highlighted in boarding homes:

  • Elderly people are provided with 24-hour care.
  • Good food, mostly dietary, which is safe for the body of a pensioner.
  • Availability of special strollers and comfortable beds for those who cannot walk independently.
  • Varied leisure activities - walks, books, games.
  • Constant examination by specialized doctors, drug treatment.
  • Communication with your peers.
  • You can pay for accommodation in a government institution from your pension.
  • If there are relatives, they can visit the pensioner on any day off and even sometimes go to the city for a walk.

It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a public institution or a private one, a nursing home is an excellent option for those retirees who want to feel needed and confident. Constant communication, care from the boarding house staff and other criteria give the guests smiles, which has a great effect on their overall health.

Psychological and medical assistance

Every person who enters a nursing home needs ongoing care. And not only medicinal, but also psychological.

Every institution has a staff experienced doctors who constantly monitor the condition of the guests. In addition, do not forget that pensioners will be able to communicate with each other at any time. This is actually a huge plus. At home, within the four walls, sometimes there is a feeling of helplessness and uselessness. This will not happen in a nursing home. Constant communication will allow you to feel much better, learn a lot of new things from your peers and even make friends. After all, you can’t live without friends, regardless of age.

How can a pensioner get into a nursing home?

How can a pensioner who cannot take care of himself, has no relatives and has difficulty moving around get into a boarding home? In fact, there is a way out of this situation. If you are unable to get to social services, you can simply call them and ask them to come home. Provide the employees with all the necessary documents for registration, and they will take care of everything themselves.

Don’t be afraid: they will provide you with not only medical care, but also psychological assistance.

Brief instructions

How people end up in nursing homes has now become more clear. It is not at all necessary that all the people there were abandoned by their families. It is quite possible that they simply have no one, and the boarding house has become a second home. For such people it is very important that they do not spend old age alone.

How do they get into nursing homes and what needs to be done for this:

  • Contact social security authorities.
  • Fill out the application and check if you meet all the criteria.
  • Decide who will get your property. If there are no relatives, then the best option will transfer the property to the boarding house as payment for staying with them.
  • Wait for all documents to be completed (usually this does not take much time).
  • Spend your old age among your peers, find proper care and a great mood.

Now you know how people get into nursing homes and why they need it. You personally do not need this, but you know an incapacitated neighbor who has no one to care for, help her, give her a decent old age in a circle of care and communication with people. A boarding house will be a real salvation, a godsend for that category of pensioners who want to enjoy life and not feel lonely.

In Russia, almost all families try to look after their elderly relatives. Usually the grandchildren take on this burden. But sometimes such a decision causes a lot of trouble, making the life of a young family unbearable. Then people try to go to state nursing homes. You can identify older people in them and visit them at specially designated times. The elderly will be under the constant supervision of specialists and will be able to receive timely medical assistance if necessary. But not everyone knows how to correctly place an old person in a boarding house or nursing home for free. In the case of commercial accommodation, everything is simple. But free nursing homes are not always available to everyone and not everyone. You will have to try hard to bring the idea to life.

Some statistics

A state nursing home is a place where older people who are unable to support themselves live. The majority of residents of the Russian Federation believe that sending old people to such institutions is a betrayal. Instead, you just need to grit your teeth and endure all the “delights” of dementia and other senile abnormalities. In fact, this practice is detrimental to families. It can destroy the unit of society.

Despite the fact that state nursing homes in Russia are not known for their comfort, such organizations are almost always overcrowded. Therefore, it will not be so easy to assign a grandmother or grandfather to such an institution.

A state nursing home can save a family from destruction and also have a beneficial effect on an elderly person. Here he will always be under the supervision of doctors.


You should pay attention to the fact that staying an old person in a boarding house or nursing home requires certain costs. Even government agencies charge for monitoring the elderly. This is normal practice.

A state boarding home for the elderly can be paid for:

  • personally as a pensioner - 75% of his pension is taken away, and 25% is handed over;
  • relatives of the resident.

Of course, most often the first scenario takes place. The choice of type of payment for accommodation is provided when a citizen registers for a boarding house.

Property issues

A huge issue is the issue of disposing of the old man's property. When placing a person in a state nursing home, the person’s property can be disposed of by relatives.

If a citizen does not have close people, then the following options are possible:

  1. The property is transferred to the boarding house/boarding school. Such a step is regarded as payment for living in an institution.
  2. The property is given to the state. This is possible if a single person has not registered ownership of the boarding house.

Accordingly, placing a grandmother or grandfather in a nursing home is not a reason for disinheritance. More precisely, the heirs may lose it, but the final decision is made either by the old man or his legal representative.

Boarding house type

State nursing homes in the Moscow region and other regions of the Russian Federation are often overcrowded. Therefore, before assigning an elderly person somewhere, relatives must choose a specific place.

Boarding houses are divided into several types. Namely:

  • government;
  • private.

In the first case, residents are on state support. They are offered minimal comfort and medical care. Private nursing homes - expensive pleasure. They allow you to enjoy comfortable and varied living conditions.

In addition, you should pay attention to which citizens are placed in institutions. Boarding houses are divided into:

  • for housing for ordinary elderly people;
  • institutions for the disabled;
  • organizations caring for bedridden people;
  • boarding houses for mentally ill people (not to be confused with psychiatric hospitals).


Finding a state nursing home in Moscow for a pension is not so difficult. However, as in any other region. In order to send an elderly relative to the chosen institution, you will need to follow some instructions. Otherwise, the registration process for a boarding house will become impossible.

To place a relative in a state nursing home, you need to:

  1. Apply for accommodation in a boarding house. This is done in the departments of social protection of the population.
  2. Pass a medical examination. Will need to get full list existing diseases and abnormalities in an elderly person.
  3. Order a certificate from the BTI about the old man’s housing availability.
  4. Contact social security with the received papers.
  5. Wait for the ticket. Sometimes you have to wait for a while to get into the boarding house.
  6. Re-register documents for pension (if necessary).

It would seem that there is nothing difficult or incomprehensible. But in practice, registering a person in a nursing home causes a lot of problems. Especially if we're talking about about an incompetent citizen. For example, passing a medical commission can cause a lot of trouble.

Who is eligible

You are allowed to apply to a state boarding home for the elderly either personally or through a legal representative. But not everyone can count on help from the state.

The thing is that state boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, despite modest living conditions, are overcrowded. Therefore, you will have to wait for a voucher from social protection. Without it, you won’t be able to stay in a boarding house for free.

In addition, on state support When assigned to a nursing home, only women over 55 years of age, men over 60, as well as disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups can count. Persons incapacitated are also allowed to be placed in a specialized institution for permanent residence.

Documents for registration

To register a person in a state home for the disabled and elderly, some documents will be required. Namely:

  • the applicant's identification document (preferably a passport);
  • medical report on the citizen’s state of health;
  • certificates of disability (if available);
  • SNILS;

As a rule, collecting documents is not difficult. Except that some difficulties arise when passing a medical commission to be assigned to a boarding house.

Where to go for help in Moscow

Many people are interested in where they can find state nursing homes in the Moscow region. Prices for accommodation in private boarding houses often exceed 100,000 rubles per month. Not everyone has this amount. Therefore, we have to look for government agencies.

There are more than enough of them in Moscow and the Moscow region. But all institutions are still filled to the maximum. Today you can seek help from the following organizations:

  • boarding houses for labor veterans;
  • boarding house for science veterans of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • psychoneurological boarding schools;
  • Gerontopsychiatric Mercy Center (Shipilovsky Avenue, 31/2);
  • house of cinema veterans (Nezhinskaya, 5);
  • house of Yablochkina stage veterans (Entuziastov Highway, 88).

Private nursing homes are also common in cities. There are a huge number of them. Finding a place in such institutions is much easier than it seems.

Prices for services

State nursing homes for bedridden patients and others, as we have already found out, do not provide services completely free of charge. How much will you have to pay for accommodation in a boarding house in one case or another?

In general, a citizen is asked for 75% of his pension. But the majority of the institutions studied offer a price list with specific services.

State nursing homes in the Moscow region offer the following prices:

  • accommodation in a single superior room - 1,774 rubles;
  • stay in a single two-room room - 3047 rubles 20 kopecks;
  • one-room double room - 1523 rubles 60 kopecks;
  • triple room - 1015 rubles 73 kopecks.

Usually the price includes five meals a day. But as a rule, citizens simply register old people in boarding houses to pay for their pension. Therefore, you should not think about how much to pay to a state nursing home in St. Petersburg or Moscow.

Private boarding - dignified old age

So we got acquainted with the process of registering a person in state nursing homes in the Moscow region and beyond. But as has already been emphasized, getting a place in a state-supported nursing home if you have able-bodied children and other relatives is problematic. Actually impossible.

Therefore, some decide to register in a private house elderly Such organizations offer the most comfortable living conditions for a fee. Some compare them to hotels. To apply, it is enough to collect the previously listed documents (without a voucher and applications to social protection) and contact the selected institution. The boarding house doctors will conduct an examination themselves and help with the preparation of the relevant papers.

Instead of a conclusion

State nursing homes in Russia receive mixed reviews. Some people have a negative attitude towards them, while others prefer to send older people to specialized institutions consciously. This is not caused by a desire to get rid of an elderly relative, but by a desire to provide him with normal care.

Now it has become clear how to assign a person to a state boarding house or a private nursing home. If you try, you can achieve success. The main thing is to pass a medical commission and prove the need to place the person in a specialized institution.

Let me start with the fact that the decision to put my 95-year-old bedridden grandmother in a special center - simply put, a nursing home - was difficult and seemed like a serious deal with my conscience. Still, according to life principles, instilled in me by my family, nursing her is my direct responsibility. However, having finally realized my own inadequacy as a professional nurse, lacking the time, energy and the slightest medical education, I thought hard about finding a place where she would be cared for. Grandmother is disabled since childhood, but, approaching her centenary, she does not have any chronic diseases such as hypertension. Therefore, it will take a long time to look after her...

It should be added that she has pronounced dementia, that is, she understands practically nothing. As it turned out later, this was also a stumbling block.

After my grandmother fell on her side during hygiene procedures, then fell, hitting her head on the radiator, and they refused to take her back home in an ambulance from the emergency room, citing the lack of the first disability group, I made a decision. And almost immediately I realized, having stumbled upon the usual bureaucratic footballing, that identifying her somewhere would be oh so difficult.

I started calling boarding homes for the elderly with disabilities, social security departments and other social security institutions. By the way, we have very few municipal boarding homes: the Verkhne-Kurinsky gerontological center, the Gayvinsky boarding home for elderly disabled people, a nursing home in Kultaevo, and also one boarding home in Krasnokamsk. And there are almost never any places in them. True, in some places there are paid beds, but more on that later.

In order to place an insane person in an institution with proper medical care, he (a bedridden person!) needs to go through nine doctors, including specialized specialists, undergo fluorography and take ten different tests. The court may then declare him incompetent. And the final chord should be a commission headed by a psychiatrist, which will make its final verdict. I gave up, because to carry out all these manipulations with my grandmother was as impossible as it was pointless. For to understand that she is absolutely helpless and incompetent, it seems that even one doctor is enough, since this is already clear as daylight...

I started calling social security again, again explaining the situation, that the person couldn’t even sit, let alone walk, that it was physically impossible for us to fulfill all the requirements... They answered that they should have done this earlier, when she was still walking... But then, when my grandmother walked around the apartment with the help of crutches, we had no need to place her in a boarding house! And if I had applied earlier, she would have been considered weak enough for this. In short, go through all the doctors as you wish, take her to hospitals as you wish and stand/lie in line. It is worth noting that all conclusions obtained during the medical commission are valid for only six months. At such speeds, you might not be able to make it in six months; you’ll probably have to visit doctors again. I would add that I would have to transport my grandmother in a paid ambulance, one flight of which costs about five thousand rubles. My family cannot afford such sums. All these thoughts make you take a deep, heavy breath.

Having realized that granny would not be able to get a free trip, I began to find out where the same services could be obtained on a commercial basis. Today there are already more such institutions than municipal ones -  and this is not surprising, because society really needs them. Private nursing homes are located both in the center and on the outskirts of the city, and there are also paid wards in municipal boarding schools. For some reason, the price of a month's stay in them is even higher than in private nursing homes. For comparison: a paid bed in the Verkhne-Kuryinsky gerontological center costs almost 30,000 rubles, and the “Zabota” nursing home offers care services for the elderly for 25,000 rubles per month. And here everything is much simpler: they don’t require you to go through all the imaginable and inconceivable doctors, but simply ask for a certificate from a therapist about the patient’s current condition.

By the way, for bedridden elderly people or patients in the terminal stage of the disease, that is, dying, a palliative care department opened in our city in January. It is located in Hospital No. 7 and accepts patients for a period of two to three weeks. Essentially, this is done so that relatives caring for the infirm can breathe out a little. Because keeping an old man in a hospital for such a period of time, of course, does not fundamentally solve the problem. In addition, there are also a number of requirements for patients in the palliative department, or rather, contraindications, obvious and justified: for example, the patient has an open form of tuberculosis and some other diseases, including dementia and grade III encephalopathy. And there are only 20 beds in the department.

Anyone to a normal person It’s unbearably hard to watch his relative suffer, experiencing pain every day. And, wanting to ease his suffering, you frantically go through the options in your head, sometimes reaching extremes in your thoughts. But since euthanasia is not used in our country, it is probably worth seriously thinking about the procedure for placing those who need it in special institutions. And significantly increase the number of such institutions. After all, old people who leave for a long time die in agony, making their entire family suffer.

On instructions from the editors, I went to a nursing home for the elderly. Getting off at the bus stop, I asked the old woman how to get there, and in response she asked her own question: “Who do they take there? Where should I go to get a job at a boarding school?

This topic worries not only lonely old people, but also those who live with children or grandchildren. If young people work all day, and an elderly person is no longer able to heat up their food and eat, or walk to the toilet on their own, the question of outside help inevitably arises. It is not always possible to organize it at home; you have to worry about placing an elderly relative in a boarding house on a permanent or temporary basis.

What should you know about such an institution? What to look for? Where to go for directions? Answers these and other questions Senior Assistant Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region for Legal Support Veronika Viktorovna Gurysheva.

As a rule, war veterans can be admitted to a nursing home; disabled people of groups 1 and 2; single women over 55 years of age; single men over 60 years of age; elderly people who do not have able-bodied close relatives. The path there is not closed to other categories of citizens if they need special care for medical reasons.

Federal Law “On the Fundamentals social services citizens in Russian Federation» No. 442-FZ dated December 28, 2013 and a number of orders of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation (now the Ministry of Social Policy) define several types of such organizations.

For example, a boarding house (boarding house) for the elderly and disabled is intended for permanent or temporary residence - up to 6 months or 5 days a week. Men and women of the above age, disabled people over 18 years of age who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care and the provision of necessary social services can be admitted there.

If they are on bed rest or are able to move only with assistance, then mercy departments are intended for them. They also provide for both permanent and temporary stays.

What is the procedure for registering a person in a state nursing home? It is necessary to submit an application to the social security department at the place of residence of the elderly citizen or disabled person. The prepared documentation is transferred to the social service, which necessarily conducts a scrupulous check of these documents. Then a special commission is appointed, which studies the conditions in which the person lives, whether he has working close relatives, how his relationship with them develops, whether there are people in the family suffering from mental disorders, drug or alcohol addiction, addiction to gambling, and finds out whether there are any facts of domestic violence.

The decision to recognize a citizen as in need of social services or to refuse social services must be made within 5 working days from the date of submission of the application. ABOUT the decision taken the applicant is informed in writing or electronically.

An alternative to public nursing homes are private nursing homes for the elderly, which exist in most large cities. Anyone can get a job in them, the main thing is that he or his relatives pay for the services provided on time.

If you choose a private boarding house, you should definitely go there and find out on the spot whether the real conditions meet the needs of your helpless relative. Feel the general atmosphere, look at the staff and residents.

A contract for the provision of social services is mandatory. As a rule, such a boarding house guarantees a personal approach from highly qualified staff to each ward, round-the-clock supervision, comfortable living conditions, and organization of leisure activities. However, it is necessary to ensure that these clauses are included in the contract and are strictly followed.

Such a boarding house must have a license to conduct medical activities from the regional Ministry of Health, equipped premises, qualified personnel with medical education, permits from the SES and fire service, registration with the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Rosstat, the Ministry of Social Policy and, of course, registration in tax office as a legal entity.

The law establishes a requirement for information transparency of social service providers. Each of them is required to have an official website and an information stand at the places where services are provided. Suppliers are obliged, at the request of recipients of social services or their legal representatives, to provide free and in an accessible form information about their rights and obligations, types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, tariffs for these services and their costs, as well as the possibility get them for free if it exists. Information on the website and stand should be updated regularly.

Full information about social service providers can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region, where the corresponding register is maintained. It contains information about the legal form of the social service provider; list of services provided; tariffs for social services; data about total number places and availability free seats.

The register also contains information on the results of inspections carried out in these organizations. She will help you navigate when choosing a boarding house for yourself or an infirm relative.

In our region, state control in the field of social services is exercised by the regional Ministry of Social Policy. Complaints about shortcomings and violations of the maintenance of elderly and disabled people in boarding houses should be addressed here.

From this article you will learn:

  • What types of nursing homes exist in Russia
  • Which categories of citizens can count on preferential registration in a nursing home?
  • What documents are needed for registration in a state nursing home?
  • What is the cost of living in public and private nursing homes

Parents are the closest and dearest people. In old age, it is no longer easy for them to take responsibility for their own lives, look after the household, and maintain hygiene. Elderly relatives often need constant care. Adult children cannot always afford to spend the whole day with their parents, since they must work and devote time to caring for their own family. In this article we will tell you how to register a patient in a nursing home and understand the nuances of this procedure.

General situation with nursing homes in Russia

Boarding houses for the elderly include private and municipal institutions. The main disadvantage of the former is high price content, and secondly, it is very difficult to get a place. Annually government bodies allocate money to expand boarding schools, but the number of guests in them is still limited. On this moment The waiting list for stay in boarding houses is approximately 20 thousand people.

Against the backdrop of this problem, private nursing homes began to be created to provide care for sick elderly people. However, it is worth noting that to open such a structure, the owner is not required to receive state license or special permission. It is enough to rent a building, equip it with beds, and invite nurses. Rules regarding availability medical workers, are also missing.

Placing a sick pensioner in a private boarding home is quite expensive. Even if the owner does not comply with sanitary and medical conditions of detention, the price for a month of such accommodation is 30 thousand rubles or more.

Types of boarding houses for the elderly

Before enrolling a sick relative in a nursing home, you need to become familiar with the different types of such structures. When choosing a place of detention, the elderly parent’s health, disability, age, etc. are taken into account.

  • Standard boarding school.

This facility includes a stay with basic level service. Such an institution can accommodate not only older people, but also young adults with disabilities of the first or second group.

  • Psychoneurological boarding schools.

Here you can send for the maintenance of a pensioner with mental disorders. Facilities include medical care. Such houses are under protection.

  • Gerontological centers.

These organizations are suitable for older people who have lost the ability to care for themselves. A person with a disability or musculoskeletal disorder can be registered here.

  • Nursing home.

These institutions are intended for elderly people left without relatives. How to register a patient in a nursing home? To get a place, you must register for placement in a federal boarding home, and then follow the instructions of social authorities.

Who is accepted into state nursing homes?

Typically, state institutions accommodate those who are left without the care of close relatives. The nursing home also accepts people who have relatives but suffer from mental illness.

The state can register the following persons in a boarding school free of charge:

  • age pensioners (women over 55 years old and men over 60 years old);
  • disabled people of the first and second groups;
  • war veterans;
  • incapacitated persons without relatives.

Before registering a sick person in a suitable nursing home, it is necessary to accurately determine his situation.

How to register a patient in a nursing home

After confirming the status of an elderly person, he will be sent to a boarding house on a voucher. To receive it, you need to contact the regional center for social protection of the population. These issues are also addressed by agencies that provide accommodation for the elderly and disabled.

Let's look at how to register a sick pensioner in a nursing home. First you need to contact the nearest accommodation agency. It will give you a medical form and advise you on further actions.

An elderly person will need to collect and complete some documents. The list will differ depending on the health and situation of the pensioner.

Mandatory documents for all elderly people:

  • Application of a pensioner for placement in a nursing home. It can be drawn up for a person only if the patient has mental disabilities or incapacity.
  • A copy of the patient's passport.
  • Medical record with doctors' opinions on the health of the pensioner. The card must be certified by the hospital's seal.
  • Act on the conditions of maintenance of an old man. This conclusion must be approved by the head of the social security department (agency).

Before registering a bedridden patient in a nursing home, you need to collect an additional package of documents relating directly to your ward:

  • persons with a disability group must submit a VTEK conclusion, a certificate, and a rehabilitation program;
  • pensioners need to present pension insurance, a certificate of the amount of pension payments;
  • war veterans must present identification;
  • If you need to register an incapacitated person with mental disabilities in a boarding home, you will need an application from the trustee, permission from the guardianship council, and sometimes court permission is requested for the existing guardianship of the citizen.

If you cannot figure out what papers are needed to register a patient in a nursing home, you can contact the social security center for help. They are required to provide such consultations and explain to citizens all the issues that interest them. If an elderly person is incapacitated and does not have relatives as guardians, the institution’s staff must collect all the necessary documents for him.

The municipal social security center should give you a medical form. Next, you need to fill out the ward’s card.

First, a psychiatrist’s report on the pensioner’s condition is issued. If a citizen does not have mental disorders, he is sent to a general boarding house.

Citizens with a disability group must submit a VTEC conclusion, which will indicate the degree of mobility of the patient. Based on this document, it is established what type of content a person needs.

How to further register a patient in a nursing home? A senior citizen must provide written consent to be accommodated in a boarding house. If the old man has mental illness or is incapacitated, such consent is not required.

The following document is an act on the conditions of detention of the patient and the composition of his family. This conclusion is drawn up by a social worker.

In some individual situations, you may be required to provide additional documents. You should find out about them in advance from the agency.

After you have collected all the papers of the sick ward, they need to be transferred to the district social security authorities. Next, you should wait until it’s your turn to get a seat. All state houses work only through social protection, so it makes no sense to apply directly.

As you know, in order for a lonely sick pensioner to be admitted to a nursing home, he must wait in line for a place in the boarding house. An elderly person can be assigned to any institution. It is likely that this will not be the institution you originally planned. It is possible to temporarily refuse the proposed boarding school and wait for a more preferable option.

Cost of living in a state nursing home

A pensioner should feel as comfortable as possible in a boarding home. To do this, it is worth determining several nuances in advance:

  • financial possibilities of maintenance;
  • location of the boarding house, convenience of the road for relatives;
  • availability of qualified care in a nursing home (for example, constant medical care in case of illness of an old person);
  • equipment and convenience of boarding rooms;
  • quantity and quality of food provided by the nursing home;
  • leisure options in the boarding house.

Citizens who belong to the following groups can count on placement in a state boarding school: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, single pensioners, elderly people in need of help and care. You can register a relative in a boarding house through the social security authorities. The duties of the workers include helping the elderly in collecting the necessary list of documents (various certificates of health, disability, etc.).

In addition, social authorities have the right to examine the person’s current living conditions. If the fact of his loneliness and inability to lead independent life activities is confirmed, the pensioner is assigned a trip to a nursing home. However, it will not be possible to register an old person in a boarding house right away, since there are usually not enough places in institutions. Then older people are asked to wait in line.

How is the care of a patient in a nursing home ensured after registration? Based on Federal Law No. 443 “On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation,” the maintenance, food and medical care of an old person are paid for by the state. This is done at the expense of the elderly person's pension.

Before enrolling in a nursing home, a citizen is asked to draw up an agreement under which he must transfer a share of his income to the boarding house every month. The number of payments is determined based on the position and condition of the old man. For example, an elderly person without relatives must contribute 75% of the pension. If a citizen is responsible for one incapacitated dependent, payments will be distributed 50/50, if there are two dependents - 42/58, three - 25/75.

If an old person leaves the boarding school annually for one to three months, monthly payments from the pension to the boarding house will be 25%. During the absence of an elderly resident, transfers are suspended.

It is also worth considering that a nursing home has the right to register the citizen’s property in its own name if the pensioner is deprived of the care of relatives and has been in the institution for more than half a year. This is only possible if the pensioner’s apartment or house is not privatized.

If personal property is privatized, the patient can use it to pay for nursing home care. As you know, a citizen can register his home in the name of any other person through a gift deed.

If a pensioner is kept in a boarding school and has no close relatives, and he himself is incapacitated, his property is transferred to city ownership. Transfer occurs six months after moving into a nursing home.

Funds received from pension payments and the cost of housing for older citizens are used to improve their living conditions (providing decent food, repairs, improving medical care). A person can also provide himself with greater comfort by paying an additional amount. This may include living in a single or double room, or having personal equipment (TV, refrigerator). However, it is worth understanding that even with additional amenities, the conditions of government institutions will still be less comfortable than in a private boarding house.

Cost of living in a private nursing home

According to a UN report, by 2050 the number of residents over 60 years of age in most countries of the world, including Russia, will more than double. But, as practice shows, today in our state there is a shortage of nursing homes. In total, we have about 1,600 public and private boarding houses. For comparison, in the United States their number exceeds 20 thousand.

It is much easier to place a patient in a private nursing home than in a public one. However, in such institutions a restriction is established: a person should not have infectious diseases, mental disorders, or alcohol addiction.

How to register a patient in a private nursing home? This procedure is not very difficult, in addition, these establishments have significant amount free seats. The length of stay in a boarding house can be anything from a week to several years. Often relatives place elderly loved ones in a private nursing home during repairs or their departure, if the pensioner needs constant care or is in a difficult condition after surgery. If a citizen leaves such a boarding house for a while, payment for maintenance is suspended.

You can arrange for a sick old person to stay in a boarding home for a price starting from 20 thousand rubles per month. The cost depends on additional comfort features and services for the elderly person.

What additional conditions may a private nursing home include? For example, specially equipped bathrooms. Some older people have limited mobility and find it difficult to shower on their own. Lifting mechanisms are installed in the bathroom, allowing a pensioner to lie down in the bath without any extra effort, as well as handrails and anti-slip mats. Shower cabins are complemented by a shower chair. This ensures maximum convenience and safety for senior citizens.

Most often, such boarding houses do not have full-time medical staff. To treat a sick pensioner, doctors, psychologists, teachers, and lawyers are brought in to a private institution. Some boarding schools include regular medical care in the form of doctors of various specialties. However, to provide ongoing medical care the boarding house must obtain a license. In this case, the cost of staying in the establishment will be approximately 5% higher.

Before registering a patient in a private nursing home, it is worth finding out some details in advance: food (for example, there are institutions with the possibility of individual selection of menus), location of the boarding school, landscaping of the territory, interior and size of the premises, leisure options for guests. All these nuances directly affect the cost of accommodation in a boarding house.