Any dreams mainly reflect any problems, feelings or thoughts of the sleeper. Any woman can see herself pregnant in a dream at least once in her life, regardless of status and age.

IN various dream books There are sometimes completely contradictory interpretations, so when deciphering any dream, be sure to take into account the feelings that were experienced.

What does it mean to see yourself pregnant in a dream?

IN Jewish dream book pregnancy is always the birth of something, the beginning of a new path. If a woman sees herself pregnant, this usually does not mean she is pregnant real life, most likely – new life turns and events.

If the dreamer really dreams about a baby, it is quite possible that the dream reflects this cherished wish.

Freud's dream book explains such a dream as the emergence of a new serious relationship, the discovery of oneself from the other side.

The Dream Interpretation of Meridian says that a dream about pregnancy can be a harbinger of a real pregnancy and additions to the family. When a woman’s intentions do not have such a goal, this may indicate successful business deals and monetary rewards.

If a woman is in interesting position in reality, this dream may not mean anything special.

In the dream book of the 21st century, pregnancy appears in dreams to increase the level of material well-being, stability of the financial situation, and the successful completion of started business and projects.

If you happen to see yourself pregnant in a dream, what you are dreaming about, the dream book will tell you in many variations.

In the modern dream book there are two options for interpreting pregnancy for women:

  • now is the time to implement your ideas and ideas, the result will not take long to arrive;
  • manifestation of sluggish chronic diseases.

If the sleeping person is a young person, this type of dream can predict a bright and stormy romance.

The Ukrainian dream book deciphers pregnancy as career planning and increased material well-being. The only exception is if it was dreamed of by a young unmarried girl: betrayal, betrayal and deception await her.

If you had to see yourself pregnant in a dream, why such a dream is happening, the dream book will tell you, taking into account all the details.

Dream Interpretation (interpretation): pregnancy in a dream for a woman with a belly

A dream about an interesting situation for a woman can be interpreted differently depending on the stage of pregnancy.

So, a dream in which a woman has big belly and she is about to give birth, suggests that now is the time to implement the most daring plans and ideas.

The feelings that visit the sleeping woman at this time are also important. If she is afraid and feels insecure, then in fact it is these feelings that will prevent her from achieving her goals.

In general, a dream in which the pregnancy is long has a favorable meaning. It may indicate an unexpected monetary reward.

The modern dream book gives different interpretations depending on the financial situation of the dreamer. If a girl (woman) is wealthy, a dream about a big belly portends her ruin, loss of wealth, while for a poor woman, on the contrary, the receipt of money.

Important point! A bad (as well as a good) interpretation should not always be taken on faith. Sometimes there are just dreams that don’t carry much meaning.

It is also believed that you can dream of pregnancy with a belly on the eve of a joyful event or receiving unexpected good news.

There is another, not entirely positive, interpretation of such a dream: a woman is unhappy in her marriage and has problems with children.

As an interpretation option, a big belly tells a woman about possible conception. This does not apply to those representatives of the fair sex who are trying to get pregnant in reality. Such dreams in this case are a simple reflection of daytime events and desires.

Miller's Dream Book: pregnancy and childbirth

Miller's Dream Book gives various interpretations own pregnancy and childbirth. It is enough to analyze the details of such a dream and compare it with real life.

Your birth usually portends major success in life, the beginning of a lucky streak and the resolution of many long-standing problems.

If the birth takes place in a hospital under the supervision of an obstetrician, you can expect unpleasant events in personal life. Giving birth on the floor at home means desire women bring back past relationships.

If the dreamer is young and unmarried, such dreams may warn that she is leading an overly immodest lifestyle, which could cause her reputation to suffer.

For a woman who is in an interesting situation in reality, pregnancy and childbirth from a dream foreshadow an easy birth And fast recovery after that. For the unborn child, the interpretation is also the most favorable.

Why dream of seeing yourself pregnant in a dream: Vanga’s dream book

The predictions and prophecies made by this Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer are fulfilled exactly to this day, so her dream book can be completely trusted.

For a young girl, a dream about her pregnancy is not the best. He tries to warn her against starting a new relationship, which will bring nothing but disappointment to the sleeping woman. Also, such a dream suggests that the girl is waiting for gossip and intrigue behind her back.

Note! If a woman dreams of pregnancy later and at the same time she clearly feels how the child is pushing inside, this means that she has only favorable turns of fate ahead.

If such dreams visit a woman who is far from reproductive age, this indicates that troubles and experiences will soon appear in her life that will concern only her.

A successful birth adds a positive aspect to the decoding: all troubles will quickly and without a trace go away.

As an alternative interpretation, there may be upcoming health problems and overcoming them. The gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys are at risk.

For a pregnant woman in reality, Vanga’s dream book predicts a happy birth in the near future.

Why do you dream about pregnancy: the birth of a child (boy and girl)


Women who were able to become the mother of a son in a dream are expected to career or business success. After all A male child personifies perseverance in achieving one's goals.

Miller's dream book interprets such a dream as increasing one's social status, and if the dreamer is not married, a possible marriage proposal.

A dream that ends with the birth of an heir always means improved financial well-being.

Freud pays more attention to the emotional component of life, therefore, according to his dream book, the birth of a boy foreshadows the meeting of your soulmate.

Loff’s dream book states that a woman who sees a newborn in her dream resists with all her might the possible onset of pregnancy.

When a son is born in a home environment, this means that very soon peace, comfort and prosperity will settle here.


The birth of a female child in a dream indicates that the dreamer is expecting something new, unknown. It is likely that a new period is beginning in her life.

If the girl is young, most likely after such a dream it is possible to receive unexpected news, which can dramatically change your whole life.

Often such dreams occur to those who really want a baby in real life.

This dream foreshadows a pregnant woman good health and successful birth.

The resumption of romance in a relationship symbolizes the birth of a daughter in a dream for an adult woman who has already taken place in life.

If a daughter was born at home, this predicts the beginning of a white streak in life. A a girl who looks like a sleeping woman symbolizes great happiness, success in professional field, good health and good luck in everything.

Why do you dream about someone else’s pregnancy (another person’s)

It is not always possible to see your pregnancy in a dream; often a familiar or unfamiliar woman can act as a future mother. Such dreams also have their own interpretation.

If you happen to see someone other than yourself as a pregnant woman, in order to find out why you are dreaming, the dream book requires you to remember who was pregnant.

Seeing a pregnant woman you don't know in a dream

When a beautiful, well-groomed, pregnant, unfamiliar woman appears in a dream, this portends an unexpected profit, although you will have to make a lot of effort.

If a stranger is ugly and unpleasant to look at, this means worries and troubles.

When deciphering such a dream, it plays a role emotional condition a woman who met in a dream.

If a pregnant woman cries, swears or is nervous, the sleeping woman is expected financial losses; if he is happy and laughing, the opportunity to climb the career ladder will soon arise.

Seeing a pregnant woman (girl) you know in a dream

This dream can mean various events, the interpretation must be made taking into account small details from the dream and the facts of real life.

If in a dream you met a friend who is expecting a child in reality, this does not mean anything, but simply reflects current events. Meeting an old acquaintance in this position, whom you have not seen for a long time, symbolizes an unexpected meeting and renewal of friendship.

An unfamiliar pregnant woman promises unexpected material profit or a long-planned major acquisition.

Prophetic dreams are most often remembered very clearly. While empty, meaning nothing, they are often unclear and confused.

For pregnant women, such dreams mean an easy and painless birth.

Why do you dream about your friend’s pregnancy?

The pregnancy of a beloved friend is basically good sign.

But some dream books also give negative interpretations:

  • slight malaise;
  • loss of a small share of capital invested in any project;
  • active actions of ill-wishers and envious people;
  • a quarrel with this friend from the dream is possible.

What good does a friend in an interesting position in a dream bring:

  • marriage in the very near future, moving;
  • complete and rapid recovery (if the woman is sick);
  • making easy profits;
  • implementing creative projects or starting your own business.

If a friend is pregnant in real life, then such a dream means an easy birth for her.

Why do you dream about your mother’s pregnancy?

One of the most common decodings is that everything that was conceived and planned will be fulfilled. Also, a dream about a pregnant mother can predict the appearance of a rich patron in the daughter’s life in the family or at work.

Most often, a mother in an interesting position in a dream promises a solution to material issues. It's about about unexpected income: winnings, inheritance, gift.

Carefully! If the dream itself was anxious and restless, its meaning changes to the exact opposite.

When a mother gives birth in a dream, it means difficulties on the way. If the sleeping woman herself gives birth, you can be sure: very soon she will meet a good, reliable person who can become a reliable life partner.

Why does a mother dream about her daughter’s pregnancy?

The meaning of a dream about your daughter’s pregnancy is generally positive. Joyful events and good news await the whole family. This dream is a hint that the daughter has chosen (or will choose) a decent person as her companion.

Moreover The duration of the interesting position also matters:

  • early - the daughter will soon become pregnant in reality;
  • late - no grandchildren are expected yet.

A dream takes on a negative connotation if the mother is unpleasantly surprised or dissatisfied with her daughter’s situation.

Seeing a pregnant woman (relative) in a dream

The closer the pregnant woman is to the dreamer in terms of relationship, the more important events they are waiting for her. Such dreams often come as a warning about possible difficulties.

If the sensations after sleep are joyful, then the difficulties will be minor and pass quickly. Unpleasant feelings indicate that the goal may be unattainable.

Why do you dream about your sister’s (brother’s or cousin’s) pregnancy?

The main meaning of a dream about a sister is: soon new prospects for making a profit will appear in life, and this can extend to the whole family.

Also it all depends on which sister you dreamed about:

  1. Pregnant Native sister brings good news for the sleeping woman.
  2. If the sister is a step-sister, this means intrusive attention from relatives.
  3. Cousin - the appearance of a certain problem that will disappear soon.
  4. If the sister is not married, in reality she will soon start a family.
  5. I dreamed of a sister who doesn’t actually exist - a most difficult test for the one who is dreaming. But if she gave birth in a dream - a difficult situation will decide by itself.
  6. Tremendous wealth awaits the woman who identifies several pregnant sisters in a dream. The number of girls indicates the sources of monetary profit.

Seeing yourself pregnant depending on your status

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the woman’s status. Next, we will consider dreams that a married or unmarried woman or girl had.

Why does a married woman dream of pregnancy (her own)

According to Vanga’s dream book for a married lady, such dreams predict the birth of twins.

Miller's dream book, on the contrary, gives a bad prognosis - the woman expects major quarrels with her husband, and divorce is possible.

Why does a lonely (unmarried) woman (girl) dream about pregnancy?

For a single or unmarried woman, such a dream does not bring anything good. This is a kind of warning that you should be more picky in your relationships.

If she continues to behave too frivolously, she may end up in a shameful situation.

In some dream books, this dream is interpreted as a possible deception on the part of a lover.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy?

For a very young person, such dreams also have a mostly negative interpretation:

  • warning about deception or betrayal;
  • reflection of fear of sexual intimacy;
  • there may be a deterioration in her health (if the girl is sick).

In principle, a dream about a pregnant virgin suggests that the dreamer wants to get something impossible.

Pregnancy in a dream, which means the gender of the child

If in a dream about pregnancy the gender of the unborn child is known, then such dreams have the following interpretation.

Why do you dream about pregnancy with a girl?

Oddly enough, such night dreams are often visited by those women who in real life do not want to get pregnant.

Many dream books pregnancy with a girl is considered as a message about conception that occurred in reality.

Felomena's dream book interprets it as receiving a gift in the very near future. Moreover, this gift will be necessary and very pleasant.

Why do you dream about being pregnant with a boy?

An unpleasant interpretation is that there is a risk of getting into a car accident.

If a woman is on this moment is actually pregnant, this dream could mean rapid labor.

Good meanings of pregnancy with a son in a dream:

  • obtaining a new, higher position or salary increase;
  • receipt of a large amount of money.

Why do you dream about being pregnant with twins?

When a truly pregnant woman had a dream of such content, it is likely that it will be prophetic. Everyone else needs to be especially careful in the near future and be more attentive to their health.

Various transcripts of this dream are offered depending on the financial condition of the sleeping person.

For the poor, this dream means an opportunity to get rich; for the wealthy, on the contrary, the risk of losing their fortune.

Why do you dream of a frozen pregnancy?

Unfortunately, such dreams do not bring anything good: if there is a pregnancy in real life, a miscarriage is possible; if a woman is not pregnant, there are major home and work troubles.

Poor sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is subject to various fears, which can be expressed through dreams. What to expect for a mother-to-be if she had a bad dream.

Why do you dream about miscarriage during pregnancy?

Whatever horrible dream, dreams of it do not necessarily mean bad events, and very rarely turn out to be prophetic.

It is quite possible that such a dream foreshadows an unexpected end to problems, liberation from what has tormented me for a long time.

U expectant mother Such terrible pictures emerge because of the logically arising fear for the life and health of the baby.

Why do you dream about bleeding during pregnancy?

Miller, one of the few interpreters, believes that bleeding for a pregnant woman is a sign of health problems or problems from ill-wishers.

Other dream books interpret such nightmares much more positively:

  • successful delivery (childbirth, in a sense, is a loss for the body);
  • birth of a healthy baby;
  • labor may begin earlier than expected, but everything will go well.

In addition, such night vision can reflect worries and fears, to one degree or another, inherent in every woman in this position.

Orgasm during sleep during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience the phenomenon of orgasm during sleep. They are often afraid of this state, and completely in vain: orgasm actually only brings benefits for the fetus and the woman herself.

This happens because hormonal changes in the body begin, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases.

At this time, the pregnant woman sleeps very restlessly, and may even wake up from strong sensations.

Interesting! Pregnant women can experience orgasm in a dream not only during traditional sex with their husband, but also from the caresses and touches of complete strangers (perhaps even their own gender).

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy Test

You may often dream about a pregnancy test. Such dreams are interpreted depending on the woman’s position.

Why do you dream about a positive pregnancy test?

If a woman is in an interesting position, this dream may mean for her:

If the woman is not married or pregnant:

  • disagreements with husband or friend;
  • unpleasant conversations, gossip;
  • losses and damages are possible.

I dreamed of a pregnancy test with one line

A test with one strip usually dreams of the destruction of hopes and plans. May portend losses (not only material).

For pregnant women it can symbolize possible problems during childbirth, therefore it is necessary to take this seriously.

In general, a dream about a test says that at the moment there is some kind of choice, which needs to be done, but the sleeping woman can’t decide. It is on this fateful decision that the further development of events depends.

How to find out about pregnancy in a dream

During the birth of a new life, a woman’s hormonal levels change, which also affects the content of dreams.

Therefore, those representatives of the fair sex who are attentive to their dreams often find out about their interesting situation long before the first results on the test. Moreover, for each of them these can be completely different plots.

What dreams portend pregnancy

Fish - dreams of pregnancy

Of all the dreams that portend pregnancy, dreams about fish and its species occupy a leading position. True, the fish in such a dream must be alive or fresh (if the dreamer eats it).

What do you dream about pregnancy, besides fish?

From possible options dream predictions about pregnancy are distinguished:

  1. Simple clean clear water– calm blue sea, beautiful aquarium, lake.
  2. Stork or swans.
  3. Butterflies (especially if you catch them).
  4. Mushroom picking.
  5. Swimming in clean water, swimming in the sea or lake.
  6. Cabbage.
  7. Lotus flower.
  8. Cornflowers (flowers).
  9. Pearl.

A woman’s pregnancy is a wonderful state both in dreams and in reality. It must be remembered that a dream is just a reflection of our daily emotions, sometimes a warning. But you still shouldn’t take interpretations too seriously.

From this video you will learn why you see yourself pregnant in a dream, why you have such a dream and what dream books say.

This video is an interpretation of a dream about a girl's pregnancy.

Dream interpretation about pregnancy

People dream different dreams. They can be pleasant, scary, incomprehensible or completely unexpected. It is believed that in dreams we experience some moments from real life. Sometimes a vision can turn out to be prophetic, for example, you saw a friend in a dream whom you had not seen for a long time, and he suddenly makes himself known.

And it also happens that it is almost impossible to explain the situation that you dreamed of. For example, you can find out about pregnancy in a dream. What could this vision mean? One thing is clear: it will not leave you indifferent and will make you look for answers.

Pregnancy in a dream

Good news from the night's dreams

Dream interpreters consider pregnancy in a dream not only from the perspective of the symbol itself. They also pay attention to the dreamer’s general state during sleep, his emotions and feelings.

Interpretation of dream books

The first step is to figure out who is having such a dream, a man or a woman. Are you currently pregnant in reality, or are you trying to have a baby? Perhaps this situation is seen by a woman who, a priori, cannot have children due to her age.

Autumn dream book

This online interpreter considers such a vision as a harbinger of good news. It is believed that when a woman who has been trying to get pregnant for a long time has such dreams, she will eventually find out about her situation.

Summer dream book

Find out in a dream about the situation of another woman

Who was waiting for the baby to appear in your night vision? Finding out that you will soon have a baby means that material wealth awaits you. If in a dream you found out about another woman’s pregnancy, then grief will soon occur in the family of the person who saw a similar plot. Your married life will be miserable.

Winter dream book

For those people born in the winter months, the dream of pregnancy is viewed more negatively. It is believed that when in a dream you even learn about such news, or think that you are carrying a child under your heart, then you have health problems.

Another woman carrying a child under her heart dreams of prosperity and material well-being.

When a man or woman finds out in a dream that their daughter is pregnant, a quarrel with a loved one awaits them.

Ukrainian interpreter

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream - expect trouble. When in night vision a person is pregnant, it means he has certain plans. They are quite bold, and to implement them he will need a lot of strength and skills.

If women dream of a vision, then the dream book draws attention to the dreamer’s age:

Your own interesting position in a dream

  • a very young dreamer - she may soon be cruelly deceived;
  • a mature woman knows joy;
  • For an elderly lady, the vision promises a quick death.

Exactly the same prediction can be found in the interpreter of Simon the Canaanite.

Esoteric dream book

One's pregnancy in a dream is always seen as a loss. When you find out that another girl is expecting a child, you have to help someone out with a fairly large sum of money.

Interpreter of the medium Hasse

When in a dream you find out that you are carrying a child under your heart, then you will begin a rather interesting and complex business. If you saw another person pregnant or found out about it, then you will be haunted by troubles.

A young girl in a dream is expecting a child

Modern interpreter

Pregnancy in a dream promises happiness for a young girl. When an older married woman dreams of something like this, she may unexpectedly learn about her illness.

Seeing someone pregnant means profit.

In general, the interpreter believes that when you know for sure that you are expecting a child, now is the best time best time to realize your idea. If you approach the matter responsibly, you will definitely get a good result.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

Finding out in a dream that you are expecting a child means your married life will be full of troubles. Miller even believed that such a dream could indicate that the dreamer’s children would be ugly.

If a girl sees this and has not yet entered into an intimate relationship with a man, then shame awaits her. The dreamer will find herself in an unpleasant situation.

When in reality a pregnant woman learns about her situation in a dream, such a dream is considered positive. This means that she successfully carries the child, the birth will be easy and successful. In this case, the woman in labor will quickly regain her strength and return to her previous life.

The meaning of sleep for a mature woman

Lunar interpreter

If you listen this dream book, finding out about pregnancy for a girl means a quick deception. When a woman sees such a dream, unexpected joy awaits her. The prediction says that she will be successful.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

This dream book also considers pregnancy in a dream for a girl as a deception, and for a woman as a sign of imminent joy. In addition, he talks about what a man might dream about being pregnant. It is believed that the dreamer may soon get sick. He is also in danger; it can await him at any step.

In general, seeing a pregnant woman means troubles of various kinds.

Dream book of the 21st century

A man dreams of a pregnant woman

When a man sees a pregnant woman in a dream, quick changes await him. He can finally achieve material well-being. True, if a lady gives birth in a dream, then the dreamer will face difficulties and troubles.

If you lie next to a pregnant woman, you will be busy with pleasant thoughts, hoping for the best.

Find out that you are carrying a child - you will be able to realize your ideas. You will achieve material well-being.

It is better when a married woman finds out about pregnancy. This means that family happiness, prosperity in the home, and other joys will await her. For girls, such a dream is less pleasant; it warns of deception.

Interpreter Meneghetti

Any dream in which there is an image of bearing a child is viewed negatively by the interpreter. It is believed that in a dream you are given the understanding that you are being influenced quite strongly. You are being influenced from the outside, and the sooner you find the source of this influence, the better it will be for you.

Among other things, night vision can signal the presence of a disease in the dreamer’s body.

Female interpreter

Interpretation of sleep for a pregnant woman

If a woman finds out about her pregnancy in a dream, then soon in reality she will actually find out about it. For a pregnant lady in reality, the dream promises a healthy baby and an easy birth.

This symbol from a psychological point of view

Those dreamers who prefer to consider their night visions from a psychological point of view often turn to the interpreter of Sigmund Freud for help. The latter is inclined to consider any symbol from a dream with sexual overtones.

This time Freud uses simpler explanations. If a woman finds out in a dream that she is expecting a child, then in reality she would like to have children. When a man has such a dream, his subconscious gives him unambiguous signals that he is ready to become a father; the sleeper should start looking for a life partner and arranging his home.

For a woman to become pregnant in a dream means that she will connect her life with a partner who will be able to give her much more than all previous men.

Find out in a dream about someone’s interesting situation

For men, a dream can predict various kinds of troubles, obstacles to life path. The women who surround the dreamer will only cause him trouble. Perhaps you should change your social circle?

What feelings did you have

It is believed that hearing about pregnancy in a dream means quick changes in the life of the sleeping person. You may unexpectedly receive news that will greatly surprise you. Interpreters agree that the dreamer will even be able to predict what the news will be like and what changes to expect. In order to figure out what the future has in store for you, it’s worth remembering your reaction in a dream.

  • Finding out about pregnancy without much emotion means the dreamer will encounter difficulties in real life, but will be able to cope with them without much difficulty. Such a dream may be a prediction that the sleeping person is close to his dream.
  • You heard the news and experienced negative feelings, fear, anger, irritation - you will find yourself in stressful situation. To get out of it, you'll have to think outside the box. Perhaps, as a result of troubles, the dreamer will see a new goal.
  • To rejoice at the news - the dreamer begins to new life. There will be changes in better side, they can relate to personal life, career, material wealth.

Dream books treat news of pregnancy in a dream very well for business people who have their own business. The dreamer will be able to conclude a profitable deal, set up production, and release it to the market new product. In any case, his business will go uphill.

In his night dreams, a man carries a child

Unpleasant news, unrealistic situation

A woman may dream a strange dream, in which she learns that her husband or boyfriend is carrying a child under his heart. Such a vision can predict the presence of a rival. This is an insidious woman who will try to destroy your union.

A strange dream in which you temporarily took over the pregnancy of your mother, sister, friend, relative, suggests that you are very worried about the fate of this person. Maybe your friend’s pregnancy is not going well, and she told you about this trouble. Also, such dreams can occur when a person close to you has an unwanted pregnancy.

It happens that a girl who has not yet had sexual intercourse in reality can hear the news of pregnancy in a dream. Such news can cause a whole range of different feelings. Interpreters believe that such a vision does not bode well.

The girl will face dishonor; surely the guy she trusts will take advantage of her gullibility and goodwill. This message from higher powers should not be ignored.

An unwanted pregnancy promises drastic changes in the dreamer’s life. They will happen exactly when you are completely unprepared for them. It will be hard to call them positive, and they will pretty much spoil your nerves.

Ectopic pregnancy in a dream - you are spread out on several things at once. You have many ideas and plans, but even with maximum desire and diligence, you will not be able to achieve even half of them.

A false pregnancy means that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path and is mistaken in many matters. If you don’t find yourself, you will continue to wander in the dark, achieving nothing in this life.

Find out the news and decide to have an abortion? The dreamer is afraid of the future; he understands that the time has come for drastic changes, but cannot decide to make them. Such dreams can also indicate financial troubles. It is possible that the dreamer is not able to provide for himself and is on the verge.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Miller's Dream Book

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Freud's Dream Book

If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming. For a man, dreaming of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child with his partner.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Being pregnant means making bold plans; see - meet troubles.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Family dream book

For a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream means a quarrel with her husband.

If she is really pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful birth and a quick restoration of strength.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing yourself pregnant means unexpected profits; new thing. Bearing a child means material profit and prosperity.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Spring dream book

Seeing a pregnant mother in a dream means a desperate situation.

Seeing yourself pregnant is a sign of health problems.

Seeing someone else's woman pregnant is a sign of prosperity.

Seeing your daughter pregnant means a quarrel

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Autumn dream book

Pregnancy - sometimes this dream symbolizes a long-awaited pregnancy.

Seeing a pregnant mother in a dream means illness or death of the mother.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Feeling yourself pregnant in a dream or seeing yourself from the outside means discord with your husband and alienation in your relationship with your children. For a girl, such a dream does not portend anything but trouble.

If you are actually pregnant, the dream foretells a successful birth, healthy child and quick recovery.

Seeing someone else pregnant means trouble if this person is unfamiliar to you, but if you know him, you can make the most daring plans, you are valued, loved and respected.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Being pregnant means making bold plans; to see a pregnant woman - to encounter troubles; for a young woman - happiness in love; For elderly woman- death.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Esoteric dream book

Pregnancy means losses.

Seeing pregnancy means lending.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Pregnancy - in real life this event will happen soon.

If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant, such a dream will serve as a prognosis for her successful delivery of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.

For a man, dreaming of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his beloved.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Azar's Dream Book

Pregnancy is a concern, encountering troubles.

Having a pregnancy means making bold plans.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Pregnancy is a deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Modern dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream while pregnant: for the poor - foretells wealth, for the rich - ruin; married man- a sign that he will lose his wife; to a single person - that he will have a wife; for a girl such a dream is deception, shame; for a woman - pride, joy; for an elderly woman - death.

Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberation from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of unexpected profit.

The birth of a son is a quick profit; daughters - new events on the path to happiness.

If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is actually pregnant, this dream means a successful birth for her.

If a man sees his wife or mistress pregnant in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

Pregnancy is happiness in love for a girl, a disease for an older woman.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Eastern dream book

Seeing yourself or someone else pregnant means profit and prosperity.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

for a young woman happiness in love; the old one will soon die.

Dreams about pregnancy are extremely popular, and unlike in real life, men can also be pregnant in dreams. The meaning of a dream about pregnancy, your own or someone else’s, can be different and depends on many factors. The personality of the person who saw such a plot usually plays a key role in the interpretation of such a dream.

Before looking in the dream book what it means in a dream, it is very important to think and answer a number of questions. These answers will help give a correct explanation of the true meaning of the dream.

  • Who is in an “interesting position”, you or someone else?
  • If you yourself are pregnant, is it good or bad for you personally in real life?
  • What emotions does such a dream evoke in you?

What does pregnancy mean in your real life?

For the young married woman who does not yet have children and dreams of a baby - pregnancy is a great joy, a bright dream and a passionate desire. The dream may simply reflect her real hopes and aspirations, or it may suggest that something has changed in her body and she should listen to herself.

Here’s how a young woman talks about it: “My husband and I dreamed of having a baby for two years, but nothing worked out for us. I decided to continue my education and began preparing to enter university. I was so tired of preparing for the exam that I fell asleep in my chair. I dreamed about my late grandmother. She entered the room and began to swear (and she was quite grumpy): why are you sitting around, covered in books, but don’t even think about the child, it would be better if you packed your bag for the maternity hospital! I look, and my stomach is just huge! I myself am wearing my mother’s green robe and it barely fits me!

When I woke up, I had such a bright feeling! And I suddenly thought that this was probably true, I had such inner confidence that I would really give birth to a child soon. Surprisingly, before giving birth I had a very big belly, I wore my mother’s spacious green robe at home.”

For a young girl in real life, an unplanned pregnancy can mean the collapse of all plans and become a real disaster. If, moreover, in her cultural environment they look at the pregnancy of an unmarried woman as a completely unacceptable thing, a shame for the whole family, then such a dream is frightening. Such dreams reflect fear of troubles, real or imagined; sometimes they are intrusive and may indicate internal tension caused by negative influence those around you or your own frivolous actions.

If a girl with early years they suggest that by becoming pregnant, she will erase herself from life and deprive herself of a future, then what, other than fear, can cause such a dream? But fear, fear of some kind of trouble can cause such a vision in a dream!

Women have more mature age For those who have children, dreams about pregnancy are usually associated with physiological discomfort caused by overeating or the desire to go to the toilet. Such visions do not cause strong feelings and are often not remembered.

For older women, such a dream may be a warning about illness. internal organs. The desire to become a mother and nurse grandchildren can be expressed in night dreams about one’s own pregnancy.

Emotional reaction to pregnancy in a dream

Often it is not the plot of the dream itself, but your reaction to it that is decisive in interpretation. What feelings did you experience in your dream? What are they like when you wake up? Was the emotional reaction the same during the dream and after waking up?

Sometimes such a dream helps to understand deeply hidden internal problems and find ways to solve them. A famous psychologist gives the following example: “A woman came to me. She has been married for about 10 years, dreams of a child, but her husband does not want children. Her life has reached a dead end, she cannot find herself, cannot make a choice - to stay with her beloved husband and suffer endlessly, or to break up with him and try to find happiness with someone else by giving birth to his baby. The woman said that she often dreams that she is pregnant, but such a dream always causes her anxiety. This prompted the psychologist to look at the problem from a different angle. Later it turned out that in this case the aspirations of both husband and wife coincide, they are not ready to give up their usual way of life, they are not ready to let a third person into their lives - little man. Stress is caused by pressure from their environment, stereotypes imposed from outside about the inferiority of a woman if she has not become a mother.”

Just like a plot in which she suddenly sees herself in the middle of a crowd, feels shame, understands that her reputation is destroyed and it is impossible to fix it, so pregnancy in a dream can reflect a psychological state when a person understands that everything has changed in life, there is no return to the old , but the unknown causes concern.

Pregnancy as creativity

"At its core, a pregnancy dream is a dream about creativity," says Ellie Mead, a dream analyst at the Jung Institute in Los Angeles. “If you are visited by visions of pregnancy in your sleep, you are probably craving for creativity, able to come up with new and exciting creative project. It can range from a small home remodeling project to a large-scale artwork."

“Often people who have renounced the goals and desires of their youth, choosing the generally accepted safe and prosperous path in life, dream about pregnancy. Both women and men,” notes E. Mead. “Such dreams are often repeated until they find a way to return to their calling, to the aspirations of their youth. If such visions haunt you, think about what you have already brought into the world and should develop there? What have you given up in search of peace and prosperity?

Symbolic meaning of pregnancy in a dream

Pregnancy as a symbol of fertility. This dream is universal and is not limited by culture or ethnicity. Flower buds or plant seeds, pregnant women and animals are a symbol of fertility, wealth, and prosperity.

Pregnancy as a symbol of power. Becoming a mother is one of the most socially accepted ways for a woman to gain power. In some cultures it is the only one. If a man sees such a dream, then it may mean his desire to gain power, to get rid of dependence on his mother or another woman.

Pregnancy as a symbol of growth. Internal growth and improvement, acquisition of new knowledge and skills are sometimes reflected in dreams as an image of pregnancy. Suddenly finding yourself eight months pregnant is incredible! But many of us study and work hard, search and find ways to develop and improve ourselves, but are not always able to understand and appreciate how much we ourselves have changed, how much we have grown.

Pregnancy as a fear of the new. A dream in which a woman sees herself “in a position” and is afraid of the upcoming birth may mean fear of new responsibilities, fear of responsibility. Certain changes in relationships with a partner, career growth or other important changes can cause self-doubt and fear of failure. Perhaps you feel that you are being tested at the moment, are you worried whether you are ready for these changes?

Why do you dream about another person’s pregnancy?

Sometimes these dreams can be prophetic, and the woman you dreamed about actually turns out to be pregnant. Usually, however, it is a sign that something is left inside, unexpressed or undone. Something that this person once cared deeply about comes to the surface on an emotional or physical level. Maybe your friend is asking you to help her express herself in this way?

A friend's pregnancy - a dream indicates that your friend is very susceptible to other people's influence. She is under a lot of pressure from public opinion and the opinions of her parents. Also, seeing a friend pregnant may mean that you and she are “hatching” some joint plans, ideas that are destined to come true. If she is really pregnant, then such a dream foreshadows an easy birth for her. If not, then she may find herself in an unpleasant situation and feel very awkward. Try to warn her or help her.

What do dream books say about pregnancy?

In all ancient and modern dream books interpretations of dreams about pregnancy are given, which indicates how common this is the plot of night visions.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn:

  • You are ready to give life to a new idea, a new feeling, a new emotion.
  • New creative project. Moving in a new direction.
  • It may mean your desire to become pregnant or the fact that you are pregnant.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina:

  • For a man to see a pregnant woman - changes in the family.
  • For a woman giving birth - great difficulties in completing the task.
  • Lying down with a pregnant woman is a pleasant change.
  • Seeing the afterbirth means conquering an ardent woman.
  • For a man to see himself pregnant - to carry within himself a courageous plan / a very strong desire to experience / the beginning of a new period in life.
  • For a woman to see herself pregnant - fear of pregnancy or desire to become pregnant.
  • For a girl to see herself pregnant - .
  • The old woman is in danger of life.
  • For a woman to see another pregnant woman - success in the household, increased income.
  • Giving birth in a dream is something bad; love happiness will deceive.
  • Feeling labor pains is life-threatening.

New family dream book:

  • For a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream means a quarrel with her husband.
  • If she is really pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful birth and a quick restoration of strength.

What does Pregnancy mean? says Eastern women's dream book:

  • Such a dream is good only for pregnant women - it promises them a successful birth. For the rest, such a dream promises a lot of worries, inconveniences and troubles.
  • Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that the things you are starting will soon burden you, and they will be of little use.
  • Meeting a pregnant woman in a dream, if this meeting did not please you, is a sign that you are going to participate in some difficult and troublesome undertaking.
  • At the same time, a dream in which a woman is relieved of her burden is a sign of the imminent end of problems and changes for the better.

Miller's Dream Book

  • For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be unattractive.
  • For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune.
  • If the sleeping woman is really pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prognosis for her successful delivery of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.

Dream Interpretation of Yu.Longo

  • If a man dreams that his wife is pregnant, this is a good sign. Your new idea is not only not hopeless, as you think, but very, very fruitful, and if you put in some effort, success and profit are guaranteed. One note: if your wife is actually pregnant, your dream may not have a symbolic meaning.
  • If a woman had such a dream, she will have an addition to her family.
  • And to a young girl who dreamed that she was pregnant, the dream hints that she had been staying too long “with the girls,” her waking up maternal instinct suggests that it’s time to implement it.

Loff's Dream Book

Anyone can dream about pregnancy. In general it represents wealth, creativity or puberty. However, there are situations when individual dreams require a special approach.

  • For a young woman who would like to get pregnant, but not soon, such a dream informs her about her growing up, transition to new goals and aspirations.
  • For sexually active women who do not plan to become pregnant, this state in a dream serves as a natural accompaniment menstrual cycle. A dream can cause anxiety in the spirit of “what if”, which requires analysis and careful analysis.
  • If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, then this only serves as a reflection of personal life anxieties: at present, his ability to procreate and his masculinity are subject to doubts. In most cases, they are tormented by representatives of the stronger half of humanity, who seem to be not as active in this role as they would like.

In conclusion, it should be said: a dream about pregnancy is rather a dream about something new, about creativity, about new ideas. How to analyze such a dream? Think about your plans and thoughts and ask yourself questions:

  • Are you going to start new stage your life, change jobs, do something differently?
  • Do you have an idea, but aren't ready to voice it yet?
  • Are you planning any lifestyle changes or changes appearance?
  • Are you pregnant or already thinking about having a baby?