Beautiful and intact dishes in night dreams symbolize home comfort and strong family relationships. Based on this interpretation, most people believe that breaking dishes in a dream is bad sign, predicting quarrels, losses and other troubles for a person. However, dream books do not always interpret dreams in which they had to break dishes in a negative light. In some cases, broken plates and glasses can foreshadow joyful events for the sleeper.

To understand what events breaking dishes can predict for a person, you need to familiarize yourself with the interpretations of this dream presented in various dream books. Miller is sure that a night vision in which the sleeping person picked up the dishes, but accidentally dropped them and broke them, predicts a short period of luck for him. If a person needs to decide any important issues, it is best to do this in the coming days, while luck is on his side.

If you believe Esoteric dream book, then breaking dishes should be considered a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble for the dreamer due to his excessive temper. Unable to control his emotions, he risks ruining an important matter on which his career and material wealth depend. To avoid problems, in a difficult situation it is best to refrain from expressing your opinion and remain silent.

In a dream, a man deliberately smashed plates, deriving pleasure from the sight of them flying apart. different sides fragments? The compilers of the Modern Dream Book are convinced that such a dream plot indicates that the dreamer is overly complex. Being overly shy by nature, he suffers from isolation and lack of confidence in own strength. These shortcomings do not allow him to enjoy life and achieve career growth. If he does not engage in self-improvement, he will never be destined to reach the heights of life.

What if you dream about breaking dishes?

Breaking dishes in a dream means losing a close friend. This interpretation is presented in Miss Hasse’s dream book. Loss can be understood in different ways. She can become like sudden death a friend, or a major quarrel with him, which will entail the complete cessation of any relationship.

According to Loff's dream book, accidentally breaking cheap glassware in your night dreams is a sign of trouble that arose due to the dreamer's carelessness. If the dreamer dreamed of how he deliberately pounded expensive plates, cups or glasses on the floor or walls, then the dream should be considered as good sign, promising happy changes in life. It is likely that the dreamer will meet his soulmate, open a new business, or find his dream job.

When interpreting night dreams with broken dishes, it is necessary to pay attention to the personality of the sleeper. If he turns out to be a person who will soon get married, then he family life will be filled with happiness, love and mutual understanding. The breaking of plates was accompanied by a loud clink of glass? In this case, a person does not have to worry about the future celebration: the wedding will be fun and will leave only good memories for the guests and newlyweds. But if a married man dreams of breaking dishes, then the meaning of the dream for him will be completely different. Dream Interpretations claim that such a plot predicts quarrels and scandals with his other half, which could lead to divorce. In order not to escalate the situation to the limit, the dreamer should avoid disputes and conflicts in the family, and also learn to respect the point of view of a loved one. It is quite possible that his opinion is not as wrong as it seems at first glance.

If in night vision a person, in addition to dishes, destroyed everything that came in his way, then in reality he will find himself in an unpleasant situation that will deprive him of peace for a long time. The more objects are broken in a dream, the more serious the problem awaits the person.

What does breaking dishes portend?

A dream in which a woman argued with her husband, furiously throwing dishes that came into her hands at him, predicts a scandal for her in reality. Its cause will be the accumulated dissatisfaction of the fairer sex with her husband, which will unexpectedly spill out to her. Such outbursts of anger can destroy even the most strong family, therefore, a woman needs to learn to control her emotions and express all her dissatisfaction to her husband in a calm environment.

What else can you dream about breaking dishes in a dream? If in his night dreams a person happened to break his favorite cup or plate, then in the coming days he will have to experience a serious loss. It can be either a material value or a person whose relationship the dreamer values ​​very much. Despite the fact that the loss will be enormous, higher powers advise the sleeper not to be upset. Time will help you survive the pain of loss and feel the joy of life again.

In a night vision, a man broke a dark cast-iron cauldron? A dream with such a plot promises the onset of difficult times in the dreamer’s life, when he will need the support of friends and loved ones. The dark streak will last a long time and will completely undermine the sleeper’s faith in a happy future. But there is no need to despair, because problems and adversity cannot last forever. One day they will end, and the sun will shine again in the dreamer’s life. The same interpretation will be given to a dream in which a person dreamed of fragments of broken dishes. The more there are, the longer the streak of failures will be.

Did you dream of a plate on which a crack formed after falling? The dream warns a person about the exacerbation of chronic diseases or the occurrence of some serious illness. By consulting a doctor in time, he can avoid long illness. If a woman dreaming of a child breaks a cup in her night dreams, then in reality she will face problems with conception. For a pregnant woman, a broken cup promises problems with bearing a baby and a difficult birth.

There is no housewife who can do without dishes. Plates, saucers, cups - these elements and many others are present in any kitchen. And this is not strange, since such household items could acquire a large number of signs.

Almost all people know that dishes breaking are a great blessing. But in a dream everything is completely different. According to many dream books, broken dishes will definitely lead to discord in relationships. But do not adjust all your dreams to fit these interpretations. Do you want to know for sure what broken dishes indicate in a dream? Clarify every nuance of what happened using various dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The famous medium interprets meanings, taking into account emotional condition a person who is sleeping. Did you dream that you were breaking dishes during an argument? This will bring luck to you and strengthen your relationship with your loved one.

  • Did you break your favorite cup in a dream? Then you will soon separate from your loved one
  • Did you break your crystal glassware? A friend or comrade whom you have always tried to trust will betray you
  • Your hopes will not be justified if in a dream you see a broken cup with a cloudy liquid

Freud's Dream Book

Freud is a famous psychoanalyst. He is well versed in dreams that involve broken dishes. In his opinion, broken dishes in a dream express a malfunction in the inner world.

  • If a person dreams of fragments of a cup, then the person is constantly tormented by his conscience for having committed a crime
  • Such a dream can also symbolize problems related to intimate life.
  • Dissatisfaction with sex in reality can often be a cause of nervous tension

Miller's Dream Book

  • Did you see a beautiful but broken set in a dream? Pay attention to the short-term favorable period of time, during which success will constantly be with you: in business, love.
  • In the event that the broken dishes were dirty from the very beginning, then you do not need to get involved with those people in whom you are not at all sure.
  • Clean, washed, but broken dishes indicate a scandal in the family on domestic grounds.

Types of broken dishes in a dream:

The interpretations of dreams with broken dishes offered by dream books may differ. It all depends on what kind of utensils were broken.

  • Broken glass - disagreements with a loved one due to the incompatibility of their habits
  • A broken saucer is a quarrel between people who live in the same house.
  • A broken cup means dissatisfaction with your actions
  • Broken vase - cooling of feelings for close friends
  • Broken pan - lack of ideas in the most difficult moments

Material of broken dishes:

Broken dishes even happen in dreams different types made from a variety of materials.


  • If in a dream you dreamed once broken cups or porcelain plates, then in reality you can offend your best friend
  • Porcelain plates in a dream are clean, but broken - an unintentional offense
  • Broken dirty plate - a friend will speak very harshly in your direction, and you will insult him in response

Glass, crystal:

  • In a dream, drinking from a broken glass glass means a break in relationships due to unwillingness to compromise
  • Drinking from a crystal glass covered with small cracks - trust in your own partner

Clay, ceramics:

  • To see a lot of clay fragments in a dream means that you will soon have to forget about realizing your own ideas;
  • A dropped ceramic bowl in a dream suggests that you can cope with problems if you concentrate on the task at hand.

Metal, wood:

  • A split cast-iron frying pan in a dream means problems with money await you.
  • Broken wooden dishes - you will listen to the recommendations of professional colleagues.
  • A damaged aluminum pan is a waste after unexpected guests arrive.

Breaking dishes: a sign

The life of every person, without exception, is built on all kinds of signs. They are passed on from one generation to another generation. Signs and superstitions were invented by people themselves after various incidents happened to them.

Broken plate

Most signs indicate that a broken plate or saucer is the beginning of significant life changes. If you want to understand the nature of future changes and prepare for them, look at the moments of what happened.

  • An accidentally broken plate means that happiness in life is approaching.
  • A broken plate on purpose means that the offense will not go away, the conflict will last a very long time.
  • Broken plate in New Year's Eve- a successful year awaits you ahead, which will delight you with pleasant moments.
  • A plate broken on your birthday means a long and happy life awaits you.
  • The plate broke during the wedding celebration - in the future, the newlyweds will face a scandal due to their husband’s infidelity. To neutralize given value, the bride must step on the fragments of the broken plate with her left foot.

Broken glass, cup, glass:

  • A broken glass at a wedding entails natural changes in fate that are associated with marriage
  • A glass filled with wine is broken - the person who broke it will need to answer for the offenses committed by others
  • A groom who broke a glass at a wedding may become a drunkard in the future.

Broken kettle:

A broken kettle means the following:

  • A split appears on an empty kettle - a small upset
  • A filled kettle breaks - portends a quarrel
  • The kettle fell and broke in a hurry - profit
  • A girl who is not married breaks the kettle, staining herself with tea leaves - an imminent wedding

When does broken dishes bring happiness, and when does it do the opposite?

Dishes can break both to great happiness and to trouble and misfortune. Let's look at both options in more detail.

Broken dishes are unfortunate:

  • Appears on a cup, saucer or mug crack- this is a very bad omen. It may portend trouble.
  • Before a trip, sometimes a porcelain mug breaks - this sign indicates that it is advisable to postpone the trip, to abandon the planned trip.
  • Breaking a cup while in a sleepy state is a bad omen. As a rule, such a sign indicates the following - a very large amount of effort was spent in order to achieve empty goals.
  • Dishes filled with food broke, which was previously intact, portends misfortune. Perhaps people who are married will face widowhood.

  • A plate that is unexpectedly broken by the bride is also considered a bad omen. Such a marriage will show cracks in the future.
  • To prevent accidents from broken dishes in the house after moving, you need to collect the fragments and throw them away before lunch the next day.
  • A very bad omen- broken dishes at a funeral. If this happens, you need to immediately sweep up the fragments on a dustpan and put them in a bag. Add food from the table to the fragments. When it gets dark, you need to throw the bag away where there are no people at all. But upon returning, you should wash your hands with cool water, preferably holy water.

Broken dishes are lucky:

There are a lot of nuances that directly affect the interpretation of an event. It is difficult to list them all, but we will try to describe those that bring people luck and happiness.

  • Since ancient times, people at wedding celebrations have smashed plates and claimed that it was “lucky.” This sign suggests the following: the marriage of the young will be strong and long-term.
  • Broken dishes Previously, people scared away diseases. They believed that such a process was considered a “medicine” that helped fight seizures and fevers.

  • Broken cup on the floor means that the family will be able to experience good events very soon.
  • A plate broke on the floor- guests will come soon, good changes will happen, pleasant gifts and surprises await.
  • Broken saucer indicates that a good friend will soon come to the house.

Why can't you store broken dishes?

One hundred percent of every home has dishes that have cracks and other minor damage. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to part with your favorite mug, even if it has quite noticeable chips. And such sentimentality can be fraught with enormous troubles and danger.

  • Keeping dishes that have cracks can attract loneliness. Have you ever heard that broken cup can't it be glued? Especially this sign applies to married couples.
  • Dishes that have defects, as we wrote above, tend to scare away good luck and fortune. A plate on which a crack has been noticed attracts poverty.

Try to quickly throw away broken or chipped dishes. Throw her out of your apartment or house, so you can get rid of troubles and save your family from harm. Do this preferably at night, during the new moon.

Wrap up broken dishes into a clean piece of cotton material, take it very far away, preferably to where there is a vacant lot. Leave it there and read a special prayer.

Why do dishes break in the house?

There is an opinion - if some dishes break in your home, it means happiness and joy await the house. But does this superstition always work?

There are quite a lot of signs about why dishes break at home. After all this question may contain some nuances, for example, why the cup broke, what it means, and so on.

Often, dishes break not on purpose, not on purpose. And all because someone can sometimes be careless and ridiculous. So what signs are associated with broken dishes at home?


  • The plate broke for some kind of celebration - the imminent acquisition of wealth
  • A plate that broke on Monday - the whole week will be filled with troubles and problems
  • A plate that broke at the end of the week - next week will be difficult
  • A plate broken by a single woman means happiness

Cup, glass, glass:

  • The wife broke a cup that her husband loves very much - this means that the wife has a rival. The husband, however, sometimes doesn’t even know about it and is faithful to his beloved. However, that other woman at this time can make plans to win the heart of her married husband.
  • If a child's cup breaks, someone might put the evil eye on the baby.
  • If a glass or glass in which red wine was poured is cracked, very soon the one who broke it will want to take the blame from someone else. A broken glass of water brings success at work, profitable deals, and winning the lottery.


  • A broken vase does not mean anything bad.
  • A vase accidentally broken into small pieces means good luck in all matters for at least 5 years
  • A fallen vase that broke in its place - the family will be replenished very soon, and a lonely heart will meet its love

Other signs:

  • The dishes were broken in the bedroom - a bad omen. She says that someone in the family may have health problems;
  • Dishes broken on purpose - financial problems, waste of money;
  • The mug broke under dining table- loss of money, someone may have to lend money;
  • If a ceramic teapot breaks, guests, distant relatives will come soon, or maybe you will just meet with an old friend.

Why do dishes break at work?

It is not surprising that most often it is business people who are subject to various signs and superstitions. Perhaps the reason is that they constantly have at stake a large amount of money, huge projects, and the well-being of employees and colleagues, the number of which in many enterprises numbers in the hundreds and thousands.

It’s not for nothing that people take the sound of broken glassware as a good omen. Even earlier, when goods were transported only on ships, they were not allowed in until a bottle of champagne broke on board.

Let's look at the most common signs of broken dishes that happen in the workplace:

  • If a boss or an ordinary employee drops a glass at the workplace, breaking it into small fragments, containing water, then this person will be lucky. Any business he starts will bring him a lot of money.
  • Everyone at work loves to drink tea or coffee. If the cup will break- don't be upset. Such a small incident means the beginning of change in career growth. You need to prepare for them and not miss out on luck.

  • A glass broke- it's more a difficult situation. If someone’s present is broken, it means you need to part with the owner of this item or move away from him. Because he is not sincere and loyal.
  • A broken glass can also mean the following - in the future, the person who broke it will have a better relationship in business. You should try to use such connections to the maximum. The most important thing is that the chance you get is not lost.
  • If there was water in the broken glass, it means that the person will have good luck during the transaction or a profitable purchase of real estate.

The dishes break on their own

It happens that dishes begin to break and crack just like that, without anyone’s help. In such a situation, you need to prepare for difficult challenges. It may even happen that you will be overcome by difficulties related to money.

  • Cracks that appear on dishes tend to absorb the energy of a person and the house, plus good luck and luck. However, a person who is warned is well armed, therefore, you should not give up. Act as your heart tells you, no matter the circumstances. Fight, you will see, bad luck will leave you very soon.

  • In some situations, dishes can not only crack, but also break just like that, without human help. Many people believe that the brownie himself does this. Do you want your dishes to never break again? Appease the brownie, for example, by placing a saucer filled with milk in the corner of the kitchen. And place sweets near this saucer. In the morning, give sweets to birds or pets.
  • There is a second version of this process - the dishes break themselves, as they are considered a kind of conductor. It absorbs negative energy that accumulates in the house. And when there is a lot of such energy, the dishes begin to crack and break, thereby freeing the rooms from bad forces and all kinds of troubles.

Dishes constantly break

Have you started to notice that glasses, plates, cups and other utensils break very often in your home? We advise you to take a closer look at this fact. Here's the thing - perhaps in your home there is constantly present bad energy . Consequently, everything in your home will regularly deteriorate, that is, “work” not in your favor.

You should be attentive to signs, but not completely involve them in your life. Take care of your nerves and dishes in the house, maintain comfort and mutual understanding with your loved ones and, believe me, everything in your life will be wonderful!

Video: “Why do dishes break - signs”

Broken dishes in dreams most often have an ambiguous interpretation. The symbol indicates the end of a certain life stage and the beginning of a new, more favorable or unlucky period. When searching for the meaning of a dream and the situation seen, it is important to try to remember maximum amount details.

For example, the variety, the way in which it was broken, as well as many other nuances can play an important role. In addition, in order to understand why broken dishes are dreamed of, it is recommended to compare interpretations from several sources. Various dream books can pay attention various details sleep.

Decoding the situation

In general, the interpretation of broken dishes according to different sources differs to a slight extent. Most of them consider this sign to be an unfavorable symbol., but recommends paying attention to the nuances.

A separate interpretation of the details of the dream will allow you to find out the specific area of ​​life that will be affected by a joyful event or sad news. If the final meaning of the dream has acquired a negative connotation, then such a sign should be regarded as a warning.

What was she like?

When looking for an interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed of broken dishes, it is necessary to additionally remember the type of utensil. A broken glass or cup has different meanings.

In some cases, being able to remember what exactly was broken is in a good way eliminate the problem before it occurs. For example, if a dream foreshadows quarrels in the family, then in the near future you should try to be more restrained and not make unfounded accusations against household members.

Interpretation options depending on the type of broken dishes:

  • Broken glass indicates the likelihood of a quarrel between lovers.
  • , which contains an empty broken plate, portends short-term joy.
  • If a mug (especially a favorite one) was broken, then to the one who sees such a dream, His own actions cause inconvenience.
  • Broken pan symbolizes difficult moments in life(lack of action plan or solution idea complex issue when the problem occurs).
  • If a saucer was broken in a dream, then conflicts will arise in the family.

What were the utensils made of?

The material from which it was made plays an important role when interpreting broken dishes. In most cases, knowledge of this nuance allows you to determine the area of ​​life in which troubles await. If you can’t remember, then you need to at least approximately restore appearance utensils For example, brown dishes may be made of clay, and clear glasses may be made of glass or crystal.

Options for interpreting broken dishes depending on the material from which they are made:

  • Beats crystal or glassware- this is a bad sign. There is a risk of a quarrel with a loved one, the culprit of the conflict will be the one who is dreaming, the likelihood of reconciliation after a scandal is minimal.
  • If it was broken cast iron cookware, then an extremely difficult period may come in life (troubles affecting any area, including family, or health).
  • Crashed wooden utensils is a sign indicating the need to get advice from more experienced people (by listening to their recommendations, you can increase your income).
  • Metal or aluminum cookware, which fell and broke, indicates the likelihood of guests arriving, which will be accompanied by serious costs on your part.
  • Broken china indicates the need to control your emotions (you may offend one of your friends).

Breaking dishes, dropping them on the floor

The meaning of the actions that caused broken dishes to appear in a dream may also differ. The degree of intentionality plays an important role (whether the utensils were broken on purpose or by accident). Additionally, you need to try to remember whether the utensils were clean or dirty, as well as the fact that there were dishes in plates or bowls. Each of these nuances can change the overall interpretation of the dream.

Variants of interpretation of such actions:

  • If the dishes are accidentally dropped on the floor and they break, then there is a possibility of a short-term but stormy romance in real life.
  • Dirty dishes that fell and broke while washing them, foreshadows criticism from friends (perhaps previous grievances will make themselves felt).
  • Breaking dirty or very old dishes is a good sign(the streak of bad luck is over, there will be only joy and good luck ahead).
  • The dishes that fell on the floor were chipped, but did not break, symbolizes intrigue and deception (in the near future one should not show maximum vigilance and caution in communicating even with close people).
  • If in a dream you threw a dish at someone and it broke into pieces, then your marriage will be successful and promising.
  • Ruining dishes is not considered a good sign., especially if you managed to ruin a lot of utensils (such a dream foreshadows a meeting with your other half or a long and happy family life).
  • If the dishes were accidentally dropped and they broke, then in real life you will have enough caution and vigilance to avoid problems.
  • Breaking dishes filled with fruits, vegetables or various dishes portends rapid and promising career growth.

Special attention should be paid to your actions after the dishes have been broken. If in a dream you looked at her indifferently, then it will be difficult to cope with problems. An attempt to collect the fragments and restore the utensils is considered a good sign. Such actions give a hint. It will be possible to eliminate an opponent or solve a problem with the help of composure and self-control skills.

Broken dishes in a dream most often do not predict anything good. Most often this indicates some unpleasant changes in life. Disappointments, separations and losses - this is not a complete list of what can be expected from such a dream. Below we will tell you in more detail about why you dream of breaking dishes.

What if you dream about breaking dishes?

Despite the fact that broken dishes generally promise some kind of life difficulties, if a person deliberately breaks dishes in a dream, this is a good sign. Breaking dishes in a dream before own wedding- to a successful strong marriage.

If in a dream there was a strong deafening noise from the dishes, it means that the wedding festivities will be fun.

However, for a married person, breaking dishes in a dream will lead to just the opposite. Such a dream predicts quarrels and disagreements with your spouse. In this situation, it would be best to give in and not lead to a scandal.

Because in this situation there is a possibility of a break in the relationship, even the strongest marriage can burst at the seams. To prevent this from happening, you need to take the position of a companion and partner, and not an adversary of your loved one.

Breaking dishes in a dream by accident means missing out on your luck. To prevent this from happening, you should be very attentive to every detail in the coming days and not allow anything to go wrong. You can save your luck if you are alert.

If a person breaks dishes by accident in a dream, if he is clumsy and demolishes everything in his path, this means that unpleasant events will soon happen in his life. The more dishes are broken, the more difficult it will be for him to survive this period in his life. Things can go wrong.

Therefore, you shouldn’t become limp, you need to pull yourself together and take control of the situation, otherwise you won’t have to wait for anything good. If you do not prove to your boss your professional suitability and desire to work, you can expect dismissal.

At the same time, this can only increase the dissatisfaction of your life partner, and the likelihood of separation or divorce will increase significantly. And you shouldn’t wait for the support of friends and relatives - they may also be opposed. Everything is only in the hands of the person himself.

What does it portend?

Starting a scandal with breaking dishes in a dream can mean a major quarrel in real life. Such a dream most likely speaks of accumulated discontent and anger towards your partner, disappointment in him. However, most likely the scandal will not bring anything good.

It’s better to calm down, put everything in order in your head and express all your dissatisfaction in a conversation in a calm tone. If a person loves, he will be able to understand and support. If there is no support, then it is worth thinking about whether your loved one is really who he seems to be?

A bad sign is to break a large cast-iron cauldron in a dream, especially a deep black one. Such a dream may mean that a “dark streak” will come in life. You shouldn't expect success any time soon.

Accidentally breaking your favorite dishes in a dream is a sign that in the near future there is a possibility of losing something very expensive. This could be some material object dear to the heart, or a relationship with a loved one. The loss will be great, but there is no need to despair. Something completely new will take the place of what was lost.

Even though dreaming about broken dishes rarely has positive connotations, this does not mean that it will always have a negative meaning. First of all, it depends on the feeling of the dream. If in a dream a person enjoyed breaking dishes, it means that in life he will not be upset, no matter what happens.

Breaking dishes, even in a dream, even in reality - great sign. Modern dream books predict positive changes, a surge of feelings, getting new sensations. In this case, you need to remember what material the broken utensils were made of. Then it will be easier to determine what the fragments mean in dreams. After all, any dream can also have a negative connotation.

Interpretation of sleep in Miller's dream book

Some psychologists, including Miller, recommend paying attention to the smallest details in a dream. Especially if you dreamed that broken cups, glasses, plates were filled with food, or, on the contrary, with inedible products or insects.

To understand why you dream of breaking dishes, remember the mood with which kitchen utensils flew out of your hands onto the floor:

  • accidentally miss - to a fleeting romance;
  • deliberately throwing at someone - to a promising marriage;
  • filled with festive dishes - to prosperity, promotion;
  • empty, dirty - to get rid of troubles, a speedy recovery.

Follow your emotions

Crash someone else's crystal during a scandal in a dream, swear, or see someone close to you doing this - to quarrels based on jealousy. The dream means that your partner's patience has come to an end. Expect well-founded accusations against you and be prepared to confront the facts. Especially if you dreamed about fragments of glass glasses or porcelain cups.

Glass products symbolize the fragility of relationships. Try to maintain prudence and not break up with a loved one because of your intemperance. Dream books say: partings, long-term quarrels, mutual grievances are exactly what you dream about breaking dishes, both your own and someone else’s.

Fast healing and boost of strength

Accidentally missing a plate or breaking cups without noticing how they fall means a quick recovery. If you dreamed of broken dirty utensils, know that the period of illness will soon be far behind. Traditional dream books predict a surge of strength and a streak of success.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing clean dishes in a dream means the onset of a period of true prosperity: the time will finally come when you will be able to appreciate the favor of fate towards you.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future.

If in a dream you pick up a plate, then in reality good luck will certainly visit you; if the plates fall and break, then the time of successful events will be short.

If you dream that you are admiring your shelves with sparkling dishes, the dream foretells you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

If a young woman enters a beautiful tableware store and admires the goods, a happy marriage with a decent man awaits her.

An untidy dishware store with empty shelves promises confusion in business and loss of spirit.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Freud's Dream Book

Dishes, like a set of containers, symbolize the feminine principle, female genital organs.

Clean, sparkling dishes speak of the dreamer’s health, his (her) sexual attractiveness and good sexual shape.

Washing dishes symbolizes the desire to have children.

Dirty - symbolizes promiscuity in choosing numerous sexual partners.

Broken or broken - symbolizes the presence serious problems in the sexual sphere, possibly about a disease of the genital organs.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Empty dishes - shortcomings, grief; see - domestic dispute; metal - good conditions, or a rich marriage; broken - to lose a friend; night dishes - happiness in the house.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Family dream book

Seeing clean dishes in a dream means the onset of a period of true prosperity.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a gloomy future.

If in a dream you pick up a plate, good luck will visit you in reality.

Falling and broken plates foretell that the time of successful events will be short.

A young woman who dreams of a store with beautiful dishes awaits a happy marriage with a decent man.

An empty crockery store promises confusion in business and a loss of mental strength.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dishes symbolize everyday affairs and worries. The better she looks in your dream, the better condition your daily affairs.

Dirty dishes mean unresolved problems in your home, which can lead to a deterioration in relationships.

Miscellaneous items kitchen utensils- symbolize various affairs and problems. So, pots mean your ideas and plans for the future, and cups mean home well-being and comfort!

Why do you dream about dishes?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dishes are a household chore that will not be appreciated by your loved ones.

Enamel cookware - you've been waiting for this message for a long time.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Spring dream book

Nickel-plated bed – A nickel-plated bed dreams of a strong and good union.

Nickel-plated dishes - For a meeting with brilliant high-ranking persons, for their visit to you, or vice versa.

Nickel - Honor and respect; Nickel cookware is a big win.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Summer dream book

Nickel-plated things - Buying nickel-plated things for your household in a dream means that you will try to embellish your life.

Ceramic dishes - Seeing a lot of ceramic dishes in a dream means the collapse of your financial career.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Autumn dream book

Ceramic tableware – See in large quantities ceramic dishes, half of which are broken, means discord between spouses.

Nickel-plated things - Seeing nickel-plated things in a dream means exaggerating your capabilities.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Eating in a dream from ordinary dishes foreshadows disagreements in the family; from wooden ones - you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian; from silver ones - improve your financial conditions; from a service - you are in danger of being deceived.

Glassware - portends happiness in the house, porcelain - the loss of a friend, metal - a good relationship with superiors, enameled - you will find success in an almost hopeless business.

Empty dishes - you will have to urgently repay the debt; filled with something - you will receive a lot of money.

Dirty dishes piled high in the sink mean that you will not be able to find a common language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Washing the dishes means that you are being misled into wishful thinking.

Clean dishes represent order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken dishes are a sign of short-term happiness.

Cooking food in a dish - wait for guests to visit; washing in it - to be done spring-cleaning. Salting or pickling in a container means sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buying dishes in a dream means changes in better side. Using old dishes of different sizes, with chips, cracks, and broken handles is a sign of poverty and vegetation without permanent work and on a bird's license. Donate dishes - good views to improve wealth in the family, receive as a gift - you will not refuse a request to help out your friends.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dishes - Empty - lack and grief - see - domestic dispute - metal - good conditions or rich marriage - broken - lose a friend; lose money given on credit - nightware - happiness in the home

Nickel - Honor and respect - nickel plated dishes - big win

Why do you dream about dishes?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing dishes means petty squabbles with friends and relatives. Pay attention to the state of your nerves.

Wash - if you do not calm your nerves, you will bring yourself and others to illness and unequal breakdown.

Beat - everything will go to pieces, family, wealth, and work, if you don’t pull yourself together.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Clean dishes in a dream foreshadows the onset of a period of prosperity and peace: you will finally be able to truly appreciate the favor of your destiny.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future.

If in a dream you pick up a plate, good luck will certainly return to you.

If plates fall and break, this wonderful period will be short.

If in a dream you admire shelves with sparkling dishes, prosperity and a well-established life in the house await you.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Modern dream book

If you dream that you have a lot of clean, beautiful dishes, you will be a neat and economical owner.

Being in a china shop means: for a businessman, attentive attention to the little things in business, and as a result, big profits. For a girl, such a dream predicts that she will marry a strong and straightforward man.

A sloppy crockery store with empty crockery shelves portends losses.

A dream in which you see pewter dishes foretells that you will find yourself in difficult circumstances.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See different dishes; if it’s old or with something – good.

The new one is a nuisance.

Empty - a need for something.

Breaking dishes on purpose is fortunate.

Accidentally hit - through caution you can avoid misfortune.

Seeing shards is a favorable turn of fate.

Washing and drying dishes means harmony in love and marriage.

Buying means changes in your environment.

Seeing someone else means lying friends.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The dishes as a whole reflect the homely atmosphere, financial situation in the family and the state of relationships.

Old is a favorable sign; new or dirty - quarrels; to beat - fortunately; wash - to friendship and harmony; empty - need for something, lack; strangers - deceitful helpers.

Wooden dishes - shaky, unstable, conflicting family relationships.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Dishes - Whole - mean in a dream - to wealth and prosperity. Broken - to losses. Imagine that all your dishes are intact and new. You have a lot of it. You immediately throw away broken or cracked dishes.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Utensils for kneading dough, especially wooden ones - To wealth.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Dishes – The contents of the boiler overflow. - Foretells great wealth. Utensils and dishes made from semi-precious stones. - Talks about outside help. Copper frying pan. - Foreshadows a verbal quarrel, altercation. The iron cauldron breaks and breaks. - Foretells mourning. A frying pan or bowl breaks, breaks. - Portends trouble. Porcelain cups. - They foretell drinks and snacks. Porcelain plates. - They foretell a squabble. Spoon. - Heralds the appearance of a son or grandson. Cores, strings. - Heralds the appearance of a servant, a worker in a village house. Basin, large bowl. - Portends an increase in reserves, great happiness. You lift the basin, the bucket, and the bottom falls off. - Foretells ruin. Dutch oven, ceramic dishes. - Portends wealth and nobility. Basin for washing face, sink. - Heralds the appearance of a beautiful concubine. Basins and bowls of different sizes. - It portends the joy of communicating with family, this is how the interpreter reports the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Dishes - you see in a dream clean dishes arranged on shelves - after such a dream you can count on success in all enterprises; your business will prosper - and you along with it. You dream of dirty dishes “stacked in the sink” - a bleak future awaits you; you will knock on all the doors, but they won’t open it; it’s a shame to feel strong, but not see prospects for yourself.

It’s like you are washing dishes - your work will not be in vain. It’s as if you broke something from the dishes - little luck, little successes, little joys. In a dream you admire your dishes - in reality you are satisfied with your position, your family, your way of life; everything in your life is arranged rationally. A young woman dreams that she is buying new dishes - this woman will soon marry a decent, reliable man.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does Utensils mean in a dream - to profit, unexpected wealth. Imagine a counter with the finest china. There are very beautiful, expensive sets for every taste. You choose the one you like best and buy it. Bring it home and rinse every item. clean water, wipe with a clean towel and place it in the most visible place behind the glass in a buffet or sideboard. Admire how beautiful and rich it looks.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Ancient Russian dream book

Utensils – Seeing church utensils is a sign of great prosperity and God’s mercy.

Different dishes - Seeing different dishes, if old or with something, is good. The new one is a nuisance. A flock is a need for something. Breaking dishes on purpose is fortunate. By chance - through caution you can avoid misfortune. Seeing shards is a favorable turn of fate. Washing and drying dishes means harmony in love and marriage. Buy - change. Seeing someone else in a dream means living friends.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Home dream book

You dreamed of Utensils - well-being. Admiring the shelves with sparkling dishes means wealth in the house and a well-established life; an untidy dishware store with empty shelves - financial problems; dirty dishes - anxiety about your future.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Jewish dream book

What does Dishes mean in a dream - Remove dirty dishes from the table. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means boredom, melancholy, loss of faith; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream signifies the need to do a tedious and unpleasant task; on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means a collision with something unpleasant. For a man, a dream on Monday night means getting rid of some burdensome responsibilities; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to restore order in affairs; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night, it means liberation from fears and unfounded suspicions.

Wash the dishes. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means renewing acquaintances or doing something; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a calm life; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a tedious and tedious task. For a man, a dream on Monday night means the danger of damage; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to the news; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream means that you will be subjected to disdainful treatment.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Women's dream book

To dream about Dishes - Clean dishes in a dream foreshadows the onset of a period of prosperity and peace: finally you will be able to truly appreciate the favor of your destiny. Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future. If in a dream you pick up a plate, good luck will certainly return to you. If plates fall and break, this wonderful period will be short. If in a dream you admire shelves with sparkling dishes, prosperity and a well-established life in the house await you.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Dishes - a good sign if the dishes are not empty, but filled with something - water, food, fruit, etc. Empty dishes are shortcomings in the family. Wooden utensils mean savings. Nickel cookware is a win. Silver dishes mean a prosperous life.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a potter making dishes mean in a dream - the desire for perfection.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream book of catchphrases

Utensils – “Where’s my big spoon?” (need for satiety; satiety); “knock with spoons” - hunger, lack; “a fork (or forks) in the side” - unexpected and painful attacks, aggression; “breaking dishes” - scandal, quarrel; “on a silver platter” - it’s easy to get what you want; “the pot is boiling” - a good mind; “a teaspoon per hour” - very slowly, little. See add. knife, plate.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Utensils for kneading dough, especially wooden ones, mean wealth.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Idiomatic dream book

"Where's my big spoon?" - need for satiety, satiety; “knock with spoons” - hunger, lack; “a fork (or forks) in the side” - unexpected and painful attacks, aggression; “breaking dishes” - scandal, quarrel; “on a silver platter” - it’s easy to get what you want; “the pot is boiling” - a good mind; “a teaspoon per hour” - very slowly, little.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Breaking dishes in a dream - refuse the offer, it is not so tempting.

Arranging the dishes means unexpected guests will appear.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Online dream book

Why do you dream about dishes? This plot suggests that you are inclined to save and accumulate.

If you bought it, it means important events are just around the corner.

If you saw it dirty - a hint that your former like-minded people will leave you.

Washed it in a dream - be careful, someone is trying with all their might to start leading you by the nose.

Clean and beautiful dishes are a reflection of the fact that you live in harmony.

Broken - indicates that misfortune awaits you.

Rock crystal dishes in a dream warns of a sudden deterioration in your affairs; you may lose everything you have at one moment, so be careful and protect yourself as much as possible from various force majeure situations.

If it is also new, it promises you enrichment, grandiose purchases or an increase in the number of your relatives.

According to the dream book, dishes washed to a shine are a good sign, promising you long-awaited happiness that will replace numerous trials.

If you saw broken dishes in a dream, most likely some family troubles await you, a conflict will arise with your household, or one of them will cause you great unrest.

A dream in which you wash the dishes warns that a period of misunderstanding and mutual reproaches will begin in your family, but for those around you you will still remain an ideal couple.

If it is dirty, this is a warning that your situation may rapidly deteriorate, and the coming days are preparing nothing but disappointments for you, so try to prevent your misfortunes now.

According to the dream book, glassware promises family well-being, joy that will fill every corner of your home.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing empty or broken dishes means unpleasant events and stress associated with them; steel or wooden utensils - to good health; aluminum, copper, clay - to possible illness.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream book of symbols

Dishes - symbolize home life, guests, reception, homework(for woman), festive feast(if expensive dishes and beautiful serving).

Dishes represent well-being and family relationships.

Whether the dishes are clean or dirty - relates to the state of the female soul (later in reality).

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which a girl dreams that she enters a china shop and admires the goods - portends her happy marriage With a good man.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Clean dishes - damage.

Why do you dream about dishes?

Russian dream book

Dishes - change of residence; to wash is a material disadvantage; complete - all dreams will come true; empty - not to be what you hope for; iron - beware of edged weapons.