befana (in Italy - an old woman distributing gifts on Epiphany night)- Represents one of the masks of negativity., Images of Meneghetti

old man, old woman - The old man and the old woman are the primary symbols of wisdom and spiritual power. For many people, the role that the FATHER or MOTHER played in their lives was lost in the whirlpool of life due to DIVORCE, excessive workload or some kind of emotional dysfunction. The human psyche tends to seek a replacement for what is lost and recreate it from anything, even from itself. Often these characters personify and affirm the authenticity of some source of wisdom that was not taken into account by the psyche. Perhaps you have to solve a problem that cannot be solved due to your too CONSCIOUS worldview. Thus, more effective way The solution to the problem may be one that you characterize as outdated. The image of wisdom in the dream is trying to open your eyes to this. Do you view your heritage, the prospect of your own old age, with some fear or disdain? Do you resist accepting the wisdom offered by elders about the life choices you face? Are you in search of wisdom or do you feel a lack of it in solving life’s problems?, Loff’s Dream Book

old woman - Displeasure and anxiety await., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

a decrepit old man or woman- excellent health and profit; seeing yourself as decrepit - success in love and friendship, Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

old woman - lies and gossip., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

old man (old woman).- To disappointment in life., Dream Interpretation of Grishina

witch by description - Symbolizes the “old woman” in a woman, pointing to negative female psychology, which can also appear in the form of a red-haired woman (see. Old woman)., Images of Meneghetti

veil (person under a veil) by description - Symbolizes an ambivalent action or a person, whose meaning is determined by the context of the dream. If a person is under a veil throughout the dream, then the image is negative. When the veil is removed and the subject sees him; who is hiding under it, it is necessary to establish whose image it is - a child, an “old woman”, an animal, a friend, “death”. Behind the veil there may be an eye or just emptiness. In these cases, the image denotes mechanical or negative intentionality. In other words, such a dream may mean that we are deliberately placing our trust in a situation or people that do not actually live up to our expectations or trust. Very rarely, a sage is hidden behind a veil: in this case, the image symbolizes life in isolation from one’s own Inse., Images of Meneghetti

Madonna (Our Lady) according to description - Represents sacred female image, a stimulator of extreme sublimation and, consequently, the collapse of individual independence; symbolizes maternal negativity or the close presence of an “old woman”., Images of Meneghetti

beard as described - A dream about a beard suggests that someone will stand in your way with whom you cannot find a compromise, and the struggle for power will become so fierce that you simply do not have enough strength for it, hence losses are inevitable. If in a dream you see a man with a gray beard, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require of you in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels. See shaving his beard a man - to loss of property. Seeing a beard on your face means trouble, an unwanted meeting and a protracted illness. If someone is pulling your beard, know that if in a real situation you show unreasonable stubbornness, you will put both yourself and your family at risk. Combing and trimming your beard is a sign that the growth of your vanity will be directly proportional to the growth of your wealth, which will negatively affect your relationships with long-time friends. Stroke thick beard- suffer a significant loss. If the above can be attributed to you, how you saw yourself in a dream, all this speaks of your reluctance to make a final choice and decide on marriage. To see a man with an elegant beard that suits him - you will show insight in business, which will bring certain benefits. A man with a black beard - behind the troubles and everyday hassle, you will miss the main thing that you will regret. A man who begins to grow a beard portends a loss of fortune. Girl with a beard - you will attend a wedding. An old woman - for the funeral of a close friend’s husband. Washing your beard means deep sadness of the heart. In general, for a pregnant woman, a dream about a beard promises the birth of a son. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

decrepit by description - Seeing those who are young, healthy and flourishing in life as decrepit in a dream promises you personally long life and profit. If in a dream you see yourself as a decrepit and wrinkled old woman, in reality this portends success in love and friendship. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

trough as described - If you dream that you are sitting by a broken trough, like the old woman from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale, this is to the collapse of your aspirations., Family dream book

woman as described - Praying - Good times; pregnant woman - joy; women in men's suit- experience moments of passion; meeting of women - chagrin; kiss a woman - earn a lot of money; black-haired - gossip; with long good hair - health; talk to a stranger - make an acquaintance; a woman with a child - family happiness; old woman - squabbles; red-haired - fragile love; looking at a woman means your friends are deceiving you; laughing - great joy; under a black or white veil - death; young - you will allow even more reckless things; in general, to see a pleasant woman is to have happiness; kiss - joy to take - reasonable home life; meeting a woman in a dream means having a good day., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

Zavalinka by description - To see old women sitting on a Zavalinka in a dream - to nostalgia for village life., Dream Interpretation by Grishina

old people, old age according to the description - A dream about old people foreshadows troubles and worries that can seriously disturb your peace of mind. If you saw yourself or someone you know as old in a dream, do not be afraid to experiment in life. D. Loff wrote: “The old man and the old woman are the primary symbols of wisdom and spiritual power. For many people, the role that their father or mother played in their lives has been lost in the whirlpool of life due to divorce, excessive work pressure, or some kind of emotional dysfunction. The human psyche tends to seek a replacement for what is lost and recreate it from anything, even from itself. Often these characters personify and affirm the authenticity of some source of wisdom that was not taken into account by the psyche. You may be faced with a problem that cannot be solved due to your overly conscious worldview. Thus, a more effective way to solve the problem may be the one you characterize as outdated. The image of wisdom in a dream is trying to open your eyes to this.”, Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

Right now they are looking at dream interpretations on the website:


fishing hooks


earth on the table

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sawing a tree


poop in your pants

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buy a mirror in a dream


Husband without shoes


Husband kisses on the forehead


Roasted pig


hear the warnings of your dead mother

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kiss with someone else


Build a roof

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Walking with your loved one in winter


There are two types of old people: some are evil and harmful old men, others are sweet and sincere old men. You want to communicate with the first ones as little as possible, avoiding them when you meet. You can chat with the latter for hours without noticing the time and without thinking about problems. Why they are so different is a philosophical question that requires a long analysis of destinies and characters. We will not dwell on this. I propose to talk about why old people come to us in our dreams. Do you know, for example, why the old woman dreams? I don’t, but the dream book knows, so I’ll definitely check with it after such a dream! Are you with me? Then let's begin!

"Baba Yaga" in the modern world

I dreamed of a scary old woman in a black headscarf - a sign of a long illness. Knowing this, be sure to take preventive measures, Miller’s dream book advises, and the disease will pass by.

If you dream that an evil old woman is screaming at you and threatening you with a stick, some kind of danger threatens you, the dream book warns. Do not get involved in any dubious activities in the near future.

If you dreamed of a witch in black torn clothes sending curses at you, a series of troubles await you at work. It is likely that the best outcome will be to take a vacation.

A scary, unfamiliar old woman asking you for alms means losing money. Be vigilant, the dream book advises, you may probably be robbed.

To have a dream in which a fortune teller lays out cards, predicting your future - success and recognition in the team awaits you.

"God dandelion"

Seeing a sweet old lady in a white scarf and beautiful clothes in a dream means joy and fun with your family.

Dreaming of a kind witch collecting herbs means a quick recovery from illness for the sick, and good health for others.

I dreamed of a granny in white wedding dress– your long-forgotten plans and dreams will come true soon, Miller’s dream book prophesies.

Seeing a cheerful old woman laughing merrily in a dream means profit. Financial replenishment or the acquisition of something valuable awaits you.

Nightmares about death

I dreamed of a terrible old woman in black clothes and with a scythe - to a long and happy life, as strange as it may seem. Miller's dream book sometimes gives interpretations that are directly opposite to the symbols in a dream. This dream confirms this.

Seeing in a dream an angry gray-haired old woman throwing stones, dirt at you and wishing you death means big problems in achieving your goals.

Dreaming of a dead old woman in a coffin means bad news and news. The dream book recommends that in the coming days you do not give others any reason to suspect you of gossip and intrigue, then perhaps the bad news will not concern you.

If you dreamed that Death came to you and was choking you, this means an illness of the upper respiratory tract, the dream book warns.

Nothing is eternal under the Moon…

To dream that you are sitting at the bedside of a dying old woman or old man means getting rid of a heavy burden that has shackled you for the last few months. Perhaps you gave someone your word to remain silent about a bad deed, and now this is no longer necessary.

A sick old woman with a face covered in ulcers and ulcers is a sign that someone is trying to deceive you. But if you see yourself in the image of this old woman, then you are lying.

I dreamed that your grandmother died, who real life is still alive - she will live for many years in peace and health, but if you saw in a dream the death of an already deceased relative, you will soon be able to pay off your debts.

Help for the elderly

If you have a dream in which you help a blind old woman cross the road, you will have a pleasant walk or even a trip in the company of a person you like.

Dreams are the result of the work of our psyche, therefore dream symbols are important for understanding internal processes. Due to the fact that humans are social creatures, most often we have dreams in which we interact in some way with people.

And these people are different: young, old, evil and kind. And dreams with old people make us anxious. But if you dreamed of an old woman, this is not yet a reason for worry, since the old woman is included in the dream book as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and a transition period in our lives.

To determine for sure what the old woman is dreaming about, you should analyze the dream in detail. In addition to the details of the dream, it is important how exactly the dreamer treated her in the dream - whether the old woman frightened him or, on the contrary, he was relaxed and calm in her company. For example, an old woman who evokes a surge of antipathy in a dream usually symbolizes the fear of finishing the task with which the dreamer is busy in reality.

Old woman character

An angry and grumpy old woman in a dream is associated with a feeling of threat and uncertainty that the dreamer experiences in reality. It is better for the person who saw the dream not to get involved in any dubious enterprises now.

An evil old woman snaps at other dream characters, but is very kind and courteous to you? You can soon expect success in a difficult matter. It will end happily, and you will take the burden of responsibility off your shoulders.

Is a scary, unfamiliar old woman chasing you? Probably in reality you avoid seriousness. She, of course, won’t catch up with you, but is it worth running away? You can only build your future today, without turning a blind eye to the fact that the present will go away.

If an evil stranger in old age sent you curses and threatened you with troubles, and even wore black, most likely the dream is related to the situation at work. The fact is that black symbolizes duty, experience, rigor and secrecy, so carefully analyze the situation at work.

Very often dreams show us either what we have missed, or what we should strive for. Perhaps the dreamer has become somewhat neglectful of his duties?

A kind old lady in black is a clear harbinger of career advancement; you are doing an excellent job with your responsibilities! In general, you dream of a kind and friendly old woman as an approval of your lifestyle.

Old women you know in a dream are a valuable clue. Think about what character traits distinguish the old woman you dreamed about. It is quite possible that her bright positive features will help you resolve the problem that is troubling you.

Circumstances of the dream and the actions of the old woman

It is quite easy to determine what the old woman is dreaming of if we look at the actions that took place in the dream. The old lady's actions can serve as a hint on how to get out of difficult situations in reality, or lift the veil over the mystery of the people around you and your destiny.

Did an unfamiliar disheveled old woman in poor clothes come up to ask for alms in a dream? Most likely, the dreamer is not very careful about his spending. But a well-groomed old woman seeking help reflects the need for advice and help.

Did the old woman suddenly burst into the dream and disappear almost immediately, with virtually no effect on the “plot” of the dream? A clear sign of confusion. The dreamer in reality encountered some stunning knowledge. Well, the only way working with reality means accepting everything that happens, so just get used to it and come to terms with the incident.

Thanks to dream analysis, it is easy to understand why the old woman is dreaming of breathing her last breath. Old knowledge fades into the background - perhaps you are on a new level own life! If someone cried next to you while an unknown old woman was dying, then there is a deep meaning hidden in the dream.

The eternal cycle of life: death and birth, old and new. Don't be afraid of changes, they are inevitable, like the change of seasons. If an old woman you know died, most likely it’s time for you to get rid of the ballast that comes from the past.

An old woman at a wedding, acting as ? Unusual plot, but this also happens in dreams and even has exact interpretation: the dreamer will finally achieve the fulfillment of his desires.

Well, one of the most disturbing dream options is an old woman acting as death. Why does the old woman dream about this role? To a long and happy life! This is partly explained by the fact that the dreamer does not have time to think about death during the day, which means that his life is already full.

Partly because the dream is unambiguous, i.e. a person is not afraid of death, because it is well known that the subconscious “hides” the most powerful fears from us. If a person is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of life, his potential is not fettered by eternal thoughts about the inevitability of the end.


In general, an unfamiliar old woman symbolizes current affairs that you have been busy with for quite some time. Her character is a sign of how they will end up in the end. Actions and the situation in a dream suggest how best to act to quickly resolve issues in reality.

Some researchers believe that old people symbolize our own experience, that side of our nature that notices everything, knows everything and is always on the alert. And we dream about them when we need to get to this side of our personality, but consciousness puts a block.

Let your subconscious guide you; very often it is the one who knows the answers to all questions, since consciousness is too limited, and the area of ​​the unconscious is huge and multifaceted.

Dreams are full of a variety of images. People can visit them different ages and genders that we may or may not know. If you saw in a dream an elderly woman, especially an unfamiliar one, but you remember it, it’s better to look in the dream book to know exactly what it’s for.
Modern dream book
Dream "grandmother". A grandmother coming into your dream indicates that a family member or friend will soon become ill.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Seeing a grandmother in a dream is a sign of joy.
Psychoanalytic dream book
Why do you dream of a grandmother in a white robe with? A similar image that appears in the mind is the image of Fatima, denoting the path of service.
Freud's Dream Book
Dream of “killing your grandmother with your own hands.” (Also see) Your subconscious mind gives you a hint. There is probably someone in your circle with whom you do not want a relationship, even if you try to convince yourself that this is not the case. Take a closer look: perhaps your paths in life have already diverged, and the core that held you together that was before has disappeared.
Seeing a grandmother in a dream, according to Freud's dream book, also means that you do not need to be afraid to experiment in bed. Do not use the same techniques, even if you are a master of them: monotony is not enough.
Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • What does this dream book say? Seeing your grandmother means longevity, and if your grandmother speaks to you, then expect an inheritance.
  • But, if you look into the same dream book, someone else’s sick grandmother lying down portends death.
  • Seeing a sick grandmother in a dream always means illness. (cm. )
  • A dream about a grandmother also means anxiety and some kind of displeasure.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: grandma represents depressing chores and worries that deprive one of internal balance.
  • If you are, then get ready for noisy fun in the company, adventures that you will strive for, but which will most likely lead to disappointment. Humiliation with resentment - this is what the witch grandmother dreams about.
  • Dream interpretation: “an evil grandmother came in a dream” is a reflection of the anger accumulated inside. This is an indicator of accumulated grievances and indignation.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
Why do you dream about a dying grandmother? Painful deathbad sign. For you personally, this means a cruel person with whom you are about to meet. In general, such a dream means the appearance of a criminal who will kill many people.
someone else's grandmother can mean a variety of things. If the grandmother is some kind of important person in your dream, then it is likely that something will happen in the real world soon, for example, anxiety or even some kind of turmoil. Perhaps a politician will die and immediately after that, unrest will begin, even leading to war.
Azar's Dream Book
Why do you dream about an unfamiliar grandmother? An elderly, decrepit woman, according to this dream book, signifies illness.
Esoteric dream book
The dream "grandmother's death" signifies, on the contrary, a long life for her. If you do not know the deceased, then this dream indicates your personal philosophical reasoning and foreshadows the time when you will need to think about the meaning of existence.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Why do you dream evil grandma? Such a dream indicates deception or persecution of enemies.
  • Why do you dream about a scary grandmother? A scary, disheveled grandmother is your other self, your negative, evil part.
  • Why do you dream of a grandmother in black? As this dream book says: a grandmother in black is a kind of “angel of death.” Such a dream can tell about the circumstances of your own death, for example about the place or reason, but not about the time when it will happen.
  • Why do you dream about grandma in the house? An old woman in a hut is someone who has already died, about whom you are probably in Lately thought.
  • Dream Interpretation: an old scary woman was flying. If you see yourself in a dream flying in the form of a grandmother or any other form, then this indicates that you are thinking about death, or there is something that threatens your life.

Dream book of health
The dream “grandmother is evil” - whether it is your fault or not, it is a sign of unpleasant events that will happen to you in the future. Signifies anxiety, stress, possible evil eye. If you are sick, then this is a sign of a deterioration in your condition, especially if the pastern is bony.
Wanderer's Dream Book

  • According to this dream book, a grandmother appearing in a dream can mean different things, depending on how she looks.
  • Dream "scary grandma". As they wrote in the dream book, a terrible grandmother marks some danger that may await you or your loved ones.
  • Dream "grandmother in black". Seeing a grandmother in black in a dream means punishment or initiation into spiritual secrets.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya
Dream Interpretation: a grandmother who is not familiar to you speaks of the appearance of a friend from outside your city who will stay with you.
Dream Interpretation Menetti
“A scary old woman hugs a man” - a dream of similar content can frighten the dreamer. According to this dream book, grandma represents deep decline and predicts the end life path. The image of a grandmother is negative, indicating that vitality is being drawn from a person.
Gypsy dream book
The dream “a grandmother in rags comes through the door” - if you focus on clothes, then dreams in which you see a person in rags indicate that you are being unfair to to a loved one. The image of a grandmother foreshadows that you will have to demonstrate your knowledge to others, and the door is a solution to problems from which you need to find a way out yourself.
Grandma appears in your dream as a hint about what to expect from the people around you and from your life path. She draws your attention to the problems you and your loved ones have so that you can take the necessary measures in time.

Old people are divided into two categories - angry and harmful old people, the rest - good-natured and calm. I want to contact the first type on rare occasions, so everyone tries once again avoid a possible meeting. You can talk to the others as much as you like without noticing how time flies.

Why they differ is a question requiring philosophical investigation. We will not focus close attention on this. Let's talk about why elderly people appear to us in our night dreams. For example, can you answer why the old woman dreams? But this is unlikely, and the dream interpreter will give the answer, therefore, you need to turn to him first. Let's get started.

"Baba Yaga" in current life

I dreamed of a treacherous grandmother who was wearing a dark gray scarf - a sign of a long illness. Having learned about this, you should immediately take care of the prevention of your health, Miller’s dream book recommends, and the disease will bypass you.

If you dream that an angry grandmother scolds you, threatens you and waves her stick - a threat hangs over you, the dream book warns. You should not get involved in matters of a dubious nature in the coming days.