This symbol It’s hard to call it rare, especially if real life For the dreamer, this person was of particular importance and took a fairly active part in the development of her relationship, so the vision will be considered prophetic only in strictly defined cases.

What if you dream about your ex-boyfriend's brother?

If you listen to the opinions of authoritative interpreters secret symbols and signs, then try to understand why your brother is dreaming ex-boyfriend, is recommended only if in reality such a person does not exist at all or he played too insignificant a role in the life of the sleeping person so that without special reasons appear to her in a dream. To put it simply, the brother of an ex-boyfriend who suddenly appeared in a night vision is a serious omen of impending changes only if the girl didn’t even think about it Lately and did not attach any special significance to his person.

As for the interpretation, the lion's share in this difficult issue is the well-being of the brother he saw in a dream, as well as his physical condition. In addition, it should be taken into account that interesting fact that the brother of the ex in a dream is a kind of mirror of him in reality. This means that his behavior in night vision is more likely to reflect real feelings ex-lover dreamers.

That is, if the ex's brother young man appeared to a girl in a dream and shows all sorts of signs of attention towards her, declares his love or even tries to propose marriage, then it is quite possible that in reality her lover still harbors hope for reconciliation and renewal of relations.

However, you should not rush to conclusions and make contact, because the fact that in a dream it was not the former young man who appeared in such an image, but his brother, is not a very good symbol. The fact is that with this unusual method the stars are trying to point out to the sleeping person the deceptive essence and the double bottom of the entire current situation. And even if in the very near future the former young man begins to show some initiative, the dreamer should think three times before re-entering the same river.

The aggressive behavior of the ex-brother in a dream and his negative address to the sleeping woman should be regarded as the fact that in this family there are constantly conversations about their past relationships. Moreover, the girl to whose attention such a a strange dream, in this regard, is assigned a by no means enviable role, since she is remembered, to put it mildly, not very well, blaming her for all the troubles and misfortunes. And the only thing that can be recommended in such cases is to bypass all the relatives and friends of the ex.

What does it portend?

Sometimes the supreme forces send the image of the brother of a former young man to a sleeping woman, as a chance to correct the events of past years. Brother, twin, doppelganger - all these images symbolize, in a way, working on mistakes and it is likely that we will still talk about renewing old relationships. A dream in which the ex’s brother looked at the sleeping woman through a mirror or out the window will have a similar meaning ( new opportunity, second chance, etc.). It is quite difficult to guess what kind of message is hidden in the image seen at night, because any detail can radically change the interpretation of such a dream.

In such cases, you should not neglect your own intuition, because it is she who can sometimes speak much more eloquently than the most authoritative dream book, since it is not enough to hear the plot of a night vision, it is extremely important to see and feel it. Thus, it is the dreamer’s heart that will tell how significant the image she sees is and what information is encrypted in it.

In a dream you can see a wide variety of events, we can make new acquaintances and even relationships.

Why do you dream about your brother? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about your brother - basic interpretations

Seeing relatives in a dream means the troubles associated with them. You may have to seriously worry about their health. Try to make every effort to help them resolve all issues.

If you dreamed about your own brother, remember all the details of the dream.

This will allow you to interpret the dream in its entirety:

Where did you meet your brother;

Did you have a conversation with him?

Was your brother happy?

Did he ask you for something?

Who else did you dream about?

If you dream that your brother is calling you on the phone and is silent on the phone, such a dream means that you will learn good news, but not immediately. Perhaps you will be intrigued, and you will think for a long time what awaits you ahead. Such a dream can also mean the appearance of a new lover who will not show his feelings right away and will hide them for a long time.

If you have a dream in which you agreed to meet with your brother, but the meeting never took place. You waited for him for quite a long time, and he never came to you - such a dream may indicate that you will long time hope for the implementation of some project and you will have almost everything ready for this, but at the last moment you will understand that the most important decision on it is postponed indefinitely.

It doesn’t matter whether you rush and rush others on this issue, you will still sooner or later realize that this option was not suitable for you and will easily refuse it. Don't worry if someone makes comments to you shortly after sleep. They can be very reasonable.

Seeing your younger brother in a dream means troubles and worries about those who are weaker than you. Try not to refuse anyone who needs your help. Even if it seems to you that other people’s troubles and problems are not so significant, this is only at first glance. In fact, a person’s problems can be very significant and your help in solving them can be colossal.

A dream in which you dream of an older brother means that you will be given help, support, which has been lacking for so long. You'll get useful advice in a matter that has long required intervention and a fresh look from the outside.

Try to be grateful for every such intervention in your life. It will bring the desired result. If in a dream you went for a walk with your older brother, a serious conversation awaits you. You may even have this conversation with your boss. At first it may seem to you that there are no signs of problems in professional field. In fact, you will soon encounter misunderstandings on the part of your colleagues.

If rain fell on you while walking with your brother, such a dream means that empty troubles and empty tears await you, you will not be able to resist life situations and life pressure. Try to quickly resolve all your problems and quickly get out of a difficult situation. At the same time, remain yourself.

If you dreamed that you went for a walk with your brother and had quite a fun time, laughed a lot and talked in interesting topics– meetings and pleasant communication with unfamiliar people await you. This will be a real vacation that you can share with loved ones.

Why do you dream of having a long conversation with your brother? Such a dream speaks of your need to express your feelings and emotions. Try to take into account the interests of loved ones, do not defend only your position. Take the side of your loved ones. Be true to them.

It is important to remember everything that your brother told you about. Perhaps he pushed you to take some action, insisted on some decision of yours. Try to remember all the details and listen to your brother's advice. They can be really important now. These may be the words that will help solve many of your problems.

If you dreamed that your brother died, in reality you will be able to resolve those problems that previously seemed unsolvable to you. Now you will be free from obligations and will be able to live the way you want. Try to understand exactly what emotions the death of your brother in your dream aroused in you. If it is fear, you are still afraid of change.

Perhaps everything new causes you to panic and fear. Don’t depend so much on your inner state, be more trusting of life. If the death of your brother in a dream makes you feel relieved, you will soon throw off the burden of past events and experiences. You will finally be filled with the energy of new discoveries and endeavors.

If you dream that your brother gave you a gift, in reality you will be faced with empty troubles and worries that could have been avoided if you had delved more deeply into the essence of the issue. Try not to waste your emotions on empty promises. Be dedicated to your work, otherwise minor troubles will consume you and force you to say goodbye to what you have long planned.

Giving a gift to your brother in a dream means wanting to improve relations with that person with whom they could have been damaged long ago. Now you will have real opportunity restore not only relationships, but also trust. Dare, do not stop on the way to achieving your goal.

Why do you dream about your brother according to Freud’s dream book?

If a lonely girl dreams of her brother, she needs protection and love. In a dream, she saw the image of a loved one who could give her love. If a lonely girl in reality does not have a brother, but in a dream she sees his image, it’s time for her to think about whether she is immersed in dreams, whether she is building illusions about her personal life, perhaps she is in the clouds and cannot return to reality. and realize your loneliness.

If a girl kisses her brother in a dream, she wants to give love to loved ones. A dream in which a girl sees off her brother and says goodbye to him may indicate that she wants to say goodbye to her man and find someone who will become spiritually close to her.

If a man dreams about his brother, such a dream will mean that he lacks confidence in himself and in relationships. If a man hugs his brother in a dream, he is worried about his personal life, that he cannot change anything in it. But it is important not to worry, but to take actions that will change the situation.

If a pregnant girl dreams of her brother, she is worrying about her health in vain, she should take care of herself, then problems will not arise in life. difficult situations, she will simply enjoy her pregnancy and will not worry about the future.

Why do you dream about a brother according to the Esoteric dream book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that a girl dreams of her brother as a symbol of the opportunity to quickly solve her problems. A sick brother is dreamed of when a girl faces problems and troubles in the future. They can be associated not only with relationships with loved ones, but also with employees and superiors. Problems can be protracted if in a dream a girl sees her brother being sick for a long time and painfully.

If a girl is caring for her sick brother in a dream, someone else’s problems and troubles will become her problems. She decides to help to a loved one or a friend and immerse yourself in everyday routine. This situation can lead to problems in the girl’s personal life and problems in the financial sphere.

Why do you dream about your brother according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that a brother dreams when the dreamer lacks support and love. Such a dream may indicate his desire to receive support and advice from an authoritative person. If in a dream your brother refuses to communicate with you, you will face troubles and quarrels with your relatives; you will often be offended by them, not receiving proper support and proper understanding.

After such a dream, you should understand that your loved ones should not understand you perfectly and should not instantly solve your problems. In any case, you can ask them for help, and they will lend their shoulder to you.

In Aesop's dream book it is said why one dreams about one’s brother. Such a dream may indicate your close connection with your loved ones. You can really hope for your brother's help if in a dream he hugs you and holds you close. Such a dream could also mean that you will soon meet him. If in real life you don’t have a brother, but you dream about him, it means you simply need approval and recognition. Perhaps you need a mentor who can tell you how best to act in a given situation.

This symbol can hardly be called rare, especially if in the dreamer’s real life this person had a special meaning and took a fairly active part in the development of her relationships, so the vision will be considered prophetic only in strictly defined cases.

What if you dream about your ex-boyfriend's brother?

If you listen to the opinions of authoritative interpreters of secret symbols and signs, then trying to understand why the ex-boyfriend’s brother dreams is recommended only if in reality such a person does not exist at all or he played too insignificant a role in the life of the sleeping person so that without special reasons to appear to her attention in a dream. To put it simply, the brother of an ex-boyfriend who suddenly appeared in a night vision is a serious omen of impending changes only if the girl has not even thought about him lately and has not attached any special importance to his person.

As for the interpretation, the lion's share in this difficult issue is the well-being of the brother he saw in a dream, as well as his physical condition. In addition, one should take into account the interesting fact that the brother of an ex in a dream is a kind of mirror of him in reality. This means that his behavior in night vision is more likely to reflect the real feelings of the dreamer’s former lover.

That is, if the brother of a former young man appeared to a girl in a dream and shows all sorts of signs of attention towards her, declares his love or even tries to propose marriage, then it is quite possible that in reality her lover still harbors hope for reconciliation and renewal of relations.

However, you should not rush to conclusions and make contact, because the fact that in a dream it was not the former young man who appeared in such an image, but his brother, is not a very good symbol. The fact is that with this unusual method the stars are trying to point out to the sleeping person the deceptive essence and the double bottom of the entire current situation. And even if in the very near future the former young man begins to show some initiative, the dreamer should think three times before re-entering the same river.

The aggressive behavior of the ex-brother in a dream and his negative address to the sleeping woman should be regarded as the fact that in this family there are constantly conversations about their past relationships. Moreover, the girl to whose attention such a strange dream appeared is given a completely unenviable role in this regard, since she is, to put it mildly, not remembered very well, blaming her for all the troubles and misfortunes. And the only thing that can be recommended in such cases is to bypass all the relatives and friends of the ex.

What does it portend?

Sometimes the supreme forces send the image of the brother of a former young man to a sleeping woman, as a chance to correct the events of past years. Brother, twin, doppelganger - all these images symbolize, in a way, working on mistakes and it is likely that we will still talk about renewing old relationships. A dream in which the ex’s brother looked at the sleeping woman through a mirror or out the window (a new opportunity, a second chance, etc.) will have a similar meaning. It is quite difficult to guess what kind of message is hidden in the image seen at night, because any detail can radically change the interpretation of such a dream.

In such cases, you should not neglect your own intuition, because it is she who can sometimes speak much more eloquently than the most authoritative dream book, since it is not enough to hear the plot of a night vision, it is extremely important to see and feel it. Thus, it is the dreamer’s heart that will tell how significant the image she sees is and what information is encrypted in it.

It is quite possible that this dream does not mean anything at all, and this especially often happens when a woman cannot let go. old story and lives by the events of past years, which have long lost any meaning and significance for her opponents.

Man has expressed interest in his dreams since ancient times. Opening the doors to the mysterious world of answers, he sought to understand what fate had in store for him. Gradually compiling a collection of dreams, he looked into the future. And already now modern dream book ready to answer many questions, in particular, what the husband’s brother dreams about.

What if you dream about your husband's brother?

The meaning of such a dream is multifaceted. It often denotes unsuccessful efforts and quarrels. Therefore, it is unnecessary once again worry in the next couple of days, especially over trifles. You shouldn’t say too much, especially to the enemy, it’s better to avoid him, you can compromise yourself.

This dream can predict good news to my husband's brother himself. Soon he will meet a worthy girl, a housewife who can create comfort in the house.

For a woman, such a dream promises the interest of men in the near future, who show far from ambiguous signs of attention.

For a girl, it means receiving news that she has been waiting for a long time from distant relatives. Also, if she dreams that her husband’s brother is leaving, it means that a rapid development of events is beginning in her team, which it is better for her to avoid.

It brings extraordinary luck to dream of parting with him. Perhaps right now, by taking risks, he will be crowned with success.

Joy and good luck await the dreamer if he dreamed of his husband’s happy brother, full of strength and energy. Today, rash actions will have a successful ending.

But if in a dream he is sick or asks for help, you should stop communicating with unfamiliar people. Otherwise, there will be bad news.

A complicated case is foreshadowed by the husband's brother if he drowns in a dream. Moreover, the husband will be drawn into its unraveling. It's good that it will be resolved successfully.

If, in addition to him, there are people and many of them in the dream, then most likely some kind of magnificent celebration awaits you.

What does it portend?

It could be a birthday party or even a wedding. Seeing your husband's brother with animals, no matter what, in a dream means an early meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

Seeing your husband's brother talking has a very beneficial effect on changes in your personal life. Soon a young man will appear next to the girl, who will fill her life with new meaning and bring a lot of happy time spent together. This probably means the appearance of a new friend with whom the girl will have great spiritual intimacy.

A fight between the husband's brother and the spouse speaks of the great affection of all family members for each other. Family ties in the home are more important than anything else. After a few days, the dreamer will be overwhelmed by a very pleasant nostalgia for the old days.

Most likely, the woman will remember the pleasant acquaintance with her current husband.

The most popular dream books are taken as the basis for the interpretation of the dream in which the husband’s brother dreams: Vanga, Miller, Nostradamus, the dream book of Freud, Veles, Tsvetkov, Solomon and many others.

The article on the topic: “dream book of husband’s brother” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Most often, the dream in which you saw your brother is simply a reflection of your reality. Especially if you actually have one. But what should you do if it is absent in reality? Or were there simply fantastic circumstances in your dream?

So, why do you dream about your brother? Most dream books believe that such a plot brings prosperity and longevity to the sleeping person’s daily life. However, there are those who interpret such a plot as a warning of danger. What interpretation applies to your dream? It's all about the details.

Family connection

If in real life you live with your brother, then it is unlikely that there is any hidden meaning in your dream. Most likely, this is a reflection of your reality. But otherwise, you should analyze the details of the plot and the degree of your relationship.

I had a chance in a dream to see my brother healthy and full of life? According to Miller, you have nothing to fear in the future.

Did you dream about being sick? Take charge of your health in life. Did you dream about being drunk? In life, there is a high chance that you will get hurt.

Did you see yourself naked? You and your relative may find yourself in a very ambiguous situation in Everyday life. If in your night dreams you had a friendly conversation with him, then your life will be long. If you swore, then in reality you will not be able to avoid trouble.

Did you happen to see your brother's wife in a dream? Discord with loved ones and family awaits you. Were you able to attend a relative’s wedding in your night dreams? Expect a pleasant surprise.

A younger brother in a dream indicates the dreamer’s desire to take care of someone. An older brother, on the contrary, indicates that you need someone’s protection.

Freud explains why a man might dream about his own brother. Such a plot promises rivalry for the affections of the beloved, as well as an intuitive sense of problems and troubles. Most likely, tough competition, betrayal and lies await you in the future. For a woman, such a dream promises acquaintance, sexual adventure and a feeling of jealousy. The lady should not expect an easy life in the future.

A step or second cousin, which actually exists in life, speaks of the need to pay more attention to one’s relatives. If this character is not in your life, then in the near future you will be able to meet a person who will be like a brother to you. Did you have a chance to communicate with your cousin in a dream? According to the dream book, you will be disappointed in your relationship with your partner.

Someone else's relative

Did you happen to see your friend's brother in a dream? Means? and in reality you will meet him. Perhaps you are about to collaborate together. Did you see your husband's brother? Expect unprecedented luck.

If you dreamed about your lover’s brother, then in life you are very dissatisfied with your relationships. Why is the guy’s brother dreaming? It confirms your sexual attraction to a new male object. If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend’s brother in a dream, it means that you will soon acquire a new fan, whom you don’t even know about yet.

Conflict of interest

If a man saw himself fighting with his brother in a dream, then in reality they will be connected by a strong friendship. To the question of why you dream of beating him, there is the following answer - to discord in the family. Did you have a chance to hug? Towards a truce and improved relations. The interpreter of the 21st century believes that a fight always foreshadows a profitable deal, a quarrel - financial difficulties.

If a girl happened to have sex with her brother in a dream, then in reality she is very close to her relatives.

Birth and death

Did you see your brother's birth? Your project in reality will bring good profits. If you hear a baby crying, then expect disappointment. Were you able to calm him down? This means that in life you will achieve your goals, but you will spend a lot of effort. Is the baby dead? Expect failure.

Did you happen to attend his funeral? All your loved ones and relatives will live long. Did you dream about how your brother was killed? In reality, you will have to fight with your own emotions. Did you see your dead brother alive? A long life awaits you, but it wouldn’t hurt to remember a relative.

Why do you dream about your husband’s brother - interpretation of the dream from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

husband's brother according to the dream book

If a girl saw in a dream how her husband’s brother was leaving forever, then in reality she would experience a surge of some kind of unrest in the team, a rapid development of events would begin, from which it would be better to stay away so as not to harm herself. She dreams that her husband’s brother is full of enthusiasm, strength, and joyful emotions, then this dream will bring a lot of happiness and good luck. On this day, any rash, risky actions will be crowned with success. If your brother-in-law (husband's brother) asks you for help in a dream or is sick with something, this is a bad sign, bad news. Such a dream advises you to stop communicating with people who have recently entered your life, with whom you are still unfamiliar, at least for a while, until this period ends.

Freud's Dream Book

husband's brother in a dream what is this for

If the woman who saw her husband’s brother in a dream is very young, then she will soon receive news from afar that she has been waiting for for a very long time. News from beloved relatives. If you happen to break up with your husband’s brother in a dream, this means incredible luck; you can safely buy a lottery ticket; today is a good day. To see your husband's brother drowning - you will have to participate in a dubious business started by your brother-in-law, in which your husband has become involved and is already confused, and you will be the one to unravel. But the outcome will still be favorable. If your husband's brother speaks to you in a dream, tells you something - to changes in your personal life. Most likely, some person will appear in life who will be able to stir up and stir up your feelings and emotions. You will have a pleasant time with him, a feeling of complete harmony and happiness. Life will be filled with new meaning.

With the dream of my husband's brother, people also dreamed about it

A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

Brother according to the dream book

There is nothing strange about seeing your brother in a dream if he is always nearby in reality. This is simply a reflection of life transformed by fantasy. What if you never had one? Or did you dream of unpleasant incidents or strange circumstances? More often, dream books interpret these events “by contradiction,” in a positive way: they predict strong family ties and longevity, and sometimes warn of danger.

Native or stepbrother

If your sister and brother live nearby, you don’t have to look hidden meaning dreams. In other cases, the interpretation of the dream is prophetic and depends on the degree of relationship.

I dreamed about my own brother - cheerful, healthy, friendly - as Miller’s dream book says, you can envy your own destiny.

Seeing him sick in a dream is a harbinger of strengthening own health, drunk - there is a danger of getting hurt, naked - he can get into an awkward situation. Talking peacefully with your brother means longevity, swearing means trouble.

Seeing your brother's wife in a dream foreshadows discord with loved ones and cooling of relations with relatives; his wedding is a pleasant gift.

A little brother is a symbol of the need to take care of someone. Elder is a sign of the need for protection.

Freud's dream book explained why men dream about the dearest of their peers - this reflects rivalry, the struggle for the attention of a loved one, as well as a premonition of a difficult period: with fierce competition, one will have to face hypocrisy and deceit. For the ladies, a famous psychoanalyst predicts a new sexual relationship or jealousy, which also does not promise an easy life.

A cousin or second cousin who really exists is a sign that it’s time to visit relatives. And if it's purely virtual character, then in your immediate environment there is (or is about to meet) soul mate, a true friend. Dream books associate communication with a cousin with disappointment in a loved one.

Someone's relative

I dreamed about my friend’s brother - there is a meeting with him, cooperation. A cheerful, friendly husband's brother means good luck ahead.

Dream books interpret the brother of a loved one as dissatisfaction with the relationship. You will experience a new sexual attraction if you dreamed about a guy's brother, and he could also be an object of interest. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend’s brother: the girl has a fan that she doesn’t yet know about.

Quarrels and hugs

For men, the meaning of a dream about a fight with a brother is rivalry and close friendship. Why dream of beating him - to family disagreements, hugging and kissing - to a truce. According to the 21st century dream book, fighting means a profitable deal, a quarrel means financial losses out of my own stupidity.

A girl should not panic if she dreams of sex with her brother - this is a reflection of strong family ties and receiving support from loved ones. Dream books talk about emotional attachment if you happened to marry your brother in a dream.

Birth and death

A good omen is to see that a little brother has been born. His birth symbolizes a profitable project, for a man - increased competition.

Why do you dream that a little one is crying? To my disappointment. They calmed the crying person - the implementation of the project will require serious efforts; if he died, he would fail. Seeing a baby dead means overcoming your immaturity.

To see an adult die means he will live a long time. Death of a brother: in reality they will ask you for help or to borrow money - do not refuse. Be careful, the image of the deceased warns of possible danger.

According to the dream book From A to Z, attending a funeral or seeing off the deceased in a dream means the health of family members. Seeing a brother in a coffin means he will live for many years. Saying goodbye at the grave of the deceased reflects real feelings for a loved one.

If you dreamed about an accident or the murder of your brother, you will be overwhelmed powerful emotions. Seeing how the deceased was killed is a violation of plans, sadness that can be overcome.

Dream books predict longevity and prosperity for the one before whom the deceased brother appeared alive. If a deceased brother appeared in a dream as if alive, remember the deceased and light a candle in the church.

Why do you still dream about the newly-minted young brother, who will soon be drafted into the army?

Why do you dream of a dead brother hugging you joyfully and warmly in a dream?

I dreamed about my two brothers last night, they were naked and drunk, what could such a dream portend?

I dreamed that I was hugging my younger brother (I don’t have one). What does this dream mean?

Why do you dream about wanting to have a serious conversation?

Why do you dream of a wedding with your brother? What does his wife have to do with it?

Good evening. I had a dream about how my mother and my deceased brother were going to the village. My brother sits smoking in the kitchen. Then the doorbell seemed to ring, and my mother went and opened it. Three older women stood on the threshold and began to say that they were looking for a man and giving all the information about his deceased brother. The brother gets up and goes to them, leaving the cigarette unextinguished. I put it out. And I start calling my sister. What could such a dream mean? Thank you in advance.

I had such a strange dream: out of nowhere, an older brother appeared and no one knew about it, not even my parents, despite the fact that I already had only a younger brother. My older brother was kind and adventurous, and he took me with him on every adventure. I was so pleased to be with him, in a dream he could stand up for me, despite the fact that I hardly knew him. I would really like to know what this is for!? If you know, please write an answer.

Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was sitting at some kind of feast, next to me brother's ex my husband, I call him, say come here. She comes, sits between us and is so friendly with her, and the devils are dancing inside me, as if I’m jealous or something, she kissed him on the lips, and he immediately looked at me, went out into the street, she came up to him and said: when will we meet? ? and sticks to him, he began to say that he was married, she didn’t hear and then I rudely said: “They tell you he’s married.” Then we kind of got into his car and drove along the shore of either the sea or the river. There were a bunch of cars ahead that looked like they were on vacation, and I was surprised at how many of them there were, I woke up! Does anyone know what this dream could mean?

Why do you dream about your husband's brother?

According to the dream book, an apparition of the husband’s brother promises failure in his planned business. All attempts to achieve the implementation of your plans will be ineffective and will only lead to a waste of time and effort. If the brother-in-law was cheerful and joyful, you can hope for success in all your endeavors.

No matter how the situation develops, always maintain faith in success. Perceive troubles not as hopelessness, but as necessary experience on the way to your goal.

Why do you dream that your husband’s brother hugs you?

Did you dream that your husband’s brother was hugging you? Experiencing forbidden desires and being in the grip of passion, you still do not dare to cheat on your spouse or relationship partner. Such a vision is caused by the struggle of conscience with desire, and serves as a warning that if the latter prevails in the struggle, expect big troubles.

Don't give in to momentary infatuation. Think about the possible and inevitable consequences of a forbidden relationship that can destroy spiritual intimacy.

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.