Meteorological experts advise forgetting about the imminent spring. According to weather forecasters, there will be no heat until the end of March. So far, residents of the capital region can expect phenomenal frosts and wintry weather. “360” collected the opinions of meteorologists and even talked with a psychic about the retreat of the cold weather.

Leading meteorologist at Gismeteo Leonid Starkov, speaking about the weather forecast for the near future, advises not to hope for rapid warming.

On average, over many years of experience, winter in Moscow ends at the end of March. There is a high probability that this year will be no exception to the rule.

Leonid Starkov.

The winter weather will remain in Moscow and the region for another 7–10 days. Meteorological spring will come to the region at the end of March. In April, her presence will be felt much more palpably than now.

Leading specialist at the Phobos weather center, Evgeniy Tishkovets, emphasized that this coming weekend it will get colder in a way that happens only once every 18 years.

This weekend will be marked by a powerful ultra-polar invasion of air from the harsh Arctic seas. It will get colder like it happens once every 18 years

Evgeny Tishkovets.

On Saturday night, thermometers will show up to 23 degrees below zero. During the day the air will warm up to -7…-12. On Sunday, the cold will recede a little: if at night the temperature will fluctuate between -17...-22, then during the day residents of the region will expect from -3 to -8. Traditionally, it will be colder in the east and southeast of the Moscow region.

The weather will be determined by the Scandinavian anticyclone. Cloudy weather is expected, with no significant precipitation. On Sunday there will be more sun than on Saturday, and the wind will change from north to west at a speed of three to eight meters per second,” Tishkovets added. According to him, now the temperature is 10-12 degrees below the climate norm for March.

The weather forecaster promised that the cold will recede on Monday and Tuesday: the air these days will warm up to zero. Cold waves will arrive again on Wednesday, so you can forget about spring for now.

Elena Volosyuk, an employee of the Phobos weather center, recalled that so far all weather forecasters agree on one thing: the weekend will be very cold.

“At night the frost can reach -20 degrees, and in the region, most likely -25. During the day it will be sunny, which will partially neutralize the onset of cold weather. Despite this, the thermometer is unlikely to rise above -5,” the forecaster said.

The current temperature regime is 8–10 degrees lower existing norm. The one that stays in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region is January, and it will begin to rise only next week, added the Phobos specialist.

At the beginning of the week there will be a change in air flows. Warmer masses of Atlantic origin will begin to arrive. The temperature will rise. There is hope that in daytime near-zero values ​​await us

Elena Volosyuk.

However, she noted, one should not count on continued warming. So far, all calculation schemes indicate that no significant heat is expected in March.

“The upcoming severe frosts will most likely be the final ones this season,” Elena Volosyuk noted optimistically.

Psychic Albina Selitskaya believes that it will become significantly warmer in April, by Easter. She reminded me that winter had been a long one, it came a month later, so everything was moved.

“It all depends on the phase of the moon. Now the Moon is growing, it will turn into a new moon, its growth will begin and warming will begin. After March 20 it will be warm,” Selitskaya said.

Not until April and the snowdrops bloom. The appearance of primroses this year is one to two weeks behind the norm due to large quantity snow. Around the same time, the buds on the trees will begin to swell, and the insects will wake up when the thermometers show up to five degrees Celsius.

Current natural anomalies are a consequence of changes in air flows on the globe. Leading specialist at the Phobos weather center, Evgeniy Tishkovets, is confident of this.

At the end of May, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand. They say that the temperature will be around or slightly above normal, and the precipitation will be less than normal. And this is what we see: abnormal cold, squally winds, Moscow was literally flooded. Have weather forecasters forgotten how to predict the weather?

In our, as in any other, industry main role The human factor plays a role. Good meteorologists in Russia are made to cry by the cat! - says Evgeny Tishkovets. - Let's take the same Hydrometeorological Center. There are mainly two categories of people working there. The first are older specialists with good education and decades of experience. This is usually very good specialists, but there are few of them, and they are not in the first roles. The second category is young people with minimal work experience. This is mainly the Geography Department of Moscow State University. When girls and boys who have just graduated from university begin to forecast the weather throughout the country, they, by definition, cannot always give accurate forecast. They simply have no experience!

Where can I get it?

Well, for example, in military service.

How is that?

In our organization, almost all meteorologists are former senior Air Force officers who served in different climatic zones all over the country, observed the weather, flew to reconnaissance the weather... Because not a single military operation begins without a report from a military meteorologist. After all, all our weapons are highly accurate only in ideal conditions. And if there is low cloudiness, rain, wind, then the accuracy decreases. And you definitely need to make allowances for the weather. In general, military meteorologists are accustomed to being responsible for their forecasts. And civilian youth rely more on the Internet.

- What should you hope for?

Use your own knowledge and skills! I remember joining the regiment as a lieutenant. What did I have? Ruler, pencil, calculator and phone. We calculated the weather ourselves. And when computers came, all numerical modeling went through them.

Is it bad?

It’s just that each model - American, British, German, ours - has its pros and cons. Therefore, models need to be able to combine. And not only to combine, but also to know the features of the area, the weather forecast in which you are doing. You cannot rely on one model.


- What is the current forecast depth now? For what period of time can you trust the forecast and for what period can you not?

If we're talking about about a period of up to five days, then the sales rate is from 90 to 95 percent. The forecast on the seventh day comes true in approximately 87 percent of cases.

- Is it possible to predict the weather for the whole summer? Or is this nonsense, fortune telling?

There are such methods. But the accuracy of such forecasts is quite low - no more than 60 percent.

- How is that? Now, if the accuracy rate is 50 percent, it means either the weather will be like this or not. Is 60 percent just a little more?

This is true. That is why the world's leading weather services, for example, the British one, have abandoned even monthly forecasts. Because it's not serious. After all, in Moscow, for example, every fall they promise that Siberian Armageddon will happen in the winter, and every summer they predict it will be abnormally hot or just warm, and nothing ever comes true. To be completely honest, we can only say that, for example, the coming summer will be colder than the previous one.


- Well, the accuracy of forecasts is hampered by the low qualifications of weather forecasters. That is, if they learn a little, everything will be great?

Is not a fact. Because in Russia and the CIS countries there are not enough weather stations where information about the actual weather is collected: temperature, precipitation, wind, pressure. But it is data from weather stations that is needed to create a weather forecast. According to European standards, for every 25 sq. km of territory there should be one weather station. On the European territory of Russia we have one station per 35-40 square meters. km. And beyond the Urals there is one station with an area of ​​500–700 sq. km! As for Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, there are even fewer of them there, because they don’t want to spend money on maintaining the meteorological service there. Or there just isn't enough money. There are generally huge “white spots” of territory from which meteorological information does not come at all. By the way, as a rule, such spots form en masse during military operations. For example, in Syria.

- Okay, well, no, let’s say we have information from some areas Central Asia. And what? What does the Russian weather forecast have to do with it?

Moreover, in this territory, for example, some kind of weather phenomenon may form. And it is moving towards us. If there is no weather station, none of the weather forecasters recorded it. Of course, this phenomenon can be detected using weather radars - these are the eyes and ears of weather forecasters. But the cat made them cry there too! In the European part of Russia, however, a continuous radar field has been created, which cuts the atmosphere length and breadth and instantly monitors all dangerous phenomena that are very difficult to predict. For example, tornado, tornado, heavy hail. But in Siberia there is no continuous radar field. Everything is naked there.

- But there are weather satellites?

Yes, there's a problem with them. In the 1990s, all the Soviet ones simply “died”, then they seemed to start launching. But the quality was poor, and severely so. The satellite worked for several months, then the on-board equipment began to break down, and after a year and a half it stopped working altogether. In general, the domestic meteorological group is now at zero. We use data from satellites of the Chinese, the European Space Agency... At the same time, the NATO countries have an agreement: during a period of complications in the military-political situation, they simply cut down their satellites for us, and we remain beggars! In general, there is a paradox: import substitution is developing in all areas except meteorology.

- If Europe decides to extend sanctions to meteorology, will we be left without weather forecasts at all?!

Don't think. After all, we will probably immediately stop providing them with data from our weather stations. And the exclusion of such a vast territory as Russia from the international exchange of weather information will inevitably lead to a decrease in the quality of forecasts in Europe itself. Therefore, such a measure will be used only as a last resort.


- By the way, about extreme cases. Member of the Federation Council Ekaterina Lakhova claims that this has already happened and climate weapons are being used against Russia. Does it even exist?

Climate weapons, unfortunately, are a reality. Remember how the United States and its allies bombed Yugoslavia back in 1999? Then the summer was rainy, low clouds. And the Americans turned on the “harps”. HAARP is a high frequency antenna system that carries out bombardment upper layers atmosphere. As a result, degradation, confusion and destruction of the so-called centers of action of the atmosphere occur - well, for example, equatorial depressions, subtropical or polar anticyclones, which control weather processes in one or another part of the globe. Climate weapons are comparable in strength to nuclear weapons. The whole world was convinced of this. Then, 18 years ago, an anticyclone established over Yugoslavia for two months: ideal conditions for bombing and missile attacks. As a result, the country was literally bombed out, inclining it to the decision needed by the NATO countries.


- So maybe they started using climate weapons against Russia?

No, that's nonsense. What is happening now has already happened since the mid-1950s and into the 1960s. Oddly enough, what happens is a consequence global warming. The lines between the Arctic, which is literally melting before our eyes, and the equator, which is “freezing,” are being blurred. The result is something like this: two flywheels - above North Pole and the equator - spin in different sides. Between them is something like a conveyor belt. Usually it travels from west to east, but now everything has broken down and, roughly speaking, the weather has begun to move from north to south, and the European part of Russia is freezing, or, conversely, the weather is coming from the south, from the Gobi Desert, to the north, and Siberia is groaning from the heat! And then, unfortunately, it will get even worse.

- So it will be colder?

Not everywhere. This June, for example, has become the warmest on the globe. That is, many places have become warmer, but here, on the contrary, it is colder. You need to be prepared for this.


- How to prepare? We are constantly receiving storm warnings!

Yes, this is a joke. We receive them almost every day and are already laughing: sometimes the yellow level of danger, sometimes red, sometimes green, sometimes grey-brown-crimson. People simply don't pay attention to these warnings. This is reinsurance in its purest form: their authors simply cover one place for themselves with a piece of paper.

- At first, these “yellow alert levels” irritated me personally. Then they began to laugh, because most of these warnings were lies. But May 29, and for some reason no one warned about it. How so?

In fact, the Hydrometeorological Center warned of squally winds of up to 22 m/s. And there was a hurricane with a wind force of up to 30 m/s. It was extremely difficult to predict, because in May there were no hurricanes in Moscow in the entire 138-year history of observations. Hurricanes are generally impossible to predict a day in advance. Only 5-6 hours. And then only in the case of high professionalism of weather forecasters. Unfortunately, we do not have a warning system for such natural phenomena at all.

- Why not, if the Ministry of Emergency Situations constantly sends text messages?

The problem is that they already warn about almost every rainfall. But we need to talk about serious phenomena and certainly not via text messages. If a tornado is predicted in the United States, then two minutes after the forecast appears, information is sent to the phones of all local officials. After 5–10 minutes, the entire population located in the disaster zone is warned by a buzzer that is sent to Cell phones. And this buzzer cannot be confused with anything. Plus this is a ticker on all TV channels, announcements on all radio stations, plus police and fire departments with loudspeakers drive through the streets and very loudly warn of danger. As a result, people manage to escape. This is the kind of system we need in Moscow. Especially considering that weather anomalies will increase.


We are not forecasting extended periods of cold, rainy or inclement weather. It will be summer. We indicate the temperature regime in our forecast maps pink- when the temperature is slightly higher or close to normal.


Dispersing the clouds on the eve of the holidays does not always help. This Victory Day, for example, was cold and wet. According to experts, it is possible to influence atmospheric processes only if they are sluggish. And when a classic cyclone or a classic cold front comes out, it is impossible to cope with them by spraying cement dust. Because one thundercloud has the energy of three atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima. And the cyclone’s power is equal to ten nuclear power plants, generating energy throughout the year. To “arrange” clear weather during a cyclone, you need a system like the American HAARP.

The number of victims of the powerful hurricane continues to grow. Material losses are calculated. Debriefing is underway live and figuratively. Why was such a terrible thing happening? And why did this take so many people by surprise? What should be the conclusions? As always, the main questions are: who is to blame and what to do? Told Pravda.Ru about this leading specialist of the Phobos Weather Center Evgeniy Tishkovets.

The forecaster reported that "the cyclone's speed reached 40 km/h, the hurricane was caused by the invasion of Atlantic air, which was so saturated with heat and moisture that so-called masked rain clouds appeared. They are difficult to detect on radars and on weather maps." Evgeny Tishkovets believes that the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Hydrometeorological Center should have notified Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region in advance about the impending hurricane.

This was not done for unknown reasons. As a result, residents, unaware of the scale of the threat, walked the streets carelessly. What is the reason for the obvious miscalculation in the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Hydrometeorological Center? Monitoring equipment is outdated atmospheric phenomena? Or is the reason due to the human factor? How do they act in the event of an approaching hurricane in the United States, where typhoons and tornadoes occur frequently?

- Evgeny Alexandrovich, what was that all about? Why did a hurricane of such power hit so suddenly?

- Similar hurricane winds in May there were no instrumental meteorological observations in the entire history. The hurricane reached speeds of 30 meters per second, pouring up to 60 percent of the monthly rainfall. Precipitation is a controversial issue, but such a hurricane has definitely never happened in May.

The reason is that a rare combination of different factors was observed in the atmosphere - the point of occlusion - when three collide in one place atmospheric front: occlusion front, warm and cold fronts. If this closure occurs during the period of maximum heating of the air, that is, the greatest convection, then explosive thermokinesis occurs, which forms powerful thunderclouds.

This happens literally in a matter of hours. Their top - the upper edge of the clouds - goes into the stratosphere. We observed a top of twelve thousand meters in this hurricane. In general, such clouds are rare in May. An ordinary thundercloud has the energy of three atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima, this is colossal energy.

Such clouds are always accompanied by powerful downpours. At the same time, the speed of the wind increases, which goes ahead like a skating rink in front of each thundercloud. Therefore, sharp wind shifts occur, increasing its squally indicators to ten meters per second. This wind is estimated at 11 on the Beaufort scale. For each square meter power reaches 80-100 kilograms.

— What is the role of satellites in observation and monitoring of such atmospheric phenomena? Is it possible to make sure that the alarm signal is quickly transmitted from satellites to the relevant departments - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Hydrometeorological Center, and they also quickly inform the population about it?

— As for satellites, this is the Achilles heel of domestic meteorology. IN Lately There were only isolated cases of launching meteorological satellites, but they were always financed on a residual basis. They are constantly experiencing some kind of failure. They patrol the sky for a couple of years, and then for some reason they fail. By and large, we do not have a full-fledged space constellation that continuously monitors in real time hazardous phenomena throughout the country. We mainly use satellites of foreign countries.

As for this case, satellites did not play a special role here, because the eyes and ears of any weather forecaster are meteorological and radar stations, where the beginning of a hurricane can be seen within 24 hours. Yes, quite strong storm winds were expected, but nothing even expected that they would reach such hurricane-force levels within a day.

That day, somewhere around eleven o’clock in the morning, a lot was already clear. At least, this picture was visible on meteorological radars and synoptic maps. When wind gusts already exceeded four meters per second, it was clear that the weather would only get worse. There were still a few hours left, which would have been enough to warn people.

I won't deny that there was just a glitch. We have a storm warning system, or more precisely, communication of storm information to every citizen, that is practically non-existent. There are some isolated SMS messages from two mobile operators. I personally did not receive anything, although I already understood that real Armageddon was approaching.

Why there is no sensible warning system, I don’t know. Either this is cost savings, or some kind of legislative problems. Although such a system operates effectively in all advanced countries. Even tornadoes that can be detected in just ten minutes are reported. These minutes are enough for a person to grab the documents and run to the basement. This will save his life.

This is a burning question. We've been talking about this for several years now, but nothing has moved forward. Everyone begins to warn about danger only when it has already happened. A serious approach is needed organizational structure and high professional level of employees. Unfortunately, the 90s still have the feel of a drawdown in meteorology, as well as in other related fields.

— The air traffic control service did an excellent job, warned the pilots to go to other alternate airfields, and as a result there were no tragedies in the sky. Is she worthy of praise?

- Yes, they worked for high level. Absolutely smart decisions were made. The demolition of such multi-ton machines would lead to even greater tragedies. The aviators made smart decisions.

— It is obvious that the Hydrometeorological Center andsecurity services The Ministry of Emergency Situations must work quickly together. And first of all, it is necessary to establish prompt mass notification. What do I need to do?

“The issue must be considered most carefully, the entire structure of the system of warnings and alerts to the population must be changed. An instant chain should be built between the Hydrometeorological Center, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and local governments, which should also notify everyone. They always need to be on alert.

The Hydrometeorological Center has enormous resources, capabilities, and scientific potential, which allows it to pre-calculate dangerous storm events of this kind. Unfortunately, this information does not always reach the consumer and end user. The intermediate links are to blame here. It is necessary to build a new chain through which information will be disseminated in real time.

Interviewed by Aydin Mehdiyev

Prepared for publication by Yuri Kondratyev

Bailiff service trainee Natalya Melnik is the heroine of the series “ Ex-wife" - is hunting for negligent fathers who do not want to pay child support. She comes to them in the evenings and even watches them at night, luring their dads out on dates and simultaneously solving other crimes. Muscovite Olga Kopylova, the mother of two-year-old Matvey, has been fighting with the bailiffs for two years now, trying to force them to work, and her ex to pay the child the required child support.

There are 3.2 million children like Matvey living in single-parent families in Russia. More than 2 million of them do not receive child support, and the total parental debt to them, according to official data, exceeds 10 billion rubles. By April 1, Putin instructed the government to develop specific proposals for the creation of a state alimony fund, but, as Izvestia found out, the order has not yet been implemented. The Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Finance gave negative opinions on this project.

Alimony funds in one form or another exist in all developed countries peace. If a child remains with one of the parents, then the second - in our country this is usually the mother - does not run around the authorities, but receives a fixed amount of alimony from the state, and with the help of its employees it conducts a search and extracts money from the careless father or mother. The need for such a fund has been talked about since 2006.

But they still can’t even decide on a concept, conduct an assessment of effectiveness, seriously scientific basis, - the chief is perplexed Researcher Institute of Economics RAS professor Lyudmila Rzhanitsyna.

“They answered - we are working, but did nothing”

Olga Kopylova “knocked out” alimony from her ex through the court. Matvey’s father, 38-year-old Evgeny Tishkovets, a leading specialist at the Phobos weather forecasting center, told the judge that “she gave birth without his consent.”

Tishkovets lived with me and left when I was pregnant. Since then, he has not been interested in his son or in how we live,” says Olga.

She received the court decision back in December 2011. According to the law, enforcement proceedings for the collection of alimony are subject to immediate execution, and the bailiff is obliged to initiate a case within three days. The envelope with the writ of execution, sent from the court to the Zyuzinsky district department of bailiffs (Zyuzinsky ROSP - at the location of the defendant), returned back to the court. Having learned about this, in March 2012 Olga took him to the bailiffs herself.

Since then, every week, taking little Motya, she came from Zelenograd to Warsaw Highway and waited for hours for an appointment.

The bailiffs never answered me on the phone, but at the personal meeting they kept telling me different versions why nothing is being done: either the archive burned down, or they had a shortage of staff in the department, or they allegedly did not receive the writ of execution, or it was simply lost,” Olga recalls. “In the end, I gave up on everything, took a duplicate from the court and started the “complaint wars.”

In total, during this time, Olga wrote about 20 complaints to various authorities and “did not receive a single substantive answer. Over the course of a year, five bailiffs were replaced in her case.

I told everyone everything again, he marked something in a notebook - and again did nothing,” she recalls. - I came again - and again they answered me: we are working.

Turnover in territorial authorities The FSSP of Russia, according to official data, in 2012 exceeded 22.5%; most of those who quit - 30% - were among bailiffs. The most difficult situation is in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and the Moscow region. In some district and city departments, with a regular number of bailiffs of 10–15 units, the situation reaches a catastrophic level - their actual number was only 3–4 people, its director Arthur Parfenchikov spoke about this at the final annual board of the service.

However, these statistics do not make it any easier for Olga and her Mota.

You won't achieve anything anyway

Kopylova herself, like a bailiff from a popular TV series, by hook or by crook found out everything about her ex: where she works, and into what bank account she receives her salary, and what foreign car she drives, and that her first wife Masha doesn’t have a penny for her daughter either. gives, and that he was convicted for beating Masha to correctional labor and that according to this writ of execution he also does not pay a penny.

Kopylova again took the collected data to the Zyuzinsky ROSP and at the same time wrote to the Moscow prosecutor that she no longer knew what else she should do so that her child would finally be paid the required alimony. In response, the city’s deputy prosecutor, Sergei Kudeneyev, said that her “arguments were objectively confirmed” and during the inspection, “significant violations in the untimely and improper execution of court decisions were identified, and a proposal was made to eliminate them.” A prosecutor's investigation began against Evgeniy Tishkovets as a malicious defaulter. He immediately came to the bailiffs and wrote a statement that he would urgently pay off the debts to the children - more than 100 thousand rubles for his son and 200 thousand for his daughter.

While, by joining forces, Tishkovets’s former ladies were collecting the necessary information on him, he, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, resigned from the army and got a job at the Phobos center. He presented a certificate from his new place of work that he was receiving 10 thousand rubles, so let them take it from her, they say.

By law, more than 25% of a child’s salary is not deducted. So Matvey received 2 thousand a month from his dad as alimony - while the official cost of living for a child in Moscow is 10,456 rubles. And dad will give another 1 thousand rubles to his son to pay off the debt. At this rate, he will pay it off only in eight years. His daughter, quite possibly, will already give him grandchildren by that time.

However, Olga and Masha are still lucky - a recent study showed that 67% of mothers with children, having a court decision in hand, still do not see a penny from their exes. And 62% of Muscovites do not even go to court for alimony. And not because there is a lot of money, but because you won’t achieve anything anyway.

Olga and Masha again went to the bailiffs so that they would seize the car and Tishkovets would pay off the debts before the children grew up. Or let them then initiate a criminal case against him, they say. But at the Zyuzinsky ROSP the bailiff was changed again and another inspection began, and women were simply not accepted during office hours, and they were not given a certificate for the prosecutor’s office to initiate a case.

Decide in a civilized manner

Maria Tishkovets herself used to work at Phobos and knows very well what the actual salary there is, besides, the leading employee who comments on the weather forecast in almost all the media. And how is it issued there? According to her, a few years ago they paid 30-50 thousand rubles in envelopes, “and it’s hard to believe that they suddenly reduced it sharply, making it official.”

The apartment we live in ex-husband like a serviceman was given money for his whole family from the Ministry of Defense, he doesn’t want to privatize it, but without him it’s impossible, he doesn’t pay for anything, he took a large room and periodically leaves some checks on the table: he’ll buy himself a coat for 22 thousand rubles, then shoes for 8 thousand,” says Maria Tishkovets. - According to unfulfilled sheets (along with moral compensation for beatings), he owes my daughter and I more than 500 thousand, but he just laughs at us and says that we won’t get anything anyway.

Yevgeny Tishkovets told Izvestia that his exes “had a thirst for profit,” and his ex-wife Maria did everything to make him “quit his favorite job and leave the army.”

Previously, in the army, I received a lot, but now, thanks to its efforts and false slander, it’s not enough, I’m a military pensioner, I work part-time one day a week, but this is enough for me to live on,” says Tishkovets. - Olga and I had a fleeting romance, and when I learned about her pregnancy, I told her that I wanted children only in the family, but we didn’t know each other too well for that. She could have resolved this issue in a civilized way (have an abortion - Izvestia).

Tishkovets says that he does not refuse to pay child support, but he does not have the opportunity to pay more.

There are two bills under consideration in the State Duma, which propose to establish a minimum amount of alimony. According to one, it should be no less than 50% of the child’s subsistence level, according to another, no less than a quarter. In any case, if any of them are accepted, Olga Kopylova notes, her Mota will be paid more than now.

If a normal structure was involved in collecting debts, and alimony was paid from the state fund, instead of running around to the bailiffs and filing complaints, I would be more involved in the development of the child,” she believes.

Cover up the problem

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow, Evgeniy Bunimovich, says that the topic of creating a national alimony fund has been discussed for so long that it seems that it has already been completely washed away.

At every meeting on children at all levels, I ask questions about this, because there are a lot of complaints that there is no social protection for children at all and court decisions are not implemented - and you know what happened? The bailiffs simply stopped responding to my letters - this is the only government agency where I have to write about the same issue several times! - Bunimovich is indignant. - The other day here on Open government I asked again about the alimony fund, and the answer was: they’ve already written about it! Now they write beautiful words for a new Family concept. When will they do anything?

It is important not just to pay benefits, but also to create a truly functioning state management mechanism for social support for three million children in divorced families and millions of women unsuccessfully trying to receive alimony, says Professor Lyudmila Rzhanitsyna from the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The mechanism has been worked out in many countries of the world: it is necessary to legislatively establish a minimum standard of alimony, amend the Family Code, increase fines and penalties for non-payment, accept proposals from bailiffs to deprive driver’s licenses, at the same time oblige regions to engage in the employment of defaulters and create their electronic database, introduce compulsory work for debtors, inform banks not to give them loans, etc., explains Rzhanitsyna. - And, of course, there must be a responsible structure - a foundation, service or agency - that would deal with this; strengthening the role of the state in ensuring children's rights is no less important.

UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Alexandra Ochirova believes that these measures are not enough - confiscation of property and serious punishment are needed for the employer who hides the real income of the alimony defaulter.

Professor Rzhanitsyna believes that the creation of an alimony fund is hampered by strong men's lobby and the widespread belief is that the money will go not to the child, but to the mother herself. The main opponents of the creation of such a fund, according to Rzhanitsyna, are the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Finance.

As follows from the review by the Ministry of Labor, the cost of living in the Russian Federation ranges from 5 thousand to 11 thousand rubles, and not all parents and not in all regions receive such a salary. In addition, it is not clear “how to calculate the minimum amount of alimony if the parents live in different regions.” Other departments consider the amount of 9–10 billion rubles requested for the fund to be unreasonable, and it is still not clear from which budget it will be paid - federal or regional. A number of governors have already expressed that they do not have such money in their budget, and in the case of “obligation” other socially vulnerable groups will suffer.

In any case, experts conclude, the creation of an alimony fund, which has been discussed so much, in reality is still as far away as it was several years ago. And divorced and single mothers/fathers can either spit on them, settling for another hack job, or continue to “butt heads” with the bailiffs, only watching in the movies the coordinated work of their ideal colleagues.