Australia can be called the most amazing and isolated country, which is located almost on the very edge of the globe. This country has no close neighbors, and is washed on all sides by ocean waters. This is where the rarest and most poisonous animals in the world live. Probably everyone has heard about kangaroos that live only in Australia. This is a highly developed country that takes care of its residents and hospitably invites every tourist. Here you can find a holiday for every taste. Next, we invite you to read more interesting and amazing facts about Australia.

1. Australia is considered a state of contrasts, because civilized cities are located close to deserted beaches.

2. In ancient times, more than 30 thousand Aborigines lived in Australia.

3.In Australia, the law is broken the least often.

4. Australian citizens spare no expense to play poker.

5.Most Australian women live to 82 years of age.

6.Australia has the largest fence in the world.

7.The first radio for lesbians and gays was created in Australia.

8.Australia is considered the second country in which women have the right to vote.

9.The most a large number of poisonous animals are found in Australia.

10.An Australian who fails to show up to vote must pay a fine.

11. Australian houses are poorly insulated from the cold.

12.It was Australia that introduced the fashion for the well-known UGG boots.

13. Australians never leave tips in restaurants and cafes.

14. Australian supermarkets sell kangaroo meat, which is considered an alternative to lamb.

15. A snake that lives in Australia is capable of killing a hundred people at once with its poison.

16. The Australians own the greatest victory in football, the score was 31-0.

17.Australia is famous for its unique Flying Doctor service.

18. This country is considered a haven for 100 million sheep.

19.The largest pasture in the world is located in Australia.

20.The Australian Alps see a lot more snow than the Swiss Alps.

21. The Great Barrier Reef, which is located in Australia, is considered the largest on the globe.

22.The largest opera house is located in Australia.

23. There are more than 160 thousand prisoners in Australia.

24.Australia translates as “unknown country in the south.”

25. In addition to the main flag with a cross, Australia has 2 more flags.

26. Most Australians speak English language.

27.Australia is the only state that has occupied an entire continent.

28. There are no active volcanoes in Australia.

29.In Australia in 1859, 24 varieties of rabbits were released.

30. There are more rabbits in Australia than there are people in the Chinese state.

31.Australia's income comes mainly from tourism.

32.For 44 years, Australia had a law prohibiting swimming on beaches.

33.In Australia they eat crocodile meat.

34. In 2000, Australia was able to win the most medals at the Olympic Games.

35.Australia drives on the left side of the road.

36.There is no metro in this state.

37.The Australian state is lovingly called the “island-continent”.

38. A huge number of cities and settlements in Australia are located near beaches.

39.About 5,500 stars can be seen above the Australian desert.

40.Australia is the main contender for the most high level literacy.

41.Newspapers are read much more often in this country than in other countries.

42.Lake Eyre, located in Australia, is the driest lake in the world.

43. Fraser is the largest sand island in the world, located in Australia.

44. Australia has become famous for its own records, as the oldest rock is located there.

45. The largest diamond was found in Australia.

46.The largest deposit of gold and nickel is also located in Australia.

47. In Australia, they managed to find a gold nugget that weighs 70 kg.

48.For every Australian resident there are approximately 6 sheep.

49.Australia is populated by more than 5 million immigrants who were born outside this country.

50.Australia has the largest number of dromedary camels.

51.There are more than 1,500 species of Australian spiders.

53.The weight of the roof of the Australian Opera House is 161 tons.

54.Christmas holidays in Australia begin in the middle of summer.

55.Australia is the third state that was able to launch a satellite into orbit.

56.The platypus is found exclusively in Australia.

57.Only in Australia is there one nation.

58. Products marked “made in Australia” have another iconic designation “with pride”.

59.Australia is in the top 10 countries that have a high standard of living.

60.The dollar, which is used in Australia, is the only currency made of plastic.

61.Australia is considered the driest continent in the world.

62.The Nullarbor Desert, located in Australia, has the longest and straightest road.

63.Australia consists of 6 separate states.

64. Australians are particularly passionate.

65.The importation of any products into Australia is strictly prohibited.

66.Most great view The worm lives in Australia.

67.In Australia, the kangaroo population has surpassed the human population.

68.Over the past 50 years, about 50 people have died from shark bites in Australia.

69.Australia was described in a fairy tale by Frank Baum.

70.The Europeans who first settled in Australia were exiled convicts.

71.Australia has been trying to deal with large numbers of rabbits for 150 years.

72.Australians are the lowest continent.

73.Summer in Australia lasts from December to February.

74.Australia is considered a multinational state.

75.Australia is the flattest country in the world.

76.Australia is one of the youngest countries.

77.The cleanest air is in Australian Tasmania.

78. Australian gliders and possums are different animals.

79.In western Australia there is pink Lake Hillier.

80. The coral-footed frog, which lives in Australia, produces a liquid similar to dew.

81.In Australia, to prevent the death of koalas, artificial vines are stretched over the highways.

82.In Australia there is a monument erected in honor of the moth.

83.In order to make the life of sheep safer and to prevent attacks on them by dingoes, the Australians erected a “Dog Fence”.

84.Australia is the most law-abiding state.

85. Australian sharks never attack first.

86.The most dangerous animals in Australia are crocodiles.

87.The Queen of England is formally the ruler of Australia.

88.Australia is a country rich in a large number of minerals.

89. Oddly enough, the capital of Australia is not Sydney, but Canberra.

90.90% of refugees can easily enter Australia.

91.Australia is the only state on Earth that eats animals that symbolize this country.

92.Euthanasia is a crime in Australia.

93.Human rights are not written down in Australia.

94.Nuclear weapons are being tested in Australia.

95.Australians prefer sports.

96.Australia has its own specific phenomenon - the Murray man. This is a silhouette that stretches across the Australian desert.

97.The day Steve Irwin died in Australia is considered a day of mourning.

98. Since 1996, Australians have been prohibited from owning any type of weapon.

99.50 million years ago, Australia and Antarctica were a single state.

30 interesting facts about Australia

Australia is an amazing country. When it snows in much of the world, Australians soak up the sunny beaches. The most unique and deadly animals live here, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

The name Australia is from the Latin "Terra Australis Incognita", which means "Unknown" southern land"appeared during the reign of the Roman Empire.

Australia consists of 6 states: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. In addition, there are two main mainland territories: the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, as well as a number of fairly independent islands.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, the largest city within the country and the 8th largest in Australia.

1. Australia is the largest island and smallest continent in the world, completely occupied by one state.

2. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth, the driest is Antarctica.

One third of Australia is desert, the rest is also quite arid.

3. The Australian Snowy Mountains receive more snow each year than the Swiss Alps.

4. Australia is the only continent without an active volcano.

5. 6 out of 10 most poisonous species The world's snakes live in Australia. Australian cruel snake or coastal taipan - the most poisonous snake in the world. The poison from one bite can kill 100 people.

6. More than 750,000 wild dromedary camels roam the Australian deserts. This is one of the largest herds on Earth.

7. Kangaroos and emus were chosen as symbols of the Australian coat of arms because, unlike most animals, they are rarely seen moving backwards.

8. The longest living structure in the world, the Great Barrier Reef, is also located in Australia. Its length is 2600 km. By the way, the Great Barrier Reef even has its own Mailbox.

9. Australia has 3.3 times more sheep than people.

10. Wombat excrement – marsupials of Australia, have the shape of a cube.

11. Kangaroo meat can be easily found in Australian supermarkets and restaurants. Here it is considered a healthy alternative to beef or lamb: the fat content in kangaroo meat does not exceed 1-2 percent.
12. Koalas and humans are the only animals in the world that have unique fingerprints. Koala fingerprints are almost impossible to distinguish from human fingerprints.

13. The largest species of earthworm on earth, Megascolide australis, reaches a length of 1.2 meters.

14. Population density in Australia is calculated in square kilometers per person, rather than in people per square kilometer as in other countries.

It has one of the lowest levels of population density in the world, which is 3 people per kW. km. The average population density in the world is 45 people per kW. km.

More than 60% of its residents live in five cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

15. Australia is home to a huge number of emigrants from all over the world. According to statistics, every fourth (more than 20 percent) resident of Australia was born outside of Australia.

16. Australia has been the homeland of the Aboriginal people for more than 40,000 years. They spoke more than 300 different languages.

17. Australians are the most gambling people in the world. More than 80 percent of the adult population gambles, the highest rate in the world.

18. The straightest road in the world runs through the Australian Naallarbor Plain: 146 kilometers without a single turn!

19. The air in Tasmania is considered the cleanest on the planet.

20. The longest wall in the world is not the Great Wall of China, but the so-called “Dog Fence”, dividing the Australian mainland into two parts, one of which is the habitat wild dogs dingo. The fence was built primarily to protect southern Queensland grasslands from voracious dingoes. Its total length is 5614 kilometers.

21. Australians are required by law to vote in elections. An Australian citizen who fails to turn up to vote without a valid reason faces a fine.
22. Houses in Australia are poorly insulated from the cold, so in the winter months, at temperatures below +15 degrees, the rooms are quite cool. It is not surprising that the fashion for “ugg boots” - warm, soft and cozy shoes - came from Australia. Australians wear them right at home.
23. Australians almost never leave tips. Some, however, note that this has a negative impact on the quality of Australian service.
24. Australians sometimes call their English relatives with the word “pome” - an abbreviation for “Prisoners of Mother England”.
25. Canberra became the capital of Australia as a result of a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne: the Australians could not decide which of these cities to give the palm to, and eventually located the capital between two competing cities.

26. Although many indigenous Australians are descendants of prisoners, genetics do not indicate exemplary behavior.
27. The greatest football victory in history belongs to the Australian team, which beat American Samoa 31-0 in 2001.
28. In South Australia there is a farm called Anna Creek Cattle Station, which is larger in area than Belgium.
29. One of the most unusual opera houses in the world
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most prominent and recognizable opera houses in the world. It is one of the symbols of Sydney and Australia.

30. Australia owns the largest part of Antarctica
The Australian Antarctic Territory is part of Antarctica. It was claimed by Great Britain and transferred to Australian administration in 1933. It is the largest portion of Antarctica ever claimed by any nation, covering an area of ​​5.9 million square kilometers

Australia is the only state of its kind, whose territories occupy an entire continent. It is the sixth largest country in the world in terms of the size of its territory.

So, the most Interesting Facts about Australia:

  • The largest in the world coral reef— The Great Barrier Reef is located in the maritime domain of Australia. Its length is 2030 kilometers.
  • Australia is home to the driest lake in the world, Lake Eyre. Imagine, there is no water in this lake at all! But there is a 4-meter layer of salt there.

  • The largest sand island in the world is also located in Australia, its name is Fraser. On this island there is a record-breaking dune, its length is about 120 kilometers.

Rock - Stone Wave

  • Australia shines with its records - the oldest rock on the planet with beautiful name- Stone Wave is also located here. It is located near the city of Petro. Scientists suggest that its age exceeds 3 billion years.
  • Australia is famous for its geological records. Here in 1972, the largest diamond in the world was found - the Lady of Glengarry, weighing 1520 carats.

  • Continuing the theme of Australian geology, the world's largest nickel and gold deposit is located here.
  • In 1869, a gold nugget weighing almost 70 was found at this deposit. kilogram of pure gold ! Nakhodka was given suitable name- Desired Wanderer.
  • Australia is both the name of a country and the name of a continent. So, the continent of Australia is the smallest continent on the planet.

  • Australian agriculture is also not far behind in its records. With a population of 20 million people, more than 120 million sheep are raised here. That is, for each resident there are 6 sheep.
  • Such an army of animals needs to graze somewhere, which is why Australia has the largest pasture in the world. Its area is approximately equal to the territory of Belgium.
  • The mountains of Australia receive more snow than Switzerland.

  • One of the most beautiful buildings of the 20th century is the Sydney Opera House. Located, as you may have guessed, in Sydney. This miracle of architecture and engineering was built in 1960; 1000 halls accommodate more than 5 thousand people.

Australia is an unusual continent. They say that Australia has no neighbors and alone occupies an entire continent, which is the smallest. Australia has a lot of amazing and interesting things, and many people even living here don’t know about many interesting facts.

– Dingo Fence, Cameron Corner, Australia

Top 10 Australia

Unusual facts

All unusual facts have been written about somewhere. For example, everyone knows that Australia does not have land borders with any state, but there are at least 2 unrecognized states on Australian territory - the Republic of Murrawarri and the People's Republic of Euahlai.

The Murrawarri people, who live in Australia, declared their independence and the corresponding notification on May 12, 2013 was sent to the Queen and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, as well as to the authorities of Queensland and New South Wales, on whose territory the tribes live.

The People's Republic of Euahlai declared its independence that same year, only on August 3. This unrecognized state is entirely within Queensland.

And yet, in Australia there is Hutt River Principality. This is, sort of, a virtual state formally separated from the Commonwealth of Australia, founded by Leonard George Casley in 1970. It is located on the territory farm Casley family is 517 km away. north of Perth, Western Australia. The nearest city is Northampton. Banknotes were issued in 1974, and coins in 1976 and 1978. The coins were minted in Canada, at the Lombardo Mint.

This seems to be a fact, but it is not mentioned anywhere, because... it's not convenient. But let’s not talk about such sad things, but let’s list the most famous unusual facts about Australia that bring it tourist fame. Since we touched on Queensland, we’ll start listing the facts there. And so, 10 unusual facts about Australia.

– 1 – The longest fence in the world – Dingo Fence

– Morning in the Desert and Dingo Fence, Cameron Corner

The fence was originally built in the 1880s by state governments to stop the spread of rabbit plague across state lines. This proved to be a wasted effort and the fences fell into disrepair until the early 1900s when they were restored to keep out dingoes and protect flocks of sheep. In 1930 approximately 32,000 km of grid were used in Queensland alone. In the 1940s, the fences were combined to form one continuous structure, which was recorded as the longest fence in the world. Before 1980, the fence was 8,614 kilometers long, but was later shortened to 5,614 kilometers.

The hedge extends from Jimbour in the Darling Hills near Dalby, along the 29th parallel, Cameron Corner, crossing the Strzelecki Desert north of the town of Inna Minka.

– 4 – Australia is home to 100 million sheep

– Australian Merinos

In 2000 there were about 120 million sheep, but drought and falling demand for wool have seen the number gradually fall to around 100 million today. Using simple calculations, it can be established that there are 5 times more sheep in Australia than people (20 million)

It is known that sheep breeding and wool production is one of the main industries in Australia. Sheep were brought to Australia in the 18th century from South Africa, and quickly took root here, thanks to favorable natural conditions. Also, Australia ranks first in the world in the production and export of high-quality wool. The main sheep farming areas cover the most populated eastern part of the country. But when Australians themselves talk about “country of sheep”, they first of all mean central part Australia and the Western Plateau, since it is here that Merino sheep are bred, a breed of fine-wool sheep that produce the highest quality and valuable wool.

Sheep farmers use dogs as shepherds, specially bred in Australia for this purpose. Twice a year, teams of shearers are invited to the farm to shear the sheep. About 5 kg of wool is obtained from each merino. Here at the station the wool is sorted into quality categories (this is a very labor-intensive process), pressed, packaged and transported to railway stations. Australia exports more than 90% of its wool harvest annually, with only 10% remaining domestically. Major consumers of Australian wool are Great Britain, Japan, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

Interestingly, the head of a sheep is included in the coats of arms of two Australian states - Queensland and Victoria. Each coat of arms has its own origin, reflecting very ancient history, but in this case both states wanted to emphasize that it was with sheep that they wanted to achieve prosperity.

– 5 – The largest pasture in the world

– Anna Creek Cattle Station

Australia has the largest grassland in the world. Anna Creek Cattle Station in South Australia, west of National Park Lake Eyre is the largest in the world, covering an area of ​​34,000 square kilometers. It is larger in area than the entire territory of Belgium or Israel. Here you can graze about 16,000 heads of large animals without consequences. cattle. But due to drought, the number of animals has now decreased to 2,000.

– 6 – The Australian Alps receive more snow than the Swiss Alps

– Mt Hotham, Victorian Alps

Australian Alps are part of a large watershed range in the eastern part of the continent, which stretches 3,500 kilometers from north to south through Queensland, South Wales and Victoria. Every Winter in Australian Alps large amounts of snow fall, exceeding the snowfall in the Swiss Alps. Winter sports are very popular here.

We have been to the Victorian Alps and Snowy Mountains more than once. The places here are beautiful. Let me remind you that the Australian Alps were discovered in 1839 by the Polish explorer Strzelecki. These mountains are less rocky and steep compared to their European namesakes. The Alps are home to several of Australia's large national parks, as well as ski resorts. Average temperatures in winter are less than 9 degrees Celsius and below zero in the highest places.

Interestingly, the coldest part of Victoria is the Victorian Alps in the northeast.

– 7 – The largest reef on Earth

– Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia

Great Barrier Reef- one of the largest coral reef systems in the world. It consists of 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands, stretching over 2,600 km over an area of ​​approximately 344,400 sq. km. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, near the northern border of the mainland. It is so large that it can be seen even from space - it is the largest formation in the world created by living organisms. In the north it is almost continuous and is located only 50 km from the coast of Australia, and in the south it breaks up into groups of individual reefs, in some places retreating from the coast by 300 km.

Interestingly, the Great Barrier Reef has its own mailbox. Having reached it by ferry, you can send your family a postcard with views of the reef.

– 8 – Australia is home to 160,000 prisoners

In Great Britain, the 18th century was marked by significant social changes, which led to an increase in crime rates. The main reason for this was extreme need. To stop this, the authorities have issued strict laws with severe penalties. IN early XIX centuries, approximately 200 crimes were punished by death. “Even the most petty theft is sentenced to death,” wrote one traveler. For example, one 11-year-old boy was hanged for stealing a handkerchief! Another man was found guilty of insult and the theft of a silk purse, a gold watch and approximately six pounds sterling. He was sentenced to death by hanging. The execution was replaced by lifelong exile. In that terrible era, approximately 160 thousand people suffered a similar fate. Women, as a rule, together with their children, were sentenced to 7-14 years of hard labor.

However, at the beginning of the 18th century, the authorities passed a law that in many cases made it possible to replace the death penalty with deportation to the English colonies in North America. Soon, up to a thousand prisoners a year were being sent there, mainly to Virginia and Maryland. But, having declared themselves an independent state in 1776, these colonies were no longer willing to accept British criminals. Then they began to be sent to terrible floating prisons on the Thames River, but they were also overcrowded.

The solution appeared thanks to the discovery of new lands by Captain James Cook. In 1786, it was decided to make the east coast of Australia a place of exile. The following year he sailed from the coast of England "The First Fleet" to found the first colony called New South Wales. Many did not survive the long journey in the ship's holds, which lasted for eight months. And those surviving prisoners became the first inhabitants of this country. Today, 25% of all Australians are descendants of criminals.

It is interesting that Australians sometimes call their relatives - the English - with the word "pome" - an abbreviation for "Prisoners of Mother England" - "Prisoners of Mother England".

And one more thing - The very first unit of the Australian police consisted of 12 people. All of them were promoted to police officers from prisoners who distinguished themselves by exemplary behavior.

– 9 – Australia owns the largest part of Antarctica

The Australian Antarctic Territory is part of Antarctica. It was claimed by Great Britain and transferred to Australian administration in 1933. It is the largest portion of Antarctica ever claimed by any nation, covering an area of ​​5.9 million square kilometers. The entire area is uninhabited, with the exception of research station staff. There are three Australian year-round polar stations, conducting various research projects.

Australia's rights to this territory are recognized by the United Kingdom, New Zealand, France and Norway. But since Australia has signed the Antarctic Treaty, it does not interfere with any scientific programs of other countries. It only maintains control over this territory in such a way as not to infringe on the rights of other countries and not to violate the treaty

Interestingly, the Australian Antarctic Territory has its own dialing code, +672.

– 10 – One of the most unusual opera houses in the world

– Sydney Opera House, Sydney

Sydney Opera House is one of the most outstanding and recognizable opera houses in the world and a symbol of Australia. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. All tourists visiting Australia are attracted like a magnet by the wonderful, seemingly airy silhouette Sydney Opera House, soaring over the waters of the harbor.

Having seen the building of this theater only once, you will never confuse it with any other building in the world. The architecture of the building was appreciated by contemporaries, the theater has been recognized since the day of its opening business card Sydney and Australia.

Inside Sydney Opera House looks more ascetic than her romantic shell. At one time, the construction of the theater took 14 years and cost 102 million Australian dollars, while incomparably smaller figures were initially called - 4 years and 7 million dollars. However, despite the gigantic overexpenditure of all conceivable resources, on October 20, 1973, Queen Elizabeth II of England inaugurated the Sydney Opera House, which has since become a huge theater complex, including about a dozen halls of different sizes. for various purposes: a concert hall for more than 2.5 thousand spectators, an opera hall for 1.5 thousand, a drama theater hall for more than 500 people, a drama and comedy theater, a theater studio and several other small halls.

– Eyre Highway, South Australia

Sydney Opera House, perhaps, has already set the teeth on edge, and as an alternative we can cite the fact that the straightest road in the world, 146 kilometers long, without a single turn, passes through the Australian Nullarbor Plain- this is part of the road Eyre Hwy, which has a total length of 1675 km. The Aboriginal name for this plain is “Oondiri” meaning “waterless”. It is the world's largest single limestone monolith, covering an area of ​​approximately 200,000 km² (77,200 sq mi). At its widest, the plain extends 1200 km from east to west and 350 km from north to south between the states of South Australia and Western Australia.

For entertainment, a cartoon (“Nullarbor”), the events of which take place exactly on this road.

More photos you can see by Australian Photography Ilya Genkin.

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Australia is one of the most interesting places on our planet! Although most of the country is occupied by semi-deserts and deserts, it has a variety of landscapes from alpine meadows to the tropical jungle.

Most well-known representatives Australian fauna includes platypuses and echidnas, koalas, kangaroos, wombats and birds such as emus, cockatoos and kookaburras.

Australia is also home to the largest number in the world. poisonous snakes and spiders!

This is so inconspicuous, but the most poisonous in the world land snake- one bite contains enough poison to kill 100 people! It's simply called - cruel snake .

The capital of Australia is Canberra. The city is large in area, but there are practically no high-rise buildings, mostly cottages.

Australia has a population of 21 million, with the majority of the population living in largest cities countries of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and their suburbs.

Typical Australians. Seriously!

Today, the majority of Australia's population are descendants of Europeans who arrived here two hundred years ago. The emigrants came mainly from England, Scotland and Ireland. That’s why they speak English in Australia and the flag is similar to English.

The historical population of Australia - the aborigines - today lead a very miserable, almost primitive, way of life, not much different from the life of people thousands of years ago. At the same time, the culture and customs of the indigenous Australians were lost, and huge modern farms - ranches - were created on the most fertile lands.

Australian Aborigines.

Australia Day -January 26- the favorite holiday of Australians. Costume performances depicting the landing of the first English fleet, numerous regattas and parades take place.

The celebration is marked by numerous fireworks.

On Australia Day, a music festival starts in Sydney and a cricket match in Adelaide. Canberra hosts a live music concert, as well as the presentation of one of the country's most honorable awards - Australian of the Year.

By the way, for Australians of European descent, January 26 is a holiday, and most Aborigines perceive it as a Day of Mourning. As the true owners of the lands, the aborigines consider this historical fact the beginning of the loss of their rights to live as they had lived for 40 thousand years. Therefore, Indigenous Australians today are making every effort to restore these rights and restore respect for their culture and traditions.