In the coming decades, the world will consume much more energy than it does today. Ultimately, wherever the need for reliable and affordable energy increases, people will be able to enjoy more high level life.

This is good in a way!

But at the same time, there is a huge population in the world that does not even have access to most basic energy services. Not only this, but climate change also remains a major concern.

This problem has given rise to the need to develop some innovations that can help both coexist and meet the growing need of people to contribute to climate control.

Energy Innovation

Energy is primary and is used everywhere - schools and commercial areas continue to operate, city lights continue to shine, vehicles continue to move.

Given the urgent need for the world, the main thing is to transform its energy system. Direct the development vector towards the development and implementation of technologies with low or zero carbon emissions.

Developed countries such as the United States and Europe are already willing to change their initial consumption patterns to focus on clean energy, but developing countries will not be able to afford to pay the required premium for this method.

The reason is simple - modern clean energy technologies such as wind, solar, electric vehicles, smart grids and energy storage are more expensive. So, there must be some way to make these renewable energy sources available to the world in a way that their growing needs are met, but without burning a hole in their pockets.

To this end, various trends have emerged that can enable countries to adopt sustainable energy solutions in such a way that they even turn out to be energy-saving.

Key trends in energy innovation in 2019

Innovation in everything from energy storage, smart grids and power generation technologies will impact every sector.

Energy storage will contribute to the viability of wind and solar power, two energy sources that are prohibitively expensive due to the costs associated with the batteries that store the generated energy.

The presence of smart grids will regulate the flow of energy throughout the city or region.

Development of electricity generation will increase efficiency while making optimal use of fossil fuels and other renewable energy sources.

Below are trends we can expect to not only save energy, but also to meet the world's growing energy needs.

1. Innovative energy storage

You can balance energy supply and demand very well if you have enough stored energy. In fact, this is the key to solving the unsustainable problems of renewable energy.

How about pairing an energy storage system with a renewable source? This can provide you with smooth and stable power supply even when the weather is not conducive to power generation.

As stated earlier, batteries are good option for energy storage, but still, due to their expensive nature, improvements can be expected in other energy storage technologies that could make them not only viable, but immediately available.

New emerging technologies are expected to have energy storage as a major component. As a result, all types of storage solutions, including household energy and public utilities, will also become cost competitive, ultimately surpassing the benefits of traditional energy sources.

This significant innovation in energy storage has already begun on the Caribbean island of Barbados. Here, old EV batteries are reused to provide grid energy storage to extend their normal lifespan.

2. The power of artificial intelligence in microgrids

The best part about microgrids is that they are local power grids that can operate in both directions - freely or even while remaining connected to the larger conventional grid. These networks not only save energy, but also provide energy independence, efficiency and protection in case of unexpected events.

Well, you have probably heard about artificial intelligence, that is, artificial intelligence - one of the popular technological innovations of our time. By leveraging the machine learning capabilities of artificial intelligence through microgrid controllers, you can drive operational improvements while experiencing continuous adaptation.

This technique is spreading everywhere. Along with the WorleyParsons Group, a San Diego (USA) tech company called XENDEE has developed advanced tools for microgrid design. This toolkit aims to serve turnkey solutions in 90% less time and cost than other traditional methods.

3. Blockchain and IoT can work in favor of energy systems

Blockchain is not limited to just cryptocurrency these days. It is used in a variety of industries and the energy market is no different. If you don't have much idea what a blockchain is - in simple terms, it is a distributed ledger that records all transactions across a peer-to-peer network.

The best part about using blockchain technology is that it is imperishable.

Thus, the use of such technologies in the power system can eliminate the need for intermediaries for electricity suppliers. This, in turn, will not only solve the problems of inefficient and uneven distribution of energy, but will also give you, the end consumer, the opportunity to trade energy directly.

Interfacing this distributed ledger with everyday devices that are used to receive and transmit information—today known as the Internet of Things (IoT)—could have a significant impact on energy systems.

Brooklyn Microgrid has already started using these technologies and it is believed that the right applications will lead to success and this technology will begin to be adopted on a larger scale.

4. Grid ratio with cost reduction

If alternative energy has the potential to generate electricity at a cost and performance level equal to or less than traditional methods, grid parity occurs. This is the current solar and wind situation.

They have achieved parity in both price and performance. First of all, supporting new technologies literally gives them competitive advantage over other energy sources.

Simply put, renewable energy sources are becoming efficient and self-optimizing mainly due to innovative technologies such as blockchain and AI. It used to be impossible to integrate energy into the grid, but this is no longer the same.

These technologies make a significant contribution to strengthening the reliability and flexibility of the power system.

Solar and wind energy are certainly efficient and cost-effective, and with these emerging technologies, we can expect renewable energy sources to be the most preferred of all.

5. Transition to renewable energy sources from fossil fuels

To limit rising global temperatures, a growing number of countries are coming up with emission reduction targets alongside climate action plans.

As the world becomes aware of their impact on climate change, we can expect a shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources in the near future.

6. Promoting energy access in developing countries

When talking about new innovations and technologies, it is also important to remember that a large portion of the world's population cannot access energy at all. Our goal should not only be to find innovative ways to consume energy, but also to consider global problems in the field of development, which include ensuring the availability of energy in every corner of the world where there is evidence of human existence.

For this we can create microgrids at the community level as they can provide economically effective method delivering inexpensive and reliable electricity to areas of the world where there is no electricity. After all, developing countries also have the right to experience the benefits of technological progress.

Therefore, providing them with clean, modular and renewable energy systems must be at the forefront of our developments.

7. Improved energy management

It is a fact that the demand for energy will never decrease, in fact, it will definitely increase with the increase in living standards. So, looking at this situation, it would be wise for industry leaders, manufacturers and traditional energy management leaders to come together to set some new standards that can help in improved energy management.

International groups such as the World Bank and SEforALL are developing new energy-saving technologies that will become the basis for future access to developing countries. Once cost and performance indicators begin to improve, we can expect renewable sources to be increasingly used around the world.


  1. Volkova I. O., Gitelman L. D., Kozhevnikov M. V. Innovations in the electric power industry: tutorial. M.: Publishing house "Economy", 2015.
  2. Goncharenko A.A., Grasmik K.I. Innovations in the energy sector and cooperation with universities: M.: Publishing house "Bulletin of Omsk University", 2012.
  3. Rogozina V.V., Ivanova N.G. Trends in innovative development of the Russian electric power industry: M.: Publishing house “Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Technology”, 2017.

The problem of obtaining energy was solved by increasing the existing capacities technical means. The level of technology did not allow efficient use of energy reserves. Losses were observed, E.P.D. the use of nature's gifts was very low. Back in the last century, there was an urgent need to introduce highly efficient methods of using oil, coal, and water, ensuring the introduction of innovations.

The planet's natural resource reserves are limited. They are running out. It will become more difficult to obtain energy from the remaining part. Therefore, along with the improvement of technologies that provide old methods of energy, there is a constant search for alternative ways to solve the problem and introduce high-quality innovations.

World Innovation 2018

Advances in the field of energy are observed in different countries ah, helping the development of technology and business. They decide specific tasks, included in the following areas of world innovation:

  • Creation of high-performance, safe production facilities for the production of specific volumes of energy.
  • Analysis and calculation of reasonable (minimal) innovations.
  • Development of other methods of transmitting energy over distances with minimal losses.
  • Creating environmental safety for living organisms.
  • Implementation of a unified energy system with smart digital control technology.

There are no plans to completely abandon hydrocarbon energy in the near future, but the search for alternative sources and their implementation is in full swing.

Attention. According to expert forecasts, new technologies will increase the degree of unconventional methods in the energy sector to 15% in 2020.

The volume of global innovation is formed through government investments. Private companies also finance modern developments. Google Corporation has proposed a project to generate energy using the original design of a kite-airplane. The power of one device is 600 kW. It allows you to meet the needs of a standard apartment building. Or proposals from Japanese company specialists on the use of the latest methods of wireless energy transfer. Even fantastic ideas can be implemented and will bring profit when capital innovations are mastered.


Developments are underway in numerous areas of optimal energy innovation. Monetary investments stipulated by numerous country programs are proposed to be directed to improving the technological processes of old methods of energy production and introducing new scientific achievements into life. The main directions are the following proposals:

  1. Use of oil. The price of oil is the main driving force industrial development. There is a constant search for new technologies to increase the percentage of oil production from old and new wells. It is important to note, that thanks to innovation, a new principle of tertiary processing of oil-bearing formations has been introduced, making wells profitable. Due attention is paid to environmental issues.
  2. Hydroelectric power stations. Natural conditions determine the solution to using ancient methods of energy drinks. For the construction of hydroelectric power stations and the reconstruction of old facilities, modern materials and unexpected design solutions are used. Using the osmosis effect, it is proposed to build them in the open sea with salt water.
  3. Coal industry devices. Vintage look fuel is extracted using modern laser harvesters. Environmentally friendly zones used in the economy are being formed near the mines.
  4. Creation of devices using solar radiation. The introduction of modern technologies for taming solar radiation is useful for areas with sufficient sunny days per year. Increasingly, you can find private properties and greenhouse complexes equipped with their own solar radiation storage devices.
  5. Using the power of the wind. Energy created on the basis of wind power has become a common form of generating power reserves in different countries. The latest developments are constantly being introduced to create new types of engines, storage and transmission systems.
  6. Creation of osmostations. They are based on the replenishment of energy reserves due to the difference in pressure between salt and fresh water (osmosis effect). Rotating turbines generate electricity. Financial calculations have shown that costs are reduced compared to the construction of hydroelectric power plants.


Energy needs are increasing every year. Each country conducts a thorough analysis of the required power, knowing the main directions in industrial development, scientific plans, and domestic use. The initiators of energy innovations are specialists from a particular country who offer sound programs. In European and Asian countries, money is being actively invested in alternative types of wind and solar energy. These are Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain. With the advent of modern equipment, the number of solar stations in America has increased. Their cost has decreased. Half of the solar power market is used in China and Japan. The use of geothermal sources continues to grow in Ireland and Iceland. Innovations in the development of new types of heat pumps initiated the introduction of geothermal power in the territories of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. At the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Energy, a special roadmap “Energynet” has been developed, shaping the electricity market of the future. Through the efforts of Inter RAO UES specialists, the Energy Without Borders fund was created, which provides for the modernization of old energy methods and the introduction of alternative, more efficient, environmentally friendly methods.

Short description

Energy problems Everyday life societies require the development and effective implementation of alternative ways to replenish energy reserves. Natural reserves (oil, gas, coal) are gradually decreasing, and it becomes important to take precedence in developing new opportunities. Now these are the following innovations in the energy sector:

  • Using the shock force of waves (fracking). Fracking technology has been called the promising future of the oil and gas industry, opening up limitless prospects for the shale revolution of earth's energy extraction. Instead of the traditional use of artificially created water flows, a shock wave is used to fracturing the formation at depths of up to 1500 m. Super Wave Technology, located in India, has been appointed as the main developer of the technology.
  • Replacing gasoline with biofuel. The most commonly used biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel. Their value is determined by the current oil price. The search for new types of biofuels is carried out in R&D projects in different countries. Created at the University of Texas the new kind yeast, which makes it possible to produce a cheap type of biofuel as a source of energy obtained from living organisms (plants, animals). Their equally important advantage is the ability to destroy harmful pollution from oil and chemical compounds. Now scientists are studying the properties of the bacterium Oleispira antartica for use in the low temperatures of the Arctic.
  • Further development of nuclear energy, use of the physical properties of hydrogen, dreams of new types of energy obtained on other planets.


Planning the volume of monetary investments in energy development has become mandatory in the economy of any country. First of all, this is determined by the chosen direction of innovation and the assessment of the required amounts of money. In the United States, it is planned to increase funds for the development of the largest solar project in the state of Virginia. Two facilities (Pleinmont I and II), part of the 500 MW solar station, will be equipped with the most modern solar panels and energy storage devices. The profit from the sale of such energy will quickly cover all costs. In the near future, the United States will increase the share of energy from renewable sources from 13% to 18%.

In terms of the level of innovations planned for development, China, India, England, Italy, and Germany are leading.

Interesting. The IMF's 2018 estimate of government subsidies for energy innovation puts it at over $10 million per minute.

Not available in Russia systems approach support for the Energy Efficiency project. The state's total monetary investments fell almost many times (from 7.1 billion rubles to 140 million rubles in 2016). But at the same time, there is an increase in manufacturing plants for gas equipment, water treatment devices, and instrumentation. One of the suppliers of such equipment is the company ROSS LLC (Belgorod Tel. 4722 40-00-70). The company provides a quality guarantee and a full set of documents provided by manufacturers.

Features of energy development in Russia

Availability of various climatic conditions on a large territory of Russia requires a special attitude to analysis possible ways energy production. Billions must be spent annually on home heating alone, not to mention the problems of industry, Agriculture, maintenance of army equipment. Russian energy finds a solution in the development of old methods and the use of any modern innovations in the field of application of technologies based on new physical principles of energy production. Special innovation funds are being organized, and R&D is being launched to create new materials needed for the modernization of dams, oil rigs, and coal mining equipment. These are ultra-resistant nano-structured steels, multi-composite protective coatings, original solar panels, latest systems wind turbines, modern heat pumps. All areas of innovation in technology for obtaining energy, increasing the efficiency of its use during transmission over long distances, characteristic of Russia, are subject to development. A unique development in Russia (there are no analogues in the world) is the method of petrothermal energy (the thermal power of dry rocks in the earth’s crust). Development is carried out under the Termolitenergo program.

In the near future, oil will remain the main source of energy in Russia. The level of development of technology and life will depend on its price and production volumes using the latest technologies.

Energy is one of the areas of the economy in which innovation is being introduced with high intensity. It is the production of cheaper energy from renewable sources without damaging the environment that can give a new impetus to business development in different industries industry . Modern technologies in the energy sector are capable of changing the development of traditional industries: automobile manufacturing, oil and gas production and refining, metallurgy, aviation and railway industries. In addition, cheaper types of electricity can qualitatively improve human living conditions.

The latest innovations in the energy complex

Various countries of the developed world are actively working to introduce the latest innovations into their energy sector. The alternative sources used are;

  • sunlight;
  • wind;
  • shock force of the wave;
  • living microorganisms from which biofuel and substrates are made that destroy oil and chemical pollution environment.

The most innovative types of modern technologies in the energy sector are:

  • fracking, which uses the force of a shock wave to extract minerals, including oil;
  • increasing oil recovery from old fields;
  • a technique for using bacteria to destroy oil spills on water and land;
  • use of biofuel instead of gasoline in city cars.

Using the force of a shock wave in oil and gas production can make a real revolution in oil production. Such modern technologies in the energy sector are capable of redirecting oil production using the traditional method to obtaining it from shale layers. An Indian oil producing company was the first to propose using the force of a blast wave to rupture shale formations located at great depths. This technology has made it possible to significantly reduce production costs by completely eliminating water from the technological process. Traditional hydraulic fracturing technology required the use of large quantities of water. In the context of saving fresh water as the most necessary condition for life, fracking technology makes it possible to abandon the use of fresh water for technical purposes, which significantly improves the state of the environment, reducing its level of pollution.

Increasing oil recovery from old wells can reduce industry costs and improve environmental protection. The use of tertiary treatment technology makes it possible to make old wells profitable. This technology uses carbon dioxide, which increases the speed of oil flow and reduces its viscosity level. This type of technology can use industrial carbon dioxide, which can improve the air quality in cities.

Bacteria can safely remove oil spills from the sea, thereby preserving ocean life and reducing the cost of traditional sea cleanup. Microorganisms that remove oil stains using natural oxidation can be used in different regions of the world to cleanse the seas of oil pollution.

The use of biofuels will help make cities cleaner and reduce the cost of gasoline production, since its production usually uses very cheap, easily renewable raw materials.

Energy innovations in industry

Other types of innovations are also actively used today, such as wind and solar energy, which is processed in a special way into electricity. Such modern technologies in the energy sector are already actively used in a number of European countries: Germany, Sweden, Holland, Italy, Spain.

Heat pump technology, which was known a hundred years ago, is also being actively used. This method of transforming low temperatures into thermal energy can significantly reduce heating costs for residential and industrial buildings.

Industry has recently used liquefied hydrocarbon technologies to replace diesel fuel. This makes it possible to reduce environmental pollution on an industrial scale and ensure optimization of enterprise costs. To date, liquefied hydrocarbon fuel has been tested and has proven its effectiveness in practice.

Another modern energy technology being successfully implemented is the use of LED lamps, which reduce electricity consumption and lighting costs.

Promising areas include osmostation stations that use salt water to generate electricity. sea ​​water. The technology is based on the osmosis effect, which is used by trees to extract nutritious juices from the ground. Using the pressure difference between fresh and salt water in power plants creates an osmosis effect that causes turbines to spin and generate electricity. This is much cheaper than building hydroelectric power plants.

Have you ever thought about how much electricity you consume per day? Or even an hour, just sitting at home at the computer? According to Google, to process 100 search queries, the corporation must use as much energy as it takes to run a 60-watt light bulb for 28 minutes. The industrial sector, like society as a whole, is undergoing significant change: driven by population growth and urbanization, the demand for electricity continues to grow at a very rapid pace, and only greater electrification - including the penetration of electricity into areas of the economy where previously technologies of a different kind dominated.

Photo: Unsplash

These dramatic changes are already forcing utilities to not only generate enough electricity to meet consumer demand, but also to develop technology solutions to meet the challenges of a future driven by connectivity and electrification. Of course, some of these challenges may be completely varied and complex, individual to each market in which a large energy company operates, while other problems may be general character for everyone and can be addressed on a larger scale. Energy companies must work to provide offerings to consumers who need them most, but it is also important to develop their own solutions or partner with startups that are at the forefront of technological innovation.

Innovations that can help solve the problems associated with these trends can be divided into two categories:

  1. , responding to existing challenges, be it drones inspecting power plant smokestacks, or energy distribution facilities in the energy sector;
  2. new products created with the aim of further development of the industry, for example, working on the basis of technologies (Internet of Things, IoT).

Startups can play a key role in each of these categories.

Internet of Energy

When talking about our future, where electrification and interconnectivity will dominate, we cannot fail to mention IoT, which allows smart devices to interact with each other and exchange the necessary information, creating a single network. Imagine, for example, that from a smartphone you can not only control household appliances, but also monitor its energy consumption.

As residential and office buildings become “smarter” due to IoT technologies, energy consumption becomes more rational, and network operation becomes more reliable and balanced.

By enlisting the help of promising startups in this space, every energy company has the opportunity to use the significant volumes of data it receives every second more effectively, including to support advanced energy services and solutions.

Renewable future

The renewable energy sector, young as it may be, will become a central innovation platform for creating new solutions. Today there is no longer any need to convince anyone of the environmental and socio-economic benefits of renewable energy sources: renewable energy is developing even in countries with significant oil and gas reserves. The very idea of ​​renewable energy sources is globally changing the electricity market, because now the energy supplier can be not only a large company, but also any person who has installed a solar panel on the roof of their house.

Photo: Unsplash

In combination with energy storage devices and an innovative V2G (vehicle-to-grid) system, which allows you to charge an electric vehicle and, if necessary, return the energy stored in the battery to the grid, renewable microgeneration facilities can create a self-sufficient energy chain, the elements of which can feed each other. Solutions aimed at increasing the spread of renewable energy sources and making the electricity generation process more open to consumers who want to produce their own electricity are among the promising areas of work for startups.

For example, in 2016, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and other heads of the largest companies created a special fund for startups working to solve problems in the development of renewable energy, in particular, the problem of storage capacity. Investments in this fund amounted to a billion dollars. The fund is structured on the principle of “patient capital”, that is, investors are prepared for the fact that their investments will pay off no earlier than in 20 years.

The future of electric vehicles

Electric mobility also plays an important role, namely electric vehicles and the associated infrastructure, which open up numerous opportunities for startups in this field. Some of them are already working on launching their own models of self-driving electric vehicles. Our understanding of the challenges facing modern technologies, allows us, among other things, to find solutions to minimize vehicle charging time, reduce battery weight, and increase its power without additional charging.

Photo: Unsplash

One such solution, for example, is being developed by a Canadian startup working to reduce the cost of a lithium-ion battery through improved manufacturing processes. Since 2011, it has raised more than $15 million in funding, including private equity, research grants and IPO funds. We can already see the impact that such technologies are having on the automotive industry, where more and more major manufacturers are working on producing their own electric vehicles.

Energy awaits startups

Energy companies are now fully engaged in developing their approaches to selecting and implementing innovative solutions offered by startups. Thus, in October 2017, we opened our innovation hub in Skolkovo to promote developments in the energy industry, as well as to interact with startups. We began collaborating with a startup called GeoScan, which proposed using artificial intelligence to autonomously pilot drones when inspecting power plant chimneys. This solution is interesting because it uses quadcopters that inspect chimneys at an altitude of up to 320 meters without the participation of industrial climbers.

Today, energy startups are going through what the IT industry went through in the 1980s: back then, people involved in development in this area could not know whether their solutions would become the basis of the digital transformation of the early 2000s. Global changes in the energy sector are inevitable and extremely necessary, so each of us has a chance to contribute here and now.

Modern technologies in various industries and fields are constantly evolving through the introduction of creative innovations. The energy sector is no exception. innovations in energy stimulate the development of business, automotive, oil and gas and other industries, and also significantly improve the quality of life of the population. Innovations, or innovations, are the testing and use of technological or other new products aimed at the qualitative development of life processes, industry, etc.

The most interesting and modern innovations

Energy innovations are being introduced by various countries in the most actively used industries, and are also borrowed from each other. Some of the most significant innovations include:

  • Shock wave fracking technology
  • The latest oil production technologies
  • Using bacteria to clean up oil spills
  • Application of biofuels for cars

Speaking about the first innovation, it is worth noting that the shock wave is the most effective way to dissipate energy. It can be successfully used at depths of shale formations up to a thousand or one and a half thousand meters. An Indian company specializing in fracking technology research has proposed using shock waves as a simpler and more cost-effective technology for fracturing compared to hydraulic fracturing. Such an energy innovation could significantly change the oil and gas industry, since it would completely eliminate the need to use water in these operations. This will significantly reduce the level of water pollution, because hydraulic fracturing requires at least 4 million gallons per well.

The second interesting innovation in the energy sector is an improved method of oil production. The so-called enhanced oil recovery method involves tertiary processing of formations in order to extract as much product as possible. This technology is based on the use of carbon dioxide, which increases the speed of oil flow and reduces its viscosity.

As for the use of bacteria to eliminate oil spills, this innovation is based on the use of two groups of bacteria - both of them have the ability to oxidize oil and thus reduce the scale of the spill, or prevent it in advance. On this moment specialists are studying the genus of bacteria Oleispira antartica to determine their ability to survive in low temperatures. This innovation will allow us to develop an effective strategy to preserve the environment and prevent oil pollution.

And finally, another innovation is automotive biofuels obtained from plant and animal cells. Biodiesel and ethane (the most popular types of biofuels) will help stabilize the situation with prices on the world market and reduce R&D costs.

Looking to the future: what innovations will be used

In addition to the above, innovations in energy include other achievements, some of which are already quite widely used. For example, this is wind energy - the use of wind energy to operate engines different types. Similar systems can be found in many foreign countries, and this technology also finds its application here.

Heat pumps should not be neglected; they can rightfully be called the future of energy. They will significantly improve the environmental situation through the production of thermal energy, while significantly increasing the standard of living of the population, since heat supply is one of the key energy sectors. The operating principle of heat pumps is based on the transformation of low-temperature renewable energy; it has been known for more than a century, but is only now being actively used.

Modern thermal power plants – an innovation on an industrial scale

In 2004, the study of such an innovation as the use of liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPG) for thermal power plants began. Using LPG instead of diesel fuel will improve environmental safety. In addition, this fuel has high consumer properties and lower cost compared to other types of fuel. Today, such an innovation has already passed numerous tests and has been distinguished by its reliability and efficiency.

LED lamps - high and affordable quality

The latest energy innovation can be called LED lamps. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already managed to gain a fairly wide share. Compared to fluorescent lamps and luminaires, LED options are more practical and economical, and they have a long service life. Practical material allows for cost reduction, which is very important for a wide range of consumers. This new product continues to gain popularity; the growth of office LED lamps and devices for lighting stores is especially noticeable.

Advantages of modern osmotic power plants

An original innovation in the world of energy is an osmotic station, which is based on the use of sea salt water. Osmosis is a physical effect that occurs in tree trunks and is designed to transfer nutritious juices to the area where photosynthesis occurs. Specialist scientists have proposed using a similar process to interact with water. If you place fresh and salt water, then the pressure difference makes the osmosis process work. A similar reaction can be used in the operation of hydroelectric power plants.

An interesting idea requires further development - in particular, while scientists cannot resolve the issue of selecting the most suitable membranes for osmotic stations. If this can be done, then the new product will firmly take its place in the field of hydropower and will significantly increase the volume of energy production, stably providing for the ever-growing population around the world.

The reserves of a process such as osmosis can be called quite impressive. This innovation will help to easily use the energy of the ocean depths in human life, since the degree of salinity of water largely depends on temperature, and it changes with the level of depth. In this regard, the technology will make it possible to avoid linking the construction of hydroelectric power stations to river mouths; they can be placed directly in the oceans. Therefore, today scientists are actively developing this innovation for its speedy implementation.

From how actively they are implemented innovations in energy and other sectors of human life, depends on the successful and full development of living conditions, improving the quality of life and the ability to save on daily needs. It is for these reasons that experts all over the world study new developments every day and try them in practical conditions in order to find truly profitable and useful innovations.