Is it possible to convince a person at the age of 16 to finally study English? He moved to another school, the new teacher told him today that he needs to learn with his pronunciation. Well, the level of my classmates is clearly higher. There is a reason, but it didn’t work.


Now I would concentrate on the subjects needed for admission. Then, if he wants, he will learn English. If he doesn’t need it, that means he won’t learn it.

If the language is difficult for him, and if he is already 16 years old, how can you just convince him? Only if he needs it in life. Maybe he should really try German, maybe he’ll like it. Especially if the goal is general development.

09.20.2016 10:49:23, Lindaaa 09.19.2016 15:30:20, RuslanaTina

How to put commas?

It seems that we can probably assume that, of course, there are undoubtedly a lot of commas, but, of course, according to all the rules, I think.


I also read a lot about reduxin different opinions, they don’t suit everyone.
And here, judging by what I wrote about Arno’s tablets, the drug is herbal and has no side effects.
True, you can’t find it in our pharmacies, which is a pity!

Oh, of course the situation with pills is ambiguous. I had a sad story about how I lost weight on some domestic pills (like Riduxin). So after a month of taking it, I thought I’d give up my skates, I felt very bad. And then the weight came back, with two more kilograms on top.

Rickets is a disease that our grandmothers’ grandmothers suffered from in infancy, and today it is known, perhaps, to everyone. It is caused by a lack of vitamin D and the resulting disturbance of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. What should anyone who cares about the health of their baby know about this disease?


My baby is 3 months old, the doctor prescribed 3 drops a day, but at a healthy appointment we saw another doctor (our local doctor is on vacation) and she said that vitamin D should not be given at all in the summer, you just need to sunbathe more, naturally not under direct rays, well, at a time when Sun rays not so radioactive, i.e. before 11.00 am, after 15.00.

06/28/2008 09:26:23, Evgenia

We are 3.5 months old (born by cesarean at 38 weeks). The doctor said that there are signs of rickets: compactions in the ribs and their irregular shape, weak muscle tone, the back of the head sweats, and sleeps poorly during the day. We were prescribed D3 5 drops 2 times a day. Is the dose too high? I want the baby to be healthy.

I'm in a stupor. The scheme is the definition of the subject predicate and the predicate subject. There are no commas, so the sentence is simple. HELP!!!

And then, with subsequent repetitions, there is a sharp increase in the volume of memorized material. This can be explained by the fact that the traces left each time during perception are initially insufficient for recall. Then, after several repetitions, the influence of these traces is felt immediately. And, as a result, a person remembers a large number of information. Thirdly, if the material is easy to remember, then the first repetitions give greater results than subsequent ones. Each new repetition leads to a slight increase in the volume of memorized material. This is explained by the fact that the main, easier part is remembered quickly. And the remaining, more difficult part, requires more...
...P. Learn the principles of rational repetition of information. It is necessary to repeat information immediately after its perception (for example, reading), since the greatest loss of information occurs in the first stages of memorization, immediately following perception. The time intervals between repetitions should be extended as much as possible. On the first day, it is not necessary to “bite into” every comma. A cursory, quick reading with the elementary goal of not so much understanding, feeling, what we have to learn is enough. And most importantly, if you remember everything that was previously said on the topic of repetition, it becomes clear that the days when you do not refer to the material being memorized at all, whatever it may be, may be even more important for its retention...


I need a tutor in 9th grade physics, tell me who did it

True, I did not graduate from a pedagogical university, but nevertheless I have experience in teaching children and adults various subjects more than 5 years, and my experience and knowledge show that memorizing material exists only where there is complete understanding readable text and I’ll say more that here you don’t even need to memorize the material, since if something is clear, then it remains forever. but if the text is not clear and it doesn’t matter how much, since here you can really try to memorize it, but this will not be memorization, but simply the presence of a temporary opportunity to reproduce the material, but over time it will disappear from memory. This is how I studied at school and at college, all the subjects that I didn’t understand I just stupidly crammed, and as a result, now I’m unlikely to be able to reproduce anything. So, with my students, I achieve complete understanding and use of the material covered the first time, and therefore they no longer require any cramming, but only a small repetition, if at all this is required in the subject being studied. and my advice to everyone who is interested in the issue of memorization -
1. check that all the words and symbols in the material you are studying or reading are completely clear to you, since even a small but misunderstood word blocks the understanding of the material being studied or read. Don’t be lazy and be sure to look up any misunderstood words or symbols in the dictionary and, if there are such words, first look up the appropriate definition and make up at least 5 sentences with it. and then look at other definitions and also make at least 5 sentences with each.
2. retell the material you are studying or reading, and then check how you did it, whether you mentioned all the main ideas. and those that you could not repeat, then you probably have misunderstood words there or in front of them - find them and clarify them as written above.
and if you use these two rules, then I am sure that you or your children will become the most successful people.
I wish you all success.


Excellent and competent article! Finally! As a rule, on forums you only come across advice on how to solve the problem of corns cosmetically or surgically (removing the corns themselves). But in the end, people’s problems come back!
First of all, in the fight against corns, I would recommend a set of correct exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot.
Secondly, purchase correctly selected insoles for all shoes.
thirdly, solving cosmetic problems. Softening of keratinized skin with the help of baths, urea-based ointments (for example, pharmaceutical uroderm), filing of softened roughness and enhanced nutrition and hydration with the help of creams.

I am 64 years old.
I trampled on corns at the age of 25
I'm sick and tired of fighting them.
Once a month I had to scrape them off and cut them off.
Not long ago I started struggling with thick corns
potassium permanganate and this is a completely different matter.
More potassium permanganate in the bottle cap and half a tea
spoons of water and this thick mixture, ear stick, fat
I lubricate the corns. For reliability, you can pick them apart,
so that potassium permanganate penetrates deeper.
This procedure does not tire me.
Best regards, Gennady.

From the point of view of modern, civilized, evidence-based medicine, increased intracranial pressure is one of the manifestations of a number of diseases.


Many thanks to the author for the informative article!
They explained in an accessible form what ICP is. I am just one of those mothers (my son is 2 months old) to whom the neurologist immediately announced ICP, based on a number of “symptoms”, without even having an ultrasound scan. She prescribed Diacarb and Asparkam. I was very worried. It's sad when a doctor does this.
The health of children is in our hands! We should cherish them! The article helped highlight a number of issues. Thanks to Evgeniy for the enlightenment!

08/16/2010 20:05:55, Mirra Stan

We are diagnosed with "increased intracranial pressure"
The main thing is that I still didn’t understand... or understood: “you can’t leave everything as it is to treat”... put the comma yourself... and don’t listen to the doctors.

03/16/2010 14:11:36, AGS


To the previous speaker in favor of the author of the article)
No, well, everything had to be vulgarized.... For some reason, Lately There is a tendency to try themselves as psychologists. Did you ask our opinion? Personally, I absolutely don’t care about your psychoanalysis, the article as an article, I didn’t like it. Why did you have to impose some kind of immoral style of behavior on the author, it seems she didn’t ask you for this. The sermon of an angel performed by Matt Damon to a nun comes to mind, it was not worth repeating dear Ein Gottisches Kritiker.

02/27/2004 23:27:17, Masha

Hmmm.... The heroine is prone to mysticism, loves to describe her glitches at length and in great detail, and paint some nonsense in oil on canvas. How many proletarian guys have you already tired of with your daub, not on topic or in the mood, but why give ultimatums about the fact that the registry office will open now, and you have a couple of hours to change your mind, the person has not yet woken up, and you are already both the canvas and yourself, and a picture, and God forbid he goes crazy right now and sends it, but no, he didn’t send it, it’s strange, because behind your back there were 10 such attempts, someone didn’t understand your painting, someone wanted to finish their coffee, and many were simply offended, like ?! To bargain? Either now, or just go to hell? The heroine does not value the feelings of her chosen one... He endured two months and proposed to her, it reached the point of routine and triviality, already over a sandwich, already on the move, maybe still on the tram, or at a stop, the heroine wants suffering, not her own, of course, because the ending of the story, so pathetic, is a harbinger of future morning scandals, they were unable to properly agree on the engagement, then there will be problems with cleaning, with going to the theater, in general people do not feel good about each other, maybe they experience physical attraction, but their dialogue is very rude, Remember at least the first meeting, she wants to chat about life and her favorite books, and he wants to quickly press her chin and move on to intimate details. He wants to get her into bed as quickly as possible, which is quite justified, because this lady, scouring the dusty shelves of bookstores in search of happiness, has what she wants written on her forehead, and not surprisingly, her biological clock is ringing like a huge bell, that it’s time , it’s time... Her moral qualities and principles raise huge doubts. 25 minutes of acquaintance, and she already allows herself to be discussed and even tolerates criticism, she absolutely likes his rude and undisguised hints - he wiped her chin, she couldn’t wipe it herself, no! You had to walk around for five minutes with sugar stuck to your face, causing justifiable condemnation from the honest public. Yes, he felt embarrassed that his companion was Chunya, and he had to wipe his chin. The heroine does not complain at all about her pinched chin, her deepest desire, formed even by those unhealthy sexual fantasies in the rural wilderness in the hayloft, because she not only read books there during the day, but also at night kept an eye on the rural youth who indulged in love pleasures after a long and backbreaking day of work. , so she’s just a sexually anxious 30-year-old person. I perfectly understood the author’s claims to a story about aestheticism, to an expert assessment of Remarque’s work, to historical parallels of the beginning of two centuries, but you blurred everything, why quote so abundantly? Why so much mysticism, unclear and foggy allegories? Where is the socio-political analysis of public life? There is only Pat, it is unclear why, neither to the village nor to the city. The heroine will gladly allow herself to be squeezed in the entrance, to get under her skirt, she doesn’t need Remarque, she, having lost all the gifts of her youth, wants a man. So say it, author, loudly and frankly. Why turn healthy sexual desire into sadomasochistic opuses, involving the innocent Remarque with his novels? If he wants a man, let him! No, you're torturing her. This self-torture, when the only barrier to marriage is an unfinished landscape of the moon with honey, makes the reader not cry, but spit. So the author must first decide some things for himself, the image of the heroes requires complete reworking, these characters are contradictory and completely unwilling to live by their logic, overload with aesthetic considerations, extensive quotes from socialist realism, and most importantly, the author’s irrepressible desire to be squeezed where somewhere in the entrance, because the author, alas, too, and this on the surface lacks male affection and frank animal sex, the author, like a heroine, is tired of this romance from books, all this is a product of the perverted logic inherited by these 2 unfortunate and lonely women, a legacy from the Soviet era. You, the author, get yourself a lover, and don't try to do it in bookstores. Stop drawing and reading the Old Testament classics, after work go to a dance hall, communicate, look among people. The classics were not angels... They knew a lot about love, and not at all platonic. So, I’ll say it rudely, get laid, fall in love, have fun, dispel your Sovkovsky nonsense, then you’re welcome to share your pens with the public. You understand that pouring out your complexes on paper will not bring you a man. Well, guys don’t meet people in bookstores, well, they don’t want to listen to your daub and nonsense. You need to become a pin-up girl. And not angry at beautiful models... Alles goute! The truth is somewhere nearby... And don’t be afraid to step on the throat of your own song, you won’t die from being fucked by a dozen men in a week. Just get to know the taste of life. After all, in a few years you will only have to pick up all sorts of men in bars, and not hope for a couple of cute twins and loving husband. Time is a merciless judge. Yes, and when you have experience, think about whether it’s worth writing more, I think so, next time you’ll just end up with a porno story, alas, you’re not capable of more... It’s a pity, you have talent, not writing, talent skirt lifting! Alles goute!

28.11.2003 10:45:48, Ein Gottisches Kritiker

The first reaction to such an initiative of the older generation is bewilderment and a faint hope that by some miracle the relatives will be able to come to their senses, but after a day or two (this is at best, and sometimes instantly), bewilderment is replaced by indignation. By the way, it is quite legitimate, and, as a consequence of this, rejection of studying in general. Depending on the number of summer activities, this aversion turns into simple or desperate hatred. Having become angry and cursing everything in the world, the little person begins to worry, grieve and sincerely suffer. Unable to resist parental pressure, he sits down to his homework, but there is no benefit from such studies. Scratching under dictations...
...Unable to resist parental pressure, he sits down to his homework, but there is no benefit from such studies. Scratching out dictation, he writes out page after page, making the same mistakes, because his head is filled with something completely different. Thinking that all his friends are playing something interesting without him, he truly experiences his misfortune, and no commas can stay in his memory, no matter how hard he tries to please his relatives who care about his welfare. Such dictations are especially “productive” if the parent himself is not particularly literate or does not have the skills to teach the subject, which, however, is much more common. Knowing the correct spelling or placement of a particular sign, he cannot explain...

I: The resume is unreadable: it is compiled in any form, exotic fonts and encodings are used, the volume takes up several pages; There are no coordinates for feedback; The resume is not structured, the title of the diploma is in “one pile” with a list of hobbies and information about the presence of relatives abroad; Places of work and positions held are listed separated by commas; there is no description of the work performed. job responsibilities(if already has work experience), there is no mention of existing achievements; The stated information does not correspond to reality - the administrative director, when checked, turns out to be a simple assistant. Also causes unpleasant emotions mass mailing resume - having received the same CV several times...
...In addition, HR specialists are alarmed by an overzealous desire to get a position - even to the point of agreeing to a reduced salary. This creates the impression that the person is extremely unsure of his own abilities. If only youth could... Often the future Jackie Welsh and Bill Gates: Do not have the slightest work experience and, as a result, the simplest practical skills (at least compiling business letters); They do not know how to use office equipment, do not know applied computer programs(many are stupefied by the proposal to build a table in Excel, and some report that “special people should do this”); They don’t know foreign languages ​​well (unbelievable, but it’s a fact!); They don't know how to argue...

She slapped her husband... Not just like that... Let's get to work. This attack happened for the first time. Now I know that it turns out I “punched” him (with mine being 47 kg and his under 100) and he will sleep in another room, in general, super-bruised pride, and I am an enemy of the people. I had never slapped anyone in the face before, my nerves could not stand it, I thought he would at least feel what he had brought me to, but this was not the reaction. I'm wondering if anyone slapped their husband, what was the reaction? Girls, don't comment and...


Personally, I didn’t give any honorifics.
But I think that he will remember this as an outstanding incident in his life - look, not many men were given honorable mentions :) And if so, then once in a lifetime!
Opiate means it’s not indifferent. after all, the worst thing, if you look at it, is indifference, when you no longer care what he does, how he does it...
Average men, it seems to me, are a lieutenant of emotional women. Poschechina - out of emotionality.
(They asked not to criticize and not to give advice. So here I am - without criticism and advice)

sorry for the spelling, the program for translating Latin letters into Russian does something incredible with my texts..

10/24/2004 10:47:50 AM Zoya

Men with an inferiority complex, defective or something, are offended. Speaking of \kiss without love - see below/, one of my friends said that if he doesn’t love, he will spit, not slap you in the face. Here

10.21.2004 13:46:37, Nyuta

How do you feel about my husband’s position regarding certain types of separate holidays: some options in his eyes are not exactly unacceptable, but... undesirable. For example, go with a friend to the sauna, cafe, theater, etc. - that's fine, but go to night club, in a cafe later than 21.00, staying with a friend overnight (even with a child), and even more so going somewhere on vacation - this is regarded as unflattering. He says: “It’s not that I forbid you this, I have no right to forbid you, but I don’t...


We have something like unspoken rules. When my husband is at work, anywhere please. But she had to wait for dinner when she arrived. For the weekend, to the dacha. In the evening, maybe I stay with the child once a month when I go to a bachelorette party, but I feel slight irritation and return no later than 22:00.
Sometimes these rules can be broken, but very rarely.

My husband, of course, is not eager to let me go to a nightclub, but he never forbids me, doesn’t say anything, just says to behave well and if anything happens, to call. But I will never let him go with a friend :-)
I don’t have a single friend whose husband would let her go to a nightclub, especially to a striptease on “Women’s Day”, we have a very good and really beautiful male striptease. I go on Thursdays with my “single” girlfriend :-)
And I once asked my husband, “Why are you letting me go, others don’t let their wives in?”
I even felt offended that everything was possible for me :-)

In sentences like: “Using a fork as a toy leads to a 4-fold increase in household injuries.” Should there be a comma before "how"? And after "toys"?

The mistake of the Novo-Urengoy high school student in the Bundestag simply “screams” about the need for an urgent return to proper upbringing and education, based on our statist ideology

Konstantin Mochar

On November 20 of this year, as they say, only the lazy did not speak out about the phrase of the Novo-Urengoy high school student about “innocent Wehrmacht soldiers” who “wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight.” Many give advice on what to do with him; a lot could be said about the mother, who, together with her son, had been writing a speech for the speech since the summer.

And I'm sure it's more global problem- case Once again“poke” us “nose” into our ambiguous, thoughtless life. This case speaks of the need not so much for a return, but for the development and deep implementation of a new ideology in our lives, proper upbringing and proper education on its basis...

* * *

It is known that in Soviet time we were taught - no, people are not cattle, not a crowd, they are one Soviet people! And also - every person, even in the depths of his soul, is great and noble, the desire for the heights of reason is his immanent property. However, after the death of the USSR, there was a rollback in the other direction - numerous “theorists”, who crawled out of some unknown cracks, screamed in unison that “man is a wolf to man”, that “you only live once, enjoy it while you can”, that “man is a beast, and this “It’s good” that it is possessive aspirations that lead humanity to progress.

They reduced everything in a person only to instincts and primary needs in Abraham Maslow’s pyramid. At the same time, our usual experience and opinions smart people, left in history, suggest that maximalist points of view in the real world are most often wrong. Just like in this "... there is neither absolute Good nor absolute Evil in the world", these extremes are present ONLY in the ideal world of Faith. Opposites are always interconnected, they interpenetrate, without being able to "...exist without each other. Thus, balance and harmony are established in the Universe".

And also - you can’t reduce everything just to instincts, to the animal in us, this is not only wrong, but also very harmful, it leads to mental and moral degradation! That is, a person is not only capable, but also must strive for the light of reason, even if his own is not very enough.

However, it is no secret - the people, for the most part, do not have the ability to comprehend the intellectual depths of understanding Being. It is known that the number of people capable of thinking not only tactically, but also strategically is only from two to eight percent. But this is not scary - it is enough to recognize the presence of these depths, it is enough be ready be guided by the universal Reason previously developed by humanity!

But this recognition and this readiness gives any person proper upbringing and education based on humanistic religion and correct ideology!

Non-class ideology that divides society into mortally warring classes(to the delight of external enemies), and statist ideology,uniting him on the path to light future! Therefore, the problem of developing our ideology is extremely urgent and absolutely necessary.

For that:

1. So that there is not such a terrible discrepancy between “as if” education and intellectual savagery, a complete misunderstanding of the origins, causes of the events of our history and the events themselves, as with the above-mentioned mother and her high school student son.

2. So that our global enemies can no longer “cheat” our people, as happened in the early 20th century and in the early 90s, as happened in former Ukraine, after she “gained” “independence and independence.”

3. So that even the children of our “internal” enemies become sincere patriots of our Motherland.

Konstantin Mochar- especially for IA REX

Besides (besides) that (all, everything else). Such combinations most often act as introductory ones, indicating the connection of thoughts and the sequence of their presentation:Besides everything else, I don't want to talk to you. However, the combinationBesidesmay also be part of a compound unionBesides that , connecting sentences, the second of which complements the first and is presented as containing more significant information:Besides thathe doesn’t do anything himself, he also makes claims against me.

As for me.Introductory construction asAs for meshould be considered non-compliant literary language, namely colloquial, in contrast to the construction used in the same meaning (indicating that the expressed opinion reflects the point of view, taste of the speaker)As for me, which is considered colloquial; compare:As for me, those talents are worthless, in which the Light is of no use, although sometimes the Light marvels at them(I. A. Krylov).

In fact. Combination in factcan indicate the essential, the main thing for something: for a matter, for a question, and be an ordinary member of a sentence, connected in meaning and grammatically with other words. Wed. offers:The idea was banalin fact, but non-trivial in implementation; He avoided direct questions andin factdidn't say anything. If behind this construction an additional author’s remark is read, explaining the nature of the main message of the sentence (in our opinion, it can be expanded to statements: “if we talk about the essence, the main thing”, “if we consider the basis, the essence of the matter”; “if we talk about that , what actually happened, in reality"), then it must be separated by commas, because in this case it is introductory. Wed. offers:A new book,in fact,became the first publication in Russia about outsourcing; The position of Yabloko is well known;in fact,duplicates government point of view.

Essentially.Essentially And in fact- related combinations. Both point to something most important for an object, situation, event, concept, phenomenon; Wed combination of preposition and noun in sentences:Public Policyessentially- a kind of show; It's an angry question, butessentially: where is the guarantee? When moving into the area of ​​author's assessments of the reportedessentiallyturns into an introductory combination; compare:There is already time for discussion,essentially,there are none left. The export of capital that has continued all these years,essentially,has stopped. Here essentially(cf. also speaking to the point; speaking to the point) – introductory construction, synonymous with combinationsin essence, in essence,meaning ‘if we consider the basis, the essence of the matter, what actually happened, in reality’.

First of all.First of allyou need to contact a specialist (first of all= first; in the sentence is a time adverbial, therefore the comma is not highlighted) –First of all,he is quite a capable person (first of all= firstly, i.e. it means ‘we have to talk about this first of all’; there is no syntactic connection with the rest of the sentence, sofirst of all– an introductory combination and a comma (commas) are highlighted).

Quicker.Can act as an adverb meaning ‘better, more willing’ (ShequickerI would agree to die rather than betray him) and as an introductory word expressing the author’s assessment of the degree of reliability of this statement in relation to the previous one (It can't be called smart person - quicker,he's on his own mind). Word quickerin such cases can be replaced with a combinationrather speaking or Most likely (Quicker,I'll be late). In many editions of the popular reference book D.E. Rosenthal also notes that the wordquickeris not separated by commas in the meaning ‘better to say’:Pavel Petrovich walked slowly back and forth in the dining room... uttering some remark orquickeran exclamation like “ah! hey! hmm!(Turgenev). Our own observations show that in such cases the wordquicker, syntactically associated with only one of the members of the sentence, should be considered a modal particle (compare with the particleat all: Heat allfool).

Hence.Hencecan be an introductory word in the meaning ‘therefore, therefore, it means’ and in this capacity it is separated by commas (So you,hence, Our neighbours). It can be a conjunction that attaches a subordinate clause with the meaning of a consequence, a reason that determines the action of the main sentence, and also containing the basis for the action of the main sentence (= therefore, as a result of this, based on the fact that); compare:I have found a job,hencewe will have more money; You are angry,henceyou're wrong; You can't bake a piehenceI'll bake it.

Accidentally.Accidentally in a sentence You,accidentally, you didn’t come across my papers?is an introductory word meaning ‘by the way, by the way’ (usually used in negative sentence), and therefore should be separated by commas. Wed. with adjective and adverb in other sentences:This assumption is notaccidentally And He saw itaccidentally.

On the one hand on the other hand.Difficulties in distinguishing between adverbial combinations and introductory phrases are associated with a common reason: a lack of understanding of their meanings. In the first case we're talking about about a phrase characterizing the features of a real situation or event, for example, describing the features of a particular area; compare:The vegetable garden is fencedOn the one sidestumps,with anotherwattle fence. In the second case, introductory expressions are used to help the author indicate the opposition of judgments, opinions, positions; compare:On the one side, interest in periodicals is falling and people are reading less and less,with another- More and more new editions are appearing.
A typical example of the use of introductory constructions is the text of a contract; compare:
The editorial board of the magazine "__" represented by the editor-in-chief ____, acting on the basis of the charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer",On the one side, and ____, residing ____, hereinafter referred to as the “Executor”,on the other side, have entered into this agreement as follows...

Respectively.Is an adverb and has the meaning 'as it should; accordingly, in relation to something’; compare:Respectivelytheir salaries are also rising. In the case of salaries, we can assume that they grow in proportion to the level of complexity of the work performed by managers. However, the proposal can be interpreted differently if we are not talking about the correlation between the degree of complexity of the work and the level of managerial salary, and the author only makes a conclusion about existing connection between these two phenomena; compare:Managers are doing more and more complex work.Respectively, their salaries are also growing. In this case respectivelyacts as an introductory word, close in meaning to the introductory onemeans, therefore.

From point of view.A combination can be introductory or non-introductory, and therefore serve as a member of a sentence, usually with an adverbial meaning. Introductoryfrom point of viewreports the source of the statement, which means that behind it lies approximately the following meaning:‘as such and such a person says/said/writes/wrote/believes’. Standard example:Consonant soundsfrom point of viewBaudouin de Courtenay, play an increasingly important role in distinguishing words.
This phrase has a circumstantial meaning (usually it is revealed using the synonym “in relation”) when it reports the positions and angles of any approaches; it includes a nominal construction with an inanimate noun (which does not provide a direct reference to a person); For example:
From point of viewthe phonological aspect easily explains the increasingly increasing role of consonant sounds in distinguishing words; From theoreticalpoints of viewa duel is absurd...(I.S. Turgenev, Fathers and Sons).


As you can see more than once, ourAuthor in his creativity and when evaluating the creativity of other people, he pays the most serious attention to introductory structures. This could not help but prompt him to observe the isolated members of a sentence and their economically expressive capabilities. It turned out that some phrases can play the role of both isolated members of a sentence and introductory constructions. The principled and responsible position of ourAuthor in determining the syntactic status of such expressions, it helped to establish, in particular, the following.

Least. Combination leastin most cases it is an adverb and is used in the meaning ‘the least’:LeastI will wash the dishes; He admittedleasta dozen mistakes. However, the location of the combination at the beginning of the utterance, as a rule, indicates a break in its syntactic connections with the members of the sentence and transition to the category of introductory words expressing an emotional assessment of what is being communicated as a whole:Least, this approach involves monitoring the validity of almost all management decisions. Of course, there are also examples in which the combinationleastused as an isolated member of a sentence; compare:For this you need,leastunderstand politics(here the task of the phrase is to indicate that the mentioned skill is a certain minimum (compared to something else). In this case, it is not difficult to expand the isolation into an independent sentence like “And this is the minimum in such and such activity»).

Consequently. Combination Consequentlyin a sentence it can be a separate phrase, that is, a construction in which an additional message is conveyed in relation to the main one. This message is usually explanatory in nature; compare:Deforestation leads to a reduction in the habitat of wild animals and,Consequently, to reduce their numbers(an additional message is: the decline in the number of animals is a consequence of the reduction in their habitat). This combination can be introductory if with its help the author reports what he considers to be a consequence, the result of previous activity, or some process. The line between isolation and introductory construction lies between “is” and “I believe.” Perhaps these semantic subtleties are not always distinguishable, but the punctuation result is always obvious - commas (sometimes dashes) highlightingConsequently. This combination can also be used with the meaning of identification, identity, and then there is no need to put commas; compare:This method appearedConsequentlymultiple attempts to use different techniques.

If possible. Combination if possiblemay indicate the admissibility, feasibility of something (for example, some action or sign) or conditions favorable for something. In this case it is used as usual minor member sentences, closely related in meaning to other words of the sentence and not requiring commas. For example:Iif possibleI'll do it later, They reportedif possibleshort and compact, He intendsif possiblecontinue your studies. The same combination can become a separate member of a sentence if the author intends to highlight and emphasize the designated factors or circumstances; compare:I,if possible, I'll do it later. At the same time, in simple sentence not one, but two messages are combined, as a result, in meaning it can be compared with complex sentence type:I'll do it later and do it if possible. Isolated members, as is known, are separated by punctuation marks from other words of the sentence. Behind the combinationif possibleone can also see a message-address to the interlocutor “if it is not difficult for you to do this” (such an appeal, however, can be addressed to oneself). This is the meaning of the introductory construction, which is also separated by punctuation marks from other words of the sentence. Wed:Please close the windows and checkif possibleAre electrical appliances turned off?.

Mostly.From a grammatical point of viewpredominantlyis a combination of a preposition and a noun. Often used as a circumstance characterizing an action, state, situation, objects, persons; For example:His father's library consistedpredominantlyfrom French classics; The wide popularity of N-va is associatedpredominantlywith his belonging to the economic and political elite; Herepredominantlywe will talk about painting of the early twentieth century. This combination can be used as part of a separate phrase that has a clarifying character:This school pays attention foreign languages, predominantlyRomanesque and Germanic; More plants need to be planted to absorb air pollution,predominantlycarbon dioxide. It also occurs in the role of an uncommon isolated member of a sentence; compare:There is a beginning of communitymainly,the beginning of the Slavic tribe....


The following words and phrases are not introductory and are not separated by commas:perhaps, literally, as if, in addition, to top it off, suddenly, because, ultimately, here, hardly, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, precisely, as if, as if, just, besides, meanwhile, I suppose, by proposal, by decree, by decision, approximately, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, as if, supposedly etc. Our Author specifically clarified the semantic and grammatical features of the following words.

As if, as if, still, as if. As if And as ifare never introductory, but can be either a conjunction (It became quiet(as ifand there was no thunderstorm), or a particle ( (As ifYou really don’t understand!). The same can be said aboutyet (Although I love himyetI don't agree with him(union); I think heyetagree(particle)) and o as ifin standard language (There was a rustling sound,as ifthere was someone else in the room(union); Agreesas ifreluctantly(particle)).

In fact.Using the expressionin factthe author usually states that a certain situation is real and not subjectively perceived. In such cases, this expression is closely related in meaning to other words of the sentence and should not be separated from them by commas; compare:This story happenedin fact; She thinks she cares about purity of morals, butin factit is driven by mistrust and hostility. It's hard to imagine a sentence in whichin factwould express the same meaning as the introductory wordreally- it is with its help that the speaker reports his own impressions and feelings regarding the described events or situations.

Compared with.This prepositional combination (and its synonym -compared to...), and therefore it does not require selection:My troubles are just a dropcompared withyour sea(K. Simonov).

Moreover.Moreovercan be an adjunctive conjunction meaning ‘at the same time, in addition to this, in addition’ (They started arguingandtried to outshout each other) or an interrogative adverb meaning ‘why, why on earth’ (Moreoveris she here?). Neither in one nor in another capacity the word is commasand doesn't stand out.

So-called.This combination is not introductory (its syntactic and semantic connection with other words of the sentence is obvious) and there is no need to separate it with commas; Wed: The rooms were dividedso-calleda blank wall.

Nevertheless. The combination nevertheless has the grammatical status of a function word: a conjunction that attaches a subordinate clause with the meaning of opposition (He decided everything,neverthelessI’ll try to convince him), or particles (= still, nevertheless: The book, of course, is not a masterpiece, butneverthelesswell written) - and not separated by commas. At the same time, observations of the texts of modern authors convince us that the phrase is nevertheless perceived by the majority of writers as introductory and in actual practice is most often isolated. This allows philologists to assert that such isolation can no longer be classified as erroneous, since such a word may well be perceived as serving to formalize the speaker’s thoughts, and this is one of the categories of introductory words (Wed: That evening, however, I went for a walk - That in the evening I(,)nevertheless(,) went for a walk). The steady movement of the combination nevertheless into the category of introductory words is evidenced by its synonymy with however. See, for example, in the Ozhegov-Shvedova dictionary: However... 2. introductory. sl. Nevertheless, still. Always careful, however, he forgot about his promise. In the example given by the authors of the dictionary, the introductory word however can easily be replaced by nevertheless.

(about introductory words, phrases and sentences)


E. Gekkina, S. Belokurova, S. Drugoveyko-Dolzhanskaya


As you can see more than once, our Author in his creativity and when evaluating the creativity of other people, he pays the most serious attention to introductory structures. This could not help but prompt him to observe the isolated members of a sentence and their economically expressive capabilities. It turned out that some phrases can play the role of both isolated members of a sentence and introductory constructions. The principled and responsible position of our Author in determining the syntactic status of such expressions, it helped to establish, in particular, the following.

Least . The combination, at least in most cases, is adverbial and is used in the meaning ‘the least’: At the very least, I’ll wash the dishes; He made at least a dozen mistakes. However, the location of the combination at the beginning of the utterance, as a rule, indicates a break in its syntactic connections with the members of the sentence and transition to the category of introductory words expressing an emotional assessment of what is being communicated as a whole: At a minimum, this approach involves monitoring the validity of almost all management decisions. Of course, there are also examples in which the combination is at least used as a separate member of the sentence; compare: To do this you need to at least understand politics(here the task of the phrase is to indicate that the mentioned skill is a certain minimum (compared to something else). In this case, it is not difficult to expand the isolation into an independent sentence like “ And this is the minimum in such and such activity»).

Consequently . A combination as a consequence in a sentence can be a separate phrase, that is, a construction in which an additional message is conveyed in relation to the main one. This message is usually explanatory in nature; compare: Deforestation leads to a reduction in the habitat of wild animals and, as a result, to a reduction in their numbers(an additional message is: the decline in the number of animals is a consequence of the reduction in their habitat). This combination can be introductory if with its help the author reports what he considers to be a consequence, the result of previous activity, or some process. The line between isolation and introductory construction lies between “is” and “I believe.” Perhaps these semantic subtleties are not always distinguishable, but the punctuation result is always obvious - commas (sometimes dashes), highlighting as a consequence. This combination can also be used with the meaning of identification, identity, and then there is no need to put commas; compare: This method appeared as a result of repeated attempts to use various techniques..

If possible. The combination, if possible, may indicate the admissibility, feasibility of something (for example, some action or sign) or conditions favorable for something. In this case, it is used as an ordinary minor member of the sentence, closely related in meaning to other words of the sentence and not requiring commas. For example: I will do this later if possible, They reported as briefly and compactly as possible, He intends to continue his studies if possible. The same combination can become a separate member of a sentence if the author intends to highlight and emphasize the designated factors or circumstances; compare: I'll do it later if possible.. Moreover, in a simple sentence, not one, but two messages are combined, as a result, in meaning it can be compared with a complex sentence like: I'll do it later and do it if possible. Isolated members, as is known, are separated by punctuation marks from other words of the sentence. The combination, if possible, can also be seen as a message-address to the interlocutor “if it is not difficult for you to do this” (such an appeal, however, can also be addressed to oneself). This is the meaning of the introductory construction, which is also separated by punctuation marks from other words of the sentence. Wed: Please close the windows and, if possible, check that electrical appliances are turned off.

Mostly. From a grammatical point of view mostly is a combination of a preposition and a noun. Often used as a circumstance characterizing an action, state, situation, objects, persons; For example: His father's library consisted mainly of French classics; N-va's wide popularity is associated primarily with his belonging to the economic and political elite; Here we will mainly talk about painting from the early twentieth century.. This combination can be used as part of a separate phrase that has a clarifying character: This school pays attention to foreign languages, mostly Romanesque and Germanic; It is necessary to plant more plants so that they absorb atmospheric pollution, mainly carbon dioxide. It also occurs in the role of an uncommon isolated member of a sentence; compare: There is a beginning of community mainly, the beginning of the Slavic tribe....