In this article we will talk about what a man should achieve by the age of 30, in principle, at what age a man should become successful, realize himself, stand on his feet, etc. and so on. Interesting? Then let's go!

Everything in this world is absolutely subjective. I have already spoken about this more than once. What one person likes may not be liked by another, what one person believes in may not be believed by another, what is suitable for one may not be suitable for another, etc. understand? How many people - so many opinions.

I told this so that you understand, I will now express only my subjective opinion.

I believe that the sooner a man realizes himself (by age) = the better.

  • There are men who, even at 30-40+ years old, have nothing, losers, failures.
  • If someone by the age of 30 achieves something, they stand firmly on their feet.
  • There are people who, at 30, are just starting to achieve something, take their first steps, etc.
  • There are people who, up to 50-60 years old, are lazy, but then they manage to realize themselves well...
  • There are those who achieve nothing at all, and remain until the end of their days...
  • Well, in general, I think you understand.

The highlight of this whole thing, in my opinion, is when guys at 18-20-23 years old have more than many at 30+. This is, in my opinion, aerobatics- what you need to strive for. IMHO (personal opinion).

Why do I think this?

In their youth, the vast majority of people stupidly waste their time (the main currency of our lives) on what, it’s not clear at all... PARTY, FRIENDS, PARTIES, STUDYING for 5 years (sagging pants) and other nonsense.

Instead of taking and REALLY acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, developing the necessary qualities in yourself, improving, taking action and achieving success and building the BASIS (foundation) for your future life. In youth, a person has so much strength and energy, you can tear and throw, achieve everything, but people stupidly waste it all for nothing...

I simply don't understand this. Have fun, chase the demon, take a walk, relax, etc. and so on. This is not bad, but you need to know in moderation in everything. For most of all in the future, you will regret the wasted (lost) time. Time is a non-renewable resource, which is why it is the most valuable:

To be realized in my understanding is “to stand firmly on your feet.” What does it mean?

A man is a hunter (breadwinner).

This is designed evolutionarily, this is our main (natural, natural) function, and not a conditional role voluntarily assumed or something else. I never take anything from the air.

I speak as it is, in fact, according to long-term reality (evolution).

Previously, a man went hunting, killed mammoths and other animals to feed himself and his family.

Now, times have changed, in our time, the hunt is for money (money). Because now everything is for money: food, comfort, shelter, protection, pleasure and much, much more. Understand?

CONCLUSION: here's why: a man = money. No money - bad man. He will not be able to feed himself, let alone his female and his offspring, his children; he will not be able to take care of, provide for, protect, make himself happy, his family, etc. and so on. understand?

Grandmas (money) - they play a key role in our lives. Without them nothing is possible.

Therefore, drawing a conclusion from the article, a man needs to qualitatively fulfill his NATURAL (natural) function - TO BE A GOOD BENCHMAN (in other words, TO BE WITH MONEY).

But. Focusing on the age of 30 is not worth it. You know, 30 years = this is some kind of magic number that everyone believes in, that everyone talks about, asks, claims, where it came from, I, to be honest, don’t know and honestly don’t care. The sooner you realize yourself materially = the better.

Aerobatics is 18-25 years old, if you are already financially secure, you have your own real estate (apartments, apartments), a car, businesses, money = well, you are handsome. Well done. Seriously.

A man is judged by what he has achieved in life. If you achieved all this on your own at such a young age, you are handsome (you perform your main (natural) function well, you are a very competitive and capable worthy man, a very good breadwinner (hunter)). Understand?

P.S. You need to understand that reaching this level is extremely difficult, there are very few such men.

But this is exactly what we need to strive for. IMHO.

P.P.s. If you have not yet realized yourself at 30+, this is also not a reason to give up and give up. On the contrary, this is a reason to concentrate even more and take active steps to achieve success.

Why do I say specifically the material plane?

Because it is paramount. This is the first step (level) in life.

As I said, money is everything now: food, comfort, shelter, protection, pleasure and much more.

Therefore, no matter what anyone says, in style, money is not important in life, money does not bring happiness, money is not interesting to me, and so on blah blah blah = bullshit (lies). Without money = impossible to pass level 1.

Anyone who has already passed the 1st stage, FOUNDATION, BASIS, stands firmly on his feet, has laid the foundation = can move to the 2nd level (step). That is, for example, to create a family, develop somehow spiritually, travel, etc., etc., a person will not be able to develop spiritually or anything else, travel, etc. if HE HAS NOTHING TO EAT. If a man/woman/children are starving, if there is nowhere to live, etc.

If there is no money = no food, no comfort, no shelter, no protection, no pleasure and so on.

In such conditions, there can be no question of any kind of quality life. That’s why, for a man to be realized (in my understanding) = to be a good earner, because this is our main (natural) function, in other words, you need to be “with money.”

You need to pretend to be something. And don’t be a humpty chatter about anything, with rolled up jeans, run around after girls like Ivanushka is a fool, in general, walk, have fun, hang out, don’t give a damn, live there at daddy’s/momma’s expense on the neck, create poverty, nothing not achieving, not striving for anything, being like everyone else, working in worthless jobs, etc., etc., do you understand?

This is the main message of today's article, with an emphasis on the material part.

Someone there is saying that by the age of 30 a man MUST, oh how I love this feminine word. must have higher education, a permanent job, gets married, has a family, children, knows how to cook, knows how to work with his hands, fix something, repair something, in short, something else, as I said, how many people, so many opinions =) but, I think, look:

  • Education. Joke. I have 2 towers. Where do you work? I sell burgers. No comments. There is no connection here.
  • Job? What kind of job and salary should there be for a man to become financially independent? A person who works in most jobs in our countries can hardly be called truly successful.
  • Getting married? Start a family, children. Why, if there is no financial security? To create poverty?
  • Know how to cook? Seriously? =) No comments))
  • there are a lot of other things that have been expressed by those who have expressed it = but, in my opinion, everything is like that... (without the primary thing about anything).

Fin. security for a man = first of all, because this is our main (natural) natural function. A man is judged by who he is and what he has achieved in life. After all, a man is responsible. Responsibility is the number 1 main male quality. it is the man who must provide for himself, his woman and his offspring, feed, clothe, protect, etc. and so on.

All responsibilities from a material point of view lie with the man.

This is what happens in a patriarchal family. And with a worthy man = it cannot be any other way!

Women are not hunters (this is not their function, this is a male prerogative).

Women do not have the necessary qualities and skills (as men do).

Women have other functions (roles): wives (satisfying the husband, caring, helping, etc. for the husband, generally working with the husband), mothers (raising children, attention, care, etc.), housewives (coziness, comfort, cleanliness, food, etc.) etc. everything to free the husband to fulfill his functions: breadwinner and protector of the family.

A tandem between a man and a woman will be effective only if everyone performs well their direct natural roles (functions). And point, point and point again.

If a man has not realized himself in terms of mathematics, there can be no talk of a quality life.

This is why I believe that the basis (foundation) for the future life of any man is material security (financial independence). That's all for me today. See you soon.

Congratulations, administrator.

Most young people starting their careers know nothing about how to dress stylishly and why it is needed. T-shirts and sweatshirts are the main items of their wardrobe.

And completely in vain. After all, clothes are the first step on the path to success. Many will say that clothes do not make a person. And so it is. But it’s also true that you meet people by their clothes.

If your things are tastefully selected, neat and ironed, others will take you more seriously. And this, in turn, will give you a head start in professional growth.

How to look fashionable?

Sense of style and appropriateness - main principle good appearance. But how to achieve this? Follow the rules described below, and over time you will understand what you need to do, the sense of style will come to you.

What you need to know:

  1. Basic things– the basis of the wardrobe, what everything is built around. Such things could be: a white dress shirt, a pair of black trousers, dark jeans in a classic style, a T-shirt or polo in subdued tones.
  2. Color spectrum. If you haven’t found your style yet, then it’s better to stick to monochrome colors, these are: black, white, gray, graphite, etc. Clothing in this range always looks more expensive, hides flaws, and at the same time you don’t risk looking funny.
  3. Cleanliness and tidiness. Unfortunately, most men forget about this. But in vain. After all, a neat and shaven man is more successful both in his career and in his personal life.
  4. The right shoes. No suit will look good with good shoes. The main condition is expensive leather shoes. The second condition is that the shoes must match the style of the clothes.
  5. Strict classic suit. Any man must have such a suit, even if he works in a factory. After all, there are special occasions in everyone's life. The most appropriate here would be a classic single-breasted suit in black or gray. Important nuance– the suit should fit well. To achieve this, you will soon have to use the services of a private workshop.
  6. Try to look older. Agree, a 50-year-old tormentor looks ridiculous in torn jeans and a stretched T-shirt. It is difficult to take such a person seriously, but this is necessary for success in the profession. So try to look a little older than your age. Try it and see how much it affects people's attitude towards you.
  7. Consider the case. Before you get dressed, you should definitely consider where you are going. Clothing should always be appropriate for the occasion. Casual, office, club and evening wardrobes have significant differences.
  8. Replace jeans with trousers. This doesn’t mean that you should give up jeans altogether, just whenever possible, try to wear black trousers in a casual style instead of jeans, this will add solidity.
  9. Don't get hung up on fashion trends , because not all of this suits you. At first, it is better to give preference to the classics and develop your own style over time.
  10. Never do not wear old worn out things.
  11. Accessories are very important. Items such as a bag, purse, cigarette case, watch, etc. sometimes they say more about you than any other thing. A lot of people, especially women, pay attention to these little things.

How a man should dress to look fashionable and stylish is explained in the video:

Clothes for every season


With the arrival of winter, the question often arises: how to dress warmly, comfortably and at the same time stylishly?

Help here:

  1. Warm jackets and trousers made of corduroy. This is a soft, warm, wear-resistant material, perfect for the cold season.
  2. Coats made of drape or cashmere provide reliable protection from the cold and look stylish. Suitable for almost any clothing. Choose a coat in dark or gray tones and it will become an essential part of your wardrobe.
  3. Warm mountain boots will not be appropriate for negotiations, but in logs they are suitable as an everyday option for the cold season.
  4. A sheepskin jacket is quite suitable winter clothing for every day. If such a jacket is made in a classic style, it will be appropriate even for business events.
  5. Winter coats are classics of the genre. It goes well with an office suit and jeans. The only condition is that the coat should not be in a sporty style; choose a strict classic version.

Autumn and spring

This is the off-season period when the weather can be unpredictable, but you must look stylish even at this time.

In autumn and spring it will be appropriate:

  • Tweed jackets are versatile clothing for everyday wear. This jacket has a number of advantages: it slims, refreshes the face, does not show minor defects, and goes with almost any casual style clothing.
  • Demi-season drape coats are perfect for formal events: business meetings, business lunches, dinners, funerals, etc.
  • Light and warm Chelsea boots, stylish and versatile, go perfectly with jeans and a warm jacket.
  • Waterproof brogue boots. Such shoes would be appropriate as an office winter option. Main condition - dark color and a minimum of details.
  • In the spring, it is permissible to add a little more light colors and color accents to your wardrobe.


Here your best friends will be:

  1. A pair of comfortable boat shoes. It’s stylish, comfortable, beautiful, but most importantly, it’s not hot. Plus, these shoes go with almost everything.
  2. Absorbent T-shirts will become irreplaceable during a vacation, stay at a resort or cottage. These T-shirts dry out as you wear them.
  3. Summer linen suit in light colors It will be appropriate for informal events, relaxation, meetings with friends. Naturally, such clothes are not suitable for the office or a business trip.
  4. For work in the summer, it is permissible to wear light light suit in a classic style. It can be made from natural fabrics with the addition of synthetics; the best shoe to choose is Oxford shoes. If your office's dress code allows, you can dress in a casual Friday style: a light short-sleeved shirt and light classic trousers in dark colors.
  5. Sunglasses in a classic style. Important point– glasses must be selected taking into account the structure of the face.

Attention! In the summer, you should exclude tight-fitting and synthetic items from your wardrobe. Give preference natural fabrics, light colors, loose fit.

The video describes 12 style rules that every man should know:

Age matters

At 30 years old

By the age of thirty, a man enters the age of respectability; career and position in society come first. And this cannot but affect the wardrobe.

What a 30-year-old man's wardrobe should look like:

  1. At this age preference should be given classic things. Ripped jeans, cheap T-shirts, and bulky shoes should be a thing of the past.
  2. Clothes must be of high quality and fit well. While a baggy sweater looks good on a 20-year-old guy, it looks out of place on a 30-year-old man.
  3. 30 years is the time to invest in quality things. Branded jeans, a classic suit, a club jacket, several pairs of leather shoes, white and blue shirts- this is the basis of the wardrobe. Other details are added in accordance with style, profession and lifestyle.
  4. At this age, you can still experiment with mixing styles and colors, since 30 years is a time of perfect balance between youth and maturity.

At 40 years old

Upon reaching the 40-year mark, a man's wardrobe undergoes dramatic changes.

What was appropriate at 30 is completely unacceptable at 40.

Main characteristics of the wardrobe:

  1. The wardrobe of a 40-year-old man is a reflection of his status and achievements. Fashion trends fade into the background.
  2. The color palette should be age appropriate. Give preference to discreet colors: gray, blue, olive, purple.
  3. Conservatism is the main guideline. At this age, it is advisable to adhere to conservatism when choosing clothes and accessories; the main emphasis should be on quality. It is better to buy one pair of expensive trousers than 2-3 pairs of cheap ones.
  4. Clothes must fit your figure. Since by this age most men still gain a few kilograms, so you should not choose things that are too fitted and tight.
  5. Upon reaching the 40-year mark, it is better to give up black. The skin at this age becomes thinner and paler, and the black color will only emphasize this. Give preference to light shades: white, blue, blue, gray.

At 50 years old

Turning 50 is a time to renew and reconsider your wardrobe., the old trends continue, but new touches may need to be introduced.

Main trends:

  1. Restraint, simplicity and quality should come to the fore. This mainly applies to casual wear. Since with business suits and so everything is clear.
  2. The color scheme can be left the same as at 40 years old, the only amendment is to exclude bright colors and new items even from the summer wardrobe.
  3. The everyday wardrobe of a 50-year-old man should include: dark dress pants, jeans, light shirts, polo shirts, a casual jacket that goes with both trousers and jeans, and several classic coats.
  4. Accessories at this age should be selected with special care: leather belts, stylish scarves and mufflers, purses, umbrellas, cufflinks, must be best quality from what you can afford. If your budget allows, purchase branded accessories; they will last much longer and at the same time maintain a decent appearance.

Watch a video that explains how a man should not dress:

Whatever style of clothing you prefer, neatness and good taste are its basis. Moreover, this should be a constant habitual, and not a random event.

Attention! It is completely unacceptable to allow yourself stale underwear, torn socks and stains on your shirt. Don't justify your sloppy appearance by lack of funds.

Good taste and a sense of style cannot be bought with money, but you can look sloppy even with a big budget.

The main thing your wardrobe needs is attention. Unfortunately, this is what most men lack.

It’s much easier to look younger at 40. To begin with, you should give up bad habits - tobacco, beer with salted fish, strong alcoholic drinks, a sedentary lifestyle in front of the TV or computer. If at the age of 20 these habits did not cause significant harm to health and appearance, then in the fifth decade they will begin to leave their mark.

Young girls envy their boyfriends who eat everything and don’t gain weight. Indeed, the metabolism of the stronger sex is somewhat faster, and there is less body fat. But in order for a man to look young at 40, it’s worth reconsidering his diet. At this age, eating hamburgers with fries and washing down this disgrace with tea with eight spoons of sugar will not go unnoticed on the figure. And if for women pleasant fullness is not a vice, then a protruding belly and plump thighs cause disgust in a man.

If you have already decided that you want to look good after 40, start playing sports. Even if you don't have excess weight. It is not necessary to “sit down” on protein and lift iron, but it is necessary to train endurance. A frail man does not evoke any positive emotions in the opposite sex. Only pity and the desire to feed.

Very often a man wants to look younger at 40, but to part with bad habits No. If you smoke and are not going to quit, at least use cosmetics. Ideally, it would be a good idea to visit the salon regularly. Not everyone can afford it. And some men are even shy. It’s not scary, masks, peelings and cleansing can be done in. Believe me, a modern man is not ashamed to have anti-wrinkle creams in his arsenal. Just don't use your wife's or friend's makeup bag. In stores and pharmacies there are a lot of products specifically for men.

It is difficult for a man to look young at 40 with unkempt hair. If the hair on your head is dense, it needs to be regularly tidied up, and good master. Free haircuts from an amateur neighbor are the lot of pensioners. An experienced hairdresser will make a stylish haircut even if it’s not too thick hair. For those who have extensive bald spots, it is best to shave your head. If the shape of your head does not allow you to wear such a “hairstyle,” you should consider a hair transplant. You also need to trim and style your eyebrows if they are too thick and stick out in different directions.

As you get older and the first number in your age changes from 2 to 3, your wardrobe should change with you

Courage is behind student years and the first uncertain steps up the career ladder. You become more experienced, more confident, more successful and more mature. Things that looked good before will look ridiculous now. You can light a fire from these 14 things and confidently step into the fourth decade of your life. A period in which you will look better than before or after it.

1 . Decorations. Wooden bracelets are allowed only if you are a surfer, and a fist-sized cross of God is allowed only if you are a priest. Men's accessories are always appropriate - watches and wedding ring. The number of watches is measured only by wealth, but keep in mind that watches are also completely different in shape and purpose. Men's jewelry should be understated, upscale, and made from something that doesn't float.

2. Cheap sports watches. They are the ones who should leave your daily look after jewelry. Their versatility and sportiness remain a thing of the past along with the words “versatility” and “sportiness”. In this case, they allow you to look more “sporty” and at the same time emphasize the distance that separates you from real sports. It is appropriateness that should become the main criterion in the selection of clothes and accessories in the period of 30-40 years. If you want to feel nostalgic, wear them to the gym or to the stadium to cheer for your favorite club.

Life is a beautiful thing, so pay attention to your clothes, even if you're just going to the store

3 . Wallet chain. This is quite a rarity these days, but there are some men who continue to wear this pointless accessory from the distant past. Their only goal is to prevent wallet theft - they do it worse than ever. Not only does the chain indicate exactly where your wallet is, but unfastening the modern carabiner couldn't be easier. Besides, at an age when a man is expected to be neat and fit, there is nothing more strange than a thin chain connecting your thigh and buttock.

4 . Versatile Black Square Toe Shoes. Bought for graduation at school and still relevant at college, and then at interviews, at the age of 30 such shoes will only help you stand in line for unemployment benefits. This is the end of their journey and that’s it. Remember - the rounded toe of shoes made of good leather will look appropriate for the next thirty years.

5. Beach shorts and flip flops. If you are a lifeguard at a sports club pool or in Hydropark, you can skip this section. In other cases, remember that wearing this ensemble in the city is unacceptable, period. And also remember that men's legs, as a rule, do not look as attractive as women's ones. If you decide to show them off, take care of their cleanliness and wear a special open shoes for the city - sandals, they fit more tightly on the foot and do not attract dust as much as flip-flops.

6 . Sports socks. These easy-to-wear and washable socks are designed for sports. And so they life cycle higher than usual. Nobody wanted to deceive you, it’s just that synthetics are more durable than cotton. The good news is that they don't need to be thrown away and can be worn with sneakers. The bad news is that they don't fit the shoes. And even black socks under black shoes.

7 . Skater sneakers. I would say that you should have gotten rid of them as soon as you turned 25. But I remember how much effort it took to get them, and how cool it was. But the time has come for more urban shoes: Nike, NB, Reebok, Common Projects, Feeling Pieces, as well as sneakers from the classics Santoni and Zegna will appropriately replace Vans and Onyls. A thirty-year-old man in skater sneakers creates a kind of “prehistoric” image of himself, as if the person has been absent for the last ten to twenty years, and has now returned from oblivion, taking long-forgotten shoes from there.

8 . Mike. So, everything you need to know about the T-shirt: 1. In English slang, the T-shirt is called Wife Beater (“A man who beats his wife” in literal translation). 2. In Russian slang “alcoholic”. The history of these names is the topic of a separate article, but I think the meaning is clear. You can sleep in it, or wear it discreetly under your shirt. These are the only two correct options.

9. Hoodie and raglans. They are eternal. This is where their advantages end. Keep them as a memory - out of sight. Their synthetic composition no longer matches your age. And a logo the size of a human head with a reflector will no longer find spotlights in the club. So let them go, just let them go.

10 . Distressed jeans. The good thing about jeans is that you don't have to think about what to wear. You just put them on. There is such a thing as excessive casualness in clothing. Try to avoid it. And an excellent example of such everyday life is artificially distressed jeans, regardless of whether they are worn out at the knees, torn at the calf, or just all in an assorted hole. Find yourself a pair of good jeans that don't look like they've been hit by a corn harvester. Plain jeans will age on their own, and do so beautifully. Just like you.

11. Oversized items. Some things won't look good on you, no matter how much you convince yourself. “I’ll wear this golf shirt with stretched sleeves under a jacket, and no one will notice,” you think. They will notice. By the age of thirty, you should understand which brands fit well on you and which ones fit poorly. This understanding is a great help in accepting right decisions regarding purchases. The items that actually suit you may be a little more expensive than you budgeted for, but it's worth the splurge. If you have good job, then you are simply forced to look a little neater than you really are.

12 . All the things you think are "cool". T-shirts with prints, socks with strange designs, ties with cartoon characters - such things have no place in the life of a man over 30. No matter how ironic they may seem to you. This also applies to small details. Using socks as an example: opt for socks in soft pastel colors, shades of brown, blue or gray. Classic patterns are perfect for design - look at the Falke range. Do not wear socks given as a gift New Year, “cool” friends.

13. Sportswear. Sportswear is great for when you're working out at the gym or doing the exact opposite - lounging on the couch at home. But when you leave the house and communicate with people dressed in colorless, baggy clothes, it looks as if you have resigned yourself to the hopelessness of existence on the couch and are no longer waiting for the gifts of fate.

14. Bad hats. The only thing worse than oversized hats with pompoms is a hat with earflaps or a hat made of fur. Let's leave the first to the guys under 23, and the second to the far north, where they can't survive without them. Regular classic wool hats without inscriptions or logos will look neat and to the point. There are also caps and they are not for 60-year-olds.

Let me guess... You want to dress well, but you don't know how.

You have not previously shown much interest in your own clothing style, and you have never had an instinct for how to dress properly. You just have no idea where to start or what to focus on.

And you know what? You're not the only guy trying to figure out how to dress as a man. Many people struggle with this, but with the right advice, you can learn the skills you need much faster.

1. Start from scratch

When you want to start dressing stylishly, you need to start from the beginning.

This doesn't mean you should give up your clothes immediately. People around you are unlikely to understand if you wander around the shops naked.

But you have to accept that you will eventually get rid of most of your current wardrobe, replacing it with more suitable and stylish items.

Saying goodbye to some of your favorite pieces of clothing will be difficult, but it needs to be done to make progress.

Don't worry, in return you will get new favorite things that will make you look much better.

2. Forget everything you think you know.

One of the biggest challenges you will have to overcome is your belief that looking fashionable is unimportant.

What you consider to be unimportant may turn out to be vital, while seemingly important things are secondary.

You have to accept that you may not know as much as you think you do.

You have to think of yourself as a beginner, otherwise you'll likely miss important lessons.

Imagine knowing nothing and you will be open to learning everything you need to know.

3. Build the foundation of your wardrobe

Updating your wardrobe starts with a strong foundation.

You want to build a versatile wardrobe that goes well with almost anything.

The main items of such a wardrobe include white shirts, black trousers, blue jeans and gray sweaters.

Once you've built your foundation, you can add more attractive clothes to your wardrobe.

4. Simplicity is the highest form of complexity

You must remember that you are a man and there is no need to be extravagant. You don't need too many frills and bells and whistles to look great.

Give preference to simple things. Remember this and stop making things too complicated. Simple style is the best style for guys.

5. The main thing is how well the clothes fit you

This is the golden rule. Clothing should not only be beautiful, but also fit well with your body parameters.

Compare these two shirts:

Which do you think looks better?

The shirt on the left doesn't fit his body proportions, making the guy look like he raided someone else's closet.

6. Downsize your wardrobe

Having a large wardrobe will not do any good.

In fact, having too many clothes in your wardrobe is not advisable. This good news for guys whose capabilities are limited by their available budget.

Never fill your wardrobe with too many clothes, thinking that this is the only way you can achieve variety.

You don't need a lot of items to have a great arsenal of stylish clothing items. You'll be amazed at how little you really need.

In addition, you should periodically empty your wardrobe of items that look worn out, that no longer fit you, or that you simply don't wear anymore.

7. Update your wardrobe

You don't want to be that guy who wears the same clothes every day. You need a little variety.

In addition, old unnecessary items should be periodically replaced with new items of clothing.

You can decorate and expand your wardrobe at the same time. At the same time, you should ensure that things have a combination with each other.

8. Use multiple layers in your clothing

Knowing how to use layers in clothing will give you maximum benefit from everything in your closet, and this will help you create more interesting looks.

Layering allows you to play with your clothes so that you learn how to put them together correctly.

9. Forget about fashion trends, develop your style first

Many men think that they have to be on top of all the latest fashion trends to become more stylish.

However, when you're starting out, developing your own style is much more important.

Once you figure out the look you want, you can start adding fashion trends that will contribute to that look.

10. Look natural

You don't want to look like you spent hours carefully creating your style in front of the mirror.

If you want to look good, look like you're not making an effort to look good.

But this does not mean that your appearance should be called “chaos on the body.” Do not confuse slight negligence with a nightmare.

When you develop your sense of style, you become open to new types of clothing. You should try things that you would never have thought of wearing before.

Perhaps you'll try wearing chinos instead of jeans or a jacket instead of a sweater. You may want to wear business casual attire or even a suit. You might be tempted to replace your sneakers with desert boots or moccasins.

You'll be surprised how good you can look in clothes you previously thought weren't suitable for you.

12. Learn to love colors

Most men don't seem to be very keen on having a variety of colors in their wardrobe. Many of us stick to a basic color scheme of black, white, gray and blue.

If so, you should expand your color horizons.

You have to figure out what colors suit you, other than the ones you're already used to. AND The best way to do this is to try them.

Although you should learn to love colors, you should avoid using them too much a large number of at the beginning of your personal style journey because you run the risk of using colors that don't match.

Stick to using only one color (one color combination) in your clothing at a time, keeping it neutral.

Once you expand your knowledge, you can start combining them more diligently.

13. Attitude of others

Once you start improving your style, you are guaranteed to receive stupid jokes from your friends.

The secret to dealing with this is to not sweat it or laugh. Hard fuck... – yours best friend. Making fun of the prankster is also the right way.

Eventually your friends will get used to who you become and the jokes will stop.

14. Be open to feedback

There are people in your life who will genuinely try to help you, so be open to their advice.

You can usually tell when criticism is constructive and when someone is just trying to bring you down to their level.

Hint: People who give valuable and sincere advice usually dress quite well themselves.

15. Be honest with yourself

You shouldn't imitate someone you're not. You will feel unnatural when you try to look like it doesn't match your personality.

For example, if you're a casual guy, you might not want to wear formal suits all the time. Just aim to look like a more stylish version of yourself.

16. Developing your own style will take time.

Moscow was not built in a day, and your style will not emerge overnight.

It will take you time to fully understand all the little tricks that make your look great.

Don't expect to become the most stylish guy in the world within a month or two. You must be prepared to spend some time on this.

17. Be prepared to make mistakes

Through hardship to the stars. We all make mistakes, none of us are immune from this.

Look at celebrities. They often use the services of personal stylists or designers who create clothes just for them.

And even these people make mistakes, but only because they try new things. Sometimes this is beneficial, and sometimes it is harmful.

But the risk of making mistakes shouldn't stop you from trying new clothes.

The road to success is paved with mistakes. You just need to be able to accept them, draw appropriate conclusions and move on.

18. Rest assured that you will soon know how to dress as a man.

If you keep working on yourself and your style, you will eventually achieve your goal.

You will learn to notice important details in your own and other people's clothes. You will know which things are right for you and which ones are not for you. Choosing the best combination of clothes from your closet will be as easy as walking down the street.

No matter how long it takes you to develop your style, rest assured that you will eventually achieve it.

How to dress for a man depending on his age

Knowing how to dress well as a man at any given age can be challenging at any stage of your life.

Although no established rules how men should dress, fashion for older men compared to younger men can be very different, so you want to make sure you get it right.

Mastering the knowledge of how to dress a guy in your 20s isn't as challenging as it would be for the rest of your life because at that age there are fewer demands placed on your appearance.

You can follow more cost-effective fashion trends without investing heavily in your wardrobe.

And yet, this is probably the best period to develop the image that you prefer. So don't be afraid to go casual with a classic look next week.


Guys in their 20s are the most “served” audience when we're talking about about clothes. This is your chance to experience bold fashion trends before moving on to more classic styles as you get older.

Don't be afraid to try bright colors, unusual combinations, and fashion trends.

As you get older, you might cringe at your choices in retrospect, but for now, just enjoy the weirdness of fashion.


Clothing isn't the only thing that can affect your style, as even a great haircut can help improve your appearance.

If you are not sure what to do with your hair, it is better not to resort to “crazy” haircuts. Fashionable haircuts may look great, but may need to be regularly maintained with appropriate hair styling. This can add additional inconvenience to your daily life.


Accessories are just as important as clothes when creating a style.

A regular watch that you can wear with any item of clothing is never an unnecessary investment, so don't be afraid to spend a little more money to achieve a great look.

If you prefer warm colors in your clothing, then a gold watch will go well with it, while a silver watch will pair well with more muted, cool tones.

Buy a couple of white shirts

White shirts are one of the most versatile pieces of clothing you'll ever have in your wardrobe, and they pair well with almost anything else.

Try on shirts with jeans, compare their combination with a classic suit.

Fashion for 30-year-old men can be varied, but at this stage you can start incorporating more classic styles into your wardrobe.

It's honestly best time to dress up as you have the perfect balance of youth and maturity.

One general rule for 30-year-old men, it's about making sure your clothes fit your body measurements.

Good style for a 30-year-old man should be something like a well-fitted suit. Alternatively, you can mix different styles, moving away from the classics if you wish.

Make suits the most important item in your wardrobe

You may have already bought great suits in your 20s, but when it comes to fashion for 30-year-old men, suits take on even more importance.

It's time for you to diversify your wardrobe of suits in terms of color, quality and patterns.

There are plenty of occasions to wear a suit or jacket, so you don't have to wait for a formal event. Find out which colors suit you best.

Invest in good things

While you've been experimenting with fashion in your 20s, your job is to polish your clothing style to the best it can be. This is due, among other things, to the transition from investing in a large number of cheap items to investing in a smaller number, but more expensive items of clothing. Among other things, this approach will allow you to save time that you spend on shopping.

Instead of buying a pair of jeans that will wear out in a year, buy a pair of jeans that cost three times as much that you'll last a lot longer.

In addition to jeans, buy a quality blazer, a few dress shirts, and a good pair of shoes that fit you perfectly.

Clothing style at 40 is the result of development, not trends and fashion.

Filter out the questionable items you tried in your 20s and 30s and instead pay more attention to clothes and color palettes that suit you.

Fashion for men over 40 tends to be more conservative and focused on quality rather than colors and patterns.

A white t-shirt and a nice pair of jeans may look good on you, but you want to make sure you're dealing with quality materials. You no longer have the right to wear cheap things.

Stick to a certain haircut

Dressing style for men over 40 is important, but a haircut can dramatically change the appearance of any man. Men over the age of 40 may begin to notice that their hair has become thinner and sparser. Therefore for some best choice There will be a short haircut.

Matching fitted items

It's not necessary that by the time you cross the 40-year mark, your body weight will be measured in tons, but it is unlikely that you will be as thin as in your younger years.

Therefore, for example, the best jeans for men over 40 are those that are not too tight. The same applies to shirts and other items of clothing.

Choose lighter colors

As you get older, your skin becomes thinner and slightly paler.

Dark clothing colors can make you look even paler, so for many men it makes sense to opt for lighter colors. For example, dark blue and gray colors without any problems they can replace a more saturated black color.

Fashion for men over 50 is very similar to men's style over 40, with an emphasis on fit and color rather than trends.

Although you look great in a tailored suit for more formal occasions, when it comes to dressing for casual wear, choosing for you may seem more difficult.

And again accessories

Accessories are the perfect finishing touch to an outfit, whether it's simple jeans paired with a T-shirt or a more sophisticated suit and tie.

When choosing accessories, you should give preference to classic, versatile items that will not look out of place if combined with various items clothes.

A leather belt with a gold or silver buckle is ideal, and spending a little more money on a quality item is always worth it. Now you are a sophisticated gentleman, and not some guy.

Take care of your hair

The worst thing you can do in your 50s is spend a ton of money on clothes and accessories and then just forget about your hair and beard. They need attention, as well as suitable hair care products and even good oil for the beard.

So, how should a man dress depending on his age?
  1. 20 years. It's time to experiment, so don't worry about anything going wrong.
  2. 30 years. A period of organizing your wardrobe and adding some luxuries.
  3. 40 years. Your style should be to invest in quality and expensive items that will stand the test of time.
  4. 50 years. Time for a necessary wardrobe update.

We wish you good luck and look great!