Water is not just water.
- This is blood. Living blood of the earth.

Water teaches us humility. Let your emotions fly away...

Water gives life and health, but easily and quickly takes it away if it is total.

Iron rusts from water, water loses its purity from stagnation. Inaction also undermines the power of the mind.

"Leonardo Da Vinci"

To control water, you need to free yourself from all emotions, no matter where they lead you.

I was thinking today that water can be water, but if you heat it up, it becomes fog, and if you cool it, it becomes ice. And it is unknown what it really is: steam, water or ice. Maybe it’s the same with a person, he can be different too.

"Janusz Korczak"

If water flows, a ditch will form.

The city you see across the water always looks magnificent.

"William Golding"

You cannot cross the sea just by standing and looking into the water. Don't waste time on vain desires.

From the moment of birth, you acquire annual rings of life, just as circles on water spread out, wider and wider, until they reach a state of rest.

"Feng Zicai"

Water is like a magician. Saws you in half. It turns out that you now consist of two parts, and the lower one melts, spreads out like sugar. Cool water, and from time to time a wave that very gracefully stumbles and falls, in lacy curls of foam.

"Ray Bradbury"

Humans are 80% water. If a person has no dreams or goals in life, then he is just a vertical puddle.

Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose, geological processes. Not only earth's surface, but also the deep - on the scale of the biosphere - parts of the planet are determined, in their most significant manifestations, by its existence and its properties.

"Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky"

Sometimes there are people who cannot swim. And I always think: My God, this is extraordinary. It has always been a pleasure for me. I just feel very happy in the water.

"David Williams"

This water was the most delicious I have ever drunk. Or maybe I just started to appreciate more the world. Yes. The world is truly an absolutely amazing place, and I am an integral part of it.

"Jeffrey Lindsay"

The method of moving water is to first fill all the potholes and ditches encountered along the way, and only then move forward further.

"Feng Zicai"

People invented water to transport it from one place to another.

"Edward Ford"

The extinction of life can be compared to an eternal stream of water that flows down. Water cannot flow upward. So our life, almost imperceptibly for us, expires.

"Dalai Lama XIV"

We only know the value of a well when there is no more water in it.

I am absolutely miserable outside of the water. It's like being in heaven and then being banished to earth.

"Jacques-Yves Cousteau"

Water benefits all beings and does not fight (with them). she is where people would not want to be.

"Lao Tzu"

Muddy water is no substitute for a mirror.

Internal dirt cannot be washed off with water, but only with tears.

"Jalaluddin Rumi"

It's more expensive for fools to carry water. The fool will get lost, and you will die of thirst.

Water and time are two powerful solvents: one wears away stone, the other undermines self-esteem.

"Alexandr Duma"

If the water is calm, don't think there are no crocodiles in it.

Although there is no object in the world that would be weaker and more delicate than water, it can destroy the hardest object.

"Lao Tzu"

You could say water is crazy because it has a hysterical need to obey itself. This is her fixed idea.

It's not beer that kills people, it's water that kills people.

"Leonid Derbenev"

Water is the pioneer that the settlers obediently follow, benefiting from its minimal changes.

"Henry David Thoreau"

Clean drinking water is the main component healthy image life.

A ship does not sink when it is in water. It sinks when there is water in it. It doesn't matter what happens around us. What matters is what happens inside us.

I miss the days when you could just push someone into the water without worrying about the smartphone in their pocket.

Water destroys mountains and stones, but words destroy people.

Let me pour salted water into pavement-eyed lovelessness.

"Al Quotion"

He who sees only water in the sea does not notice the mountains on earth.

In the mountains the water is tasty, on the plain the flowers are beautiful.

Water is so precious that it ends up going down the drain.

"Georgy Alexandrov"

We only know the value of water when the well runs dry.

"Benjamin Franklin"

The one who carves for himself “broken reservoirs that do not hold water” feels devastated, guided in everything by side personal interests.

The whole city is under water, and you are bailing out the water instead of swimming with the others.

One cannot logically judge the possibility from a drop of water. Atlantic Ocean or Niagara Falls, without seeing or hearing either one.

"Arthur Conan Doyle"

When the sun began to get too hot, the stream quenched his thirst. The water shone like diamonds in clumsily folded palms. Tired, he was glad to rest in the shade. Noon quietly closed his tired eyes, slipped a few purple and dark blue waves under his closed eyelids and extinguished the torch of consciousness.

"Jack Kerouac"

Be the earth, be the water, be the sun, be the tree, let the one who doesn’t want to use it, don’t use it.

"Fethullah Gülen"

There are few chances to get out of the water unscathed, but many chances to enter...

"Vladimir Borisov"

Water is alive. Before you have time to dive, she will show you her fangs and attack. But there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, people have tamed water. She was de-fanged and sterilized. But that's not enough for me.

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and most powerfully.

"Lao Tzu"

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source.


There's no point in getting angry at the water if you don't like the reflection.

The main thing is to overcome fear. Then the water will be kind to you. She will support you and won't let you drown. No wonder water washes away all sins.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings.

"Antoine de Saint-Exupery"

People's statements - what they think about water.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in the water. Lauren Eiseley

Everyone loves a good quote!

*You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to do synchronized swimming. Cuthbert soup
*There are things that you don’t have to buy with money - water, sun, moon, night... Plautus

It's a pity that drinking water is not a sin. Otherwise how delicious it would seem!

*Water is the pioneer that settlers obediently follow, benefiting from its slightest changes. Thoreau Henry David

And in the bath, and in the bathhouse -
Anytime and anywhere
Eternal glory to the water!
K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”

Sayings about water

*As in too clean water There will never be fish, so a person who is too cautious will never gain wisdom. Chinese proverb

*We only know the value of water when the well dries up. Benjamin Franklin

*Humans invented water to transport it from one place to another. Edward Ford

*The problem is that they are all stars in Madrid. They need someone to run water to the well. Diego Maradona

*By observing water, Man can learn so much. Nicholas Sparks

*You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force him to drink. Stan Laurel

*The mill cannot use the water that flowed in the past. Daniel Palmer

*With our passions it is like with fire and water - they are good servants, but bad masters. Aesop

*What is elegance? Soap and water! Cecil Beaton

*Sometimes there are people who cannot swim. And I always think: My God, this is extraordinary. It has always been a pleasure for me. I just feel very happy in the water. David Williams

*Being in a boat moving through the water makes everything so clear. Everything falls into place in terms of what is important and what is not. James Taylor

*I think water dictates how food tastes in a country. Apples in England taste different from apples grown elsewhere. England is an island, there is a lot of salt in the air and water. I think this is the reason. Gael Garcia Bernal

*Dog owners have noticed that if you give your dogs food, water, shelter and love, they will think you are a god. Whereas cat owners are forced to realize that if they give cats food and water and shelter and love, they conclude that they are gods. Christopher Hitchens

*You never know what will happen. A small wave, or a big flood. All you can do is hope that when it comes, you can travel through it instead of drowning in it. Alice Speer

“You are water. I am water. We all water in different containers.
That's why it's so easy for us to meet. Someday we will evaporate together." - Yoko Ono

*They both silently listened to the water, which for them was not only water, but the voice of life, the voice of being, the voice of eternal becoming. Hermann Hesse

*Keep your feet on the deck, your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the horizon, and your beer in the fridge! ~ Be Marshall

*Life is like sea ​​water, she will never be sweet enough until she ascends to heaven. ~ Richter

*There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea, and I am no longer surprised at the cruelty of pirates. James Russell Lowell

*I think no the best way to communicate with the sea than to sit in the sun on the veranda at the fishermen's cafe. Joseph W. Beach

*He who has learned to pray, let him go to sea. George Herbert

*It is not the king who has the sea, but God alone. Dante Gabriel Rossetti

*Water is a symbol of female Power, which a man does not dare to claim. Paulo Coelho

Sayings about water by sages and comedians

*To understand water means to understand the universe. Masaru Emoto
*Water is so precious that it ends up going down the drain. Georgy Alexandrov

*If you hit the water hard, you will hurt yourself. Vantal

*Improperly placed water may cause you to drown. Alisher Faiz

*There are few chances to get out of the water unscathed, but many chances to get in... Vladimir Borisov

*You can drown in a ford only in delirium. Valery Afonchenko

Water was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth. Leonardo da Vinci

The water in the vessel is clear. The water in the sea is dark. Little truths have clear words; the great Truth has great silence. Rabindranath Tagore

IN cold water– healing, prevention of diseases, it strengthens the body and maintains good spirits. Aulus Cornelius Celsus

The water leaves, but the rock remains; slander good man will not pollute. Chinese proverb

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water takes the form of the vessel into which it is poured, and a person gains good or evil from his friends. Japanese proverb

Thousands of people live without love, but no one lives without water. Wysten Hugh Auden

To understand water is to understand the universe. Masaru Emoto

Truth is in wine, health is in water. Latin proverb

Water destroys mountains and stones, but words destroy people. Kyrgyz proverb

If the water is calm, don't think there are no crocodiles in it. Indonesian proverb

Water benefits all beings and does not fight (with them), it is located where people would not want to be. Lao Tzu

In no water can a crow wash off its black feathers. German proverb

Water is the beauty of all nature. Water is alive, it runs or is agitated by the wind, it moves and gives life and movement to everything around it. Sergey Aksakov

Water is the only suitable drink for the wise. Henry David Thoreau

We begin to value water no sooner than the well dries up. Thomas Fuller

A drop breaks a stone not by force, but by falling frequently. Giordano Bruno

Water can carry a boat, or it can capsize it. Chinese proverb

Water is so precious that it ends up going down the drain. Georgy Alexandrov

Fire is trouble, water is trouble, and there is no worse trouble than neither fire nor water. Russian proverb

Water is the pioneer that the settlers obediently follow, benefiting from its minimal changes. Henry David Thoreau

Although there is no object in the world that would be weaker and more delicate than water, it can destroy the hardest object. Lao Tzu

Without water there is no life, without labor there is no prosperity. Turkmen proverb

Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose, geological processes. Not only the earth's surface, but also the deep - on the scale of the biosphere - parts of the planet are determined, in their most significant manifestations, by its existence and its properties. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

A sip of water opens the doors of heaven. Norwegian proverb

Anyone who is thirsty dreams that he drinks. Chinese proverb

Iron rusts from water, water loses its purity from stagnation... the power of the mind is also undermined by inaction. Leonardo da Vinci

Just as water can clearly reflect the sky and trees only because its surface is calm, the mind can only reflect the true image when it is calm and completely relaxed. Indra Devi

Worms breed in standing water. Italian proverb

Water and air, two basic elements on which all life depends, have become global trash cans. Jacques-Yves Cousteau

One cannot logically judge the possibility of the Atlantic Ocean or Niagara Falls from a drop of water without having seen or heard either one. Arthur Conan Doyle

In the mountains the water is tasty, on the plain the flowers are beautiful. Chinese proverb

Water is the source of life, because in the womb we are surrounded by water for nine months. Paulo Coelho

When you drink water, remember the source. Chinese proverb

When acquiring land, first of all take a closer look at the water, the road, and your neighbor. Pliny the Elder

Earthlings do not have the money to deliver water to the arid regions of the Earth, but they do have the money to look for water on Mars... After this, it is worth asking the question: Is there intelligence on Earth? Unknown author


Aphorisms about water

Earth is a water planet, where the quality of water determines the quality of life. Good water - a good life. Bad water - bad life. No water - no life.

Planet Earth

Although there is no object in the world that would be weaker and more delicate than water, it can destroy the hardest object.

We begin to value water no sooner than the well dries up.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings.

Water is the only suitable drink for the wise.

Have you noticed that when you put a stick in the water, it seems to be bent, although in reality it is not? That's why I don't take baths.

Beware of stagnant water: poison lurks in it.

I bought a pack of powdered water, but I don't know how to dilute it.

Water takes the form of a vessel. Japanese proverb


Water is the softest and weakest creature in the world, but in overcoming the hard and strong it is invincible, and there is no equal in the world.

Water benefits all beings and does not fight (with them). she is where people would not want to be.

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and most powerfully

Water is the source of life, because in the womb we are surrounded by water for nine months. Water is a symbol of female Power, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to claim, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to challenge.

It is everywhere; it touches the past and prepares the future; it flows under the poles and is present on high altitudes. If there is something truly mysterious on this planet, it is water.

Eternally flowing water will cut a path in the rock.

A person can learn so much by observing water.


Beautiful saying about water

Water is nature's treasure. The statements of poets and scientists about this all-consuming element make us think about eternal values. Everyone at their own time comes to the realization that they can change a lot in the direction of their life path. The statement about water is endowed with mystical power. It helps you understand what is important in life and what is secondary.

When a person is torn apart by problems from within, he often turns to water to sit in solitude and comprehend what is happening. This article contains interesting statements from scientists about water. They are of significant interest to those who are looking for their own truth in this large and constantly changing world.

“Water has the power to become the meaning of existence” (Leonardo da Vinci)

Life often seems to us to be a treasure full of mysteries and secrets. Even when a lot of things don’t go well, things don’t go the way we would like, a person never stops striving for more. Water helps you find peace of mind, throw off the burden of disturbing problems. Any statement about water can lead a person to understand its true nature. The reason for many tossing and negative attitudes is the inability to correctly express negative emotions. It is best to turn to water - it will help you renew yourself, and you will feel both an improvement in your physical condition and an internal transformation.

There is, perhaps, not a single person in the world who would not be delighted when contemplating the infinity and power of the natural elements. Writers' statements about water emphasize the undeniable importance of life and its various manifestations. Creative people In general, it is common to think about the meaning of existence, to look for alternative manifestations for oneself. Water often helps to relax and achieve a state of internal zeroing.

Concentration improves after showering or swimming. Even if you just spend a certain amount of time near any body of water, your soul immediately becomes lighter. Water has the ability to take away all sorrows, fill the soul with positivity and new hopes.

Life is wiser and more enterprising than us. This statement about water shows how big and unknown what is happening around us can seem. If a person understands and accepts the laws of the universe, then he lives in harmony with his inner nature. For such a person, everything turns out as easily as possible, without significant effort. If, contemplating nature, you understand why you exist, then you can gratefully accept the gifts it offers.

Have you ever paid attention to how ordinary water flows? Watch her for a few minutes! How unhindered she passes through the most significant obstacles! The water stops at nothing, but acts softly and smoothly. Under its pressure, the most insoluble problems dissolve and bold dreams come true.

“There is nothing comparable to water” (Lao Tzu)

We all sometimes strive to achieve a state of balance. This statement about water is filled with the energy of creation and forgiveness. It will help someone to cheer up and find alternative solutions to complex problems. Only water often helps us free ourselves from oppressive experiences and problems. While taking a bath, a person washes off negative energy, just as a snake sheds its old skin, thereby being reborn.

Water performs a very important function on Earth: it heals spiritual wounds, cleanses physically and mentally. It fills a person with new, positive energy to carry out important intentions. In terms of strength and power, it cannot be compared with anything else. Nothing without a sip of water Living being couldn't live even a day.

“A drop sharpens a stone not by its strength, but by the frequency of its impact” (J. Bruno)

All living things change over time. Not only nature, but also people undergo changes. If some thought constantly affects us, then sooner or later we will accept it. Any events, positive or negative, eventually cease to seem terrible, frightening and destructive.

Even a stone is capable of changes under the influence of a drop, let alone a person whose soul contains a mechanism of constant transformation.

“I saw the Indian Sea, azure, with blue waves in it” (K. Balmont)

Here we're talking about about praising water, which is an integral component of living nature. Konstantin Balmont points out in these lines the possibility of spiritual and moral transformation. In his poem, he glorifies the majesty of this natural element, endows it with high value. Poets' statements about water, as a rule, are filled with creative power and revelation.

“Water and time put everything in its place” (A. Dumas)

Sometimes events happen in life that change people's minds. In most cases, when faced with incomprehensible changes, a person becomes lost and temporarily loses the ability to take active action. Water helps you survive many unpleasant events. You just need to wash your face and take a shower to feel better.

Over time, we rethink the events that happened in the past and change our attitude towards them. Thus, water is part of the life of all living beings. Statements about it allow you to return to your own origins.


Best quotes about water

Water is the most important substance for humans and our planet as a whole. It was water that made it possible for life to arise and exist for us. Let's read what the great minds and creators of our vast planet think about water. I also advise you to study the topic: “How to drink water correctly for weight loss?”.

Water was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth. © Leonardo da Vinci

Water, air and cleanliness are the main things in my pharmacy. © Napoleon Bonaparte

There is nothing softer and more flexible than water, but try to resist it. © Lao Tzu

Iron rusts from water, water loses its purity from stagnation... the power of the mind is also undermined by inaction. © Leonardo da Vinci

A drop of water is more valuable than a diamond. © Dmitry Mendeleev

Trust yourself in the water. When you swim, don't grab the water, because if you grab, you will drown. Instead, you just need to relax and float. © Alan Watts

Thousands of people lived without love, but not one without water. © Wystan Odena

Water is the only drink wise man. © Henry Thoreau

Water is the source of life, because in the womb we are surrounded by water for nine months. Water is a symbol of female Power, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to claim, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to challenge. © Paulo Coelho

We only know the value of water when the well runs dry. © Benjamin Franklin

Not everywhere where there is water there are frogs, but where frogs croak, there is water. © Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. © Saint-Exupéry A.

Comments powered by HyperComments Read also: 22 most inspiring quotes

  • My books are like water, and the books of great geniuses are like wine. Fortunately, everyone drinks water, but not everyone drinks wine. (Mark Twain)
  • Water taken in moderation will not harm anyone. (Mark Twain)

Quotes about water - Random selection

First we purify everything with water, then we purify the water.

A sincere diplomat is like dry water or wooden iron. (Joseph Stalin)

I never drink the water because of the disgusting things the fish do in it. (No name)

Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to eat nothing but food and water for several days. (Unnamed author)

If the water catches fire, how do you put it out?

  • I'm not a saint, but I can turn water into moonshine.
  • In principle, any boat can become a submarine.
  • You cannot trust water: even a straight stick turns out crooked in it.
  • The shower is a successful attempt to break up the water.
  • Water is a universal solvent; it even dissolves speech.
  • Share your wealth only with deserving people. Sweet water from the cloud becomes salty in the sea.
  • Take a course on water quality - this is the path to the eternal youth of nature and to your own youth.
  • The most effective water element- women's tears.
  • Religion, like water, can be free, but when it is in the pipes, you have to pay for the pipeline.
  • Either you need to boil the water, or pour in the wrong water!

Every drop of water has a chance to end up in the ocean.

Quotes from books - about water

The best stone workers are not tools of copper or steel, but the gentle touches of air and water, working at their leisure without regard to time. (Henry David Thoreau)

There is nothing more submissive and weak in the world than water. However, there is nothing tough and strong that can surpass it. (Lao Tzu)

Water, air and cleanliness are the main things in my pharmacy. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

  • Soap, water, and common sense are the best disinfectants. (William Osler)
  • Iron rusts from water, water loses its purity from stagnation... the power of the mind is also undermined by inaction.
    (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • When a child is locked in a bathtub with running water and he says he is doing nothing but the dog is barking, call 911. (Erma Bombeck)
  • There's something wrong with the mother who washes the measuring cup with soap and water and then measures how much water is in it. (Erma Bombeck)

Trust yourself in the water. When you swim, don't grab the water, because if you grab, you will drown. Instead, you just need to relax and float. (Alan Watts)

  • You cannot cross the sea just by standing and looking at the water. Don't allow yourself to indulge in vain desires. (Lawrence J. Peter)
  • Ocean: A body of water that occupies about two-thirds of the landmass - for a person who does not have gills. (Ambrose Bierce)
  • One morning I was walking on the surface of the water, along the bank of the Potomac River - the headline that appeared in the afternoon read: "The President Can't Swim." (Lyndon B. Johnson)
  • His answers flowed through my head like water through a sieve. (Lewis Carroll)
  • Thousands of people lived without love, but not one without water. (W. H. Auden)
  • A tree that is close to water is fresher and produces more fruit. (Saint Teresa of Avila)

There are only three things women need: food, water, and compliments. (Chris Rock)

A person who never changes his mind is like stagnant water, of the reptile breed. (William Blake)

Water and air, two basic elements on which all life depends, have become global trash cans. (Jacques-Yves Cousteau)

We forget that the water cycle and life cycle united. (Jacques-Yves Cousteau)

Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemical substances, such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way for water to become a vital component of beer. (Dave Barry)

All water has perfect memory and always tries to return to where it was. (Toni Morrison)

Poems written with water from a watering can cannot please. (Horace)

Flattery is like cologne - you can smell it, but you shouldn't swallow it. (Josh Billings)

You will not drown if you fall into the water: to avoid drowning, stay on the water. (Edwin Louis Cole)

Just as water can clearly reflect the sky and trees only because its surface is calm, the mind can only reflect the true image when it is calm and completely relaxed. (Indra Devi)

Love deceives your view, like what appears straight is crooked through water. (John Dryden)

I was afraid of water, and yet I think I will have to talk about it in every film I make. (Natalie Wood)

  • One cannot logically judge the possibility of the Atlantic Ocean or Niagara Falls from a drop of water without having seen or heard either one. (Arthur Conan Doyle)
  • If a fish, given its form, is the embodied movement of water, then a cat is the pattern and structure of subtle air. (Doris Lessing)
  • Life is like a swimming pool. You are submerged in water, but you cannot see how deep it is. (Dennis Rodman)
  • Scalded cats are even afraid cold water. (Thomas Fuller)
    I thought, why bury myself in the mud, I would bury myself underwater so that everyone can see that I am here. (David Blaine)

Rest is not laziness, and sometimes lying on the grass under the trees on a summer day, listening to the murmur of water, and watching the clouds floating across the sky is by no means a waste of time. (John Lubbock)

The best quotes about water are related to water, associated with water.

Water is a drink for the gods who are tired of nectars and cocktails. (Vladimir Borisov)

Water is nature's treasure. The statements of poets and scientists about this all-consuming element make us think about eternal values. Everyone at their own time comes to the realization that they can change a lot in the direction of their life path. The statement about water is endowed with mystical power. It helps you understand what is important in life and what is secondary.

When a person is torn apart by problems from within, he often turns to water to sit in solitude and comprehend what is happening. This article presents scientists about water. They are of significant interest to those who are looking for their own truth in this large and constantly changing world.

“Water has the power to become the meaning of existence” (Leonardo da Vinci)

Life often seems to us to be a treasure full of mysteries and secrets. Even when a lot of things don’t go well, things don’t go the way we would like, a person never stops striving for more. Water helps you get rid of the burden of troubling problems. Any statement about water can lead a person to understand its true nature. The reason for many tossing and negative attitudes is the inability to correctly express negative emotions. It is best to turn to water - it will help you renew yourself, and you will feel both an improvement in your physical condition and an internal transformation.

“Water is life itself, which fills us with constant joy” (Saint-Exupéry)

There is, perhaps, not a single person in the world who would not be delighted when contemplating the infinity and power of the natural elements. Writers' statements about water emphasize the undeniable importance of life and its various manifestations. Creative people generally tend to think about the meaning of existence and look for alternative manifestations for themselves. Water often helps to relax and achieve a state of internal zeroing.

Concentration improves after showering or swimming. Even if you just spend a certain amount of time near any body of water, your soul immediately becomes lighter. Water has the ability to take away all sorrows, fill the soul with positivity and new hopes.

“To understand the nature of water means to immerse yourself in the inexhaustible worlds of the Universe” (M. Emoto)

Life is wiser and more enterprising than us. This statement about water shows how big and unknown what is happening around us can seem. If a person understands and accepts the laws of the universe, then he lives in harmony with his inner nature. For such a person, everything turns out as easily as possible, without significant effort. If, contemplating nature, you understand why you exist, then you can gratefully accept the gifts it offers.

Have you ever paid attention to how ordinary water flows? Watch her for a few minutes! How unhindered she passes through the most significant obstacles! The water stops at nothing, but acts softly and smoothly. Under its pressure, the most insoluble problems dissolve and bold dreams come true.

“There is nothing comparable to water” (Lao Tzu)

We all sometimes strive to achieve a state of balance. This statement about water is filled with the energy of creation and forgiveness. It will help someone to cheer up and find alternative solutions to complex problems. Only water often helps us free ourselves from oppressive experiences and problems. By taking a bath, a person washes away negative energy, just as a snake sheds its old skin, thereby being reborn.

Water performs a very important function on Earth: it heals spiritual wounds, cleanses physically and mentally. It fills a person with new, positive energy to carry out important intentions. In terms of strength and power, it cannot be compared with anything else. Without a sip of water, not a single living creature could live a day.

“A drop sharpens a stone not by its strength, but by the frequency of its impact” (J. Bruno)

All living things change over time. Not only nature, but also people undergo changes. If some thought constantly affects us, then sooner or later we will accept it. Any events, positive or negative, eventually cease to seem terrible, frightening and destructive.

Even a stone is capable of changes under the influence of a drop, let alone a person whose soul contains a mechanism of constant transformation.

“I saw the Indian Sea, azure, with blue waves in it” (K. Balmont)

Here we are talking about praising water, which is an integral part of living nature. Konstantin Balmont points out in these lines the possibility of spiritual and moral transformation. In his poem, he glorifies the majesty of this natural element and endows it with high significance. Poets' statements about water, as a rule, are filled with creative power and revelation.

“Water and time put everything in its place” (A. Dumas)

Sometimes events happen in life that change people's minds. In most cases, when faced with incomprehensible changes, a person becomes lost and temporarily loses the ability to take active action. Water helps to survive many unpleasant events. You just need to wash your face and take a shower to feel better.

Over time, we rethink the events that happened in the past and change our attitude towards them. Thus, water is part of the life of all living beings. Statements about it allow you to return to your own origins.