Unfortunately, sooner or later we are faced with the fact that no matter what rituals we perform, no matter how hard we try, no matter what activations we do, some of our desires still do not come true.

Very often in such situations people give up. They conclude that all these techniques do not work and forever forget about independent Magic. But in vain!

Once upon a time, I had a very bad headache, I went to the pharmacy and bought some pills. But headache it never went away, so it was clearly imprinted in my subconscious that this medicine is complete garbage and it doesn’t work! Of course, I didn’t use it anymore, although my friends insisted that the medicine worked great for them!

A few years later, I again had a very bad headache, and, as luck would have it, I had nothing at hand except that unfortunate medicine. To do at least something, I drank it. And lo and behold: the pain disappeared!

And in the future, this medicine really often helped me out! But I’ve already blacklisted him.

Why it didn't work the first time is hard to say. Perhaps certain processes were going on in the body, some hormones were active or, on the contrary, passive, perhaps the reason was the terrible smell of paint, which did not disappear for a week due to renovations in the apartment... In general, there could be many reasons, but That time the medicine didn’t help at all, not because it didn’t work AT ALL!

Almost the same thing happens Magic techniques. If they don't work, there's always a reason! And it is much more correct to try to find this reason than to forever put Magic on your blacklist and never return to it!

We tried to formulate what reasons these might be, and we were able to identify six main points.

1. Incorrect application of techniques.

This point is perhaps the most common and simple.

Very often in the process of Magic we make technical mistakes: we formulate desires incorrectly, depict them incorrectly, perform rituals at the wrong time, break the sequence of actions, etc. and so on.

The good news is that this is the easiest item to fix!

You just need to approach this topic more responsibly and seriously, study all the basic rules, strictly follow the instructions and choose the right days.

2. Fulfillment of a wish in this moment will not bring anything good.

Such situations happen quite often!

Suppose a girl Katya wants to get married in May 2013. She almost doesn’t care who she’s for, as long as it’s in May 2013 :). And so, with all her might, she performs rituals for marriage.

And the World knows that in June she will meet her true love! And that’s why the World is trying to help girls not make a mistake and marry someone else!

Or suppose a young man dreams of a new car, in March, but the World sees that in April he has a serious chance of an accident, and will interfere with the fulfillment of this desire.

Therefore, sometimes if wishes are not fulfilled, it’s even good! This means that the World loves us and cares about us!

Very often, looking back, we see these moments and understand the reason why our desires did not come true!

3. A person does not believe that his wishes can come true!

Of course, having 100% faith that the desired goal will be achieved is quite difficult, or even impossible! I’ll tell you a little secret: even professionals in this field are sometimes gnawed by a little worm of doubt!

But there is a big difference between doubt and complete disbelief.

Sometimes a person performs a ritual with approximately the following thoughts: “Anyway, this won’t help and won’t work... But so be it, I’ll try, although I know that nothing will work.”

What do you think are the chances that your wish will come true? Do they even exist?

Personally, I highly doubt it! If a person is initially confident of failure, then he will receive it.

4. The man is behaving incorrectly!

Imagine a situation where a person makes wishes, works with goals, meditates, rituals..., and at night, like Raskolnikov, robs lonely old women! Will the technicians work for him? Very unlikely!

Of course, the example about old women is too exaggerated, but it reflects the main essence!

If a person is evil, brings evil to others, is constantly dissatisfied with everything and has a very negative attitude - you should not expect results from Magic techniques!

The degree to which the World helps each of us depends to a great extent on how correctly we behave, what actions we perform, what emotions we experience, what thoughts wander through our heads. For example, if someone considers the World to be hostile, then the World will not dissuade this, therefore it will not perform any miracles. To simplify, we can say that it is not the World that must first prove that it is “good” by letting you win the lottery, but on the contrary - you first need to treat the World with love, and then it will begin to help.

5. A person is too fixated on his desire and waits too much for the result!

This mistake is most often made by novice Wizards.

We performed a ritual, made a wish... and wait... well, when will it come true!

We wake up in the morning and think about a desire, brush our teeth and think about a desire, eat a sandwich and think about a desire... In general, no matter what we do, we constantly think about a desire and about when it will come true! And this only delays the result!

Have you ever noticed that when you constantly look at the phone, waiting for the cherished call, no one calls! But as soon as you step away for a couple of minutes, the bell rings!

I remember as a child, when guests came to us, I constantly stood at the window and looked out for when they would come! I stood and stood, but no one came... all I had to do was step away from the window for a minute, and the guests arrived!

Exactly the same picture with our desires! You need to learn to let them go! Of course, you shouldn’t completely forget about them, this is also wrong! But you don’t need to live by desires alone either!

If it is still difficult for you to abstract yourself from constant thoughts about the fulfillment of desires, we recommend trying one simple and fun technique.

Come up with some funny image, for example, a teapot with polka dots or a pink elephant. And every time you feel that you are starting to think about your desire, immediately imagine a pink elephant or a teapot with polka dots. This will distract you.

6. A person himself does nothing to fulfill his desires!

I’ll probably upset many people now, but the truth is that we still don’t live in a fairy tale, although Magic is quite possible in our World. But one that waved With a magic wand and any wish is instantly fulfilled, fortunately, this does not happen.

On their own, without our efforts and actions, desires will not come true!

Once upon a time there lived a girl who wanted to get married. I performed rituals for marriage, made wishes, sang mantras for days, activated the romance sectors... At the same time, I sat at home, did not go anywhere and watched the Turkish TV series The Magnificent Century for days...

And how can you get married in such a situation? To do this, at a minimum, you need to meet this very husband! Agree that this is quite difficult to do on the sofa.

Although there was a funny case in my practice when we activated romantic luck for a client, and she, contrary to all my recommendations, sat at home and was afraid to meet someone!

I already thought that all the work was down the drain! But one day her pipe burst, and a plumber came to her...

And she has been living happily with this plumber for several years. :)

But this is a clear exception to the rule! Therefore, it is important to remember that God has no other hands than yours!

Here are the main reasons that may interfere with the fulfillment of desires!

As you can see, there are not so many of them, and almost all of them are easily eliminated! The only problem is that most often we cannot understand which of the six points is stopping us!


  1. Remember a situation when your wish did not come true.
  2. Take a piece of paper and describe this desire in detail.
  3. Write on a piece of paper what, in your opinion, prevented the fulfillment of your desire. Write what comes to your mind first!
  4. Write what would have to happen differently for this wish to come true. And about what you personally could do or change to make it come true.
  5. Imagine that this wish of yours has come true! What kind of life would you have now? How would you feel? What they were doing?

It is very possible that in the process of performing this exercise you will understand why the wish did not come true.

After you do your exercise, write your feelings and observations below in the comments. Has your attitude towards the past situation changed, have you managed to find or feel why your wish did not come true?

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Wishes come true... I die in childbirth. A girl is born with severe disabilities. The husband gives up his career and takes care of his daughter, who dies a year later.

Why don't all wishes come true? Probably everyone asks this question. So what does the fulfillment of our desires depend on?

Everything we need will come at the right time. But you've probably heard it often: “Be careful what you wish for!” So that you understand what determines the fulfillment of our desires, I will tell you my story.

Vain attempts

There was a period in my life when I really wanted to give birth to a second child (at that time I already had a son), but all attempts were in vain. I constantly thought about the baby, or rather about the baby, because I was sure that it would be a girl.

I visualized¹ her appearance, character, and my emotions from communicating with her in every detail.

My husband and I followed all the doctors’ orders, took all kinds of tests, but the result was zero. The doctors shrugged their shoulders; no abnormalities were found in us.

One day, during one of my dreams about our daughter, I apparently plunged into a deep trance, and pictures automatically appeared in my mind:

“I stand before the Creator and ask him to give me the opportunity to give birth to a girl. He showed me the answer, he showed me exactly, in the form of a film in which I die during childbirth (and I experienced all the sensations as in reality: I experienced unbearable pain from contractions).

The girl is born with very severe disabilities: cerebral palsy and signs of Downism. The husband is forced to give up his career and take care of his daughter, who dies a year later. The son's relationship with his father is deteriorating.

Wishes come true!

Wishes come true, but what happens in the end? My life on Earth was cut short, my husband’s career was put on hold, my son, left without me, is shutting himself off from the whole world.

The Creator told me that this is not my destiny, that a completely different life awaits me and my family, and he will not allow such a scenario... But I am not used to giving up, since by my nature I am very stubborn. My husband and I continued to hope, believe in the best and wait.

My stubbornness led to a series of terrible events...

As a result, my stubbornness led to the fact that in 3 years I underwent 5 female surgeries. But that didn’t stop us either; I was obsessed with my desire.

We made 3 attempts at artificial insemination - all to no avail.

As a result, a series of troubles began in our lives.

My husband has problems at work, I have health problems, my son broke both legs, my father fell ill with leukemia...

I won’t describe everything, troubles just fell one after another...

At that moment I realized that not all wishes come true!

Then I thought about it, reconsidered the whole chain of events and abandoned the obsession with the birth of a child. I just resigned myself...

The problems gradually began to resolve themselves, sometimes simply in a mystical way, even dad coped with his illness, the doctors were perplexed: “How?” Now, after the passage of time, I thank the Creator and the Higher Powers for that invaluable experience.

I learned to control my desires and ask my higher self: “What will my desire lead to?” This is how I separate the right desires from empty “wants” and obsessions. Only after receiving a satisfactory answer do I begin to implement my plans.

Does the fulfillment of your desires depend on this?

This is the most important point, on which the fulfillment of desires depends. If something is not given to you, but you fiercely dream about it, think about what the fulfillment of your dream will lead to?

Desires come true if they are approved by the Higher Powers or your subconscious.

How to check that the desire is correct?

To check the possibility of fulfilling your desire, follow these steps.

1. Sit or take a comfortable lying position.

2. Relax all your muscles, close your eyes, breathe evenly and calmly.

3. Clearly formulate your desire and ask permission from your Higher Self to realize your desire.

4. Let go of all thoughts and wait.

The answer may come in the form of a picture, a direct voice response, or a feeling. True desires always cause pleasant sensations. Each person has an individual answer.

Don't be discouraged if you don't receive a response right away. It may come unexpectedly during the day. If you don't receive a response, go about your daily routine and try again next time.

Try to coordinate all your desires in this way, then you will protect yourself and others from negative consequences. Moreover, this way you will receive the energy to implement it. Using any techniques, you will know for sure that your wishes will definitely come true.

Rudneva Evgenia

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹Visualization is the general name for techniques for presenting numerical information or a physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis (

If the wish is not fulfilled, it means it has not yet been paid...

reading time: 3 minutes

These parables are our choice for articles

Two parables quite fully reveal both the real prices of our desires, which we are ready or not ready to pay, and the true meaning of our desires, which we mean, but sometimes cannot formulate.


On the outskirts of the Universe there was one shop. There was no sign on it for a long time - it was once carried away by a hurricane, and the owner did not put up a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells wishes.

The assortment of the store was huge, you could buy almost everything here: huge yachts, apartments, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, your favorite job, beautiful figure, winning a competition, big cars, power, success and much, much more. Only life and death were not sold - this was handled by the head office, which was located in another Galaxy.

Everyone who came to the store (and there are also those who wish who have never entered the store, but stayed at home and just wish) First of all, I found out the price of my desire.

The prices were different.

For example, favorite work cost:

  • rejection of stability and predictability,
  • willingness to independently plan and structure your life,
  • self-confidence
  • and allowing yourself to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more:

  • I had to give up some of my beliefs,
  • be able to find a rational explanation for everything,
  • be able to refuse others,
  • know your worth (and it should be high enough),
  • allow yourself to say “I”, to declare yourself, despite the approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange - marriage could have been obtained practically for nothing, but happy life was expensive:

  • personal responsibility for your own happiness,
  • the ability to enjoy life,
  • knowledge of your desires,
  • giving up the desire to fit in with others,
  • the ability to appreciate what you have,
  • allowing yourself to be happy
  • awareness of one's own value and importance,
  • refusal of “victim” bonuses,
  • the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances.

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a wish. Some, upon seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood thoughtfully for a long time, counting their cash and wondering where to get more funds. Someone started complaining about too high prices, asked for a discount, or was interested in a sale.

And there were those who took out all their savings and received cherished wish, wrapped in beautiful rustling paper. Other customers looked at the lucky ones with envy, gossiping that the owner of the store was their acquaintance, and they got the wish just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to reduce prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, since the quality of his desires would also suffer from this.

When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be daredevils who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to give up their usual and predictable life, who are able to believe in themselves, who have the strength and means to in order to pay for the fulfillment of your desires.

And on the door of the store for a good hundred years there was a notice: “If your wish is not fulfilled, it has not yet been paid” .


Once upon a time there lived one man. He, like everyone else, hoped for a miracle, and then one day it happened: on the way to work, someone called out to him. The man turned around and saw... a real Wizard.

Today is a magical day and I can fulfill your three wishes- but think carefully before you speak! - he said.

Wow! I know exactly what I want! I want a luxury car“with a convertible top,” the man answered after thinking a little.

“Okay,” the wizard answered, reached into the bag, took out the car keys and handed them to the man.

Keys? - he exclaimed - I want the whole car!

“Look around,” answered the wizard. The man looked around and saw a luxury convertible car with white leather seats.

Wow! This is exactly what I wanted! - the man shouted, got into the car and drove off towards new impressions.

The next day he returned to the same place. The man was upset, so the Wizard asked him:

What's happened?

I drove around the city all day, and wherever I went, all the people looked at me, because I was in this car. But then I started to notice that this city is full of beautiful cars and people look at all the cars... So this is not what I wanted.

What do you want, I can fulfill your second wish, - said the wizard.

- I want money! - the man answered. A whole lot of money so I can buy everything I want.

“Okay,” answered the Wizard, putting his hand into the bag. He took out a checkbook from there and handed it to the man.

When he opened the checkbook, saw his name on it and how much was in the account, he immediately slammed it shut, put it in his pocket and said:

I will return tomorrow, because I still have a third wish, which you promised to fulfill.

Of course, I will wait for you,” answered the Wizard.

The next day, in the same place, at the same time, the man and the Wizard met again. But again the man was upset and depressed. The wizard asked:

So what happened now?

I bought everything I wanted. As soon as I saw any thing that I liked, I immediately bought it. But very soon I didn’t care if I could buy anything else. I can buy everything, so what difference does it make? You didn't give me what I wanted.

What do you want? - asked the Wizard.

This time the man carefully thought through his answer and said: “I know what I want.” I want a fabulously beautiful... girl. Can?

“Okay,” the wizard answered, and immediately an unusually beautiful girl appeared next to him.

“I’m ready to follow you wherever you say,” she sang in a sweet voice.

Yes! - the man cried, grabbed her, and left.

Two weeks later he returned to the same place. He was upset and discouraged. The wizard asked him:

What now? I gave you a fabulously beautiful girl!

She was so obedient that I quickly got bored. She only wanted my money, and after collecting as much as she needed, she simply left. You are some kind of bad Wizard. I ask and ask you for what I want, but it’s still not the same.

This is because, the Wizard answered, you never asked for what you want.

It's not true, I always ask for what I want!

No,” answered the Wizard. - You're asking for a car, but in reality want respect, you're asking for money, but in reality want freedom, you're asking beautiful girl, and in fact want love .

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