declaration submitted by companies, firms included in the State
register of monopoly enterprises, in the event of an increase in their prices for products in
government control body
pricing. The declaration must indicate
information about the proposed change in prices or tariffs,
calculation of product costs with breakdown of cost increases,
production volumes in the previous and current years, reasons for the change
prices (
tariff), etc. The pricing body, having received the declaration, is obliged to review it and accept
decision no later than one month
term. In case of unreasonable price increases
a monopolist enterprise applies state regulation measures to it
establishment (firm, fixed prices for products sold,
determination of the maximum level of profitability and trading
allowances, etc.), as well as measures of economic and administrative influence.

View value Declaration of Prices in other dictionaries

Prices— m. price w. the root meaning of this word is lost, it must have meant: row, duckweed, order, layer, bunch; now: each of the two warp rows forming on the weaver........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Declaration Wed.— 1. Process of action according to meaning. nesov. verb: to declare.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Price Gouging— - intentional, unjustified price increase not caused by objective factors, usually inspired in the course of competition.
Legal dictionary

Price War— - repeated long-term reduction by firms of prices for their products, through which they expect to increase sales volumes and their own income. V. c. Not........
Legal dictionary

State Price Regulation— - government intervention in the process of market pricing with the aim of redistributing profits between different groups of entrepreneurs. G. r. c. can be carried out........
Legal dictionary

Declaration— - notification to the customs authority about transported goods and vehicles. Made by application in the prescribed form (written, oral, electronic........
Legal dictionary

Declaration of Safety of the Production Facility— Declaration of the safety of a production facility of the Republic of Belarus, the activities of which are associated with an increased danger of production (hereinafter referred to as the production facility.........
Legal dictionary

Declaration of Customs Value— - a written statement by the declarant about the customs value of goods and vehicles transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation.
Legal dictionary

Dynamics of Foreign Trade Prices— changes in prices for individual goods and entire product groups of foreign trade; characterizes exports and imports in the foreign trade of individual countries, etc. international........
Legal dictionary

Price Differentiation— - establishment of different market prices for the same product depending on the level of costs, place of sale, quality of the product.
Legal dictionary

Permissible Limit of Price Fluctuations— - limits on changes in exchange prices, established to limit their fluctuations and prevent stock exchange crashes. Usually set for one day or........
Legal dictionary

Price Scatter Zone— - the limits within which the yen of a stock moves over a long period.
Legal dictionary

Umbrella Prices— - maintaining prices set by the leading company, a commodity monopolist.
Legal dictionary

Wholesale Price Index- - used to forecast consumer price movements for 2-3 months.
Legal dictionary

Consumer price index- calculated in the manner established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, and published monthly (no later than the 20th of the next month) in republican funds......
Legal dictionary

Retail Price Index— - monthly indicator of changes in retail prices in the consumer market.
Legal dictionary

Price Index— Indicator of changes in the average level of prices for goods over a certain period of time (Order of the Ministry of Trade dated December 14, 1995 N 80)
Legal dictionary

Price Index Basic— - base indices are calculated as the ratio of the price of the current period to the price of the period taken as the base. Basic price indices are calculated using period weights........
Legal dictionary

Price Index Current- - is constructed by relating the price of the current period to the previous one and is a relative value for comparing prices over time. (Order of the Ministry of Statistics of the Republic of Belarus dated July 22, 1999 N 163)
Legal dictionary

Price Indexation— - annual calculation of price increases for consumer goods with the aim of introducing a certain compensation for monetary losses of the population (especially low-income citizens).......
Legal dictionary

Initiative Price Change— - the concept of marketing, reflecting the fact that firms that have developed their own pricing system and pricing strategy, from time to time experience the need......
Legal dictionary

Price Quotation— - public offering of prices by buyer and seller on the stock exchange with their subsequent registration. K.ts. necessary for carrying out calculations according to traces, provides........
Legal dictionary

Price Limit— - maximum permissible price changes introduced on some commodity and securities markets during one exchange session to prevent excessive fluctuations........
Legal dictionary

Price scale— - a way of expressing the value of a product in monetary units. Under conditions of metal circulation and the gold standard, M.c. expresses the amount of monetary metal corresponding to........
Legal dictionary

Non-declaration or False Declaration of Goods and Vehicles— - type of violation of customs rules; failure to provide reliable information in the prescribed written, oral or other form, or statement of false information about goods........
Legal dictionary

Price Scissors— - discrepancies in prices for certain groups of goods on international markets, primarily for finished products, on the one hand, and for raw materials and fuel, on the other. N.ts. due.........
Legal dictionary

Price and Income Policy— - anti-inflationary policy pursued by the government of the country, the main instrument of which is limiting income in order to reduce the money supply.
Legal dictionary

Price Ceiling— - legally established maximum price level for goods and services. Usually established in order to limit price increases and ensure the demand of low-income........
Legal dictionary

Order to Broker When Prices Change- on the Chicago Stock Exchange: an order to a broker to sell or buy at a specially agreed price. Such a purchase order comes into force if the price........
Legal dictionary

Price reduction— - intensive sale of goods in order to bring down, reduce prices for them.
Legal dictionary

Declaration of Prices is a declaration submitted by companies, firms included in the State Register of Monopoly Enterprises, in the event of an increase in their prices for products, to the state pricing control body. The declaration must indicate data on the proposed change in prices or tariffs, calculation of the cost of production with a breakdown of the increase in costs, production volumes in the previous and current years, reasons for the change in price (tariff), etc. The pricing body, having received the declaration, is obliged to review it and make a decision no later than one month. In the event of an unreasonable increase in prices by a monopolist enterprise, state regulation measures are applied to it (establishing firm, fixed prices for products sold, determining the maximum level of profitability and trade markup, etc.), as well as measures of economic and administrative influence.

Dictionary of business terms. 2001.

See what “Declaration of Prices” is in other dictionaries:

    A means of controlling the establishment of prices for products sold by monopolistic enterprises in order to prevent their unjustified increase. In English: Price declare See also: Antimonopoly policy of the state Financial Dictionary Finam ... Financial Dictionary

    DECLARATION OF PRICES- a means of control over the establishment of prices for products sold by monopolistic enterprises, in order to prevent their unjustified inflation. Enterprises that have a dominant position in the market for the relevant products and are included in... ... Large economic dictionary

    DECLARATION OF PRICES (TARIFFS)- in accordance with Art. 3 of the Law of May 10, 1999 On pricing, the declaration of prices (tariffs) should be understood as the registration of prices (tariffs) by legal entities occupying a dominant position in the commodity markets of the republic, in... ... Legal Dictionary of Modern Civil Law

    Export- (Export) Definition of export, types of export, export transaction scheme Information about the definition of export, types of export, export transaction scheme Contents Export (programming) Export Export of goods Export s Export of goods and customs... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Import- (Import) The concept of import, import of goods, import licensing Information about the concept of import, import of goods, import licensing Contents Contents Indirect imports Parallel imports Licensing of imports of goods Basics ... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Broker- (Broker) Broker is an intermediary person who facilitates transactions between interested parties Profession broker: types of brokerage activities, stock broker, insurance broker, credit broker, brokerage activities Contents... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Duty- (Duty) Contents Contents 1. The concept and meaning of state Anti-dumping duty as a measure of state regulation of foreign trade activities 2. Types of state duties 3. Place of state duties in 4. Payers, ... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Richard Nixon- (Richard Nixon) Nixon's biography, Nixon's career and achievements Nixon's biography, Nixon's career and achievements, Watergate scandal Contents Contents Biography History Nixon's visit to Novosibirsk in July August 1959 Watergate... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Default- (Default) Default is failure to fulfill obligations, insolvency Definition of default, history of default, types and mechanism of default, assessment of the probability of default Contents >>>>>>>>>>> ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Customs Union- (Customs union) The Customs Union is an agreement between the participating countries on the abolition of customs duties and borders between them. Regulations of the Customs Union, Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, Code of the Customs Union, Commission of the Customs Union... ... Investor Encyclopedia

a declaration submitted by companies, firms included in the State Register of Monopolistic Enterprises, in the event of an increase in their prices for products, to the state body for control over pricing. The declaration must indicate data on the proposed change in prices or tariffs, calculation of the cost of production with a breakdown of the increase in costs, production volumes in the previous and current years, reasons for the change in price (tariff), etc. The pricing body, having received the declaration, is obliged to review it and make a decision no later than one month. In the event of an unreasonable increase in prices by a monopolist enterprise, state regulation measures are applied to it (establishing firm, fixed prices for products sold, determining the maximum level of profitability and trade markup, etc.), as well as measures of economic and administrative influence.

  • - a statement in the established form is made when moving goods and items across the state border by providing accurate information about the purpose of moving goods and objects across the state border...

    Border Dictionary

  • - drawing up a safety declaration for an industrial facility, the activities of which are associated with an increased danger of production, in order to ensure control over compliance with safety measures,...

    Glossary of emergency terms

  • Dictionary of business terms

  • - presentation of unreliable, incomplete and inaccurate information about goods transported across the customs border, distortion of other information related to customs rules...

    Dictionary of business terms

  • - a declaration submitted by companies, firms included in the State Register of Monopolistic Enterprises, in the event of an increase in their prices for products, to the state body for control over pricing...

    Dictionary of business terms

  • - filing any declarations with government agencies...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - acquisition by a participant of foreign economic relations from the State Customs Control authorities of the rights to export and import goods...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - a means of control over the establishment of prices for products sold by monopolistic enterprises, in order to prevent their unjustified inflation...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - a statement by the declarant in the prescribed form to the customs authority of a given country of exact information about goods and vehicles either transported across its customs border, or the customs regime of which...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - a statement to declarants in the prescribed form to the customs authority of a given country of exact information about goods and vehicles, or transported across its customs border, or the customs regime of which...
  • - a written statement by the declarant on the customs value of goods and vehicles transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - Etc. O...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - declaration I Wed. 1. process of action according to nonsense. Ch. declare I 2. The result of such action; making a declaration. II Wed. 1. process of action according to nonsense. Ch. declare II 2. The result of such action...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - declaration "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - announcement, message, statement,...

    Synonym dictionary

"Declaration of Prices" in books

22.1. Declaration. New rules

From the book Tax Criminals of the Putin Era. Who are they? author Vitkina Yulia Vladimirovna

22.1. Declaration. New rules Taxpayers who, as of January 1, 2007, have more than 250 people as of January 1, 2007, will be transferred to electronic reporting. From the New Year they must serve

5.4. Declaration

From the book Foreign Economic Activity: Training Course author Makhovikova Galina Afanasyevna

5.4. Declaration Goods are subject to declaration to the customs authorities when they are moved across the customs border, a change in the customs regime, as well as in other cases established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Customs declaration is a statement by an authorized person for

3.5. Declaration of goods

From the book Export Contracts author Korniychuk Galina

3.5. Declaration of goods For exported goods, a declaration must be submitted before the actual export of goods. At the same time, the deadline for its submission by the customs authority is not established (clause 4 of the Rules for the acceptance of cargo customs declarations, approved by the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated November 29


From the book Encyclopedia of Lawyer author author unknown

Declaration DECLARATION is a statement to the customs authority in the prescribed form (written, oral, by emergency transmission of data, etc.) of accurate information about goods and vehicles, their customs regime and other information necessary for customs purposes.


From the book Commodity Science: Cheat Sheet author author unknown

27. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Declaration of conformity is a form of confirmation of product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. Schemes for implementing the declaration of conformity: 1.) adoption of a declaration of conformity on the basis of one’s own

author Laws of the Russian Federation

Chapter 14. Declaration of goods Article 123. Goods subject to declaration Goods are subject to declaration to customs authorities when they are moved across the customs border, when the customs regime changes, as well as in other cases established by Articles 183, 184, 247, 391

From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation author Laws of the Russian Federation

Article 124. Declaration of goods 1. Declaration of goods is carried out by declaring to the customs authority in a customs declaration or in another way provided for by this Code, in written, oral, electronic or conclusive form, information about the goods, about

From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation author Laws of the Russian Federation

Article 130. Preliminary declaration of goods 1. A customs declaration may be submitted for foreign goods before their arrival on the customs territory of the Russian Federation or before the completion of internal customs transit.2. If for customs purposes must

From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation author Laws of the Russian Federation

Article 286. Declaration of goods by individuals 1. Declaration of goods transported by individuals in hand luggage and accompanied luggage is carried out by them when crossing the State Border of the Russian Federation.2. Declaration in writing


From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation author State Duma

Chapter 14. DECLARATION OF GOODS Article 123. Goods subject to declaration Goods are subject to declaration to customs authorities when moving them across the customs border, changing the customs regime, as well as in other cases established by Articles 183, 184, 247, 391

From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation author State Duma

Article 124. Declaration of goods 1. Declaration of goods is carried out by declaring to the customs authority in a customs declaration or in another way provided for by this Code, in written, oral, electronic or conclusive form, information about the goods, about

From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation author State Duma

Article 130. Preliminary declaration of goods 1. A customs declaration may be submitted for foreign goods before their arrival on the customs territory of the Russian Federation or before the completion of internal customs transit.2. If for customs purposes must


author author unknown

Chapter 14. DECLARATION OF GOODS ARTICLE 123. Goods subject to declaration Goods are subject to declaration to customs authorities when moving them across the customs border, changing the customs regime, as well as in other cases established by Articles 183, 184, 247, 391

From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation. Text with changes and additions for 2009 author author unknown

ARTICLE 124. Declaration of goods 1. Declaration of goods is made by declaring to the customs authority in a customs declaration (including an incomplete customs declaration, periodic customs declaration, temporary customs declaration, complete customs declaration)

From the book Customs Code of the Russian Federation. Text with changes and additions for 2009 author author unknown

ARTICLE 130. Preliminary declaration of goods 1. A customs declaration may be submitted for foreign goods before their arrival on the customs territory of the Russian Federation or before the completion of internal customs transit.2. If for customs purposes must