Vaginal discharge is accompanied by daily life every woman. Normally, they regularly change their consistency, which depends on the phase menstrual cycle. In the first half, the discharge is usually scanty or absent, during the periodovulationthey noticeably increase in number and thin out (to facilitate the movement of sperm and a fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes), and at the end of the cycle they thicken (to protect potential ovum from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms).

Vaginal discharge, also called leucorrhoea, also performs a number of other functions. That is, their presence is not only quite normal, but also extremely necessary.

Leucorrhoea also changes its character with the onset of pregnancy. Probably every woman knows that clear or whitish vaginal discharge is normal, and discharge mixed with blood (pink, red, brown discharge during pregnancy) indicate a threat and require immediate medical attention.

What to do if yellow discharge appears during pregnancy?

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy

With yellow discharge during pregnancy, not everything is so simple. Firstly, their color and color intensity can vary greatly, and this greatly affects preliminary medical reports. Secondly, whether they are accompanied by any discomfort or pain plays a big role. Thirdly, in different cases, yellow discharge during pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of the development of infection in the genital tract.

Therefore, it is best not to guess by color, but to immediately contact a gynecologist: already during the examination of the woman on the chair, he will be able to guess the reason for the appearance of yellow discharge. And after taking a smear from the vagina and receiving the results of this analysis, make an accurate diagnosis.

Light yellow, odorless discharge during pregnancy

Most often on early stages Pregnancy women observe abundant transparent watery vaginal discharge: they become this way under the influence of a hormone progesterone, which is now produced in increased quantities. These are normal leucorrhoea, but they can also be not only colorless, but also slightly white and even yellow. Light yellow transparent discharge that does not cause irritation in the perineum, has no odor and is not accompanied by signs of infection, should not cause any concern to the expectant mother.

All that is required of you during this period is simply to maintain hygiene in intimate areas, change your underwear to clean and dry ones as needed and minimize the risk of allergic reaction in the genital area, that is, to abandon synthetic cosmetics and washing powders. It is also better not to use panty liners during pregnancy, since very often they lead to the development thrush. As for underwear, it should be natural and comfortable (it’s better to avoid thongs for now).

Dangerous yellow discharge during pregnancy: dark yellow, yellow-green, with odor and itching

Despite the fact that yellow discharge during pregnancy may be a variant of the norm, more often they indicate the course of pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. That is why the nature of such discharge must be determined by a doctor.

Yellow discharge and itching, burning, unpleasant or pungent odor, pus, pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination or increased body temperature should be a reason for an urgent visit to a gynecologist. Dark yellow and yellow-green discharge also indicates the development of the pathological process. Typically, such yellow discharge in combination with one or more of the listed symptoms indicates inflammation or infection, which must be treated. Among them may be:

  • Thrush (candidiasis) is a common pregnancy companion. Usually during this period it worsens, but it can also occur for the first time, often due to an allergic reaction to linen, powder, toilet paper, sanitary pads or soap. The discharge from thrush is usually white, cheesy, with a sour odor, but can also be yellowish. They often cause severe burning and itching, swelling of the genitals.
  • Bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis) develops as a result of disruption of the normal microflora in the vagina and is accompanied by copious white-gray discharge with a fishy odor, which, as the disease progresses, can change its color to yellow-green and becomes sticky, viscous, and thick.
  • Colpitis (or vaginitis) is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by irritation and itching in the perineum and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix. Very often it is asymptomatic, but as the disease progresses, pain and burning occurs when urinating, and an increased urge to urinate. Vaginal discharge with cervicitis may have different colour(yellow, green, gray, white) and consistency depending on the pathogen.
  • Salpingitis - inflammation fallopian tubes. In this case, the discharge has a bright yellow color and is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Dark yellow discharge often contains admixtures of pus with a characteristic odor and is green or brown tint, bubble, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and other unpleasant symptoms.

The detected diseases did not necessarily arise during pregnancy. It is likely that the microorganisms that cause their development were simply “dormant”, and now, against the backdrop of weakening immune defenses, they woke up and began to act.

Yellow discharge in late pregnancy

All of the above reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge during pregnancy in the early stages remain relevant in the third trimester. However, shortly before childbirth, when the expectant mother’s body begins to undergo restructuring and preparation for the upcoming birth of the baby, yellow discharge of a different nature may appear. We are talking about a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the cervix throughout the entire period of gestation. 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, this mucus will begin to thin out, the cervix will shorten and soften, pushing the mucus plug out. It can come off in parts, small fragments, or all at once in the form of a large clot, reminiscent of jelly or silicone - so looks like a mucus plug. Cervical mucus has a beige, transparent or yellowish tint, sometimes containing streaks of blood. You should not be afraid of such discharge: they only indicate that childbirth is just around the corner. It is impossible to say exactly when the mucus plug comes off before childbirth: for some women this happens 2 weeks before the onset of contractions, for others - a few hours.

Sometimes thin yellow discharge in late pregnancy, reminiscent of urine, but without its characteristic odor, may be a sign leakage of amniotic fluid. You can check your suspicions using a special test purchased at a pharmacy. However, pregnant women often encounter urinary incontinence: In this case, the thin yellow discharge may smell like urine.

The most important thing that a woman who has yellow discharge during pregnancy should understand is that she must see a gynecologist. If the doctor decides that such discharge is normal, and if a vaginal smear confirms the absence of pathogenic microflora in the discharge, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment in accordance with the diagnosis and the duration of pregnancy. You cannot use any medications without the doctor’s permission, since during pregnancy the list of drugs and agents approved for treatment traditional medicine very limited.

Especially for -Ekaterina Vlasenko

An important and responsible period in the life of every woman. Now the well-being and development of the embryo growing inside depends on it. Therefore, it is so important to monitor your health and pay attention to any unpleasant symptoms.

One of the indicators of women's health is. A change in their color and smell may indicate the presence of pathological processes.

One of the most common questions of all expectant mothers is what yellow discharge means during pregnancy and whether it is dangerous.

Immediately after the implantation of a fertilized egg, the cervix increases the production of secretions for. Because of this, the volume of secretions increases. Sometimes their character changes too. Increased discharge, clear or slightly yellowish or white, This is fine. If they do not have a noticeable odor and are not accompanied by itching, there is no need to worry.

If there is a lot of secretion, you can use panty liners, but you should tell your doctor about it. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if an unpleasant or strong odor appears. Another unfavorable signal is the appearance of discharge with blood, green or gray- a reason to immediately go to the hospital.

A change in the color of discharge from clear or white to yellowish is not a sign of illness unless there are other symptoms. This usually happens due to hormonal changes in the body.

An increase in the volume of leucorrhoea in the first weeks of pregnancy is recorded in almost all women. This occurs due to hormonal changes in the body (increased progesterone levels) and the active formation of a mucous plug that protects the fetus. If heavy discharge is the only symptom that worries the expectant mother, most likely it is not dangerous.

To get rid of discomfort, you must strictly follow all the rules of intimate hygiene and wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics.

Panty liners made of breathable material will also improve the situation, but you should not use them too often. It is also advisable to avoid perfumed cosmetics for the care of the intimate area. You should wash yourself with plain boiled water, you can add a decoction medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile. It is very important to get plenty of rest and avoid stress.

Moderate yellowish leucorrhoea in the early stages of pregnancy is a normal option; there is no need to worry and do not need treatment. It will be enough to visit the doctor regularly and tell him about the changes in the body.

If, in parallel with yellow discharge, a woman notices itching, pain, strong odor, increased body temperature and discomfort when urinating, she should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

It is especially important to do this if you have changed to dark yellow or greenish yellow.

Such changes in the body may indicate the development of diseases such as:

  • (vaginal candidiasis). It is caused by Candida fungi and often worsens during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance and decreased immunity. The main symptoms of the disease are white or yellowish curdled discharge with a sour odor and itching in the genitals.
  • . Develops due to an imbalance in the vaginal microflora. Causes a gray-white or greenish-yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor reminiscent of fish. In consistency, they can resemble viscous mucus, quite thick.
  • This is an inflammation of the vagina and is manifested by itching and irritation in the intimate area, painful sensations during sexual intercourse and increased discharge.
  • Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). Usually it is asymptomatic, but as the disease progresses, pain appears when urinating and quite intense discharge of greenish and yellow colors.
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes. It provokes the appearance of bright yellow discharge, fever and abdominal pain.
  • STD. The symptoms of these diseases can vary greatly, but in most cases there is a foamy dark yellow, brownish or green discharge with purulent impurities and an unpleasant odor. In addition, a woman may suffer from intoxication and fever.

As you can see, yellow discharge can be either completely harmless and physiological, or indicate serious pathologies. That is why expectant mothers need to listen to their bodies and, if there are any dangerous signs, go to the hospital. Self-medication in such a situation is unacceptable.

If you have yellow vaginal discharge that is bothersome, be sure to tell your doctor. Under no circumstances should you diagnose yourself based on information on the Internet or advice from friends.

During pregnancy, improper treatment is doubly dangerous, as it can negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also the development of the baby.

And the doctor can prescribe adequate therapy only after examination. Typically this requires:

  • Flora smear.

In most cases, this is enough to make a diagnosis. After this, the doctor selects the appropriate drug. There is no need to be afraid that the medicine will harm the child. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many drugs for topical use that are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. If you need to take pills or give injections, the doctor will select the safest medicine.

Untreated diseases in time are much more dangerous than correctly selected therapy.

And to prevent the appearance of yellow discharge, women need to follow the rules of hygiene, eat right and avoid stress. In doubtful cases, you should resort to barrier contraception.

A condom will protect against foreign microflora and help avoid STDs and vaginosis. Paying close attention to your body and following all doctor’s recommendations will help minimize the risk of pathological discharge during pregnancy.

Every woman is unique and inimitable, but during pregnancy a woman becomes even more vulnerable, touching and interesting. In the process of waiting for the birth of a child, specific processes occur in the body that affect all systems and organs. Therefore, the quantity, shade, and consistency of vaginal secretion may change significantly. In this case, the process should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Typically, the volume of leucorrhoea increases before the onset of menstruation, during ovulation (in the middle of the cycle), during breastfeeding, pregnancy and during hormonal therapy.

Any color deviations are not normal; dark yellow, green, and white discharge during pregnancy is considered to be a manifestation of pathology, especially with the presence of a foul odor, pain, itching in the vagina, and burning during urination. During gestation, a huge restructuring occurs in a woman’s body. The body’s natural defenses weaken so much at this time, and in conditions modern world Few people can boast of perfect health, and the occurrence of such discharge can be both a normal manifestation and a pathological one.

Yellow discharge at the beginning of pregnancy

After conception, changes occur in a woman’s body, which mostly relate to hormonal changes in the body, increased production and accumulation of progesterone, the lack of which threatens termination of pregnancy. In addition to protecting the baby, this hormone has significant influence As a woman's leucorrhoea changes, it acquires a more viscous consistency and the amount increases slightly.

In case of discharge of characteristic yellow color in the initial stages of pregnancy, this can be both a sign of infection and a relative norm. If a yellow-white secretion appears, which leaves spots of a characteristic color on the underwear and does not appear again, you should not be particularly alarmed, but you still need to consult your doctor and also undergo standard tests.

But wearing synthetic underwear, allergies to household and intimate hygiene products, decreased immunity and other unfavorable factors can provoke a more intense proliferation of pathogenic vaginal microflora than usual during pregnancy. The growth of Protea, fungal agents, streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli can disrupt natural environment vagina, provoking the development of pathologies such as gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis. In such cases, dark yellow discharge appears, which is often combined with burning and itching in the vagina, an unpleasant odor and other symptoms.

During pregnancy, heavy yellow discharge appears - what to do?

Obviously, during pregnancy, a woman experiences an increase in the production of vaginal leucorrhoea due to an increase in progesterone levels, enlargement and thickening of the walls of the uterus. However, if the discharge becomes yellow-green, yellow, profuse and very viscous, there is a possibility of developing some disease that was previously in a “dormant” state, and manifested itself during a weakening of the immune system due to conception.

Bacterial and fungal infections

Most often, profuse yellow vaginal discharge during pregnancy occurs due to fungal and bacterial infections. In addition to discoloration, such leucorrhoea also has an unpleasant odor, sour, putrefactive, causes severe burning and itching in the vagina and external genital area, and quite often painful sensations develop when urinating.

Bacterial vaginosis

The discharge becomes yellow due to the accumulation of decay products and vital activity of microorganisms and purulent impurities in the mucus. If, in addition to dark yellow discharge, there is also a fishy smell, we can assume the presence of bacterial vaginosis or even trichomoniasis, which adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment

Only on the basis of these tests can a gynecologist make an accurate diagnosis and select a safe course of therapy. If you notice any unusual changes in the smell, color, or consistency of the discharge, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. It is forbidden to independently treat manifestations by using suppositories and oral medications.

Without an accurate diagnosis during gestation, it is prohibited to take any, even previously proven, methods of therapy, especially with regard to douching.

At the same time, you should not put off visiting a doctor, since the infection needs to be treated as quickly as possible. The results of laboratory tests to determine the pathogen will help the doctor decide on antibacterial or antifungal agents.

What discharge is normal during pregnancy?

Normal discharge is considered to be leucorrhoea without foreign inclusions, flakes, lumps, from milky to transparent color and a consistency similar to egg white. Subject to the rules of intimate hygiene, vaginal discharge should not have any odor. The main thing is that vaginal secretion should not cause additional discomfort in the form of a rash, the appearance of spots and redness of the skin, and there should also be no irritation of the vaginal mucosa. In principle, we can say that a slight yellow tint to the leucorrhoea is one of the normal variants, but it is always better to consult a doctor.

A woman's body undergoes a lot of different changes during pregnancy, especially in hormonal levels. Moreover, these changes begin almost immediately after conception. Many women are interested in the question, is there discharge during pregnancy? Of course, there are, and some types of discharge during pregnancy are considered the first sign.

As soon as the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, production increases in the cervix secretion to create a mucus plug. As a result of this, the discharge intensifies and sometimes changes its character. Transparent white or yellowish discharge during pregnancy in the early stages are normal.

Unfortunately, not everything and does not always work out so well. Some discharge from pregnant women indicates the development of certain pathologies. There is no need to get nervous ahead of time, but you need to be aware of what may be a sign of any disease and what is a variant of the norm.

As we have already found out, discharge of clear mucus during pregnancy are not a deviation. Moreover, they may have different variants colors, as long as the discharge does not bother the woman, everything is fine. How can they bother? Well, for example, causing itching and burning in the perineum, or being too abundant and creating increased humidity, discharge during pregnancy with an unpleasant or specific odor also creates inconvenience, and therefore is a reason to consult a doctor.

Pathological yellow and green discharge during pregnancy: causes

What can cause pathological discharge? There can be many reasons. White-yellow discharge with itching during pregnancy, they can only talk about an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear, panty liners with additives, or washing powder. Such symptoms disappear as soon as the irritant disappears.

Bright yellow discharge during pregnancy may indicate inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. As a rule, such discharge accompanies elevated temperature and pain in the lower abdomen. Such inflammations are in some cases accompanied by greenish discharge during pregnancy.

Dark yellow discharge during pregnancy, in fact, they are an accumulation of pus, and they say that staphylococcus or E. coli multiply abundantly in the vaginal flora. Green, scanty discharge may also indicate the presence of harmful bacteria.

Z green bubbling discharge, yellow-brown or yellow-green discharge during pregnancy indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), in particular, it may be gonorrhea.

If the discharge has type of peeling films, have a green tint and an unpleasant “fishy” smell, then most likely we're talking about about a disease such as vaginal dysbiosis. And green mucus hints at an acute vaginal infection.

Note the appearance of signs infectious diseases or STDs during pregnancy does not mean that they were acquired during the same period. Often pathogenic flora lives in the vagina long time, and during pregnancy, against the background of reduced immunity, it begins to actively develop. Often during pregnancy, poorly or untimely treated diseases make themselves known.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you have vaginal discharge that is causing you concern, the first thing you should do is see your gynecologist. You should not try to diagnose yourself on your own, and, especially, on the advice of friends and regular residents of various thematic forums. As you have already noticed, yellow or green discharge during pregnancy can indicate a number of diseases, and in some, fortunately rare, cases, a combination of several different diseases.

Especially you can’t self-medicate. Even in normal times, this can end badly for a woman, and pregnancy is a very good reason to take your health more seriously. Many of these diseases threaten the health of the baby, especially if they are not treated before labor begins. And they don’t bring anything good to mothers. In particular, they can cause infertility.

Even if you are not sure that your discharge is pathological, it is still better to find time to visit a consultation. It is better to spend time on examination and make sure that everything is in order than to torment yourself with groundless suspicions, or, even worse, miss the moment when you still need to start treatment.

The doctor will examine the woman and take from her smear, after examining which he will give the woman an accurate diagnosis. If the analysis still shows the presence of any diseases, then, of course, you will have to urgently treat them.

Sometimes a woman expresses concern that the medications may harm the baby. However, now many drugs are produced specifically with pregnant women in mind. In addition, most of these diseases, if treatment is refused, will harm the baby much more.

The main thing that a pregnant woman should remember, especially if she has already encountered the problem of unpleasant vaginal discharge, is that any of the diseases listed above can be treated, and quite easily.

You may have noticed that white and yellow discharge in many cases they may be different variants of the norm. Remember that green discharge during pregnancy always indicate the presence of pathology.


I would like to finish by saying that prevention is always better treatment. To reduce the risk of any pathologies, you must follow the rules of basic hygiene, monitor your diet, avoid stress, and also do not forget about barrier contraception.

It is no secret that for every woman, the nine months of pregnancy are the most important in their life, so it is not surprising that expectant mothers strive to be absolutely healthy. But, alas, this does not always work out. That is why pregnant women are simply obliged to respond to any changes occurring in their body and, if necessary, begin treatment in a timely manner.

Vaginal discharge is a kind of indicator of women's health. They occur throughout life and do not stop even during pregnancy. Moreover, during this period the discharge becomes more abundant and can change color, color, smell, and consistency. It is very important that future mom carefully monitored their condition and responded to the slightest changes. After all, any deviations from the norm can signal danger. For example, everyone knows that discharge mixed with blood and having a red, pink or brownish color indicates a threat to the unborn child. But should you panic if the discharge is yellow?

Normal or pathological?

Vaginal discharge, also called leucorrhoea, performs a number of important functions in the female body, so its presence is not only normal, but also vital. Their condition (color, consistency, smell) can give a general assessment of women's health.

As a rule, doctors do not consider changes in the color of leucorrhoea at the initial stage of pregnancy to be a pathology. The appearance of yellow discharge in the first months " interesting situation“explained by the changes that occur in a woman’s body during this period (formation of a plug, hormonal changes, stress, etc.). However, there are exceptions. The fact is that their color and intensity can vary greatly, and this affects the doctor’s preliminary verdict. In addition, when they appear, accompanying symptoms play an important role: pain, discomfort (itching, burning), temperature, general weakness.

As you can see, yellow discharge in expectant mothers can be a sign of both normality and pathology. Therefore, if you notice something wrong, then do not guess “by color” and do not listen to the advice of strangers, but immediately go to your treating gynecologist. Only a specialist, based on a gynecological examination and laboratory test results, will be able to accurately diagnose the root cause of their occurrence.

Light yellow discharge in early pregnancy

At the initial stage of pregnancy, almost all women experience abundant vaginal discharge of a transparent, white or light yellow color. This phenomenon is due to the active production of the hormone progesterone, which is quite normal in their situation, but only in the absence of auxiliary signs characteristic of infection and inflammation: unpleasant odor, irritation in the intimate area, pain, temperature, etc.

All that is required of a pregnant woman during this period is to carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene, regularly change underwear (preferably natural and comfortable), and refuse to use synthetic cosmetics. Try to get more rest, eat right, avoid stressful situations, carry out preventive measures - this will help reduce the risk of various pathologies.

When should you worry?

Despite the fact that yellow vaginal discharge at the initial stage of pregnancy is the norm, the development of pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system should not be ruled out. That is why pregnant women are required to visit a doctor regularly. And if, along with yellow discharge, she experiences symptoms such as itching, burning, bad smell, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, pain during urination and increased body temperature - a visit to the gynecologist should be made immediately. In addition to the above signs, a pregnant woman should be alerted to discharge of a dark yellow and yellow-green color, since they, as a rule, are heralds of an inflammatory process or an infectious lesion. Among them may be:

  1. Vaginal candidiasis (thrush). This disease often accompanies women while carrying a baby, and its appearance is due to hormonal imbalance and decreased immunity. As a rule, with thrush, a cheesy white or yellow discharge with a characteristic sour odor, itching and burning in the intimate area are observed.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis. The main reason for its occurrence is a violation of the vaginal microflora. The main symptoms of the disease are: a characteristic fishy smell, copious discharge (white-gray and yellow-green), which looks like thick and viscous mucus.
  3. Vaginitis, or inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Often the disease is accompanied by itching, irritation in the intimate area, and painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  4. Inflammation of the cervix, or cervicitis. As a rule, the inflammatory process is asymptomatic, but as it progresses, the woman will experience pain, burning during urination, increased urge, and vaginal discharge of various colors (from yellow to green).
  5. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The disease is accompanied by bright yellow discharge, fever, and painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  6. Sexually transmitted diseases. This group of pathologies is characterized by the following symptoms: foamy discharge of a dark yellow (green, brown) color with purulent impurities, having a pungent odor. In addition, a woman may develop a fever and feel general weakness, etc.

As you can see, yellow discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can be a sign of both normality and pathology. That is why, when they occur, the expectant mother should rush to the doctor for an appointment. If the gynecologist does not identify a threat, then there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, a pregnant woman will need treatment, which only a doctor can prescribe based on the diagnosis and stage of pregnancy. Do not forget: self-medication during pregnancy is dangerous and unacceptable!