For Russia, this is the seventh State Duma election. On this day, citizens will elect 450 deputies to the lower house of parliament. The return of single-mandate seats, the first federal vote for residents of Crimea, the first open primaries of United Russia, the first elections with the organizing role of ex-Ombudsman Ella Pamfilova - these and other features make the race interesting already at the start.

The upcoming elections will determine whether the State Duma will remain the same or change. This is the main intrigue of the political season. The results of the vote will determine not only the composition of the State Duma, but also the alignment of political forces in the country for 5 years, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The current (sixth) convocation of the State Duma ends on June 24, when the final plenary meeting will be held. The next time the lower house will meet in the fall after the elections, it will have a new composition.

As reported in the article, today in Russia 75 parties have the right to participate in elections. In the near future it will become clear which of them will enter the Duma race. By law, a party must nominate a federal list of its candidates and single-mandate candidates within 25 days after the official publication of the decree calling elections. The deadline for registering party lists and candidates in single-mandate constituencies expires on August 14.

14 parties that have their representatives in the federal or regional parliaments are exempt from collecting voter signatures to participate in State Duma elections. In addition to the Duma four, these are “Yabloko”, “Rodina”, “Patriots of Russia” and a number of others. The rest need to collect signatures: to register a federal party list, at least 200 thousand signatures are required; to register a single-mandate and self-nominated candidate, the signatures of at least 3% of voters in a particular district are required.

The key intrigue of the starting election campaign is who will head the party lists of the leading political forces. What new faces will appear, in which regions and districts bright politicians from different parties will compete and where, accordingly, the competition will be the highest. Another important question is pre-election programs: what goals and values ​​the parties will offer voters as relevant for today and as strategic.

The answers to these questions will be given by the pre-election congresses that the main parties will hold in late June - early July.

The key difference between these elections and the previous two is the return mixed system. Half of the deputy corps (225 people) is elected according to party lists in a single federal district, the other half - in single-mandate districts. A similar model, we recall, was used in 1993-2003; in 2007-2011 there were only party lists.

A serious innovation - candidates are required to report to the CEC about accounts and property abroad, if any, of them, their spouses or minor children. But the entry barrier has been lowered: to get into parliament, a party only needs to gain 5% (and not 7% ​​as last time), a single-mandate candidate will win by taking the majority of votes in his constituency.

It is worth noting that these are the first elections to the State Duma, which will be held not in December, but in September. In this regard, another intrigue of the campaign is turnout. On the third Sunday in September, the summer and vacation seasons are still ongoing, so convincing some citizens to come to the sites will not be easy.

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The State Duma elections in September 2016 will be “the most vibrant and competitive election campaign in the last ten years.” This was stated by the head of the Central Election Commission Vladimir Churov at a meeting of the Public Scientific and Methodological Advisory Council under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Mr. Churov is only “worried” that polling stations during the Duma elections will not be properly checked from a security point of view due to the regime of austerity and reduction in the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“I have no doubt that the 2016 elections (to the State Duma.- “Kommersant”) will become one of the brightest and most competitive campaigns in the last ten years,” said Vladimir Churov at a meeting of the Public Scientific and Methodological Advisory Council under the Central Election Commission. Let us remind you that the State Duma elections in 2016 will be held for the first time in the last 10 years using a mixed system: 225 deputies will be elected in single-mandate constituencies, another 225 - according to party lists. Mr. Churov did not agree with the opinion that the past September 13 regional elections became a “warm-up” before the Duma elections. The head of the Central Election Commission believes that “those who are now trying, after the campaign, to learn from it and get some profits for the 2016 elections are significantly mistaken.” “In my opinion, they are wasting their time,” he emphasized.

Vladimir Churov explained his words: “A federal campaign is always different from regional and municipal campaigns.” At the same time, according to the head of the election commission, the Duma campaign “begins with clean slate, relatively pure, because all parties and potential candidates analyze the experience of previous elections.” The scale of the single voting day next year will be much more modest, Mr. Churov believes, because there will not be ten thousand election campaigns different levels like this year.

Vladimir Churov is only concerned about the upcoming campaign in terms of security: “Unfortunately, the introduced austerity regime, the reduction in the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the reduction in funding raises concerns that polling stations and the premises where they will be located will not be fully checked in terms of issues safety, environmental safety, sanitary condition.” At the same time, he emphasized that the Central Election Commission “will do everything to prevent these fears from turning into reality”: “The situation is paradoxical: the risks, including terrorist attacks, and polling stations are a tasty object, are increasing, and the number of people who are intended for professional security is decreasing."

Mr. Churov noted that the issue of transport safety is also extremely important, in particular, the organization of voting in hard-to-reach and remote areas is carried out using helicopters, so now, together with the government, we need to think about how to ensure flight safety.

In addition, the head of the election commission said that approximately 240 thousand Russian observers will work at the Duma elections. The CEC is now awaiting the start of negotiations on inviting international observers. Mr. Churov said that he supports the proposal of a number of countries that international surveillance needs to be “introduced into a legal framework, set deadlines, numbers, and limit their powers.” “In fact, under the guise of international surveillance, both interference in the internal affairs of the state and the collection of intelligence information are carried out,” explained the head of the Central Election Commission.

Sofia Samokhina

How parties began preparing for the Duma elections

Most parties that have the opportunity to participate in State Duma elections without collecting signatures begin a series of preparatory congresses and mass gatherings. Like United Russia, a democratic coalition on the basis of RPR-PARNAS intends to hold the primaries. The Rodina party is counting on a coalition with small patriotic parties that do not have “parliamentary privileges.”

A big political marathon is starting in Russia. President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On calling elections of deputies of the State Duma of a new convocation.” The elections will take place on September 18. The document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information and came into force. Thus, a major election campaign is officially starting in Russia.

For the country, these elections are the seventh in a row and the first with the organizing role of ex-Ombudsman Ella Pamfilova. The Central Election Commission will approve the calendar plan for the State Duma election campaign at its meeting on June 20.

The upcoming elections will form the balance of power in the State Duma of the seventh convocation. Whether it will remain the same or change is perhaps the main intrigue of the political season. In 2007 and 2011, four parties entered parliament. Which political forces will overcome the 5 percent barrier this year, with what result and with which team - depends on what will happen in the next three months. The results of the vote on September 18 will determine not only the composition of the State Duma, but also the balance of political forces in the country for 5 years in advance (the term of office of the State Duma).

The current (sixth) convocation of the State Duma ends on June 24, when the final plenary meeting will be held. The next time the lower house will meet in the fall after the elections, it will have a new composition.

Today in Russia 75 parties have the right to participate in elections. In the near future it will become clear which of them will enter the Duma race (in 2011, there were de jure only 7 parties in the country, and all ran for the Duma). By law, a party must nominate a federal list of its candidates and single-mandate candidates within 25 days after the official publication of the decree calling elections. The deadline for registering party lists and candidates in single-mandate constituencies expires on August 14.

According to the law, 14 parties that have their representatives in the federal or regional parliaments are exempt from collecting voter signatures to participate in State Duma elections. In addition to the Duma four, these are Yabloko, Rodina, Patriots of Russia and a number of others. The rest need to collect signatures: to register a federal party list, at least 200 thousand signatures are required, to register a single-mandate and self-nominated candidate - signatures of at least 3% of voters in a particular district.

The key intrigue of the starting election campaign is who will head the party lists of the leading political forces. What new faces will appear among United Russia, communists, liberal democrats, Socialist Revolutionaries and non-parliamentary opposition, in which regions and districts bright politicians from different parties will compete and where, accordingly, competition will be the highest. Another important issue is pre-election programs: what goals and values ​​the parties will offer voters as relevant for today and as strategic.

The answers to these questions will be given by the pre-election congresses that the main parties will hold in June and early July. Thus, a congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is planned for June 25, a Just Russia congress is scheduled for June 27, and the Liberal Democratic Party is scheduled for June 28. The second stage of the United Russia pre-election congress is scheduled for June 26-27. From the day the party officially nominates its candidates, the campaign period begins for it, and it ends one day before the vote.

The key difference between these elections and the previous two is the return of the mixed system. Half of the deputy corps (225 people) is elected according to party lists in a single federal district, the other half - in single-mandate districts. A similar model, we recall, was used in 1993-2003; in 2007-2011 there were only party lists.

A serious innovation - candidates are required to report to the CEC about accounts and property abroad, if any, of them, their spouses or minor children. But the entry barrier has been lowered: to get into parliament, a party only needs to gain 5% (and not 7% ​​as last time), a single-mandate candidate will win by taking the majority of votes in his constituency.

These elections will be organized by new line-up The CEC is headed by ex-commissioner for human rights Ella Pamfilova, who, using the example of Barvikha, has already demonstrated the readiness and ability to react harshly to violations of election legislation and abuse of administrative resources. If there were no political will aimed at honest and open elections, then there would not be such a composition of the Central Election Commission and, probably, there would not be a chairman specific, “for the task,” Ella Pamfilova admitted in an interview “ Rossiyskaya newspaper". Let us remind you that parliamentary elections 2007 and 2011 were conducted by the Central Election Commission headed by Vladimir Churov.

These are the first elections to the State Duma, which will be held not in December, but in September. In this regard, another intrigue of the campaign is turnout. On the third Sunday in September, the summer and vacation seasons are still ongoing, so convincing some citizens to come to the polling stations will obviously not be easy. In 2011, turnout in the State Duma elections was 60.1% compared to 63.7% in 2007.

Let us remind you that in the message Federal Assembly Vladimir Putin called for unconditional public confidence in the election results and their strong legitimacy. “Election competition must be fair and transparent, take place within the framework of the law, with respect for voters,” the head of state aimed.

MOSCOW, June 17 – RIA Novosti. The start of the election campaign did not affect the pace of preparation of parliamentary parties for the Duma elections: they are preparing for party congresses, after which some intend to change tactics within the framework of the Duma campaign.

The Russian President on Thursday scheduled State Duma elections for September 18. The elections will be held under a mixed electoral system, abolished in 2007 and restored in 2013: 225 deputies will be elected from party lists (proportional system) and 225 from single-mandate constituencies (majority system).

To get into parliament under the proportional system, parties must overcome the five percent threshold. Candidates in districts only need to receive a majority of votes. Earlier, the speaker of the lower house of parliament, Sergei Naryshkin, said that more than 70 people could take part in the campaign. political parties. There are currently four parties represented in the State Duma: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, A Just Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party.

All according to plan

According to Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party Andrei Isaev, United Russia is now carrying out systematic work. "You know what happened to us preliminary voting, now we are focused mainly on discussing the party’s election program. Everything is according to plan,” Isaev told RIA Novosti, adding that the party is also now preparing for the second stage of the party congress, at which it will approve the lists of candidates for the Duma elections.

Absentee ballots for the Duma elections will begin to be issued on August 3In the September State Duma elections, for the first time, voters who do not have permanent registration in the region, but are registered at their place of residence at least three months before voting day, will be able to vote.

The first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, head of the party's Central Headquarters for elections, Ivan Melnikov, also noted that the communists began active work with voters long before the president signed the decree and are carrying out all the work according to their plan.

A Just Russia (SR) and the LDPR also actively worked with voters before the issuance of the presidential decree. Thus, the first deputy chairman of the SR faction, Mikhail Emelyanov, told reporters that from a technological point of view, the party with today begins a full-fledged election campaign, but never stopped working with voters.

“The election campaign begins not from the moment of the presidential decree calling the next elections, but from the moment the previous elections end. All our activities in State Duma- this is an election campaign, among other things. We constantly thought about our voters. In our voting, when introducing bills, we constantly had in mind the interests of our voters and sought to reflect them,” he explained.

Members of the LDPR faction noted that they did not relax throughout the entire sixth convocation. “We are always ready for elections. The presidential decree is a legal norm that allows us to speak openly about participation,” the LDPR leadership said.

Changing tactics and readiness

According to Melnikov, the communists expected the presidential decree on the date of the elections to be issued at this time. “We began active work with voters long before this moment and are carrying out all stages according to our plan. The decree in this regard directly affects the timing of the nomination of candidates. We will do this on June 25 (at the party congress) in full accordance with the law,” Melnikov said RIA News.

The LDPR will also launch its pre-election work in full after the congress, which will take place on June 28, at which the nomination of lists of candidates for State Duma deputies will be discussed. “After the congress, we will conduct our campaign throughout the country,” the leadership noted.

Experts: State Duma elections will be held with high competition and turnoutThe four Duma parties will retain their position in the chamber, although some non-parliamentary parties may also enter it; the return of voting in single-mandate constituencies also introduces certain uncertainty, political scientists say.

At the same time, the party will not increase the pace of the election campaign, although tactics will be determined at the upcoming congress. “We have not left the election campaign for all five years. The pace will not increase, it will remain as it is. We are changing tactics, we have a congress on June 28,” Alexey Didenko, first deputy leader of the faction in the State Duma, told RIA Novosti.

Deputy leader of the LDPR Yaroslav Nilov also noted that there will be some innovations in the campaign, which the party will also decide on later.

United Russia, according to Isaev, is entering the pre-start stage of preparation for the elections, because the final stage is the end of the elections. He noted that the party is now, rather, at the final stage of preparing the pre-election congress.