New Year- the time when, perhaps, the most fireworks and salutes are launched into the skies. To make your holiday as spectacular as possible and at the same time safe, you should understand in advance what types of fireworks there are, what they look like and how to use them correctly.

What types of fireworks are there?

According to the height of the rise, there are three types of fireworks: ground, park (50-80 m) and high-altitude. For maximum entertainment, professional pyrotechnic shows combine all three types. There are also special types of fireworks for use indoors (stage, household) and during the daytime.


This is perhaps one of the most safe species pyrotechnics. Represent paper cylinder, inside of which there are confetti or streamers. If you sharply pull the string or loop, the contents will fly out in a bright colored cloud. There are two types of firecrackers: pneumatic and conventional. Conventional ones contain a small powder charge, but they do not require ignition. Pneumatic ones use compressed air instead of gunpowder, and they are larger in size. You can even give a firecracker to children, the main thing is that they do not mistakenly place the gunpowder in the fire.


A pyrotechnic device widely known among boys. They are also divided into two types: wick and grating. The first one, accordingly, lights the wick, the second one strikes it like a match, and then throws it away. Then, depending on the type of device, a loud bang is heard, which may be accompanied by a flash or a whistle. Fuse firecrackers in the form of bundles are popular: they burn sequentially one after another, creating continuous noise and light effects.


They are known to all of us since childhood. Can be various colors or sizes. You should not use a sparkler indoors, because... sparks, which are hot metal shavings, can cause a fire. But on the street you can even give them to children, because... they are quite safe.

Ground fireworks

What they have in common is that they operate either on the ground or at a small altitude above it. This includes the following types of fireworks:

Pyrotechnic fountains or volcanoes

These are cylinders or cones that are placed on a horizontal surface and then set on fire. After this, you can observe a sheaf of colored fiery sparks, the height of which can reach 6-7 meters. They burn for quite a long time and have many additional effects. In addition, there are combination fountains that burn for a while and then shoot out high-altitude volleys.

Most often used outdoors due to the use of pyrotechnic compositions, which can produce a lot of smoke. Fountains are very effective not only at night, but also in daylight.

Flying and ground fireworks with spin effect

These fireworks are “wheels” of various sizes that scatter sparks as they rotate. The flying versions have cardboard wings, with which they rise into the air like a helicopter. Ground ones form colored circles of sparks in the horizontal plane. You should not set them on fire in the snow or grass, where they simply cannot move; It is better to choose a flat, hard surface.

Fireworks of the “Sun” type rotate in a vertical plane on a nail, which is attached to each product of this type.

Fireworks in the form of various shapes

These can be static figures (star, fan, lattice) and dynamic (tiara, mill). This also includes various symbols, logos and inscriptions: they consist of contour candles - special brightly burning pyroelements, which are placed at a height of 20-30 cm above the ground. The most spectacular letters are 1.5 meters or more in size.

High altitude fireworks

They involve the use of lustkugels - professional pyrotechnic products. They fly to a height of 80 m and above. These include:

roman candles

They are a very long cardboard tube in which 5-10 charges are packed, firing one after another. Such candles also create other effects: explosions, roar, whistle. However, when handling them, you should remember the main safety rule: they cannot be launched by hand, because The cardboard casing may burn or explode, causing injury.


This is one of oldest species pyrotechnics. It is a single, but very effective salvo. Usually the package also contains a launch tube from which the rocket is launched, but if it is not there, you can replace it with a bottle with a narrow neck. The main thing is to secure the bottle or pipe very well in a vertical position so that when the rocket is launched it does not fly off in the wrong direction. Another important element Its design is a wooden stick-stabilizer, which makes the rocket's flight smooth. The altitude of the missiles is 15-100 m, some can leave behind a bright trail, and the scale of the light effects depends on the mass of the charge embedded in the main part.

Festival balloons

These fireworks are much more reminiscent of professional fireworks. They are a high-altitude fireworks - a ball with a launch mortar. The ball flies into the night sky and explodes into flying lights. The height of the fireworks can reach 100 m.

Park fireworks

They are launched using a variety of fireworks installations. Fireworks can shoot vertically upward or spread out like a fan; the flight path can also resemble the letters V, S and Z. The height of the charge is about 80 m.

Battery of fireworks

This is already a whole fire show. Technically, they are an array of thick cardboard tubes filled with fireworks composition and additional “ingredients”, which determine how the fireworks will look. There can be a great variety of fireworks in a battery:

  • "orchid";
  • "weeping willow";
  • "crackling cloud";
  • "volcano";
  • “discharges of thunder”;
  • "seascape";
  • "Winter's Tale"...

A wick runs through the entire body of the battery, igniting the charges in a specific order to create a pre-designed pattern. The most expensive battery can have up to 300 charges, it can also weigh quite a lot, but you will be rewarded with an unforgettable show effect. At the same time, using them is very simple: just install them on a flat area, fix them (for example, several bricks are suitable for this) and light the wick.

Indoor fireworks

There are different types of household fireworks: special flares, waterfalls and low-temperature fountains that generate virtually no odor or smoke. They are also safe for human health.

Fireworks for daytime use

On Russian market they appeared recently. This includes various smokes, parachute fireworks, batteries of daytime firecrackers, and wedding pneumatic firecrackers. All this looks very impressive in daylight: spectators can watch long streams of colored smoke, confetti and multi-colored ribbons being shot into the air, and bright parachutes being dropped from a height.

Which fireworks to choose?

It depends on where and when you intend to launch it, what your budget is and what kind of spectacle you want to see.

You can find a huge number of different types of fireworks on the website Here you can purchase fireworks for different quantity shots, firecrackers, sparklers, firecrackers, sky lanterns and other pyrotechnics - both for the New Year and for any other holidays.


One of the most favorite New Year's fireworks.
Cracker bodies are made of paper or plastic in the form of a cylinder, cone, bottle, candy, etc. When you pull the string of the firecracker, Fig. 1, the friction-sensitive pyrotechnic composition ignites, and combustion products eject paper confetti, streamers, various souvenirs, and cardboard spacers from the firecracker.

The firecracker should be held firmly at arm's length at an angle of 30-45 degrees with the cord down, and with the other hand you should sharply pull the cord.

Firecrackers are one of the safest fireworks, however, you should remember that:
- the speed of movement of the contents of the cracker at the initial moment is quite high, so you should not direct the cracker at the faces of spectators or at lighting lamps, so as not to damage your eyes and cause destruction,
- do not use the firecracker near the flames of candles or hot spirals - this can lead to confetti or streamers igniting,
- Children may use the cracker only under adult supervision.

Exist table crackers. Tabletop firecrackers are installed vertically, and the pyrotechnic composition is ignited from a wick located at the base. Such firecrackers should be placed on a non-flammable stand, such as a plate, and not placed under lighting lamps.


Firecrackers gained their popularity unusually quickly, although their effect is simply a loud bang. Firecrackers vary in size and volume. They successfully replace various “homemade products” for teenagers and are a fairly safe product.

There are two types of firecrackers on sale: wick firecrackers and firecrackers with a grating head.

Firecrackers with grating head They are lit like ordinary matches: you just need to strike the grater head on the matchbox. In wick firecrackers, the wick sticking out is set on fire.

A firecracker is a paper sleeve with a pyrotechnic composition (Fig. 2). On one side the sleeve is plugged with a paper or clay plug. On the other hand, a wick or a slowly burning incendiary mixture is supplied to the composition through a plug. When the pyrotechnic composition ignites, the firecracker explodes with a deafening bang.

There are original firecrackers with combined effects - before the clap, the firecracker can rotate, jump, scatter sparks, and fly up.

Wick firecrackers are produced both in the form of individual firecrackers and in the form of bundles from ten to several thousand pieces. Long bundles are spread on the ground in the form of a ribbon. The bundle is set on fire at one end, and then a continuous crackle of firecrackers bursting in succession is heard.

Basic safety rules -
- do not carry firecrackers in your pockets or without packaging,
- do not disassemble firecrackers,
- do not hold firecrackers with a grating head in your hands even after ignition
throw away from you 5-6 meters,
- place wick firecrackers on the ground or in the snow and, after igniting, quickly move away 5-6 meters.
It is strictly forbidden to throw firecrackers at people, animals, or throw them into cans, buckets, or bottles.

Bengal candles

Bengal candles, often simply called "sparklers", are one of the most common fireworks.

A sparkler candle is a metal rod or wooden stick with a pyrotechnic composition applied to it. When burning, the candle scatters silvery sparks.

Colored sparklers burn, also forming a small torch of red, green or yellow color.

A high-quality sparkler candle should be ignited with one match, not go out when burning and not drop hot waste generated during the combustion process onto the floor.

Depending on the composition used, a sparkler candle may have a black, gray or silver tint. Some candles are equipped with a head that makes lighting the candle easier.

The sizes of Bengal candles are from 150 to 650 mm, and the burning time is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. The largest candles are recommended to be used only in large rooms or halls.

Any sparkler candle can be held in your hand by the open part at an angle of 30-45 degrees.

Colored sparklers should only be used outdoors due to the presence of aggressive oxides in combustion products.

On sale are mainly domestically produced sparkler candles, which in design and effect are not inferior to the best imported candles.

roman candles

Roman candles are very impressive and extremely popular.

The Roman candle, Fig. 3, is a long cardboard tube. The wick is placed at the top of the tube. Inside the tube is filled with alternating layers of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition, stars and gunpowder. The candle burns from top to bottom and successively shoots up burning stars. The number of stars in a Roman candle can be from 4 to several dozen pieces. The most popular candles shoot out a small number of stars, but they produce unusually interesting light and sound effects.

Roman candles are not recommended to be held in the hand due to the possibility of destruction of the shell or bottom of the candle, which can lead to burns. A Roman candle must be installed vertically with the wick facing up and secured securely. To do this, the candle should be firmly tied to a peg driven into the ground, or stuck into a metal pipe, soil or dense snow for at least 1/3 of the length of the candle.


It is a small paper (rarely metal) charged cartridge case (barrel) that shoots parachutes or burning stars to a height of 15-50 m (Fig. 4).

Spectators really enjoy the fireworks. The battery can contain several dozen barrels, each of which is charged with its own effect. The battery is ignited by one wick. The colorful design of the batteries, the effects they produce and ease of use make this product indispensable for small fireworks displays.

Fireworks should be installed on a hard, flat surface. Fireworks batteries with a small number of barrels should be covered at the base with earth or dense snow to avoid tipping over when firing. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place such batteries on ice.

Fountains, volcanoes, contour candles

Fountain(Fig. 5) is ignited at the top and emits a stream of bright sparks to a height of several centimeters to several meters. The eruption of sparks may be accompanied by whistling, crackling, ejection fireballs. The fountains burn from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes.

Most fountains can only be used outdoors.
Special low-smoke tabletop and concert fountains are produced for indoor and indoor stage areas.

Intersecting streams of sparks from different fountains are used to create pyrotechnic figures.

The audience is greatly impressed when an outwardly inconspicuous structure suddenly turns into a large bright figure - a “tree”, “palm tree”, “star”, etc.

Volcanoes are made in the shape of a cone. During the combustion process, the area of ​​the burning composition of the volcano increases and, accordingly, the height of the flow of emitted sparks increases.

Contour candles designed to create a small, bright colored torch. Contour candles are placed along the contour of the picture or inscription. With the help of fast-burning stopin or electric igniters, contour candles simultaneously flare up and the colored fiery picture or inscription they create makes an indelible impression on the audience.

In cramped urban environments, fountains, figures and signs are often the only fireworks available due to the small size of the danger zone.

Basic safety rules
and when using fountains the following:
- do not use fountains intended for open air in enclosed spaces,
- fountains should be securely fixed to the ground to avoid tipping over,
- remove flammable objects, dry grass, etc. from the danger zone.
- do not pick it up (if the fountain does not have a special handle) and do not try to extinguish the burning fountain.


Sun, fig. 8 - a very spectacular firework that rotates around a horizontal axis and scatters sparks in all directions, forming a bright colored circle.

Products for sale are equipped with a nail, which is threaded through a hole in the center of the sun and nailed to a vertical post at a height of at least 1.5 meters. Wood can also serve as a stand.

When installing the sun, you should make sure that it rotates easily and that there are no protruding parts at the stand that could slow down the sun. To make rotation easier, you can insert a plastic washer between the sun and the stand; for example, a plug from plastic bottles.


The rockets demonstrate the most attractive features of fireworks - an energetic start, a bright sparkling trajectory, a multi-colored fireworks display.

The rocket consists of an engine, a warhead and a stabilizer (Fig. 9. The rocket engine provides lift to a height of 20 to 100 m. At the end of the engine operation, the pyrotechnic composition in the head part ignites, and the rocket throws out burning stars, sparks, parachutes or loudly pops.

In small rockets, the engine and warhead are made in the form of a single paper sleeve.

The stabilizer ensures that the rocket maintains a vertical direction in flight.

The simplest and most effective flight stabilizer is a straight wooden stick or rod. The stick is attached to the body of the rocket and flies with it. The length and weight of the stick must be appropriate for the type of rocket, so rockets should not be launched with a broken, bent or homemade stabilizer.

To launch a rocket with a stabilizer stick, it should be inserted as vertically as possible into a suitable bottle with a narrow neck or into a piece of paper or metal pipe to a length of at least 13 times the length of the stabilizer stick. You should not stick the stick into the ground because... The rocket's thrust may not be enough to take off.

After the rocket explodes at altitude, the stabilizer stick falls to the ground. For large rockets, the stabilizer is a fairly heavy object, so the launch of such rockets should be carried out at a considerable distance (100-150 m) from the audience.

Rockets with stabilizer in the form of a tail fin are often launched from launch pads supplied with the rocket. Such rockets are more expensive than rockets with a stabilizer stick, but they look like a real rocket.
The rockets should be launched away from high-rise buildings, trees, wires and power lines.

Flying fireworks

Flying fireworks spin on the ground and soar vertically up to a height of up to 20 m, scattering sparks in the form of an umbrella. Fireworks can glow brightly different colors, clap, throw out a parachute.

In the darkness, the rise of fireworks creates a majestic spectacle.

Flying fireworks are usually a cylindrical paper body with wings.

Some fireworks do not have wings and are propelled upward by an additional jet engine.

To launch flying fireworks, you need a flat, smooth platform measuring 50x50 cm, such as a piece of cardboard.

Basic safety precautions are to not set off fireworks near buildings, residential buildings, wires, or in strong winds.

High-altitude fireworks-balls

The most powerful, most colorful fireworks are made using high-altitude fireworks.

High-altitude fireworks are shot vertically upward from fireworks launching mortars to a height of 50 to 300 meters. At the top of the flight they burst, creating a variety of effects.

High altitude fireworks, fig. 11 are mainly in the shape of a sphere, less often a cylinder. An expelling powder charge is attached to the bottom of the ball (cylinder). The charge is ignited by a fuse or electric igniter and ejects the ball from the launch mortar.

Inside the ball there is a bursting charge which is surrounded by pyrotechnic elements. At the top point of flight, the explosive charge ignites and with tremendous force tears apart the shell of the ball, setting fire to and scattering pyrotechnic elements in all directions.

Balls vary in caliber i.e. sizes. The caliber of a firework is the diameter of the launch mortar from which it can be launched. The caliber is indicated in millimeters or inches (1 inch = 25.4 mm). The larger the caliber of fireworks, the more height its rise and the more colorful the effect it produces.

Ball bodies have very high strength and are made of multi-layer paper, cardboard or (for small calibers) plastic.
Small caliber fireworks (up to 50 mm) are allowed for free sale complete with a launch mortar. On sale they are called " festival balloons".

The most dangerous moments for high-altitude fireworks are the following:
a) triggering of a bursting charge at low altitude. This may be caused by a design defect or the use of a launch mortar that is not suitable for the fireworks in question.
b) failure of the bursting charge to operate. In this case, an unexploded ball falls to the ground from a great height.

High-altitude fireworks displays require users and spectators to strictly adhere to safety measures:
- spectators should not enter the danger zone during the fireworks display.
- a cordon must be set up at the borders of the danger zone at mass fireworks displays,

When launching “festival balloons” on your own, you should strictly follow following rules:
1. Load the ball into the launch mortar with outstretched arms and under no circumstances look into the barrel or lean over the loaded mortar.
2. When recharging, thoroughly clean the mortar from the remnants of the previous charge.
3. Carefully lower the ball into the mortar and bring out the incendiary cord.
The incendiary cord for many balls consists of a long paper tube, inside of which there is a powder stop. A wick several centimeters long comes out of the tube. The burning time of the outer wick provides the ENTIRE time delay from ignition to activation of the expelling charge. If there is no wick or if its length is less than 1 cm, you should refuse to launch the ball.
4. If, after lighting the wick, it goes out or the expelling charge does not fire, then:
- do not approach the mortar for 2 minutes,
- it is forbidden to look into the trunk,
- by external inspection, make sure that there are no smoldering parts outside and then discharge the mortar with outstretched arms, tilting the barrel downwards away from the audience and carefully shake the ball onto a soft surface.


Beetroots form trajectories that glow from the ground itself. For daytime fireworks, beetroot is used to create a column of colored smoke.

Burak, fig. 12 is a cardboard sleeve, in the lower part of which there is an expelling charge, and in the upper part there are pyrotechnic elements. Burak, like high-altitude fireworks, is loaded into a launch mortar. When fired, the cartridge case remains in the mortar, and the pyrotechnic elements are ignited by the expelling charge and fly upward to a height of up to 100 m. Some beetroot are loaded with sound or explosive elements.

With the same caliber, the size of the danger zone for beetroot is 1.5 - 2 times smaller than for high-altitude fireworks.

The principle of operation of the previously discussed Roman candles and beetroot, despite the design differences, is similar: the burning elements ignite and are thrown out of the barrel. These fireworks, thanks to relatively small sizes danger zone can be widely used near places of mass celebrations, for which they are often called park fireworks.

Launch mortars

Launchers are one of the most important factors in ensuring the safety of fireworks, so they are considered here along with fireworks products.

The simplest launch mortar is a pipe with a solid bottom. Mortars are made of multilayer paper, plastic, fiberglass, and metal.
The mortar barrel must withstand pressure of several tens of atmospheres.

The charge in the mortar is placed on top of the figure. 13, and the ignition fuse or wires for electric ignition of the expelling charge pass along the mortar barrel from top to bottom to the charge.

Small-diameter charges (up to 100 mm) are usually lowered into a mortar tilted away from the audience under the influence of its own weight. Larger caliber charges are installed using additional string or tape.

When loading the mortar, it is strictly forbidden to hold the charge by the ignition fuse or electric ignition wires - this can lead to damage to the expelling charge or to premature operation of the electric igniter.

The mortar is positioned vertically, and when fired, all recoil is transferred to the ground. For beetroot and large-caliber balls, the recoil when fired can be quite significant, so mortars should be installed on dense soil or concrete.

When installing several mortars, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of them falling due to vibration when neighboring barrels are triggered. To do this, mortars are spaced apart from each other or, on the contrary, mounted in cassettes. The cassettes are rigidly fastened together or buried in soil.

There are platforms mounted on cars or trailers that contain several dozen mortars.

During mass fireworks displays artillery pieces have not been used for a long time.

In remote places, mortars are often made independently, and various companies are invited to organize fireworks displays. This allows you to significantly save on transportation costs, but it should be understood that the manufacture of mortars requires drawings, materials and technology allowed by the fireworks developer.

In Russia, the main developer and manufacturer of fireworks is the Federal Research and Production Center "Research Institute of Applied Chemistry" in Sergiev Posad. The range of domestic fireworks is still small, so a large number of fireworks are imported to Russia from abroad. These are mainly Chinese products. After all, the Chinese make fireworks better than anyone else, and have been for several hundred years.

One of the first inventions in the field of pyrotechnics is the firecracker. Modern models producing a variety of light and sound effects have become an indispensable attribute New Year's holidays and various celebrations in many countries of the world. A wide selection makes it possible to use them both for decorating small family events and organizing grand shows.
From the history of pyrotechnics
Firecrackers are deservedly considered one of the most ancient types of fireworks. The first pyrotechnic products were created with the invention of gunpowder in China. In history there are many facts of their use in various sacred ceremonies, ceremonies and rituals. Then these were bamboo tubes filled with an explosive mixture - a long-standing prototype of modern firecrackers. When they hit the fire, they exploded and scattered with a powerful crash. different sides. In ancient times, the Chinese often used such objects to drive away "evil spirits."
The secret of the popularity of firecrackers
No matter what new products surprise pyrotechnics specialists, firecrackers still remain one of the most popular types of fireworks. Inexpensive and easy to use, they will always come to the rescue in creating a joyful mood and a special atmosphere that can surprise and delight guests.
A carefully selected set will become the basis for organizing a real festive performance. In combination with other types of pyrotechnic products, firecrackers can create a real explosion of emotions and leave an unforgettable impression.
By purchasing fireworks from reliable companies, you can be sure of the high quality of the devices offered, as well as making the right choice in accordance with the upcoming celebration.
Firecracker device
These fireworks consist of a tightly packed cardboard or plastic casing filled with an explosive mixture. The pyrotechnic composition is a low-power black or aluminum powder. The body is closed on one side with a plaster plug, the other part contains a wick or a solid retarder. The powder charge, tearing the multi-layer paper shell, produces a powerful bang, often accompanied by a flash.
The result of the loud action of a firecracker lies in both the correctly selected components and the pressure created.
Types of firecrackers
The modern market presents a large assortment of firecrackers for single shots and their bundles, capable of producing a certain number of explosions in a row. The effect produced is enhanced by sparks, flickering, crackling and other light and sound effects.
Based on the operating principle, there are two types of firecrackers:
- wick. This is a classic design that uses a wick to start the fire. The explosion of a firecracker occurs within 3 - 10 seconds from the moment of ignition, so the product can only be set on fire by first placing it on the ground;
- grating. This species lights up like matches. To do this, a special composition on a package or matchbox is easily passed through with a head containing phosphorus.
Safe firecrackers
There is a common misconception that firecrackers are very dangerous to use. In fact, unfavorable situations often arise as a result of violation of the requirements for handling this type of pyrotechnic products.
Following simple operating rules will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments and get extremely positive emotions as a result of their use.
Each package contains instructions on the rules for using the product, indicating the explosion delay time and the safe distance.
If the device turned out to be of poor quality and did not work, you can approach it no earlier than 15 minutes after setting it on fire. The firecracker should be immersed in water for a couple of days, and then taken out with other garbage.
Absolutely forbidden:
- hold a lit device in your hands, throw it at people and animals;
- approach a burning firecracker at a distance of closer than 10 meters;
- use firecrackers indoors;
- disassemble the product;
- store and carry without packaging, keep in your pocket, and give to children.
Compliance with these simple rules will preserve the health of all event participants and guarantee a happy ending to the holiday.

They have as many ardent fans as ardent opponents. They were invented by the Chinese, who initially used them for a “practical” purpose: it was believed that loud bangs scared evil spirits. In Russia, they acquired another function: they became a good replacement for self-propelled guns, the craving for which among young people is still ineradicable.

The design of a firecracker is a paper sleeve into which a special pyrotechnic composition is poured. If you set it on fire, it ignites instantly and the paper shell ruptures. This causes the famous loud bang.

Firecrackers come in grating and wick types. The former are ignited on a matchbox or a special coating on the package of firecrackers in the image and likeness of matches, and the latter, as the name implies, have a wick that can be ignited from any convenient source.

Wick firecrackers are sold not only individually, but also in bundles - in this form they burn one by one, resulting in a quiet but constant crackling sound.

For example, the PC106 Rattlesnake fireworks are a long ribbon with a wick attached to it. This tape can be hung on a tree or fence, or even simply placed on the ground. In any case, the sparks from the “rattlesnake” will be bright, it will burn for a long time, and it will crack loudly.

In general, the volume of a firecracker directly depends on its size, with the maximum value not exceeding 140 dB - approximately in this range the sound of a gunshot sounds. And only products of substantial size achieve this value.

The most popular are several series of firecrackers - these are P1082 and P1106 “Corsair 1” and “Dead Man’s Chest” and, naturally, “Ben Gan” and “Corsair 10”. These products are characterized by their low cost, which is combined with sufficient efficiency. Their main difference is the number of pieces in the box.

Other series - such as P1202 "and P1300 "Corsair 3" and similar ones are somewhat larger and, accordingly, more expensive. And the biggest and most terrifying ones have big names- P1420 “Black Mark” and PK1105 “Talisman”. Such products can only be ignited with a wick.

There are also firecrackers with a combined effect: they sparkle with flames and sparks, spin and fly into the air. These are products such as, for example, P1121 “Certain Death 1”, “Dead Head”, P1500 “Kiss of Death”, etc.

But regardless of the size of the firecracker, it must be handled with care, that is, in full accordance with the instructions printed on the packaging. The text must be read before using the product.

There are also such original products as the “Explosive Pea” - this is a firecracker that explodes upon sudden contact with a hard surface. And the “Flapping Balls” have a plastic body with a wick. When it burns, the ball splits into two parts and sparkles.

Firecrackers " Funny company" and "Flower of Happiness" can be safely used indoors. The first variety is best set on fire on a platter, and the second, when it bursts, leaves a flower in the person’s hand. It turns out to be a really wonderful surprise.

Firecrackers have some pretty scary names, but if you follow fairly simple rules, they are safe.

So, when launching, you cannot hold a firecracker in your hands, much less throw it at people. They can only be used outdoors, and placing them in any closed container - a bucket, jar or bottle - is strictly prohibited. The burning firecracker should be at least five to ten meters away from people; getting closer to it is very dangerous.

Such products can only be carried in packaging; under no circumstances should they simply be put in a pocket and given to children.

Where to buy fireworks?

You can buy, as well as any high-quality pyrotechnics. We think about your safety, and therefore we purchase only certified products. And prices and discounts will be a pleasant discovery.

Fireworks are decorative lights produced by burning pyrotechnic compositions containing metal salts that color the flames in different colors. These are fiery figures, fancifully changing color and shape, fountains of sparks; often accompanied by sound effects. What holiday would be complete without fireworks?

Types of fireworks

Ground fireworks

Fireworks with a height of no more than 7 meters are called ground fireworks. Such fireworks include fire inscriptions, fountains, static and dynamic pyrotechnic figures: fire wheels, turntables, mills, fire waterfalls, etc. Ground fireworks are an integral part of the pyrotechnic show. Demonstration of ground fireworks is carried out in both large and small areas.

Lower level

The height of the lower level fireworks reaches 30-40 meters. Products of caliber 10, 20, 30, 50 mm are used. These include household fireworks, Roman candles, and firework batteries. This is especially relevant in places where holding medium- and high-altitude fireworks is impossible due to safety regulations (radius of the danger zone).

Average level

The height of the average fireworks reaches 70 meters. Professional fireworks products of caliber 50, 60, 75 mm are used. A magnificent spectacle of multi-colored spheres opening above your head, consisting of many effects (red peonies, golden willows, twinkling stars, etc.).

Altitude level

The height of the high-altitude fireworks is from 70 to 350 meters. Professional fireworks products of caliber 100, 125, 150, 195, 310 mm are used. The stunning beauty of the spectacle of multi-colored spheres opening high in the sky, consisting of many effects (golden willows, red peonies, twinkling stars). Such a fireworks display will not leave anyone indifferent.

Daytime fireworks

Daytime fireworks displays take place during daylight hours. Consists of colored smoke, fireworks with parachutes and sound effects. Ground-based fireworks are also used: firefalls, mills, fountains, inscriptions. Such fireworks will decorate both adults and children's party.

Fireworks for indoors

Low-smoke professional fireworks products are used for indoors: fountains from 50 cm to 2 meters, flashes from 2 to 4 meters, fire waterfalls from 2 to 5 meters. Fire inscription or logo, path of fountains. When holding fireworks indoors Special attention pays attention to safety precautions.

Types of pyrotechnic products


They are a body made of paper or plastic in the form of a cylinder, cone, bottle, candy, etc. with internal separating pads, with a lace loop coming out of the bottom. When you pull the string, the friction-sensitive pyrotechnic composition ignites, and the filling of the cracker (paper confetti, streamers, various souvenirs) is thrown away.

The firecracker should be held firmly at arm's length at an angle of 30-45 degrees with the cord down, and with the other hand you should sharply pull the cord. Tabletop firecrackers are installed vertically and are ignited by a wick located at the base. Such firecrackers should be placed on a non-flammable stand, such as a plate, and not placed under lighting lamps.


This is a paper sleeve, plugged on one side, and on the other side, visco (wick) or a slow-burning pyrotechnic composition with a grating ignition head is supplied to the slag composition through another plug. When the slag composition ignites, the firecracker explodes with a deafening bang. There are original firecrackers with combined effects - before the clap, the firecracker can rotate, jump, scatter sparks, and fly up.

There are two types of firecrackers:

Firecrackers with a grating head. They light like matches: you just need to strike the grater head on a matchbox. In wick firecrackers, the wick sticking out is set on fire.

Fuse firecrackers. They are produced both in the form of individual firecrackers and in the form of bundles from ten to several thousand pieces. Long bundles are spread on the ground in the form of a ribbon. The bundle is set on fire at one end, and then a continuous crackle of firecrackers bursting in succession is heard.

Bengal candles

Bengal candles, often simply called "sparklers", are one of the most common fireworks. A sparkler is a metal rod, part of which is coated with a sparkling composition. Some plugs have a head with a igniter compound that makes it easier for the plug to ignite. When burning, the candle scatters silvery sparks. Colored sparkler candles burn, also forming a small torch of red, green or yellow color. A high-quality sparkler candle should be ignited with one match, not go out when burning and not drop hot waste generated during the combustion process onto the floor.

Depending on the composition used, a sparkler candle may have a black, gray or silver tint. The sizes of Bengal candles are from 150 to 650 mm, and the burning time is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. The largest candles are recommended to be used only in large rooms or halls. Any sparkler candle can be held in your hand by the open part at an angle of 30-45 degrees. Colored sparklers should only be used outdoors due to the presence of aggressive oxides in combustion products.

roman candles

A Roman candle is a long cardboard sleeve filled successively in several layers with blocks of filling. The filling block consists of black powder, a pyroelement and an intermediate retarding composition. The wick is placed at the top of the tube. The candle burns from top to bottom and successively shoots colored pyroelements (stars) up to a height of up to 50 meters (most often from 4 to 25 pieces). The most popular candles shoot a small number of stars, but they produce unusually interesting light and sound effects.

Roman candles are not recommended to be held in the hand due to the possibility of destruction of the shell or bottom of the candle, which can lead to burns. A Roman candle must be installed vertically with the wick facing up and secured securely. To do this, the candle should be firmly tied to a peg driven into the ground, or stuck into a metal pipe, soil or dense snow for at least 1/3 of the length of the candle.


In our country, this term refers to fireworks displays performed using high-altitude fireworks products. Also called a firework is a paper or metal shell that is fired to a height of up to 30 meters.

There are two types of fireworks: single and rechargeable. The first ones look like a low tube on a stand; to use such a firework, you just need to put it on a level place, set it on fire and leave. Rechargeable fireworks are a set of a launch tube and several high-altitude charges in the form of balls. To use it, you need to place the launch tube on a level place, lower the charge into it, light it and walk away.

A battery of fireworks contains several dozen cartridges with different effects. The battery is ignited by one wick. The effects can be very diverse. When one battery of fireworks operates, a short but intense fireworks display is produced, so it is better to light several of them in a row. Fireworks should be installed on a hard, flat surface. Fireworks batteries with a small number of barrels should be covered at the base with earth or dense snow to avoid tipping over when firing. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place such batteries on ice.

Super salutes- these are batteries of fireworks of increased power and with especially colorful effects. The rules for use are the same as for conventional fireworks batteries, but with an increased distance to the safe zone.

Fountains, volcanoes, contour candles

Fountain is a fireworks product consisting of durable paper or a metal sleeve filled with a fast-burning fireworks composition with a force effect. It is ignited in the upper part; during combustion, the fountain throws out a sheaf of shiny or colored sparks through a neck (nozzle) to different heights, depending on the caliber and design. The eruption of sparks may be accompanied by a whistle, crackling sound, or the release of fireballs. The fountains burn from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. There are fountains with special light and sound effects. Most fountains can only be used outdoors.

Special low-smoke tabletop and concert fountains are produced for indoor and indoor stage areas. Fire paths and various figures are made from fountains.

are made in the shape of a cone. During the combustion process, the area of ​​the burning composition of the volcano increases and, accordingly, the height of the flow of emitted sparks increases.

Contour candles- this is a fireworks product, which is a thin-walled paper sleeve filled with a slow-burning color-flame firework composition, or a rod made of a slow-burning color-flame composition, with an igniting composition in its upper part. When burned, a contour candle produces a bright, richly colored flame. The entire group of candles forming an inscription or design is ignited using a stopin drive (a bunch of cotton threads soaked in potassium nitrate and coated on the outside with a creamy mixture of gunpowder pulp and glue). or fast-burning plastic stopin. They are designed to create a small, bright colored torch. Contour candles are placed along the contour of the picture or inscription.


The sun is a very spectacular firework that rotates around a horizontal axis and scatters sparks in all directions, forming a bright colored circle. Products for sale are equipped with a nail, which is threaded through a hole in the center of the sun and nailed to a vertical post at a height of at least 1.5 meters. Wood can also serve as a stand. When installing the sun, you should make sure that it rotates easily and that there are no protruding parts at the stand that could slow down the sun. To make rotation easier, you can insert a plastic washer between the sun and the stand, such as a plastic bottle cap, for example.


A rocket is a high-altitude fireworks product, which is a rocket engine with a stabilizer in the form of a wooden slats or wings with or without a container with pyroelements or a high-altitude ball in its upper part. The rocket engine provides lift to a height of 20 to 100 meters. When taking off, it often leaves behind a sparkling fire trail, and at the highest point of the trajectory, a container with pyroelements or a high-altitude ball explodes, throwing out burning stars, sparks, parachutes, or a loud bang. In small rockets, the engine and warhead are made in the form of a single paper sleeve.

The stabilizer ensures that the rocket maintains a vertical direction in flight. The simplest and most effective flight stabilizer is a straight wooden stick or rod. The stick is attached to the body of the rocket and flies with it. The length and weight of the stick must be appropriate for the type of rocket, so rockets should not be launched with a broken, bent or homemade stabilizer.

To launch a rocket with a stabilizer stick, it should be inserted as vertically as possible into a suitable bottle with a narrow neck or into a piece of paper or metal pipe to a length of at least 13 times the length of the stabilizer stick. You should not stick the stick into the ground because... The rocket's thrust may not be enough to take off.

After the rocket explodes at altitude, the stabilizer stick falls to the ground. For large rockets, the stabilizer is a fairly heavy object, so the launch of such rockets should be carried out at a considerable distance (100 - 150 meters) from the audience. Tail-stabilized rockets are often launched from launch pads supplied with the rocket. Such rockets are more expensive than rockets with a stabilizer stick, but they look like a real rocket.

Flying fireworks

Flying fireworks spin on the ground and soar vertically up to a height of up to 20 m, scattering sparks in the form of an umbrella. Fireworks can glow brightly in different colors, clap, and throw out a parachute. Flying fireworks are usually a cylindrical paper body with wings. Some fireworks do not have wings and are propelled upward by an additional jet engine. To launch flying fireworks, you need a flat, smooth platform measuring 50x50 centimeters, for example, a piece of cardboard.

Fireworks are always a very bright, memorable event. Spectacular splashes of multi-colored sparks in the sky are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. As a rule, by setting off fireworks, people show their joy, their delight, which is why fireworks can be seen so often, for example, at maternity hospitals - this is how new dads express their happiness.