Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences B. LUCHKOV, Professor at MEPhI.

The Sun is an ordinary star, not distinguished by its properties and position from the myriad stars of the Milky Way. in terms of luminosity, size, mass, it is a typical average. It occupies the same average place in the Galaxy: not close to the center, not at the edge, but in the middle, both in the thickness of the disk and in radius (8 kiloparsecs from the galactic core). the only difference, one must think, from most stars is that on the third planet of the vast economy of the Galaxy, life arose 3 billion years ago and, having undergone a number of changes, was preserved, giving birth to the thinking being homo sapiens along the evolutionary path. man, searching and inquisitive, having populated the entire earth, is now engaged in exploring the surrounding world in order to know “what,” “how,” and “why.” What, for example, determines the earth's climate, how is the earth's weather formed and why does it change so dramatically and sometimes unpredictably? These questions seem to have received substantiated answers a long time ago. and for last half century, thanks to global studies of the atmosphere and ocean, an extensive meteorological service has been created, the reports of which are now available to neither a housewife going to the market, nor an airplane pilot, nor a mountain climber, nor a plowman, nor a fisherman - absolutely no one. It’s just been noticed that sometimes forecasts go wrong, and then housewives, pilots, climbers, not to mention plowmen and fishermen, vilify the weather service in vain. This means that not everything is completely clear in the weather situation, and it would be necessary to carefully understand the complex synoptic phenomena and connections. One of the main ones is the earth-sun connection, which gives us warmth and light, but from which sometimes, like from Pandora’s box, hurricanes, droughts, floods and other extreme “weathers” break free. What gives rise to these “dark forces” of the earth’s climate, which is generally quite pleasant compared to what is happening on other planets?

The coming years lurk in the darkness.
A. Pushkin


The Earth's climate is determined by two main factors: the solar constant and the inclination of the Earth's rotation axis to the orbital plane. Solar constant - the flux of solar radiation coming to Earth, 1.4 . 10 3 W/m 2 is truly unchanged with high accuracy (up to 0.1%) both on short (seasons, years) and long (centuries, millions of years) scales. The reason for this is the constancy of solar luminosity L = 4 . 10 26 W, determined by the thermonuclear “burning” of hydrogen in the center of the Sun, and the almost circular orbit of the Earth (R= 1,5 . 10 11 m). The “middle” position of the star makes its character surprisingly tolerable - no changes in luminosity and flux of solar radiation, no changes in the temperature of the photosphere. A calm, balanced star. And the climate of the Earth is therefore strictly defined - hot in the equatorial zone, where the sun is at its zenith almost every day, moderately warm in the middle latitudes and cold near the poles, where it barely protrudes over the horizon.

The weather is another matter. In each latitudinal zone it manifests itself as a slight deviation from the established climatic standard. There is a thaw in winter and the buds swell on the trees. It happens that at the height of summer bad weather strikes with a piercing autumn wind and sometimes even snowfall. Weather is a specific realization of the climate of a given latitude with possible (in Lately very frequent) deviations-anomalies.


Weather anomalies are very harmful and cause enormous damage. Floods, droughts, and harsh winters destroyed agriculture and led to famine and epidemics. Storms, hurricanes, and torrential rains also spared nothing in their path and forced people to leave devastated places. The victims of weather anomalies are countless. It is impossible to tame the weather and mitigate its extreme manifestations. The energy of weather disruptions is beyond our control even now, in an energetically developed time, when gas, oil, and uranium have given us great power over nature. The energy of an average hurricane (10 17 J) is equal to the total output of all power plants in the world in three hours. There have been unsuccessful attempts to stop the oncoming storm in the last century. In the 1980s, the US Air Force carried out a frontal attack on hurricanes (Operation Fury of the Storm), but only showed its complete powerlessness (“Science and Life” no.).

Yet science and technology were able to help. If it is impossible to contain the blows of the enraged elements, then perhaps it will be possible to at least foresee them in order to take timely measures. Models of weather development began to develop, especially successfully with the introduction of modern computers. The most powerful computers and the most complex calculation programs now belong to weather forecasters and the military. The results were immediate.

By the end of the last century, calculations using synoptic models had reached such a level of perfection that they began to well describe the processes occurring in the ocean (the main factor of terrestrial weather), on land, in the atmosphere, including its lower layer, the troposphere, the weather factory. A very good agreement was achieved between the calculation of the main weather factors (air temperature, the content of CO 2 and other “greenhouse” gases, heating of the surface layer of the ocean) with real measurements. Above are graphs of calculated and measured temperature anomalies over a century and a half.

Such models can be trusted - they have become a working tool for weather forecasting. It turns out that weather anomalies (their strength, location, moment of occurrence) can be predicted. This means there is time and opportunity to prepare for natural disasters. Forecasts have become commonplace, and the damage caused by weather anomalies has decreased sharply.

A special place has been occupied by long-term forecasts, for tens and hundreds of years, as a guide to action for economists, politicians, heads of production - the “captains” of the modern world. Several long-term forecasts for the 21st century are now known.


A forecast for such a long period can, of course, only be approximate. Weather parameters are presented with significant tolerances (error intervals, as is customary in mathematical statistics). To take into account all the possibilities of the future, a number of development scenarios are being played out. The Earth's climate system is too unstable; even the best models, tested using tests from past years, can make mistakes when looking into the distant future.

The calculation algorithms are based on two opposing assumptions: 1) a gradual change in weather factors (optimistic option), 2) their sharp jump, leading to noticeable climate changes (pessimistic option).

The Projection of Gradual Climate Change for the 21st Century (Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group, Shanghai, January 2001) presents the results of seven model scenarios. The main conclusion is that the warming of the Earth, which has covered the entire last century, will continue further, accompanied by an increase in the emission of “greenhouse gases” (mainly CO 2 and SO 2), an increase in surface air temperature (by 2-6 ° C by the end of the new century) and rising sea levels (on average 0.5 m per century). Some scenarios show a decline in greenhouse gas emissions in the second half of the century as a result of the ban on industrial emissions into the atmosphere; their concentration will not differ much from the current level. The most likely changes in weather factors: higher maximum temperatures and a greater number of hot days, lower minimum temperatures and fewer frosty days in almost all regions of the earth, a reduced temperature range, more intense precipitation. Possible climate changes - more summer dry wood with a noticeable risk of droughts, stronger winds and greater intensity of tropical cyclones.

The past five years, filled with strong anomalies (terrible North Atlantic hurricanes, Pacific typhoons not far behind them, the severe winter of 2006 in the Northern Hemisphere and other weather surprises), show that new Age, apparently, did not take the optimistic path. Of course, the century has just begun, deviations from the predicted gradual development may smooth out, but its “turbulent beginning” gives reason to doubt the first option.


This is not just a forecast, this is a shake-up - an alarm signal for the “captains” of the world, reassured by gradual climate change: it can always be corrected with small means (conversation protocols) in the right direction, and there is no need to be afraid that the situation will get out of control. The new forecast is based on the emerging trend of growth in extreme natural anomalies. They believe that it is beginning to come true. The world has taken a pessimistic path.

The first decade (2000-2010) is a continuation of gradual warming, not yet causing much alarm, but still with a noticeable rate of acceleration. North America, Europe, partly South Africa will have 30% more warm days and fewer frosty days, the number and intensity of weather anomalies (floods, droughts, hurricanes) affecting agriculture will increase. Still, such weather cannot be considered particularly severe, threatening the world order.

But by 2010, such a number of dangerous changes will accumulate that will lead to a sharp jump in climate in a completely unexpected direction (according to the gradual version). The hydrological cycle (evaporation, precipitation, water leakage) will accelerate, further increasing the average air temperature. Water vapor is a powerful natural “greenhouse gas”. Due to the increase in average surface temperature, forests and pastures will dry out, and massive forest fires will begin (it is already clear how difficult it is to fight them). The concentration of CO 2 will increase so much that the normal absorption by ocean water and land plants, which determined the rate of “gradual change,” will no longer work. The greenhouse effect will accelerate. Abundant melting of snow in the mountains and in the subpolar tundra will begin, the area of ​​polar ice will sharply decrease, which will greatly reduce the solar albedo. Air and land temperatures are rising catastrophically. Strong winds due to a large temperature gradient cause sandstorms and lead to weathering of the soil. There is no control over the elements and no possibility to correct it even a little. The pace of dramatic climate change is accelerating. The trouble is affecting all regions of the world.

At the beginning of the second decade, the thermocline circulation in the ocean will slow down, and it is the main creator of the weather. Due to the abundance of rain and melting polar ice, the oceans will become fresher. The normal transport of warm water from the equator to the mid-latitudes will be suspended.

Gulf Stream, a warm Atlantic current along North America to Europe, guarantor temperate climate The northern hemisphere will freeze. Warming in this region will be replaced by a sharp cooling and decreased precipitation. In just a few years, the vector of weather change will turn 180 degrees, the climate will become cold and dry.

At this point, computer models do not give a clear answer: what will actually happen? Will the climate of the Northern Hemisphere become colder and drier, which will not yet lead to a global catastrophe, or will a new ice age begin, lasting hundreds of years, as happened on Earth more than once and not so long ago (Little Ice Age, Event-8200, Early Triassic - 12,700 years ago).

The worst case scenario that can actually happen is this. Devastating droughts in regions of food production and high population density (North America, Europe, China). Decrease in precipitation, drying up of rivers, depletion of fresh water supplies. Reduction of food supplies, mass hunger, spread of epidemics, flight of the population from disaster zones. Growing international tension, wars for food, drinking and energy resources. At the same time, in areas with a traditionally dry climate (Asia, South America, Australia) there are heavy rains, floods, and the destruction of agricultural land that is not adapted to such an abundance of moisture. And here too there is a reduction in agriculture, a shortage of food. Collapse of the modern world order. A sharp decline in population by billions. The discard of civilization for centuries, the arrival of cruel rulers, religious wars, the collapse of science, culture, and morality. Armageddon exactly as predicted!

A sudden, unexpected climate change that the world simply cannot adapt to.

The conclusion of the scenario is disappointing: urgent measures must be taken, but what measures are unclear. Absorbed by carnivals, championships, thoughtless shows, the enlightened world, which could “do something,” simply does not pay attention to it: “Scientists scare, but we are not afraid!”


There is, however, a third option for forecasting the earth's climate, which agrees with the rampant anomalies of the beginning of the century, but does not lead to a universal catastrophe. It is based on observations of our star, which, despite all its apparent calm, still has noticeable activity.

Solar activity is a manifestation of the outer convective zone, occupying a third of the solar radius, where, due to the large temperature gradient (from 10 6 K inside to 6 . 10 3 K on the photosphere), hot plasma bursts out in “boiling streams”, generating local magnetic fields with a strength thousands of times greater than the total field of the Sun. All observed activity features are due to processes in the convective zone. Granulation of the photosphere, hot areas (faculae), ascending prominences (arcs of matter raised by magnetic field lines), dark spots and groups of spots - tubes of local magnetic fields, chromospheric flares (the result of the rapid closure of opposite magnetic fluxes, converting the supply of magnetic energy into the energy of accelerated particles and plasma heating). Interwoven into this tangle of phenomena on the visible disk of the Sun is the shining solar corona (the upper, very rarefied atmosphere heated to millions of degrees, the source of the solar wind). Coronal condensations and holes observed in X-rays and massive ejections from the corona (coronal mass ejections, CMEs) play a significant role in solar activity. The manifestations of solar activity are numerous and varied.

The most representative, accepted activity index is the Wolf number W, introduced back in the 19th century, indicating the number of dark spots and their groups on the solar disk. The face of the Sun is covered with a changing speck of freckles, which indicates the inconstancy of its activity. On c. 27 below shows a graph of average annual values W(t), obtained by direct monitoring of the Sun (the last century and a half) and reconstructed from individual observations until 1600 (the luminary was not then under “constant supervision”). Ups and downs in the number of spots are visible - cycles of activity. One cycle lasts on average 11 years (more precisely, 10.8 years), but there is a noticeable scatter (from 7 to 17 years), the variability is not strictly periodic. Harmonic analysis also reveals a second variability - secular, the period of which, also not strictly observed, is equal to ~100 years. It appears clearly on the graph - the amplitude of solar cycles Wmax changes with this period. In the middle of each century, the amplitude reached its greatest values ​​(Wmax ~ 150-200), at the turn of the century it decreased to Wmax = 50-80 (at the beginning of the 19th and 20th centuries) and even to an extremely low level (beginning of the 18th century). During a long time interval, called the Maunder minimum (1640-1720), no cyclicity was observed and the number of spots on the disk was only a few. The Maunder phenomenon, also observed in other stars whose luminosity and spectral class are close to the Sun, is a not entirely understood mechanism for restructuring the convective zone of a star, as a result of which the generation of magnetic fields slows down. Deeper “excavations” showed that similar rearrangements on the Sun had happened before: the Sperer minima (1420-1530) and Wolf minima (1280-1340). As you can see, they occur on average every 200 years and last 60-120 years - at this time the Sun seems to fall into a lethargic sleep, resting from active work. Almost 300 years have passed since the Maunder Minimum. It's time for the luminary to rest again.

There is a direct connection here with the topic of earthly weather and climate change. The record of the Maunder Low certainly indicates anomalous weather behavior similar to what is happening today. Throughout Europe (less likely throughout the Northern Hemisphere), surprisingly cold winters were observed during this time. The canals froze, as evidenced by the paintings of Dutch masters, the Thames froze, and Londoners became accustomed to holding festivities on the ice of the river. Even the North Sea, warmed by the Gulf Stream, became frozen in ice, resulting in a halt to navigation. During these years, practically no auroras were observed, which indicates a decrease in the intensity of the solar wind. The breathing of the Sun, as happens during sleep, weakened, and this is what led to climate change. The weather became cold, windy, capricious.


How and through what means is solar activity transmitted to Earth? There must be some kind of material media that carries out the transfer. There can be several such “carriers”: the hard part of the solar radiation spectrum (ultraviolet, X-rays), solar wind, ejections of matter during solar flares, CMEs. The results of observations of the Sun in the 23rd cycle (1996-2006), carried out by the spacecraft SOHO, TRACE (USA, Europe), CORONAS-F (Russia), showed that the main “carriers” of solar influence are CMEs. They primarily determine the earth's weather, and all other “carriers” complement the picture (see “Science and Life” No.).

CMEs began to be studied in detail only recently, realizing their leading role in solar-terrestrial communications, although they have been noticed since the 1970s. In terms of emission frequency, mass and energy, they surpass all other “carriers”. With a mass of 1-10 billion tons and speed (1-3 . At 10 km/s, these plasma clouds have a kinetic energy of ~10 25 J. Reaching the Earth in a few days, they have strong impact first to the earth's magnetosphere, and through it to the upper layers of the atmosphere. The mechanism of action has now been sufficiently studied. The Soviet geophysicist A.L. Chizhevsky guessed about it 50 years ago, and E.R. Mustel and his colleagues understood it in general terms (1980s). Finally, these days it has been proven by observations from American and European satellites. Orbital station SOHO, which has been continuously observing for 10 years, has recorded about 1,500 CMEs. The SAMPEX and POLAR satellites noted the appearance of emissions near the Earth and traced the result of the impact.

In general terms, the impact of CMEs on Earth's weather is now well known. Having reached the vicinity of the planet, the expanded magnetic cloud flows around the Earth’s magnetosphere along the boundary (magnetopause), since the magnetic field does not allow charged plasma particles inside. The impact of a cloud on the magnetosphere generates oscillations in the magnetic field, which manifest themselves as a magnetic storm. The magnetosphere is compressed by the flow of solar plasma, the concentration of field lines increases, and at some point in the development of the storm they are reconnected (similar to what generates flares on the Sun, but on a much smaller spatial and energy scale). The released magnetic energy is used to accelerate particles of the radiation belt (electrons, positrons, protons of relatively low energies), which, having acquired an energy of tens and hundreds of MeV, can no longer be contained by the Earth’s magnetic field. A stream of accelerated particles is released into the atmosphere along the geomagnetic equator. By interacting with atmospheric atoms, charged particles transfer their energy to them. A new “energy source” appears, affecting the upper layer of the atmosphere, and through its instability to vertical movements, the lower layers, including the troposphere. This “source”, associated with solar activity, “shakes” the weather, creating accumulations of clouds, giving rise to cyclones and storms. The main result of his intervention is the destabilization of the weather: calm is replaced by a storm, dryness is replaced by heavy rainfall, rain is replaced by drought. It is noteworthy that all weather changes begin near the equator: tropical cyclones developing into hurricanes, variable monsoons, mysterious El Niño(“The Child”) is a worldwide weather troublemaker who suddenly appears in the eastern Pacific Ocean and just as suddenly disappears.

According to the “sunny scenario” of weather anomalies, the forecast for the 21st century is calmer. The Earth's climate will change slightly, but the weather pattern will undergo a noticeable shift, as has always been the case when solar activity fades. It may not be very strong (colder than normal winter months and rainier summer months) if solar activity drops to Wmax ~ 50, as was the case in the early 19th and 20th centuries. It may become more serious (cooling of the climate of the entire Northern Hemisphere) if a new Maunder minimum (Wmax) occurs< 10). В любом случае похолодание климата будет не кратковременным, а продолжится, вместе с аномалиями погоды, несколько десятилетий.

What awaits us in the near future will be shown by the 24th cycle, which is now beginning. With a high probability, based on an analysis of solar activity over 400 years, its Wmax amplitude will become even smaller, solar respiration will be even weaker. We need to keep an eye on coronal mass ejections. Their number, pace, and sequence will determine the weather of the beginning of the 21st century. And, of course, it is absolutely necessary to understand what happens to your favorite star when its activity stops. This is not only a scientific task - in solar physics, astrophysics, geophysics. Its solution is fundamentally necessary to clarify the conditions for the preservation of life on Earth.


Summary for Policymakers, A Report of Working Group I of IPCC (Shanghai, January 2001), Internet.

Schwartz R., Randall D. An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario (October 2003), Internet.

Budyko M. Climate. What will it be like? // Science and Life, 1979, No. 4.

Luchkov B. Solar influence on earth's weather. Scientific session MiFi-2006 // Collection of scientific papers, vol. 7, p. 79.

Moiseev N. The future of the planet and system analysis // Science and Life, 1974, No. 4.

Nikolaev G. Climate at a turning point // Science and Life, 1995, No. 6.

The geological age of our planet is approximately 4.5 billion years. During this period, the Earth changed dramatically. The composition of the atmosphere, the mass of the planet itself, the climate - at the beginning of its existence everything was completely different. The hot ball very slowly became the way we are used to seeing it now. Tectonic plates collided, forming ever new mountain systems. Seas and oceans formed on the gradually cooling planet. Continents appeared and disappeared, their outlines and sizes changed. The earth began to rotate more slowly. The first plants appeared, and then life itself. Accordingly, over the past billions of years, the planet has undergone dramatic changes in moisture circulation, heat circulation and atmospheric composition. Climate changes have occurred throughout the existence of the Earth.

Holocene Epoch

The Holocene is part of the Quaternary period. In other words, this is an era that began approximately 12 thousand years ago and continues to the present day. The Holocene began with the end ice age, and since then climate change on the planet has been moving towards global warming. This era is often called interglacial, since there have already been several ice ages throughout the entire climatic history of the planet.

The last global cooling occurred approximately 110 thousand years ago. About 14 thousand years ago, warming began, gradually sweeping the entire planet. The glaciers that covered most of the Northern Hemisphere at that time began to melt and collapse. Naturally, all this did not happen overnight. For a very long period, the planet was shaken by strong temperature fluctuations, glaciers either advanced or retreated again. All this influenced the level of the World Ocean.

Holocene periods

During numerous studies, scientists decided to divide the Holocene into several time periods depending on climate. Approximately 12-10 thousand years ago, the ice sheets disappeared, and the post-glacial period began. In Europe, the tundra began to disappear, replaced by birch, pine and taiga forests. This time is usually called the Arctic and subarctic period.

Then came the Boreal Epoch. The taiga pushed the tundra further and further north. Broad-leaved forests appeared in Southern Europe. At this time the climate was predominantly cool and dry.

Approximately 6 thousand years ago, the Atlantic era began, during which the air became warm and humid, much warmer than today. This period of time is considered the climatic optimum of the entire Holocene. Half was covered with birch forests. Europe abounded in a wide variety of heat-loving plants. At the same time, the extent of temperate forests was much further to the north. Dark coniferous forests grew on the shores of the Barents Sea, and the taiga reached Cape Chelyuskin. On the site of the modern Sahara there was a savannah, and the water level in Lake Chad was 40 meters higher than the modern one.

Then climate change happened again. A cold snap occurred that lasted approximately 2 thousand years. This time period is called the subboreal. Mountain ranges in Alaska, Iceland, and the Alps acquired glaciers. Landscape zones have shifted closer to the equator.

Approximately 2.5 thousand years ago, the last period of the modern Holocene began - the Sub-Atlantic. The climate of this era became cooler and wetter. started to appear peat bogs, the tundra began to gradually encroach on the forests, and the forests on the steppe. Around the 14th century, a cooling of the climate began, leading to the Little Ice Age, which lasted until the mid-19th century. At this time, glacier invasions were recorded in mountain ranges Northern Europe, Iceland, Alaska and the Andes. In different parts of the globe, the climate did not change synchronously. The reasons for the onset of the Little Ice Age still remain unknown. According to scientists, the climate could change due to an increase in volcanic eruptions and a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Beginning of meteorological observations

The first appeared at the end of the 18th century. Since then, constant observations of climate fluctuations have been carried out. It can be reliably stated that the warming that began after the Little Ice Age continues to this day.

Since the end of the 19th century, an increase in the average global temperature of the planet has been recorded. In the middle of the 20th century there was a slight cooling, which did not affect the climate as a whole. Since the mid-70s it has become warmer again. According to scientists, over the last century the global temperature of the Earth has increased by 0.74 degrees. The greatest increase in this indicator has been recorded in the last 30 years.

Climate change invariably affects the state of the world's oceans. Rising global temperatures lead to the expansion of water, which means rising water levels. There are also changes in the distribution of precipitation, which, in turn, can affect the flow of rivers and glaciers.

According to observational data, the level of the World Ocean over the past 100 years has increased by 5 cm. Scientists associate climate warming with an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide and a significant increase in the greenhouse effect.

Climate-forming factors

Scientists have conducted many archaeological studies and come to the conclusion that the planet’s climate has changed dramatically more than once. Many hypotheses have been put forward in this regard. According to one opinion, if the distance between the Earth and the Sun remains the same, as well as the planet's rotation speed and axis tilt, then the climate will remain stable.

External factors of climate change:

  1. A change in solar radiation leads to a transformation of solar radiation fluxes.
  2. Movements of tectonic plates influence the orography of land as well as ocean levels and circulation.
  3. The gas composition of the atmosphere, in particular the concentration of methane and carbon dioxide.
  4. Changing the tilt of the Earth's rotation axis.
  5. Changes in the parameters of the planet's orbit relative to the Sun.
  6. Earth and space disasters.

Human activity and its impact on climate

The causes of climate change are also related to the fact that humanity has interfered with nature throughout its existence. Deforestation, plowing, etc. lead to transformations in humidity and wind regimes.

When people make changes to surrounding nature By draining swamps, creating artificial reservoirs, cutting down forests or planting new ones, building cities, etc., the microclimate changes. The forest greatly influences the wind regime, which determines how the snow cover will fall and how much the soil will freeze.

Green spaces in cities reduce the influence of solar radiation, increase air humidity, reduce the difference in temperatures during the day and evening time, reduce air dust.

If people cut down forests at higher elevations, this later leads to soil loss. Fewer trees also reduce global temperatures. However, this means an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, which is not only not absorbed by the trees, but is also additionally released during the decomposition of wood. All this compensates for the decrease in global temperature and leads to its increase.

Industry and its impact on climate

The causes of climate change lie not only in general warming, but also in human activities. People have increased the concentration in the air of substances such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, tropospheric ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons. All this ultimately leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect, and the consequences may be irreversible.

Every day, industrial enterprises emit many dangerous gases into the air. Transport is used everywhere, polluting the atmosphere with its emissions. A lot of carbon dioxide is produced by burning oil and coal. Even agriculture causes considerable damage to the atmosphere. Approximately 14% of all emissions come from this area. This includes plowing fields, burning waste, burning savannah, manure, fertilizers, animal husbandry, etc. The greenhouse effect helps maintain temperature balance on the planet, but human activity enhances this effect significantly. And this could lead to disaster.

Why should we be concerned about climate change?

97% of the world's climate scientists are confident that everything has changed dramatically in the last 100 years. And the main problem of climate change is anthropogenic activity. There is no way to say for certain how serious this situation is, but there are many reasons for concern:

UN Convention

The governments of most countries on the planet are seriously afraid of what the consequences of climate change may be. More than 20 years ago, an international treaty was created - the Framework Convention on Climate Change. All possible measures to prevent global warming are discussed here. The convention has now been ratified by 186 countries, including Russia. All participants are differentiated into 3 groups: industrial with economic development and developing countries.

The UN Climate Change Convention is fighting to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and further stabilize levels. This can be achieved either by increasing the flow of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or by reducing their emissions. The first option requires a large number of young forests that will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and the second option will be achieved by reducing fossil fuel consumption. All ratified countries agree that the world is experiencing global climate change. The UN is ready to do everything possible to mitigate the impact of the impending strike.

Many countries participating in the convention have concluded that joint projects and programs will be most effective. There are currently more than 150 such projects. Officially, there are 9 similar programs in Russia, and unofficially there are more than 40.

At the end of 1997, the Climate Change Convention signed the Kyoto Protocol, which stipulated that countries with economies in transition undertake obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The protocol has been ratified by 35 countries.

Our country also took part in the implementation of this protocol. Climate change in Russia has caused the number of natural disasters to double. Even if we take into account that boreal forests are located on the territory of the state, they cannot cope with all greenhouse gas emissions. Forest ecosystems should be improved and expanded, and large-scale measures should be taken to reduce emissions from industrial enterprises.

Projections of the consequences of global warming

The essence of climate change in the last century is global warming. According to the worst forecasts, further irrational human activity could increase the Earth's temperature by 11 degrees. Climate change will be irreversible. The rotation of the planet will slow down, many species of animals and plants will die. The level of the World Ocean will rise so much that many islands and most of the coastal areas will be flooded. The Gulf Stream will change its course, leading to a new Little Ice Age in Europe. Widespread cataclysms, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, tsunamis, etc. will occur. The ice of the Arctic and Antarctica will begin to melt.

The consequences for humanity will be catastrophic. In addition to the need to survive in conditions of strong natural anomalies, people will have many other problems. In particular, the number of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, psychological disorders will increase, and outbreaks of epidemics will begin. There will be an acute shortage of food and drinking water.

What to do?

To avoid the consequences of climate change, we first need to reduce the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Humanity should switch to new energy sources, which should be low-carbohydrate and renewable. Sooner or later, this issue will be acutely faced by the world community, since the resource currently used - mineral fuel - is non-renewable. Someday scientists will have to create new, more efficient technologies.

It is also necessary to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and only restoration of forest areas can help with this.

It is necessary to apply maximum efforts to stabilize the global temperature on Earth. But even if this fails, humanity must try to achieve minimal consequences of global warming.

It's no secret that the climate of our planet is changing, and lately this has been happening very quickly. Snow falls in Africa, and in our latitudes there is incredible heat in the summer. Many different theories have already been put forward about the causes and likely consequences of such a change. Some talk about the coming apocalypse, while others convince that there is nothing terrible about it. Let's figure out what the causes of climate change are, who is to blame and what to do?

Yakutia has tamed its extreme climate

Melting is to blame arctic ice

The Arctic ice that covers the Arctic Ocean prevented residents of temperate latitudes from freezing in winter. “The decline in Arctic sea ice is directly linked to heavy snowfall in mid-latitude winters and extreme heat in summer,” said Stephen Vavrus, senior research fellow at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.

The scientist explained that heated areas over areas in temperate latitudes and cold Arctic air created a certain difference in atmospheric pressure. Air masses moved from west to east, causing ocean currents to move and generating strong winds. “The Arctic is now moving into a new state,” says scientist David Titley, who worked for the US Navy. He noted that the melting process ice is coming very quickly, and by 2020 the Arctic will be completely free of ice in the summer.

Let us remember that Antarctica and the Arctic work like huge air conditioners: any weather anomalies moved quickly enough and were destroyed by winds and currents. Recently, due to the melting of ice, the air temperature in the polar regions has increased, so the natural mechanism of “mixing” the weather stops. As a result, weather anomalies (heat, snowfall, frost or rainfall) “get stuck” in one area much longer than before

Global warming on Earth

UN experts predict disasters for our planet in the near future due to global warming. Today, everyone has already begun to get used to the crazy antics of the weather, realizing that something incredible is going on with the climate. The main threat is production activity humans, since a lot of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. According to the theories of some experts, this delays the Earth's thermal radiation, leading to overheating, reminiscent of the greenhouse effect.

Over the past 200 years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by a third, and the average temperature on the planet has risen by 0.6 degrees. Over the course of a century, temperatures in the northern hemisphere of the planet have increased more than over the previous thousand years. If the same rate of industrial growth on Earth continues, then by the end of this century humanity will face global climate change - the temperature will rise by 2-6 degrees, and the World Ocean will rise by 1.6 meters.

To prevent this from happening, the Kyoto Protocol was developed, the main goal of which is to limit carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. It should be noted that warming in itself is not so dangerous. The climate that existed 50 centuries BC will return to us. Our civilization developed normally in those comfortable conditions. It is not the warming that is dangerous, but its suddenness. Climate change is happening so quickly that it leaves no time for humanity to adapt to these new conditions.

Residents of Africa and Asia will suffer the most from climate change, who, moreover, are now experiencing a demographic boom. As Robert Watson, head of the UN expert group, notes, warming will have a negative impact on agriculture, there will be terrible droughts, which will cause a lack of drinking water and various epidemics. In addition, sudden climate change leads to the formation of destructive typhoons, which last years have become more frequent.

Consequences of global warming

The consequences can be truly catastrophic. Deserts will expand, floods and storms will become more frequent, and fever and malaria will spread. In Asia and Africa, harvests will decrease significantly, but in Southeast Asia they will increase. Floods will become more frequent in Europe, Holland and Venice will sink into the depths of the sea. New Zealand and Australia will be thirsty, and the east coast of the United States will be subject to devastating storms and coastal erosion. Ice drift in the Northern Hemisphere will begin two weeks earlier. Arctic ice cover will decrease by about 15 percent. In Antarctica, the ice will retreat by 7-9 degrees. Tropical ice in the mountains of South America, Africa and Tibet will also melt. Migratory birds will spend more time in the north.

What should Russia expect?

Russia, according to some scientists, will suffer from global warming 2-2.5 times more severely than the rest of the planet. This is due to the fact that the Russian Federation is buried in snow. White reflects the sun, and black, on the contrary, attracts. Widespread snow melting will lead to a change in reflectivity and cause additional warming of the land. As a result, wheat will be able to be grown in Arkhangelsk, and watermelons in St. Petersburg. Global warming could also deal a severe blow to the Russian economy, as the permafrost under the cities of the Far North, where the pipelines on which our economy rests, are located, will begin to melt.

What to do?

Now the problem of controlling carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere is being solved using the quota system provided for by the Kyoto Protocol. As part of this system, governments of various countries set limits for energy and other enterprises on emissions of air pollutants. First of all, this concerns carbon dioxide. These permits can be freely bought and sold. For example, some industrial enterprise reduced its emissions, resulting in a “surplus” quota.

They sell this surplus to other enterprises, which find it cheaper to buy it than to take real measures to reduce emissions. Dishonest businessmen make good money from this. This approach does little to improve the climate change situation. Therefore, some experts have proposed introducing a direct tax on carbon dioxide emissions.

However, this decision was never made. Many agree that quotas or taxes are ineffective. It is necessary to stimulate the transition from fossil fuels to innovative energy technologies that would add little or no greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Two economists from McGill University

Christopher Green and Isabel Gagliana recently presented a proposal that proposed spending one hundred billion dollars annually on energy technology research. Money for this can be taken from a carbon tax. These funds would be enough to introduce new production technologies that would not pollute the atmosphere. Economists estimate that every dollar spent on scientific research will help avoid 11 dollars. damage from climate change.

There is another way. It is difficult and expensive, but it can completely solve the problem of melting glaciers if all countries of the Northern Hemisphere act decisively and unanimously. Some experts propose creating a hydraulic structure in the Bering Strait that can regulate water exchange between the Arctic,

Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In some circumstances it should act as a dam and prevent the passage of water from the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean, and in other circumstances - as a powerful pumping station that will pump water from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. This maneuver artificially creates the end of the ice age. The climate is changing, and every inhabitant of our Earth feels it. And it changes very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary for countries to unite and find optimal solutions to overcome this problem. After all, everyone will suffer from climate change.

Russian scientists do not always agree with the forecasts and hypotheses of their Western colleagues. Pravda.Ru asked the head of the climatology laboratory at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Andrei Shmakin to comment on this topic:

— Only non-specialists, non-meteorologists talk about cold weather here. If you read our hydrometeorological service reports, they clearly speak of ongoing warming.

What awaits us all, no one knows. It's warming up now. The consequences are very different. There are positive ones and there are negative ones. In Russia, the warming is simply more pronounced than in many other regions of the world, this is true, and the consequences can be both positive and negative. What effect, what advantages - this must be carefully considered.

Let's say that a negative phenomenon is yes, the thawing of permafrost, the spread of diseases, there may be some increase in forest fires. But there are positives too. This is a shortening of the cold season, lengthening the agricultural season, increasing the productivity of grasses and herbaceous communities, and forests. There are many different consequences. Opening the North Sea Route for navigation and extending this navigation. And this is not done on the basis of some hasty statements.

- How fast coming process changes climate?

— It's a slow process. In any case, you can adapt to it and develop adaptation measures. This is a process on a scale of several decades, at least, if not more. It’s not like tomorrow - “that’s it, you idiots, grab your bags - the station is leaving”, there is no such thing.

— U our scientists a lot of works on this topic?

- A lot of. To begin with, take this: a few years ago a report called “Assessment Report on Climate Change in Russia” was published. It was published by the Russian Hydrometeorological Service with the involvement of scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences and universities. This is a serious analytical work, everything is considered there, how the climate is changing, what are the consequences for different regions Russia.

- Can whether How- That slow down This process? Kyoto protocol, For example?

— The Kyoto Protocol, in a practical sense, brings very few results, exactly those that are stated in it - to influence climate change, it is practically ineffective. Simply because the emissions reductions it envisages are so small, they have virtually no impact on the overall global picture of this election. It's simply not effective.

Another thing is that he paved the way for agreements in this area. This was the first agreement of this kind. If the parties then acted actively and tried to develop new agreements, this could bring some results. Now new documents have come into force instead of the Kyoto Protocol, it has expired. And they are still just as ineffective in the main. Some countries have no restrictions at all, while others have very small restrictions on emissions. And in general, this is difficult technologically, because it is almost impossible to completely switch to such technologies so as not to produce any emissions into the atmosphere. This is a very expensive undertaking, no one will do it. Therefore, you can only rely on this...

- Which- That other measures?

- Firstly, it is not considered absolutely established that in general humans have such a strong influence on the climate system. Of course, he influences, this is undeniable, but the degree of this influence is a matter of debate. Different scientists have different points of view.

The measures should basically be adaptation ones. Because even without any person, the climate still changes according to its internal laws. It’s just that humanity must be prepared for climate change in different directions and taking into account the effects that this can generate.

Read the most interesting in the section

Scientists around the world have reached a consensus: in recent decades, due to the influence of people, the climate is changing faster. This position is held by the authors of over 97% of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. It is also shared by the Russian Hydrometeorological Service.

The “Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation” (approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009 No. 861-rp) states that economic activity caused primarily by greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels, has a significant impact on climate.

How does humanity influence climate change?

The climate is changing because over the past century and a half there have been significantly more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap heat near the Earth's surface (like a blanket) and warm the planet.

There are several main reasons why greenhouse gases are increasing:

  • combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas) in power plants and internal combustion engines;
  • reduction of forest area (including due to fires);
  • decomposition of organic waste in landfills;
  • agriculture (especially livestock farming).

From 1999 to 2017, the number of hazardous weather events in Russia increased by more than three and a half times.


And what's wrong with that?

Climate change is destroying the favorable conditions in which our civilization developed. Everything on which our lives depend is under threat: weather, agriculture, biodiversity, infrastructure. Some parts of the world experience hurricanes and floods much more often, while others experience droughts. Due to rising sea levels, entire cities and countries may go under water, and other territories will become uninhabitable due to the heat. Due to problems with food and drinking water, the number of refugees and armed conflicts may increase.

Russia may be hit harder by climate change than other countries. In our country, the average annual temperature is growing two and a half times faster than the world average. This is not enough to grow bananas, but it was enough for the number of dangerous weather events to increase more than three and a half times from 1999 to 2017 (according to Roshydromet). More than 60% of Russian territory is located in the permafrost zone. Due to climate change, permafrost is melting, causing buildings and strategic infrastructure in these areas to rapidly deteriorate. In addition, aridity is increasing in most of the agricultural zone of Russia. People's health is being harmed by more frequent heat waves and decreased air quality due to wildfires.

What to do?

Russia is the fourth country in the world in terms of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem of climate change without us. To do this, our country must ratify the Paris Climate Agreement, implement a program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, abandon direct and hidden subsidies for fossil fuels, begin the transition to renewable energy and the introduction of energy-saving technologies, take adequate measures to preserve forests, and limit the use of disposable packaging and organize waste recycling.

Wind power park in the Philippines.

What is Greenpeace doing in Russia for this?

Greenpeace works to ensure that companies that extract oil in Russia comply with required environmental and social standards. Due to insufficiently strict legislation, oil companies often do not care about nature and people: for example, they save on replacing dilapidated oil pipelines, which is why thousands of oil spills occur in Russia every year, according to the oil companies themselves. If oil companies are forced to meet high standards, the industry will become less attractive to investors. This is one of the necessary conditions for the development of “green” energy.

Two thirds of oil is burned in internal combustion engines. Transport is the source of 80–90% of air pollution in many large Russian cities. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect people from toxic air pollution, Greenpeace advocates for reduced travel by private vehicle. Cars should have more environmentally friendly alternatives: first of all, affordable and comfortable public transport. Thanks to good infrastructure, cycling can become a full-fledged mode of transport, as has already happened in Northern Europe.

To preserve Russian forests, Greenpeace protects their untouched tracts and achieves effective forest management where the forest has already been developed. The main damage to forests in our country is caused by fires: 2–3 million hectares are burned annually, which is twice as much as all legal and illegal logging. The cause of 90% of fires in natural areas is a person, so Greenpeace does a lot of educational work. The easiest way to control a fire is at an early stage. With the support of Greenpeace, volunteer groups across the country, from Ladoga to Lake Baikal, are doing this.

Greenpeace stands for caring for natural resources and their rational use. When making new things, most of the energy and resources are spent not on their production, but on the extraction and transportation of raw materials. Therefore, Greenpeace promotes the separate collection and production of things from recycled waste. But in order to save the planet from climate change, it is not enough to recycle: we need to reduce consumption and abandon disposable items. For example, plastic bags, which are used for their intended purpose for only a few minutes and then end up in landfills, and other disposable plastic packaging should disappear from stores.

Unfortunately, this is not a solution...

Nuclear energy

There are indeed fewer greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear energy than from coal energy, but it will not be able to save the planet from climate change. Even if the power of reactors around the world quadrupled, this would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by only 6%. But the construction of so many nuclear power plants will take many years and will require very high costs. These funds can be much more effectively invested in the development of renewable energy, which is growing much faster and does not carry the dangers associated with nuclear power plants (this is not only the risk of accidents, but also problems with storing radioactive waste).


Gas is a type of fossil fuel whose combustion also causes climate change. Specific greenhouse gas emissions from its combustion are approximately two times lower than from coal. But at the same time, there is a problem of leaks during gas production and transportation: methane enters the atmosphere, which affects the climate tens of times more strongly than the same volume of carbon dioxide.

For now, gas is seen as a “transition fuel” on the way to an energy sector based entirely on renewable energy sources. However, major investments in gas infrastructure today could leave us hostage to burning fossil fuels for decades to come. With renewable energy becoming cheaper every year, we can move to a better future immediately without making the wrong decisions.

Report “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems”, read by the Organizer of the Coordination Center of the International Public Movement “ALLATRA” (headquarters in Kiev, Ukraine) Kristina Kovalevskaya at a closed meeting of the department of strategic planning and security of the IPM “ALLATRA”.

The material is published in an abbreviated version and is intended for familiarization with participants of the ALLATRA International Public Movement.

Save PDF file of excerpts from the report: link 1, link 2, from Yandex disk, or from Google-docs

You can view the PDF version of the report online on this page

One of the most important international problems of the 21st century is global climate change. Of particular concern is the overall rapid increase in the dynamics of disasters, which has been observed in recent decades. Today, there is a great risk of misunderstanding and underestimation of all the factors and scales of influence of various cosmic and geological processes on global climate change on Earth. More recently, at the end of the 20th century, some scientists put forward various hypotheses and theories about gradual climate change. But in practice everything turned out to be somewhat different. A careful analysis of the increase in the number of natural disasters, extreme weather events around the world, as well as statistical indicators of space and geophysical parameters in recent years has shown an alarming trend towards a significant increase in a short period of time. These data indicate that the assumptions made by a number of scientists that the Earth’s climate change over the course of 100 years or more will be gradual are incorrect, since in fact this process is happening much more dynamically.

The mistake was that many scientists of past years did not take into account the influence of the increasing acceleration of the Universe, cosmic factors, and astronomical processes on the state of the planet’s global climate system. All this, naturally, affects not only the Sun, but also the planets of the solar system, including such a giant as Jupiter, not to mention our planet. Global climate change on Earth is mainly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicity. This cyclicality is inevitable. The geological history of our planet shows that the Earth has repeatedly experienced similar phases of global climate change.

Taking into account the latest scientific data (including in the field of physics, astrophysics, cosmology, helioseismology, asteroseismology, planetary climatology), the range of influence of cosmic factors is quite wide. These are processes that humanity is currently unable to influence, so their consequences, possible risks and difficulties for people in connection with future events on Earth,we need to prepare for these events. If scientists of the past drew their conclusions on the basis of research and observation, in which they had to make do with limited technical means and the resources of a particular time, today the scientific range of possibilities has become much wider. Recent research in the field of elementary particle physics and neutrino astrophysics, carried out by a working group of scientists from the ALLATRA International Social Movement, opens up greater opportunities for promising fundamental and applied research...

In fact, humanity doesn’t have not only 100 years, but not even 50 years! The maximum we have is a few decades, taking into account upcoming events. Over the past two decades, alarming changes in the geophysical parameters of the planet, the emergence of a variety of observed anomalies, an increase in the frequency and scale of extreme events, an abrupt increase in natural disasters on Earth in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere indicate the release of an extremely high level of additional exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) energy. As is known, in 2011, this process began to enter a new active phase, as evidenced by noticeable jumps in the released seismic energy recorded during the increasing frequency of strong earthquakes, as well as an increase in the number of powerful destructive typhoons, hurricanes, widespread changes in thunderstorm activity and other anomalous natural phenomena...

Today, a sufficient number of well-known and little-known facts to the world community have accumulated that indicate various changes on the planet that have occurred in a relatively short period of time. This is the acceleration of the movement of tectonic plates, and the increase in the rate of activity of processes, and the exacerbation of problems of a planetary nature, including seismic, volcanic, solar activity, changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, the speed of drift of the Earth’s magnetic poles, displacement of the earth’s axis, changes in the albedo of the planet, its orbital parameters. In addition, there is an increase in surface temperature, thawing of permafrost, a reduction in the area and mass of ice cover on land and the polar seas, an increase in sea and ocean levels, changes in river flow, the occurrence of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena (droughts, floods, typhoons) and much more. That is, numerous facts of changes that occur in the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere of the Earth are recorded.

Global climate change is already affecting the health, living conditions and livelihoods of people on all continents of the Earth. The observed increase in the dynamics of global natural disasters indicates that in the coming decades they will lead to catastrophic consequences on a global scale for civilization as a whole, victims and destruction unprecedented in the history of mankind. Humanity is inevitably approaching the peak of this phase... Today, humanity has entered the era of global climate change and the problem of climate change can no longer be considered as exclusively scientific. This is a complex interdisciplinary problem covering social, economic, environmental aspects...

...Even the public information about global climate change that is now available to the world community indicates the development of an extremely negative situation for humanity. In particular, as you know, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report dated March 31, 2014 states that all continents and oceans are already experiencing the impacts of climate change, due to high levels global warming, and the world is ill-prepared to deal with the risks posed by climate change. It is noted that the already observed consequences of climate change have affected land and ocean ecosystems, some sources of people’s livelihoods, water supply systems, agriculture, and human health. That is, people, communities, and ecosystems are vulnerable all over the world, but with varying degrees of vulnerability in different places. The consequences of changes on a larger scale may be unexpected, extremely severe, pervasive and irreversible...

Climate change is becoming obvious and becoming increasingly threatening. Temporaryse scale of climate changes on the planet, of course, exceed the average duration of the “political life” of those individuals who make decisions concerning the security and destinies of entire nations. Nowadays, the world politics of consumer society is increasingly losing the mask of a human face, exposing its true essence. It is enough to consider the question of what measures are currently being taken to ensure the security of the peoples of certain countries and who in reality ensures their security under the guise of “concern for the people”...

Politics of certain international organizations and developed countries, some scientists sponsored by them support the theory that one of the main causes of global climate change on Earth is the anthropogenic impact on nature associated with the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. On this basis, various international documents have been developed, such as the Kyoto Protocol (addition to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change). However, practice has shown the ineffectiveness of such documents...

Ironically, such a reason as “anthropogenic influence” undoubtedly exists, but it is exclusively political and commercial in nature. Instead of the rulers’ expected fulfillment of the announced intentions to improve the climate situation on the planet, as expected by the masses, in practice the fulfillment of these obligations was turned into a commercial project, trading in quotas, and only led to the enrichment of individual stakeholders. Unfortunately, these international documents have become only an argument in trade wars and a factor in putting pressure on economic policy of one country or another. They pursued more the business interests of certain individuals than real attempt improve something on the planet. Alas, the purely human factor came into play again, the dominance of decisions dictated by not the best human motives of individuals.

Unfortunately, in our world of consumer society, climate hypotheses that are actually beneficial only to those countries that initiate, support and promote them are announced and massively popularized. For some countries it is a political interest, for others it is an economic one. But in general, it is a utopian view of a radical solution to issues related to global climate change. But there is a very real implementation of strategic rivalry, a hidden struggle for power and global influence, which increases the risk of confrontation between world powers. As is known from systems theory, any idea that brings high profits is used in increasingly complex conditions until it causes a major disaster...

Without a doubt, human activity on a global scale has a negative impact on the environment. But this influence is minimal compared to what is happening on the planet as a result of the influence of a complex of natural factors, which in the near future will only increase and which respectable scientists of the world do not stop talking about. To date, anthropogenic impact is not the cause of massive planetary disasters for the reasons stated above. Global climate changes on Earth are occurring due to circumstances independent of humanity and require real consolidation of the efforts of all people on the planet for the survival of civilization in the near future, and every inhabitant of our planet should think about this.

Large-scale natural disasters that occur cyclically on the planet have already happened more than once in the history of the Earth and human civilization. But what lessons do these teach? scientific knowledge, testifying to past universal planetary tragedies? Natural disasters do not have “state boundaries,” those artificially created conventions that were invented by rulers to divide and control people. The consequences and troubles that planetary cataclysms bring go far beyond the “hotbed” individual state and, one way or another, affect all inhabitants of the Earth. A sharp increase in seismic and volcanic activity leads to immediate catastrophic consequences in certain regions. Entire states disappear from the face of the Earth, people die, many are left homeless and without a means of subsistence, famine and large-scale epidemics begin...

History teaches that the lack of unity of human society on spiritual and moral foundations and joint actions of people on the planet, continent, region in relation to preparation for large-scale cataclysms and disasters results in the destruction of most of these people. And the survivors die from incurable diseases, epidemics, self-destruction in wars and civil strife in the struggle for sources of life support. Trouble usually appears suddenly, causing chaos and panic. Only advance preparation and unity of the peoples of the world in the face of threatening natural dangers gives humanity a great chance of survival and joint overcoming of difficulties in an era associated with global climate change on the planet.

The current level of scientific and technological progress allows some developed countries to monitor the situation on Earth on a large scale with the help of space satellites. Complexes of programs and communication systems have been created, thanks to which the state of processes occurring on the planet or on a specific local area of ​​the Earth is monitored and forecasted, and the parameters of physical changes are recorded. However modern science about climate, based on outdated information about physical processes in the micro and macro world, today is not able to predict extreme natural phenomena in advance, with a large margin of time before the event.

On March 11, 2011, Japan experienced the strongest earthquake in the entire period of seismic observations in this country, the Great Eastern Earthquake, with a magnitude of 9.0. The epicenter of the seismic activity was located 130 km from the city of Sendai, so the authorities had little time to warn and somehow protect the population from the approaching tsunami, since it was impossible to prevent anything. That is, the exact time and place of the tragedy became known to Japanese specialists and authorities, in fact, only 11 minutes before it began...

Everything that is publicly announced to the world community is the possible conditions for the emergence of this or that natural phenomenon. That is, in essence, there is a prediction on the “coffee grounds” of nature, and not exact calculations of consequences physical processes, provoking certain changes.

How do modern scientists judge the occurrence of certain phenomena? In meteorology, unusually powerful cumulonimbus clouds are one of the main conditions for the occurrence of a tornado. And they, in turn, are formed when cold air invades the overheated earth's surface. The satellite records the cloud front and from these images scientists make assumptions about the possibility of the occurrence of corresponding natural phenomena. In fact, humanity visually observes and draws conclusions from the consequences of physical phenomena that have already occurred in the invisible world, therefore the conclusions of scientists are in the nature of assumptions, and not accurate knowledge of the reasons for the origin of these phenomena in the physics of the microworld.

But today, the development of theoretical and applied PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS (, which forms a fundamentally new understanding of physical processes and phenomena occurring in living and inanimate nature, gives humanity a chance for an evolutionary breakthrough in different areas of science, because everything in this world is based on physics. This also applies to the field of more detailed study of geophysics. Based on the general laws of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, it is possible to make calculations that allow in the near future not only to foresee the course of development of physical processes and phenomena, but also to accurately calculate the behavior of nature. This means taking measures in advance to completely, partially prevent, or, in extreme cases, mitigate one or another natural phenomenon, or at least advance evacuation of the population...

But here the acute question arises: into whose hands can this advanced scientific knowledge fall? What is the current state of modern world society, drowning in the all-consuming quagmire of a consumerist mindset?

Today's world society is artificially fragmented by the system: borders, ideologies, political parties, religions, social classes and much more. The modern system secretly promotes the attitude that man is a wolf to man. Under various pretexts, the industrial and financial “elite of the world,” which owns most of the world’s capital, is implementing projects that pursue anti-human, inhumane goals. People who have elevated themselves to this “world elite” believe that the highest scientific and technical achievements of civilization should belong only to their narrow circle, and the planet’s population should exist in fear, poverty and obedience. The ongoing indoctrination of the consciousness of world society, artificially imposing a model of consumer attitude towards life, destroys spiritual and moral foundations and stimulates pride, selfishness, envy, fear, and hatred of each other in people. The latter is presented to society under various pretexts as a constant search for an “external or internal enemy,” but is done with the sole purpose of dividing and fragmenting society into easily manipulated small clusters.

All over the world, artificial systemic pressure is being created, aimed at genocide, the purpose of which is to cause increased mortality among the world's population. Under various pretexts, programs are being introduced to artificially reduce the planet's population, including through deliberately created economic, financial, and food world crises. Demographic psychosis is being intensified. With the help of the world's media, the peoples of the world are being indoctrinated with absolutely false information that population growth is the main cause of poverty in the world and this threatens an environmental disaster; that due to “overpopulation of the planet” there will already be “shortages of food, fresh water and resources” in the near future.

But in fact, the planet is capable of supporting 25 billion people, which is confirmed by the calculations of progressive scientists around the world. Moreover, modern technologies developed on the basis of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS make it possible to obtain, in fact, free energy from an inexhaustible source, and therefore provide all people on Earth with free food, drinking water and the necessary conditions for life.

Therefore, in reality there is no problem with “overpopulation of the planet.” The only real reason why world elite(world bankers and oligarchs who have concentrated most of the world's capital in their hands) seeks to reduce the Earth's population under various pretexts - this is their desire for power and personal control over the entire world. The fact is that with the increase in the world's population, humanity becomes a poorly controlled community for them, and more free-thinking appears in it. The system of total power begins to fail. And free-thinking, an independent community in which truly spiritual and moral priorities dominate in people’s lives is a great threat to the system itself...

But in the modern consumer world, instead of helping to solve the problems of the world's population, decisions are being made to artificially reduce it. The hidden decisions of a handful of the industrial and financial “elite of the world” are being intensively implemented by the hands of the multi-billionth population of the Earth. After all, as you know, the more fear people experience, the easier it is to control them. In particular, in conspiracy theories and analytical materials about world politics there is such a concept as the “golden billion” (“new world order”), which involves artificially reducing the Earth’s population to one billion. This theory could have been left unnoticed under the term “theory” if it were not for the events confirming its ideology last decades happening in the world...

...Moreover, today, due to the inevitability of the impending global planetary climate catastrophe, other figures are being heard behind the scenes. Now we are talking about only 144 thousand people “who have the right to exist on Earth,” of which 4 thousand are the world elite, 40 thousand are the service personnel and security of the elite, and 100 thousand are slaves who provide maximum life support for the world elite. For these purposes, entire bunkers have been built, underground secret cities with a supply of food necessary for survival during global natural disasters. Paradoxically, these underground cities in total can accommodate exactly 144 thousand people... In fact, bunkers are just an illusion of security in this world, because any person is not just mortal, but suddenly mortal.

Have you seen the first leaders of states die from natural disasters or visit an area where there are all conditions for the occurrence of one or another extreme natural phenomenon that is dangerous to their lives? As a rule, none of the rulers die in natural disasters, but the so-called “ordinary people”, that is, people like us, die en masse. If information is received that the life of the rulers is in danger (from the same possible natural disaster), they are the first to flee their country, protecting themselves and their family, and then earn political dividends for themselves from the consequences of the tragedy. It is no longer a secret that in the modern consumer world it has become an unspoken rule to hide truthful information from society, deliberately underestimate risks to people’s health, and be cynical about other people’s lives...

People are left alone with trouble, including during disasters. Many of them die simply because they were not notified in time about the threat, and even more people lose their shelter, their livelihoods and suddenly become destitute climate refugees. And in the conditions of a consumer society and developed egocentrism, the situation of refugees becomes worse than that of the last slave. As a rule, if help comes, it is belated, when many people have already died. And even then, this help largely depends on politics, and not on real sympathy and help from other nations, who tomorrow may find themselves in exactly the same position as climate victims and refugees. But even more scary is that people in distress, falling into panic and despair, are triggered by the same attitudes that they have absorbed from consumer society - a disdainful attitude towards the lives of others, caring only about themselves.

Suffice it to recall the experience of China, when in Hainan province an incorrect forecast was given about the expected earthquake in this area. Due to panic, looting and other reasons caused by the urgent evacuation of the population from the area, many more people died than, according to experts, could have died in the disaster itself.

In global society, there is an urgent need to change the consumer attitude towards life to a creative vector. After all, there is already a loss of the spiritual and moral foundation, the basis of life for which the human race exists...

What does the state calculate first when calculating the losses caused by a disaster or natural disaster that occurred on its territory? The number of victims, which tends to be underestimated, and the economic losses, which tend to be overstated. Is it possible to put human life on the level of materialism, digital statistics? These are human casualties that really could have been avoided, or at least significantly minimized the risks. Which of us wants us or our children to become just a number in statistics? Nobody.

Why does this happen? Yes, because civilization is now assessed not by the growth in the level of spiritual and moral improvement of the population, but by the increase in economic and consumption indicators, and by the rate of economic growth. Therefore, any state is primarily concerned with economic losses. But here the question arises: what, strictly speaking, is a state? Who are the people who “represent the state”? This is just a small group that controls the society that lives in certain territories. These are the same people as everyone else, the only difference is that they have put themselves above society and are already taken care of. Humanity has thoughtlessly accepted precisely these rules of the game of the system and carries out its programs with its own hands, although people themselves have real opportunity change everything...

Today's problem number one is a person zombied by a consumerist attitude towards life, disregard for other people's life and death, and concern only for himself. And this is fractally repeated in society as a whole... On the one hand, each state decides for itself whether it should help another country or not that has suffered from a disaster or natural disaster, and what the volume of this assistance will be. On the other hand, each country autonomously, alone, based on its own strengths, technical and economic capabilities, takes decisions and actions aimed at helping the population or overcoming the consequences of disasters...

It is no secret that in the modern world assistance to countries is carried out selectively. International mechanisms coordinating common humanitarian aid and its direction to the affected country are not developed, and those that exist are largely politicized. Everywhere it is done according to the same scheme of escalating the social and moral-psychological situation: “natural disaster (not foreseen) - panic (victims, victims) - fear for the whole world (through appropriate mass media propaganda).” That is, a disaster occurs that creates panic among people unprepared for this disaster, and, thanks to the world media, this fear intensifies in the world. Basically, both for a person in a consumer society and for a group of people ruling the country of a consumer society, the principle of dominance of selfish thinking is triggered. A timely change in the vector of society’s thinking towards the dominance of spiritual, moral, creative priorities would prevent many of the troubles that threaten modern humanity...

There are already tens of millions of people around the world forced to flee their homes due to natural disasters. Every year this figure is growing. In the near future there will be billions of climate refugees! Living in vast devastated, flooded by the elements, contaminated (due to man-made disasters) territories will be impossible. Meanwhile, most people still blithely place hope, responsibility for their lives and expectations of help and some kind of action on those who will be the first to run away at the slightest threat. All people should think: if now, in relatively peaceful times, the priests and politicians of the world elite are concerned only with ensuring their own well-being and saving their families, then what will happen in the near future - during global cataclysms? To consider that the problem of the survival of all humanity will not affect you personally, your children and grandchildren is extremely improvident, it is tantamount to dooming yourself, your children and grandchildren to death...

The earthquake that occurred on January 12, 2010 on the island of Haiti, located in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Central America, caused catastrophic damage to the Republic of Haiti and its population. It claimed the lives of more than 222,000 people. The last time an earthquake of this magnitude occurred in Haiti was in 1751. The worst thing is that many people died not as a result of the elements themselves, but as a result of the struggle for a piece of bread and a sip of water, marauder attacks and the lack of basic human help. Haitians who survived the earthquake died en masse right on the streets from an acute lack of drinking water, food, medicine and medical care.

Reporters and journalists who arrived at the scene of the disaster called the situation “apocalyptic” not so much because of the large number of victims and catastrophic destruction of infrastructure, but because of the difficult psychological situation among the people living in the areas affected by the disaster. Ruthless looting reigned in the city. At first, the corpses were piled on the sidewalks and roadsides, but when too many of them accumulated, the bodies of the dead began to be removed with bulldozers. A feeling of despair and anger took hold of the local residents. Due to the high temperature and the presence of thousands of decomposing corpses, the danger of a mass epidemic was growing... For food, people lined up in lines of many kilometers, in which an atmosphere of aggression generally reigned. Some residents attacked food warehouses, robbed, took food from each other, many died right on the street from hunger and dehydration... Surviving residents of Port-au-Prince reported that they did not see any real help from its own state and other states, despite the fact that information about its arrival from almost all countries of the world was widely announced on the radio.

Just as the Moon eclipses the Sun and seems large and significant in comparison, so politicians hide from people the reality of impending inevitable global cataclysms. They cover it up by drawing people's attention to anything hand-made by behind-the-scenes scriptwriters and producers for the theater of world politics, who artificially incite and support discord between people, create conflicts, food and economic crises. Unstable conditions are artificially created for the existence of people to whom the problems of their own country (the Moon, temporarily covering the Sun) seem much larger and more significant than the real problems of the Earth and the existence of the human race (the Sun).

Instead of actions aimed at the real consolidation of the peoples of the world, people are quarreling among themselves within the country, inciting wars, hatred towards each other and other peoples, artificially stimulating political hurricanes and economic typhoons. As a result, the masses of people in world society are in constant tension, under constant blows from waves artificially created situation, whether related to a financial crisis or military conflict...

Today, public attention is focused on armed conflicts that are carefully organized and sponsored by interested parties under various pretexts. Armed confrontation in Yemen based on religious strife that has escalated into political confrontation. Armed confrontation in Somalia. Armed confrontation in South Sudan, which led to more than 7 million people being on the brink of famine. Conflicts in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Israel, the Gaza Strip, Nigeria, Cameroon, Libya, Algeria, Mali and many other countries... The results of armed coups, revolutions, confrontations are the same everywhere, according to the same scenario: loss of life , destruction of infrastructure, economic decline, an increase in the number of refugees, the hasty liberation by local residents of territories where a paid, custom-made theater of military operations is being set up.

...In order to keep the masses in bondage today So that they don’t think about more, politicians artificially force people to survive and fight for a piece of bread. Even for those who have some kind of property savings or financial resources, they create destabilization, artificial conditions for their loss, citing supposedly “natural” economic crises. In general, they narrow their horizons to the point of caring about the present day, make them worry about their savings, and focus exclusively on selfish interests. After all, if these people lose their savings, this will hurt their own pride, and their conditional status in the system will become lower. The system keeps people in the illusion of conventions, taking away their life time and energy to feed and implement its programs. And all for the sake of people not noticing more, including the inevitability that is coming. But what will happen if people free themselves from the illusions imposed on them and begin to understand the true meaning of their lives, unite in peace and friendship beyond the system, beyond the will of world politicians and priests?

The ALLATRA International Public Movement includes people from different countries, and they observe almost identical political phenomena and artificially imposed consumer relationships in their states. There is no significant difference between the people themselves; everyone has practically the same aspirations and desires: all sane people want to live calmly, peacefully, with dignity and happiness. However, the algorithm of events occurs everywhere as if according to a blueprint script. The same fragmentation, social differentiation and stratification (separation and inequality) of society. Instability, political and priestly artificial confrontations with each other with the involvement of the electorate subordinate to them in the conflict, the fragmentation of society into opposing, opposing parts. Increasing national hostility in any country, as according to the scenario, precedes a change of power. Hunger and fear, division between rich and poor, unspoken actions of politicians even against their own people. But since the same scenario is written everywhere, it means that behind this theater of world action there is the same group of scriptwriters and directors who manipulate the consciousness of the masses of people, and people do not even notice this, narrowly seeing only “their Moon” demonstrated to them.

Between and boundaries, quarrels and abuse - this is the end result of the development of the consumer society system. These are all the same programs of the system that operate in the same way everywhere: between countries, between nations, between people living on the same street and even between people in the same family. But these dividing and destructive programs can easily be changed into creative and unifying ones if the people themselves want it and begin to unite regardless of the system.

The very system of the current global consumer society is built in such a way that it programs peoples for separation, starting from states and ending with family relationships, selfish attitudes towards each other, indifference to “other people’s” problems, to “other people’s” grief, to “someone else’s” human life. And this is on the verge of global natural disasters! If now the system of world politics sets some people against others to please the business interests and ambitions of its leaders, stimulates national, religious, racial intolerance in people, if it now awakens base instincts in people, promotes murder, strife, war and destruction in the media, zombifies minds people to enmity among themselves, what awaits humanity tomorrow?

After all, everyone, no matter where they live today and no matter how confident and stable they feel, tomorrow can become a victim of natural disasters and disasters, a climate or other refugee. Everyone tomorrow can at one moment become a person without work and livelihood. Only human kindness can help people unite and survive these years. Everyone today can become someone who understands and shows this care and kindness towards other people. After all, where two live, there will always be room for two more; where five live, there will always be room for five more. If a person today is able to make room in his home for the sake of saving a “strange” family and their children, to share his food, clothing, shelter with those in need, if today he is able to become an example of the highest humanity and humanity for many, to defeat his evil, to create and multiply goodness all over the world, then this is a guarantee that tomorrow is not lost for humanity...

Today there are a lot of discoveries and inventions that can change a lot in the life of society in better side. But between world politicians and priests there is an unspoken taboo on data scientific inventions, capable of qualitatively transforming life. The world community does not know about this, since all significant developments are covered up already at the level of registration in the patent office, and sometimes long before that, at the stage of discovery itself. Everything is done secretly to serve the business interests of a few people. World politicians and priests cannot allow such a global breakthrough in scientific and technological progress, as this will cause a whole series of problems for them.

As mentioned in this report, it is now known that our planet Earth can support a population of 25 billion people. And the latest developments in the field of new physics (PRIGIOUS ALLATRA PHYSICS) already allow us to assert that it is quite possible to fully provide such a number of people not only with the necessary food, drinking water, but also with all other vital conditions. Already today, the deliverance of humanity from the multitude is deadly dangerous diseases and the prolongation of human life beyond the species limit is not science fiction, but a very real and proven scientific fact...

In connection with the development of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, prospects are opening up that can radically change the life of the entire world society. Firstly, this knowledge allows you to receive so-called “free energy” in unlimited quantities absolutely free of charge and not depend on the extraction of combustible minerals such as oil, gas, coal, and so on. Secondly, knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, and this has already been proven, allows us to obtain any organic and inorganic compounds, as well as reproduce living and nonliving objects in finished form according to the type of matrix. After all, chemistry is based on physics, since everything consists of elementary particles. More precisely, everything in this world consists of what elementary particles are made of, and manipulation of this allows you to create anything you want and in the required quantity. Today, thanks to the knowledge of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, the first experimental evidence has already been obtained...

...And this suggests that any food product can be created of the highest quality and in a ready-to-eat form, and anything can be improved. That is, trees and conditions for their growth are not needed to obtain a finished apple with the necessary set of taste qualities and chemical elements. There is no need to grow wheat and use a whole production cycle to get the finished product in the form of hot, freshly baked bread. You don't need a cow to get fresh milk of absolute quality or a chicken to get the final product - an egg. There is no need to kill an animal to get a finished meat dish. After all, milk, eggs, meat are just a set of elementary particles. Everything can be created ready-made, knowing the laws that allow you to control what underlies elementary particles. And this, thanks to the knowledge of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, is already the reality of today. This means that with the development of these new evolutionary technologies based on this knowledge, the entire population of the Earth should be able to freely and freely own everything that is necessary to ensure normal life: excellent health, free energy, food and everything else. Of course, this should be absolutely accessible and free for all inhabitants of the planet...

Can we now introduce these advanced developments into mass production, make the scientific information and technology of this evolutionary breakthrough in particle physics available to all peoples of the world? IN modern conditions development of consumer society - no. And there are many reasons for this. Firstly, the world's media belongs to the "global elite", which dictates to them what the masses should know and what not. In - Secondly, everyone today understands that oil, gas, coal, and generated electricity are a global business that serves mainly private interests. This is the power that dictates the political and economic conditions of the system, artificially creating the dependence of entire countries and peoples. This means that any introduction of alternative energy sources that would free the peoples of the world from slavery and dependence on the existing system of consumer society is unacceptable to it. Thirdly, progressive scientists, who really care about improving the lives of many people, have more than once encountered the phenomenon when world “scientific luminaries and authorities” (whose opinions, like piece goods, are bought and sold by world priests and politicians) were publicly staged persecution of discoverers and ridiculed such discoveries...

Suffice it to recall the sad stories about those scientists who tried to publicly prove, using obvious facts, the existence and production of alternative energy sources relatively in a simple way, and what were the attempts of the “luminaries of world science” to discredit their work in every possible way in the eyes of an unenlightened society... It is no secret that in the world of “elite world science” such discoveries are either publicly condemned and selfishly ridiculed (if there was a leak of information in the media), or are not advertised to the scientific and world community. This is how the system works, protecting itself from attempts to destroy it. But due to global climate change on the planet, different times are coming, because soon entire continents will face the catastrophic consequences of natural disasters and alternative energy sources will become vital and necessary for everyone...

All this knowledge can undoubtedly become available to humanity if the majority of people in the world begin to be friends with each other, unite and consolidate into a creative society outside the system. Now humanity is at the point of choice: to support the current system, continuing to promote the implementation of the theory of the “golden billion” in life, or to contribute, with the help of new knowledge of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, to the creation of a “golden millennium” for at least 25 billion people. There is practically no time to think, because already now humanity is catastrophically quickly running out of precious, relatively stable days in order to have time to consolidate and try to jointly prevent the worst consequences of future global natural disasters. All possible joint actions of the peoples of the world in this matter, based on the criteria of honor, conscience and truly human relationships, will be of decisive importance, which will undoubtedly have a huge impact on future events and the prospects for the existence of human civilization as a whole.

If people from different countries begin to consolidate in solving various issues and independently unite, regardless of nationality, religion, social or other status, outside of political and priestly systems aimed at separating people, then it is quite possible for short term to build a world society of creation, which will be based on universal spiritual and moral foundations. We are all people and we all have one place of residence - the Earth, one nationality - humanity, one value - life, thanks to which we can worthily realize ourselves and the meaning of our existence in the highest spiritual and moral aspect. Now only a blind person will not see the impending events! If we don’t do anything today, then tomorrow it will be too late. What legacy will we leave to our children and grandchildren: death for a sip of water or life in spiritual inner freedom? Right to die or right to life? It’s time for people to return to the mainstream of goodness and humanity, before the ship of civilization, along with its guides, crashes on the rocks of political egoism and priestly cruelty. It's time to change relationships in global society, and everyone needs to start with themselves. And this is what the ALLATRA concept is about...

Despite the significant achievements of modern physics, people still do not deeply enough understand the processes occurring both on the Earth and in its depths, both on the Sun and in the cosmic sphere. In order to understand this, fundamentally new approaches in this science and a revision of a number of fundamental theories are needed. Statements that modern theoretical physics is now in crisis are not unfounded. For about 100 years, there have been no serious evolutionary breakthroughs in it, which were made, for example, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, when elementary particles such as the electron, proton, neutron, photon, neutrino, and so on were discovered. On this basis, scientific research, calculations and developments are carried out to this day. Since the 1950s Accelerators have become the main tool for studying elementary particles in physics, and the subject of study is new elementary particles that are born when accelerated protons and electrons collide with matter. But, despite the diversity of discovered particles, the world's scientific luminaries have not yet given answers to the fundamental questions of physics: what are the fundamental principles of matter, how did it arise and where does it disappear. Everything revolves around accelerators, increasing the frequency, power and variations of particle collisions, that is, the hope of “ statistical probability"of some practical miracle in the darkness of theories of delusions. This suggests that there is not enough knowledge to operate with accurate information, and not to predict and guess, including about the most complex climate processes.

But, as practice shows, this is not so much a problem of science as such (and the latest fundamental works of a group of scientists of the ALLATRA International Social Movement confirm this), but rather a problem of consumer society, the roots of which lie in selfish, selfish desires and power-hungry aspirations. After all, today most of the world's scientists are united not by the international idea of ​​an evolutionary breakthrough in physics, which will help humanity take the path of development of a spiritually creative society. These specialists are attracted by employment in well-paid projects by the system, for which they can receive not only money, but also titles, bonuses, positions and all the other paraphernalia of the conventions of the system, which divides people on any basis. With this approach, their scientific breakthrough can only take place in the sphere of inventions of a new type of weapon and new methods of enslavement, manipulation, and destruction of humanity and all life on the planet.

In the modern world, there is an urgent need for consolidation and unification in joint ideological activities of decent, sensible scientists from different countries of the world who do not serve their pride and understand the harmfulness of the existing system of consumer society. This will strengthen not only the real effectiveness of preparing humanity for natural disasters, but will also give the first sprouts of a creative society, uniting people on spiritual and moral principles outside of politics and religion. And today, thanks to the scientists of the ALLATRA International Social Movement, there is a proper fundamental scientific basis that can unite and unite many talented people for whom the main criteria in their activities are Humanity and Conscience. The latest developments of scientists who are members of the ALLATRA International Social Movement indicate an evolutionary breakthrough in the field of new theoretical and practical physics, research of which has been carried out since 1996. This is precisely the primordial physics of nature, which provides answers to fundamental questions: what primary matter consists of, how it is transformed and where it disappears. Due to the fundamental answers to these questions, opening a new era in the development of science, this physics was called the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS...

...Today, in the ranks of the ALLATRA International Social Movement there are decent, talented scientists, socially responsible people who deal not only with problems in the field of fundamental physics. Many of them also deal with problems of environmental safety, coordination and conduct of fundamental and applied research in various scientific fields: geology, hydrology, climatology, including atmospheric physics, geophysics, biogeochemistry, hydrometeorology, oceanography. Their scientific interests also include climate geoengineering, or rather the development of its new direction and methods, completely safe for the integrity of the ecosystem and the life of people, based on a fundamentally new understanding of physics - THE PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS.

...New developments in the field of climate geoengineering open up broad opportunities and prospects for subsequent scientific activity in this direction. They make it possible to monitor the climate, determine, taking into account multifactor analysis, the course of events related to climate change, identify compensatory mechanisms of nature and launch the necessary local or general impacts aimed at changing climate conditions. The latest developments of our scientists in this area now make it possible to quite accurately determine the “focal” or so-called “problem spot” on the planet, which in the near future will provoke irreversible changes. All this knowledge will undoubtedly help people take a different look at the capabilities of humanity in the context of current processes in nature and significantly increase the effectiveness of preparation for global natural disasters.

To date, a number of successful steps have been taken in this direction, which have acquired a solid scientific basis and practical confirmation. The initial stage of practical development of this area is already demonstrating stable results...

...For example, on March 11, 2011, one of the powerful earthquakes with a magnitude of 9.0 occurred in northeastern Japan, which caused a powerful tsunami. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 130 km from the coast under the seabed at a depth of 24 km. It was the strongest earthquake in the entire period of seismic observations in the Japanese archipelago, one of the ten largest earthquakes in the entire history of seismic observations in the world. It led to catastrophic consequences for the people of Japan, including the development of a severe accident at the Japanese Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. According to scientists, such strong earthquakes in the area of ​​the largest island of the Japanese archipelago, Honshu, occur no more than once every 600 years. Satellite data recorded that as a result of this earthquake, the eastern coast of Honshu Island shifted 2.5 meters to the east. And the Oshika Peninsula, which is located in the northeast of the island of Honshu, moved 5.3 meters in a southeast direction and dropped 1.2 meters.

This event caused particular concern in the global scientific community. After all, the height of the waves and the area of ​​​​the territory that was under water exceeded all the available preliminary calculations of Japanese scientists. A disaster of such a scale showed how unprepared even such a technologically highly developed country as Japan (one of the leaders in the field of fundamental scientific research), and how much the misfortune of one country is the misfortune of all humanity...

What happened? The Pacific lithospheric plate has become more active in subduction zones. This event became a kind of indicator of a new phase of seismic activity associated with the acceleration of the movement of this lithospheric plate. Shift of geomagnetic poles located in Eastern Siberia and Pacific Ocean, which are influenced primarily by the above-mentioned cosmic factors, have led to large-scale changes in secular magnetic variations in the Japanese archipelago. Scientists analyzing the consequences of the natural disaster found that before the onset of seismic activity, anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field appeared. Further forecasts by various scientists around the world were made taking into account the fact that in neighboring “non-functioning” focal zones tectonic stresses will become even more intense and will be at a critical level. Hence the forecasts that in the period until 2015 Japan should expect a series of catastrophic earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 8.0 points and a tsunami, and the entire world community should prepare for the serious consequences of the rampant elements in the archipelago, given the number of nuclear power plants located on the territory of this country.

In connection with such statements, for the scientific group of the ALLATRA International Public Movement, which was engaged in the new direction of climate geoengineering, this zone was of particular interest at that time in order to study the possibilities of preventing undesirable developments of events both for this country and for all humanity in in general. Now, thanks to the research work of this scientific group, we can already talk about the following... an atypical drop in background radiation after the disaster at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant... achieving relative stability in the area due to the activation of a compensatory mechanism that discharges the tension of greater force emanating from the bowels Earth, due to its distribution into many small earthquakes...

Seismic activity with magnitude ≥ 4.5 points
Japanese and Malay archipelagos for October-November 2014

However, increased seismic activity is not the only problem in this region. About 7% of all volcanoes on the planet are concentrated on the Japanese archipelago, including the supervolcano - the giant volcanic caldera Aira, which today, due to the activity of its volcanoes, poses a serious danger...

...Starting from 2013, volcanology has also come into the field of research interest of scientific groups of the International Social Movement ALLATRA. This was associated with the study of the behavior of neutrinos and the Earth's septonic field, as well as with the development of new methods for predicting volcanic eruptions and the study of modern magmatic formations in geodynamic settings. Our scientists working in the field of neutrino geophysics and neutrino astrophysics, observing the behavior of neutrinos emanating from the bowels of the Earth, calculated certain relationships...

It was found that between January 2010 and October 2014, the total neutrino emission and the strength of the Earth's septon field decreased by 12%. At the same time, increased neutrino emission and an increase in the septon field are observed in the “focal” zones of the planet. And this circumstance is extremely alarming, since it indicates that the processes taking place in the bowels of the Earth are becoming irreversible...

Of course, these are still the first steps in the field of studying the behavior of neutrinos and septonic fields in relation to volcanology. If in the field of seismology, based on scientific research, approaches to obtaining constructive results have already been developed, necessary and sufficient conditions have been found to ensure the optimal use of adaptive mechanisms, then in the field of volcanology, the study of the influence of adaptive mechanisms on planetary volcanic and, accordingly, meteorological processes is still in the stage experimental research. But it is already clear that this young, dynamically developing area of ​​science, which makes it possible to study energy sources, mechanisms and risks that give rise to volcanic eruptions, is promising and requires further more detailed research. It makes it possible to obtain accurate results and objective information remotely, safely and long before the event! And this qualitatively distinguishes it from the “yesterday” of modern science...

...Moreover, the first encouraging results of long-term observation (starting from January 2013) obtained for the Aira caldera showed the importance of using experimental adaptive mechanisms, despite the fact that the level of the stabilizing state is still quite discrete. The continuity of changes in the partial values ​​of certain operating factors within the framework of deviations from optimal values ​​is due to the formation of labile adaptations... Observations carried out since January 2013 indicate that these adaptive mechanisms successfully block side and undesirable phenomena that can create conditions for the emergence of possible risks and threats , the development of an extremely dangerous scenario...

Seismic, septonic and neutrino activity in the area
Aira caldera (Japan) from 2010-2014.

Schedule No. 11.

In the process of studying, the significant role of cosmic factors in the activation of the internal dynamics of the Earth is revealed, as evidenced by such indicators as neutrino radiation and the voltage of the Earth’s septon field... Adaptive mechanisms make it possible to establish the phase variability and dynamism of processes occurring in the bowels of the Earth associated with the formation of specific conditions for tectonic phenomena , as well as identify their determinants... The developed adaptive mechanisms are based on the principles of feedback: in response to external or internal changes, they cause an ezoosmic push, stimulating the creation of conditions for adequate reactions and counter-shifts (that is, active counteraction, equal in strength to activation at the ezoosmic level) . Such discrete stimulation continues until a balanced relationship between endogenous and exogenous forces is restored, causing phenomena that provoke problems in the relationship of tectonics and magmatic processes leading to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Thus, these adaptive mechanisms stabilize and maintain this relatively safe level, imparting a certain stability against the backdrop of constant variability in the conditions of a given environment, as evidenced by the above graphs.

In the ongoing research, one extremely alarming fact was revealed. Judging by the graphs of neutrino radiation and the voltage of the Earth's septon field, there is a close parallelism between the processes occurring in the oldest calderas - the Aira caldera (Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu region, Japan) and the Yellowstone caldera (Wyoming, USA), despite the fact that they are separated Pacific plate.

Seismic, septonic and neutrino activity in the area
Yellowstone caldera (USA) from 2010-2014.

Schedule No. 14.

It was noticed that the processes occurring in their depths are in a certain way interconnected and often interdependent. It was found that even after the activation of adaptive mechanisms in the Aira caldera, the neutrino radiation and septon field strength recorded both in the Aira caldera region (Japan) and the Yellowstone caldera (USA) remained almost identical. The graph shows a curve indicating their steady growth, and this despite the seismic activity in the Aira caldera artificially restrained by adaptive mechanisms. All these and many other facts indicate the accumulation of energy in the bowels of the Earth, which, during its release, can provoke a destructive planetary catastrophe. According to the calculations of our experts, this will happen in the coming decades. If two supervolcanoes (Ira caldera and Yellowstone caldera), located in different parts of the world, explode simultaneously, this threatens the complete destruction of humanity...

Neutrino activity in the Aira caldera area (Japan)

Schedule No. 15.

Septonic activity in the Aira caldera area (Japan)
and Yellowstone calderas (USA) from 2010-2014.

Schedule No. 16.

...In the Aira caldera (Japan), after the activation of adaptive mechanisms, the dynamics of seismic activity decreased significantly. In the Yellowstone caldera (USA), where seismic activity developing naturally, has increased significantly over the same period of time... Of course, further study of the influence of adaptive mechanisms developed on the basis of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, lifting the veil of secrets of the sources of deep energy of the Earth, the conjugacy of volcanism and tectonics acquires important, priority significance in the conditions of modern realities...

With the development of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, we can confidently say that it is quite possible to control natural processes. Of course, there is an understanding that all these innovations and artificial stimulation of adaptive mechanisms are still temporary, and, unfortunately, global natural disasters associated with processes occurring in the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere cannot be avoided in the near future. For example, observations of the atypical behavior of neutrinos and septonic fields made during research in the field of volcanology and seismology already allow us to come to the following conclusions. The probability that in the next 10 years, due to major eruptions and earthquakes, the Japanese archipelago and life on it may be destroyed, amounting to 70%. And the probability that this will happen within the next 18 years is 99%. Considering the influence of cosmic factors, increased seismic and volcanic activity in this region, a global catastrophe can occur at any time. And this causes particular concern about the people living in these territories, and gives a clear understanding that it is now necessary to consolidate the efforts of the international community in order to help save the lives of more than 12 7 million people, their advance movement to the continent, to safer regions for living .

Unfortunately, today our scientists, studying volcanology from the point of view of new physics - PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, are taking only the first steps in the field of volcanic engineering. After all, this young branch of science is in the initial stage of its formation. In order to accelerate the process of intensive development of this area, it is necessary to attract a large number of specialists from a variety of scientific fields. And these are not just thousands of specialists. These are, first of all, professionals in their field - worthy, smart people, free in their thinking from the zombification of the consumer system, capable of disinterestedly, in their free time from work, improving this area not for the sake of money or the creation of a new type of weapon, but for the sake of higher humane goals, preserving the lives of future generations...

...In the process of studying the new direction of geoengineering, it was possible to identify a discrepancy between the data that is publicly presented to the world community and the realities of the present day... The same problem applies to modern tectonic maps. In particular, the North American lithospheric plate is not as integral as it was previously thought. Recent data indicate that an intensive formation of a split is taking place on the continental crust of this plate, turning into a fault along the boundary, which practically divides the territory of the current US state into two halves. Considering that the tension in this zone along the line of fault formation is increasing every day and in the near future, according to all calculations...

...The proximity of the Yellowstone Caldera (Wyoming, USA), as well as the Long Valley Caldera (California, USA) and the Valles Caldera (New Mexico, USA) to this line is particularly alarming. Particularly alarming is the activity in recent years of the largest supervolcano on the North American continent - the Yellowstone caldera, the dimensions of which, according to experts, are about 55 km by 72 km. As already mentioned in this report, recently the supervolcano has become significantly more active, and the number of tremors has become more frequent. In early April 2014, an earthquake occurred in Yellowstone National Park, which until recently was classified by experts as the strongest in this area in the last 30 years. This information, one of the few of its kind on the Yellowstone Caldera, has become available to the world community (since 2004, the US authorities have tightened the regime for visiting Yellowstone National Park; some of its zones and information about the processes occurring in them have become closed to the public). Local residents noticed the unusual behavior of the animals, and the information ended up on the Internet. For example, bison and deer quickly left the park, fleeing. By the way, many animals feel a sharp, abrupt increase in the voltage of the Earth’s septon field, so they begin to flee from the zone of a future natural disaster even before the event itself...

…A group of scientists from the ALLATRA International Public Movement discovered another unusual phenomenon associated with a change in the voltage of the Earth’s septon field. They discovered a previously unknown fact that precedes spontaneous manifestations in nature: literally 7–8 hours before the appearance of a tornado, in the places of its origin and on its further path, a sharp increase in the voltage of the septon field occurs. But it is too early to draw any conclusions, since this phenomenon was discovered recently and requires further more detailed study...

...Since 2002, scientists began to observe the following phenomena in Yellowstone National Park: the formation of new geysers, deformation of the earth's surface, an increase in soil temperature to the boiling point, the appearance of new cracks and crevices through which volcanic gases contained in magma are released, and many others dangerous signs of a supervolcano awakening. It is alarming that these figures are several times higher than those of previous years. All this indicates that the magma of the Yellowstone supervolcano is beginning to approach the surface at a speed that has increased several times. In April 2014, the scientific group of the ALLATRA International Public Movement recorded a sharp abrupt increase not only in the emission of neutrinos in this area, but also an increase in the voltage of the septon field. Judging by the graphs of neutrino behavior and the increase in septonic field tension in April 2014, the Yellowstone supervolcano was on the verge of eruption. But what is even more alarming is that after relative stabilization, the rate of activity is beginning to increase again, that is, volcanic processes are currently intensively gaining strength...

With the most conservative forecasts of many scientists, the super-eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera could globally lead to dramatic climate change on the entire planet. But the worst thing is that it is capable of instantly destroying life on almost an entire continent. Scientists simulated this situation and came to the conclusion that already in the first minutes after the eruption, all life within a radius of 1200 km will be destroyed, since the area adjacent to the volcano will suffer from pyroclastic flows consisting of hot gas and ash. They will spread at a speed close to the speed of sound, destroying everything in their path. The second zone, which covers the entire United States and part of Canada, will be covered in ash, which will lead to the death of people currently in this zone from suffocation and the collapse of buildings. And these are not all the deadly and destructive consequences...

...This entire looming catastrophic situation on the North American continent is currently aggravated by the significant economic crisis of the society living in the mentioned territories...

It is no longer a secret that in the near future world currency will “suddenly” cease to exist and become cheaper than the paper on which it is printed. No matter how they hide this fact, today it has already become public. This will happen suddenly, however, as always (the handwriting of the world's screenwriters is recognizable), and hundreds of millions of people not only in this leading country, but also in other countries of the world will become beggars overnight. One can understand how difficult their situation will be in a consumer society...

...The collapse of the world currency will result in a serious economic crisis throughout the world. This will especially affect the population of those countries that were not prepared for it. Given the inevitable global natural disasters on the North American continent in the coming decades, we are already talking about hundreds of millions of climate refugees. And this is a serious problem for the whole world. It must be taken into account that reality for people unadapted to survive in extreme conditions, who lived peacefully for almost centuries, without any serious hardships or shocks, will be cruel...

…Already today people are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other countries due to problems associated with natural disasters, climate change, armed clashes, wars, conflicts, and economic crises. They are considered the most vulnerable category of citizens suffering from poverty, rising world prices and other factors.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies reported that more than 300 natural disasters affected more than 100 million people in 2013.

It is enough to familiarize yourself with the life experience of refugees and forced migrants from different countries to understand what awaits these people (and indeed any person who, by coincidence of circumstances, finds himself in the position of a refugee) in a modern consumer society dominated by an egoistic value system. The problems that refugees usually face are not only the lack of housing, food, medicine, clothing, the opportunity to receive income from renting housing, supporting a family, but also extremely difficult living conditions in a new place, the problem of social adaptation, incidents with local residents from -for the lack of basic humanity in relationships between people. Questions arise: “Why have unspoken conditions been created in the consumer world so that world society constantly experiences artificially created instability, and the number of illegal refugees grows catastrophically and is many times greater than the number of legal refugees? Who is interested in such a situation?

The problem of refugees finding housing and work. For example, after the armed conflict in Syria, due to the influx of refugees into the neighboring state of Lebanon, its population increased by a quarter. This has had economic and social consequences in the areas of housing and employment. The flow of Syrian migrants is used by local authorities for the most labor-intensive work.

The problem of refugees moving to other countries. The same type of tragic “accidental” incidents involving the death of migrants during illegal sea passage to other countries are often repeated in different parts of the world. For example, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reports that there has been an increase in the number of victims among migrants who have decided to seek asylum in other countries. Many such cases have occurred in the Mediterranean with people who have resorted to the services of smugglers from Libya, wanting to get to Europe in search of housing and work. According to official sources alone, 500 migrants drowned in 2014. And the number of deaths of illegal migrants as a result of crossing from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula through the Gulf of Aden has already exceeded the total number of victims in the previous three years.

Difficult living conditions for refugees. Often, in camps where people wishing to obtain refugee status live, various types of incidents arise related to difficult living conditions and the emergence of conflict situation, both in the camps themselves and with local residents. For example, the tragic events that occurred in Australian camps where people from around the world live, seeking refugee status. On the islands in the Pacific Ocean adjacent to Australia, a large number of refugees from around the world are trying to survive in unbearable conditions (and even in unfavorable climatic conditions in these areas and the extremely low material wealth of the local population). These people sought to get to Australia by sea illegally. But in recent years the Australian government has tightened domestic policy regarding such refugees. It began sending these people to island camps located far from the mainland, preventing them from relocating to the mainland. Naturally, this general situation causes protests from people who have become hostages of this situation and do not have the means to return to their homeland.

The problem of unrest and provoked incidents. This problem exists in one form or another in different places around the world where refugees live. For example, on August 25, 2014, in Istanbul, the capital of Turkey, after a private incident, riots and clashes occurred between local residents and Syrian refugees. Similar cases previously occurred in the border areas with Syria - the provinces of Gaziantep and Hatay. This is a typical example found in other regions of the world where refugees are forced to live.

On the one hand, in the modern world various international documents and acts on human rights are prescribed. There is a Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There are other UN documents that formulate the rights and some obligations of international organizations and countries regarding refugees (Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951)), international agreements, for example, the New York Protocol (1967), relating to the status of refugees, and so on. They talk about the rights of refugees, such as the right to life, to freedom, to personal integrity, to equality before the law, the right to free movement, choice of place of residence, the right to study, work and, accordingly, the related responsibilities of states. On the other hand, everything is beautifully spelled out on paper, but in reality... If all this was really carried out in good faith and states actively promoted these humane principles, then the problem of refugees in the modern world would not be so acute...

...It is extremely naive to hope for help from any state in a consumer society, since the rulers of the state will primarily care not about people, but about their own benefit. Leaving such a number of forced migrants to the mercy of fate is extremely dangerous, because all this will ultimately result in aggression and wars for a piece of bread and a sip of water. We need to solve this problem today. It is necessary to understand that the roots of this problem grow from the selfish stereotyped attitudes of the consumer system, which is fractally repeated from the individual to society as a whole. The point is in the people themselves and it is necessary to change, first of all, the thinking of a person, the thinking of the world community from a consumer vector to a spiritual, moral, creative vector. A society dominated by consumer thinking is doomed to destruction.

A simple example that reflects the reality of today. If we consider the reaction of people (who live in different countries and do not have the worst human qualities) who host relatives who have become refugees or internally displaced persons, then we can identify the same patterns of the consumer society system that provoke hostility in people towards each other to a friend, conflict and division. The actions of these people in this situation are actually standard and reflect the habit of life in a consumer society. Behavior differs only in minor nuances associated with the traditions of certain peoples. At first, people offer their help to relatives in trouble, based on the best, good intentions. But then a month or two passes, the situation in the disaster zone does not stabilize, and people need to be fed, clothed, and so on. You need to make room for yourself, that is, live differently from the way the human ego is used to. A standard situation is when refugees cannot find and get a job in a new place for months. Under these conditions, in the process of living together, mutual claims and expressions of dissatisfaction arise, ranging from everyday issues to the expression of general political claims drawn from the media. After all, such a mood is created artificially by the system, programming people through the world media for all kinds of divisions, war, strife with each other for any reason (for business, for land, for food, etc.), instead of peaceful coexistence and mutual assistance in any trouble .

As a result of the accumulation of negativity, “discomfort” associated with changes in living conditions and violation of “comfort” zones and personal space, patterns of selfishness are triggered and quarrels and scandals occur. Why? Because the entire system from the micro to the macro level works to separate people. In society as a whole there is no mutual understanding and love for humanity. Personal egoism, fueled by the consumer system, builds a model of a personal empire, they say, “everything revolves around me,” “it’s your problem, why should I suffer,” and so on. That is, people begin to experience aggression and hatred towards each other, instead of mutual respect and understanding of the situation, the realization that global problems cannot be resolved in a short time. And here, without a strong spiritual and moral position, without sincere love for humanity, without tolerance, patience and mutual assistance, it will be extremely difficult for people to overcome such a situation.

This situation at the level of kinship and family relationships is fractally repeated at the level of states and world society as a whole. Taking into account the impending global cataclysms, it is necessary for people themselves to begin to change their attitude towards themselves and towards society here and now. After all, it is not known who you will be tomorrow - a refugee or a host, and what your chances of survival will be in a given situation. In the modern world of global climate change, one cannot vouch for a single inch of land due to the emergence of new extreme natural anomalies that pose a danger even to relatively stable areas of residence. In other words, no one is immune from all sorts of growing risks, and each of us could become a climate refugee tomorrow. In this regard, it is extremely important to globally and quickly change the values ​​of society from a consumer format to a spiritual, moral, creative format, where goodness, humanity, conscience, mutual assistance, friendship, the dominance of spiritual and moral foundations would come first in relationships between people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of world society. When all people strive to create a life that is convenient for everyone around them, then in this life they will preserve themselves and their future...

All of the above information indicates that today it is much easier for us to predict changes in a local region of the Earth or the evolution of the planet’s climate system than to prepare people for a peaceful existence in the conditions of the near future. Considering the growing global climate change in an extremely short time frame, it is already possible to openly declare that the plans of the world elite to establish their new world order, with all their desire and aspiration, will never have time to be realized. The tool they manipulated will very soon become non-functional. Accordingly, their systems of deception and substitution, which united people only on paper and promised them a better future in virtual numbers, will very quickly collapse...

In the context of global cataclysms, people will be left with their problems alone, and they will have no one to rely on. Today we need to prepare for hour X. Now it is still difficult for people to realize that the state consists of the people themselves, and not those to whom they have delegated their power, and who, when danger arises, will first of all save their lives. After all, how united and reasonable people are today, here and now, in their actions, will determine whether tomorrow will be for them, that is, whether they will be able to save the lives of their children and grandchildren, to prolong the existence of humanity in this difficult period for everyone...

We need urgent extraordinary measures to unite people into one friendly global family, because no one alone can cope with the global problems of the coming years, be it an individual, a family, a company, a city or a country. For this purpose, the ALLATRA International Public Movement was created - a nationwide world movement outside politics and outside religion, which today already unites hundreds of thousands of people from more than 200 countries. All his activities are aimed at friendship and uniting people from different countries through joint projects, mutual assistance, and consolidation of efforts in creative endeavors. It is necessary to exclude everything that divides people and find everything that unites people, makes them more humane and more humane in all respects. Only non-humans can resist such a universal, truly nationwide unification and close-knit friendship between the peoples of the world.

A deep understanding that at the root of all problems in world society lies a spiritual and moral crisis led to the creation of one of the large-scale unifying projects of the national movement -ALLATRA GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ( This is a nationwide public initiative that consolidates socially active, respectable managers of enterprises and other organizations in all spheres of work, standing at the forefront of this international social initiative aimed at overcoming the spiritual and moral crisis of world society. These people today, on a voluntary initiative, have taken upon themselves responsibility for the introduction and implementation of generally recognized spiritual and moral principles in their conscientious business practices. 7 BASICS OF ALLATRA ‒ the foundation for the practical implementation of the model of a spiritually creative society by establishing a qualitatively new format of relationships between people in the labor sphere of social life.

It is important to raise the level of public awareness about the problems of the near future. All socially active people need today to take an active part in the unification and cohesion of world society, ignoring all selfish, social, political, religious and other barriers with which the system artificially divides people. Only by uniting our efforts in the global community, not on paper, but in practice, can we manage to prepare the majority of the planet’s inhabitants for the planetary climate, global economic shocks and changes that are coming. Each of us can do a lot of useful things in this direction! By uniting, people will increase their capabilities tenfold.

Today in the world there are many smart, conscientious people who live according to their Conscience, who are at the forefront of national initiatives. There are many talented managers and directors of enterprises who are capable of rallying and uniting people on spiritual and moral grounds. These are courageous people who do not hide behind the blinders and illusions of the system, but resist it to the best of their ability and truthfully inform their work teams about the realities of today. All people of good will are capable of taking an active part in changing the current situation - changing the ideology of world society from a consumer format of thinking to a spiritually creative format, to establishing in society the priorities of mutual assistance, friendship, spiritual and moral relationships between people, not in words, but in deeds. People need to throw away all frameworks and conventions, they need to consolidate here and now. Nature does not look at ranks and ranks when it unleashes its thousand-year wrath, and only the manifestation of true community between people, based on human kindness, can give humanity a chance to survive...

...By uniting the scientific potential of the world society, it is possible to accelerate the study of a science that is strategically important for the survival of humanity - PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, which opens up multifaceted prospects in the sciences, granting victory over any disease, the possibility of obtaining the necessary energy literally from air, food and water - from a simple combination of elementary particles . And in the near future - the creation of any living and inanimate objects (which is already confirmed today by a number of successful experiments in this area). This will radically change the attitude of every person to the very meaning of his life, will lead to an understanding of the most rational use of it for his spiritual and moral transformation. This will enable a person to devote more time to spiritual self-improvement (the true meaning of life). This will provide everyone with everything they need and will free them from the position of being a lifelong slave to a system that fixes a person on a constant struggle for a livelihood. Every person is able to help in this matter and convey this information to their environment. It is necessary to speed up the process of alerting the world's population and uniting it today in order to take action before natural disasters gain strength and reach the point of irreversibility.

This wave of universal unification continues to expand comprehensively every day on the basis of large-scale social activities of people from different countries, on the basis of the world nationwide initiative - the ALLATRA GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. All this is already being implemented today by progressive, intelligent people who have realized that their survival and the survival of their families largely depends on how much they can now unite in peace with each other and jointly confront all the challenges of the near future. These are people from different countries, different professions, different social strata, different nationalities and races, different religions and atheistic views. All of them are united by a common ideology of life in the spiritual and moral vector of their development, an understanding of the importance of action here and now in the name of their children and their immediate future in this society, in the name of preserving human life itself on Earth. After all, as the first BASIS OF ALLATRA says: “ The highest value in this world is human life. The life of any person must be protected as if it were your own, because although it is fleeting, it gives everyone a chance to increase their main value - their inner spiritual wealth, the only thing that opens the Personality to true spiritual immortality.”

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