15:45 6.02.2016

The plank exercise and the weight loss effect of daily simple exercises at home are amazing. Losing weight in 5 minutes a day has become possible. Good news: not only lose weight. The bad news: you need to exercise every day.

The plank exercise is the best thing that was invented for lazy, unathletic women who dream of a good figure. Do you want to lose weight? Need to ? Or maybe you're not happy with your back or your arms? Try to do a plank and do it every day.

Fitness for the lazy is not a shame, it is very effective. Thisa simple and practical way to get your body in order, while not much is required of you, and the result will be amazing! Changes will begin in a week, but in a month the effect will impress you.

Please note that if you have problems with the spine or are too heavy weight, this exercise should be done after consultation with a specialist and only under the supervision of an instructor. But if you just gained weight, your body has lost its flexibility and lightness, then “lie down and stand up” is an excellent solution. It won’t be easy at first, but just consider what will happen to you after a week of torment, which, by the way, in a week will already be just a morning procedure. You may not be able to stand for 1 minute in each pose at once (I didn’t succeed). But even if you start with 20-30 seconds, there will be an effect. The main thing is to gradually increase the time. I have some cool tips and tricks. Just don’t be lazy: read, watch, do. And tomorrow too!

Core muscle exercises are one of the most effective ways lose weight and remove excess fat from the waist. The plank exercise trains these muscles!

You will strengthen your core muscles and improve the condition of your internal organs.

Core muscles provide support internal organs. They are also involved in the formation of good posture, and, as you know, if a person has good posture, then the whole body works much better.

A strong muscle corset in the waist area is the key to maintaining intra-abdominal pressure at the required level. And this means fixation of the spinal column, proper outflow of venous blood from the internal organs and... more strength!

Just imagine: one exercise engages all the most important muscles for beauty and health at once!

  • transverse muscle - helps lift heavy weights;
  • rectus muscle - is responsible for the “pack” and helps you jump better (the bar is just the beginning, you’ll want to go to the gym later);
  • oblique muscles - expand the possibilities of lateral bending and twisting at the waist;
  • gluteal muscles - will support the back and give a beautiful profile (well, just not in the nose area). Speaking of profile: the double chin will also gradually begin to shrink, so not only the butt will be beautiful!

Your back muscles will improve

Doing a plank will allow you to build your core muscles without putting unnecessary stress on your back and hips. If you exercise every day, you will strengthen not only your lower body, but also your upper body. And this will reduce the risk of back pain and improve posture (this is always visually minus 5 years).

Your metabolism will speed up

Planks burn more calories than classic abdominal exercises. Twisting and lifting your torso is great, but the plank speeds up your metabolism with less effort and for a long time: even at night the body will burn calories (don’t be alarmed: you won’t have to sleep in the plank, although... who knows what sporting peaks you will achieve in a couple of months).

Posture will improve

Strengthening your core muscles significantly improves the condition of your neck, shoulders, back and lower back. Doing planks every day will help keep them in the correct position and improve your posture. By the way,It is a straight back that does not give you offense, as psychotherapists say. So don’t slouch: you always want to attribute all the problems to such people and assign as many tasks as possible.

Develop a sense of balance

You will notice that it is much easier to walk in heels, and if you stumble, for some reason you do not fall, but maintain your balance. This is all the plank. By the way, a well-developed sense of balance will help you achieve great results in any sport, and you will also become more balanced in daily communication: it has already been proven that your physical state greatly influences your psychological state. So practice ;)

Increased flexibility

Well, if you cannot reach the floor with your hands or, while sitting on the floor, you are not able to touch your head to your knee, then the plank will save you (and you urgently need to start doing it).

Thanks to the bar, the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, hips, and toes are stretched. Using the side plank you will work the oblique abdominal muscles. By increasing the flexibility of your whole body, you will be able to easily perform other exercises, and when it comes to sex, you will surprise both your partner and yourself: this is great!

Stop freaking out and being nervous

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that are active in stressful situations. If you have a sedentary job, then you are nervous not only because of contacts with various wonderful people and misunderstandings. The body just goes numb and tension arises on the physical level, which is immediately reflected in emotional state and on the psyche. In just a week you will look at the world differently (just do it every day).

It is very important that the lower back does not sag. The abdominal and buttock muscles should be in constant tension, while the stomach should be retracted. This will ensure the correct position of the pelvis.

Tuck your tailbone inward and keep your body parallel to the floor. If you feel like you can't, stop, rest and do the right thing.

Just 5 minutes a day will give you a boost of energy. In a week the results will be noticeable. They are not measured in kilograms. You'll just look and feel better. If you continue, in a month everything will be even better.

Three tips to make the plank exercise easier:

  1. Use your watch with second hand or timer
    During the plank, you need to breathe so that the navel tends to touch the spine. This is if you want to get rid of your belly. It’s hard to count to yourself at this time. Set a timer!
  2. Play some cool music
    Music is distracting. And if you pick up something truly incendiary, it will make it easier to stand in the plank.
  3. make a wish
    I used Alexander Palienko's hint. Now, when I stand, but want to go somewhere to the shower or to the kitchen, I tell myself: “The longer I stand, the younger and more beautiful I become. The longer I stand, the more money and health I will have. the longer I stand, the more peace and there will be happiness in life." Or I make a clear wish and then, of course, I don’t give up.

Watch online how to do the plank exercise to easily lose weight at home

Photo in text: Depositphotos.com

The plank exercise is one of the most common and popular. It refers to the so-called static exercises. That is, when performing it, the human body is motionless, but at the same time the muscles of the whole body are tense and actively “working”.

In addition to the obvious effect on the body, the plank has several other very pleasant advantages. First of all, you need to spend a maximum of 5 minutes to complete it. How long does it take to go to the gym for a full workout? The answer is simple: at least a couple of hours. And modern man The day is already busy to the limit. And sometimes it’s simply impossible to allocate even these two hours in a busy schedule.

The plank can be done at home at any time: in the morning, after sleep, or in the evening, after returning from work. The exercise only takes a few minutes to complete. Another advantage of the plank is that it does not require equipment. Of course, it is most convenient to perform the exercise on a special mat and in sportswear. But, if you do the exercise on a regular carpet and in home clothes, its effectiveness will not decrease. The main thing is to do the plank correctly.

Those who are just planning to get started this exercise, people often wonder: how often should you do the exercise. And again, the extremely simple answer is every day. Moreover, even if you do the exercise two or three times a day, it will only benefit you. The main thing is not to overdo it with the execution time.

According to experts, 3 minutes of exercise is enough to strengthen your muscles and get a boost of energy.

Often, even before starting training, a person wonders what will happen to his body if he constantly performs exercises.

Let's look at the TOP 10 consequences of what will happen if you do the bar every day:

By the way, the plank can be done not only at home. Fresh air is another plus to the building blocks of your healthy body.

For weight loss

Many people are interested in whether the plank has a weight loss effect if you do the exercise every day? The fact is that when performing the exercise, despite the active work of the muscles, not so many calories are burned. Therefore, if you only do the plank, the weight loss will not be so significant. But it will help prepare your muscles to perform more effective exercises.


We can summarize briefly: the plank is a universal exercise that has a complex effect on the body. Doing it daily can make your body healthier and more attractive. At the same time, while noticing the physical transformation, you will feel a significant improvement in your emotional state.


I can’t go to the gym more than 2 times a week, but this load is not enough, I need to work on it at home. And for this purpose there is amazing useful exercise- bar. It is as useful as it is difficult, but you can endure it for 5 minutes a day.

If you complete the plank every day, you will experience at least seven pleasant changes.

1. Your core muscles will become stronger.

The core muscles provide support to the internal organs. They also help promote good posture and help avoid lower back injuries. Doing planks every day will primarily help you strengthen these muscles. Moreover, just one exercise involves all the main muscle groups of the core at once: transverse muscle - helps lift heavy weights; rectus muscle - helps to jump better, it is also responsible for the “cubes”; oblique muscles - expand the possibilities of lateral bending and twisting at the waist; buttocks - will support your back and give a beautiful profile.

2. The condition of the back muscles will improve

Doing the plank will allow you to build your core muscles without the risk of unnecessary stress on your back and hips. Moreover, regularly doing the plank will strengthen not only the lower part of the body, but also the upper part. This will reduce the risk of back pain.

3. Metabolism will speed up

The plank burns more calories than classic abdominal exercises - crunches and sit-ups. Even 10 minutes of strength training a day speeds up your metabolism. And for quite a long time: even at night, calories will be burned. A nice bonus for those who want to lose weight.

4. Posture will improve

Strengthening the core muscles has a profound effect on the neck, shoulders, back and lower back. Doing planks every day will help keep them in the correct position and improve your posture.

5. Develop a sense of balance

How long can you stand on one leg? Just a couple of seconds? Then you need to strengthen abdominal muscles. The plank will help with this.

6. Improved flexibility

Thanks to the bar, the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, hips, even toes are stretched. You can also work your obliques with the side plank. By increasing your flexibility throughout your entire body, you'll gain additional benefits in all your other exercises and in everyday life.

7. Your psychological state will improve

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that are active in stressful situations. After a whole day in a work chair, your whole body becomes numb and you feel tense. As a result, your mood worsens, you become lethargic and sad. Doing planks daily will help improve your mood and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Here, for example, is a five-minute complex with which you can start today.

Statics exercises already for a long time help athletes in many aspects of their sports life. In most cases, they are used to strengthen the ligaments of the body and increase the strength and endurance of various muscle groups of the athlete. But, in addition to this, statistical exercises are often included in various fitness training, since they do an excellent job of losing excess weight even in a very short time of training.

Also The clear advantages of statics include the following properties:

One of these static exercises is the bar, which I will tell you about in detail in this article.

Benefits of exercise

If you have long dreamed of a good figure, but you cannot highlight a large number of time to study in gyms or at morning jog, plank is the perfect choice for you! By doing the plank for 5 minutes every day, in just a month you will completely change your entire body beyond recognition. Let me list just some of the main features of this exercise.

Core muscles

Core muscles - this is one of the most important muscle groups in the human body, since it is the one that is involved in the formation of correct posture, which helps maintain intra-abdominal pressure at the proper level. That is, one exercise simultaneously uses the transverse, rectus and oblique muscles, which are responsible for excellent abs and a narrowed waist. At the same time, the gluteal muscles, which are responsible for supporting the back and giving the body shape, also become tense.

Despite the fact that all core muscles will be maximally loaded, the back and hips will not be subjected to such painful loads. And this, firstly, removes the possibility of any injury during the exercise and, secondly, allows you to strengthen top part body and improves posture.

Flexibility and stress resistance

Since during the exercise you constantly stretch the muscles and ligaments of the shoulders, hips, arms, shoulder blades, and toes, after a month of daily exercise you will be able to perform many other stretching exercises while constantly increasing the flexibility of your entire body.

In addition, due to the constant need to freeze your body in one position, which is also quite stressful for it, you learn to maintain focus, balance, and emotional calm even under such strong physical and mental stress. And this, in turn, has a very good effect on your further perception of various everyday problems and contacts with people you don’t like on the street or at work. Believe me, in just a week or two you will look at the world around you completely differently!

Acceleration of metabolism

Planking burns several times more calories than any other abdominal exercise. How much energy you expend doing a 5-minute plank a day depends primarily on your energy expenditure and metabolism, as well as your body type. Because ectomorphs often spend energy 5-8% faster than mesomorphs, and endomorphs, on the contrary, 6-9% slower.

Although this is a fairly popular exercise, unfortunately, the calorie bar does not burn as much or quickly as the same cardio workouts. On average, for a mesomorph it is 6-8 kcal per 1 minute during exercise, and long-term burning also occurs for several hours after exercise.

Complete system

From the very beginning, standing in a plank for a full 5 minutes seems impossible. But choosing the right complex, you can achieve the desired result very quickly. This training option will allow you to stand for longer periods of time due to the constant change in muscles that are loaded:

For beginner athletes It may be difficult to remain frozen in one position for such a long time, so if you feel that you can no longer stand, lie down on the floor and give yourself 10-15 seconds of rest, then proceed to the next stage.

Attention, TODAY only!

2. Planks reduce the risk of injury when playing sports.

To avoid injury during regular physical activity, it is important to have strong enough abs. The plank helps strengthen your abdominal muscles, which will protect your spine and hips during intense movements.

3. Planks can be done anywhere

The huge advantage of the plank is that it can be done on any flat surface. You don't need any equipment or much to do it. free space. And if you are limited in time, you can do a plank that will replace a full workout.

4. Planks speed up your metabolism

By doing a plank every day before or after work, you not only stimulate your metabolism, but overall its speed remains at the same level. high level throughout the day (and even while you sleep).

5. Planking improves posture

The plank strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, which affects posture. Thanks to the plank, the muscles can provide optimal support to the spine, which will make you stand straighter and your posture will get better and better every time. We wrote about that earlier.

6. Planking improves flexibility and helps maintain healthy joints and bones.

Yes, yes, you didn’t think so. The plank helps stretch all the posterior muscle groups - shoulders, shoulder blades and collarbones, as well as the muscles of the hips, arms, legs and even feet! The plank is a strength exercise that uses a person's own body weight. This puts stress on the bones that are attached to the muscles and simulates them to repair themselves.

7. The plank relaxes and improves your mood.

Plank pose helps to stretch and relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back, which is especially important for office workers who are in sitting position(oh, we wrote earlier). It has been proven that power training relieves symptoms of depression, and some fitness experts say planks help boost your mood as strengthening your abs and back gives you a feeling of strength.