Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin PHOTO: Press service of the President of the Russian Federation

Ukrainian and German experts told NSN how the withdrawal of troops from Syria would affect the Donbass.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama discussed the withdrawal of the Russian air group from Syria. The Kremlin website says that the presidents discussed further steps to begin the political process in the country and expressed support for the negotiations starting in Geneva. After this, Putin and Obama moved on to the topic of Ukraine.

Director of the Kyiv Center for Political Science and Conflict Studies Mikhail Pogrebinsky V NSN denied the version that Russia “exchanged” Syria for Ukraine. He believes that the decision to withdraw Russian forces from a Middle Eastern state is associated solely with the success of the peace process in a Middle Eastern state:

“The withdrawal of the Russian contingent from Syria looks like a sign that the mission was a success. This is Russia's strong position, not a weak one. If you can walk away and say the mission is accomplished, why not? Moreover, the turning point in Syria is obvious. Without the withdrawal of troops, the peaceful settlement is doomed to failure. The decision was made to withdraw the main forces, while the base and some aircraft remained. If the situation changes, you can return there quickly. I think Obama knew about this decision and, most likely, there are agreements that in Syria, under pressure from the Americans and Russians, there will be a process of peaceful settlement between the army and the rebels, as well as squeezing out ISIS through joint efforts.”

The Ukrainian political scientist continued that Russia’s actions in Syria are not related to its policy towards Ukraine.

“There is no reason to assume, as some Russian alarmists do, that if Russia leaves Syria, they will “merge Donbass.” Just as I can’t imagine a situation in which Moscow would stop supporting the unrecognized republics.”

According to Mikhail Pogrebinsky, the development of events in Ukraine is now quite predictable.

“The situation is moving towards a plan that I loosely call “The Wall.” The blockade will remain, the Minsk process will gradually die out, the LPR and DPR will move towards independence. This territory will acquire the status of unrecognized, later moving into the format of Transnistria, Abkhazia or even Crimea. I do not exclude all this, seeing the position of Kyiv, which refuses to grant autonomy to this territory. This position is supported by the majority of the political class. There is no reason that anything will change here,” says the Director of the Kyiv Center for Political Science and Conflict Studies.

But with regard to anti-Russian sanctions, the Ukrainian political scientist is optimistic; he suggested that they will be lifted by the summer.

“A turning point has already happened in Europe; they realized that putting pressure or not putting pressure on Russia will not change anything. I expect that by the summer, most likely, the sanctions will be lifted, and the West will more or less give up on Ukraine,” reports NSN from Kyiv Mikhail Pogrebinsky.

The withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces group from Syria became sensational news, admitted to the NSN German political scientist Alexander Rahr. In his opinion, Russia made this decision because it completed its mission in Syria.

“It’s hard to say what prompted Russia to take such a step. Let me note that she is not withdrawing from the war, but simply partially removing the contingent. I think this is due to the fact that it is no longer possible to remove Bashar Assad; he is actually on horseback. Assad now controls most of the country and is negotiating with the rebels. In addition, it is so strengthened that it can, with the help of those forces that remain, Russian and American, overthrow ISIS (IS, a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation - NSN editor). Now ISIS is moving from Iraq and Syria towards Libya, which is becoming a new zone of tension,” reports NSN German political scientist from Berlin.

At the same time, the withdrawal of the Russian contingent is unlikely to change the West’s attitude towards Russia and weaken the sanctions wars, Alexander Rahr believes.

The first group of Su-34 multirole fighter-bombers returning from Syria landed at an air base near Voronezh on Tuesday afternoon, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported. The order was given the day before by Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to him, “the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense have been generally completed.” Putin also expressed confidence that the beginning of the withdrawal of Russian forces will be a good incentive for the political negotiation process in Syria.

The United States doesn’t care whether the Ukrainian army can fight or not. In the same way, they don’t care when Ukraine disappears... Another aggravation of the situation on the Ukrainian fronts has begun civil war. It’s hard not to notice that Kyiv’s desire to fight arose right before the summit in Astana.

It is possible that this provocation was staged in order to put Putin before a choice: not to fly to Astana - to be accused of disrupting the peace process, to fly to Astana - to explain Russian society, what can be negotiated with the fascists who have just killed hundreds of civilians in Donbass.

But it is quite possible that massive shelling and isolated clashes will eventually result in a full-scale war. There are several reasons to consider the danger of a new stage of active hostilities to be extremely high. There is only one argument against a full-scale war - Kyiv’s troops cannot fight.

It's true - they can't. But this is not an argument. They could not fight either in May or in August, but they fought. In the end, only the most naive of the former Maidanarbeiters still believe that the Kyiv authorities are deciding something in their own country.

Even the budget is written to them by foreigners. Moreover, they cannot resolve issues of war and peace. But in reality, the United States playing with Ukrainian pawns doesn’t care whether the Ukrainian army can fight or not.

In the same way, they don’t care when Ukraine disappears and how many millions of the population will disappear along with it. The important question for them is how this will happen and how such a disappearance could benefit Washington.

The United States was interested in a full-scale war in Ukraine as early as March 2014. And from that moment on, their interest did not decrease. Only the format of possible military operations changed.

From March to August they tried to force Russia to openly fight. Hence the absolutely open and cynical violation of all Ukrainian and international laws - the use of the army against the people, the shelling and bombing of cities, the genocide of civilians, and even the last desperate August-September offensive of Kyiv, when the DPR/LPR were closer than ever to destruction.

The Americans are not fools and understood perfectly well that it was not the “miracle on the Vistula” that saved the militias, that they found tanks and artillery in private garages, and not in an open field, just days before their almost inevitable destruction, and that the Ukrainian army began to flee under attack real armed forces, and not semi-partisan detachments led by field commanders who are not even able to establish cooperation with each other.

And it was no coincidence that the offensive stopped at the maximum operating range of the main artillery systems from the Russian border.

Continue it a little further, and The White house would have received the irrefutable evidence he so desperately needed, not of Russian intervention (which was not hidden), but of Russian invasion (which is a completely different matter). Turkey also intervened in Syria (and even its artillery fired across the border), but did not invade.

When it became finally clear that Russia would not officially enter Ukraine (at least in the form in which the United States wanted it), a new scheme was adopted. On the one hand, they demanded concessions from Russia, thereby hoping to undermine Putin’s internal base of support, on the other hand, they tried to achieve the disintegration of the DPR/LPR through an economic blockade before Ukraine disintegrates.

By the end of December it became clear that this plan was not feasible either. Ukrainian leaders and the “specialists” sent to help them from Georgia, the Baltic states, and even people with American passports turned out to be too inadequate, thieving and limited. They failed to achieve two critically important things - to stabilize the energy situation enough to survive the winter, and to bring the Nazi bandits from the volunteer battalions under control.

The growth of anarchy and the real threat of an energy collapse, which automatically led to the collapse of all life support systems of the state, irrefutably indicated that the collapse of Ukraine would not only come before the collapse of the DPR/LPR, but that the trigger for this collapse was controlled by Moscow.

In mid-December, there was 4-10 days of coal left at Ukrainian thermal power plants, Westinghouse fuel assemblies, loaded instead of Russian fuel rods, almost provoked a new Chernobyl, and New Year Ukraine could easily find itself without electricity, gas, heat, sewerage, water and other small joys that make life acceptable.

At the same time, the cleansing of the “wild” militias demonstrated to Washington that there is no hope for an anarchy of military freemen, similar to the atamanism that flourishes in the territories controlled by Kiev.

In fact, the US still has the only way using Ukraine for one’s own purposes (that is, to complicate relations between the EU and Russia) will aggravate the conflict, even taking into account the risk of a quick defeat of the Kyiv troops.

Let's consider the options:

1. The army of Kyiv manages to impose intense but positional battles on the army of Novorossiya for a fairly long period of time. Then for weeks we will observe what we have been observing for the last couple of days - barbaric shelling of the cities of Donbass and mass death civilians.

Once again, as in the summer, the question will arise: “How long?”, which will be addressed not to Zakharchenko or Plotnitsky, but to Putin. Crowds of refugees will appear again. Only in winter it will be much more difficult to equip them. The solution to the problem is the offensive of the army of Novorossiya. She will be accused of disrupting the truce, which in fact never happened. Russia is to blame. The US and EU are very upset and are uniting in the face of the Russian threat.

2. After a week or two of more or less intense fighting, the Kyiv army disintegrates and runs away from its positions. The army of Novrossiya is simply forced to follow it and occupy new territories. Further see point 1.

3. As a result of contradictions between Yatsenyuk, Turchinov, Avakov, the army, national guard, wild Nazi battalions like the “volunteer Ukrainian corps of the right sector” are carrying out a military coup in Kyiv, and various units of the former Kyiv army begin to fight each other.

The country is plunging into chaos, transit routes are blocked, gas pipelines are being blown up by all and sundry, the armed forces of Novorossiya are clearly not enough to take control of the entire territory of Ukraine. The deployment of a peacekeeping contingent is necessary.

If Russia decides to restore order on its own, see point 1. If an international contingent is created and areas of responsibility are assigned, the United States receives an excellent playing field.

Of course, the implementation of each of the points in its pure form is doubtful; rather, they will all be implemented, mixed up and unsystematically.

But a fire in a brothel suits the United States even more than the brothel that now exists in Ukraine on fire.

The organization of mass slaughter in Ukraine today is hampered only by the cowardice and plebeian cunning of Ukrainian politicians, who still do not understand the situation they find themselves in and counting on “abroads to help us,” as well as the open reluctance of even the most inveterate Nazis to fight. The USA, as always, did not study the material well.

Ukrainians are not Germans; they are specialists not in war, but in robbery and guarding concentration camps. Therefore, Avakov’s adviser Gerashchenko is already calling Obama a “political dwarf” for the fact that he will not start a war with Russia for Ukraine, and Yatsenyuk reproaches the Europeans for the fact that, unlike the Ukrainians, they do not understand their own European interests and refuse to finance the pitiful semblance of the Ukrainian states.

In general, in Ukraine everyone wants to take advantage of the fruits of victory over everyone (Russia, Novorossia, each other), but someone else must win for them.

However, the United States is a superpower, and if they decided that the Ukrainians will fight, then the Ukrainians will fight. They will cry, hide, sabotage, but they will still fight. Therefore, the war, the inevitability of which all adequate experts almost unanimously spoke and continue to speak about, is becoming closer and more real every day.

Perhaps the Russian leadership will be able to outplay the United States in relations with the EU and at the last moment save Europe, which has already stuck its head in a noose. Perhaps Russia will be able to imitate the liberation of Ukraine by the armed forces of Novorossiya, especially if the combat effectiveness of the Odessa, Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporozhye underground forces is at least 50% consistent with the declared one.

It is possible, although unlikely, that it will be possible to avoid large-scale Makhnovshchina and a humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine (I can’t imagine how tens of thousands of war criminals who are not needed by any Europe will voluntarily surrender their weapons). But in the end, in any development of events, control of the territory, seizure of hundreds of thousands of units military weapons, economic restoration, and feeding the population cannot be solved without the direct participation of Russia.

And here the question arises: what to do with Novorossiya?

There is no Novorossiya as such. There is the DPR/LPR and some incomprehensible body that does not decide anything under the leadership of Oleg Tsarev. The rapid liberation of the territory (and in the event of a full-scale war it should be quick) does not leave time not only for the institutionalization of a new entity, but even for the creation of real new “people's republics”.

In addition, the war will mean that it was not possible to agree with Ukraine on the international legal legitimation of the settlement process. And this means that Ukraine is no longer needed. At the same time, the need to occupy territories beyond the eight regions of historical New Russia makes new government no longer Novorossiysk, but all-Ukrainian.

If you invest effort and money into creating, on the basis of the non-existent Novorossiya, a new pro-Russian Ukraine, then in ten to fifteen years it is almost guaranteed that the outcome will be a new separatist project of the provincial elite, seeking to rely on anyone in order to push away from Moscow and uncontrollably rob the “sovereign” territory.

We saw how far provincial Ukrainian elites can go in their inadequacy, we saw in the example of not only Yatsenyuk-Poroshenko, but also Yanukovych-Azarov, who, with their clumsy attempts to play big politics, led Ukraine to the current crisis (contrary, by the way, to their own objective interests, but in full accordance with the naive idea of ​​its global importance).

So it turns out that after the war there is no place for either Ukraine or Novorossiya. They are simply of no use to anyone.

The Russian part of the population has long seen itself in Russia, the Russophobic part will change its opinion as quickly as it changed in 1991. It is better to “lose” inveterate Nazis, whom only the grave will correct, along the way, since the war provides every opportunity for this.

So for now there are two options:

1. Unreal, suggesting not only Poroshenko’s insight, but also his ability to arrange a night of long knives for his hawks. Then we will have to negotiate with Kiev about a “single federal Ukrainian state”, under Russian protectorate, since someone will have to guarantee denazification.

In fact, in this case, we will be talking about the re-issue of a bastard vassal formation like the Hetmanate of the 17th-18th centuries, oscillating between autonomy and sovereignty and serving as a source of all sorts of unrest (which presupposes its more or less quick liquidation through integration).

2. Direct annexation of the liberated regions to Russia. All the same, they will not be able to exist in the rank of people's republics either together or separately. Imagine Kernes negotiating with Plotnitsky. But there are no other leaders. And if not, then they are not needed. If they were needed, they would be found.

Moreover, the second option is no more difficult to implement from an international legal point of view than the first, and from the point of view of finality and irrevocability, it is preferable.

And, apparently, the smartest representatives of the Nazi elite already understood or felt something. I haven’t heard from Kolomoisky for a long time, Korban doesn’t speak anywhere, Filatov closed his Facebook page. But he was so proud of her.

Yandex.Zen to be the first to know about the main news and major events day.

Today's Ukraine is a tangled tangle of global strife and internal contradictions. We are talking about this with political scientist, president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko.

More than six months have passed since the beginning of the Euromaidan - has your attitude and, perhaps, understanding of this event changed or not?

No, it hasn't changed. I initially proceeded from the fact that the Maidan would have taken place anyway, only it was being prepared for 2015. It was assumed that Yanukovych would sign an association agreement with the EU, take upon himself all the negativity associated with the destruction of the economy and the impoverishment of the people (associated with this agreement), lose the elections, do not want to leave and will be overthrown by the “people's revolution”, having lost support by this time even its core south-eastern electorate. After which Ukraine can be turned into an anti-Russian battering ram (all the “shale gas” and other “economic” projects did not play any significant role in this, much like the Nabucco gas pipeline, which they are going to start building for 20 years and will not start at all). Due to the fact that Yanukovych refused to sign the association agreement, plans had to be changed on the fly. Therefore, it was not the “overthrow of the tyrant” that took place, but the Nazi coup (a critical mass of discontent for a popular revolution had not accumulated in society, and the Nazi militants became the striking force, with all the ensuing consequences). As a result of the false start of the “Maidan”, there is now a civil war in Ukraine and, as a state, it has practically ceased to exist.

“Putin is waiting for Poroshenko to negotiate with terrorists,” this is how the Ukrainian media headlined the step towards peace: the parties have already announced a temporary truce, but at the same time the Kiev court approved the arrest of a dozen representatives of the republics, including DPR Prime Minister Alexander Borodai, who represents the position at the negotiations South-East. What does it mean?

Nobody expects anything from Poroshenko. It’s just that information about the atrocities of Ukrainian Nazis in the Southeast has finally begun to break through to Europe. It is impossible to ignore her any longer and pretend that nothing is happening. Germany, France, and the OSCE began increasingly insistently demanding that Kyiv resolve the matter peacefully. They, of course, did not intend to introduce sanctions against Poroshenko. But it was necessary to follow the rules of the game. Poroshenko announced a “ceasefire,” which did not stop, and then extended the “ceasefire.” In response, Putin announced the revocation of permission to send troops, which no one intended to send. Well, the prospects for negotiations can be judged by the fact that they are being conducted between Medvedchuk and Kuchma - people who decide nothing and do not enjoy authority either in the Donbass or in Kyiv.

What will happen to Novorossiya and its leaders?

Novorossiya will win along with most of Ukraine. Those leaders who can stay in politics will remain. Most will go to privacy. I hope Russia will not forget to reward them.

By the way, what do you think explains Lukashenko’s ambiguous position on the events in Ukraine?

Lukashenko is afraid, firstly, of the strengthening of Russia, because every year he has to look up to Moscow more and more, and he is an ambitious person, and he does not like it. Secondly, Lukashenko understands that after the victory in Ukraine, the value of Belarus for Moscow will sharply decrease, which means it will become very difficult (or rather impossible) to negotiate non-repayable loans and economic concessions in exchange for every case of political support for the actions of the Russian leadership. In general, he is afraid sharp decline its capitalization.

What future awaits today's Ukraine?

Ukraine has no future: the economy is already dead, and it is fashionable to discuss it only in terms of the shape, color, size and material of the tombstone, as well as the text of the epitaph. As for political prospects, the country is torn apart by civil war and it is unlikely that anti-fascists will be able to live with the Nazis in the same state for a long time, even if the world community really insists (well, perhaps, as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where formally there is one state, but in reality three). The only question is how soon the world community will be ready to recognize the new political reality.

Did the top Russian leadership really not take into account the possibility of a similar development of events that happened today in Ukraine?

It took into account. But not everything you take into account can be prevented. Much depended not on the Russian leadership, but on the adequacy of the Ukrainian ruling elite, and, unfortunately, it turned out to be completely inadequate. In the current situation, taking into account the fact that Russia is fighting not for one, two, three or eight regions, but for all of Ukraine (or at least 70% of Ukraine), everything possible and even more has been done. Already in the fall, at most, by the New Year, we will see the result.

Why has Vladimir Putin still not taken advantage of the permission of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation to send troops?

It is not always useful to use an army. Often the threat of using the army works better than the use itself. You can send troops only once, but you can keep the enemy in suspense with the threat of sending troops indefinitely. As soon as the South-East was able to defend itself, Putin revoked the permission. Now Russia is not an aggressor, and Kyiv is no better. The capital will be taken and the junta will be arrested not by the troops of a neighboring country, but by its own citizens, which is much more effective.

Will Russia manage to avoid the “hot” phase of the conflict in Ukraine?

It was no longer possible. Russia is involved in this conflict, including its hot phase, if only because Ukraine claims to be at war with Russia, and the West pretends to believe it. But Russia is winning the hot phase without using its own armed forces, simply in the format of an internal Ukrainian civil war. This, of course, does not please the citizens of Ukraine, especially the residents of Slavyansk, Lugansk, Donetsk, etc., but from a geopolitical and military-strategic point of view, this is the most adequate, correct and winning move. I understand very well the anger and indignation of people whose children are dying and whose houses are being destroyed, but in war people always die, and since the First World War, the civilian population has suffered no less (since the Second World War and orders of magnitude greater) losses than regular ones troops. Unfortunately, Ukraine is only one of the fronts in the global confrontation between Russia and the United States. Therefore, it is naive to expect that Putin (who is still the president of Russia, and not the DPR or LPR) will give up everything and deal only with Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Moreover, when the suffering civilian population is outraged by the “cynicism of politicians,” this is a natural reaction that cannot be condemned; people cannot react differently. But when politicians, military officers or experts talk about the “drain of Donbass” or “Putin’s cynicism”, they are either disingenuous or not fit for duty.

Maidans around Russia are growing like mushrooms, protest sentiments are sweeping neighboring countries, is this also part of the “Great Game”?

If Russia wins in Ukraine, and everything is heading towards this, then this will be the last “Maidan” “around Russia” (the next ones, if they happen anywhere, will be in the EU or “around the USA”). If Russia loses, then this “Maidan” will be the penultimate one - the next one will tear Russia apart and no more “Maidans” will be needed.

And how can we resist all this?

To destroy a phenomenon, it is necessary to destroy its cause. The reason for the Maidans is the moribund political and economic system of the United States. Only the destruction of this system removes the threat of further destabilization of the planet. With a loss in Ukraine, it becomes almost inevitable that the United States will lose in Europe, and then in the world, that is, the collapse of the American system based on global dominance. That’s why I said above that if Russia wins in Ukraine, then this “Maidan” will be the last one “around Russia.” The United States will no longer have the resources for a global political offensive. The only thing they can still do is set fire to Europe (as they set fire to Ukraine) so that victorious Russia will get the firebrands. But in the case of the “Maidanization” of Europe, the “Maidanization” of the United States becomes a matter not of principle, but of time, and the near future.

Conducted by: Alexander Dremlyugin

As you know, three days ago the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved changes to legislation, allowing the entry of NATO troops into Ukraine.

And soon they will most likely hold a referendum on joining the alliance

This means that the United States won the battle for Ukraine against Russia (I don’t mean Putin, but the people and the country) and is winning the war against Novorossiya.

This means that Ukraine will continue to become fascist, and Novorossiya will definitely not receive military assistance from Russia. Russia ignored requests for the deployment of troops for 1.5 years. ignored the genocide.
Now about the input Russian troops and the defeat of the Ukrainian junta can only be a dream.

Firstly, Putin now has a plausible excuse, which he has been waiting for so long, to completely surrender Donbass to the Kyiv junta - what can you do against NATO? An argument like “Do you want a third world war?!”

Putin’s plan was indeed very cunning - how to cede Ukraine to NATO under a plausible pretext, instead of crushing Nazism in its infancy

Secondly, only NATO peacekeepers will be in Ukraine. Russia will not enter Ukraine, since the Rada has banned participation in peacekeeping operations by contingents of countries that are “unleashing armed aggression against Ukraine.”

This excludes the introduction of peacekeepers from Russia to Ukraine.

Russia cannot bypass the ban - since it fully recognizes territorial integrity Ukraine and the legitimacy of the Kyiv junta. But Russia did not recognize the DPR-LPR, just as it did not recognize their elections and leaders

The territorial integrity of Ukraine and the legitimacy of the Kyiv regime are recognized by the authorities of the United States, the European Union and Russia. The authorities of these subjects acted as a united front against Novorossiya and against Russia.
The authorities of the European Union and the authorities of Russia have done and are doing everything to the detriment of the interests of European countries and Russia, which suggests that Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, the European Commission and Putin are only agents of the US intelligence services.
So Putin’s government is no longer a party to the conflict and it seems it never was.

Now the most important question is what will happen to Novorossiya?

If NATO sends troops. then they, together with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, will begin punitive operations against the DPR-LPR. In this case, the militia will have very little chance of surviving
But it is possible that the West will not rush to send troops yet. They have already won the war and they are in no particular hurry.
Moreover, the United States benefits from a situation where Ukrainians and Russians exterminate each other without direct NATO intervention. NATO is saving forces and resources for future intervention on the territory of Ukraine and Russia (NATO’s main goal)

The most likely date is 2017-2018, the time of political change, the date of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution and the beginning of the intervention in Soviet Russia. A hundred years later everything will happen again, which will be symbolic

And before that, Ukrainians and Russians will destroy each other for 2-3 years with temporary “fierce truces” (Minsk-3,4, 5, etc.), until life force Novorossiya will not be partially destroyed, and Ukraine itself will turn into a single, fascist military camp

Another question is where can Novorossiya expect help from?

There will be no help from Russia; no country except the semi-recognized South Ossetia has recognized the DPR-LPR. But South Ossetia will not be able to provide military assistance to Novorossiya

Novorossiya has probable allies in Ukraine itself, primarily the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. He is at odds with the Ukrainian authorities and has strained relations with the United States. He is quite capable of raising the Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk regions to rebellion.
In Russia, Kolomoisky is viewed negatively, but no one else will help Novorossiya. No one else.

There is hope for more volunteers from Russia and European countries who will help repel the endless attacks of the Kyiv fascists.

Russia lost the fight for Ukraine and Novorossiya because the country's leadership deliberately, to please its masters in the West, merged all its positions.

But the war is not over yet, because Novorossiya is not defeated. She stands and fights the fascists.

The strength of the Russian spirit can stop the enemy, despite the fact that he is many times superior in numbers
Novorossiya is standing, but it has no one else to rely on.

After Putin’s words that an official who does not consider Kramatorsk to be Ukraine is an idiot and a criminal, there were reproaches from the Zaputinites that we had taken the words of a multinational leader out of context. Well, we were not lazy and read the transcript of the meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on October 14, at which these words were spoken. Here full text excerpt from the meeting dedicated to the situation in Ukraine, we highlighted the most important points. This is really abyss:

You know, when we are now, right today, yesterday, I look at the media - a holiday is being organized about the OUN-UPA, this nationalist, pro-fascist organization, officially practically this holiday is being organized in Ukraine, and this is accompanied by calls for reprisals against representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate. And this despite the fact that the Patriarch is doing everything to stop the fratricidal conflict. In reality, the Patriarch himself and the primates of the Church are doing a lot, but the following attacks are being carried out against them: 18 churches have already been taken away, believers are expelled from the temple. Where are the human rights defenders regarding religious worship and the right to worship? Just complete silence, by the way, in this direction. Nothing at all, even as if this is not happening, but this is a serious thing. There, you see, people are expelled, they simply go into churches, beat them, subject them to all kinds of humiliation, and also take away their property. Therefore, of course, this needs to be done; Mikhail Aleksandrovich is right here. We need to go to this because it’s impossible to look at what’s happening there without tears, firstly, and secondly, to the most important tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes. And the most the main tragedy is the alienation of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. This is the biggest tragedy. And of course, with all the problems that exist today, we need to look for a way to overcome this condition. But, I repeat again, this, of course, needs to be done together with the Ukrainian authorities. This is the first thing I would like to pay attention to.

And on the questions that were raised here. Of course, we need to help, and we will help both children and adults who find themselves in difficult life situation. You see how difficult it all is. You saw with your own eyes and know the reaction when some of the children were taken out, who needed immediate help and it was impossible to provide this help in any other way except by bringing them here - we immediately received accusations that we had stolen the children. These were repeated complaints against us. Some of the children, in my opinion, were returned after assistance was provided to them. If a person does not want to return, we cannot force and will not do it. The same goes for medicines, the same goes for food, which people in the south-east of Ukraine desperately need. And you are also witnesses to this. Well, it was impossible to agree on sending humanitarian convoys there. Under various pretexts, they actually did not allow this to be done! Now I will not talk in detail about the course of these negotiations and what they led to. But we were forced to simply launch the convoy ourselves, and that’s all. Here are the Ukrainian border guards and customs officers, we allowed them into our territory, we suggest checking the cargo, the goods - no, they don’t check, they don’t participate in this work. Why are they sitting, you ask?

The Red Cross is sometimes working, sometimes not working - meaning that they have certain rules, related to the fact that if the country in which they intend to carry out certain actions does not take part in this, they also do not take part. So what should we do? Where are the medicines, where is the food? Why should people die there?

These are all very difficult questions related to many components, both legal and humanitarian, but it seems to me that in this case the humanitarian ones are more important. We can't sit back and watch people just die. either from hunger, as you said here, or without medication and without assistance medical care. But I listened to such complaints from Ukrainian colleagues, and from European and American ones. It's strange, but it's a fact. Simply incredible, but true. Nevertheless, we will be patient and work with everyone to resolve these issues, and solve them in a non-confrontational way, but to agree on joint work.

Now about those who do not have refugee status, but want to get it. Of course, we will work through all this. The same goes for financing. We will have to provide funding for humanitarian assistance and for the settlement of people here, those who want to stay. The Government already has an instruction, we have already agreed on this. We will either do this by decree or by amendments to the law, but we will, of course, provide this funding.

Now about gratitude to our employees. This is their job. I will hug and kiss them. That's enough for a start. But let's look at the results, you know? We'll have to look at the results. If the state should reward anyone, it should be people like you, first and foremost. And we will not forget those who work and have to perform their duties, but based on the results as a whole.

Now about the fact that someone inside Ukraine they refuse to provide assistance and pay benefits. We can't influence it. In this regard, I can say that not all our officials perform their duties properly in different situations, but in today’s Ukraine it is even more difficult, and there are plenty of them all. But what you said, that some official said that Kramatorsk, for example, or whatever city it is, doesn’t seem to be Ukraine, he’s just a complete idiot, on top of that. Not only is this a person who does not fulfill his duty, in this case he also commits a crime against his own country, because he deliberately cuts off part of the territory. I don’t know who authorized him to do this, I think it’s just nonsense. We can't do anything about this. But what can we do? As I already said, we can provide help and support to people and we will do this, I want to emphasize again that we will try to do this not unilaterally, but together with the Ukrainian authorities and with people who live in the southeast of Ukraine.

IN Soviet time There was a popular saying: “Comrade Stalin knew nothing, enemies infiltrated the Central Committee!” As we see from the above passage, our comrade Stalin knows everything perfectly well. From the transcript it directly follows that:

1. Putin is aware that Ukraine is captured by radical nationalism, supported by the authorities.
2. Putin is aware of what is happening in Ukraine mass attacks on the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church (having infuriated society with Iranian laws on the protection of the feelings of believers, Comrade Stalin only bitterly oohs and ahs when believers really need real protection. “Well, you guys should take up boxing or something, Orthodox, pump yourself up, I don’t know what I’m doing) right away, what am I doing?")
3. Putin is aware that there are mass casualties and suffering among the civilian population, which he actually swore to protect in April.
4. Putin is aware that Ukraine is officially sabotaging assistance to victims at all possible levels.

And at the same time Putin:

1. I am ready to provide assistance only with the assistance of the Ukrainian authorities (who, according to him, are engaged in sabotage)
2. Considers the work to split Ukraine to be a crime, and the Ukrainian officials who went over to the side of the uprising are obviously criminals
3. Novorossiya and the suffering Russians suddenly turned into “people living in the southeast of Ukraine.”

Alexander Zhuchkovsky, who is involved in helping the militia, reports:

Sorry, I can’t answer questions about the situation in the DPR right now. I don’t want to draw hasty conclusions; things can still change a lot in the coming days. Field commanders are unhappy and will react.

"Strelkovites", to put it mildly, in difficult situation. Under these conditions, they all the more need material assistance, which we are trying to coordinate.

For example, we are now transporting several dozen volunteers, a truck with cargo (warm uniforms, shoes, equipment, special equipment) and 10 cubic meters of fuel and lubricants.

Russia is helping. Ukrainians. Because cargo for the militia simply cannot be transported, at least in some areas. Yesterday at the checkpoint they didn’t even let one gazelle through humanitarian aid(there were no documents for it), so they didn’t even try to transport our “non-humanitarian” truck officially.

They either do not allow entry through the “holes” at the border or they are closed.- for example, at the entrance to one of the roads that we passed through earlier, there are slabs, and the road itself is so dug up that it is simply impossible to drive along it.

Now we are looking for ways to solve the problem and we will definitely find it. Your help will definitely reach the militias.

It’s logical - Putin said that help comes only with the approval of Ukrainians for the benefit of United Ukraine, so the border is already closed even for non-military cargo. Obviously, Vladimir Vladimirovich expects to restrict all aid supplies exclusively to channels under his control, and then directly regulate the cessation and resumption of supplies domestic policy Novorossiya and activity on its fronts. Apparently, his goal is to persuade Ukraine to transit Russian gas for Europe, freezing the entire war for the winter and putting the priorities of European consumers above all else. “Hansik in Ggemania can freeze, so sit and die without ammunition under Ukrainian shelling, rebellious Russians!”

I can talk for a long time about “ cunning plan"and look for twenty-five hidden meanings in every movement of Putin’s eyebrows, but Vladimir Vladimirovich quite openly spoke about the future of “people living in the southeast of Ukraine.”