“There are unhappy destinies. Mine is exactly like that. I haven’t realized myself at all. I still dream that I’m standing on the site, and the spotlights are directed at me. I paid cruelly for love!” - 79-year-old Alexandra Zavyalava said these words shortly before of his death.

A spy, a traitor and two weeks of happiness.

It all started with a magical passionate night in a hotel and ended in hell....

She was 31 years old, he was 50. They met in the sky.

“I flew to Odessa for filming,” Zavyalova shared. -It chattered and I felt sick. Suddenly some gentleman who spoke English began to sell me Borjomi. I looked up and....God! Tall, stately, handsome! Dream!

And the next day they ran into each other at a hotel.

The foreigner was surprised, the star said.

He asked: “Are you Polish?” - “No, Russian.” The novel began with these words. Two weeks of sunny happiness!

His name was Othello Ceresolli. A major businessman, owner of a shipping company, former admiral of the US Navy.

“He admitted that his wife was waiting for him in America,” Alexandra sighed. - He said that his wife is beautiful, but he loves me. We fought in Moscow. Othello wanted to send a request for divorce through the embassy. I planned to have the right authorities approve my marriage with a citizen of a capitalist country.

But these dreams were not destined to come true. In the morning, KGB men burst into Ceresolli’s suite and dragged the American straight out of bed, where the lovers were enjoying each other.

“I was taken to my room,” the artist continued. -They shoved photographs of us together in my face. They shouted that he was a spy and that I was a traitor to the motherland. Within 24 hours, the KGB expelled their loved one from the USSR. We cried when we were separated. Othello became persona non grata, and we never had to see each other again.

When the star returned home, she was immediately called to Lenfilm, to director Kiselev.

“He also began to reprimand that I had contacted a spy,” Zavyalova complained.

Also, my phone, which was previously bursting with calls, suddenly went silent. Oblivion has set in. It was a nightmare!

In addition, they began to drag the actress for interrogations. They tried to impute Article 64 of the USSR Criminal Code, “Treason to the Motherland,” under which they could have been shot. However, there was not enough evidence.

"Where did you go? Did you go to the monastery?"

Due to the misfortunes that befell her, the actress went into deep depression. Then directors Uskov and Krasnopolsky saved the actress from madness. They were not afraid to invite the disgraced artist to play the role of Pistemea Morozova in the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon.” The work went on for almost three years. And when they finished filming the last episodes in Moscow, love came to Alexandra again. And again - to a foreigner!

Zavyalova also met Yugoslav Moma Kosic at the hotel. He looked so much like Othello!

The beauty was getting married again. But then my ex-husband Dmitry objected and refused to give permission to take his daughter abroad.

Where am I without a child?! - Alexandra cried.

“I’ll be back,” Moma promised. - I’ll find a way to take you to my place! And when I arrive, I will pave the way to your house with roses! But in Soviet Union Kosic was no longer allowed in.

The KGB did not forgive the star for yet another trick. Zavyalova was not even invited to the premiere of “Shadows”. And the directors again “forgot” that such an actress exists. Colleagues, meeting her at Lenfilm, where she went, vainly hoping to get a job, made surprised eyes:

Shurochka, where have you gone? They say she went to a monastery? Is this true? And I’m also chatting as if I got married and emigrated!

The depression got worse. Everywhere the woman began to see “bugs”, “black funnels” and “chekists”. At night, the actress screamed from nightmares. Realizing that a little more and she would end up in a psychiatric hospital, Zavyalova decided to give birth. I hoped that caring for the child would fill the void in my heart. And at the age of 40 she became a mother again, giving the world a son, Petya. From a random boyfriend from a Tambov village. But childbirth had a bad effect on the psyche.

Spent three years in mental hospitals.

“One day two orderlies burst into my apartment,” Alexandra Semyonovna cried. - They twisted my arms and dragged me. I shouted: “Have mercy on the children! There is also a 13-year-old daughter and a baby there.” But no one listened to me. And no one stood up.

They put her in a car, injected her with something into a vein, and drove off. When the actress came to, she was wearing a government shirt. And there was a lattice on the window.

In total, I spent three years in a mental hospital,” Zavyalova did not hide. “They would let me go, then take me away again for five or six months. And it was punitive psychiatry. They experimented on me. For example, they injected me with sleeping pills and then didn’t let me sleep. Before the next discharge, I was forced to sign a sentence for myself - disability.

As a result, the woman really went crazy. She became a recluse and didn’t leave the house for weeks. She cursed strongly when someone recognized her on the street. “Enlightenments” happened, but less and less often. In one of them - in 1992 - Alexandra Semyonovna even starred in an episode of the film "White Clothes". And two years later, the legend was finally awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia.”

Sergei Antonov, Rasul Gamzatov, Kaisy Kuliev, Yulian Semenov, Arkady Raikin, Artur Chilingarov - they were crazy about the actress.

Mikhail Romm, in the fight for Zinka’s candidacy in the film “Aleshkina’s Love,” insisted: “Shura has amazing plasticity and mysterious beauty, which combines both the angelic and the demonic. And Zavyalova does not play her roles - she lives them!”


We live in a world where show business stars never cease to amaze their fans with events from their lives: these can be both details of their personal lives and stories about the illnesses of stars and their loved ones.

I am interested in learning new things about the lives of media personalities, and I also like to read free time, so I always buy several magazines, and one of my favorites is “Secrets of the Stars.”

Journal of Secrets of the Stars

I have been buying this magazine for many years - there are quite a few interesting stories about life famous people, some practical tips and a crossword puzzle to pass the time.

I buy Secrets of the Stars more often than other magazines, since they don’t miss a single issue. Why do I like him so much? It’s hard to say, there’s probably a lot of good stuff in it, and it’s easy and simple to read.

I will try to describe in detail why this magazine is so good.

Lots of photos

There are many large photographs in the magazine famous personalities. There are also photos that are, mmm... a little piquant in nature. It’s interesting to look at such photographs of famous people, because they are not always shown like that on TV.

Many even cut out photographs of their favorite artists, and even children do this even more so.

My daughter cuts out all the photos with Dima Bilan, folds them and stores them.

Good paper quality

Since we are talking about the fact that many people cut out images of idols, it is necessary to mention that the quality of the paper in the magazine is decent - such a photo will be preserved for many years and nothing will happen to it.

Short articles

The articles about actors and singers in the magazine Secrets of the Stars are convenient - they don’t seem to be long, but the essence seems to be expressed. That is, editors do not stretch texts, do not make them unreadable, and write to the point - clearly and sensibly.

No deliberate lies

I remember I used to read some other magazine about stars, and they didn’t write anything there. It turns out that the editors of that magazine were making things up and writing things that didn’t actually happen. But the readers believed it, retold it to each other, and worried about their idols.

In the magazine Secrets of the Stars, the information is only truthful, so you can read and know what is happening in the lives of famous people, and trust what is written.

Cooking recipes

I really like that the magazine contains culinary recipes. Apparently, the editors themselves know that their audience is women (young and middle-aged), and although the interests of these women may be different, they all definitely need to cook.

The recipes are well thought out - it has never turned out tasteless. Everything I prepared from this magazine’s recipe always turned out to be of high quality and was eaten with a bang.

The recipes are simple (there are, of course, complex ones, but I’m looking for something simpler), the cooking process is described in detail. The proportions are correct.

Here are tips on mortgages, lending, property, cars. Everything is written sensibly - short and to the point.

Our rights

It is useful to know some legal rules written in simple and understandable language.

Country house

Useful tips for those who have a summer house. Although I don’t work at the dacha, for example, finding out when it’s better to trim the mustache of cucumbers is not superfluous.

be healthy

Useful tips that will help you always be in the know - know what needs to be done on time so as not to get sick.

I often used advice from there, and more than once they helped me.

Personal experience

It’s interesting to listen to the advice of the stars - I don’t mean those in the sky, but those on TV))

Astro forecast

And the heavenly bodies can also tell you how best to behave in the near future.

Good interesting magazine. It contains a lot of useful and interesting things. You won't get bored with him.

Secrets of the starsHigh and deep. Issue 433 (10/25/2018). Chapman Secrets. The mystery of the annual night gathering in the Kremlin. No. 1027 "Million Dollar Secret": Dana Borisova "Million Dollar Secret" Lera Kudryavtseva. New Year's edition New episode - Fairytale Patrol - The Secret of Lukomorye - Season 1 Finale - Episode 26 “You won’t believe it!”: Nikolai Baskov’s new passion, Anastasia Volochkova’s novel and Chris Kelmi’s will #ComedyYerevan Issue 2 "New Russian sensations": "Maksakova secretly got married" The mystery of the Dyatlov Pass. Issue 388 (02/02/2018). The most shocking hypotheses. CASE #13 |Judith Barsi| - the tragic fate of a little star Is not a fact. Issue #86 Secret millionaire. Severodvinsk. Oscar Hartmann

Secret: the singer hid his son from the public for almost three years.

Journalists revealed the secret of Sergei Lazarev, which he carefully guarded for almost three years. It turns out that in 2014 the artist had a son, Nikita.

It is surprising that until recently Lazarev had never been seen in public with a boy. It is known that the artist has always been secretive when it comes to his personal life.

Charlize Theron

Secret: The actress's mother killed her father in front of her eyes.

Charlize came up with a legend for everyone about how her father died, and stuck to it for a long time. It said that he allegedly got into a car accident and did not survive. However, in reality everything was completely different.

A man died at the hands of his own wife during another. Mom famous actress It’s hard to blame here, the woman tried to protect her life and the life of her daughter, which is why she shot her drunken husband.

Boris Moiseev

Secret: the singer was born in prison.

Boris Moiseev was born in an unusual situation - he was born in prison on March 4, 1954. The artist’s childhood also cannot be called happy - he did not have a father, and his mother was a political prisoner. He grew up in the Jewish district of provincial Mogilev.

17 photos of stars who made waves in 2016

  • More details

Oprah Winfrey

Secret: gave birth to a child at the age of 14.

TV presenter Oprah Winfrey does not have a husband, children or close friends, but she has many family and personal secrets. She reveals some in her talk show, and some are told by her relatives or acquaintances for huge fees. True, these secrets, to be honest, make you feel uneasy.

For 20 years, Oprah hid the fact that at the age of 14 she gave birth to a child who was born prematurely and died in the hospital a few days later. It is unknown who got the future star pregnant... They say that she was simply raped when she left home because of a quarrel with her stepfather and lived on the street.

Lolita Milyavskaya

Secret: the singer hid the fact that her husband had joined a sect.

The singer openly stated that her husband fell under the influence of a real sect, where he was zombified, threatening their family well-being.

Lyubov Uspenskaya

Secret: in her youth she got rid of two unborn children.

The singer hid for many years that in her youth she got rid of two unborn children. Lyubov Uspenskaya believes that she paid for this sin for a long time afterwards. After all, she managed to get pregnant only at the age of 35.

The star revealed her secret on the air of the “Secret to a Million” program, becoming the first celebrity in the entire existence of the project to agree to answer the most difficult and most personal question and reveal that same million-dollar secret.

“At the age of 16 I met one person. He was a musician, he was 30 years old. A grown man, of course, he wanted intimacy. But I was in love and understood that if I didn’t agree, I would lose him. And I started sleeping with him. We met at his apartment. I got pregnant. He told me that I needed to get rid of the child. I understood that I had to have an abortion, kill my unborn baby. She was already three months pregnant. I couldn’t see a doctor myself because I was underage. And you couldn’t tell your parents anything. My family would not understand or support me. He found a doctor. Everything was at home. I had an abortion without anesthesia. I endured indescribable pain, bit all my fingers, but didn’t make a sound. This torture continued for a whole hour. Then the doctor said that I had twins,” said Lyubov.

Angelina Jolie

Secret: at the age of 14, the star tried literally every drug.

Angelina Jolie is famous not only for her brilliant roles in films and bright appearance, but also for the mistakes of her youth, which the actress has long dreamed of forgetting.

For many, Jolie is a role model. The star is a goodwill ambassador, helping abandoned, disadvantaged children in Africa, and also regularly donates money to other charities.

But before she came to the exemplary life of a wife and mother of a large family, she experienced a turbulent youth, which included drugs, fleeting romances and many other moments. One day, a video appeared online showing a young actress ordering another dose over the phone, which caused a storm of discussion.

Results of 2016: 20 best celebrity belfies

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Lera Kudryavtseva

Secret: The TV presenter’s second husband was in prison for rape and robbery.

Lera was sure that her marriage was happy. She was busy with work and did not even suspect that her husband had recently been released from prison, where he served time for rape and robbery. It’s a real miracle that the TV presenter was not embroiled in an unpleasant story or something worse. The truth about Matvey Morozov was revealed when he was again sent to Butyrka prison for fraud.

Kudryavtseva did not believe that her husband had somehow broken the law, she came up with a story that, supposedly, her husband was on another business trip, and she herself spent money on lawyers to help her loved one. When I found out the whole truth about him, I decided to openly tell my fans my sad story.

It turns out that Matvey had an auto parts store, with the help of which he committed fraud. Buyers ordered auto parts from a catalog, made an advance payment of up to 100%, and then discovered that the store was closed. In addition to economic crimes (with the help of a simple scam, an enterprising businessman earned more than 12 million rubles) in the end ex-spouse Lery went to prison for crossing the border using fake documents.

Jack Nicholson

Secret: the actor's sister turned out to be his mother.

The mystery of the birth of actor Jack Nicholson still causes a lot of rumors and speculation. Jack Nicholson grew up without a father - he was raised by his mother and elder sister. But in 1976, Time magazine unearthed scandalous details that Jack could not have dreamed of even in his wildest dreams. nightmare. What a blow it was for him to find out that his sister was actually his mother, and his beloved mother was his grandmother!

According to unknown sources, the actor’s mother, a stripper in a nightclub, gave birth early and gave birth to her son to be raised by her mother, and told everyone that Jack was her younger brother.

Yelena Isinbayeva

Secret: champion for a long time hid the father of her child.

Two-time Olympic champion Elena Isinbaeva is a secretive girl. Two years ago, rumors spread that the athlete had finally found her other half and was even expecting a child. However, she was in no hurry to share the details with anyone.

For a long time, journalists and fans of the athlete wondered who the lucky one was. And then they found out that 31-year-old Isinbayeva was in love with a fellow countryman. The 23-year-old guy’s name is Nikita Petinov, and he is also a successful athlete, a javelin thrower, and even belongs to the national team, although he has not yet risen above 6th place at the Russian Championship. Lena's fans suggested that she was afraid of condemnation regarding big difference aged, that’s why I didn’t want to reveal the age of my companion.

Woody Allen

Secret: married his own stepdaughter.

Woody Allen is loved or hated. Maybe, last people his life would not have happened without the scandal that erupted in his family in 1992. One day, the director’s common-law wife, Mia Farrow, found photographs of naked, underage adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn in her desk drawer. The shocked woman immediately called the board of trustees...

“I know what I’m doing is bad... But I’ve never felt so good with any woman!” – the 62-year-old director justified himself in an interview. As it turned out, the man’s intentions were indeed serious. When Soon-yi turned 18, they got married in Venice on December 23, 1997, and have lived together ever since, raising two adopted daughters.

Valeriy Meladze

Secret: the singer hid his second family for many years.

Ex-soloist of the group " VIA Gra“Albina Dzhanabaeva gave Valery Meladze two sons, Kostya and Luka. True, for many years no one knew about their romance.

The whole truth about the artist’s second family surfaced in 2013: the singer himself openly spoke about his affair with the former lead singer of the group “VIA Gra” and his divorce from his wife Irina. According to the musician, for many years he hid the split in his relationship with his wife and secret romance with Albina Dzhanabaeva so that his daughters would not receive psychological trauma.

Previously, gossip was freely passed on from mouth to mouth, and the correspondents of the “fried” were grannies on the benches, but now everything has become extremely simplified. You can go to a kiosk and buy another issue of the “yellow press” and savor the news about showbiz stars while sitting in your kitchen, frying potatoes for your husband for lunch and sipping green tea.

One of the most famous yellow magazines in Russia is magazine "Secrets of the Stars". I've been reading him since the very first issue, so I've seen everything he's capable of.

They have been releasing it for about four years, the quality of the paper and the cover change occasionally, but the essence remains unchanged.

On the first page you can see the most "hot facts" , in the last issue is the death of Maya Plisetskaya. Increasingly, the magazine publishes articles about death, sometimes they make up about 30-35% of the entire magazine; personally, I’m not very interested in reading about the dead. Especially on the pages of the yellow press, where they are ready to distort everything just to gain and amuse an audience of readers. But it’s very convenient to embellish the lives of the dead, they won’t be outraged... So I usually skim through this part.

On the same page there is a very cool and humorously written category "Kremlin EXPERT" I love her) Previously, it was conducted on behalf of Putin’s dog, Koni, and the Prime Minister’s cat, Dorofey, but now it’s somehow just on behalf of an “expert”

Next come social gossip : a year ago, Alla Pugacheva was constantly shining there (which annoyed my mother), now this section is more diverse - Fyodor Chaliapin, his old wife and other stars, whom everyone had almost forgotten, are resurrected on its pages.

The following pages are dedicated to current news weeks - May 9, New Year, and other holidays. Here they are, more or less devoid of gossip, and written interesting language. This section is very different from the one at the beginning. I advise you to pay attention to it.

Next section - "Good advice" : how to protect your bank savings, how not to fall for telephone scammers, and other recommendations. I wouldn’t say that all this is useful, but you can read it for fun.

Next they go recipes . I honestly tried to make cookies using these recipes once. I almost succeeded. The recipes are not bad, no worse than in “I Love to Cook”. Usually they are also dedicated to holidays - recently it was Easter, so “Secrets of the Stars” published several recipes for Easter cakes, Easter cakes and cookies. Everything is decorated very beautifully

Now a lunar sowing calendar for summer residents and gardeners has been inserted into the magazine. It’s clear that they work for several age audiences at once, which is nice

Useful advice from a doctor - what to do with low blood pressure, a sick stomach, heart... Sometimes diets are published (it would be better if they promoted proper nutrition, honestly!)

A little further celebrity gossip , but in a “good style”. They often publish photographs from the red carpet, showing what Russian beautiful stars were wearing. This is what I like to look at)

We are approaching the end. Category "Heart to Heart Conversation" - heart-warming and exciting stories sent by readers.

"Bah! All the faces are familiar!" - they talk about actors, mostly foreign, who appeared in cinema at 90, and did not appear anywhere else. It’s also interesting to read if you’ve watched a movie with this actor)

On the last pages horoscope, jokes and advertising.

The magazine is published weekly and costs about 25 rubles.

It is colorful, does not strain the mind, and sometimes you can laugh at what is written. I would not recommend taking articles about stars as the ultimate truth. In general, the magazine is not bad, but it is already starting to become boring for me, I can skip a couple of issues and not suffer from it at all. My mother, on the contrary, loves to read every issue.