
It is foolish to deny that the nuclear arms race is over. United States of America and Russian Federation are in the lead North Korea is looking for new technologies, having already taken possession nuclear weapons, and countries like Iran or Brazil already have powerful charges. Almost all countries are already ready for the Third World War, which may be radically different from the previous two. Adolf Hitler's hair would have stood on end if he had known about modern weapons capabilities. And you? So, five countries with powerful stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Approximately, of course. After all, such figures are a military secret.

No. 5. France

The country conducted its first nuclear test in 1960. And although France’s nuclear strategy was not initially aggressive, today it can boast of having very powerful nuclear bombs. According to some estimates, France's stockpile includes about 290 active warheads.

No. 4. Great Britain

Britain conducted its first nuclear test in 1952. Manufacturing project nuclear bombs they called it "Hurricane". The UK currently has more than 250 warheads. the main objective project - to give a worthy response to the aggressive strategy for the production of nuclear weapons and weapons in principle, which the USSR undertook in its time.

No. 3. China

China has far more warheads than estimated on official Chinese and world news sites. Moreover, according to rumors, China is going to overtake the United States in terms of reserves. The state's first test was conducted in 1964. Today it is rated as one of the most powerful in the world.

No. 2. United States of America

Oddly enough, the USA is in second place, at least officially, because... It is difficult to find a more closed and at the same time powerful state than the United States. Moreover, despite the fact that total known, one can only guess about the power of each charge. The country has more than 7,500 warheads. But by the way, the USA today has .

No. 1. Russia

And finally, first place! Russia conducted its first nuclear test in 1949. And went down in history as a state, having greatest number nuclear warheads, as well as as a state that detonated some of the most powerful nuclear warheads during testing. Just imagine, 57 megatons of TNT! They say that this explosion was carried out specifically to intimidate the United States. Russia's total warhead count currently stands at around 8,500 warheads or more.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that further nuclear arms race is pointless. Nuclear powers have accumulated such potential that it is enough for several planets the size of Earth. In the first positions, as before, without a doubt, are the United States of America and Russia. North Korea has also already mastered nuclear technology and is now only trying to modernize it. We must not forget about countries such as Brazil and Iran, which have long been members of the nuclear “club”. We can say that the world has prepared for the Third World War, but it may be the last. The villain Adolf Hitler would be horrified if he knew about the possibility of modern weapons. How do you feel when you are in the position of a man sitting on a keg of gunpowder? Which countries have the most powerful nuclear potential? Let's try to name them, although all this is quite arbitrary, because one can only speculate about the true state of affairs. Let's take a look at five the most powerful nuclear powers in the world for 2019.

No. 5. France

First nuclear tests the country began hosting it in 1960. France has never rattled its nuclear weapons, but without a doubt we can say that today it is one of the most powerful nuclear powers. Some experts believe that we're talking about about 290 nuclear bombs.

No. 4. Great Britain

The country began its first development of nuclear weapons in 1952. This project was called "Hurricane". The UK currently has about 250 warheads in its arsenal. The British consider the fact that they have nuclear weapons to be a response to the policies pursued by the Soviet leadership, aimed at increasing their nuclear potential.

No. 3. China

China is believed to be more powerful nuclear power what he tries to pretend to be. The official data provided by the Chinese authorities seems too underestimated. Moreover, China is trying to compete with the United States and all their actions are aimed at increasing the number of nuclear weapons. The first test dates back to 1964. Now the country rightfully ranks third in this area.

No. 2. United States of America

This may surprise many, but the United States is not in first place, although it certainly is. At least, this is stated by officials, but it is not possible to verify their words, since nuclear secrets are the most hidden information. It is stated that the country has 7,500 nuclear warheads, but no one has any idea about their power. In addition, America has the most powerful army in the world.

No. 1. Russia

And here is the first place and most powerful nuclear power. The Soviet country conducted its first nuclear weapons tests back in 1949. Throughout its existence, the USSR tirelessly increased its potential and eventually surpassed everyone in the number of nuclear bombs. In addition, the most powerful nuclear explosion was carried out in the country. Its justification is considered to be an attempt to intimidate other nuclear countries and thereby curb the arms race. There are currently about 8,500 warheads in the country.

The list of nuclear powers in the world for 2019 includes nine states. The first country to test such weapons was the United States in 1945. Just a few years later, the USSR joined the “Nuclear Club,” of which Russia later became its heir.

The presence of warheads in Great Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan and North Korea has been officially confirmed. As for Israel, its authorities neither confirmed nor denied that they have nuclear weapons on their territory.

Countries such as Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus abandoned their share of weapons in favor of Russia after the collapse of the USSR. In the 90s of the last century, South Africa voluntarily destroyed its ammunition, trying to whiten its reputation after a long policy of “apartheid”.

There is information that Iran is actively developing warheads, but for now this Asian country uses nuclear energy exclusively for peaceful purposes. Thus, today there are nine countries in the “Nuclear Club” that use the weapons they have as a powerful instrument of pressure on the world community.

North Korea

The US threatened the DPRK nuclear strike back in 1953, the communist authorities of Korea turned to China and the USSR for help and already in the 70s began the first developments.

Officially, the Koreans first used their weapons in 2004. Today, according to various sources, the number of warheads in the DPRK ranges from 20 to 60.


Officials of this country prefer to remain silent about any mention of the presence of warheads on Israeli territory.

The program for creating deadly bombs was launched here back in the 60s. There is information that Israel, together with South Africa, was involved in the 1979 tests, which received the name “Vela Incident” in history. The number of charges is estimated from 80 to 400 units.


The Indians tested their weapons back in 1974, but agreed with the title nuclear country only in May 1998 after the Pokharan bombings.

Today the Indian arsenal is 120-130 units.


Pakistan, which once gained independence from India in a struggle and endlessly disputes with this country over the border provinces of Jammu and Kashmir, reacted instantly to the Indian tests of 1998 in Pokharan.

Just a couple of weeks after the incident, Pakistani authorities ordered the explosion of several charges at the Chagai test site. In 2019, the number of Pakistani warheads is comparable to Indian ones and amounts to 130-140.

Great Britain

The British preferred to carry out test explosions not on their territory, but in remote corners Pacific Ocean and Australia.

Their weapons were actively tested from 1952 to 1991. At the turn of the century there was a lull, but several years ago Prime Minister John Cameron recalled that England not only possesses warheads, but is also quite capable of using them.

The total number of British charges is slightly above the 200 mark.


The nuclear map of the world includes the Celestial Empire. With an arsenal of 270 warheads, the Chinese say they will never bomb non-nuclear countries and are prepared to keep their capabilities to a minimum level.

At the same time, China is actively developing new missiles capable of carrying a nuclear charge.


Since 1960, the French have conducted several hundred tests on the territory of Algeria and French Polynesia under their control.

The authorities of the Fifth Republic for a long time resisted signing any documents related to the limitation of nuclear weapons, but still agreed in the 90s. to replenish the list of participants in the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

France's nuclear potential is approximately 300 missiles.


The Americans, with approximately 6,800 weapons, are the only country to test the deadly weapon in combat conditions.

This happened in August 1945 and cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Today, most of the American charges are located on submarines, dispersed across strategically important points of the world's oceans.

Russian Federation

Russia is recognized as the heir to the mighty nuclear arsenal of the USSR. As of 2019, the number of Russian warheads exceeded 7,000.

IMPORTANT! The Russian authorities guarantee that they will use their ammunition only in response to an armed attack from the outside that threatens the existence of the country.

In the 21st century conflicts between members of the “Nuclear Club”, for example, the DPRK and the USA or Pakistan and India, have intensified. The international community should do its best to promote the signing of a treaty banning the use of warheads, but so far these initiatives are encountering active opposition from “nuclear” states.

CROCUS A nuclear reactor is a device in which a controlled nuclear chain reaction is carried out, accompanied by the release of energy. The first nuclear reactor was built and launched in December 1942 in ... Wikipedia

Describes the path by which fuel enters and leaves a nuclear reactor. The fuel cycle is a set of activities for the production, processing and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The term "fuel cycle" ... ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia

- (YARD) a type of rocket engine that uses the energy of fission or fusion of nuclei to create jet thrust. They can be reactive (heating the working fluid in a nuclear reactor and removing gas through a nozzle) and pulsed ( nuclear explosions... ... Wikipedia

Nuclear rocket engine (NRE) is a type of rocket engine that uses the energy of fission or fusion of nuclei to create jet thrust. They are actually reactive (heating the working fluid in a nuclear reactor and releasing gas through... ... Wikipedia

Deuterium tritium reaction diagram Nuclear processes Radioactive decay Alpha decay Beta decay Cluster decay Double beta decay Electron capture Double electron capture Gamma radiation Internal conversion Isomeric transition Neutron ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Club (meanings). This article is about communities of people united by common interests; about an entertaining public establishment, see: night club. Club (from the English clob or club via ... ... Wikipedia

NUCLEAR SOVEREIGNTY- immunity that arises in a state due to the creation of nuclear weapons and means of their delivery against open aggression and capture by other states. Not a single state in the world will start a war, fearing the use of nuclear weapons against it... ... Large current political encyclopedia

Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) is a nuclear reactor in which a steam-water mixture is produced in the core. Contents 1 Distinctive features 2 Working conditions... Wikipedia

A reactor using ordinary (light) water as a moderator and coolant. The most common type of pressurized water reactor in the world. VVER reactors are produced in Russia, in other countries the general name for such... ... Wikipedia


  • , Rabinovich Yakov Iosifovich. Nuclear Club - informal international organization, which includes states that have nuclear weapons in their arsenal. The author explores how secret work was carried out to create a nuclear...
  • World Nuclear Club. How to save the world, Yakov Rabinovich. The Nuclear Club is an informal international organization that includes states that have nuclear weapons in their arsenal. The author explores how secret work was carried out to create a nuclear...

Nuclear powers are giving up their stockpiles: what awaits the Nuclear Club?

Nuclear (or atomic) weapons are the presence of the entire nuclear arsenal, its means of transportation, as well as control hardware. Such weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction - weapons mass destruction. The explosive action of the so-called “rusty death” weapon is based on the principle of using some of the qualities possessed by nuclear energy released as a result of a nuclear or thermonuclear reaction.

Types of nuclear weapons

All nuclear weapons available on the globe can be divided into two types:

  • Atomic weapons are single-phase type explosive mechanisms. During the fission of heavy nuclei of plutonium or uranium 235, energy is released;
  • Thermonuclear weapon is an explosive mechanism with a two-phase type. During the impact of the first phase, the release of energy occurs due to the fission of heavy nuclei. During the operation of the second phase, a phase with thermonuclear fusion is connected to fission reactions. In the process of proportional composition of reactions, the types of these weapons are determined.

From the history of the emergence of nuclear weapons

In 1889, the Curie couple made a grand discovery in the scientific world. They discovered a hitherto unknown substance in a piece of uranium that released a colossal amount of energy.

After this discovery, events developed as follows. E. Rutherford studied the basic properties of atoms. E. Walton and D. Cockcroft were the first in the world to carry out the splitting of the atomic nucleus. And already in 1934, scientist Leo Szilard registered a patent for the creation of an atomic bomb.

The purpose for which atomic weapons were created is very trivial - world domination, with the intimidation and destruction of one’s enemies. So, when the Second was already underway World War, German scientists, Soviet Union and the United States were engaged scientific research and nuclear weapons development. These three largest and most powerful states, actively participating in hostilities, attempted to achieve victory at any cost. Moreover, if at that time they had managed to use these weapons as a key factor in victory, then they could have been used more than once in other military conflicts.

Nuclear powers of the world for 2018

The states that currently possess nuclear weapons are secretly called the Nuclear Club.

The following are considered legitimate within the international legal framework:

  • United States of America (USA);
  • Russia (which received nuclear weapons from the USSR after its collapse);
  • France;
  • Great Britain;
  • China.

The following are considered illegitimate:

  • India;
  • North Korea;
  • Pakistan.

There is another state - Israel. Officially, it does not have its own nuclear weapons. However, the world community is of the opinion that Israel should take its place in the Nuclear Club.

However, it is possible that there may be other participants on this list. Many world states had nuclear programs, but some of them abandoned this idea later, and some are still working on them to this day. In some states, such weapons are supplied by other countries, for example, the United States. Exact amount weapons and how many nuclear powers possess these weapons in the world is not known. However, approximately twenty and a half thousand nuclear warheads are scattered throughout the globe.

In 1968, they signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Later, in 1986, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed. However, not all states decided to sign and ratify (legalize) these documents. Thus, the threat to the world is still real. Moreover, no matter how strange it may sound, at present the presence of nuclear weapons is a guarantee of peace, a deterrent that can protect against aggression, which is why many states are so eager to acquire them.

United States Arsenal

Today, the United States has an arsenal of 1,654 warheads. The United States is armed with bombs, warheads, and shells. All this is used in military aviation, in the submarine fleet, as well as in artillery.

At the end of World War II, the United States produced over sixty-six thousand bombs with warheads, but already in 1997 the production of new types of nuclear weapons was completely stopped. By 2010, the United States arsenal consisted of more than five thousand nuclear weapons. Since 2013, their number has decreased to 1,654 units according to the project, which involved a reduction in nuclear potential.

As the unofficial world leader, the United States has the status of a nuclear power and, according to the 1968 treaty, as part of five states, it legitimately possesses nuclear weapons.

Russia (former USSR) is the second nuclear power

Russia currently has 1,480 warheads and 367 nuclear delivery vehicles. This ammunition is intended for use missile forces, sea strategic forces and strategic aviation. For last decade Russia's military nuclear stockpile decreased significantly, by 12% per year. Due to the signing of an agreement on mutual disarmament, by 2012 it was supposed to decrease by 2/3.

Today, the Russian Federation, as the successor to the USSR, is one of the main members of the 1968 agreements on nuclear weapons and possesses them legally. In the current global political and economic situation, Russia is being opposed to the United States and European states. However, with such a serious arsenal, you can defend your independent positions on geopolitical issues.

French nuclear potential

France currently has approximately 300 strategic warheads, as well as approximately 60 air-launched tactical multiprocessors. All this can be used by submarines and aircraft. For a long time, France had to strive to be independent in matters of its own weapons. She was developing her own supercomputer and conducting nuclear tests until 1998. France was no longer involved in nuclear weapons.

British nuclear capability

The UK has 225 nuclear warheads. Of these, over 160 are in combat readiness and are located on submarines. No one has accurate information about the weapons of the British army. They do not disclose the exact size of their nuclear arsenal. The UK has no desire to increase its nuclear stockpile, nor to reduce it. It is guided by a policy of deterring allied and neutral states from using these weapons.

Chinese nuclear potential

According to American experts, the Chinese have approximately 240 warheads. Although according to official data, the Chinese military has approximately 40 intercontinental missiles, which are controlled by artillery and submariners. In addition, the Chinese army has approximately 1,000 missiles short range.

Chinese authorities do not disclose precise information about their arsenal. They state that their nuclear weapons are expected to be maintained at the lowest level that is safe. Moreover, the Chinese authorities say that they will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, and in relation to non-nuclear states they will not use them at all. Such statements are only welcomed by the international community.

Indian nuclear potential

According to some estimates, India does not officially have nuclear weapons. India currently has approximately 30 nuclear warheads in its arsenal, as well as enough materials to make 90 more.

In addition, the Indian Army has short-range missiles ballistic missiles medium range, extended-range missiles. Being an illegal possessor of atomic weapons, the Indian authorities do not officially declare their nuclear policy, this causes negative reactions in the world community.

Pakistani nuclear potential

It is known from unofficial sources that the Pakistani army has almost 200 nuclear warheads. There is no exact information about the types of their weapons. The world community reacted to nuclear tests as harshly as possible. Pakistan has been subject to economic sanctions by almost all major world states. The exception was Saudi Arabia, which supplied the state with approximately fifty thousand barrels of oil per day.

North Korea is a new generation nuclear power

North Korea is a state that officially possesses nuclear weapons, and in this regard, in 2012, it amended its Constitution. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea owns single-stage medium-range missiles and the Musudan missile mobile system.

The reaction of the international community to the creation and testing of nuclear weapons has been extremely negative. The lengthy six-party negotiations are still ongoing, and the state is subject to an economic embargo. However, the North Korean authorities are in no hurry to abandon the creation of their nuclear shield.

Should we give up nuclear weapons?

Nuclear weapons are one of the most terrible types of destruction of the population and economic potential of a hostile state. This is a weapon that destroys everything in its path. Aware of the seriousness of the presence of such weapons, the governments of many states (especially the “Nuclear Club”) are taking a wide variety of measures to reduce the number of these weapons, as well as guarantees for their non-use.