Foreign hamburgers and sandwiches have become very popular amid the faster pace of life. However, they have a bad effect on the stomach, so a person begins to look for not only nourishing, but also healthy food. Originally Russian pancakes are a great alternative to hamburgers. In this article we will look at a business plan for a pancake house with calculations and how to open an establishment from scratch.

Symbol of national cuisine

Pancakes, as a symbol of national cuisine, do not need to be introduced even to foreigners, especially to our compatriots. Classic Russian cuisine alone has more than 150 types of this wonderful dish.

Popular types of pancakes are with cheese, chicken and mushrooms. Sweet fillings - cottage cheese, apples with cinnamon, honey, condensed milk, chocolate.

The cost of 1 pancake without sauce and filling, made from high-quality natural products, does not exceed 1-2 rubles. The cost of a pancake is from 10-12 rubles, plus an additional bonus from the sale of fillings, drinks and gravies.

Before opening a pancake shop, study cookbooks and ask professional chefs who love to cook delicious food. Build a collection best recipes pancakes and fillings.

Let's look at how to open a pancake shop yourself.

Pancake shop format and location

According to experts, both formats of pancake shops are successful - mobile and stationary. Location requirements are approximately the same for both formats: streets and other places with intense crowds of people:

  • institutes, universities, other large educational institutions;
  • busy underground passages, metro station exits;
  • transport stop areas;
  • railway stations, bus stations;
  • markets, shopping centers, roads leading to them;
  • large office centers;
  • recreation areas, tourist attractions, parks.

The advantage of a mobile pancake shop is mobility. In summer you can settle closer to a park or recreation center, in winter - on an avenue or a busy square. Another advantage of a mobile pancake house is the relatively low starting investment. Minus - limited area mobile kiosk, which narrows the range of pancakes. It will not be possible to equip full-fledged places for clients; you will have to be content with a tent with plastic furniture.

More high level- stationary pancake shop. It requires more financial investment and time, but allows you to expand and supplement the menu with various dishes of Russian cuisine - hot cabbage soup, soups, desserts and salads. It’s good to decorate a stationary pancake house in a national style, creating a cozy atmosphere that attracts additional visitors. The pancake room needs good ventilation, a sanitary facility, and running water.

For 1 seat you need 2 m² of space, for the kitchen - 10-15 m², for sanitary and utility rooms - 10 m². Choose options from 60 m². Large residential areas are also suitable for a stationary pancake house. In the business plan, describe in detail the format of the establishment, requirements for premises and equipment.

Business registration

First of all, register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. At small business more convenient than IP. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is less (about 800 rubles). You will maintain simplified reporting, pay monthly fixed insurance premiums of 1,727.30 rubles, and transfer 1,444.04 rubles to the pension fund.

Then get permission from the administration to open or install point of sale, but first coordinate this with the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services. To resolve initial problems, contact law firms professionally engaged in collecting permitting documents, and focus on recruiting personnel and purchasing equipment.


For a small mobile point, two employees in shifts are enough. For a stationary pancake shop you need:

  • cooks - 1-2;
  • kitchen workers - 3-4;
  • waiters - 3-4;
  • administrators - 2.


If you don't buy ready business If you are opening a pancake shop from scratch, consider all the offers in your region for suitable equipment. There are often profitable sales of used devices in excellent condition.

Select the dimensions and quantity of equipment taking into account the area of ​​the room. Scroll necessary equipment:

  • Pancake makers. Buy reliable professional devices, don’t skimp on them. We sell one- and two-stage models of pancake makers made in Italy, Taiwan, China, and Ukraine with a productivity of up to 40 pancakes per hour. Coating: cast iron or Teflon. Some models can heat the finished product. The cost of pancake makers is 10,000-12,000 rubles.
  • Professional dough mixer. Buy reliable German-made mixers with a power of 3.5 kW or more, with mode switching. Cost - 3000-4200 rubles.
  • Refrigerator or refrigerated counter. Store raw foods strictly separately from prepared foods.
  • Counter for storing prepared dishes.
  • Vegetable cutter, blender, knives, spatulas, cutting boards.
  • Coffee machine. Buy a productive device to receive more significant additional income.

In a stationary pancake house, an electric meat grinder, a stove and other devices for making fillings will be added to the list of equipment.

The Blinnaya cafe-kiosk is being created in a city of regional significance in the largest shopping center in close proximity to children's attractions and an ice skating rink. The main attention of visitors should be drawn to the pancakes, which are no different from homemade ones. The planned assortment is not very wide, but the dishes will be prepared from the highest quality products and to the highest standards. delicious recipes. In addition to pancakes, they offer a wide range of milk and fruit cocktails, juices, tea and coffee with interesting exotic names and unique tastes. The pancakes are prepared in front of visitors.

The goal of the business project: to open a quick service cafe-kiosk in a shopping center in order to feed guests and residents of the city with an average income level with high-quality, tasty and always fresh spring rolls.

Description of the enterprise

It is planned to open a cafe-kiosk as an individual entrepreneur, without registration legal entity to reduce taxation and simplify financial reporting.

Number of jobs created: 5 people (supply manager, 2 sales cooks and 2 people for distributing advertising leaflets).

The pancake cafe operates on the same schedule as the shopping center, seven days a week. Depending on demand in the morning, the cafe can be opened from 10 o'clock.

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Product demand analysis

Since the cafe-kiosk opens in close proximity to children's attractions and entertainment, the main consumers are, of course, families with children. Children will be happy to have a snack after active entertainment, parents can while away the time in the cafe with a cup of aromatic coffee.

Initial demand is expected to be small, but the following measures are being taken to increase it:

  1. Plan for the festive opening of a cafe with competitions and gifts.
  2. Inviting people using flyers.
  3. Plan for cooperation with a nearby supermarket: when purchasing products for a certain amount, the buyer receives a 10% discount on pancakes.
  4. Promotion: when purchasing 3 servings, get a cocktail or other drink as a gift.
  5. Competitions are often held at children's attractions and the skating rink: the winners are treated to pancakes.

All these measures are aimed at attracting visitors to the center to a high-quality and tasty product. After some time, the cafe-kiosk will reach a constant level of demand. Everyone loves pancakes and the products can easily find consumers. The plan to attract people is unlimited - from advertising at bus stops to holding all kinds of events. Advertising plays a very important role in the first months of work.

For adults, you can open a Wi-Fi hotspot; children will be attracted by the interesting costumes of robbers or other fairy-tale characters of cooks and sellers.

In the future, it is planned to introduce the “pancake holidays” service, when during the celebration of birthdays or other children’s holidays, “fairytale” chefs are called in delicious pancakes and cocktails. Parents don’t have to rack their brains about how to make their child’s holiday interesting and memorable.

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Analysis of the existing market

Most often, shopping centers contain pizzerias, bowling cafes, and points selling ice cream and hot dogs. Each of these places has its own audience. Young people most often prefer to socialize in a pizzeria. The pancake shop is aimed at parents with children. Parents will prefer to satisfy their child’s hunger with delicious fresh pancakes with a variety of fillings. The atmosphere of restaurants or noisy bowling cafes is not suitable for children, and hardly anyone wants to spoil their health with buns and sausages. In addition, there are a lot of people working in the shopping center who will be happy if they are served quickly and efficiently.

The cafe's pricing policy is aimed at middle-income people.

Strengths: convenient location, modern equipment, fast service, individual approach to each visitor.

Weaknesses: the image of the cafe is not sufficiently formed.

Threats: rising food prices, poor quality service (which can easily ruin the image of a cafe), unfavorable tax policy.

Since the niche that the cafe is targeting is almost empty, serious competition is not expected.

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Product range

The offered product is pancakes. The fillings are varied: with cottage cheese, meat, mushrooms, red caviar, fruits, cheese, liver, nuts and other ingredients. The final list of fillings will be formed depending on demand. Serving is expected in disposable cardboard containers. Sweet pancakes are decorated with fresh fruit, jam, caramel and mint. Salty pancakes are presented with sour cream or sauce. Drinks available include coffee with milk or spices, tea with pieces of fruit, a wide selection of juices, cocktails, hot chocolate and milk.

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Basic costs for opening a pancake shop

Equipment needed to open a pancake business:

  1. Pancake maker - 2400 rub.
  2. Cash register - 5000 rub.
  3. Furniture, sign, bar counter - 30,000 rubles.
  4. Food processor for dough, blender for cocktails - RUB 8,000.
  5. Refrigerator - 20,000 rub.
  6. Dishes and kitchen utensils (knives, boards, etc.) - 4,000 rubles.
  7. Kettle - 600 rub.
  8. Microwave oven - 4500 rub.

Other costs include monthly rent, taxes, employee salaries, flyers, food purchases, disposable utensils, salesperson uniforms, and starting a business.

To open a cafe you need to rent 10 sq. m area shopping center for a period of 1 year. The average monthly rent is 16 thousand rubles. Taking into account all the costs, launching a business plan for a pancake shop will require 160 thousand rubles.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

500,000 ₽

Starting investments

225,000 - 450,000 ₽

60,000 - 120,000 ₽

Net profit

7-10 months

Payback period

A pancake kiosk is a catering format that is accessible even to novice entrepreneurs. The technology is simple, the investment is about 500 thousand rubles, and the net profit can be 120 thousand rubles.

For many entrepreneurs, the catering industry is a “tidbit”, since it is very profitable business. To open your own establishment, you don’t have to invest millions. You can choose a budget fast food format and stay within the budget of 500 thousand rubles.

Establishments fast food can be divided into two groups. The first is represented by small kiosks or pavilions that sell hot dogs, shawarma, pies, etc. The second group is fast food restaurants that offer hamburgers, pizza, etc. But pancakes, despite the fact that they are a traditional product, are underestimated by many. Usually pancakes appear on the menu as one of the additional dishes, although they can be an excellent fast food option.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the popularity of pancake kiosks and cafes. At the same time, the niche is quite free. If you wish, you can open your own pancake kiosk and develop your business into a whole network. Let's figure out how to open a pancake kiosk from scratch.

Local market analysis

Today, pancake chains, including stationary kiosks, occupy a large share of the domestic market. It is with them that the newcomer will have to compete. To prepare to fight for your client, you will have to collect as much information as possible about the market situation.

    study the competitive environment of your city: how many pancake shops operate in the local market, where they are located. To do this, use services such as 2GIS, Google Maps, etc.;

    select suitable locations for placing a kiosk and evaluate each option according to the following criteria: pedestrian traffic, presence of target audience, distance to competitors;

    familiarize yourself with competitors’ offers, menus, prices, business features;

Opening a pancake kiosk is a rather complicated business, like any catering establishment. To succeed in the market, you need to carefully plan all stages. Therefore, it is recommended to draw up a business plan based on the information collected. He must answer the following questions:

    How much money does it take to open a pancake kiosk?

    What documents will be required?

    What equipment do you need to purchase?

    How many employees will need to be hired?

    What items will be on the menu?

    How long will it take to open a business?

    How much can you earn?

The business plan must contain a calculation of initial investments, income and expenses, payback period, as well as time frames preparatory stage, rough plan sales



    relatively small investment, if we compare the catering industry;

    high demand for fast food;

    simple technological process;

    no professional chefs required. It’s easy to master the cooking technology, which minimizes problems with staff;

    low level of competition in this segment;

    fast food with a national flavor that inspires confidence;

    at the kiosk, food is prepared in front of the consumer, which also inspires trust;

    hearty pancakes will become a healthier alternative to the usual fast food;

    hot pancakes are in demand in any season;

    quickly served to the client;

    cheap in cost and profitable to sell (margin up to 300%);

    pancake kiosk can be opened as in big city, and in a small

    the need to obtain permits and strict requirements for catering establishments;

    regular inspections by regulatory authorities;

    competition in the public catering market;

    The space for preparing food is limited, which means it is impossible to offer a very wide menu

We counted more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, we can move from theory to practice. Opening a business should begin with its registration.

Business registration

Catering is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting permits. Therefore, you should stock up on patience, strength and money. Even for such a small establishment as a pancake kiosk, you will have to fill out a full package of documents. This will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

First you need to register your business. You can choose individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is more profitable to form an individual entrepreneur if you plan to open only one kiosk, and it is more rational to use an LLC for a chain of pancake shops. The following can be specified as a type of activity according to the OKVED-2 classification:

    10.56.24 - Activities of market kiosks and food preparation stalls (if you are planning a stationary kiosk).

    56.10.22 - Activities of mobile food stalls for the preparation and/or sale of ready-to-eat food (if you are planning a mobile kiosk)

You should also choose a taxation system. The simplified tax system at a rate of 6% (of income) is suitable. If you have employees working for you, then you need to register with the extra-budgetary funds of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund as an employer. You will also have to issue work books for your employees.

The most important and difficult stage is obtaining all permits. To open a pancake kiosk, approvals from the SES, fire inspectorate, and city administration are required. The issue with permitting documentation is covered in more detail.

Pancake kiosk location

In parallel with registering a business, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the kiosk. The key to success is a favorable location for a retail outlet. In the catering industry, this ensures 50% success.

When choosing a location, you should understand who your target audience is. It is not enough to open a kiosk in a crowded place; you need to have many of your potential consumers among pedestrians. Who will it be? Street food is popular among people who are in a hurry and looking for a quick, inexpensive snack. The main clients of the street pancake shop will be office workers, students, and visitors.

Ready ideas for your business

Please note that you will most likely have to conclude a lease agreement with the city administration. Since in this case you will not be renting premises, but land plot, where the kiosk will be located. The rental cost may vary - it all depends on the city and the specific area where the kiosk will be installed. The estimated rental cost is 15 thousand rubles.

For a small pancake kiosk, 8-10 square meters will be enough. m. average cost such a kiosk costs 160 thousand rubles. There are many offers on the market with different configurations and prices. You can even find a “turnkey pancake kiosk” service - this will be more expensive, but easier from an organizational point of view. Ready-made options are usually equipped with the basic equipment necessary to run a business. Quality equipment is one of the factors delicious product, so it is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Pancake kiosk equipment

To prepare pancakes at the kiosk you will need the following equipment:

    Pancake maker for two working surfaces. This is a professional pancake maker that allows you to cook two pancakes at the same time. One pancake is fried for 2 minutes. Those. Using this pancake maker you can cook 2 pancakes in 2 minutes. This is a fairly quick order fulfillment.

    Mixer for kneading liquid dough. To make pancakes you need batter. It can be made in a dough mixer or using a regular mixer.

    Tabletop refrigerated display case. Used to store ingredients while preparing pancakes.

    Fridge. All ingredients for pancakes are stored here: containers with batter, plastic containers with fillings.

    Coffee machine. Coffee or tea is often ordered with pancakes, so it makes sense to install a coffee machine.

    Water dispenser. It is necessary to install a compact sink so that the seller can wash his hands and equipment. This is a mandatory requirement of the SES.

In total, you will have to spend about 120 thousand rubles on equipment.

Assortment of pancake stalls

There is no point in selling regular pancakes without filling. The buyer loves when there is a choice. In addition, pancakes with hearty fillings can replace a full snack. Therefore, when planning a menu, it is worth including pancakes with with different fillings, including both pancakes with meat, poultry, mushrooms, vegetables and other things, as well as sweet options. Offer a few familiar flavors as well as some creative offerings to diversify the menu and create a unique product. The final list of toppings will be formed later, when you identify the most popular and unpopular items based on sales. Also, do not forget that from time to time the menu needs to be supplemented with new items so that the dishes do not become boring to regular customers.

For drinks, include coffee, tea, hot chocolate, juices and a variety of sodas. When you decide on the menu, you will have to solve the problem with suppliers.

Product suppliers

Before opening a pancake kiosk, it is necessary to establish a supply. The main requirement for food and beverage suppliers is timely delivery of high-quality and fresh products. All products must have quality certificates and comply with GOST requirements.

To calculate the required quantity of products, you should compile technological maps for each dish and sales forecast. You will not receive exact calculations, but the optimal purchase volume can only be determined during the work process.

To begin with, carefully study the offers of different suppliers, check the availability of quality certificates, discuss all the terms of cooperation, and only then enter into an agreement and arrange the supply of products. A monthly supply of products will cost approximately 80 thousand rubles.

You can find one-stop suppliers who will supply all the products you need. Such suppliers guarantee fast deliveries and provide discounts. But the downside is that a complex supplier usually works with large customers and is less loyal to its customers. But small suppliers are ready to take into account the needs of each client and monitor the quality of the goods more seriously.

Ready ideas for your business

Which supplier to choose is up to you. But before you make a decision, analyze the proposals. Make your first purchase of products minimal; order small quantities from different suppliers to compare quality and choose the appropriate option. In the future, make frequent purchases in small quantities. This will maintain the freshness of food and simplify food storage, which is especially important for a small kiosk.

Pancake kiosk staff

At the start, one employee is enough for a pancake kiosk. It is better that the entrepreneur himself becomes this employee. First, you'll save on wages until profits stabilize. Secondly, you will be able to study your business from the inside in more detail. Thirdly, you will be able to control the entire technological process and will be responsible for quality.

At the initial stage, one worker will be enough, but if there are a lot of visitors, then you will need an assistant. Then there will be two people working in the pancake shop: one takes orders, the other prepares pancakes.

So don't rush to hire employees. Cooking pancakes is not a difficult process, almost anyone can handle it. A little on-the-job training and instruction is enough. So finding an assistant will not be difficult. The assistant's salary will be 20-25 thousand rubles. We remind you that each employee must have a health certificate.

Pancake kiosk advertising

To let everyone know about the new pancake shop as soon as possible more people, you need to use advertising. If a novice entrepreneur does not notify potential customers about a new outlet, then this business will be exposed to risks and losses.

Experienced marketers advise starting advertising before the start. Then, by the time you open, you will already have interested consumers. Before planning a marketing strategy, it is recommended to develop a menu. Based on this proposal, advertising will take place.

Can be used for promotion different kinds advertising. Outdoor advertising in the form of a bright sign, outdoor pillar, banners, etc. Advertising on social networks, which consists of creating accounts, holding promotions, sweepstakes, etc. On this moment Social networks are considered the most effective type of advertising. With their help, you can inform your customers about your location, prices, promotions, menus, new products in the range, etc.

For the opening day, you can make a promotion and offer customers a free tasting of the products. Total advertising costs will be about 20 thousand rubles.

Profitability of pancake trade

Before calculating profitability, you need to determine the expenditure and revenue parts of the project. Expenses are the initial investment and monthly costs of running the business. The initial investment will be about 420 thousand rubles. Also take into account an additional 15-20% for risks and include the costs of maintaining the business. Thus, it is rational to open a pancake kiosk, having about 500 thousand rubles on hand.

Monthly expenses average 164 thousand rubles and consist of the following items:

    Costs for ingredients – 80 thousand rubles

    Rent – ​​15 thousand rubles

    Public utilities(garbage removal) – 10 thousand rubles

    Wage staff – 25 thousand rubles

    Other expenses – 10 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the income part. To do this, we will determine the cost and markup. The cost of ingredients for one pancake averages 30-40 rubles, and the cost of preparing it does not exceed 10 rubles. Total - 50 rubles.

    the cost of the pancake is 50 rubles

    The markup on products is 100-400%.

    The average bill is 150 rubles.

Let's move on to the main question: how much can you earn at a pancake kiosk? In a crowded area, a kiosk can serve 50-100 people per day. At daily work It will be possible to complete 1,500 orders in a month. Then the revenue will be 225-450 thousand rubles. This is an optimistic forecast, which is unlikely to be achieved in the first months of work. It is possible to reach such a sales volume in about the 3rd month of work.

If you subtract all the expenses that arise in the process of activity, you will be left with a net profit of 60-120 thousand rubles. With these indicators, the payback period will be: 420,000 / 60,000 = 7. It will take 7-10 months to recoup the initial investment. This is a normal indicator for catering establishments.

The success factors for this business will be:

    favorable location;

    quality equipment;

    thoughtful recipe and menu;

    reliable product suppliers;

    bona fide sellers;

    competent marketing designed for the average consumer.

If these factors combine in your business, then success will definitely come.

Risks of a pancake kiosk

Catering as a business contains many risks that greatly affect the activities of the establishment. But if you predict them in advance and take preventive measures, you can avoid adverse consequences.

Risks specific to a pancake kiosk:

    Competition. There are a huge number of offers on the catering market. Form your competitive advantages, stay tuned for updates from other pancake shops;

    Unscrupulous staff. This risk is associated with poor service, theft of products, etc. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully select employees and, if possible, personally supervise the production process. No one is more interested in growing your business than you.

    Errors when choosing a location. For a pancake kiosk, a continuous flow of sales is the key to success. Therefore, before deciding on a retail outlet, analyze the pedestrian traffic, check the presence of the target audience and competitors nearby;

    Errors in planning the volume of purchases, which can lead to product damage. To avoid this, you can organize promotions and sell products at a discount. But it is better to plan the volume of purchases in advance, focusing on sales of previous months;

    Risk of damage to the pancake maker and other equipment. To avoid such a problem, you need to buy equipment from trusted suppliers and monitor its serviceability.

In custody

A pancake kiosk is a great idea for a budding entrepreneur who wants to work in the catering industry. By market standards, opening costs are small - 500 thousand rubles will be enough. It is possible to recoup the initial investment in 7-10 months, receiving 60-120 thousand rubles of net profit per month.

Any catering establishment, even a small kiosk, requires a lot of time, attention and money. To succeed, you need to understand the specifics of the business and follow the basic rules of good catering. With proper distribution of all resources, you can open a profitable business.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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A truly beloved national dish of Russian cuisine is flavored pancakes. The taste of pancakes is reminiscent of childhood with its carelessness. Surely everyone has tried pancakes, many prepare them according to family recipe and eat with your favorite fillings. The variety of recipes and toppings is impressive. Sweet pancakes with strawberry jam, cottage cheese, honey, hearty with meat, original with caviar. Each person can choose the filling for pancakes according to their taste and enjoy this amazing dish.

Making a business plan for a pancake shop

Is it profitable to open a pancake shop?

It is worth talking about the profitability of a project only after studying in detail the competition in the region, the demand for a service or product and the complexity of implementing a business idea. As for the pancake house, such establishments are quite popular, low cost and high taste qualities, attract customers. The fragrant smell of pancakes beckons and involuntarily forces you to visit the establishment in order to enjoy delicious hot pancakes with your favorite filling.

Competition. In the catering industry, competition is quite serious, since these establishments are in great demand and bring their owners stable income. But nevertheless, it's still worth a try. Despite the competition, there are not so many decent establishments with good cuisine in the city, so there is always a chance to earn the trust of visitors.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

Many people ask themselves the question of how much it costs and what it takes to open a pancake shop. It is impossible to name the exact cost of opening a pancake shop. It all depends on the region, prices for equipment, costs of renting premises and many other important factors that significantly influence the cost of opening an establishment in the catering industry.

How to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Any of us understands perfectly well that opening an establishment requires a certain amount of money, which will be spent on renting premises, purchasing equipment, and an advertising campaign. In addition, you need to put in a lot of physical effort in order to succeed in business.

If you don’t have money to start a business, then you should turn to investors. Investors are people who invest their money in promoting profitable projects. If you are lucky enough to find such a person, you can count on opening a pancake shop from scratch. To attract the attention of an investor, you need to draw up a competent business plan that can interest a person to invest a certain amount of money in your project.

Video on the topic

Pancake house format and location

First of all, you need to decide on the format of the establishment. There are two options: opening a stationary pancake shop or a mobile one.

How to open a pancake shop on wheels?

A mobile tent is an economical business option that is more suitable for beginners. In this case, you can move from place to place, thereby choosing the most suitable location for your tent. You need to open a pancake kiosk in a crowded part of the city with high traffic. It is also desirable that there are no competitors nearby.

Opening of a stationary café-pancake house. In this case, you will need to initially wisely choose the location for your future establishment, because your profit will depend on it. To open a pancake cafe, naturally, you need to have a large amount of money. Rent of premises, purchase of equipment, maintenance personnel - all this requires material resources.

Renting premises. The cost of rent will depend on the area of ​​the city; in the center, naturally, it will be much more expensive to open a cafe than in a residential area of ​​the city. Therefore, in this case, focus on your financial capabilities.

Business registration

In order to start an activity, you must register with local authorities and the tax service as individual entrepreneur or limited liability companies.

The next step is to obtain permission from the local administration to install or open a retail outlet. You also cannot do without an inspection and conclusion from the sanitary and fire services.

If you are not well versed in legal intricacies, then it is most profitable to entrust this question an experienced, qualified lawyer who short time will complete the entire package of documents.

Pancake shop equipment

Buying equipment is the most expensive part, but you shouldn’t save at this stage. The quality of the equipment will determine the taste and general form dishes.

List of necessary equipment for a pancake shop:

  1. Refrigerator for food storage;
  2. Several pancake makers for baking pancakes;
  3. Dough mixer;
  4. Counter for storing prepared dishes;
  5. Kitchen utensils (knife, spatulas, cutting board, etc.);
  6. Cafe furniture (tables, chairs);
  7. Crockery (plates, cups, cutlery).

Hired personnel to work in a pancake cafe

If you are planning to open a stationary pancake shop, then you need to hire the required number of employees to serve visitors. First of all, you will need a professional chef. You will also need assistant cooks, waiters, a bartender, and a cleaning lady.

The success of your business will directly depend on the well-coordinated work of your employees. Therefore, take the selection of personnel very responsibly. For the position of cook, invite a person with experience and good reviews. Waiters must be attentive, competent, responsible, and always take into account the wishes of customers.

Attracting customers to the pancake shop

A well-developed advertising concept to attract customers will allow you to get the desired result in a short time. It is logical that in order for people to know about the newly opened establishment, they need to be informed. How to do it? With the help of advertising that needs to be placed around the city. Very effective way– distribution of leaflets with the address of the opened establishment.

Promotions and discounts. Various promotional offers always attract people's attention. At the initial stage and in the future, carry out such activities. This will allow you to get additional customers, and therefore more profit.


Approximate data:

  • Initial costs – from 800,000 rubles.
  • Payback – 2-2.5 years.
  • 20 seats, area - 50 m².
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we have compiled detailed business plan pancake shop with calculations and talk about how to open a pancake shop.

For calculations, let’s take the project of a pancake house in a “food court” with an area of ​​50 m² for 20 seats.

Market prospects and relevance of investments

If you decide to open your own business right now, be prepared to spend twice as much own strength and time. The crisis dictates its own rules and does not forgive rash steps. Becoming the owner of a catering business in the current economic climate is possible and even necessary, but you will have to think carefully about the choice of format. The simple formula “I’m opening a restaurant” will no longer work. It's too expensive and risky.

A pancake house is an excellent alternative to a classic restaurant or cafe. Opening it requires 2-3 times less money; this is a fashionable single-product project with a national dish.

The value of the format

Healthy fast food. Pancake shops are considered as fast food based on healthy eating.

National cuisine. Attractive for both local residents and tourists, as part of Russian culture.

Speed ​​of service. The preparation time for a serving of pancakes with filling, a drink and an additional dish (salad or dessert) is on average 10 minutes.

Affordable price. The average check per visitor at a pancake shop is 200-350 rubles.

Large audience reach. At the expense of city guests, visitors with children (the same fast food, but without harmful dishes), students (inexpensive and satisfying), and the working population (during lunch breaks).

Convenient location. Pancake shops open in places large cluster people - shopping centers, city centers, “food courts” or residential areas where some residents have a lot of free time (grandmothers with grandchildren, young mothers on maternity leave).

Market Perspective

The catering market today is at the stage active development. Despite the fact that people in general have begun to spend less on eating out, the core of the target audience has already been formed. Now it's part of our culture. Full lunch light tasty dinner or a nice weekend breakfast, along with snacks between work or shopping, give the market the prospect of growth.

In Russia, the number of restaurants, bars, and cafes is inferior to European and American ones. The market is poorly saturated. According to Rosstat, in the USA there is one food outlet per 150 people, in Europe – per 300, in our country – per 930 people.

For the next two years, the five most popular cuisines have been formed - European, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Caucasian. The popularity of Russian cuisine is also supported by large-scale events held in our country:

  • Olympics in Sochi
  • Formula 1 Grand Prix in Sochi
  • FIFA World Cup 2018 in Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Yekaterinburg.

Where to begin? Format selection

A pancake shop can exist in different options- from expensive to budget:

Restaurant of Russian cuisine. Initial expenses - at least 3,000,000 rubles. In addition to pancakes, the menu has a large selection national dishes, including delicacies: caviar, “royal” varieties of fish, game, exotic types of meat (venison, bear meat, elk).

Pancake cafe. Costs about 1,500,000 rubles. The emphasis is on pancakes, but other traditional or pseudo-traditional dishes are added to the assortment: cereals, salads, soups, snacks.

Street kiosk or food truck. At the initial stage it will cost 2,000,000 rubles. including the car. Food trucks are a market trend, but they will have to face certain difficulties. Firstly, there is a difficulty in obtaining a business permit - the status of a mobile cafe is not enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation; currently, street shopping facilities are located under auction conditions. Secondly, it is necessary to think through engineering communications, provide the facility with water supply, and the staff with a bathroom. Thirdly, for street food The “one-hand principle” applies. That is, the dish must be prepared and packaged so that it can be held with one hand, eaten on the go or while sitting, but without using cutlery. This is not always possible with pancakes.

Fast food at the food court. Costs are about 900,000 rubles. The menu includes more than 20 types of pancakes with different fillings, soft and hot drinks, desserts and several salads.

Franchise or own brand

This is a fundamental choice for beginners. Either you join an already well-known federal network, or you start a business from scratch, building your brand and finding your buyer.

Pros of a franchise

  • minimum risks - the business model has already been worked out;
  • a well-known brand - there is no need to introduce consumers to it, less time and money is spent on promotion;
  • advertising and marketing support from the franchisor;
  • training at the expense of the franchisor;
  • an established scheme of work with suppliers;
  • ready-made merchandising;
  • uniform design of a retail outlet without the cost of developing a design project and corporate identity.

Cons of a franchise

  • permanent royalties for using the brand;
  • it is impossible to realize your ideas;
  • strict adherence to company policy without taking into account changes in the local market;
  • restrictions on the sale of business;
  • At the end of the contract, the franchisee leaves the business.

To create your brand, there are two ways to choose from:

  • They are looking for the ideal premises and developing a concept for it;
  • First they work out the concept, and then look for premises.


It is a document that reflects all stages of opening an establishment. This step-by-step instruction, answering the following questions:

  • Where is your establishment located?
  • What target audience is it intended for?
  • What are its competitors and how close are they located?
  • What to offer the client?
  • How to select staff?
  • Which promotion method should you choose?

The classic concept looks like this:

Market positioning

  • Unique selling proposition
  • Difference from competitors
  • Creation legend
  • Naming

The target audience

  • Client characteristics
  • Needs and values
  • Purposes of visit

Unique selling proposition

  • Detachment from competitors
  • Menu development
  • Advantages and disadvantages of your project


  • Rating the selected location
  • Search and analysis of premises
  • Equipment
  • Design

Estimated quality of food and service

  • Selection of suppliers
  • Raw material quality control
  • Food production technology
  • Customer Service Form

Managment structure, staffing table

  • Recruitment
  • Studying programs
  • Management structure, motivation programs, fine system


  • Announcement of opening
  • Presence in the information environment
  • PR and advertising programs
  • Communication with the target audience before and after opening

Development prospects

  • Project promotion programs
  • Possibility of business development to the network
  • Introduction of new and additional services

A well-designed concept helps you avoid mistakes and unnecessary actions, saving you time and money.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

A business plan is your project in numbers. With its help, you calculate expenses, predict the payback and profitability of your business.

Let's calculate the initial expenses for opening a pancake shop

1. Development of concept and business plan

It is extremely difficult to compose both documents independently and in detail. Therefore, we delegate authority and turn to professionals. Restaurant consultants will conduct marketing research and, based on it, develop a concept and business plan. Marketing research and concept - 80,000 rubles, business plan - 60,000 rubles.

Total - 140,000 rubles.

2. Room

You can rent a space in a food court, or convert a separate room in a residential building, office or shopping center into a pancake shop.

The cost of a place in the food court depends on traffic and the status of the shopping center. The highest rates are in centers a la “Mega” and “Atrium” - here the price reaches 1,000,000 rubles per month for 70 m². On average, you will have to pay at least 300,000 rubles for a place.

As for a separate room, the numbers are also different. In the Moscow region they ask for 10,000 rubles. per m², and in the center of the capital - 100,000 rubles.

The decoration of the premises is divided into three classes: cosmetic - from 1,500 per m², capital - from 7,000, VIP - from 15,000.

Total for finishing in average figures - 150,000 rubles. And the monthly rent is 200-300,000 rubles.

3. Design

Includes the development of an architectural, technological and engineering project.

An engineering project involves drawing up a plan for the placement of communications - water supply and sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning, electrical supply.

A complete project for 50 m² costs RUB 85,000.

But you can also order partial design. For example, only ventilation and air conditioning, if other work was carried out before you.

Technological design is the selection of equipment for business tasks, the layout and connection to utility networks. The technology project can be obtained free of charge. For example, when ordering complex equipment from the company " MAPLE».

4. Equipment

To produce and serve pancakes, as well as other items on the menu, you will need:


  • PIZZA GROUP dough mixer for kneading yeast dough- 76,672 rub.
  • ERGO two-burner pancake maker (2 pcs.) - RUB 43,400.
  • KITCHEN mixer - RUB 60,990.
  • Vegetable cutter ROBOT COUPE - RUB 63,878.
  • Four-burner electric stove - RUB 40,500.
  • Gaggia Titanium coffee machine - RUB 61,200.
  • Boiler “Convito” - 5,950 rub.
  • Bar mixer (for milkshakes) QUAMAR - RUB 15,334.
  • Juicer ERGO - RUB 10,360.
  • Ice maker “Convito” - RUB 43,680.
  • Production table (2 pcs.) - RUB 8,088.
  • Three-section washing bathtub - RUB 13,948.
  • Exhaust umbrella - RUB 9,846.


  • Pancake stick (2 pcs.) - 90 rub.
  • Pancake spatula (2 pcs.) - 88 rub.
  • Silicone pastry brush (2 pcs.) - 254 rub.
  • Culinary silicone spatula - 203 RUR.
  • Culinary bamboo corner spatula - 59 RUR.
  • Utility knife Chef Luxstahl (2 pcs.) - 1016 RUR.
  • Sieve 220 mm with plastic handle - 269 RUR.
  • Whisk 280 mm - 214 rub.

Crockery and cutlery (30 pcs.)

  • Small plate with brim “Sam&Squito” 160 mm - RUB 2,940.
  • Small plate with brim “Sam&Squito” 215 mm - 6,000 rub.
  • Dish with brim “Sam&Squito” 350x280 mm - RUB 13,860.
  • Table fork Luxstahl - RUB 3,750.
  • Table knife Luxstahl - 4,110 rub.
  • Tea spoon Luxstahl - RUB 1,590.
  • Highball glass 222 ml - RUB 1,320.
  • Tea pair 220 ml - 5,250 rub.
  • Coffee pair 120 ml - RUB 3,780.
  • Table tray made of polypropylene - 2550 rub.
  • White paper napkin 250x250 mm (400 pcs.) - RUB 1,320.

Furniture (20 seats)

  • Round base (chrome) - price is calculated upon order
  • Tabletop “19 Beech Light” - RUB 73,440.
  • Chair “Cafe” with a hard seat - RUB 85,400.

Total equipment - 661,349 rubles.

5. Design and corporate identity

The design project for a pancake house consists of: project development, 3D visualization, selection of materials and decor, design supervision. Cost - from 1200 per m² for an object with an area of ​​50 m².

Total - 60,000 rubles.

Corporate identity is the difference between your establishment and hundreds of others. As part of the work on the style, they come up with a logo, corporate color and font, and create a Logobook - a guide for using the logo.

The cost of the basic package is RUB 50,000.


Let's move on from financial problems to legal ones. To open a pancake shop, you must select a form of ownership: or. If you are starting with a single project and do not plan to sell alcoholic beverages, we recommend.

Pros of IP

  1. The state fee for registration is 800 rubles.
  2. Simple registration procedure
  3. A charter, authorized capital, seal and current account are not required (but if you need to accept payment by bank transfer, then you need)
  4. The maximum fine for an administrative offense is RUB 50,000.
  5. It is not necessary to observe cash discipline and monitor the cash limit
  6. No need to account for equipment used for business activities
  7. You can manage funds in your current account

Disadvantages of IP

  1. Registers for one person only
  2. Responsibility for obligations with all your property even after closing
  3. The individual entrepreneur remains the responsible person and is required to sign source documents even after signing the power of attorney
  4. Cannot be sold or re-registered
  5. It is prohibited to produce and sell alcoholic beverages

To register an individual entrepreneur you must: at the Federal Tax Service and pay insurance premiums.

The amount of contributions is calculated as follows:

  • If the employee’s salary is less than RUB 711,000. per year, then you pay 30% of the salary. This is 22% in Pension Fund Russia (PFR), 2.9% to the Social Insurance Fund, 5.1% to the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.
  • If the salary is more than 711,000 rubles per year, then 10% of the excess amount is paid to the Pension Fund.
  • Contribution to the Fund social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases is 0.2% for catering.
  • Income tax individuals(NFDL) - 13%


Features of PSN

  • The average number of employees for the tax period is no more than 15 people
  • It is prohibited to sell alcohol
  • The area of ​​the visitor service hall is no more than 50 m²
  • No maintenance required accounting and tax reporting
  • The patent amount is fixed


General rules

  • Create staffing and work schedules
  • Select control scheme
  • Write down job responsibilities
  • Draw up and conclude contracts
  • Conduct training: in the workplace, on safety precautions and fire safety
  • Provide employees with uniforms, work equipment, and food


  • Director - 70,000 rubles.
  • Accountant - 50,000 rub.
  • Forwarding driver - RUB 30,000.
  • All-round cook - 35,000 rubles.
  • Administrator - 40,000 rub.
  • Cashier - 30,000 rub.
  • Cleaners and dishwashers - 15,000 rubles.

Profitability and payback

A pancake shop, like any fast food, is characterized by:

  • Low competitive prices
  • Markup 150–250%
  • High cross-country ability
  • The average bill is 200–350 rubles.

The maximum payback period for this format is 2-2.5 years. If the establishment has not paid for itself during this time, diagnostics are carried out to identify problems. They could be: theft by staff, bad location, failure to meet client expectations, unpopular concept.

To correctly enter the market and exist in it successfully, turn to HoReCa professionals for support. Company " MAPLE» has been opening and equipping catering establishments throughout Russia for 20 years. More than 1200 successful projects are a good guarantee of a successful start.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles: