The game has its own significant choices that relate to the characters and add points to you in communicating with them. To reach the ending one of the girls in days 6 and 7 needs to score 6 points. For a good ending - 9 or more. For a bad ending you need to score less than 9 points.

In this walkthrough, only one of the options for passing the game is considered!


At the start we notice the gate on which the Owl is located. The main character, for whom the game is played, is called by a girl, inviting him to go with her. The main character can choose to either go or not. The player's initial choice determines the ending of YUVAU; most other endings are not affected by this choice.

At the beginning of the game, we are presented with a series of partly autobiographical reflections of the protagonist, which essentially talk about the life, experiences and desires of the hero. The main character is Semyon, a young city student (22 and older), who, while in computer addiction, mostly cut off from social life, has no friends and lives alone, maintaining contact mainly with classmates and parents. He is not satisfied with this arrangement of things; deep down, he wants to return to his teenage years, devoid of special worries and filled with carefree happiness.

After an internal monologue, Semyon gets ready for a meeting of his institute comrades and moves towards the bus stop. It's winter outside, the streets are quite snowy.

After waiting for transport, Semyon sits down on one of the empty seats and looks out the window, thinking about the city passers-by, but soon falls asleep.

Day 1

Semyon finds himself in the old Soviet Icarus.

Having got out, he realizes his movement and from the routine reality soaked in the winter air into something in the summer that is still mysterious, ominous in its obscurity. The protagonist observes a road surrounded by natural, artistic-like landscapes.

Initially, Semyon remains near the bus, gradually losing his mind - screaming, crying, begging for help, but soon controls himself and moves towards the gate, which he had constantly seen in dreams before. At the gate he meets a man - a fair-haired girl of 16-17 years old.

A pleasant, Slavic face, long braids that looked like two thick armfuls of freshly cut hay, and blue eyes in which it seemed you could drown. - Semyon described it in his thoughts.

She will be the first to speak and, having said hello, will ask if he has just arrived.

Semyon is surprised by her simplicity, beginning to lose control of his emotions, which is why he laughed and heard in response from Slavi “What’s funny?”

It seemed like I was something normal for her...-Semyon sums it up after the conversation.

Next, the pioneer sends Semyon to the counselor, roughly explaining the path to her. Semyon moves deeper and discovers all the signs of a Soviet pioneer camp, but is afraid to admit it, taking what he sees for a “historical reconstruction”. Along the way, near the clubhouse, he meets two more girls.

The first tall one is extremely shy, the other one in a red T-shirt is the complete opposite - energetic, playful, perky. Semyon watches as a girl in a “USSR” T-shirt runs up to the tall girl and shows her a grasshopper.

After that, the shy girl squealed and ran to the side, the girl in a red T-shirt winked at the antagonist and then ran somewhere.

After what he saw, Semyon moved towards the houses. Having received a blow to the back, he met another character - a red-haired girl, whose pioneer uniform looked defiant, and whose facial expression gave bad forebodings. Semyon opened his mouth in surprise, which is why he received insolence from this girl in response to his actions: " Pick your jaw up off the floor" - she said .

After a short conversation with Semyon, she passed by.

She introduced herself as Slavyanaya, offering to call herself Slavey. After waiting for Slavya to change clothes, Semyon and her went to the protagonist’s future home.

Having walked around the houses and crossed the square, Semyon and Slavya approached the pioneer leader’s home - a house surrounded by lilac trees with a hammock at the entrance.

Ulyana (a girl in a red “USSR” T-shirt) and shy Lena, whose name Slavya called at that moment, addressing her, came out of the house.

After a short exchange of words with Lena, Slavya and Semyon entered the pioneer leader’s monastery.

Inside, it looked approximately as I had imagined it: two beds, a table, a couple of chairs, a simple carpet on the floor, a wardrobe. Nothing special, but it created a feeling of homeliness, although in terms of order, this room was not far from my apartment. -Semyon's thoughts about the room.

Nature did not deprive her of her appearance and figure.- Semyon rushes mentally to the counselor.

The pioneer leader introduced herself, calling herself Olga Dmitrievna. The protagonist, talking with the counselor, tried to find out about ways to escape from the camp (asked when the next bus was, the address, asked to let him call), but everything was clear: Olga Dmitrievna did not answer the question about the bus, did not say the address, and the phone number, as it turned out , in the regional center.

Next, Semyon goes to look around and along the way meets the first guy of the day. He introduced himself as Elektronnik and gave his last name - Syroezhkin. In appearance he has significant similarities with the Soviet character of the same name.

Semyon replied that they already knew each other in absentia, Lena confirmed this. The electronician, abruptly interrupting what he had started, suggested moving on, which made Semyon slightly perplexed, but then in his thoughts he agreed with Syroezhkin’s decision.

Walking, they approached the dining room. Electronic mentioned the girl hitting him on the back and at that moment she was behind him. Syroezhkin warned Semyon to stay away from her, calling her first and last name - Alisa Dvachevskaya, later emphasizing the need to avoid using the surname “DvaChe” in front of Alisa, but the latter heard her surname, which is why she rushed to Elektronika. Syroezhkin started to run.

The protagonist is given a choice - either run after Elektronik or stay.

After the ensuing chase, Semyon moved east from the dining room, ending up near the football field. There he noticed Ulyana, restlessly playing football. Running up to Semyon, Ulyana suggested a game, but Semyon refused, first of all, because of his winter clothes from the world from where he mysteriously got to the camp.

After the refusal, the protagonist turned around and went to the dining room across the square, going inside with Olga Dmitrievna. The main character witnesses the counselor's attack on Alice's provocative clothing style.

Semyon finds a place with Ulyana. After talking, the girl takes the cutlet from the protagonist. The player has a choice whether to try to take away the fly away or not.

Regardless of whether Semyon tries to take the cutlet or not, Ulyana will run somewhere and then return with new cutlet. However, an unpleasant surprise awaits Semyon - Ulyana placed a live centipede on the cutlet!

The reaction was not long in coming - the plate flew to the floor. Evil Semyon ran after Ulyana, who was running away from the crime scene. Having run through the square and the club premises, Semyon got tired and lost sight of Ulyana, getting lost in the thicket of the forest. In the end, by evening main character got out to the outskirts of the camp.

At the same place, Semyon thinks about the results of the day until late in the evening, until Slavya finds him. Later it turns out that she is the counselor’s assistant and has all the keys to the camp premises, and then both go to the dining room.

Before entering the dining room, Semyon notices Alisa, who is trying to break down the door to the dining room, which he argues with the words: " I want buns... with kefir! I'm not full!"

Dvachevskaya incites the break-in and asks for help, but Semyon refuses and says that Slavya will come now, to which Alisa reacts by abruptly leaving, mentioning a favor that Semyon had no idea about.

Going inside, Semyon and Slavya had dinner. Semyon's dinner consisted of several buns and a glass of Kefir.

After talking a little about quite ordinary topics (first of all, opinions about the camp), Semyon and Slavya began to leave the dining room. Slavya forgot the keys and the hero is again faced with a choice - take the keys and give them to her tomorrow or not take them at all.

But Semyon’s day does not end there. At a late time, close to night, the protagonist decides to take a walk in the square, where he again meets the shy Lena and tries to talk to her. A girl sits on a bench and reads the book "Gone with the Wind."

The character can either praise the book or do nothing.

The conversation fails to be full-fledged, primarily due to the fact that Lena has difficulty supporting him. Having finished the difficult conversation, Semyon returns to the counselor’s house, where he spends the rest of the day in bed.

Day 2

Our hero woke up. The bright rays of the sun hit my eyes, forcing me to get out of bed. It was already approaching noon. Semyon immediately began to remember the events of yesterday. He further discussed how it is possible, in such a situation, to do completely unrelated things and not look for answers to questions.

The hero looked around, trying to understand whether he was in the same place, or whether he had already been transferred to some other world. But Olga Dmitrievna’s house looked the same. However, the only thing that had changed was the pioneer uniform hanging on the back of the chair. It's time to try it on new clothes. I wish there was a mirror... it turned out to be on the closet door. Looking at it, Semyon jumped a little. I saw in him a newly minted pioneer who looked at him from the inside. Only after a while did it become clear to him that it was he! He looked quite young, like a guy who had just finished school. Now it’s clear why the counselor yesterday reprimanded him for inappropriately addressing elders.

Breakfast time had long passed, and Semyon decided to go out for a walk to the dining room. Maybe we can find something. The pioneer leader meets the hero on the threshold. She did not wake up the newly minted pioneer after the first day, which is why Semyon slept so well. She also took care of breakfast and handed him a small paper parcel.

Judging by the oil stains, there are most likely sandwiches inside.- Semyon thought and thanked Olga Dmitrievna.

After which the counselor sent the pioneer to wash himself. But first she ran into the house and, when she returned, put in a small bag containing all the necessary cleaning products. She also reminded me about the line that will be coming a little later.

Having reached the shower, the hero thought that he could not count on a separate shower and toilet, but there must be some minimum level of usual comfort. The washbasin was a quaint little turtle with a tin roof and many taps. At that moment, Semyon began to appreciate very ordinary things that previously seemed to him an irreplaceable norm.

The water turned out to be icy, so it took about 10 seconds to take a shower.

Soon steps were heard behind him. Someone ran towards the hero. It was Slavya. Semyon immediately noticed her figure, which looked good in any outfit, as well as without, probably...

After a short conversation, Slavya reminded me about the ruler and ran. Looks like the lineup will start in a few minutes. Semyon decided to drop into the house, throw off the washing supplies and have breakfast with sandwiches. soon as he burst into the house, sharply throwing open the door, Olga Dmitrievna stood in the middle of the room...and was changing clothes. After the guy left the house, a minute later the counselor came out. She handed over the key and said: Here you go, this is your home now too.

After a short reflection by Semyon about what could be called home, together with the counselor they headed to the line. On the way, Olga Dmitrievna chatted incessantly, talking about the duties of a pioneer, and Semyon devoured sandwiches.

Trying to find out at least something about the end of the shift or how to get out of here, Semyon did not receive any answers. It's a pity.

During the formation, Olga Dmitrievna read out the plan for the week. Semyon at this time looked around at everyone present and noticed several familiar faces. Elektronik stood nearby, a little further away Lena and Slavya, and at the end - Ulyanka and Alisa.

The walkthrough was an excellent opportunity to find out something, since I had never been to these locations before- thought Semyon.
Naturally, doing the rounds meant skipping lunch.

Again? I missed breakfast, now I have to have lunch too... But what is this?- Semyon thought to himself indignantly.

We choose any of the places, the order is not important. To begin with, you can go to the circle building.

On the threshold Semyon was met by two pioneers. He was already familiar with one, but the second was unfamiliar to him. The guy introduced himself as Shurik. Since Semyon came here only to sign the bypass, he did not plan to enroll in the circle. But the guys began to blackmail the new recruit. At that moment Slavya appeared and the situation was resolved.

Having received the coveted signature, Semyon moved on.

There was a musician nearby. circle. It was worth a look there right away. There was a whole musical orchestra inside. For some time Semyon looked at all this stuff, trying to understand from what time period all these things were from, but some sounds were heard under the piano. Under the piano stood a girl on all fours, in such a position that Semyon was not immediately able to start a conversation. The girl introduced herself to Mick. She was very friendly and spoke at such a speed that half the words flew past my ears. She offered to sign up for a club and said that she would be happy to teach me how to play anything, since she could play everything herself. While Semyon was not in the mood to play, he somehow bought a guitar and tried a couple of chords on it. After Miku signed the bypass, Semyon left the house and headed to the next goal.

On the street, he ran into Alice, who was not very kind and, after a couple of phrases thrown towards our hero, went into the building of the muses. mug.

Next, the hero headed to the library. Inside, everything was furnished just as Semyon had imagined, with Soviet symbols, and the shelves were lined with books on relevant topics. But where is the librarian?- Semyon wondered. It wasn't difficult to find her. She was a dark girl with short hair, thick glasses and a rather pretty face. She was sleeping so sweetly that I didn’t want to wake her up. Semyon decided to wait half an hour, if not, then it’s not fate... There was nothing to do and Semyon, taking the first book he came across from the shelf, began to read. After a while there was a knock on the door and Lena stepped on the threshold. What a great habit to knock- thought Semyon. At that moment, the noise awakened the librarian. She asked Semyon what he wanted, she looked like she didn’t want to continue the conversation with her. Having quickly signed the bypass, Semyon left the premises.

The last item on the list was a visit to the first aid station. Inside he looked as usual. A middle-aged woman was sitting at the table. She looked intently at Semyon and asked him to sit down. Before he could even open his mouth, the nurse told him to undress to begin the examination. Semyon handed her a worksheet, but it seems she ignored him. But then suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Elektronik entered the room with a black eye, saying that he fell while playing football. Very interesting. The nurse switched to the patient and immediately signed a bypass.

Well, all the signatures have been collected, it’s time to take it to Olga Dmitrievna. The counselor, without reading, put the bypass in her pocket.

It's time for dinner. Together with Olga Dmitrievna, they headed to the dining room. Pioneers were already standing near her, among whom were Elektronik, Ulyanka, Alisa and Slavya. Coming closer, Semyon heard their conversation. It turns out that Elektronik neglected his own advice and called Alice by her last name “DvaChe”, for which he received it. However, the nurse patched him up perfectly.

The dining room was packed and free seats There's not much left. There were a couple of unoccupied chairs next to Alice, but Semyon would rather starve for a week than risk sitting next to her. It was also free near Ulyanka, but past experience has shown that it is better not to do this. There was another seat next to Mick. But it wasn’t easy here either. As soon as Semyon sat down at the table, a machine-gun burst of questions rained down on him. Semyon quickly finished eating and, wishing his annoying interlocutor a bon appetit, left the dining room.

Coming out of the dining room, Semyon sat down and watched as night fell on the camp. He noticed that during the day everything here is full of life: cheerful children's cries, bustle and running, noise and din, sport games, and with the arrival of darkness the camp changed dramatically: there was such silence, which was occasionally broken by the sound of crickets and birds.

Elektronik interrupted this solitude. He patted Semyon on the shoulder and invited him to play cards. But first we had to find them. According to Electronics, the counselor should have them. Soon Olga Dmitrievna came up with Slavya. After some doubt, the first one allowed me to take the cards and show new game, which was invented by Elektronik.

Slavya volunteered to help and go with Semyon. The player is given a choice:

The heroes headed towards the counselor’s house. Halfway there, Slavya remembered that she had the cards. Having reached Slavi’s house, she ran into her room for a minute and brought cards. On the way back, Semyon decided to try to find out from her what was happening here. By asking questions, Semyon could not get answers. It seems that in this camp no one wants to answer even the most innocent questions, Semyon thought.

The pioneers reached the dining room and everyone had already gone inside when Alice blocked Semyon’s path. She began to ask whether Semyon knew how to play cards and in the end suggested a bet. Considering that she knew the rules of the game, it is likely that she had more chances, so Semyon refused to argue. Then she began to blackmail him that if he did not agree, then Alice would tell that Semyon molested her.

In the dining room the tables had already been moved and everything was ready for the game to begin. Semyon was also on the list of participants. Suddenly the guys missed Zhenya and decided to send someone for her. Of course, it will be Semyon. She's probably in the library. However, she was found a little earlier - she was sitting on a bench in the square. Semyon asked her what was the matter. After some probing, she said that she did not know how to play cards. But Semyon’s persuasion did the trick, and they returned to the dining room. The electronics specialist began to explain the rules. Ulyanka was running around and chattering incessantly about prizes for the winners.

The game soon began. The first opponent was Lena. The electronics guy began to explain the rules. At this moment, the player is offered the choice of undergoing training or not. The game basically follows the rules of poker, but with some changes.

The player has a choice:

In the middle of the game, Ulyana asks to replay, but now according to different rules, agreed with her. Otherwise, she will tell you that Semyon pestered Alice. Well, we defeat her again and finish the round with Alice. Hurray, victory!

Suddenly Semyon wanted to give himself a gift in honor of the victory and go for a swim. During the swim, something hit him on the back and he went under the water. But having pulled himself together, he surfaced safely. Alice swam up behind me. Semyon shouted at her and swam to the shore. It was dangerous to be in close proximity with this girl; she would drown.

Soon Alice came ashore. Semyon noticed that her swimsuit well emphasized all the charms of her figure. After sitting nearby for a short time, Alice left. And at this time Semyon decided to stay and look at the stars.

Looking at the stars, Semyon realized that Alice had taken his clothes too. Without thinking for long, he decided to catch up with Alice, because not much time had passed. Finally Semyon saw Alice sitting on a bench. He demanded clothes, to which she answered with a guilty voice and handed him the uniform. After that, she turned around and left.

Semyon headed to Olga Dmitrievna’s house. The light in the window was not on, which meant she was already asleep. Semyon came in, undressed and lay down on the bed. He thought about the past day, about the time he had wasted and wasted. real life he wouldn't spend it like that. Then he wanted to put all thoughts aside and just sleep, because for the first time in for a long time he was really tired emotionally and physically. He turned over on his other side and fell asleep.

Day 3

It was 7 am. Semyon went to the mirror to look at himself. I need to shave, he thought. There was still a lot of time until tomorrow, so you can spend some of it on your morning washing routine. When Semyon returned to the house, Olga Dmitrievna had already woken up and was standing combing her hair. She looked at appearance Seeds and insisted on tying a tie. At the same time, she reminded about the line that will be before breakfast, where she will tell the plan for the day. Semyon asked about the plan. But to be honest, he didn't really care. He was more interested in places where pioneers gathered in order to avoid them. But the counselor said that Semyon would find out everything on the line and smiled slyly. Semyon decided to act in his own way and pretended that he had unexpected troubles in his stomach.

Olga Dmitrievna decided to lay out her cards and spoke about the plan for the day, at the end of which there would be dancing. Not forgetting to mention that today he must take part in the life of the camp.

Semyon left the house, walked around it and hid in the bushes, waiting for the counselor to leave. Having decided that there was nothing special to do on the line, Semyon waited until the counselor left and returned to the house to wait for breakfast to start there.

He began to think. Two days have passed and no answers have been received.

Soon Semyon went to breakfast. There were few people around the dining room. Most of them probably had breakfast before 9 o’clock, Semyon thought. In the far corner of the dining room, Semyon noticed Lena. Having breakfast with her wouldn't be the worst idea. Quiet, calm, you can chat about something. As soon as he headed towards her, someone grabbed his hand. Zhenya, yesterday’s librarian, stood in front of him. She told Semyon to take breakfast and sit down with her, she had some kind of conversation. The player is given a choice of actions:

Semyon approached Lena and asked if he could sit down with her, to which she nodded. A minute later, Semyon was already sitting with a full tray of food. Lena, as usual, was silent, which meant I had to ask her something. The conversation began about evening dancing. After Semyon’s uncomfortable joke, Lena became embarrassed and spent the rest of the time blushing, staring at her plate.

After some time, the road led Semyon to the first aid station. There was definitely nothing to do there. Even though the nurse was friendly, it was best to stay away. While Semyon was talking, he did not even notice how the nurse approached. She has an errand for Semyon. We must help her make an inventory of the medications we brought. But who are we? Suddenly Lena appeared and said hello. Viola, that was the nurse's name, mentioned that the medicine was delivered this morning by bus. But how? If the counselor said that there would be no bus for a few more days, Semyon thought. He tried to find out more information without drawing too much attention. The player will be offered a choice:

After the nurse left, Lena and Semyon began a conversation. She reminded the nurse again about helping her after dinner. After exchanging words a little more, the heroes went their separate ways.

Next, Semyon decided to drop by “home” to pick up his cell phone. But suddenly some kind of melody began to flow into his ears, the sounds were similar to an electric guitar and they came from the side of the stage. And again the player is faced with a choice:

Coming out to the concert square, Semyon saw Alice on stage. It was clear from her appearance that she was giving herself entirely to the music and swaying her body to the beat. She played and didn’t even notice Semyon. When the performance came to an end, she looked towards the pioneer. With a completely calm face, she asked: Did you like it? Semyon praised her and after a couple of sentences the conversation reached a dead end. He was just about to leave when Alice asked him about an evening disco. Next, she invited him to listen to the recent song in its entirety. Choice:

After the conversation ended, music sounded calling for lunch. No matter how much Semyon wanted to come earlier and sit down like the previous times, so that no one would disturb him, he did not succeed. It seems that events happen in the camp regardless of his wishes. Olga Dmitrievna met Semyon in the dining room and invited him to sit at the table where the girls were already sitting: Slavya, Ulyana and Lena. At dinner, Slavya asked Semyon about dancing. He could not give a definite answer, since he had already agreed with Alice. Next, Semyon thought about the fact that he didn’t even have anything to wear. After all, the wardrobe consisted only of pioneer uniforms and winter clothes. In a dialogue with Ulyana, Semyon managed to offend her, and they began to quarrel again. Despite Slavya's calming down, the guys continued to hurt each other. Later, Lena intervened in the conversation, and if she came to Slavi’s aid, then things began to take a bad turn. In the end, Semyon’s last phrase finally added fuel to the fire, and the plate of borscht was already on Semyon’s head.

Ulyanka jumped up from the table and tried to run away, but this time Semyon grabbed her hand. Ulyana was not taken aback and after the borscht there was a glass of compote in the face. Out of surprise, Semyon released her hand, and she ran away towards the buffet. The end of the whole race was several overturned tables and a mountain broken dishes. Both sides stood and breathed heavily. Olga Dmitrievna approached them from behind. She spoke calmly, but it was clear from her face that she was about to explode. And so it happened. She ended up making them both clean the dining room. But, essentially, it’s Ulyanka’s fault, I have nothing else to do but get out of here, thought Semyon.

After cleaning, Ulyana asked to help her with one more task. In return for this, she promised not to make fun of Semyon anymore. But he refused. Within a minute, she jumped over the sideboard wall and went to the closet, opened it and began to rummage through it. She calmed down as soon as she had a large bag of candy in her hands. To all of Semyon’s entreaties, she stuck out her tongue and ran out the back door. Semyon decided that he couldn’t leave it like that and rushed after her. Having reached the forest, Ulyana stopped, but Semyon did not succeed so abruptly, and he crashed into her. A second later they were lying on the grass. Semyon lay right on top of her and felt the intermittent breathing and heat of her body. Of course, she is still a child, but she will soon become a woman, Semyon noted. The thought of this confused him and he felt awkward. After exchanging a couple of phrases, Ulyana bit him on the nose. While Semyon was coming to his senses, she had already managed to get out and run a few meters away. Having said a few final words, she disappeared into the forest. Strangely, the bag of candy remained on the ground.

It was already getting close to dinner and it was necessary to return the candies as quickly as possible so that no one would notice. Olga Dmitrievna stood at the entrance to the dining room. She praised him for doing a good job of cleaning up after the recent incident and told him to go have dinner.

The dining room was, as always, packed with people, so the unnoticed return of the candy was in question. Suddenly Slavya appeared behind her. She noticed something behind Semyon. I had to tell the truth: Ulyana gave it away. Fortunately, this was not the first act of theft and Slavya took the candies and said that she would return them to their place. Having gotten rid of the bag, Semyon began to look for a place where he could sit. There was no need to choose, because... It was free only next to Shurik and Elektronik. They started talking about evening dancing.

The time was already approaching the end of dinner, and everyone began to leave. Semyon left the dining room and breathed in the fresh evening air. He immediately remembered those evening discos he attended at school. I didn’t know how to dance, I didn’t know how to react correctly if they invited me, and I didn’t dare invite anyone,” Semyon recalled.

Semyon thought that there was still some time before the disco started and he decided to sleep in order to be fresh in the evening. Entering the counselor's house, he immediately plopped down on the bed and fell asleep.

Oddly enough, Semyon woke up on time even without an alarm clock. It was exactly 9 pm.

Within a minute, Semyon approached the stage. Alice sat on the edge with her legs dangling. Joy flashed across her face for a split second. They sat down next to each other and Alice began to play. After which she decided to show Semyon how to play this song. After the demonstration lesson, she asked Semyon: Do you understand everything? I may have understood, but I’m unlikely to be able to repeat it, Semyon thought to himself. He took the guitar from Alice and tried to strum the first chord. It didn't work out very well for him. She took the guitar away and in her hands the instrument sounded completely different. At some point, Semyon felt ashamed of his crookedness. The second time it turned out better, but it still wasn't up to her level. Putting down the guitar, Alice began to tease Semyon. It seems she wanted to prove her superiority at least in playing the guitar.

The heroes did not say goodbye in the best way. Semyon went out to the square and saw Slavya there, cleaning up after the disco. The hero decided not to answer her question about why Semyon didn’t come to the disco. After all, he didn’t want to reveal that while everyone was having fun in the square, he was embarrassing himself on stage with a guitar in the company of Alice.

Semyon had been sweating all day and wanted to wash himself. Slavya told him where the local bathhouse was. After walking a little through the forest, a bathhouse building could be seen from behind the trees. Semyon quickly washed himself and, coming out, sighed the noticeably refreshed night air.

Semyon was already walking towards the house, when suddenly Alice jumped out of the bushes a couple of meters away. A meaningless conversation began, after which Alisa began to apologize if she had offended Semyon on stage. In the end, calling him a moron, she left. In another situation, I could say with almost certainty that she likes me, and behind such rudeness Alisa is simply hiding it, Semyon came to the conclusion.

Near the door of the counselor’s house, Semyon stopped to figure out what he would tell her why it was so late. Olga Dmitrievna stood inside, dressed in a dress. Her question can be answered in two ways:

Semyon tossed and turned for a long time, but I just couldn’t fall asleep. Various thoughts from the past evening were spinning in my head. Soon his eyes began to close and after a while Semyon was already asleep.

Day 4

Semyon woke up from a ringing in his head. The alarm clock was to blame for this. He decided to take a walk to finally wake up, and at the same time do his morning toilet. On the way, he met Zhenya, who didn’t know what she wanted. Semyon washed his face and was about to leave, but he heard a rustling in the bushes. There was nothing there, and when Semyon returned, he found Mika near the washbasins. She was looking for something in the grass. It turned out that the girl had spilled the last tooth powder and was trying to collect it. Semyon kindly offered her his and moved on with his business.

The dining room was crowded as usual. The entire camp seemed to have gathered on the threshold of the dining room. There were also familiar pioneers who were all discussing something. The pioneers missed Shurik. He disappeared somewhere. Okay, maybe there's more.

Inside, there was again no choice of where to sit, because there were only empty seats at the table of Ulyanka and Alice. They invited Semyon to the beach, to which he agreed, there was nothing to do anyway. Ulyanka finished eating and ran away. They were left alone with Alice. Semyon changed his mind and said that he would not go to the beach. The reason was the lack of swimming trunks. Alice, grinning, offered him hers, but then said that he would help in the search. When breakfast came to an end, Semyon went out and sat on the steps, waiting for Alice to return. At this time, Semyon looked at the pioneers passing by, who did not pay any attention to him, as if he were normal. He himself began to perceive this place not with such wariness as on the first day. A minute later Alice returned. In her hands were swimming trunks, if you could call it that...more like pink family panties, decorated with butterflies and flowers. There was no desire to put them on. But Alice was serious, so she had to look for another way out. Semyon gave Alice 10 minutes to wait and went to look for his swimming trunks. He headed to the counselor's house, trying to find something from which he could make swimming trunks.

Olga Dmitrievna was inside. Having learned that the hero was heading to the beach, as if reading his thoughts, she asked about the swimming trunks. I don’t understand where it came from, but she had ordinary black swimming trunks in her closet, and it was the right size.

Many pioneers had already gathered on the beach, but only Alisa and Ulyana were friends. Semyon refused to swim and sat on the sand and thought about the events happening to him and about the camp as a whole. After some time the girls returned. Ulyanka has already found some fun for herself. In her hands was a real crayfish. She lay down next to him and began to torment him. Semyon could not stand it and took the poor creature. He carried him to the river and released him into the water.

After a while, Semyon dozed off. A tap on his shoulder woke him up. It was Olga Dmitrievna. She stood in a wet swimsuit right in front of him. It's almost lunchtime, and they still can't find Shurik. The counselor asked Semyon to look for him. I just needed to change clothes. After some time, Semyon was already standing at the threshold of the counselor’s house and wondering where to start. He went to the boat station. Walking past the square, someone called out to him. It was Alice. She volunteered to help look for Shurik, but there was something not good about it. But first, Alice had to run into the house for some thing. There was complete chaos and disorder inside. Semyon imagined the girls' rooms a little differently. They stood in silence for some time, but the hero brought Alice out of her thoughts. After which she ran out and said that she would be back soon. At this time, Semyon began to examine the house. He didn't even hear the door close. Something is wrong here. We need to get out of here. Semyon went to the window, opened it and climbed out. He was wondering what Alice was up to, so he hid in the bushes near the house and began to wait. After a while, next to the house, he heard the voice of Olga Dmitrievna...well, Alice. She entered the room and ran out a second later. Her face looked upset and guilty at the same time. It was a setup, and this is not the first time she wants to set the counselor against Semyon.

Olga Dmitrievna finished scolding Alisa and left. Alice was beside herself with anger, she clenched her fists and was shaking all over. At that time Semyon was sitting in the bushes and laughing.

Semyon was still interested in the reason for her action and he came out of hiding. Alice wanted to take revenge on him because he won at cards. Yes, an important reason. Alice slammed the door and disappeared into her house. Semyon immediately moved away from the house and moved to the parking lot. After standing for a couple of minutes, Semyon realized that there was nothing to catch here, since neither Shurik nor anyone else was here. He headed to the camp. Suddenly someone jumped out of the gate and crashed into him. Miku appeared in front of him. According to her, she went to a music club, but on the way she came up with a new song and got lost in thought. Semyon was about to leave, as usual, without listening to her, but she grabbed his hand. She asked for help in music. mug, she really insisted, so Semyon couldn’t find a reason to excuse himself. The idea was to play along with her while she was singing. She can't do it together, so extra hands won't hurt.

Miku took the guitar and started playing. The melody seemed very simple. And it didn’t seem difficult to repeat matter how it is. Taking the guitar in his hands, Semyon began to play... it didn’t work out very well. I decided to show Miku again. the second time it turned out much better. Miku started singing. It was a song in Japanese. For the last half hour, Semyon had been looking at her differently than before. Having finished playing, she thanked him, and Semyon moved on.

And now it’s lunch. The dining room was packed. It was not possible to pass unnoticed. Olga Dmitrievna called out to Semyon. She and Slavya and Elektronik were sitting at the table. Semyon took his lunch and headed to the table. Olga Dmitrievna began asking how the search for Shurik was going. But no one had any success. The counselor was about to call the police, but Semyon lazily suggested waiting for the evening, saying: “Maybe he’s gone home?” And here something interesting became clear. In this camp, everyone clearly begins to hold something back as soon as the conversation turns to how to get out of the Owl. All measures to search for Shurik were taken. so all that remains is to wait for the evening. Having finished dinner, Semyon put down the tray and headed towards the exit.

On the square, Semyon met a nurse. She asked me to sit in the first-aid post for her while she went away. She quickly threw the keys and ran away. Semyon was worried about only one thing: what if someone really came for help with a serious injury, for example, a broken leg or worse... but most likely in this camp there are no serious injuries other than scrapes and bruises.

On the table, Semyon was attracted by a magazine, it was called “Soviet Fashionista”. No date or year of publication was indicated. However, like everything else here. He began to kill time by looking at the magazine and imagining which outfits would look best on which of the representatives of this camp. After a while, Semyon laid his head on the table and dozed off.

Suddenly the door swung open and Lena entered the room. Semyon turned away sharply and pretended to be busy with something. Having learned that there was no nurse, she decided to come in later. But where will we send her, if we have been entrusted with carrying out duties, then perhaps we can help her with something. Semyon asked what was the matter. Lena complained of a pain in her head. After rummaging a little through the medications, Semyon handed her an analgin tablet. After that, Semyon decided to ask about an outfit from a fashion magazine. She answered hesitantly and asked why he was asking.

After a short silence, Lena thanked her for the pill and left. And Semyon began to study the magazine further.

After some time there was a knock on the door. Semyon took on the role of a nurse... although he was more like a nurse and said: "Sign in". Ulyanka was on the threshold. Semyon was surprised by her decision to knock. Ulyanka was worried about the heaviness in her head. The attempt to pin Ulyanka was successful, and Semyon found a no-shpa tablet in the first box.

Ulyanka ran away.

After a while there was a knock on the door again. Slavya entered the room. She asked about the lost keys. After that, she wanted something, but hesitated for a long time and did not want to say. Then she asked Semyon to leave. “I wonder what she’s doing there that I can’t look at it,”- thought Semyon. A minute later the door opened and Slavya came out. She was holding a small bag in her hands.

It was already approaching evening, the magazine had been studied far and wide, but there was still no nurse. Suddenly the door opened and Alice ran inside. She was surprised by Semyon's presence and was glad that there was no nurse. "So even better", - she said. She approached the table and wanted to take something from there. But Semyon stopped her. Then she decided to just ask for activated carbon. I wonder why she needs him? It’s very strange, it doesn’t look like her stomach hurts.

Semyon thought, what if it really hurts and gave him coal. Alice snatched it from her hands and ran away.

It was getting close to dinner, and there was still no nurse. Semyon decided that if he left, nothing would happen, and his stomach couldn’t stand it anymore. But at the door he heard some rustling. He went out into the street, but there was no one there. When he returned, he discovered that something had changed in the first-aid post. An apple appeared on the table. Semyon began to think where it came from.

On the way to the dining room, Semyon caught up with Elektronik. The hero asked about searching for a friend. The electronics specialist said that things were still the same... Ignoring dinner, he went to look further.

Pioneers were crowding at the door of the dining room, and Semyon quickened his pace in order to at least somehow have time to take an empty seat. And he was lucky; there was a completely free table in the corner. Soon, Mika and Lena noticed the empty seats nearby and asked permission to sit next to them. Zhenya peeked out from behind Lena; she had already made up her mind that she would sit here. In a further conversation, it turned out that Lena and Miku live together. Semyon was quite surprised, he could not imagine how the silent and shy Lena and the moderately chatty Miku get along... Suddenly Zhenya became interested in the search for Shurik. Then she thought out loud that maybe he had run away to the village. So... from now on, in more detail... " So there's a village nearby?"- asked Semyon. But she didn’t give an exact answer and stared at her plate. The rest of the time I had to listen to Miku talk about something and quietly go crazy...

Going outside, Semyon breathed a sigh of relief. "Perhaps we could take a walk"- he thought. As he approached the square, he heard a loud bang. Olga Dmitrievna appeared from behind and they ran to the square. People had already gathered in the square, and the counselor was squeezing through them, trying to figure out what was going on. Apparently, Genda was blown up. But nothing came of it; only traces of soot remained on the monument. The counselor looked back at the crowd and looked questioningly. In the crowd, Semyon noticed Alice and Ulyana. The counselor also noticed them. Alice's hands were smeared with something black. Almost immediately they confessed what they used to make the bomb. Now it’s clear why Dvachevskaya came to the first-aid post. Alice immediately pointed to Semyon and said who gave her the coal. But it would be better if she chose someone else for such a minor accusation. The girls’ scolding was interrupted by Elektronik running out onto the square with enthusiastic shouts: "Found it! Found it!" It turns out that Elektronik found Shurik’s boot in the forest on the path to the old camp. One legend says that there lives the ghost of a young counselor who committed suicide from unrequited love. Olga Dmitrievna decided that someone should go there. And, of course, it will be Semyon. He is the only man left here. It will be possible to choose with whom we would like to go (if you did not choose the correct option in the last dialogue with each of these girls, then you will not be able to go with her):

Semyon chose Alice as his companion, well, that is. Olga Dmitrievna. She refused to go, and Semyon decided to simply go without her in the direction where the camp was approximately located. Later Alice caught up with him. The night forest was significantly different from its daytime version. If during the day it seemed that even a blind man could not get lost here, then at night it was completely different. The overall picture was completed by birds, insects and animals, which each sounded in their own way and together created an amazing symphony. Semyon felt fear and tried to walk as carefully and attentively as possible. Alice suddenly stopped and asked where to go next. A minute later she was already furious and was ready to turn around and go back, which she did. Semyon suddenly thought, maybe they were really lost after all. But returning to Alice meant losing face, agreeing with her, he could have continued to think so if not for the girl’s scream.

After a couple of tens of meters, Semyon almost fell into a hole, but managed to jump over. But Alice seems not... Semyon came closer to the hole and looked down to understand how high it was; a narrow hole went 3 meters down. Before he had time to take even a couple of steps, the ground began to move under his feet, and he, too, found himself down in the tunnel. Semyon, making sure that all the bones were intact, stood up and looked around. It really was a long tunnel. Perhaps it is worth going in the direction of the opposite camp to find a way out of it and maybe Shurik at the same time. The heroes reached a metal door with a radiation hazard symbol on it. With grief in half, they managed to open the door and get into some kind of bomb shelter. We must look for a way out further. On the other wall was the same door as the one through which they got here. This one didn't give in so easily. Semyon looked around the room and found a crowbar in the corner. But even then the door did not open. Semyon sat down on the bed, exhausted. Alice noticed a deep cut on his leg. She immediately said that the wound needed to be disinfected. Semyon no longer argued with her, as she looked worried, and decided to agree. Alice, rummaging through the cabinets, found cotton wool and iodine, and within a minute Semyon was covered like a leopard with brown spots.

Having patched up Semyon, the heroes moved back, looking for a hole in the ceiling. However, the tunnel seemed endless, and the hole was not discovered after 5 or 10 minutes. They moved on. A couple of minutes later, Semyon noticed another hole, but this time in the floor. Of course, they could have gone further, but Semyon’s feeling told him that nothing awaited them further except another dead end. They found themselves in a mine along which rusty rails were carried away into the distance. Semyon quickened his pace and after a couple of tens of meters they found themselves at a fork. Semyon decided to make a notch on the wall in case they returned here.

Passing the tunnel under the camp: RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT.

Around the next turn, Semyon saw a wooden door. Behind it was a room that resembled some kind of technical room, like a boiler room. Semyon looked around the room with a flashlight and saw Shurik in the far corner. Well, finally, I found it. He was clearly not himself, because he was talking some nonsense. Alice headed towards him and gave him a tasty slap in the face so that he would come to his senses. A moment later, Shurik was already flying towards Alice, clutching a piece of reinforcement in his hand... it’s good that Semyon reacted in time and everything turned out okay. The blow fell to the lantern, so they were left in the dark. Shurik’s devilish laughter gradually retreated, strengthened: "You won't take me away!".

Semyon was convinced that everything was all right with Alice; she hugged him tightly with her arms. This is certainly nice, but we have to get out of here somehow. A second later, the room was illuminated by a dim light emanating from a lighter. Semyon looked around and found the necessary items to create something that resembled a torch. The heroes headed back towards the bomb shelter.

Rising into the hole, Alice asked where to go next. The hole looked the same on both sides, as did the walls and ceiling...
They extinguished the torch and sat down against the wall. A noise was heard in the distance, Semyon clearly identified it as the sound of doors opening. They jumped up, lit a torch and moved in the direction of the sound. The guys finally reached the bomb shelter, and Semyon literally jumped inside, preparing to fight off a possible enemy, but there was no one there. Everything was the same as the last time they appeared here, but only one detail changed - the second door was open. Behind the door was another corridor that slowly rose upward. after a while they came across a staircase that led outside. The exit was in some old building, similar in appearance to kindergarten or school.

Semyon headed back towards the camp. Alice jumped up to him and walked next to him. They stood on the square for a while, and Semyon turned around and headed towards the counselor’s house. But something interrupted the silence of the night... it was snoring. Shurik was sleeping on the bench! The guys lifted the poor fellow, but he clearly did not understand or remember what was happening. Semyon turned around and went to the counselor’s house while Alisa was arguing with Shurik.

Semyon sat on a sun lounger and looked at the stars. His peace was disturbed by Alice, whose steps in the silence of the night could be heard several meters away. She said that Shurik really doesn’t remember anything. Alice came to thank Semyon and then left safely, as always, insulting him at parting. She stamped her foot and walked away from the house.

Semyon sighed heavily and stood up, thinking: “It’s good that Olga Dmitrievna is already asleep”. But this turned out to be not true. She stood in the middle of the room and clearly wanted an explanation. After a short conversation, Semyon lay down on the bed and fell asleep, thinking about everything that had happened that day and, in particular, about Alice.

Day 5

All night Semyon had nightmares from the old camp. He woke up in a cold sweat. It was just after eleven, which meant breakfast was missed. It's time to wash up and find food. On the way to the washbasins, Semyon met Elektronik. He began to thank him for saving Shurik. Also, according to Electronics, Shurik does not remember anything that happened last night, even after they left the old camp. Gratitude was not enough and Elektronik invited Semyon to the circle so that he could eat.

There was no one near the washbasins. He was able to wash his face, but it was not so easy to rinse the rest of his body. Having looked around, Semyon turned off the tap to make it more convenient and began to undress. The whole bathing process did not last long, mainly due to the very cool water, after which he began to dry himself. Suddenly voices were heard from the path. The hero grabbed his things and quickly rushed into the bushes.

A moment later, Alice and Ulyana appeared near the washbasins. They were all covered in red paint. Alisa began to rub Ulyana’s back, after which she asked to take off her bra. They stood with their backs turned, so it was difficult to see anything... and there was nothing to look at there. Then she asked to try on Alice’s bra, noting that there was no one here, looking at that moment towards the bushes where Semyon was hiding. Apparently she noticed him. Alice did not agree, but the girl tore off her bra with a deft movement. But here there was already something to see! The girls ran after each other around the washbasins, but Alice covered her breasts with her hand, so it was difficult to see anything. Despite this, Semyon somehow fell out of the bushes... Alice's face turned from red to purple, at that moment Semyon, covering his nakedness, rushed into the forest. He ran quickly and after a couple of minutes, realizing that there was no pursuit, he stopped. After some time, already dressed, the hero got out of the forest. Semyon’s legs hurt, but, on the other hand, his stomach also reminded of itself. It was worth going out to eat. The choice was between building clubs or a canteen, in case there was anything left there.

Semyon decided to go to Elektronik with Shurik. Having entered inside, Ulyana was running around the entire room with a coil of wire, and Shurik was running after her. After that, she hid behind Semyon, and Shurik, offended, walked out the door. Then Elektronik stepped in, standing silently watching what was happening. After a while, Semyon raised the wire above his head so that Ulyanka could not reach it. Electronics was grateful. Semyon and Ulyana went outside. There she began to repeat that Semyon was spying on them in the bushes, and that she would tell everyone if he did not bring her the wire.

After such blackmail, Ulyanka ran away. Semyon returned to the circle room. There Elektronik treated him to a couple of buns and a triangle of kefir. After that, he diligently made something and was not distracted for a second. A little later he decided to show what he had talked about earlier. He went into the next room and returned with a package. Inside was a large bottle of vodka. Having explained that this was not for internal use, Elektronik received his package back, and Semyon decided to leave. It’s strange that he even decided to show Semyon vodka... The stomach reminded itself again, buns with kefir are, of course, great, but you won’t get enough of them. At the same moment, music sounded calling everyone to lunch. Today Semyon was not the last to arrive, so he safely took a free table. Soon Slavya and Lena approached the table. They asked what his plans were for the evening and offered to accompany them on a boat ride to the island. They wanted to pick strawberries at the request of Olga Dmitrievna.

A couple of minutes later they were already standing on the pier. While Slavya went to get the oars, Semyon was left alone with Lena. He tried to somehow start a conversation with the girl, but everything was limited to a couple of phrases. Soon Slavya returned and handed the hero two oars. Everyone climbed into the boat, Semyon untied it, pushed it away from the shore and began to row somehow. Slavya pointed with her finger where to swim. About halfway through, his arms began to hurt so much that he stopped rowing to catch his breath. Lena noticed that Semyon was having a hard time, but he couldn’t give the fragile girl the oars...

Soon they swam to the shore and got out of the boat. Slavya immediately held out the basket. The girls offered to split up, but there were only two baskets. You can choose who to go berry picking with.

Semyon did not want to wander alone in the forest, and wanted Slavya to keep him company, but he did not dare to ask. As a result, the girl herself offered her help. Lena didn't seem offended. While they were picking berries, Semyon decided to find out more about Slavi’s hobbies. There were so many strawberries that within half an hour the basket was filled to the brim. They decided to wait for Lena, because... she alone will need more time to collect. At this time, Slavya shared her worries about what would happen when the holidays ended, everyone would leave, whether she would see anyone later... Semyon looked at her and did not know what to answer. The situation was saved by Lena, who emerged out of nowhere and showed a full basket of berries. It was possible to go back.

The way back seemed faster, although arm fatigue during the first swim made itself felt. Upon arrival at the pier, Semyon abandoned the oars and collapsed. Having sympathized, the girls asked to take the baskets to Olga Dmitrievna. It seemed that the worst was over, so he thought until he took the baskets. Because of this, the journey to the house took a little longer than usual, and we had to stop often to rest.

Upon arrival at the house, Semyon put down the baskets and collapsed into a lounge chair, calling out to the counselor, but there was no answer. Semyon went inside, but there was no one there. After which he lay back on the lounge chair and dozed off. He dreamed horrible dream, based on latest events. Suddenly Semyon was woken up by Olga Dmitrievna. She looked at the harvest and praised it.

But the help is not over yet. These strawberries are intended for the cake they will make in honor of Shurik’s rescue. She gives Semyon the task of finding yeast, flour and sugar, which are missing for the cake. Yeast can be found in the first aid station, flour in the library, and sugar in the club building.

Semyon first decided to go to the circle buildings. Inside, Shurik and Elektronik were diligently tinkering with something. Semyon took a closer look and saw a robot, a female one at that, and even with ears. The guys asked what brought him here. The answer came immediately: “Sugar!” Inquiring why we needed sugar, Elektronik disappeared into the room and within a minute was dragging a huge bag behind him. They didn’t have any container to put it in, so I had to drag the bag myself without waiting for help from the guys.

The bag was quite heavy and it was not possible to get far; after about twenty meters Semyon put it on the ground. Suddenly a voice was heard from behind and Semyon turned around and saw Lena. She offered to help and was more helpful than ever; a couple of minutes later she rolled the cart. “Why didn’t I think of this right away?”- Semyon said mentally. As quickly as she appeared, Lena ran back. Semyon decided that he would deliver all the ingredients at the same time, so he went to the next point.

It was a library. This time Semyon decided to knock. After Zhenya’s voice, Semyon went inside. It was awkward and Semyon felt like an idiot when he asked for flour. But the girl was not surprised at all. She disappeared behind the bookcases, and Semyon began to wait. The flour was in the cellar, so we had to wait. Suddenly the door to the library opened and Alice came inside. She clearly did not expect to see Semyon here. She was hiding something behind her back. Semyon decided to ask the first thing that came to mind and he asked what kind of book it was. He was very interested in what Miss “Don’t get involved, she’ll kill you!” was reading. It was very strange to see a book in her hands.

Without waiting for Zhenya, she decided that she would come back later and left the library. Somewhere Zhenya got lost. Semyon walked around the bookcases and saw a sweating librarian sitting near the hatch next to the bag. Semyon thanked him, took the bag and left the warehouse.

All that remains is to visit the first aid station. Semyon came in and through a small laugh said that Olga Dmitrievna had sent him to buy yeast. But the nurse didn’t have them. Instead, she offered something else. Opening the desk drawer, she took out a bottle and handed it over, it was beer. “Well, this is also a fermentation product. No one will notice,”- she said. The bottle clearly did not fit into the pocket. Semyon left the first aid station.

Walking around with a bottle of beer in your hands was not best idea, so it was necessary to quickly take it to Olga Dmitrievna’s house and hide it there. Semyon put the bottle under his shirt. Slavya met him on the square. Semyon quickly tried to retreat... Passing by the houses of the pioneers, Semyon collided with Ulyana... but what of such and such. She noticed that the hero was hiding something, but did not receive an answer to her question. It's surprising that she didn't pester me. Semyon walked around her and headed further. There was no one in the house, so he managed to hide the bottle under the bed. Semyon went outside and realized that everything had already been collected and ready to be sent to the dining room. He rolled out a cart and placed a sack of flour on it, and placed two baskets of berries on top. The beer was safely hidden under his shirt.

Having reached the square, Semyon decided to pause to catch his breath. The cart wasn't heavy, it was just that any load brought him pain. He sat down on a bench and closed his eyes. Suddenly a girl spoke to him. He was so tired that he didn’t even open his eyes. After a series of strange questions, Semyon finally opened his eyes and... there was no one there. Semyon, straightening the untied bag of sugar, set off on his difficult journey.

There was no one in the dining room yet, because there was still at least an hour before dinner. Semyon rolled the cart to the back entrance and handed over the food to the local cook. After that, he sat down on the steps and began to wait. After some time, someone came up and tapped Semyon on the shoulder. Miku stood in front of him. She arrived a little earlier than dinner and decided to sit next to Semyon. But he objected and decided to leave, pretending that he had business.

A minute later, Semyon was already on the square, he sat down on a bench and tried to wait for dinner in silence. But soon Ulyana appeared. After a couple of phrases, music was heard calling the pioneers to lunch, and Semyon, leaving it behind, headed towards the dining room. Olga Dmitrievna stood on the threshold, thanking her for the completed assignments.

The dining room was surprisingly not crowded. There were plenty of empty seats and Semyon managed to eat in silence. But here too there was no luck, for dinner they gave fish with mashed potatoes. Semyon pushed the plate aside, lowered his head into his hands and closed his eyes. Soon Slavya came up to his table and reminded him about the hike. What kind of trip is this? After that, Semyon again lowered his head into his hands and wanted to spend the rest of the dinner in silence so that no one would bother him. But from the far corner of the dining room, the voice of Olga Dmitrievna was heard, rants about the baked cake. Lena and Slavya were called to the table. The counselor did not have time to finish her speech, as Ulyanka jumped out of the crowd and attacked the cake. She managed to bite him in several places before they managed to pull her away. The counselor was furious. She decided to punish Ulyana and very cruelly, in her opinion. Ulyanka will not go on a hike with everyone.

Semyon went to the counselor's house to get some clothes. What exactly should you take? The only things she had were warm clothes, but it could be cold at night, so she grabbed the sweater she had gotten here in and moved in the direction of the square. The whole camp had already gathered there.

Having waited for Olga Dmitrievna and listened to her speech, she said that we would go in pairs. The pioneers began to quickly group. And it seems that a match was not found only for Semyon. But the librarian Zhenya also found herself alone. Oh no, Semyon would not agree to spend a few hours with her even for money. But what can you do...there is no choice. Zhenya was not very happy either. Once in the forest, they no longer walked deeper, but walked in circles. After some attempts to find out from Zhenya what was going on, Semyon decided not to speak to her again until the end of the campaign.

Finally, Olga Dmitrievna decided that it was time to end this walk and it was time to take a break. The chosen location was a large clearing surrounded by trees, in the middle of which the earth was scorched. This seems to be a camp tradition. Semyon and the rest of the guys were sent in search of firewood. After a while, all the pioneers sat down and began to talk about what. At the far end of the clearing, Semyon saw Lena, who was arguing with Alice about something.

Semyon decided to come closer, as unnoticed as possible, and listen to what they were arguing about. At some point, Alice snorted and turned away, meeting the eyes of the pioneer. After which Lena noticed Semyon. Alisa began bragging to Lena that Semyon had seen her naked, she continued until eventually Lena started running. Semyon felt guilty, even though he was indirectly guilty. He grabbed Alice's hand and dragged her to Lena to apologize for her behavior.

Having reached the square, Semyon asked where to go next. Alice also had no idea, although she suggested that Lena could be on the island. They moved towards the boat station. While Semyon was fiddling with the ropes and looking for oars, night had already fallen on the camp. He also noticed that one boat was missing. They sat down and swam towards the island.

Having reached the island, Semyon fell exhausted to the ground and just lay there. Now one would have expected some caustic joke from Alice, but she didn’t seem to have moved on from everything yet and was simply silent. “The island was small, even though it was night outside, it was probably easier to hide in my old apartment than here,”- thought Semyon. Soon they went in search of Lena.

Alice stopped at some point and didn’t want to go further, she was scared to be in dark forest. Then she took Semyon's hand and they walked. After some time, Alice peered into the distance and saw Lena, pointing her finger at her. Lena sat near a tree and cried. Alice tried to apologize, but at that moment the arrogant notes returned to her voice. Then the girls began to argue again, after which Semyon asked them to explain everything normally. And at that moment Semyon stood silently and tried to digest what Lena told him. "Looks like Lena kind of likes me?"- Semyon understood. Then, as an afterthought, it also occurred to him that Alice liked him. Lena jumped up and ran away again into the darkness. Semyon stood indecisive and did not know what to do. “If he rushes after Lena, what should I tell her?”- Semyon’s thoughts about what is happening. It's probably better to leave her alone and let her be alone. Alice headed towards the boat. The way back was much more difficult for Semyon; every ten to twenty meters he stopped to rest. Alice sat silently all the way and looked at the river, not paying any attention to Semyon. But in the middle of the river they started some kind of conversation. Suddenly she abruptly said that maybe it was worth telling Olga Dmitrievna about the morning incident near the washbasins. At that moment, something skipped a beat in Semyon.

When they finally swam to the boat station, the fatigue was not only physical, but also from the thought that Alice could make her threat come true. She clearly wanted something and smiled slyly. Then she moved towards the camp. Semyon gathered all his strength and rushed after her. In the square, he asked what he could do to prevent her from talking about what happened. "For example, don't run after Lena..."“, she answered. Who was running? Semyon began to lose his temper again. Alice stopped and her face clearly showed resentment and dissatisfaction. The showdown began. Everything ended quite well for Alice, and she said in a cheerful voice that it was time to go to bed. The last of our strength was spent on reaching the counselor’s house. The light was not on, which means Olga Dmitrievna was already asleep. Semyon undressed as quietly as possible and went to bed.

Day 6

Semyon woke up early, at which time Olga Dmitrievna was still sleeping. He decided to quietly take the toiletries and go wash himself. The guy forgot to look at his watch, but it felt like 6 or 7 in the morning. The camp was still sleeping. The water was terribly icy that even my hands were cramping from it. Having finished his hygiene procedures, he decided to take a walk around the camp. Having passed the square, the pioneer headed towards the boat station. In full confidence that he was the only one awake here, Semyon hummed some song under his breath. Coming out to the station, to his surprise, he noticed that someone was sitting on the pier with his legs dangling in the water. It was Alice. He walked up and stopped, not knowing what to say. After a short conversation, she said that she had plans for Semyon that evening. Without saying anything else, Alice stood up and walked towards Semyon. I wonder what the plans are...

Slowly the camp woke up, and Semyon headed towards the dining room. There was still at least an hour left before breakfast, but he didn’t want to go back to the house, so he waited at the dining room. Semyon just sat and watched a new day come. After some time, Lena greeted him. Semyon looked at her, she was smiling, the events of the previous night immediately flashed through his head. Lena sat down next to him, and they continued to discuss the strange situation that had developed. Semyon still could not understand what was really happening. With one phrase, Lena again confused him.

Suddenly the door to the dining room swung open and Olga Dmitrievna came out. Semyon seemed to come first, but out of nowhere the pioneers came running and while he took breakfast, the place at the table where Lena was sitting was occupied by other girls. Semyon, upset, pointedly without greeting anyone, headed to the far corner of the dining room and sat down on his favorite place. Having quickly finished his breakfast, which consisted of oatmeal and tea, Semyon was about to leave when Ulyanka jumped up to his table with a whole tray of food. Semyon left the dining room without answering the girl screaming after him...

“I should have brought the bag with washing supplies into the house, not to hang around with it all day,”- thought Semyon.

Coming out of the counselor’s house, someone called out to Semyon. It was Slavya, she asked for help. Semyon happily agreed, because he did not want to search for answers. She asked me to go to the cybernetics club and do something.

In the building, the boys in a circle had an errand for Semyon. Our task was to give her some kind of package. Can't they do it themselves? The first aid station is just a stone's throw away. Shurik disappeared behind the door and returned a second later, holding a paper parcel in his hands. The pioneers looked at Semyon as if they were handing him the keys to heaven. “Well, I guess we can go?”- asked Semyon. They nodded their heads, and Shurik added that Semyon should be careful.

Semyon went outside and carefully examined the package. They didn't say you can't look inside. So, moving away, he made sure that no one could see him, and then unwrapped the package. There was a bottle of Stolichnaya vodka...
After standing for a couple of minutes, he decided that it was not worth it beautiful goodness disappear and walked towards the counselor’s house. There was no one in the house, so Semyon quickly began to rummage through the table. Within a minute, the vodka was poured into a Duchess bottle, and ordinary water for watering flowers took its place.

Satisfied with his plan, Semyon went outside and headed towards the first-aid post. He knocked, entered and handed over the parcel. The nurse, without opening it, shoved it under the table. After which Semyon left.

The hero went out to the square; it was already noon, which means it wasn’t far until lunch. He sat down on a bench and decided to wait for that very music calling for lunch. Suddenly Lena appeared. She was not the same as usual. She sat down next to her and began to start a conversation. Seeds was a little confused by this situation. She didn’t want to continue yesterday’s conversation, but still asked what Semyon thought about Alice. After that, he still had many questions in his head that he would like to hear answers to, but the music calling for dinner carried Lena away.

There weren't many empty seats, so I had to sit with Elektronik and Shurik. The first one immediately inquired about the parcel. Eh, naive guys, of course Semyon opened it. But they don't need to know about it.

Having finished with lunch, Semyon was attacked by a yawn, and he went to the counselor’s house to take a little nap. He pulled the door handle with all his strength, entered the room and collapsed on the bed. Semyon closed his eyes, no longer wanted to sleep, and his head was filled with thoughts about how he got here, where “here” and who was next to him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Semyon answered lazily and sat up on the bed. Alice stood in front of him. She came to dot the i's and explain everything in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future. Sitting down on the bed opposite, she began to talk. As a result, she asked directly: who Semyon likes more, her or Lena. The hero said that he needed to think, after which Alice left the room, reminding him that they had plans for the evening.

While Semyon was pondering the conversation with Alice, the door opened and Olga Dmitrievna entered. In a dissatisfied tone, she asked: “Are you messing around again?” Then she asked Slava to help.

Going out to the sports ground, Semyon saw that there were quite a lot of people on it. Some played football, some played badminton. Soon Slavya came up. She asked if Semyon took the key to the first aid station, because... the nurse lost it, and she turned to Slava. But Semyon didn’t see anything, so that’s where the help ended.

He returned to the counselor's house in the hope of still getting some sleep. Olga Dmitrievna was not there, so Semyon immediately plopped down on the bed.

Waking up, he looked out the window. It was already past eight, so he missed dinner.

Coming out of the house, he found Slavya heading towards him. She asked again about the keys. It turned out that something was missing from the first aid station. As Semyon watched Slavya go, he wondered if she was talking about the wrong bottle. After all, if you think about it, you can assume that Semyon stole it. Semyon suddenly felt intense fear. He decided to hide the bottle more securely. What if they look for the missing item and find it? He jumped into the house, put the bottle under his belt and headed into the forest. The best decision was to bury her. Wandering through the forest for a long time, Semyon did not even notice how night had fallen on the camp. Suddenly someone called out to him from behind. Semyon turned, trying to make his face as casual as possible. It was Alice. He decided to make excuses to her that he was just walking. She recalled that they had agreed to go together in the evening, so it was impossible to give themselves away, and Semyon followed her.

In less than a couple of minutes they found themselves in Alice's house. All the way Semyon was waiting for the moment when he could throw away the vodka, but Alisa stayed nearby and this did not happen. A minute later, she reached under the bed and took out that very bottle of Stolichnaya. Semyon was surprised, not just by the bottle itself, but by the fact that it was the same one that he had taken to the first-aid post in the morning. Alice insisted that they drink the contents. Alice didn’t wait, poured it into a glass and knocked it over. Immediately she spat with the question: “What is this?” Semyon couldn't help but laugh. Then, in order not to arouse suspicion, he asked her how it tasted. To which Alice replied: “Like rotten water.” Semyon laughed even more and this completely infuriated her. She rushed at him, but Semyon held her hands so that she could do nothing. After he let her go, Alisa collapsed on Semyon and hit him in the nose with her forehead. Later, Alice was able to grab the bottle from her belt, after which she ran to the other end of the room. She opened the bottle and took a small sip. Immediately blushing, her question was: “What is this?” Semyon made it clear that this was precisely vodka.

Her tongue was already beginning to tangle. She went to the table and poured out the contents of the glasses and poured vodka instead. Semyon did not immediately, but agreed and emptied the glass. Having shared her impressions with each other, Alice poured each glass again. It was clear that Alice had less experience in this, so the second one didn’t go well for her. Semyon poured himself another, but Alisa snatched the bottle from him and began to drink from his throat, although she was already pretty drunk.

When they had finished with the bottle, Alice threw it out the window. "Ugh, it's kind of hot in here"- she said, and unbuttoned a couple of buttons on her shirt. Semyon looked at her carefully. He couldn't bring himself to take his eyes off her. Alice noticed this and allowed her to look further while she further unbuttoned her shirt.

What happened next was what should have happened. Semyon looked around the room and asked about Ulyana. Semyon was worried that she would come in at the wrong moment. Alice said she asked her to spend the night with another girl. Semyon stared at the ceiling for a long time, but then he heard quiet snoring nearby. Alice has already fallen asleep. We must follow her example. Before he could finish his thought, Semyon passed out.

Day 7

In the morning, Semyon did not feel very well: disgusting breath, pain all over his body. It seems like yesterday she and Alice drank a bottle between them. Semyon tried to get up, but something pressed his hand. It was Alice snoring peacefully. Everything that recently happened immediately came to mind. Semyon kissed Alice and wished her good morning. At first she looked at him with an absent look, and then she sat down and screamed. But after a moment she immediately calmed down and sat down next to her. Semyon hugged her, to which she did not react very well. Saying it's too late. It was then that Semyon learned that today was the last day in the camp. The thought popped into Semyon’s head that if everyone left somewhere, then it would still be possible to get out of this camp.

Semyon jumped out of bed and began to quickly get dressed, in the hope that maybe they would still have time to leave with everyone. A couple of minutes later they were already standing in the square. Next we decided to go to the counselor’s house. Having opened the door with their key, they found no one inside. They examined the entire camp and found out that they were completely alone here.

Alice assumed that they left towards the regional center. It takes about a couple of hours to get there, Semyon estimated approximately how much it is in km. It turns out that it is quite possible to reach it, but if you know exactly where to go, which Alice, of course, did not know. As a result, they decided to go to the regional center. Semyon told Alice to go get ready, and he ran to Olga Dmitrievna’s house to collect his junk. In half an hour they agreed to meet in the square.

Semyon had nothing special to collect. He put all his winter things in the bag, but then he thought that he didn’t need them, because no matter where they went, it was still not the end of summer, and he didn’t really want to carry around with extra cargo.

Returning to the square, Semyon replayed the events of the past night in his head. "Was it just drunken sex or something more?"- Semyon thought. Then he stood a little longer and soon his thoughts were interrupted by Alice. She handed Semyon a huge duffel bag. After some convincing, Alice agreed to throw away a few things along the way and take the essentials.

So, the heroes' journey has begun. At least an hour passed before Semyon began to get tired. He threw Alice's things on the ground and decided to take a break. Alice walked silently all the way, looking into the distance, she was ahead, and Semyon was a little behind.

Semyon walked and didn’t know where to start the conversation. She made it clear that it was just a big mistake. Although what was supposed to happen happened... For the last few days in the camp, Semyon was clearly drawn to Alice, and she, probably, to him too. Semyon started a conversation, but received only some hints and omissions in response; this frankly began to infuriate him. Afterwards, Alice began to reproach Semyon for constantly looking at Lena and comparing her with her. She cried a little, and then quickly returned to her normal state, and they moved on.

The sun was already setting behind the horizon, Semyon was immersed in his thoughts and even forgot that he had a whole duffel bag on his back. Semyon thought that he needed to say something, do something. The heroes walked, and the pioneer decided that they needed a stop for the night. In the backpack there was some kind of magazine and a box of matches - quite enough to start a fire.

Soon they were sitting on a fallen tree and warming their hands by the fire. Semyon already thought that he would never get out of this world and would remain here forever. And where here? If we put everything aside, it is clear that he is located somewhere in the south in the late 80s. How and why he got here is not so important, we need to somehow adapt. Alice continued to talk, without finishing her sentences. She stood up and walked towards the road. Semyon lost his temper so much that he jumped up and grabbed Alice by the hand and pulled her towards him. But he miscalculated the force, and they fell so that Alice was on the bottom, and Semyon was on top. They lay like that for some time, but Alice did not want to continue the conversation and pushed Semyon away and stood up. Alice asked: "Why are you here with me now?" Semyon had already decided on a direct answer and said: "Because I like you..." Alice couldn't believe it and said that words must be proven with actions. To which he replied: "Well, can we do it again..." At that moment Semyon did not understand where the thoughts of jokes came from in such a situation. Alice agreed with sarcasm, but soon burst into tears, and Semyon began to console her, hugging her tightly. As a result, Alice raised her head to Semyon, hugged him and kissed him tenderly. It was the best kiss of his life. No, it was not as passionate as last night, but there was so much tenderness, love and trust in it that Semyon simply disappeared into her.

This kiss probably could have lasted forever, but suddenly a beep sounded somewhere nearby. Semyon turned towards the road and saw a bus. For a while they just lay there and looked at him. The driver got out of the bus and shouted that this was a bus to the regional center. A few seconds later, Alice and Semyon settled into the back seat. Semyon looked at Alice and wanted to tell her something, but she was already sleeping peacefully, resting her head on his shoulder. Soon Semyon himself fell asleep.


The day had already passed, and the hangover should have been a thing of the past, but Semyon still felt sick and dizzy. Semyon could not open his eyes, but only thought what would happen when they reached the regional center, what would happen next? But after a while, Semyon opened his eyes and realized that he was in his old apartment. Everything was exactly the same as on the night when he “went” to the Sovenok camp.

Time passed, and the events in the camp seemed to be similar to a fascinating novel I had once read. Now every bus caused Semyon a mixed feeling of fear and hope. Several times Semyon desperately tried to return to that world, aimlessly making circles along route 410, falling asleep on the seat as he did then. But nothing happened.

Something in his life had changed, it simply could not help but change. A couple of weeks after returning, he picked up a guitar and struck the strings several times, the image of Alice immediately came to mind, he was associated with this particular instrument. At first it didn’t work out very well, but Semyon began reading tutorials and watching video tutorials. Now all the time and effort spent on the guitar was no longer a burden to him as before. Six months later, he realized that things were starting to work out and he could play parts of his favorite songs without hesitation. Pleased with himself, he posted ads on the forum with the goal of creating his own group. Soon the team was assembled, Semyon sat at night at work and composed some pretty good things, at least in the opinion of others. The first concert took place in a garage and with three half-drunk spectators, but even this was enough to make him nervous, but he was happy. After some time, they were invited to perform for the second time. There were already three tracks that they posted on the Internet. This was just the beginning. Popularity followed. They gave concerts weekly and already received some fees.

Semyon was sitting in front of the computer, torturing his guitar; the date of the upcoming concert was circled on the calendar. The first concert where they will be headlining. And also the presentation of the album. He remembered Alice. "What if she existed in this world, would she appreciate music? Not likely!"- thought Semyon. He collected his guitar and headed towards the exit.

Now Semyon will have to go to the club on the same bus. There was the same one on the street Cold winter, as then. Today Semyon never wanted to return to that camp. We need to play a concert, and then let everything go to hell.

The club was much larger than the one in which they played for the first time; it was still empty. Soundcheck in progress. Having set everything up, Semyon was ready to begin. However, today is a special day - it’s not them who are warming up, but them. This means their last exit. Listening to the first team, he realized that they still have to grow and grow. However, they themselves were like that recently. Semyon decided not to listen to them, but to go to the dressing room and plunge into silence. The parts had long been learned to the point of automaticity. And finally the time has come! As the performance came to an end, it was time for the complex solo that Semyon had spent so much time studying. The performance was over and the hall exploded with applause. There was complete euphoria in the dressing room, they congratulated each other and hugged. All the discs were sold out and this only increased the joy. The club was already empty, the instruments were packed, all that was left was to wait for the others - and go home!

Suddenly some girl called out to Semyon and praised him for cool game. The darkness made it difficult to see her face, but Semyon found it painfully familiar. That's right, it was Alice. The heroes met. He asked her about the pioneer camp, to which she replied that she had never been to one. She was about to leave when Semyon asked if she would come to the concert again. They exchanged contacts.

Semyon could not say for sure whether it was really the Alice from the pioneer camp, but at that moment this was the least of his worries. He was overwhelmed with emotions from the concert and from meeting Alice. Semyon shouldered the guitar and went with his comrades to the bus stop.

This is where this story ends. Congratulations, the game is completed!

Some minor choices are omitted (any choice can be made if the option is not specified). The number of points awarded to the chan for each choice is indicated in parentheses. To reach the root-chan on days 6 and 7, you need to score 6 points. For a good ending - 9 or more. For a bad ending you need to score less than 9 points.



Day 1.

2. Reply. (+1)

5. Take the keys.

Day 2.

8. Go get cards with Slavya. (+1)

9. Don't argue with Alice. (If you argue with Alice, then you can’t get to the bus stop.)

10. Any result in the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (+1)

Day 3.

(Without this, it is impossible to help Slava tidy up the square.)

14. Cleaning with Slavya on the square. (+1)

15. Run away. (+1)

Day 4.

16. First boat station, then stay home.

19. Don't ask. (+1)

21. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

22. Went with Slavya.

Day 5.

23. Elections on the map are not important.

24. Go with Slavya. (+1)

25. This is all thanks to the help of the girls. (+1)

26. Elections on the map are not important.

27. Try to snatch the book from Alice / Do nothing. (Nothing changes.)

28. Do nothing, just sit. (Without this it is impossible to find Slavya.)

29. Try to find Slavya. (Critical choice for Slavi. The ending depends on it.)

Day 6.

30. I want to take food for Slavi. (+1)

31. I have nothing to justify to you. (+1)



1. Yes, I'll go with you/No, I'll stay here.

Day 1.

2. Reply.

3. Run after him/Do nothing.

4. Try to take the cutlet/Do nothing.

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

6. Praise the book. (+1)

Day 2.

7. Card: Go to lunch/Don't go to lunch.

9. Don't argue with Alice. (+1)

10. Lose to Lena. (+1

Day 3.

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena. (+1)

12. Okay, I'll come. (+1)

13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. I guess I’ll help Slava/I think I’ll help the guys build giant robots/Okay, I’ll help sports club.

Day 4.

16. Elections on the map are not important.

17. I think it would look great on you. (+1)

18. Perhaps you ate too much stolen candy?/Poisoned yourself in the dining room?

20. Give Alice coal/Don’t give her coal.

21. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

22. I went with Lena and told the counselor that I went alone. (+1).

Day 5.

23. Elections on the map are not important.

24. Go with Lena (+1).

25. Yes, I tried / This is all thanks to the help of the girls.

26. Try to snatch the book from Alice/Do nothing.

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (Critical choice for Lena. The ending depends on it.)

Day 6.

28. Help Alice. (+1)



1. Yes, I'll go with you/No, I'll stay here.

Day 1.

2. Don’t answer her/reply.

3. Run after him/Do nothing.

4. Try to take the cutlet away. (+1)

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

6. Praise the book/Say nothing.

Day 2.

7. Map: Go to lunch. (+1)

8. Go for cards with Slavya/Go alone.

9. Don't argue with Alice.

10. Lose to Ulyana at cards and go on stage. (+1)

Day 3.

11. Sorry, but I’ve already agreed with Lena/Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help the sports club (+1)

15. Stay and help her clean up. (+1)

Day 4.

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. I think it would look great on you/Just like that.

18. Did you get poisoned in the dining room? (+1)

19. Ask what it is/Don’t ask.

20. Give Alice coal/Don’t give her coal.

21. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

22. Went with Ulyana.

Day 5.

23. Go with Lena/Go with Slavya.

24. Yes, I tried / This is all thanks to the help of the girls.

25. Try to snatch the book from Alice/Do nothing.

26. Do nothing, just sit. (Without this you cannot go to Ulyana.)

27. Go to Ulyana. (Critical choice for Ulyana. The ending depends on it.)

Day 6.

28. Try to stop with words. (+1)

Day 7.

30. It's all my fault. (+2)



1. Yes, I'll go with you/No, I'll stay here.

Day 1.

2. Don’t answer her/reply.

3. Do nothing. (+1)

4. Try to take the cutlet/Do nothing.

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

6. Praise the book/Say nothing.

Day 2.

7. Card: Go to lunch/Don't go to lunch.

8. Go for cards with Slavya/Go alone.

9. Argue with Alice. (+2)

10. Win the tournament. (+2)

Day 3.

11. Sorry, but I’ve already agreed with Lena/Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. It’s worth going to see. (+1)

14. Okay, I'll come. (+1)

15. Run away/Stay and help Ulyanka clean up.

16. Go to Alice.

17. Come up with another excuse. (+1)

Day 4.

18. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. I think it would look great on you/Just like that.

20. Perhaps you ate too much stolen candy?/Poisoned yourself in the dining room?

21. Ask what it is/Don’t ask.

22. Give Alice coal. (+1)

23. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

24. Go with Alice.

Day 5.

25. Elections on the map are unimportant.

26. Go with Lena/Go with Slavya.

27. Yes, I tried / This is all thanks to the help of the girls.

28. Exercise caution. (+1)

29. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (Critical choice for Alice. The ending depends on it.)


Semyon's version of the passage is as follows:

1. Sit for five days, not show any attitudes, and just sit during the hike.


(Opens after Any root.)

1. No, I'll stay here. (Prologue.)

2. Take the keys. (At the end of the first day.)

3. Go get the cards alone. (Second day.)

4. Go to the bus stop (search for Shurik), then “Agree” to help Mick with the song.

5. Don't eat an apple at the aid station.

6. Go alone (to look for Shurik at night).


(Opens after completing all the good endings, including Mika and Semyon-Rut, that is, the MAIN route):

1. I'll go with you. (Prologue.)

2. Don't take the keys

3. I think I’ll help the guys build giant robots. (The third day.)

4. Stay alone at the dance. (The third day.)

5. Eat an apple (At the first aid station.)

6. Go alone in search of Shurik at night.

7. Go back (Critical choice for YuVAO-chan)

Harem ending

1. We go to the SEAD route

Slavi's appearance corresponds to her name - a beautiful blue-eyed girl with white hair braided into two long braids. Kind, responsible, actually plays the role of an assistant counselor. He enjoys the trust of the camp workers, and sometimes uses it for his own purposes. However, the controversial ending of the route, the scene in the forest after the card tournament and the initiative shown in the hentai scene give reason to doubt its sincerity. She is relaxed and has absolutely no embarrassment or shame in front of the main character. He loves swimming, and sometimes does it at night.

Full description

A girl whose entire childhood was spent in the village, in big family, with people who value traditions and know what is worth in this life. There she was instilled with a love of work and correct views of the world. She learned to love everyone in this world. In a word, a very correct, textbook Slavic girl. Her big secret is that she is not who she says she is. She lives in the village for only a few years, with reliable people, under an assumed name - Slavyana. She was raised from birth elder sister, Russia-oneesama (Security Lieutenant, curator of the Rodina Project), who is one of the best and most undercover secret agents in the world, one of the few competitors of Mr. Bond (Not taking it too seriously). Since childhood, Slavya lived in special KGB camps (special schools), so she was trained in martial arts and military craft, athletic, and at the right moments extremely cold-blooded and calculating.
Kind, all-understanding, all-forgiving. Reasonable. Typical Slavic girl in in the best sense this word, a hundred or two hundred years ago they very willingly married such people. Fearless, extremely honest, never lies. Ideal girl, in a word, although not everyone likes them. Very correct, some would even say that she is too correct - she was just brought up that way. She is not afraid of anything and is almost not shy. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

This is the very case when a girl needs to be conquered. She needs the most best guy, she is unlikely to agree to anything else: to love, to protect, to help. In fact, she is quite independent, but there are two good people always better than one! Most likely, she has never truly fallen in love, although she loves the whole world. But if you fall in love, it will be firmly and forever, rest assured.

Sedate, reasonable. In a critical situation, he instantly collects himself and knows what to do. Loves to work and loves helping others. I don’t mind cooking something delicious myself and treating everyone. He participates in pranks with moderate enthusiasm, but always maintains a clear, cool head and clearly knows what is possible and what is not.


Following his image, he tries to maintain good relationships with all the characters. Because of his correctness, he sometimes has problems with Alisa and Ulyana. She is Zhenya's neighbor.

Writer's commentary

Slavya personifies the ultimate nyasha. I have never met anyone like this in my life, but I would like to. It’s difficult to write anything more specific or in more detail - she doesn’t care about your problems, she will always be a sweetheart. Frosty winter night you will meet her at the bus stop and she will not run away screaming A POLICE, but will talk to you, and everything will be nice. An image of a certain ideal - not even mine - an abstract one, into which everyone can put those features that he likes in Chan, because she will never push you away, and if something happens, she will become the way you want her to be.

Getting the good ending

The rest of the elections are not important
1. Yes, I'll go with you/No, I'll stay here.

2. Reply.

3. Run after him/Do nothing.

4. Try to take the cutlet/Do nothing.

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

6. Praise the book/Say nothing.

7. Card: Go to lunch/Don't go to lunch.

8. Go get cards with Slavya.

9. Don't argue with Alice.

10. Any result in the tournament, then go to the bus stop.

11. Sorry, but I’ve already agreed with Lena/Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help Slava.

15. Run away.

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. I think it would look great on you/Just like that.

18. Perhaps you ate too much stolen candy?/Poisoned yourself in the dining room?

19. Don't ask.

20. Give Alice coal/Don’t give her coal.

21. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

22. Went with Slavya.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Slavya.

25. This is all thanks to the help of the girls.

26. Elections on the map are unimportant.

27. Try to snatch the book from Alice/Do nothing.

28. Do nothing, just sit.

29. Try to find Slavya.

30. I want to take food for Slavi.

31.I ​​have nothing to justify to you.

Story and endings (!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!)

Slavya is the first person Semyon meets in the camp, and it is she who brings him up to date. A significant part of the time in developing relations with her is spent working together at the camp. At the end of the route, the main character leaves the camp and, resigned, returns to his normal life. In the good ending, Semyon meets a girl at a bus stop who looks like Slavya and invites her to his home.

The picture shows everything

2. Reply. (1)

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

8. Go get cards with Slavya. (1)

9. Don't argue with Alice.

10. Any result in the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (1)

14. Help Slava. (1)

15. Run away. (1)

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. Don't ask. (1)

21. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

22. Went with Slavya.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Slavya. (1)

25. This is all thanks to the help of the girls. (1)

26. Elections on the map are unimportant.

27. Try to snatch the book from Alice/Do nothing.

28. Do nothing, just sit.

29. Try to find Slavya (critical choice for Slavya).

30. I want to take food for Slavi. (1)

31. I have nothing to justify. (1)

1. Yes, I'll go with you/No, I'll stay here.

2. Don’t answer her/reply.

3. Run after him/Do nothing.

4. Try to take the cutlet/Do nothing.

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

6. Praise the book. (1)

7. Card: Go to lunch/Don't go to lunch.

9. Don't argue with Alice. (1)

10. Lose to Lena, go to the football field. (1)

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena. (1)

12. Okay, I'll come. (1)

13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. I think I’ll help Slava/I think I’ll help the guys build giant robots/Okay, I’ll help the sports club.

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. I think it would look great on you. (1)

18. Perhaps you ate too much stolen candy?/Poisoned yourself in the dining room?

20. Give Alice coal/Don’t give her coal.

21. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

22. Went with Lena.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Lena and not tell the counselor that you went to look for Shurik. (2+1)

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (critical choice for Lena)

28. Help Alice. (1)

1. Yes, I'll go with you/No, I'll stay here.

2. Don’t answer her/reply.

3. Run after him/Do nothing.

4. Try to take the cutlet away. (1)

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

6. Praise the book/Say nothing.

7. Map: Go to lunch. (1)

8. Go for cards with Slavya/Go alone.

9. Argue with Alice/Don’t argue with Alice.

10. Lose to Ulyana at cards and go on stage. (1)

11. Sorry, but I’ve already agreed with Lena/Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help a sports club (1)

15. Stay and help her clean up. (1)

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. I think it would look great on you/Just like that.

18. Did you get poisoned in the dining room? (1)

19. Ask what it is/Don’t ask.

20. Give Alice coal/Don’t give her coal.

21. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

22. Went with Ulyana.

23. Card: Circles, then Refuse. (1)

24. Go with Lena/Go with Slavya.

25. Yes, I tried / This is all thanks to the help of the girls.

26. Try to snatch the book from Alice/Do nothing.

27. Do nothing, just sit.

28. Go to Ulyana. (critical choice for Ulyana)

29. Try to stop with words. (1)

30. It's all my fault. (2)

1. Yes, I'll go with you/No, I'll stay here.

2. Don’t answer her/reply.

3. Do nothing. (1)

4. Try to take the cutlet/Do nothing.

5. Take the keys/Don’t touch them.

6. Praise the book/Say nothing.

7. Card: Go to lunch/Don't go to lunch.

8. Go for cards with Slavya/Go alone.

9. Argue with Alice. (2)

10. Win the tournament. (2)

11. Sorry, but I’ve already agreed with Lena/Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. It’s worth going to see. (1)

14. Okay, I'll come. (1)

15. Run away/Stay and help Ulyanka clean up.

16. Come up with another excuse. (1)

17. Elections on the map are unimportant.

18. I think it would look great on you/Just like that.

19. Perhaps you ate too much stolen candy?/Poisoned yourself in the dining room?

20. Ask what it is/Don’t ask.

21. Give Alice coal. (1)

22. Eat an apple/Don’t eat.

23. Went with Alice.

24. Elections on the map are unimportant.

25. Go with Lena/Go with Slavya.

26. Yes, I tried / This is all thanks to the help of the girls.

27. Do nothing. (1)

28. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (critical choice for Alice)

If you have never played a visual novel, then you should definitely try it, as it is a very exciting and unusual genre. From the outside it may seem a little boring and monotonous, since you only need to view images, read descriptions for them, and also play various dialogues with a choice of answers that affect how the plot will develop further. You shouldn't judge this genre solely by its cover - in fact, it has its own zest, enough of its own features that can give you hours of exciting gameplay. So try it first, and then judge, moreover, among such short stories there are a variety that will suit different people. For example, the project " Endless summer", which was created by domestic developers. This game has become incredibly famous not only in Russian-speaking countries, but also in the near and far abroad. And this article will answer the question that interests many Everlasting Summer gamers: " How to remove censorship?


Of course, everyone would like to immediately know the answer to the most important question of Everlasting Summer: How to remove censorship?" However, this can wait - first you need to get acquainted with the game itself and understand whether it will interest you. After all, as mentioned earlier, visual Novellas are a very unusual genre that may not be to everyone's taste, especially if you are a fan active games filled with action. Endless Summer doesn't have that - it just has an incredibly convoluted narrative.

So, your main character is a complete loser who did not finish his studies at the university, gets by with rare part-time jobs and spends all his time watching anime, reading manga and corresponding in thematic chat rooms and forums. And then one day he receives an invitation to a school reunion, gets on the bus and falls asleep. And he wakes up at the gates of the mysterious pioneer camp, where his adventures begin. You have to build relationships with the residents of this camp, choosing for yourself the one and only one that you have never had. Naturally, everything is not that simple, since you will need to constantly make the right choices in order to successfully complete the game Everlasting Summer Official.

Game endings

You may be a little surprised by this fact, but you will need to play through the game many times to unlock all possible endings. Firstly, in the Everlasting Summer Official project, you first need to take turns with all the initially available heroines and get to the final with them. After this, bonus heroes will be unlocked with their own endings, and then the final endings. And at the same time, pay attention to the fact that each of them offers you a wide variety of threads of the future for your hero. Each heroine has a good and bad ending, so you will have to work hard to achieve a happy ending. And, of course, it’s worth paying special attention to the endings, which open after completing the storylines with all the heroines. And here you can also end the game either well or poorly - it all depends on your choice.

"Endless Summer" is an incredibly exciting project that will literally drive you crazy with its intricate plot lines and incredible endings, be it good or bad.

Censorship in the game

Now it's time to move on to the main question regarding the game Everlasting Summer: "How to remove censorship?" After all, this game is entirely dedicated to relationships, so there are also sex scenes. But, unfortunately, they were removed in the original version using censorship - thus, the player cannot see everything that the developers wanted to show. This is why many gamers complain that they cannot get complete satisfaction from this project. Accordingly, we urgently need to look for ways to circumvent this censorship. In some cases, the developers themselves can help you, and sometimes you have to work on it yourself. In this article you will learn about all the options that are suitable for the game Everlasting Summer. How to remove censorship in this project? This is exactly what will be discussed further.

Patch to new version

To begin with, it’s worth talking about what the developers of the game “Endless Summer” did so that gamers can choose for themselves whether they want to watch obscene scenes or leave everything as it was. For this purpose it was released a new version games that received the serial number 1.1. If you already have an original project, then you only need to download a patch that will improve your game client to the required version. And then you too will be able to take advantage of the necessary functions that the new version of Everlasting Summer provides. The game itself doesn't change much, but turning censorship on and off is reason enough to download and install this patch.

Disabling censorship in settings

So, you downloaded the game version 1.1 or installed the corresponding patch if you already had the original game. But what to do next? How to get Everlasting Summer uncensored? To do this, you need to open the settings window and go to the second tab. There are several new options, including switching censorship. By checking the right box, you will activate the censorship remover, which will allow you to watch the game without any restrictions. However, it is worth noting that this function does not always work - it’s a shame, but this is really a drawback that has not been eliminated. So if you're lucky, you can disable censorship with one click. If not, you will have to look for other ways. But don’t despair - the developers didn’t limit themselves to just one item that allows you to get rid of inhibitions. There is a code in the game Everlasting Summer that allows you to disable censorship.

Developer Code

It is immediately worth noting that this code only works if you're playing with a gamepad - there's no corresponding key combination for the keyboard, so you'll have to use a joystick. So, you will need to use the following combination of buttons: press “up” twice, then press “down” twice, then press “left” and “right” twice in turn, and finally finish everything by pressing the “B” and “B” keys. "A". After activating this code, a notification should follow that everything was successful and censorship is now turned off. If you do not hear the signal, you should try to enter the code again, and, if necessary, turn off and turn on the game again.

Saves with censorship turned off

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that none of the methods provided by the developers work for Everlasting Summer Steam. The game version often does not accept additional settings and codes, or your gamepad simply does not work, or maybe it doesn’t exist at all. What to do then? Don't despair - there is always a way out. In this case, you can find a save made by another gamer, in which censorship will already be disabled. This is the simplest and reliable way. A save can be made at the very beginning of the game precisely for the purpose of turning off censorship, so that you can complete everything storylines on one's own. But if you want something more, then it will hardly be a problem for you to find saves that will offer you the game completed to certain stages. For example, if you are unable to achieve a positive ending for a particular heroine, you can load a save and skip the moment that gives you trouble and does not allow you to continue playing. In any case, in the game Everlasting Summer, saving can be a real salvation for you, especially if you are unable to disable censorship manually.


Naturally, we should not forget that gamers themselves are trying to correct the situation, while simultaneously offering their creations to other people. So you can download a special modification that allows you to disable censorship in the entire game with just one action. You just need to download the desired mod to your computer, place it in the appropriate game folder and enable it. After this, the censorship will disappear and you will no longer have any restrictions.


However, please note that a separate modification allows you to get only one single feature, which is activated at the very beginning and cannot be disabled. If you are not happy with this state of affairs and want more features, then you will need a modpack. This is a collection of several modifications selected by the creator of the pack, which is most often equipped with special program, which allows all these mods to be turned on and off manually during the game. Such packs can add a lot of interesting features, additional backgrounds for locations, improved models of characters and other important objects, and most importantly, you can now choose right during the game whether you want to leave censorship or remove it so that you can contemplate the project in full all its pristine beauty.

As you can see, there is a large number of various options for enabling and disabling censorship, and if one doesn’t work for you, don’t give up right away, as you can try all the others, and one will definitely suit you.