Chamomile is a well-known medicinal plant. It is widely used both externally and internally. Its use is justified in medicine and cosmetology. Chamomile also has a positive effect when newborn babies are bathed in it.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Our grandmothers also practiced bathing babies with chamomile. This procedure has a positive effect on the baby’s skin, health and well-being thanks to the healing qualities of the plant. The following are the main medicinal properties daisies:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • soothing;
  • painkiller
  • healing.

Chamomile has been used as a medicine in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) included it in the encyclopedia of natural sciences.

Chamomile is one of the most used plants in medicine.

What are the benefits of chamomile baths for a newborn?

Most pediatricians recommend adding chamomile to the bathing water of newborns, at least in the first months of life. This advice has good reason. Essential oil plants, free organic acids, vitamins and other beneficial substances have a significant positive effect. Chamomile not only has a good effect on the baby’s skin, but also has a general strengthening effect and a calming effect on the baby’s skin. nervous system.

Fighting skin rashes and diaper rash

The skin of a newborn is very delicate and thin. Therefore, diaper rash and irritation are not uncommon, especially during the hot season. They cause pain and inconvenience to the baby and can cause screaming, poor sleep and poor appetite. And in winter, due to the operation of heating systems and appliances, the air in the room is dry: the child’s skin can peel and crack, causing frequent anxiety.

The healing and antiseptic properties of chamomile help cope with the listed skin problems and help heal wounds and microcracks. And the analgesic effect helps get rid of burning, itching and discomfort caused by diaper rash, sweat rash, diathesis or dry skin.

Calming effect

The nervous system of a newborn, which is not fully developed, is easily overexcited and tired under the influence of external factors. This leads to whims and bad sleep The child has.

The calming effect of chamomile aroma has a positive effect on the baby’s central nervous system, is absolutely safe and non-addictive. Bathing with the addition of a medicinal plant will help you relax and make your sleep deeper and more sound. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this procedure 1 hour before bedtime.

Anti-inflammatory and restorative effect

Chamomile also has a general strengthening effect. Baths with its use help improve tone and awaken appetite. In addition, metabolic products are more actively released through the pores of the skin when bathing. And for girls, baths with chamomile are especially useful; they will serve as an excellent prevention of gynecological diseases.

How to properly use for bathing?

You can add chamomile to bathing water in the form of a decoction or infusion. Each of these dosage forms has its own characteristics and differs in the method of preparation. When brewing a decoction, the dried flowers, leaves or roots of the plant are poured with boiling water. Infusions are prepared using cold or warm water.

The cooking time for decoction and infusion is different. Therefore, the brewing method medicinal herb depends on when the chamomile is prepared for bathing. If it is more convenient to do this in the morning, then it is preferable to use infusions. The raw materials will release all their beneficial substances into the water during the day. When brewing the herb in the evening before swimming, it is better to make a decoction.

It is important to know that you should not prepare an infusion or decoction for future use. Their beneficial features disappear after 5 hours. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, but fresh ones will always be healthier.

Video: how to brew chamomile

Preparing the infusion

An infusion is prepared from the soft parts of the plant, such as flowers and leaves. If you make it from roots, rhizomes or bark, you will not be able to fully extract all the beneficial substances. The action of the infusion is stronger and faster compared to the decoction.

To prepare the infusion, 5 teaspoons of chamomile flowers are diluted in 200 ml of water at a temperature of 40–60 degrees (you need to use enamel dishes or a thermos), infused for 8 hours, and then filtered.

Preparing the decoction

It is advisable to prepare a decoction from the hard parts of the plant. Flowers and leaves easily release beneficial substances that, under the influence of high temperature the waters are destroyed.

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile into 1 liter of boiling water. You don’t need to leave it for a long time; 30 minutes will be enough. Then the broth is filtered and added to a bath of water.

Bathing with chamomile has a positive effect on a newborn

Although chamomile is considered safe for a child, it is worth following some tips when preparing a decoction or infusion for bathing a child with its addition. General recommendations pediatricians are listed below.

  • You need to use only high-quality raw materials.
  • You need to add a decoction or infusion to the bath immediately before bathing.
  • You shouldn’t use chamomile every time you bathe; just add it to the bath 1-2 times a week.
  • It is better to start bathing a newborn in herbal baths from 5 minutes, increasing the time to 15 minutes.
  • Before use, the decoction or infusion is filtered.
  • When bathing in chamomile, do not use soap.
  • It is not recommended to wash your baby after bathing in herbs. clean water: Let the infusion or decoction dry on the body and have its beneficial effect longer.

Contraindications and precautions

Like any medicine, chamomile should be used taking into account precautions and contraindications. Although it has a mild and non-aggressive effect, in rare cases allergies may occur. Therefore, before the first bath, pediatricians recommend checking the child’s reaction. For this small area The baby's skin is wiped with a decoction or infusion using cotton wool or a bandage. If after 15 minutes there are no side effects in the form of irritation, redness or rash, then you can bathe your child in it. But at the same time, remain attentive and monitor the baby’s reaction.


All herbs, penetrating through the skin, have a healing effect and have a beneficial effect on the child’s body. They relieve irritation, reduce itching, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and also effectively remove dead cells.

To heal the umbilical wound, add disinfectant herbs to the water bath: chamomile, oak bark and calendula. For rashes on your baby's skin, bathe him in the herbs of string, celandine and sage. Remember, the herbs should be changed periodically, since bathing in the same herbal infusion every day can cause allergic reaction The child has .

Brew the sequence as follows: take 150g of herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water, then boil for 10 minutes, strain and pour into a baby bath with warm water. You can also alternate the mixture with other herbs in different ratios, but no more than two tablespoons. For example, 2 tablespoons of string with 2 tablespoons of sage, or 2 tablespoons of string with 1 tablespoon of chamomile and sage, 2 tablespoons of string with 2 tablespoons of thyme, etc.

You need to brew chamomile as follows: pour a tablespoon of herb with a liter of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for ten minutes. Then strain it through a double layer of gauze and pour it into a prepared bath of boiled water. The chamomile bath for the baby is ready. Before swimming, it is recommended to do a skin test to rule out an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little decoction to the newborn's skin and wait half an hour. If redness suddenly appears, then this decoction should not be used for the baby.

The temperature of the water in the bathtub for bathing a child should not exceed 37°C. The duration of the water procedure is 10-15 minutes (start with a five-minute bath, gradually increase the time). Do not overuse herbal bathing; three times a week will be enough. Make sure that the child does not swallow water during the process. Do not rinse your baby after a chamomile bath, then the healing effect of this procedure will last much longer.


  • bathing a child in chamomile in 2017

Taking a bath is a pleasant and useful activity for your baby. The child gets positive emotions from splashing in the water, strengthens the body, and trains the muscles of the arms and legs. And if you add herbal decoctions to the bath, water treatments will become doubly beneficial.

You will need

  • - thyme;
  • - series;
  • - oregano;
  • - peppermint;
  • - Oak bark;
  • - birch leaves and buds;
  • - leaves and buds of aspen;
  • - pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • - lavender;
  • - valerian.


To prevent diaper rash and prickly heat, add thyme, oregano, peppermint, and oak bark to bathing water. A bath with a decoction of leaves and buds of birch and aspen will also help to cope with diaper rash. These plants have excellent antiseptic properties. And bathing with thyme decoction is also useful for rickets and restless sleep in children.

For easily excitable, restless children, a decoction of lavender is suitable. This is one of the best herbs to calm the nervous system. Its subtle aroma helps to relax, improves well-being, and also softens the skin.

Another remedy for strengthening the nervous system is valerian infusion. This herb has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and also has a wound healing effect.

Children suffering from skin diseases are recommended to take alternating baths. It reduces inflammation, helps get rid of rashes and milk crusts. True, you can use a decoction of the string no more than once a week, as it dries out the skin.

It is necessary to brew the herbs an hour and a half before bathing the child. It is not recommended to make an infusion that is too rich. 30 grams or one tablespoon is enough.

At first, it is better not to mix herbal decoctions. Since a child may be allergic to plants, it is difficult to immediately determine from the mixture what exactly caused the reaction.

The skin of babies is characterized by increased sensitivity to external factors and acute perception of environmental indicators, so parents should Special attention pay attention to child hygiene. To one of the most simple ways increasing the resistance of the child's body negative factors refers to chamomile. Adding herbs disinfects water, neutralizes various impurities, strengthens the child’s immunity and has a number of other positive effects.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant for all occasions, which helps to cope with many problems or not even know about them thanks to preventive measures

The healing power of chamomile

Even bathing itself is very beneficial for the baby, and adding chamomile or another medicinal plant to the bath greatly enhances its therapeutic effect. The beneficial components of plants act not only externally, they can penetrate into the body through the skin, which causes the following effects:

  • Foci of inflammation, irritation, diaper rash disappear, skin itching decreases;
  • dead cells are removed, the skin is cleansed and access to oxygen is opened;
  • strengthens the immune system, toxins are removed from the body faster;
  • as a result of the effect of chamomile on the nervous system, the newborn experiences improved sleep, mood, and perception;
  • the child's appetite improves.

You can bathe your child in chamomile infusion within 5 hours after preparation, otherwise the infusion will lose its beneficial properties.

When and how best to administer medicinal baths

After the umbilical wound has healed, from about the second week of a newborn’s life, you can start adding fresh infusion or decoction of chamomile to the water. To bathe a child, you should use only herbs prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy. Before the first procedure, you must do an allergy test. To do this, apply a few drops of chamomile infusion to the child’s leg or arm. If after half an hour no reaction is observed, the product can be safely used.

First of all, you need to learn how to prepare a miraculous infusion. To do this, place about 30 g of dried chamomile (one tablespoon) in an enamel or porcelain container and pour in a liter of boiling water. The product should sit for one and a half to two hours. All this time, the broth should remain warm, so it is better to use a thermos to prepare the liquid. It is important to take into account that after five hours the concentrated infusion will lose most of its qualities, so the time must be strictly planned. After the specified time, the product must be filtered through cheesecloth and added to the bathtub. Chamomile infusion should be colored. If the liquid remains clear, it means that something is wrong with the herbs or the preparation procedure was carried out incorrectly.

Under no circumstances should you change the proportions of water and chamomile when preparing the composition! This can lead to the development of allergic reactions and subsequent intolerance to the product. You should not overuse bathing your newborn in chamomile. Each time the herbs for preparing a bath need to be alternated. You can use soothing mint, lemon balm or violet, disinfecting calendula, celandine or oak bark. About twenty plants can be used to bathe newborns, each of which has certain beneficial properties.

When bathing your child, always pay attention to safety: make sure that he does not swallow water and does not freeze

The temperature of the prepared water (already together with chamomile) should not exceed 37°C. The duration of bathing a newborn should not be extended longer than 15 minutes. Experts recommend starting with small periods of time, which can be gradually increased. Herbal baths differ in their purpose from ordinary ones, so there is no need to carry them out more often than 2-3 times a week.

During the procedure, it is important to ensure that the child does not swallow water. After the event is over, the newborn should be thoroughly dried. There is no need to rinse your baby after a bath with chamomile - this will negate the entire effect of bathing. The healing components of the composition must be absorbed into the skin, so their effect will be more pronounced. And the chamomile aroma has a calming effect on children.

Bathing a newborn in herbal baths is both therapeutic and preventive. Correct and regular implementation of the procedure will reduce the risk of colds, dermatitis, neuroses and allergic reactions.

Nature to the rescue: using herbs to bathe a newborn

Nothing helps in caring for a newborn more than nature itself. It’s not for nothing that our great-great-grandmothers trusted their natural intuition in raising their children: they raised their children on natural products, spent a lot of time in the fresh air, and used herbs to bathe the newborn.

And now this trend continues in many families: fashionable cosmetics are replaced by herbal preparations.

It must be said that a baby who has just been born reacts very sensitively to everything that surrounds him, sometimes even the smallest thing can cause an allergic reaction in him. In such cases, bathing is best way relieve the unpleasant itching that accompanies the rash and soothe the baby’s skin.

How to use bathing and correct selection herbs to make your baby’s life more enjoyable, we’ll talk today.

Bathing age: when will bathing in herbs not cause harm?

After birth, the baby finds himself face to face with a still hostile world full of germs and bacteria. If earlier the mother’s body protected from them, now the little person learns to fight them on his own.

Almost immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, at the first visit, the local pediatrician and nurse tell young parents about the benefits of water procedures.

Hygienic measures and daily bathing are the key to the cleanliness of the baby’s skin, and, accordingly, his peace of mind. Read how to bathe a newborn for the first time at home >>>

It is believed that before the umbilical wound heals, the child should be bathed in pre-boiled water with a small addition of potassium permanganate. (Read how to dilute potassium permanganate for bathing a newborn >>>) But already at the age of two weeks, the baby is ready for various decoctions to be added to the water when bathing. Many people do not know how and in what cases to bathe a newborn baby in herbs.

Note that in cases of colic, redness, prickly heat, diaper rash, herbs are a very effective and environmentally friendly remedy. Therefore, they can be used almost from birth.

Important! The approximate age for “starting” bathing in herbal decoctions is two weeks, with individual adjustments depending on the baby’s well-being.

There are many herbs, which ones to choose for your child?

The variety of herbal infusions is much greater than the bathing products that any major cosmetic company can offer. But there is important nuance: Each herb has a specific purpose. That is, bathing with certain herbs should solve some problem, be it the baby’s restless behavior or an allergic reaction.

  • There are special soothing herbs used for bathing newborns, these include mint, valerian, oregano and lavender;
  • Chamomile. string and calendula are an excellent way to disinfect the baby’s irritated skin;
  • There are herbal teas that help with colic: bathing with a decoction of bearberry or motherwort added to the water will relieve the baby from this trouble; Find out what other medications exist for colic >>>
  • There are also special decoctions that are indicated for hypertonicity or hypotonicity of the baby’s muscles. But first things first. What is muscle hypertonicity in a newborn?>>>

The herbs have been selected, how to brew?

When the choice is made, the desired herb is already prepared, many parents do not know how to brew in the right way These herbs are for bathing newborns.

First of all, you should adhere to the main rule in proportions:

  1. ½ liter of boiling water;
  2. and from 2 to 4 tablespoons of ready-made herbal mixture;
  3. In order for the infusion to reach the desired concentration, it must be kept for about 30 minutes;
  4. The resulting solution, if stored in the refrigerator, will be good for about a week. It can be added to water for both bathing and rinsing.
  5. As for dishes, it is best to prepare enamel, glass or ceramic dishes.

If parents want to use a collection of several herbs, then they need to brew it in the same way as the previous method. Sometimes ready-made mixtures from the pharmacy contain instructions; this is useful in cases where there are some special aspects in brewing one of the ingredients.

On a note! For those who don’t want to bother with decoctions, we can recommend ready-made herbal extracts. They are convenient and easy to use: just add one cap per 10 liters to your baby’s bath, and the water is ready for bathing.

Bath with a decoction of herbs: how to bathe a baby correctly?

The bathing procedure is a fairly easy process, but it also has several points that you should pay attention to. Having decided which herbs to use for bathing a newborn, you need to start with just one.

If you choose a less allergenic one, then preference can be given to chamomile or string. To finally make sure that the prepared broth is safe for the baby, you can do a kind of test:

  • To do this, you need to place a drop of infusion on the child’s wrist;
  • It is better to do this test half an hour before swimming to check if there is any reaction on the skin;
  • The skin remains clean, which means you can swim; the prepared broth is safe;
  • Another control point is observing the baby’s behavior during bathing;
  • If everything is in order, the child endures the water procedure with pleasure - without screaming, crying, difficulty breathing or redness.

Know! Do you want to prepare a prefabricated decoction or use several ready-made extracts for bathing? We must remember that combining more than 4 different components is fraught with unpleasant consequences. It is better to bathe in different herbs alternately in different days weeks than to make a “mix” into one.

Herbal infusions with a calming effect for bathing a baby

By using decoctions of certain herbs while bathing the baby, parents can count on a calming effect. This is especially important when, after a tiring or overly emotional day, the child cannot calm down and fall asleep (find out why a newborn does not sleep well >>>). Read more about some of them.

  1. The most common herbs from which decoctions are made for bathing are:
  • Lavender is an excellent antispasmodic and sedative;
  • Valerian calms the nervous system and also has a beneficial effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  1. Herbs that have also been proven effective, but should be used with caution in allergic children:
  • These include mint and oregano. The first soothes, reduces inflammation and pain, and also stimulates appetite;
  • Oregano decoction helps with various nervous disorders, as well as for problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  1. Of the prefabricated decoctions, the most effective is considered to be an infusion of motherwort, bearberry and St. John's wort:
  • For the dry part of these components, take ½ liter of boiling water, and then leave for 20 minutes;
  • A complex mixture of motherwort, valerian, thyme and oregano has a good effect;
  • To make the decoction sufficiently concentrated, take one tablespoon of each dry ingredient per ½ liter of boiling water;
  • A bath with the addition of such a solution can be taken for no longer than 15 minutes, but for the baby this time will be enough.

Common herbs: almost everyone knows them

As mentioned above, bathing herbs each “specialize” in their task.

  1. So, for example, there are herbs for bathing against colic, these include bearberry (it reduces muscle tension and strengthens gastrointestinal tract) and motherwort (it perfectly regulates intestinal function and eliminates spasms). Find out how to cope with colic using non-drug methods in the course Soft tummy: getting rid of colic in your baby >>>
  2. Has your baby been diagnosed with hypertension? In this case, he is advised to bathe with the addition of soothing herbs or infusions containing hop cones, licorice and valerian roots, mint leaves, and motherwort. Chamomile in combination with sea ​​salt also has a sedative effect.
  3. Decoctions based on the following are very popular:
  • from string, chamomile and thyme with oats;
  • nettle in combination with string and oregano;
  • ready-made extracts of chamomile, lavender and sage;
  • chamomile with lemon balm oil or string with lavender oil is an excellent option for those who prefer a finished product rather than a decoction.

Not all herbs are created equal: be careful!

Some herbal mixtures and decoctions can not only bring benefits, but also cause harm to the baby. Mint and oregano should be used with great caution - they are contraindicated for sensitive children prone to developing allergic reactions.

And there are also herbs that should not end up in your baby’s bath. They need to be remembered: these are calamus, celandine, adonis, wormwood, thuja, tansy, broom.

Remember that nature is the best helper, but you also need to be careful with it.

A decoction of string and chamomile is widely known as effective remedy for healing skin diseases and damage. They can be safely used for baths for babies, and in case of diathesis, pediatricians even strongly recommend them as additional means treatment.

This medicine is used to wash wounds and treat dandruff, however, it can be used more widely. It will be useful in healing from many ailments. This amazingly healthy decoction of string and chamomile will be discussed in today’s article.

Chemical composition of the decoction

The composition of the decoction of string and chamomile includes the following beneficial substances and microelements:

  • Flavonoids, which enhance the positive effects of enzymes and hormones on the walls of blood vessels. They eliminate inflammatory processes and have antioxidant properties, removing free radicals from cells.
  • Essential oils that provide the drug with antimicrobial and soothing effects.
  • The tannin compounds that make these plants effective in fighting skin diseases and damage. They are able to cope with all types of bacteria and microbes, including purulent sticks.
  • Mucous substances and bitterness, eliminating inflammation of the respiratory and digestive system. In addition, bitterness causes increased secretion of bile and gastric juice, and increases appetite.
  • Vitamins and valuable organic acids that increase immunity, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. They also participate in metabolism and eliminate mucosal pathologies.
  • In addition, it contains alkaloids, trace elements, coumarins, glycosides, alkaloids and phytosterols.

Properties of the decoction

The beneficial substances present in the chamomile and chamomile decoction give it a number of pharmacological properties. It has been proven that it has a strong diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.

Official medicine recognizes the decoction as having strong disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, which have long been successfully used to treat various skin diseases, non-healing and festering wounds, and damage to the mucous membrane. It is widely used for baths, rinsing and douching of the mouth and vagina when problems arise.

The decoction has a positive effect on the nervous system, calming it and reducing arterial pressure, normalizes heart rhythm.

A decoction is used to treat diseases respiratory system, because It has expectorant properties, removes mucus from the bronchi and lungs and successfully copes with colds.

The manganese transferred from the series makes the decoction unique, since this microelement takes an active part in the formation of enzymes that accelerate metabolism. It helps improve hematopoietic functions, affects blood clotting and the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Taking the decoction orally improves the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract. It is taken when they want to increase the flow of bile, cure gastritis, ulcers and other disorders of the stomach and intestines.

It is recognized that the decoction has the following properties:

  • diaphoretic and diuretic;
  • antibacterial and disinfectant;
  • carminative and expectorant;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent, regenerative, anti-inflammatory;
  • anticonvulsant and sedative;
  • tonic.

Due to these properties, the decoction has found wide use in official and alternative medicine.


  • diathesis (scrofula);
  • skin rashes;
  • non-healing wounds and postoperative sutures– to prevent or treat suppuration;
  • seborrhea;
  • scabies;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • some fungal diseases;
  • psoriasis, etc.

But the scope of application is not limited to skin diseases. It has diuretic properties and is taken for kidney ailments, to relieve edema and for gout, cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis.

A series of chamomile improves digestion, eliminates flatulence, and increases the secretion of gastric juice and bile. They are used for gastrointestinal diseases and internal organs– liver, intestines and gall bladder.

The decoction normalizes metabolic processes, removes waste and toxins and promotes weight loss. It stops bleeding, has a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect and is used to treat bleeding gums, stomatitis, douching for gynecological diseases - thrush, inflammation of the appendages, etc.

Herbalists claim that a decoction of string and chamomile strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation, normalizes the rhythm of the heart muscle and reduces blood pressure. It is taken for atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

A decoction drunk with a spoon of honey in the form of tea will calm the nerves, relieve tension and improve sleep in case of irritability, insomnia and hysteria.

The drug is taken for colds, it relieves fever and fever, and facilitates the passage of sputum when coughing. It is taken for bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, influenza, sore throat, ARVI, etc.

It should be understood that any herbs are not a panacea for any disease and treatment must be comprehensive.

The cosmetics industry has not ignored the success of chamomile; they are added to shampoos and creams. A decoction frozen in the freezer will make the skin clean, young and elastic, and rinsing your hair will get rid of dandruff and increase hair growth.

Preparing the decoction

A decoction of string and chamomile for external and internal use is prepared in different ways.

For external use

This decoction is used for baths, douching, lotions, rinsing and washing wounds.

Mix chamomile and string in equal parts and pour 100 g of the mixture into a bucket of water. Then bring to a boil, wait another 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.

Leave for 30-40 minutes, filter and add to the bath. For compresses and lotions, such a volume of decoction is not needed, so all components are reduced by 10 times.

For bathing newborns

For children, a less saturated decoction is used. 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of water into the mixture of herbs, after boiling, cook for another minute, and then let it brew for 15 minutes.

After this, it is filtered and added to the bath. The procedure is done every other day. It is very useful because... the drying properties of the string are balanced by the emollient effect of chamomile.

For indoor use

2 tbsp. l. add 0.3 liters of water to the herbal mixture, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes. Let stand for 20-25 minutes, strain and use as directed.

It is important to note that the decoction room temperature Can be stored for no more than 10 hours, and in the refrigerator for 2 days.


For a cold

The mixture of plants is taken orally in the form of a decoction, for this purpose 1 tbsp. pour a cup of water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. When the drug has cooled, filter it and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 r. in a day. For children over 3 years old – 1 tsp.

For the treatment of cystitis and other kidney problems

Make the following complex herbal collection: 2 tsp. string and chamomile color, 3 tsp each. bearberry and coltsfoot and 1 tsp. birch buds. This collection is poured into 2 liters of boiling water and boiled for 1-2 minutes. and leave for 3-5 hours. Strain and take 2 tbsp. l. 2 r. per day in the morning and evening after meals. The course of treatment is 10-20 days.

For diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nerves and insomnia

2 tbsp. l. the mixture of chamomile and string is poured with a cup of boiled water and brought to a boil. Leave for an hour, filter and take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 r. in a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

For psoriasis

2 tbsp. l. add 200 ml of water to the mixture of herbs and let it boil. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 r. in a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. Then a 2-week break is taken and, if necessary, the treatment is repeated.

For rheumatism, salt deposits, hypertension and joint diseases

3 tbsp. l. herbs are poured into 250 ml of water, brought to a boil and left for an hour in a thermos. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 r. in a day. It is recommended to drink the same decoction 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 r. per day for urticaria and bleeding.

For arthritis

1 tbsp. l. pour the topped herbs with a cup (200 ml) of water and boil. Let it brew for half an hour and take 1 tbsp. l. 5 rub. in a day. The same decoctions should be rubbed on sore joints.

For gastrointestinal diseases

1 tbsp. l. pour 0.2 liters of water into the herbal mixture, let it boil and leave for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction warm, 100 ml per 30 minutes. before meals or after 2 hours. after.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

Both plants are harvested both on an industrial scale and privately.

The period of harvesting the string is the beginning of budding, chamomile - during intensive flowering. The raw materials are collected on a dry day after 9 am, when the night dew has dried on the grass. The tops of the stems with buds 10-15 cm long are cut off from the string. Flowers are collected from chamomile.

The raw material is dried in the usual way, like most herbs - it is laid out in the shade or in a ventilated area. After 5-10 days it is ready, this can be determined by how easily the stem breaks. It is important to ensure that the raw materials do not dry out, otherwise the chamomile color may turn into small crumbs.

Store in paper bags or canvas bags for no more than 1 year. If you want the raw materials to be stored longer - 2 years, immediately after readiness, transfer them to dry glass jars and cover with lids.


For external use of chamomile and string decoction, there are practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to these herbs.

But for internal use there are some prohibitions.

The decoction should not be used internally:

  • children under three years old;
  • pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • people prone to blood clots;
  • those suffering from low blood pressure;
  • persons with certain nervous and mental illnesses;
  • combine the decoction with sedatives and anticoagulants, diuretics and antidepressants.

You should take the drug from chamomile and string with caution during exacerbation of chronic liver and kidney diseases.

In any case, before taking the decoction, you should consult a doctor. Since both plants are in the official pharmacopoeia, any physician will be able to give you qualified advice.

If you bought a ready-made mixture, the instructions for it should indicate how to brew a series for bathing newborns. Different sources prescribe different proportions, sometimes very far from each other in terms of values. Which one is the most optimal? It is better to listen to the opinion of pediatricians.

The infusion of the series takes the longest to prepare for bathing newborns, so you need to take care of it in advance. Pour 30 grams of dry herb into a glass of boiling water that has just been removed from the heat. If you do this in a thermos, the healing liquid can be filtered after 6 hours and poured into the bath. You can simply leave it in any container, covering it with a lid. But then you will have to wrap it in a warm terry towel and keep it like that for 12 hours before direct use.

A decoction of the string is prepared much faster, which can also be used for bathing newborns. Here, a lower concentration of medicinal raw materials will be required, because it will give all its beneficial properties to water much faster under the influence of heat treatment. A glass of water is poured into 15 grams of dry plant. After this, there are two ways to continue preparing the potion:

Place the container in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes;
-put it directly on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and keep on it for 10-15 minutes.

Now the broth is filtered and poured into the bath while hot.

If you have a string in bags, brew it in the same way as regular plant materials:

For infusion - 2 packets per glass of water;
- for decoction - 1 packet for the same amount.

After 6 hours of settling or 15 minutes of boiling on the stove, strain and pour into the bath.

Eat different opinions regarding how many packets of string to brew for bathing a newborn. The most important rule here is to do no harm. And to do this, you need to remember that the herb has a strong drying effect on children's skin, so it is better to reduce the proportions somewhere, but not increase them, so that the solution in the bath does not turn out to be too concentrated. And this applies not only to phytopackages.

It remains to figure out how to create a series for bathing a newborn, so as not to harm, but to get the maximum benefit from this herbal bath. In different sources you can find proportions that differ from each other, but it is better to take the average value between them:

A glass of infusion/decoction for a bath;
- a glass of infusion/decoction for 30 liters of water.

The question of how much string is needed to bathe a newborn is decided by the parents themselves almost “by eye.” In doing so, they must be guided by two points. Firstly, the solution should not be concentrated so as not to dry out the delicate baby skin. Secondly, it should be light brown in color, reminiscent of weak tea.

If the pediatrician advised bathing the newborn in string and chamomile (for inflammatory rashes on the body), dry herbs are mixed in equal proportions (1 tablespoon for infusion, half a tablespoon for decoction, 1 filter bag) and filled with water as indicated in the recipe.

However, you should not do such combinations on your own: they require a doctor’s prescription. There is an opinion that it is better to use herbs for such purposes alone, without mixing with other plants.

Now you know how to brew a series for bathing a newborn and dilute it in water. If you do everything correctly, you will get a real healing solution that will improve the condition of children's skin and protect it from infections and germs. But that is not all. In order for it to work and fulfill its purpose, the process of the water procedure itself is very important, about which it will be useful for parents to learn a few nuances.

Helpful information. Only one variety of string has medicinal properties - tripartite. Radial and drooping are very similar to it, but they can be used in folk medicine it is forbidden.

Bathing process

When preparing a bath with a string for bathing a newborn, remember: the process should bring him pleasure. You should try to eliminate any discomfort or inconvenience. Think through the smallest detail.

Do not lose sight of the fact that the procedure will also be of a therapeutic nature, so you need to get the maximum benefit from it. To do this, follow the following tips.

  1. You can start fully bathing your baby with grass from 2 weeks after birth, if the umbilical wound is dry and does not get wet.
  2. A day before the first therapeutic bath, prepare a solution of the series in the concentration that you are going to use for bathing, and lubricate the baby’s outer elbow with it. This will allow you to identify an allergic reaction, if any, in advance. If there is no redness or rash on the treated area during the day, the plant can be safely used for water treatments.
  3. It is necessary to properly brew the series in accordance with the instructions and pour it into the water immediately before lowering the newborn into it.
  4. Do not allow the herb itself to get into the bath: the infusion or decoction must be carefully filtered.
  5. A small amount of solution can be left for the final stage for rinsing.
  6. The duration of the first bath can be limited to 5 minutes so as not to dry out the skin. The next water procedure can be extended for another 5 minutes. Finally, bring the third to 15 minutes and leave this time interval for all subsequent baths. This series is quite enough to treat sore skin.
  7. This medical procedure, so use any cosmetics Prohibited: soap, shampoo, gel. They can react with the sequence, and it can turn out to be unpredictable, especially for the newborn himself.
  8. Since the series has a pronounced calming effect, combine business with pleasure: bathing a newborn in the evening will provide him with a sound, quick sleep.
  9. To treat skin diseases, the procedure is performed 3 times a week. For prevention - once a week.
  10. And don’t forget to prepare not the most beautiful towel for drying the baby, but even better, an old sheet. After all, they will then turn brown under the influence of tannins contained in the string. And you are unlikely to be able to wash them.

After bathing a newborn with a series, carefully monitor his condition. You should be wary of excessive excitability after the procedure, because the herb has the exact opposite effect. The problem will also arise if there are more rashes on the skin after a therapeutic bath. Then the only way out is to contact your pediatrician for advice.

Remember: only a competent attitude to such important water procedures will help your baby benefit from herbal medicine.

In this article:

The baby's first bath is as exciting an event as being discharged from the hospital. Each family has certain traditions associated with such a significant procedure. Pediatrics today is different from what it was a couple of decades ago, but herbs for bathing newborns are still used to this day, and there is an explanation for this.

Herbal decoctions have enormous benefits for the baby’s body, incomparable to anything else; their use eliminates the need to boil water, because herbs have the properties of water neutralization.

When to start?

Our grandmothers and mothers insist that we need to bathe the child immediately after discharge from the hospital; in fact, this is not entirely correct. Herbal baths can be given to the baby from the second week of life, but provided that the wound on the navel has already healed. Usually a baby bath is used for bathing; after six months it will be possible to bathe the child in an adult bath, but the concentration of the decoction will change.

It is extremely important to maintain the exact proportions of grass and water, because where there is benefit, there can be harm. An increased concentration can cause irritation to the baby’s delicate skin; do not overuse it.

How to brew herbs correctly?

You must clearly understand that a medicinal plant can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to start with one type of herb. Once you understand that there is no allergy, you can move on to next view. If you alternate, you will not be able to understand in time what caused the rashes, because allergies do not always manifest themselves immediately.

The so-called skin test will be very useful - apply the decoction to an area of ​​skin and observe for about half an hour. Any redness, even very slight, or peeling should serve as a warning signal to you: it is better not to use this herb.

It is worth paying attention to the baby’s behavior - each plant has its own influence. One herb acts as a sedative, while the other, on the contrary, is stimulating. If you notice that after a skin test your child begins to behave atypically, then this is most likely a reaction to a specific plant.

Dear parents, there is no need to arrange a bath from a mixture of plants. The combination can give the most unexpected effect. To begin with, let the skin get used to single-component decoctions, then you can try mixing plants, but no more than 4 at a time.

The following herbal combinations are commonly used for bathing newborns::

  • chamomile-chain-thyme-oats;
  • nettle-chain-oregano;
  • currant and birch leaves;
  • nettle-lungwort-horsetail-oats/thyme.

The baby’s health does not tolerate experimentation, so choose only trusted manufacturers. Many mothers think that it is safer and healthier to buy herbs from grandmothers at the market or collect them with their own hands, but this is a great misconception.

Each plant has its own harvest time. If you collect at the wrong time, you risk getting a useless collection at best, and even causing harm at worst. Moreover, you cannot be sure that, for example, the grandmother selling the grass collected it far from the highway or chemical plant. Herbs sold in pharmacies guarantee safety.

How to properly prepare a decoction for bathing a newborn:

  1. For one use, the weight of the herb should not exceed 30 grams; a larger amount is fraught with allergies.
  2. If you use a collection of herbs, then take them at a 1:1 ratio.
  3. The minimum period from preparing the decoction to bathing should be one and a half hours. You can leave it for 5 hours, but first wrap the container with a warm cloth. The best utensils for brewing herbs are considered to be enamel or porcelain, but in no case aluminum. A saucepan or kettle will do just fine.
  4. Before the broth gets into the bath, it needs to be filtered, because trapped plant particles can damage delicate skin.

You can often buy ready-made filter bags at the pharmacy. Be sure to read the instructions and follow them. You need to add the broth to the bath just before bathing and don’t forget to check.

Bathing the baby

Pour the broth into a bathtub, then dilute with water until required quantity. It is important that the water is a comfortable temperature for the child, ideally 35-36 degrees, maximum 37. Bathing should start with 5 minutes, then increase daily, bringing it to 10-15 minutes. The baby needs to take herbal baths 2-3 times a week, and it is better to take a break for one week a month.

When you bathe your baby, make sure that he does not swallow the water. After such a bath, there is no need to rinse the child with plain water, much less wash off the broth with soap. Please note that the decoction of some plants has dark color, so it can leave stains on a towel or diaper.

Selection of herbs

Each plant has its own effect. Preference should be given depending on the desired effect. Bathing a newborn in chamomile has a good effect on the skin. Chamomile has an antiseptic as well as a soothing effect and is also great for the genitourinary system of girls.

Bathing in a series of newborns will help to avoid allergies; if there are rashes on the baby’s skin, bathe him in a decoction of the series. The series also has an antimicrobial effect. Nettle has a disinfecting effect, lavender has a calming effect. Valerian decoction strengthens the cardiovascular system of babies and can also heal wounds. Suitable for active and easily excitable babies.

There is also a list of unwanted and even prohibited herbs:

  • celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • broom;
  • tansy.

If a young family member has skin or neurological diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor.

A decoction of plants improves appetite, has a beneficial effect on tone, and participates in metabolism through the skin. A properly selected plant will become your assistant on the path to your baby’s health.

In herbal baths for children, you can also use plants such as peppermint, oak bark, sage and calendula flowers, plantain leaves, and St. John's wort herb. Remember that your baby's health is in your hands.

Useful video about bathing babies