Amur tiger, the largest of all tigers, amazes with its grace and strength. This is the rarest subspecies; there are fewer of these animals left in nature than in zoos. Animals of this subspecies are not afraid of snow and frost; their only enemy in nature is man.


Russian name - Amur tiger, Ussuri, Siberian, Manchurian
English name - Siberian tiger
Latin name- Panthera tigris altaica
Order - carnivores (Carnivora)
Family - cats (Felidae)
Genus - large cats (Panthera)
Species - tiger (Panthera tigris)
9 subspecies of the tiger have been identified, of which only 6 had survived by the beginning of the 21st century.
The Amur tiger (Pantera tigris altaica) numbers about 500 individuals in the wild.
Bengal tiger (Pantera tigris) - about 4000 individuals.
Indochinese tiger (Pantera tigris corbetti) - approximately 1,500 individuals.
The Malayan tiger (Pantera tigris jacksoni) is found exclusively in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula - about 800 individuals.
The Sumatran tiger (Pantera tigris sumatrae) is found only on the island. Sumatra, the smallest of the subspecies - 400–500 animals.
Chinese tiger(Pantera tigris amojensis) has disappeared in the wild; there are 59 tigers in captivity, but they are all descendants of six animals.
The last Bali tiger was killed on September 27, 1937, the Transcaucasian tiger last time seen in 1968, and the Javanese in 1979.

Status of the species in nature

Currently, tiger hunting is prohibited throughout the world. The Amur tiger species is endangered and is included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the IUCN Red Book - CITES I, IUCN (EN)

Species and man

The tiger has long been considered one of the most dangerous predators, only daredevils dared to hunt him. The tiger skin was the pride of the hunter and the envy of his neighbor. This continued until there were so few of these beauties left in nature that every meeting was an event.

Tiger is smaller than others large animals, is afraid of a person, but still tries to avoid him. Experienced taiga residents who have lived next to a tiger for many years say that when meeting a person, he is guided most of all by self-esteem and curiosity, and not by aggressiveness. The tiger follows in the footsteps of hunters and woodcutters, visits hunting lodges, strolls leisurely along the roads, most often just to find out what is going on in his domain, and in winter because it is easier to overcome the snow cover. Numerous stories about the beast’s bloodthirstiness can be contrasted with the same number of stories about his good nature, turning to people for help in especially difficult moments. The predator only attacks when wounded or cornered. Tiger cubs are well tamed and easy to train. Therefore, tigers, especially Amur tigers, can often be seen not only in the zoo, but also in the circus.

The largest of all tigers

The largest of all tigers

The largest of all tigers

The largest of all tigers

The largest of all tigers

The largest of all tigers

The largest of all tigers

The largest of all tigers

Distribution and habitats

The range of the Amur subspecies of the tiger covers the south of our Far East and the extreme northeast of China. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the permanent habitat of the tiger occupies only the southern and central parts of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system. The area of ​​its regular and random visits is much wider: in different years The tiger was found in Transbaikalia, the upper reaches of the Lena and Angara, in Yakutia, and on Sakhalin. The Amur tiger's habitat is specific: it lives in low mountains, preferring river valleys and wide valleys between ridges, overgrown with forest vegetation dominated by cedar and oak. The Amur tiger, which has thick winter fur, is well adapted to frost; the main factor limiting its spread to the north is high (more than 30 cm) snow cover.

Appearance and morphology

The tiger is one of the largest land predators, the largest member of the cat family, and the Amur subspecies is the largest of all tigers. The body length is 100-130 cm, the tail is 80–100 cm, the height at the withers is about 60 cm, the weight of adult individuals can reach 300 km. Males are a quarter larger than females. The cross-striped coloration of the tiger is extremely characteristic: along the main reddish background on the back and sides there are numerous transverse dark stripes that form a rather complex pattern. The arrangement of stripes is subject to considerable variability: no two tigers appear to have identical black patterns. Despite the brightness and contrast, the striped coloring is undoubtedly camouflage. The large white spots on the black back of the ears have a different purpose: when the tigress walks through the forest, she places her ears so that the black and white field faces the cubs following her, and serves as a kind of color beacon for them.

In tigers, like most representatives of the large cat family, the larynx and vocal cords have great mobility, thanks to which these animals can emit a special calling cry - a loud roar.

Lifestyle and social behavior

A tiger can be active at any time of the day, but it does not tolerate heat well, and in the summer it usually hunts and makes treks at dusk.

The solitary lifestyle of most cats is also the rule for the tiger. This giant cat adheres to a certain individual territory, but in search of prey it constantly makes long journeys, so the size of the hunting territories is very large - up to several hundred square kilometers. A tigress with small cubs is first limited to a territory of 15–20 square meters. km, and then gradually expands it. The tiger leaves special marks along the boundaries of its territory. Most often these are scent marks: the predator sprays urine on trees or stones like other cats. Often he makes “scrapes” on the ground in the places of the marks. In addition, the tiger rips off the bark of trees with the claws of its front paws; such scratches can be found at a height of 2–2.5 meters above the ground. By the height of these marks one can judge the size of the animal that left them.

An adult male protects his borders from aliens, but showdowns, as a rule, occur without fights and are limited to roars and other demonstrations of power. Adults are quite tolerant of settling young tigers. Males and females whose areas overlap do not show antagonism towards each other and maintain long-term attachments.

Nutrition and feeding behavior

The tiger is a pronounced predator, feeding mainly on large prey, which is generally not as diverse as the leopard. The Amur tiger has a small set that forms the basis of its diet: most often it hunts deer and wild boar. Tiger catches and eats others carnivorous mammals- badger, bear, wolf, lynx. There is evidence that this giant cat has something of a soft spot for domestic dogs, attacking them at any opportunity. The Amur tiger is a skilled fisherman, deftly catching fish on the rifts of mountain rivers.

The tiger gets its food different ways. The predator watches for deer at watering places, on salt licks, and lies along their paths. During wapiti mating tournaments, the predator skillfully imitates the voice of a roaring deer, luring it to itself. He simply “grazes” the boars, following the herd for a long time, and from time to time snatching pigs from it. The tiger is very patient; it can wait for hours for the right moment to attack. When 20–30 meters remain between the predator and the intended prey, the tiger quickly rushes at it with frequent jumps, developing maximum speed. However, the cat cannot pursue its prey for a long time at such a speed, and if the throw is not successful, it lies down, rests a little, and then leaves. It is interesting that a tiger chases a deer no more than 60–80 m, and a wild boar more persistently, sometimes 300–400 meters. Therefore, wild pigs are terrified of their main enemy. The tiger is unusually strong - it can drag prey weighing 1.5–2 times heavier than itself over a distance of tens of meters. Having chosen a secluded place, the tiger begins a meal, during which he is able to eat up to 30 kg of meat. A predator can stay near large prey for several days, resting most of the time, only occasionally getting up to drink from a nearby stream.

When there is enough food, the Amur tiger quickly and greatly gets fat: the thickness of its subcutaneous fat can reach a thickness of 5–6 cm. This allows it to easily endure a week or even more fasting between two successful hunts, and in winter make long treks, exploring unfamiliar territories . However, in snowy winters, tigers really suffer, and sometimes even die from exhaustion.


The Amur subspecies of the tiger, unlike the Bengal, which often roars when going hunting, is extremely silent: zoologists who have observed it in the wild for many years have never heard a tiger roar. The exception is the rutting period, when tigers “sound” often, especially females. An angry predator growls dully and hoarsely, and in rage he characteristically “coughs.” In a good-natured state, he purrs like a cat, but much louder and only when exhaling.

Sexual behavior and reproduction

Tiger breeding, as a rule, is not confined to any season; however, in the Ussuri Territory, the rut most often takes place in January - March. Tigers are polygamous: in the possessions of one male, from one to 3 females can live, with each of which he alternately enters into marital relations. Sometimes competitors appear, and then fights can occur between rivals.

Pregnancy lasts 95–112 days, and from April to July, tiger cubs appear in the female’s den. A litter usually contains 2–4 cubs, which are born completely helpless, but are already striped and each weigh a little more than a kilogram. After giving birth, the female does not leave the kittens for about a week, leaving only to drink. Males do not take part in caring for the offspring. Tiger cubs develop quickly: after 4–5 days their ears open, after 8–10 days their eyes open, and after two weeks their milk teeth begin to emerge. At the age of one month, the cubs begin to leave the den and become accustomed to the meat that the mother brings. Until 3–4 months, the tigress leaves her kittens only occasionally for a few hours, and after a successful hunt she leads them to the place where the prey lies. A little later, the cubs begin to walk with their mother, learning to search for prey and hunting methods. The cubs stay with the tigress for at least 1.5–2 years, and when the mother finally leaves them, they live in a group on her property for several months. Due to insufficient hunting skills, young animals often go hungry and therefore follow the tigress’s tracks, feeding on the remains of her prey. Animals become sexually mature by 3–4 years, but only half of the cubs born survive to this age.

In captivity, tigers live up to 25 years; in nature, their lifespan is much shorter.

Keeping animals at the Moscow Zoo

Amur tigers have been kept in our zoo for a long time. Large beautiful cats - each with its own character and history.

Until recently, on the “island of animals” in the New Territory, there lived two tigresses, outwardly similar, but completely different. Both of them, with an interval of one year, were brought from the Ussuri taiga as small kittens. The first one was named Megara because, as a kitten, she loved to hide behind the house when her enclosure was being cleaned, and then suddenly jump out from there with a menacing look. People were scared, but she was delighted. Megara grew up, stopped scaring people, but remained just as cheerful and cheerful. When her cubs began to be born, she turned out to be a wonderful mother, took care of them, always gave them the best best pieces food, and her children grew up as good-natured bumpkins.

The other tigress was called Madam, and she also received her name in childhood for her sedate demeanor. However, with age, her sedateness grew into malice, and even though she raised her children herself, she kept them “in a black body,” and they inherited her character. They did not rename the tigresses, despite the fact that the names did not correspond to their characters. Both died of old age when they were about 20 years old.

Until recently, the famous male Eling lived in the zoo, who was famous for his docile disposition and the fact that all tigress liked him. He left behind more than 20 tiger cubs.

Currently, the Princess lives there, on the “island of animals”. This tigress came from the Kyiv Zoo, where she was born and was nursed by staff from a teat. She arrived as a three-month-old kitten and loved to play with people, just like Megaera. The Princess spent her youth in a zoo nursery, where she greeted every person passing by with a purr and rubbed against the mesh of her enclosure. When Madame and Megaera passed away, the Princess came to the zoo. Now she is also over 10 years old. They feed her meat, give her offal, fish, eggs.

Security status


According to a one-time census in 2005, the number of Amur tigers in the south of the Russian Far East was 423-502 individuals (or 334-417 adult tigers and 97-112 cubs). In April 2013, the number of tigers increased by Far East was estimated at 450 individuals. And according to the 2015 tiger census, 523-540 live in the Russian Far East Amur tigers. This is neither more nor less. This is exactly as much as the still uncut areas of the Ussuri taiga can accommodate. There are plans to resettle the tiger within its historical range, that is, to return it to the places where it once lived, but was then exterminated. Thus, the number of tigers can increase to 750. However, this is only possible due to an intensive increase in the number of ungulates.


The Amur tiger is one of the largest subspecies. The fur is thicker than that of tigers living in warm areas, and its color is lighter. Basic coat color in winter time- orange, and the belly is white.

The Amur tiger is traditionally considered the largest living member of the cat family. However, Bengal tigers living in some national parks India, can now often be significantly larger than the Amur ones. Although, historically, these two subspecies of tigers were probably close in size, and the decrease in the size of Amur tigers is directly related to human activity.


The Amur tiger is the ruler of vast territories, the area of ​​which for the female is 300-500 km², and for the male - 600-800 km². If there is enough food within its territory, the tiger does not leave its territory. With a shortage of game, the number of cases of tigers attacking large livestock and dogs increases. The Amur tiger is active at night. Males lead a solitary life, while females are often found in groups. Tigers greet each other with special sounds produced by vigorously exhaling air through the nose and mouth. Signs of expression of friendliness are also touching with muzzles, and even rubbing with sides.

Life expectancy in nature is about 15 years.

Puberty begins at 4-5 years of age. The mating period is not confined to a specific season. During estrus, the female leaves urine marks and scratches on the bark of trees. Since the tiger's domain is very large, the female often goes on her own to look for a partner. She is ready to mate on the third to seventh day of estrus. Tigers mate multiple times, during which time the animals stay together. Then the male leaves the female and goes in search of a new partner. After 95-112 days, 3-4 blind cubs are born. The mother feeds them milk. Tiger cubs' eyes open after about 9 days, and at two weeks of age their teeth begin to grow. Tiger cubs leave the shelter for the first time at the age of two months. The mother brings them meat, although she continues to feed them milk for another 5-6 months. From six months onwards, tiger cubs accompany their mother during the hunt. The female teaches the cubs to hunt. Such preparation for independent hunting life lasts for many months. Tiger cubs play a lot, which also helps them learn the skills necessary for hunting. At the age of one, the cubs go on an independent hunt for the first time, and by the age of two they are already able to defeat large prey. However, for the first few years of their lives, tiger cubs stay with their mother. The tigress hunts with young tigers until they reach sexual maturity.


Despite its enormous strength and developed senses, the tiger has to devote a lot of time to hunting, since only one out of 10 attempts is successful. The tiger crawls towards its prey, moving in a special way: arching its back and resting its hind paws on the ground. He kills small animals by gnawing their throats, and first knocks large ones to the ground and only then gnaws them cervical vertebrae.

If the attempt fails, the tiger moves away from the potential victim, as it rarely attacks again. The tiger usually drags the killed prey to the water, and before going to bed, hides the remains of the meal. He often has to drive away competitors. The tiger eats while lying down, holding its prey with its paws. Tigers specialize in hunting large ungulates, but on occasion they also do not disdain fish, frogs, birds and mice, and they also eat plant fruits. The main diet consists of wapiti, sika deer, roe deer, wild boars, bears, moose and small mammals. Daily norm tiger - 9-10 kg of meat. For the prosperous existence of one tiger, about 50-70 ungulates per year are needed.

Despite the widespread belief about cannibalism, the Amur tiger, unlike the Bengal tiger, rarely attacks humans and enters populated areas. In fact, he tries in every possible way to avoid the person. Since the 1950s, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, only about a dozen attempts to attack people have been recorded within populated areas. In the taiga, attacks even on pursuing hunters are quite rare.

Phylogenetic relationship to the Turanian tiger

At the beginning of the 21st century, researchers from the University of Oxford, the US National Cancer Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem collected tissue samples from the remains of 23 Turanian tigers, which are preserved in museums across Eurasia. Scientists have sequenced at least one segment of five mitochondrial genes (ND5, ND6, CytB, ND2, and COI (1257 bp)) - there is low variability in mitochondrial DNA in the Turanian tiger compared to other subspecies. When assessing the phylogenetic relationships, there are remarkable similarities between the Turanian and Amur tiger subspecies, indicating that the Amur tiger population is genetically related to the Turanian tigers, and the historically recent common origin of these two taxa. Based on phylogeographic analysis, it was suggested that the ancestor of the Turanian and Amur tigers colonized Central Asia via Gansu region Silk Road eastern China less than 10,000 years ago, and subsequently crossed Siberia to the east, establishing the Amur tiger population in the Russian Far East. Human actions may be a decisive factor in isolating the ranges of the Turanian and Amur tiger populations from each other, which likely had a continuous range historically.

The authors of the study also indicate that both subspecies, apparently, should be combined into one. At the same time, they emphasize that there is controversy regarding the possibility of diagnosing subtypes based on mtDNA. Nuclear DNA data could help resolve this question. The final reduction of the subspecies into one is possible if nuclear microsatellite markers are discovered that differ in different tiger subspecies. Although nuclear markers are more difficult to recover from ancient DNA. Additionally, if historical specimens of Amur tigers are found carrying haplotypes of Caspian tigers, this would also indicate that there is no difference between the two subspecies. However, since the Turanian tiger was exterminated and several intact specimens are now in museum collections, it is difficult to revise the original morphological assessments of the differences between the two subspecies.


In 2008, Russia launched the Amur Tiger Study Program in the Russian Far East, developed by the Russian Academy of Sciences. The goal of the program is to develop the scientific basis for the conservation of this predator. To study the Amur tiger, the most modern methods research: collars with satellite GPS/GLONASS navigators, camera traps, molecular genetic methods for studying tigers, etc.

In 2008-2009, a comprehensive expedition of employees took place within the framework of the Amur Tiger Program on the territory of the Ussuri Nature Reserve of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Far East. It was possible to find out that six individuals of Amur tigers live in this territory. Using satellite collars, scientists monitor their routes, and for the first tagged female tiger, they were able to obtain 1,222 locations over the course of a year. According to published studies, the animal uses an area of ​​almost 900 km² - despite the fact that the area of ​​the reserve is only 400 km². This means that tigers venture far beyond the protected area, putting them at increased risk. These data, according to the publication, give reason to talk about the need to create a protective zone of the reserve and regulate human activities outside its borders.

In July 2010, Russia approved the national Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger.

In November 2010, the International Forum on problems related to the conservation of tigers on Earth was held in St. Petersburg, which was attended by representatives of 13 countries in the tiger's habitat (Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal). During the forum, a global program to restore the tiger population was approved and a declaration on tiger conservation was adopted.

Tiger reintroduction program in Kazakhstan

In culture and art

In heraldry

Previously, the tiger was also depicted on the coat of arms of Irkutsk, but when the coats of arms of the provinces were approved by Emperor Alexander II, a description of the coat of arms of the Irkutsk province with the Siberian word “babr” came to St. Petersburg heraldry (tiger), which was "corrected" by the heraldry official to "beaver". Due to the fact that the description now read “ beaver carrying sable in its teeth", that is, the beaver was supposed to be in the role of a predator; the coat of arms began to depict a fictional black beast with big tail and webbed hind feet. This image has been preserved on the modern coats of arms of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region, despite the fact that the error in the description has already been corrected. For more details, see the articles Babr, Coat of Arms of the Irkutsk Region.


see also


  1. Red Book of the USSR: Rare and endangered species of animals and plants. Volume 1 / Main ed. board: A. M. Borodin, A. G. Bannikov, V. E. Sokolov and others - 2nd ed. - M.: Forest Industry, 1984. - P. 47-48. - 392 s.
  2. Sokolov V. E. Rare and endangered animals. Mammals: Reference. allowance. - M.: graduate School, 1986. - P. 343. - 519 p., l. ill. - 100,000 copies.
  3. Fisher D., Simon N., Vincent D. The Red Book. wild nature in danger / trans. from English, ed. A. G. Bannikova. - M.: Progress, 1976. - P. 114-115. - 478 p.
  4. Ussuri tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) (undefined) .
  5. RIZH - Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)
  6. The census of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard has begun in the Russian Far East - Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

The average weight of a tiger is 170 kg for males and 120 kg for females.

Today, there are two species of this cat family: the Amur and Bengal tigers. Bengal tigers, depending on their habitat, are divided into several subspecies: South China, Sumatran, Malayan and Indochinese. Their northern brother, the Amur tiger, lives in less comfortable climatic conditions; some individuals of the animal are “registered” in the Far East, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories.

This capricious and cautious predator is second only to the bear in its weight. Even the king of animals, the lion, is not able to compete with the tiger in this weight category. The height of the animal is three meters or more, excluding the length of the tail. There are individuals whose height approaches four meters. The tail of a predator is a source of special pride. With it he expresses his mood and warns the unwanted guest that the boundaries of the tiger's domain have been violated. With the help of this part of the body, males sort things out with each other; when climbing trees, the tail allows them to maintain balance, and also serves as a kind of sensor when moving in dark time days.

The average weight of a tiger is 170 kg for males and 120 kg for females.

The skin of each animal has its own special color. Tiger stripes, like human fingerprints, are unique. If representatives of the beautiful half of the tiger family decide to visit a beauty salon, then even after depilation, the skin of fashionistas will remain striped - the fur pattern is completely repeated on the skin of the animal. The royal status of the tiger is recognized in China - the stripes on the animal's forehead resemble the markings of a symbol of power.

Although the predator belongs to the cat family, in addition to weight and height, it has a number of distinctive features, compared to furry pets.

  1. Cats are nocturnal hunters; a tiger can go out to get food both at night and in the morning.
  2. A cat's eye has a unique structure - its pupil is elongated, while a tiger's pupil is round.

Therefore, whether the relationship between two representatives of these felines is consanguineous remains quite controversial.

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The tiger is a professional hunter. There are seasonal types of lying in wait for prey. In winter, the animal sneaks up on the victim from behind; in summer, it waits in ambush for its lunch or dinner. Knowing the tactics of tiger hunting, the inhabitants of India, going into the jungle, put a mask on the back of their heads; when faced with a potential victim face to face, the predator will most likely lose interest in it, since the effect of surprise disappears.

The speed of this graceful and strong animal can reach 60 km/h over a short distance, and its muscular legs allow it to jump up to 5 meters in height, which is comparable to the height of a double-decker bus.

The lifestyle of predators can be considered Spartan. They are capable of starving for up to several days, but in case of a successful hunt, the animal eats up to 30 kg of meat in one meal, which is equal to the amount of one hundred steaks. The main weapons of tigers are ten-centimeter fangs, which, like a sharp dagger, can sever the artery of a victim, and powerful paws, the impact of which even the strong bones of a bear’s skull cannot withstand.

How much does the Amur tiger weigh?

The Amur tiger is larger than its Asian counterparts and has adapted to life in harsh climatic conditions. The peculiarity of its habitat was reflected in the appearance of the animal: its fur is much thicker than that of a Bengal tiger, and its color is lighter. The only one of all representatives of large cats, the Amur tiger has a subcutaneous fat layer of about 5 cm on the abdominal wall; this anatomical feature allows the predator to survive in the winter.

The weight of an Amur tiger in the wild exceeds 200 kg.

The tiger is a predator; most often it does not leave its hunting grounds if there is enough food for a comfortable existence. But during the hungry year, cases of attacks on livestock were recorded. The peculiarity of the hunting habits of the Amur tiger is that it first knocks a large prey to the ground and then gnaws the cervical vertebrae. In the event of a failed attack attempt, the predator most often leaves the prey and does not make repeated attempts. The remarkable strength of the animal allows it to drag a victim weighing up to 500 kg along the ground, which is almost three times its weight.

The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book and is a rare, protected species. It’s a sad fact, but there are currently several times more tigers in captivity than in natural environment a habitat. In captivity, predator specimens are more modest in size compared to their wild counterparts. The weight of the Amur tiger in nature exceeds 200 kg, and the height at the withers is more than 115 cm. The reason for the decrease in the animal population is poaching and uncontrolled shooting of the animal. An important task, decided at the state level, is not only the preservation, but also the complete restoration of this unique species of majestic representative of wildlife.

The Ussuri (Amur, Far Eastern) tiger is a subspecies that just recently could have completely disappeared. Besides, Ussurian tiger - the only one living in cold conditions.

This animal was able to achieve the highest skill in hunting because, unlike those living in prides and practicing collective hunting, predator Ussuri tiger is always a pronounced loner.

Features and appearance of the Ussuri tiger

Animal Ussuri tiger strong and powerful, with considerable physical strength. Its weight reaches 300 kg. The maximum weight that was recorded was 384 kg. The body is 1.5 - 3 meters long, and the tail is approximately 1 meter. - a very fast animal, even in snowy terrain it is capable of running at a speed of about 80 km/h.

The body of the animal is flexible, the paws are not too high. The ears are short and small. Only this subspecies has a 5 cm wide layer of fat on its belly, which protects the predator from the icy wind and low temperatures.

In the photo there is a Ussuri tiger

The tiger has color vision. It has thicker fur than tigers that live in warmer climates. The coat is orange, with black stripes on the back and sides, and the belly is white. The pattern on the skin is individual for each animal. The coloring helps the tiger blend in with the trees of the winter taiga.

Habitat of the Ussuri tiger

Largest quantity tigers live in southeastern Russia. This is a protected area. The Ussuri tiger lives along the banks of the Amur River, as well as the Ussuri River, which is how it got its name.

Much fewer tigers live in Manchuria (China), approximately 40 - 50 individuals, i.e. 10% of the total number of tigers in the world. Another distribution area for this subspecies of tigers is Sikhote-Alin, where the only viable population of this species lives.

Character and lifestyle

The Far Eastern tiger lives in a harsh climate: air temperature ranges from -47 degrees in winter to +37 degrees in summer time. When very tired, a tiger can lie down directly on the snow.

Resting in the snow can last up to several hours, and the predator will not feel the cold. This species is uniquely adapted to cold and frost. But for a long rest, he prefers to find shelter among rocks, between ledges, and also under fallen trees.

The female makes a den for the cubs; for this she looks for the most inaccessible place, for example, in an inaccessible rock, in thickets or a cave. Adult males do not need a den.

They prefer to relax just next to their prey. Young tigresses separate from their mother at 1.5–2 years, everything depends on the appearance of the next litter in the female. But they do not go far from their mother’s den, unlike males.

Each tiger lives in an individual area, its area is determined by the number of ungulates. Every day tigers walk around their property. The female and male live in territories of varying sizes.

The male's territory ranges from 600 to 800 square meters. km, and females from about 300 to 500 sq. km. The smallest territory belongs to the female with her cubs. It is up to 30 sq. km. As a rule, several females live in the territory of one male.

On average, a tiger travels a distance of about 20 km per day, but the course can be 40 km. Tigers are animals that love consistency. They use the same trails and regularly mark their territory.

Amur tigers love solitude and never live in packs. During the day they like to lie on the rocks, from where they can see good review. Far Eastern tigers like water; they can lie in or near any body of water for hours. Tigers are excellent swimmers and can even swim across the river.

Diet of the Ussuri tiger

The Far Eastern tiger is a predator; it has large fangs (about 7 cm) with which they catch, kill and dismember prey. It does not chew, but cuts the meat with its molars and then swallows it.

Thanks to the presence of soft pads on its paws, the tiger moves almost silently. Tigers can hunt at any time. Their favorite food is: wapiti, small mammals.

However, sometimes they eat with pleasure and can eat the fruits of some plants. The average individual should eat 9–10 kg of meat per day. At good nutrition The animal quickly gets fat and can then go a week without food.

The predator usually drags its prey to the water, and hides the remaining food in a safe place before going to bed. Eats lying down, holding prey with its paws. The Amur tiger rarely attacks humans. Since 1950, there have only been about 10 recorded cases of this tiger species attacking humans. Even if hunters chase a tiger, it does not attack them.

Reproduction and lifespan

The mating season for tigers does not occur at a specific time of the year, but it still occurs more often towards the end of winter. For childbirth, the female chooses the most impassable and safe place.

Usually the female gives birth to two or three cubs, less often one or four. There are cases of the birth of five tiger cubs. Babies just born are absolutely helpless and weigh up to 1 kg.

However, future predators grow quickly. By two weeks they begin to see and hear. By one month, the tiger cubs have doubled their weight and begin to emerge from the den. From two months they try meat.

But they feed on mother's milk for up to 6 months. First, the tigress brings them food, and then begins to lead them to the prey. At the age of two, tiger cubs begin to hunt with their mother, their weight at this time is about 100 kg.

The male does not help in raising children, although he often lives not far from them. The tiger family breaks up when the cubs reach 2.5 - 3 years old. Tigers grow throughout their lives. Amur tigers live on average about 15 years. They could live up to 50 years, but, as a rule, due to the harsh living conditions, they die early.

In the photo there are cubs of the Ussuri tiger

Conservation of the Ussuri tiger

In the mid-nineteenth century, this type of tiger was quite common. However number Ussuri tigers declined sharply at the beginning of the twentieth century. This is due to the uncontrolled capture of tiger cubs and the shooting of animals, which at that time was not regulated in any way. The harsh climatic conditions tiger territories.

In 1935, a reserve was organized on Sikhote-Alin. From that moment on, hunting for the Far Eastern tiger was banned, and even for zoos, tiger cubs were caught only as an exception.

It is currently unknown How many Ussuri tigers are left?, according to 2015 data, the number of individuals in the Far East was 540. Since 2007, experts have declared that the species is no longer endangered. However, Ussuri tiger in the Red Book Russia is still listed.

Description of the Amur tiger

Babr (from the Yakut “baabyr”) is the name in Rus' for the Siberian tiger, now known as the Far Eastern, Ussuri or Amur tiger. Panthera tigris altaica (the Latin name of the subspecies) is recognized as one of the most impressive in the cat family, surpassing even in size. Nowadays, the Amur tiger is depicted on the flag/coat of arms of the Primorsky Territory and the coat of arms of Khabarovsk.

Babr adorned the coats of arms of Yakutsk (since 1642) and Irkutsk, until he turned into a “beaver” under Emperor Alexander II due to the fault of an overly zealous champion of spelling, who served in the heraldic department. The error was later corrected, but on the coats of arms of Irkutsk and the region there is still a strange black animal with a large tail and webbed paws, carrying a sable in its teeth.


Amur tiger - the most beautiful wild cat with a characteristic striped coloring flexible body, crowned with a rounded head with proportional ears. Babr, like all cats, is armed with 30 sharp teeth and tenacious claws, which help tear carcasses and climb trees.

The predominant color background (red) is replaced by white on the chest, belly and whiskers. Transverse black stripes cross the body and tail, turning into symmetrical black stripes on the head and muzzle.

Fleeing from the harsh winter, the Amur tiger is forced to grow thick hair and accumulate a solid (5 cm) layer of fur. subcutaneous fat, protecting the predator from frostbite.

A huge tiger can move without unnecessary noise, which is explained by the shock-absorbing ability of its wide paws with soft pads. That is why the babr silently walks and runs through the summer Ussuri taiga, without falling into high snowdrifts in winter.

Size of the Amur tiger

The Amur tiger, classified as one of the largest representatives the cat family, in Lately increasingly inferior in size to those living in the national parks of India. These related subspecies were once comparable in size, but the Ussuri tiger began to become smaller due to its proximity to humans, or more precisely, due to economic activity the last one.

Fact. The average Amur tiger stretches up to 2.7–3.8 m in length, weighs 200–250 kg and grows from 1 to 1.15 m at the withers.

Zoologists suggest that individual individuals can gain 300 kg or more, although a less impressive record is officially registered - 212 kg. It belongs to a male with a radio collar attached to his neck.

Lifestyle, behavior

Unlike the lion, the Amur tiger, like most felines, does not join prides, but prefers a solitary existence. An exception is made only for females, who, together with their brood, can live in the male’s territory, which usually reaches 600–800 km². The female's home range is always smaller, approximately 300–500 km².

The male vigilantly monitors the inviolability of the boundaries, marking them with secretory fluid and leaving deep scratches on the trunks. The Amur tiger, despite its size, easily climbs into the crowns of old oak trees and even onto the tops of tall spruce trees.

The animal does not go beyond its territory if there are many ungulates grazing on it, but if necessary, it is able to travel from 10 to 41 km. The tigress covers a shorter distance per day, from 7 to 22 km. The Amur tiger can drag a horse carcass for more than half a kilometer without visible fatigue, and when light and in the snow it is capable of accelerating up to 80 km/h, second only in agility to the tiger.

Interesting. The predator distinguishes colors well, and in the dark its vision is 5 times sharper than that of a human, which is perhaps why it likes to hunt at dusk and at night.

The Ussuri tiger is extremely silent: at least this is what naturalists say, who have observed the animal in nature for years and have never heard its roar. The tiger's roar is heard only during the rut - females are especially zealous. A dissatisfied babr growls hoarsely and dully, switching to a characteristic “cough” when angry. A peaceful tiger purrs like a domestic cat.

When greeting a comrade, a tiger uses special sounds produced by sharp exhalation of air through the nose and mouth. Friction of sides and contact of muzzles tell about the peaceful attitude of predators.

The Amur tiger is far from a cannibal (unlike the Bengal), which is why it tries to avoid humans and bypass their housing in every possible way. If you accidentally encounter a tiger, it is better to stop without trying to run, and slowly give way without turning your back to it. You can talk to him, but only in a calm and confident voice: a scream that turns into a pig squeal is more likely to stir up the tiger’s interest in you.

From the middle of the last century to the present time, no more than 10 cases of Amur tiger attacks on humans have been recorded within the boundaries of settlements in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. Even in its native element, the Ussuri taiga, a tiger very rarely attacks hunters pursuing it.

How long does the Amur tiger live?

The lifespan of the babr in nature is 10, less often – 15 years. IN ideal conditions Amur tigers often celebrate their 20th anniversary in zoological parks.

Fact. Lyuty is considered one of the oldest Amur tigers, having lived for 21 years in the Khabarovsk Utes wild animal rehabilitation center.

Lyuty was caught in the taiga, carelessly injuring both jaws, after which the tiger developed osteomyelitis, which was surgically stopped in 1999. And the very next year Lyuty sported a new fang made of a silver-palladium alloy with gold plating, thanks to a unique operation performed by Russian and American doctors.

The injured mouth did not allow Lyuty to be returned back to the taiga, and he became not only the most visited pet at the rehabilitation center, but also the hero of numerous enthusiastic reports.

Sexual dimorphism

The difference between the sexes is manifested, first of all, in weight: if female Amur tigers weigh 100–167 kg, then male ones are almost twice as much - from 180 to 306 kg. Research in 2005 conducted by zoologists from Russia, India and the USA showed that in terms of weight, modern Far Eastern tigers are inferior to their ancestors.

Fact. Historically, the average male Amur tiger weighed about 215.5 kg, and the average female weighed about 137.5 kg. Nowadays, the average weight of females is 117.9 kg, and that of males is 176.4 kg.

Sexual dimorphism is also visible in the lifespan of the Amur tiger: females live less than males. The latter withdraw from the upbringing and education of their offspring, entrusting all parental functions to the mother, which noticeably shortens her earthly lifespan.

Range, habitats

The Amur tiger is found in a relatively limited sector, most of which is a protected zone - this is China and the southeast of Russia, namely the banks of the Amur / Ussuri in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.

As of 2003, the highest concentration of predators was observed in the foothills of Sikhote-Alin (Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai), where every sixth Amur tiger lived. In general, when choosing habitats, tigers try to be closer to their main food (ungulates), and also proceed from the height of the snow cover and the presence of shelters, for example, creases or dense thickets of bushes.

The Amur tiger often settles in such biotopes as:

  • mountains with deciduous trees;
  • mountain river valleys;
  • padi with forests of the Manchurian type, where oak and cedar predominate;
  • clean cedar forests;
  • secondary forests.

The Amur tiger has been displaced by humans from low-lying landscapes suitable for agriculture. In retaliation, babrians often inspect the outskirts of neighboring settlements in winter, when their usual food supply becomes scarce.

Diet of the Ussuri tiger

It is very difficult to obtain such a number of ungulates, considering that only one out of 6-7 attacks ends in success. That is why the predator hunts a lot, eating everything that is smaller than it: from the Manchurian (glove-sized) hare to the Himalayan bear, which is often equal in mass to the tiger itself.