It's time to find out what amino acids are, why people need them and how to take them correctly. Amino acids are a kind of “building blocks” for protein, thanks to individual characteristics from more than twenty different compounds. They create different types of proteins.

Scientific structure in the field of biochemistry, amino acids were given individual subgroups with a special atom. This type of nitrogen atom significantly characterizes the amino acid from various similar substances that we take from simple food. Now it is clear why they can form hair, muscle tissue and even skin.

At the moment, people who have received the word protein in their vocabulary subconsciously talk about bodybuilding, powerlifting, although it is necessary for the full functioning of the body. Its importance increases when a person engages in active recreation. Amino acids are divided into three subtypes:

  • Replaceable;

BCAA amino acids

Leucine, valine and isoleucine. These three substances received special category. They have their own unique structure when compared with polar important amino acids. Their predominant difference made them quick to assimilate. This is a very important factor for building muscle. Simply put, their task is not to pass through the stomach during a long process, but to go straight to the muscles.


The category of replaceable substances is part of those that can themselves be synthesized by the human body. It's clear that clever man ask: “so if they are created themselves, then why should I spend extra money on the purchase?” Let us explain that when a person performs physical activity, the body draws energy from carbohydrates. But when she is no longer there, he looks for other ways to patch up the holes.

Glycine formula

Replaceable ones perform additional reserve nutrition for muscles. The bad side of the coin is that the body is not always able to find a way to produce them for healing needs. That is why the athlete is forced to drink as much as possible. Regardless of which parallel subspecies they are divided into.


Alanine is a simple substance for scientific reasons, called non-polar. Its primary importance is in the cycle between human tissues and the liver. The enzyme quickly builds a reaction in the necessary tissues where there is not enough energy, but before that it creates pyruvate and then glucose.


Glycine is a small component of the above amino acids. It is closely dependent on the production of lysine, proline and collagen. Such a small group received a responsible craft, acting as a neurotransmitter in the brain, cornea and spinal cord.

Aspartic acid

It takes part in the urea process of creating glucose. However, this acid can become an activator of nerve endings.


It is needed for the stable functioning of the nervous pathway, where ammonia plays an important role in the synthesis.

Essential acids remain: threonine, methionine, lysine, histidine. They are important for the body and its vital functions.

Tryptophan Formula


Its role is very important in the functioning of the immune system. It can be carried out with analogues due to the active participation of collagen. Healthy skin, nails, and body hair depend on the abundance of lysine.


Histindine has a serious role in the processing of hemoglobin, proper operation immunity and rehabilitation of skin with tissue. It should be consumed especially after illness, as well as during growth.


Tryptophan, like others, has many functions to properly support life. Let us especially note the nervous system. Due to its resistance to different temperatures. Thus, it will not be able to lose its beneficial substances.


Methionine doesn't have the best smell. Helps the body create hormones along with a protective response against harmful substances. Actively helps to bind proteins. Increases adrenaline production.


Threonine is formed into pyruvate, which has a responsible function in the creation of glucose and energy.


Phenylalanine is a non-polar amino acid that has a unique chain of properties. It serves a person as an antidepressant. May also produce adrenaline.

This group is produced only in certain quantities, although this is not suitable for healthy functioning. For example, if you have a tough workout or illness.

Glutamine Formula


Serine performs many biological remedies. The task of a proteinogenic substance is to favorably influence metabolism.


Arginine helps quickly repair injury and affects tissue healing time. Its properties also include stabilization of high or low pressure.


Tyrosine serves as a signal and instantaneous transmission between cells.


Initially I received a heavy base. It is used purely for binding collagen, which is responsible for the skin and nails.


Its urea biosynthesis prevents the rapid onset of fatigue during exercise in the gym.


Recognized among athletes. It is involved in kidney function, metabolism and especially muscle growth.


Cysteine ​​received enzymatic reflexes. Experts note its excellent performance in joining metals.

How to take amino acids powder and tablets

It is preferable to eat amino acids in the morning and before classes and after heavy training. Even before bedtime, in order to avoid catabolism and recover well. Publishers now write the instructions for use on the back of the can or packaging. You can take a dose of BCAA in the morning, but take amino acids before and after exercise.

Types of amino acids

In tablets

If you are busy with work to prepare for your appointment, then tablets are an ideal option for you. Please note that their role in sports and simple life is extremely impressive.


You can buy a powder sample in any flavor. It must be diluted with juice or plain water.


Now we need to figure out what the benefits of amino acids are and what they are needed for. An important part for maintaining the vital functions of the body and various processes happening every day. Consuming balance through supplementation will only increase the health benefits. First of all, growth will be stimulated and immunity will improve.

A huge benefit of sports foods like amino acids is their ability to target muscle fibers and reduce fatigue. Groups such as: leucine, glutamine, isolecine, valine, aspartic acid, and asparagine are located in the muscles along the way. These six relief riders support muscles after exercise. For example, they play a dominant role for protein and energy storage.

Alanine aminotransferase is an enzyme in the response to heavy exercise. It helps maintain the required level of amino acids. As a result, after taking glutamine, the athlete gets less tired. Its ordinary functions can become a source of long-lasting energy during exercise. Higher listed properties additives have made it an ideal substance for any athlete. It doesn't matter who you are - a runner, a bodybuilder or a person who loves an active life.

20 years ago we conducted an experiment where the goal was to find out the effect of protein on a number of unique amino acids. It involved six males and females taking a special drink with six grams of amino acids. For those who took the essential substances, experts noticed that their phenylalanine levels increased significantly. Significant muscle response to loads coupled with growth. Thanks to this, it was concluded that they help proteins in renewal.

Amino acids, similar to protein, can help with regeneration and also help get rid of excess fat. Research was also carried out here, where two sets of people were taken. They dreamed about slim figure. One half ate a diet without amino acids, and the other with more.

After three weeks, it turned out that the half taking the powder lost much more weight than people without them. The data shows evidence of their effectiveness. We recommend following a diet high in amino acids and protein and low in carbohydrates.


Diabetes mellitus is a problem for more than one million people. A person cannot physically regulate their sugar levels and produce enough insulin. While eating carbohydrates, the athlete receives high level glucose. If you have diabetes, the body cannot automatically produce insulin, so it develops hyperglycemia.

But amino acids can have a great effect on sugar levels.

Arthritis and various inflammations

They can also reduce various inflammations. This was also confirmed by research forty years ago.

Boosting immunity

Deficiency of proteins and amino acids weakens immune system and the person becomes defenseless to disease. It is especially worth highlighting glutamine with arginine. Their role is too important for the functioning of the immune system. These two components are actively involved in the launch of lymphocytes and other functions at the cellular level. Simply put, they trigger the rapid production of antibodies to fight disease. Scientists agree that today's supplements will help your immune system.


More studies have been conducted to show the world the benefits of amino acids in fertility. She has grown exponentially. More than 100 men of different age categories with fertility problems were taken. For ninety days they consumed the supplement. The results were amazing, because almost everyone got better. They could successfully conceive a child.


You have finally read the article and are now familiar with all the intricacies. We hope many have understood the importance of purchasing a supplement, because this is a key link during physical exercise. They will help you avoid injury or, on the contrary, recover faster. For maximum effect, take the supplements together. This way you will fully charge your body.

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Amino acids - as a variety sports nutrition quite contradictory.

On the one hand, the colossal number of functions they perform is amazing; their extreme importance for muscle growth is beyond doubt.

On the other hand, for those who are a little familiar with biochemistry, a logical question arises: if the diet contains enough complete protein (which already contains all the necessary amino acids), then does it make sense to take amino acids separately and what are they for?

Let's talk about this.

Expert scientist: Statements about the benefits of taking certain amino acids separately, provided that they have a nutritious protein diet, do not have sufficient scientific basis. Before making a decision about taking certain amino acids, read the opinion of an expert doctor on this issue:

What are amino acids for?

Along with vitamins and minerals, these are the basic substances on which the health of the body as a whole depends.

They participate in the processes of growth, development, and restoration of muscle tissue (for this they are often called the “building blocks” of our body). By combining amino acids in different ways, our body creates about 50,000 different types proteins and 15,000 enzymes.

In addition to the construction and restoration function, amino acids play an important role in the formation of mood, concentration, attention, sleep, sexual desire and the production of chemicals necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, and are also involved in the mechanism of transmission of genetic information in DNA.

Amino acids are what it consists of. A protein molecule is made up of many amino acids arranged one after another.

During the digestion process, protein is broken down into individual amino acids, from which the body then synthesizes the protein structures it needs - the basis of all biological tissues and organs (skin, eyes, heart, intestines, bones and, of course, muscles) and biologically active substances (hormones, enzymes, etc.).

Disruption (especially long-term) of the mechanism of supply of these important substances is fraught with failure of the functions of many systems of our body and certainly will not bring the goal of growth closer muscle mass.

Disruption of the amino acid supply mechanism is fraught with disruption of the functions of many systems in the body and is critical for muscle growth

Types of amino acids

About 100 amino acids are found in nature. Of these, 20 are called “standard” because their formula is written in our genes and they are used by our body to synthesize proteins.

Of the 20 standard ones, 8 are considered essential: they must be obtained from food every day, so that all systems function and muscles grow. Our body does not know how to synthesize them.

Essential amino acids must be obtained every day from food

Essential amino acids:

  • Valin
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Phenylalanine
  • Arginine
  • Histidine

The remaining 14 amino acids are called non-essential and can be synthesized by the body. Of them, Special attention We will focus on L-arginine, L-cysteines and HMB, which have become especially popular recently in bodybuilding.

Essential amino acids:

  • Glycine
  • Alanin
  • Proline
  • Serin
  • Cysteine
  • Aspartate
  • Asparagine
  • Glutamate
  • Tyrosine

The important thing is that the growth of muscle tissue is possible provided that there is not only a sufficient amount of non-essential and essential amino acids, but also their certain ratio.

Essential amino acids: why they are needed in bodybuilding, how to take them, what foods they contain

Every bodybuilder without exception should know about them. Not only know, but also do everything possible so that they are all in required quantities present in the food eaten every day. Without them, there is no muscle growth, as well as health in general.


  • In the human body, histidine is necessary to ensure the growth and repair of biological tissues of all types.
  • Plays a key role in the maintenance and production of certain nerve cells that form the protective sheath of our nerves. This sheath, in a sense, also performs the function of an electrical insulator, protecting the nerve from extraneous electrical impulses, which otherwise would greatly spoil our behavior.
  • It is the main component of red and white blood cells involved in immune function, as well as the transport of oxygen to cells throughout the body, including muscle cells.
  • Radiation protection and removal of excess heavy metals from the body
  • Production of gastric juice, which speeds up and improves digestion; useful in the fight against gastrointestinal disorders
  • Participates in the creation of the nonessential amino acid histamine, which is released by the immune system in response to allergic reactions
  • Likely to promote longer orgasms and greater sexual pleasure... this is for those of you who have problems in this area)

Why is the amino acid histidine needed in bodybuilding?: only to improve digestion.

How to take the amino acid histidine (dosage): minimum 1000 mg daily, recommendation - 8-10 mg per day per kilogram of body weight. You will most likely get the amount you need with two to three meals. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking histidine separately as a supplement is questionable

: Excess histidine can lead to stress and aggravation mental disorders such as anxiety and schizophrenia.

Application in medicine: Used in the treatment of arthritis.

What products contain: dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, as well as rice, wheat and rye.

Shortage: unknown.


  • L-Lysine is one of the amino acids that is of paramount importance in promoting growth and development. Provides calcium absorption, without which bone and muscle growth is impossible
  • Responsible for the utilization of fat for energy purposes
  • Provides maintenance of nitrogen balance - a necessary condition for muscle growth and recovery, is one of the main components of muscle protein
  • Helps maintain muscle mass during periods of training stress and fatigue
  • Participates in the production of antibodies, hormones (growth hormone, testosterone, insulin), digestive enzymes, collagen
  • Participates in the repair of damaged tissue, as well as histidine and most essential amino acids
  • Ensures healthy blood vessels

Why is the amino acid lysine needed in bodybuilding?: one of the most important amino acids for bodybuilding; Along with maintaining and promoting muscle growth, lysine plays a role in the fight against fatigue and overtraining; maintains a positive nitrogen balance, creating an anabolic environment in the body.

How to take the amino acid lysine (dosage): recommendation - 12 mg per kilogram of body weight, the required amount is usually provided by protein from food consumed during the day. However, 1.5-2 grams per day as a supplement is sometimes recommended. It won't hurt. This is an important amino acid for an athlete, but beware of overdosing. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking lysine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose/side effects: May lead to high cholesterol, diarrhea and gallstones.

Medical use: treatment of herpes and lack of energy (lethargy).

What products contain: cheese, eggs, milk, meat, yeast, potatoes and beans.

Shortage: May lead to impaired digestive enzyme synthesis, lack of energy (lethargy), hair loss (a common symptom of protein deficiency), weight loss, lack of appetite and decreased concentration.


Phenylalanine has been a hotly debated topic until recently, due to possible side effects in some people when using it.

The reason for the noise was its use in food products. But everything has calmed down and some studies have shown that its use is not harmful to healthy people.


Findings from the world's largest study of the links between diet and health

Results of the largest study of the relationship between nutrition and health, consumption animal protein and... cancer

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Phenylalanine is often portrayed in a negative light by the press. Reason - it is used as a non-carbohydrate sweetener chewing gum, in many soft drinks (combined with aspartic acid, like aspartame) and some see it as a danger to the brain, and has also been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

Toxic amounts of phenylalanine can indeed cause death, but this is also true for many other substances if the dosage is exceeded.

If by some miracle you pour 20 liters of water into yourself, then the probability of dying is also quite high. Imagine what can happen when you overdose on chemicals, vitamins or minerals.

However, no one calls vitamins poisons designed to kill people. The same is true for phenylalanine.

This is an ESSENTIAL amino acid, vital for the body and most nutritionists will confidently confirm that the risk of its deficiency in your body is much higher than an overdose.

Toxic doses are 3-4 times higher than the amount we get on average from food containing 250-300 grams of protein per day.

  • Stimulates the nervous system, elevates mood and provides emotional stability
  • Improves memory and, together with its derivative glutamine (an essential amino acid synthesized from phenylalanine), is considered a “smart vitamin” (although they are not vitamins by definition)
  • Increases the level of adrenaline and dopamine in the anterior pituitary gland, which are important components nervous system
  • Participates in takeover ultraviolet rays sunlight, which in turn leads to increased synthesis of vitamin D
  • Participates in the synthesis of the essential amino acid glutamine, the proportion of which is the highest in muscle tissue

Why is the amino acid phenylalanine needed in bodybuilding?: In addition to enhancing motivation and participating in the synthesis of vitamin D, phenylalanine is used in nervous processes, allowing muscles to contract and relax as much as possible. Can be taken to increase endurance, but not for long due to toxicity.

How to take the amino acid phenylalanine (dosage) : The recommendation is 14 mg per kilogram of body weight. You get enough of it with food. There is no need for additional intake in the form of a supplement. Especially taking into account the possible side effects of an overdose. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking phenylalanine separately as a supplement is questionable

Application in medicine: For the treatment of arthritis and depression.

What products contain: All dairy products, almonds, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Shortage: Rarely observed, but when it occurs it results in weakness, lethargy, liver damage and growth retardation.


  • Participates in the breakdown of fats and their subsequent use as energy, which is also accompanied by an increase in testosterone levels, which stimulates muscle growth. This is how ZMA works (methionine in combination with zinc)
  • Plays a key role in digestion and removal of heavy metals from the stomach and liver
  • Is an antioxidant, deactivates free radicals
  • Participates in memory processes
  • The essential amino acid cysteine ​​is synthesized from it, which is involved in the removal of toxins from the liver.
  • It is one of three amino acids from which it is synthesized in our body - a source of energy and muscle growth

Why is the amino acid methionine needed in bodybuilding?: launching mechanisms for using fats for energy needs, improving digestion, antioxidant properties. Even more effective when combined with ZMA.

How to take the amino acid methionine (dosage): 12 mg per kilogram of body weight. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking methionine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: no, except in cases of B vitamin deficiency: risk of developing arteriosclerosis.

Application in medicine: Used to treat depression, arthritis and liver disease.

In which productscontains the amino acid methionine: meat, fish, beans, eggs, garlic, lentils, onions, yogurt and seeds.

Shortage: Causes dementia, fatty liver, slow growth, weakness, skin lesions and swelling.



Leucine is perhaps the most powerful amino acid of the three bcaa components.

  • Responsible for regulating blood sugar levels
  • Very strong stimulator of growth hormone release, which promotes the growth and repair of skin cells, bones and, of course, skeletal muscles, helps in wound healing and prevents the destruction of muscle tissue

Why is it needed in bodybuilding?: leucine is probably one of the most powerful natural anabolics in the world (an anabolic is a substance that promotes muscle growth).

How to take the amino acid leucine (dosage) : 16 mg per kilogram of body weight. In a normal diet, we take it in sufficient quantities with natural food. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking leucine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: unknown; ammonia levels may increase.

Application in medicine: preventing muscle atrophy.

What foods contain the amino acid leucine?: In almost everything, including: brown rice, legumes, nuts and whole grains.

Shortage: unknown.


Very similar to leucine in every way.

  • Promotes muscle recovery
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Stimulates the release of growth hormone
  • Helps in the formation of hemoglobin and is actively involved in the formation of blood clots - the body's primary defense against infection through open wounds

Why is the amino acid isoleucine needed in bodybuilding?: as important as leucine; very important as part of the BCAA amino acid stack for the effectiveness of the other two amino acids.

How to take the amino acid isoleucine (dosage): 10-12 mg per kilogram of body weight. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking isoleucine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: Causes increased urination. Serious problems does not cause, except for kidney and liver diseases.

Application in medicine: wound healing.

What foods contain the amino acid isoleucine?: poultry, cashews, fish, almonds, eggs, lentils, liver, meat.

Shortage: unknown.


  • Like other amino acids of the BCAA complex, it is involved in the restoration and maintenance of muscle growth.
  • Participates in maintaining nitrogen balance.
  • Controls the use of glucose.

Why is the amino acid valine needed in bodybuilding?: in combination with isoleucine and leucine.

How to take the amino acid valine (dosage): 16 mg per kilogram of body weight. Expert scientist: With a nutritious protein diet, the advisability of taking valine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: itchy skin, hallucinations, may be dangerous for people with kidney and liver diseases.

Use in medicine: no, not used separately.

What foods contain amino acids?valine: dairy products, meat, grains, mushrooms, soybeans, peanuts.

Shortage: leads to serious metabolic disorders.


Threonine is an essential amino acid and, like all essential amino acids, must be supplied with food, since it is not synthesized by the body.

But more importantly, its source is exclusively animal products(dairy and meat), which is not very good news for vegan athletes who eat only plant foods.

Used in the construction of cardiac muscle cells, skeletal muscles, nervous tissue, including the central nervous system.

  • Used to form two of the most important connective substances: collagen and elastin
  • Participates in maintaining protein balance
  • Participates in liver function
  • Supports the immune system by aiding in the production of antibodies
  • But perhaps the most important property is that it improves the absorption of other nutrients, so animal sources of protein containing threonine are more biologically valuable, than others

Why is the amino acid threonine needed in bodybuilding?: improves protein absorption, important for maintaining muscle mass.

How to take the amino acid threonine (dosage): 8 mg per kilogram of body weight; as a food supplement, it is recommended in an amount of 100-500 mg. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking threonine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: not known.

Application in medicine: treatment of mental disorders.

Sources: meat, dairy products and eggs.

Shortage: irritability, decreased immune function to fight disease.

The most important non-essential amino acids for bodybuilding: why they are needed and how to take them

By now you should already understand why amino acids and the high-quality protein they contain are needed.

Unlike essential amino acids, non-essential amino acids are synthesized by the body only when they are needed, and they are “allowed” to be contained in insufficient quantities in food protein.

In general, there are more essential amino acids in natural food proteins than non-essential ones.. And therefore, in some cases, additional intake of non-essential amino acids in the form of supplements may be beneficial.

In general, there are more essential amino acids in natural food proteins than non-essential ones.

For example, sometimes the reserve of non-essential amino acids that the body is capable of synthesizing can be used to perform more important functions that are critical at the moment.

Nonessential amino acids are a temporary solution for temporary problems. Despite this, 9 out of 10 sports nutrition retailers will do their best to convince you of the importance of taking them consistently in supplement form.

A good example is glutamine. Weider is the largest distributor of L-glutamine and in its sports nutrition magazines recommends taking it in large quantities. The same is true for other non-essential amino acids.

As a summary regarding non-essential amino acids, just remember: our body knows the secret formula for their synthesis, and their deficiency in food is not dangerous.

Our body knows the secret formula for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids, and their deficiency in food is not dangerous



IN Lately L-arginine is one of the most hotly debated amino acids.

  • It is famous for its ability to retain nitrogen in the body, which is an active element necessary for muscle growth. That is why today it is added to many sports supplements.
  • Arginine is involved in the creation of DNA and RNA molecules that encode genetic information
  • Until recently, it was mainly used to stimulate growth in newborns.
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Stimulates the size and activity of the thymus gland, responsible for the production of the famous “T cells” that play an important role in recovery from injury and treatment of HIV infections
  • Stimulates the release of growth hormone and insulin. Both play an important role in promoting growth, including muscle growth.
  • Increases the duration and “quality” of orgasm. Found in seminal fluid, it has been used in many studies to improve male sexual health and has even been recommended as a cure for infertility.
  • Promotes healthy liver, skin and connective tissues, lower cholesterol
  • But most importantly, arginine makes it easier to build muscle mass while preventing fat deposition, helping to break it down and use it for energy. This is important for achieving beautiful muscle definition.

Why is arginine needed in bodybuilding?: See above.

How to take the amino acid arginine: There is no recommended dosage. It does not seem to be available as a special sports supplement, but if you have a choice between two identical products, one of which contains arginine and the other does not, choose, of course, the first one. Do not take arginine with lysine as they compete for absorption.

Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking arginine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: thickening and roughening of the skin, weakness, diarrhea, nausea and decreased immunity, which manifests itself in a decreased ability to resist viral diseases.

Application in medicine: Treatment of sexual disorders, often prescribed to lower cholesterol levels.

What foods contain the amino acid arginine?: whole grains, nuts and seeds, rice, chocolate, raisins, soy.

Shortage: Unlikely in healthy people. Manifests itself in impaired insulin production and hair loss.

Expert Scientist: Arginine is often found in various sports supplements, but there is no evidence to support its benefits in sports.

Arginine is often found in various sports supplements, but there is no scientific evidence to support its benefits in sports.


If you decide to take carnitine, then when determining the dosage, it is better not to follow standard recommendations, but calculate the amount you need based on your lean body mass.

Why is carnitine needed in bodybuilding?: increased energy, decreased fat deposits, “drying”.

How to take carnitine (dosage): ranging from 20-200 mg. It is better to calculate based on muscle mass: the more muscle, the greater the need for carnitine. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking l-carnitine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: Doses exceeding 3000 mg are accompanied by diarrhea.

Use in medicine: Reducing the risk of poor fat metabolism in diabetic patients.

What foods contain carnitine?: fish, chicken, red meat and milk. Not found in vegetables.

Shortage: Observed only in people with impaired carnitine transport mechanism.

Expert Scientist: Carnitine is commonly found in various sports supplements, but there is no evidence to support its use in bodybuilding.

Carnitine is often found in various sports supplements, but there is no evidence to support its use in bodybuilding.


L-cysteine ​​is a nonessential amino acid that contains sulfur, making it a real favorite as an antioxidant.

  • Required for healthy skin
  • Plays a role in detoxifying the body due to its antioxidant properties
  • Participates in the production of collagen, a component of the skin that gives it elasticity. A constituent of keratin, which makes up hair, nails and skin
  • The body synthesizes substances from cysteine ​​that protect the brain and liver from damage by drugs, alcohol and other substances harmful to the body.
  • Protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from damage by foreign substances chemicals. This is the reason for the reduced effectiveness of action medicines taken orally with foods or supplements containing this amino acid
  • Cysteine improves the absorption of other substances useful for bodybuilding(including coenzyme A, heparin, biotin (vitamin B) and alpha lipic acid).

Why is the amino acid cysteine ​​needed in bodybuilding?: absorption of B vitamins, elimination of toxins formed as a result of taking other supplements, enhancing the action of insulin.

How to take the amino acid cysteine: 200-300 mg, two to three times a day. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking cysteine ​​separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose: Possible only for patients with diabetes.

Application in medicine: Liver protection and recovery from debilitating illnesses.

What foods contain the amino acid cysteine?: poultry, wheat, broccoli, eggs, garlic, onions and peppers.

Shortage: unknown.


HMB (hydroxy methylbutyrate) is synthesized from leucine, one of the three essential amino acids that make up BCAA. It performs some of the functions of its parent, but with some specifics.

  • Plays a role in muscle growth as promotes faster and more complete absorption of food protein, preventing it from being converted into fat: the more efficiently protein is used to create muscle mass, the less likely it is to be converted into glucose and subsequently into fat for storage
  • Promotes maintaining muscle mass
  • HMB not only improves the use of free amino acids in the body, which come from food, but also prevents the destruction of protein molecules from which the biological tissues of the body are built, including muscles: it maintains the integrity and strength of the cell membrane, preventing the “burning” of protein molecules in quality of energy.

Our body is capable of producing up to 1 gram of HMB per day. That's not a lot.

NMV is indeed a worthy supplement, but in the quantities required to achieve a noticeable effect it is very expensive.

NMV is useful during a diet or “cutting”: it protects muscle protein from destruction, starts the process of “burning” fat and optimizes the process of using free amino acids. But the same effect is produced by carnitine and glutamine, which are cheaper.

Expert Scientist: NMV is produced by the body when muscle tissue is broken down, such as during exercise. Small amounts are found in citrus fruits and catfish (fish).

It is hypothesized that additional HMB supplementation may result in slower muscle tissue breakdown. However, the evidence for the effectiveness of NMV as a sports supplement is contradictory.

Some research suggests that NMV may help increase muscle mass and strength in response to strength training, as well as prevent muscle damage during long-term exercise.

Other studies show that the benefits of NMB are significantly multiplied when used in conjunction with creatine.

At the same time, the results of some experiments suggest that HMB is absolutely useless for increasing muscle efficiency.

How to take HMB amino acid (dosage): If you do decide to experiment with HMB, pay special attention to the dosage. For getting maximum benefit, taking NMV should be divided into the maximum possible number of servings, optimally 6-8. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking HMB separately as a supplement is questionable

Expert bodybuilder: The total consumption of HMB during the training day during “cutting” (in other situations the use of HMB is absolutely not justified) should be from 4.5 to 6 grams, depending on gender and age. During non-training days - from 2.5 to 3 grams.

Why is the amino acid HMB needed in bodybuilding?: Prevents muscle loss and fat formation.

Dosage: 2.5 to 6 grams per day.

Overdose/side effects: unknown; generally considered safe.

Use in medicine: No.

What foods contain the amino acid HMB?: Present in many foods in small quantities. Largest quantity found in catfish, grapefruit, and alfalfa.

Shortage: unknown; only in case of leucine deficiency.


Taurine is one of the most abundant compounds in the body, which is synthesized from vitamin B6 and the amino acids methionine and cysteine. It is found in the nervous system and muscles, including the heart muscle.

One small study found that 2 grams of taurine plus 3.2 grams of BCAAs per day for 2 weeks before and 3 days after high-intensity exercise delayed the onset of muscle soreness and muscle damage compared with placebo; when used separately, these additives did not show such an effect.

Taurine is not a traditional amino acid (it is an "aminosulfonic acid") and is not a building block for muscle, but is likely involved in regulating heart rate, maintaining cell membranes, and also affects the release of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Taurine as a supplement may be useful for people with heart failure and acute viral hepatitis.

Good sources of taurine include red meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products and fish. Legumes and nuts do not contain taurine, but they do contain methionine and cysteine, from which it is synthesized.

How to take taurine: To reduce muscle soreness after an intense workout, it is recommended to take 2 grams of taurine plus 3.2 grams of BCAA throughout the day. Expert scientist: With a complete protein diet, the advisability of taking taurine separately as a supplement is questionable

Overdose/side effects: Taurine is generally considered safe.


The need for amino acids, or protein in general, increases with body weight.

If, when calculating the amount of protein you need, you are guided by recommendations on how much protein to take (2-3 grams per kilogram), then keep in mind that with the calculated dose of protein you are already getting a considerable amount of amino acids.

Keep this in mind when determining how much of each amino acid supplement you need.

Many sports nutrition experts, as well as professional athletes, are of the opinion that that there is no need for additional intake of amino acids, with the exception of BCAAs. Provided, of course, the correct full balanced nutrition saturated with foods high in quality proteins.

An exception may be situations of overtraining and periods of caloric restriction of the diet, for example, “cutting”, to achieve muscle relief.

Many experts are of the opinion that there is no need to take additional amino acids. In most cases, quality protein is all you need

It is very important that after reading this article you understand the enormous role of amino acids in our body. Scientists still have a lot to say about their amazing properties.

Remember that sports nutrition manufacturers are always primarily interested in their own benefits. That's why they pack the amazing benefits of amino acids into as many bottles as possible and recommend them to you. In most cases, quality protein is all you need.. There is something inspiring in the simplicity of this statement.

IN modern world On the sports nutrition market you can find many different supplements that will help you achieve a particular goal. Today, the most popular supplements are: amino acids and protein. We've already talked about protein, now it's time to look at it amino acids! What it is? What are amino acids needed for? Who needs them and what types of amino acids are there?

Amino acids are substances that form protein in the body. They are a key component in our life, since all living organisms need proteins. These substances can be obtained from regular food. (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese...), or from special additives.

Amino acids have many functions in the body. Here are some of them: muscle growth, recovery, hormone production, antibody production, enzyme production, strengthening the immune system, preventing catabolism, acting as neurotransmitters, etc.

These substances have gained great popularity in the field of bodybuilding and fitness. And this is not surprising, since with their help you can accelerate the growth of muscle mass and the process of losing weight, as well as maintain the gained muscles during drying.

Here are some of the most important effects:

  1. More energy. Amino acids are metabolized in a different way than carbohydrates, so the body can receive much more energy during training if the amino acid pool is full
  2. Increased protein synthesis. Amino acids stimulate the secretion of the anabolic hormone - insulin, and also activate mTOR, two of these mechanisms can trigger muscle growth. Amino acids themselves are used as building materials for proteins
  3. Prevention of catabolism. Amino acids have a pronounced anti-catabolic effect, which is especially necessary after training, as well as during a weight loss or cutting cycle.
  4. Helps you burn faster subcutaneous fat. Amino acids promote fat burning through leptin expression in adipocytes via mTOR

Who needs amino acids?

Amino acids will help you recover better, build lean muscle mass faster, and.

What types of amino acids are there?

According to their essence, amino acids can be divided into two types: non-essential and essential. Replaceable substances are those substances that can be independently produced in our body. Essential substances are those substances that cannot be produced independently in our body. That is why it is very important that these essential amino acids come to us through food or from sports supplements.

There are about 28 different amino acids.

Essential amino acids:

Valine is an essential component that helps restore damaged muscle tissue and maintains normal nitrogen metabolism in the human body. Prevents the decrease in serotonin levels and increases muscle coordination. Part of the BCAA. Best dietary sources of valine: beef, chicken fillet, salmon fillet, chicken eggs, walnuts.

Histidine is an important component that helps restore damaged muscle tissue. Present in myelin sheaths that protect nerve cells. Also, this amino acid protects our body from the damaging effects of radiation and removes heavy metals. Carnosine, a powerful muscle antioxidant, is synthesized from histidine. The best sources of histidine in the diet: tuna, salmon, chicken, peanuts, lentils.

Isoleucine is one of the most important essential amino acids, which is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and normalizes blood sugar levels. Isoleucine normalizes energy supply processes and strengthens epidermal synthesis (outer layer of skin). Contains BCAA (the main material for building new muscles). The best sources of isoleucine in the diet: chicken eggs, cheese, fish, turkey, chicken fillet.

Leucine is an essential component for strengthening and maintaining the immune system at the proper level. The main functions of leucine: normalizes metabolic processes, suppresses the destruction of protein molecules, enhances protein synthesis, suppresses the breakdown of glucose, increases insulin secretion and normalizes water metabolism in our body. Contains BCAA (the main material for building new muscles). The best sources of leucine in the diet: beef, veal, chicken fillet, fish, turkey fillet, cottage cheese, milk, peanuts.

Lysine – takes part in bone formation and has a positive effect on calcium absorption. It also takes part in the synthesis of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, collagen formation and tissue repair. Lysine has a positive effect on heart function, lowers triglyceride levels in the blood serum and is an antiviral amino acid. The best sources of lysine in the diet: chicken eggs, beef, veal, lamb, chicken fillet, turkey fillet, beans, peas, cod.

Methionine is one of the most important essential amino acids, which is involved in fat metabolism and has a positive effect on the synthesis of taurine and cysteine. Also, methionine has such positive functions as: improved digestion, improved muscle endurance, lowers bad cholesterol, has a positive effect on hair growth, has a positive effect on the liver, protects against the damaging effects of radiation and removes heavy metals. The best sources of methionine in the diet: chicken fillet, turkey fillet, veal, cottage cheese, legumes, peanuts.

Threonine – maintains the stability of protein metabolism in the human body. Takes part in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Prevents fat deposition in the liver. Positively affects the cardiovascular system and central nervous system. The best sources of threonine in the diet: chicken fillet, turkey fillet, beef, veal, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, mushrooms.

Tryptophan is the most important amino acid that takes part in the synthesis of serotonin. It lifts your mood, suppresses depression and relieves insomnia. Women should pay due attention to this amino acid as it alleviates premenstrual syndrome. The best sources of tryptophan in the diet: cheese, fish, meat, legumes, mushrooms, cottage cheese, pine nuts, peanuts.

Phenylalanine – improves mood, reduces pain, improves memory and learning ability, suppresses appetite. It is part of the body's proteins, which make up muscles, tendons, ligaments and other organs. The best sources of phenylalanine in the diet: meat, chicken eggs, legumes, nuts.

Essential amino acids:

Alanine is an essential amino acid for our body, which takes part in glucose metabolism. It has such positive properties as: increases muscle contraction, serves as a source of energy for muscles and the central nervous system, normalizes blood sugar levels and stimulates the immune system. Best dietary sources of alanine: meat (veal, beef, poultry), milk, cheese.

Arginine – has many positive properties, which makes this amino acid very valuable and in demand. Positive properties of arginine: prevents tumor growth, promotes detoxification processes in the liver, normalizes nitrogen balance, enhances GH production, enhances sperm production in men, enhances insulin production, improves blood flow in muscles and improves immunity. The best sources of arginine in the diet: pork, chicken fillet, salmon fillet, chicken eggs, pine nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds.

Asparagine – normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system. Increases immunity by increasing the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies. The best sources of asparagine in the diet: milk, whey, meat, poultry, seafood, asparagus, legumes, nuts.

Citrulline - this amino acid is not so important for our muscles as it is for the body. It helps increase energy supply, strengthens the immune system, enhances stamina and helps improve erectile function. The best sources of citrulline in the diet: watermelon, peanuts, soybeans.

Cysteine ​​is an amino acid that plays a vital role in the formation of skin, nails and hair tissue. It also takes part in the formation of collagen and improves skin elasticity. Cysteine ​​is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes various toxic substances and protects the body from radiation. The best sources of cysteine ​​in the diet: chicken fillet, turkey fillet, pork, chicken eggs, milk, red pepper, onion, garlic.

Cystine is an amino acid that plays a vital role in the formation of skin, nails and hair tissue. Plays an extremely important role in the formation and maintenance of the tertiary structure of proteins and peptides and, accordingly, their biological activity. The best sources of cystine in the diet: meat, fish, soy, oats, wheat.

Dimethylglycine is a component of some hormones, neurotransmitters and DNA. The best sources of dimethylglycine in the diet: meat, seeds, grains, legumes, liver.

Glutamine is an essential amino acid for normal muscle growth. Positive properties of glutamine: strengthens the immune system, takes part in protein synthesis in muscle tissue, is an anti-catabolic (suppresses the hormone cortisol), accelerates recovery processes, reduces the chance of overtraining, normalizes blood sugar levels and increases brain performance. The best sources of glutamine in the diet: beef, chicken, fish, chicken eggs, milk, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, parsley.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that has a positive effect on fat metabolism and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. It also protects the body from toxins, free radicals, diseases and viruses. The best sources of glutathione in the diet: onions, garlic, cabbage, avocado, nuts, seeds, poultry, egg yolks, spinach, celery.

Glycine – takes part in the synthesis of nucleic acids, bile acids and non-essential amino acids. In addition, it has such useful functions as: restores damaged tissue, has a positive effect on the central nervous system, improves mood, improves sleep quality, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The best sources of glycine in the diet: meat, fish, milk, chicken eggs.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)– the most important amino acid, which is a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system and brain. GABA has gained great popularity in bodybuilding due to such positive effects as: increased production of growth hormone, increased muscle rigidity, increased fat burning, improved sleep quality, and has a calming effect. (prevents overexcitation of nerve cells). The best sources of GABA in the diet: tea and coffee leaves, filamentous mushrooms, juice of cruciferous plants.

Glutamic acid– serves as a neurotransmitter that transmits impulses to the central nervous system. It has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism and can serve as a source of energy for the brain. Glutamic acid takes part in the synthesis of nucleic acids and increases the permeability of muscle cells to potassium ions. The best sources of glutamic acid in the diet: cow's milk, parmesan cheese, chicken, duck, beef, pork, cod, mackerel, trout, green peas.

Histamine serves as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Improves libido and increases the permeability of blood vessels. The best sources of histamine in the diet: milk, cottage cheese, oatmeal, liver, poultry, chicken eggs.

Ornithine has gained great popularity in bodybuilding due to such positive effects as: increased production of growth hormone, a positive effect on the liver, increased fat burning, increased insulin secretion, and has an anti-catabolic effect. The best sources of ornithine in the diet: chicken eggs, meat, fish, dairy products.

Proline – has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the cardiovascular system, strengthens joints and ligaments. The best sources of proline in the diet: Rye bread, rice, beef, lamb, herring, tuna, cheese.

Serine – has a positive effect on fat metabolism and the immune system. The best sources of serine in the diet: pumpkin seeds, nuts, chicken eggs, milk, poultry, herring, mackerel, lamb.

Taurine is necessary for the normal metabolism of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Has a positive effect on the brain and improves metabolic processes. The best sources of taurine in the diet: meat, fish, oysters, chicken eggs, milk.

Tyrosine – takes part in the production of melatonin, has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, and suppresses appetite. Tyrosine is the amino acid of creativity (increases creative process and allows you to think bigger). The best sources of tyrosine in the diet: almonds, avocados, bananas, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds.

Carnitine can be classified as an amino acid, as it has a similar chemical structure. It helps convert fatty acids into energy. Positively affects the functioning of the heart and liver. Carnitine increases endurance, improves the quantity and quality of sperm, slows down aging, and lowers the level of bad cholesterol. The best sources of carnitine in the diet: beef, lamb, dairy products, liver, veal, turkey, pork.

Let's briefly go over the main issues again:

No. 1) Amino acids - what are they?

Substances that form protein in the body. They are a key component in our life, since all living organisms need proteins.

No. 2) What are amino acids for?

They have many functions in the body. Here are some of them: muscle growth, recovery, hormone production, antibody production, enzyme production, strengthening the immune system, preventing catabolism, acting as neurotransmitters, etc.

#3) Who needs amino acids?

This supplement is suitable for those men and women who are exposed to severe physical activity (bodybuilding, fitness, boxing, sprinting, martial arts).

#4) What types of amino acids are there?

According to their essence, amino acids can be divided into two types: non-essential and essential. Contains about 28 different amino acids (9 – irreplaceable and 19 – replaceable).


  • Valin
  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Phenylalanine


  • Alanin
  • Arginine
  • Asparagine
  • Citrulline
  • Cysteine
  • Cystine
  • Dimethylglycine
  • Glutamine
  • Glutathione
  • Glycine
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
  • Glutamic acid
  • Histamine
  • Ornithine
  • Proline
  • Serin
  • Taurine
  • Tyrosine
  • Carnitine

P.S. I also recommend that you allocate some of your precious time to watch this video.


Amino acids, what are they for? Amino acids are chemical compounds that are involved in a huge number of processes occurring in the body: they form protein compounds, are building materials for muscles, etc. They are actively used by athletes in bodybuilding. Contained in numerous sports supplements.

Amino acids “rule the show” in the human body. They affect mood, improve mental abilities, normalize mental state, restore body tissue and are even responsible for sexual activity. Some amino acids are used to form enzymes that are necessary for the absorption and breakdown of protein.

The use of amino acids by athletes is so popular because they are an important component of the human body. Even with excessive use there is no side effect. It is only possible if low-quality products purchased from unverified suppliers were used.

The body needs amino acids not only for the growth of muscle fibers and their strengthening, they normalize the mental state after training and affect a huge number of other processes, ranging from improving mood and strengthening the immune system, ending with the removal of toxins from the body.

The adult body contains twenty protein amino acids, 11 of which are nonessential (the body can reproduce itself), and 9 are essential (approximately 40-43% of which are BCCA amino acids). This means they must be consumed regularly through food or supplements.

Amino acids for muscle growth

The most popular amino acids in sports world are:

Amino acids of the BCAA group – leucine, valine, isoleucine. These three amino acids have a major effect on the development, restoration and maintenance of muscle tone.

  • Leucine It is a source of energy, which allows you to prolong the training process, promotes the restoration of muscles, bones, and skin, so it is often prescribed to patients in the postoperative period. Leucine is necessary for proper muscle building and development; it prevents the destruction of protein compounds.
  • Isoleucine participates in processes occurring in the cells of the body, gives energy to muscles, protects muscles during training and diets, prolongs physical and mental endurance. Its decrease leads to a decrease in muscle mass, fatigue, and lower blood sugar levels. A person may experience anxiety and fear.
  • Valin. An amino acid that is one of the main ones in the synthesis and growth of tissues. Valine is often taken post-workout as it promotes muscle recovery. It also increases activity, endurance, and improves coordination.

The maximum effect from training can be achieved by simultaneously consuming all three amino acids listed above. They are found in many sports supplements and can be sold in the form of tablets, capsules, or powder.

  • Taurine. Contained in large quantities in muscle fibers. A decrease in its level negatively affects human health. Taurine has a beneficial effect on protein synthesis, strengthens the nervous system, improves heart function, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improves vision, and also has many other positive effects. The effect of accelerated muscle growth with long-term use of taurine was not observed; it acts more as a muscle stimulator, maintaining them in tone.
  • Arginine. Participates in the processes of transporting nutrients and oxygen, accelerates muscle growth, promotes fat burning, resulting in a slimmer figure, improves blood circulation, improves mood, stimulates the immune system, serves as a donor and carrier of nitrogen. It is very important for men, since 80% of sperm consists of this building material. After thirty years, amino acid production decreases, so it is necessary to replenish its level.
  • Glutamine. The most abundant amino acid in the human body. Stimulates protein metabolism, maintains the immune system in the required state, participates in the process of muscle tissue restoration, and is a source of energy.
  • Histidine. An amino acid necessary for tissue repair and growth. It synthesizes carnosine, which is a powerful muscle antioxidant that prevents muscle damage and anemia. For this reason, histidine is sometimes used by bodybuilders.

Amino acids for weight loss

Not all amino acids affect the development of muscle groups. There are a number of amino acids that prevent a decrease in appetite and also fight excess fat. These include:

  • Carnitine. Effectively fights excess fat deposits with a minimum number of side effects, provides energy for long-term workouts, and removes harmful accumulations from the body. The main supplier is dairy and meat products. This effect in the area of ​​weight loss is possible due to the fact that the amino acid simply prevents fat gain. Plus, taking it helps prevent heart attacks.
  • Phenylalanine. The amino acid helps reduce appetite, increases performance, improves mood, and activates metabolism. Included in fat burners.
  • Lysine. This amino acid curbs irritability, which many people experience during diets, helps normalize food intake, and improves immunity.
  • Arginine. A very effective amino acid for weight loss. According to studies, its regular and correct use leads to a reduction in fat by 60 percent.

Classification of amino acids

According to the classification, amino acids are replaceable, essential and partially replaceable. The body can produce nonessential amino acids on its own, but essential ones require their entry into the body from the outside. A person replenishes their supply through food and various supplements. Partially replaceable ones include arginine and histidine. For the normal functioning of all body systems, the entire set of twenty amino acids is needed.

The amino acids also differ:

  1. According to the position of the amino group: alpha, beta, gamma and so on. The most important are alpha amino acids, as they are the building blocks for peptides and proteins.
  2. Based on the level of occurrence in proteins.
  3. By the number of amino and carboxy groups.

Amino acids for athletes in the pharmacy

You can buy amino acids in a pharmacy at different forms: in the form of tablets, powder, capsules with powder or solution, or simply as a liquid. Another thing is that they can very rarely be found there, and sometimes finding them can be difficult.

Amino acids in liquid form are absorbed by the body much faster, which means they have an effect faster.

The disadvantages include a higher price compared to powder counterparts, as well as increased requirements to the storage of amino acids. Very common are amino acid complexes containing both essential and essential aminocarboxylic acids, as well as BCAA.

So, in some pharmacies you can purchase the following amino acids:

  • L-arginine (vasotone). It can be purchased in capsules, tablets, as part of dietary supplements and other vitamin complexes. Before starting use, it is recommended to consult a specialist. The cost, depending on the dosage, varies from fifty to five hundred rubles.
  • BCAA complexes. Sold in the form of capsules or tablets placed in glass containers.
  • Taurine, available in the form of tablets, capsules or powder. Contained in many drugs, such as dibikor, peptamen, etc.
  • L-glutamine. Since this is the most common amino acid in the human body, it cannot but be sold in pharmacies. Release form: capsules, tablets.
  • Histidine. Sold in capsules. The solution is administered intramuscularly.
  • Amino acids and amino acid complexes are sold in sports nutrition stores, where they can be purchased without problems. Try not to buy drugs in online stores, there is a high risk of counterfeiting.

How to take amino acids?

To pump up muscles, amino acids are most often consumed in energy drinks; for this, sugar, plain water and the amino acids themselves are taken. All this is dissolved, mixed and drunk. Consuming the liquid form leads to absorption as quickly as possible. The best time to take it is after training, as well as before and during it. During training, the liquid form is used, and the rest before and after. You can take amino acids immediately after waking up to prevent the catabolism process.

How to take when losing weight?

The process of taking amino acids when losing weight is no different. Everything is done exactly as described above. To get faster results, you can take them between meals.


Regardless of the purpose of using amino acids - losing weight or gaining muscle mass, their dosage should be 5-9 grams. It is enough to do this two or three times throughout the day. When purchasing amino acids, pay attention to the serving size and number of grams. See here.

What foods contain amino acids?

Products are a natural supplier of amino acids, always freely available, and here are the main ones:

  • Chicken fillet.
  • Salmon.
  • Mackerel.
  • Tuna.
  • Turkey fillet.
  • Egg.
  • Peanut.
  • Beef.
  • Pork.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Atlantic herring.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Beans and other legumes.
  • Oatmeal and rice porridge.
  • Potato.
  • Pasta.
  • Bread.
  • Rabbit meat.
  • Milk.

The number of milligrams of different amino acids in different products varies from fifty to two thousand.

Many athletes take amino acids not only for accelerated muscle growth and quick recovery muscle tissue after hard, grueling workouts. They are an indispensable element of our body.

Amino acids improve brain activity, relieve tension, put nerves in order, and lower cholesterol levels. Their deficiency threatens depletion of the body, impaired nutrition of the skin, and deterioration of appetite.

Therefore, amino acids will be beneficial to absolutely everyone and will not cause harm.

Amino acids are organic compounds that are the main building blocks...

Amino acids are organic compounds that are the main building material for muscle tissue and proteins. In the human body, amino acids perform many most important tasks. For athletes, athletes and bodybuilders, the most valuable thing is the ability of amino acids to restore muscles, as well as influence the growth and development of body muscles. It is for this reason that amino acids have become key element sports nutritional supplements and are in great demand among bodybuilders.

Thanks to the supply of amino acids, the body can produce more than 50,000 proteins and more than 15,000 enzymes. In addition to the production of enzymes, including food enzymes, amino acids play a significant role in the body, as they are responsible for increasing concentration, mood, and influencing sleep, attention, aggression, and sexual desire. When protein enters the body, it is divided into amino acids. Further, individual amino acids take part in the creation of enzymes and proteins important for the body. Digestive enzymes are involved in the digestion of protein and its separation into amino acids for human consumption.

Amino acids are divided into three main groups: essential, non-essential and conditionally non-essential. Nonessential amino acids are those that are independently synthesized by the human body from other amino acids. Essential amino acids are those amino acids that our body is not able to reproduce on its own, but they are vital. Essential amino acids come from protein foods or through dietary supplements. There are also conditionally essential amino acids that are of little use to people who practice strength training.

Amino acids allow you to preserve, restore and build muscle mass. If the quantity is insufficient, these processes slow down and stop. People who are actively involved in sports and want to increase muscle mass most need a regular supply of amino acids. After a strong load, active muscle recovery begins, that is, a so-called “protein window” is formed.

Amino acids: what they are needed for, functions, tasks

Amino acids perform many tasks as they act on different levels human body. Some of them are responsible for the production of hormones and digestive enzymes. Others are kind of energy boosters and antioxidants. Still others stabilize the functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver, brain, and central nervous system. Amino acids take part in almost all metabolic processes. In addition, they act as nitrogen donors during the synthesis of all non-protein nitrogen-containing compounds. Amino acids are equally successfully used both for weight loss and for gaining muscle mass. This is due to the fact that people with developed muscles burn more calories, even if they are just lying on the couch. Thus, the better the muscles, the better the metabolism.

Amino acids are the constituent parts of proteins. They act similarly to proteins. Essentially, amino acids are used to repair muscles and increase their size.

In fact, we don't even realize how little protein we consume. Modern food is poor in this essential element. If you regularly exercise strength training, then the number of amino acids should be increased several times. There are only two options here - either eat more, getting amino acids from, or take nutritional supplements and replenish reserves in this way.

The body needs the entire set of amino acids. Each amino acid performs specific functions and is responsible for the operation of some mechanism in our body. Almost every amino acid complex contains the entire set of amino acids. It's about specifically about amino acid complexes, and not about BCAA, where three amino acids are present (valine, leucine, isoleucine).

For the most part, these complexes contain essential amino acids, namely those that are not produced by the body itself. Or those that reproduce, but in tiny quantities. Products from different manufacturers are on sale, and they may vary in the ratio of amino acids. To find out which drug is best for you, you need to try several types. The effect is known in practice.

Amino acids can be used both when “cutting” and when gaining muscle mass. When “drying,” amino acids are needed in order to preserve muscle tissue, providing it with building material. When recruiting, muscle growth occurs due to the intake of the drug. We can say that taking amino acids gives excellent results, regardless of what goal you are pursuing when training. Now you know what amino acids are needed for during training.

Types of amino acids and their characteristics

Amino acids are usually divided into 3 main groups: replaceable, essential and conditionally replaceable.

As already mentioned, non-essential amino acids are synthesized by the human body independently. Despite this fact, the additional technique produces results. We are talking about the following amino acids: glutamine, arginine, aspartic acid, carnitine, etc. Let’s consider the properties of each amino acid separately:

  • Glutamine helps strengthen memory and maintains strength during prolonged exercise;
  • Aspartic acid increases endurance;
  • Carnitine is necessary for reducing body fat, as well as increasing the effectiveness of antioxidants.

Essential amino acids: isoleucine, valine, leucine, methionine and others. The body is able to obtain this set of amino acids only through food or with nutritional supplements, but it cannot synthesize them on its own.

  • Isoleucine serves as an additional source of energy and is the most important element muscle tissue;
  • Valine increases muscle coordination, promotes tissue growth and synthesis, and reduces sensitivity to external stimuli;
  • Leucine improves immunity and takes part in protein synthesis by the body;
  • Methionine lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol and increases metabolic processes.

Conditionally essential amino acids are those that the body produces itself in small quantities - these are arginine, cysteine ​​and tyrosine.

  • Arginine takes part in cleansing the liver, ensures the production of growth hormone and an increase in muscle fibers;
  • Cysteine ​​strengthens connective tissue;
  • Tyrosine serves as an excellent stress reliever.

Amino acid release forms

Typically, amino acids are sold in the form of solutions, tablets, powders, and capsules. The release form does not affect the effectiveness of the drugs in any way. Amino acids in the form of injections are less common, but many experts recommend not using this product, as it can cause negative reactions. It is better to use standard medications.

How to take amino acids correctly?

Many experts believe that it is best to take amino acids immediately after sleep in the morning, after or before training, and at night.

Taking the drug in the morning and taking it after training is necessary to neutralize the emerging “protein window”. This is due to the fact that the muscles need to be reinforced with quickly digestible protein.

Taking amino acids before training is necessary to obtain additional energy and improve performance under heavy loads.

Before going to bed, amino acids are taken for the growth of muscle tissue. This technique is needed to fuel muscles during night rest, active muscle growth and high-quality recovery.

There is also an opinion that you should not take amino acids and protein at the same time.

The daily norm is calculated based on body weight. If you weigh 60 kg, you need to take about 10-14 g of amino acids per day. With a weight of 60 to 80 kg, the dosage will be 14-16 grams. With a weight of 80 to 100 kg, the dosage is 16-20 g. With a weight of more than 100 kg, you will need from 20 to 30 g per day. It is important to understand that this refers to the weight of amino acids, not the drug itself. Do not forget that the drug is not 100% amino acids.

It is better to divide the daily dosage into 2-3 doses (in the morning, after training, before bedtime). Someone increases it to 4 techniques. It all depends on your personal preferences and needs. Some athletes believe that taking amino acids at night has no effect on the breakdown or non-breakdown of muscle tissue during sleep.

Combination of amino acids with other sports supplements

Amino acids can be combined with other sports supplements, but not at the same time. It is worth considering that meal replacements, proteins and gainers affect the process of amino acid absorption, slowing it down. Before using any product, you must read the instructions.

Side effects and disadvantages

Amino acids, as sports nutritional supplements, have no side effects. They have no restrictions on periods of use, nor the need for breaks.

The drug has no drawbacks, except for the high price and minimal packaging.

Methods for checking product quality

Checking a product for quality is not so difficult:

  • Powder products are highly soluble in water (with the exception of BCAA);
  • The drug usually has a bitter taste;
  • The color and consistency of the product must correspond to the description on the packaging;
  • The packaging must be intact and meet factory standards.

It is also necessary to check the expiration date of the product.

Taking amino acids allows you to achieve excellent results. This is especially true for those who are involved in bodybuilding and want to achieve excellent muscle growth.