Alsou went overseas to give birth. But before that, I decided to complete all the important things. She persuaded her husband, Yan ABRAMOV, to perform a special Muslim ritual with her - nikah. Which took place in the strictest secrecy in the homeland of Alsou’s father, Ralif SAFINA, in the Bashkir village of Uyandykovo.


The Safin family is very religious; the singer’s father, a businessman and ex-candidate for the presidency of Bashkiria, even built a mosque in his homeland with his own money - as a gift to his fellow countrymen. Until recently, the singer herself not only did not observe the customs of her ancestors, but also Tatar language knew much worse English. When she decided to marry a Jew, this completely upset the patriarchs of the Safin family. Some relatives didn't even come to her wedding. Both Alsou's grandmothers - Khalida and Taskira - were very worried that the marriage did not receive the blessing of the mullah.


Alsou, of course, could not be indifferent to all this. And therefore, before giving birth, I decided to observe a very important tradition. Nikah ritual is one of the major events in the life of Muslims, it is he who spiritually transforms strangers into husband and wife.

But in this case there was a serious obstacle - the husband must be a Muslim! Since Ian agreed to scrupulously fulfill everything that was required during the sacred ceremony (Abramov was even wearing a traditional Tatar skullcap), an exception was made for him. In the eyes of the mullah, he was a full-fledged Muslim for the duration of the sacrament. Fathers Yan and Alsou were present as witnesses, as expected. True, it is customary to go from the mosque to the groom’s house, and the Abramov couple, for obvious reasons, invited everyone to a treat at the house of Alsou’s grandmother, Khalida. But the happy old lady herself baked Tatar triangular pies with meat and potatoes - echpochmak.


Alsou's Muslim relatives feared in vain that they would not find a common language with the Jewish husband of their favorite.

Having gotten to know Abramov better, I became convinced that he is a very decent, well-mannered young man,” says the famous Ufa composer and poet Rim Khasanov, who has been friends with the Safin family for many years. - By the way, we spoke Tatar to him! He is not an ordinary Jew, he is a “tat” - that’s what Azerbaijani Jews are called. His family comes from Baku, and, as you know, they are mostly Muslims.

By the way, it was Khasanov who wrote several songs in Tatar for Alsou: one of them - “Papa” - the singer always performs at all her father’s birthdays. The celebrity guests did not stay long in the village. After spending the night, we went to Ufa. Ralif Safin chartered a ship and arranged a cruise on the Belaya River for his daughter and son-in-law. Tatar and Bashkir pop stars sang for the guests, among whom were Ian’s parents. Alsou's husband also pleased his father-in-law - he sang national songs in a duet with local celebrity Aidar Galimov.


The newspapers were full of rumors that Alsou was going to give birth in London. This had its own logic, since Alsou has a house there and she knows this city very well. But in order to protect themselves from annoying journalists, the Abramovs decided to look for another place. Another option is Israel, where Ian has many relatives and friends, which would facilitate many organizational issues. However, the war with Hezbollah forced the abandonment of these plans. According to our data, the Abramovs chose a hospital in Los Angeles, where many Hollywood celebrities gave birth. Since Ian has an American passport, this simplified many formalities. But Alsou will now get back to Russia no earlier than in a year. After all, making such long flights across the ocean with babies is categorically not recommended. But the baby will automatically become a US citizen by birthright.

Singer Alsou Safina and businessman Yan Abramov had a wedding last weekend, which many guests called the most luxurious they had ever seen.

Numerous paparazzi, who sat some on the Moskvoretsky Bridge, some in the settled rooms of the Rossiya Hotel, and some in the celebration hall at a table, noted that Abramov surpassed everyone in terms of security.

It was impossible for a common man to even get closer than a hundred meters to the Rossiya building due to the unprecedented number of guards armed with machine guns and guards. So that guests could enter the wedding, the organizers, in turn, armed them with invitations.

The most honored (VVIP) guests received velvet boxes with a notice engraved on the glass from the parents of Yan and Alsou. The bride and groom showed democracy and sent invitation cards to their friends in the form of a music disc.

In anticipation of the ceremony, guests gathered in the hall of the concert hall. The premises of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" were miraculously transformed: the designers kept it in soft lilac and light pink colors.

Around the columns were set sofas upholstered in red satin fabric. Near them there were tables with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Fancy paradise animals and birds made of mango, pineapple and papaya, gilded chocolate candies lay scattered. The obsequious waiters poured out aperitifs for every taste, including even Drambuie, which is known to be a favorite of the tax consultants of natural monopolies. Many people started straight away with cognac.

The hall was framed by a retrospective of photographs of Alsou and Jan - from infancy to their current state.

The young people decided to publicly enter into their marriage at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, and therefore invited the employees of the Griboedovsky registry office there.

When the invitation to begin the ceremony sounded, the airy fabric rose into the air, and the guests ceremoniously proceeded to the second floor.

Due to the absence of witnesses, seating at the tables followed a simplified pattern. Relatives from the bride's side are located along right side from the aisle, where one could see Alsou walking “to the altar”, and the groom’s relatives were on the left. When the bride finally appeared in the foyer, the guests were stunned. Alsou looked exactly like a fairy-tale princess from fairy tale about the rich and crowned. The ivory-colored dress was complemented by a weightless silk veil. The train was carried by touching pages (both boys and girls).

All those present noted that at the moment when Ian put the ring studded with diamonds on his ring finger for his bride, Alsou burst into tears of happiness. The rest of the guests became emotional and also cried. After the formalities, the guests proceeded to the concert hall. The basis of his decorations were fresh flowers - orchids and roses. The young people themselves sat on a real throne in the form of huge violet petals. Ian, however, was mostly busy with guests and general control, constantly talking on the radio with the administrators.

A special “YA” logo was even invented for the ceremony. Obviously, it is made up of the first letters of the names of the spouses. Although some guests joked that this was still a new brand, “Yan Abramov”.

There were more than five hundred guests. Yuri Luzhkov, Oleg Gazmanov, Ksenia Sobchak, Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Lev Leshchenko - that’s far from full list only famous guests. In addition to people well-known to all Russians, numerous friends and relatives of the newlyweds arrived at the wedding. Even the mayors of Baku and Bugulma, the hometowns of Yan and Alsou, came.

The most memorable toast was given by Joseph Kobzon:

When I gave my daughter Natasha in marriage, I made the following speech: “I will never allow my daughter to ever divorce her husband. In the worst case, she can only be left alone if she becomes a widow!” Ian, this primarily concerns you! My children, take marriage very seriously!

The parents read toasts in verse, and Lev Leshchenko came with his friend Vladimir Vinokur and encouraged Yan and Alsou to multiply. And right on the spot.

Guests were literally entertained from heaven by jazzmen George Benson, Al Jerreau and Italian artists Ricky and Believe, who were seated on the balcony.

Abramov's friends presented the newlyweds with a new Bentley model. Vladimir Vinokur gave some "jewelry", Oleg Gazmanov - a stroller made of fresh flowers, and composer Maxim Dunaevsky - for some reason - a painting.

As always, the pragmatic Ksenia Sobchak handed the young couple an envelope with money. In her opinion, this is the only possible wedding gift.

The guests began to leave after three o'clock in the morning, and the newlyweds themselves left "Russia" around seven. The next evening they had to be ready to continue the celebration in a narrower circle of those closest to them.

Alsou Sofina was very young at the moment when fame came to her after the release of the video clip for the song “Winter Dream”. The composition became the starting point of popularity - the girl’s career was rapidly going up. Being at the zenith of fame, Alsou, with the help of a friend, met a young man, Yan Abramov. The man became Alsou's husband.

But on the way to happy life filled with harmony, certain difficulties were encountered. Alsou was raised in a Muslim family. Jan - in Jewish. How did lovers overcome the difficulties of religion?

Abramov captivated Alsou by performing the melodies of her songs

For a long time, the most important man in the singer’s life was her father. The man spoiled his darling and contributed to the formation of an artistic career. One day, in a popular establishment, Alsou and her friend met a young man, Yan Abramov. The guy charmed the girls good manners, the ability to have a casual conversation, make subtle compliments, and shine with a sense of humor.

Abramov began to court the young artist and did it in his characteristic manner - elegantly, unobtrusively. On their first real date, Ian won over his future wife by playing melodies of songs from the performer’s repertoire on the piano.

Built an empire alone

Abramov was born in 1977 in the family of a famous Jewish businessman, who taught his son to be responsible and hardworking, to set goals and achieve them. This helped when the young man began to build his career and business. Sports training turned out to be not superfluous - back in school years While living with his family in Baku, the guy was actively involved in basketball, tennis, and football. Studying in the USA was also a good school of life. For Ian, it has never been prestigious to consider himself one of the “golden youth”. The guy was not seen in a chaotic lifestyle, addiction to drugs and parties. But he managed to learn three languages ​​while living in the States.

A successful man, he is still proud that his father paid for his education, and he started building a business himself, without financial support. And first of all, he established relations between the Russian and American sides for successful business cooperation. With a friend, he began publishing the magazine “America”; over time, he became a member of the management of the company “New Technologies” and the association of pyrotechnicians. His company launched the production of OSA weapons. This allowed Abramov to enter the top ten most enviable and richest bachelors in Russia. There was a prince, and he needed a real princess.

Abramov's novels: a stellar list of ex-lovers

For some time there were persistent rumors about Abramov’s novels. Among the names of his lovers were such as Alina Kabaeva and the scandalous Ksenia Sobchak with the no less shocking Anastasia Volochkova. But Ian was always a diplomat and a gentleman - he assured that these worthy women were just his friends. Although he doesn’t deny that there was a relationship, he never once thought about marriage. Until I met Alsou.

The mayor of Moscow presented a marriage certificate

After several months of dating, Abramov decided that she was his life partner and the mother of his future children. The proposal was made in a romantic setting - on the roof of one of the capital's restaurants. The wedding was luxurious - famous guests gave keys to a country house and expensive jewelry, large sums of money and a foreign car. Yuri Luzhkov personally presented the marriage certificate to the newlyweds.

Family life was smooth - without public scandals and loud statements. After a while, the couple had two daughters. They influenced each other even in their choice of clothes. Alsou, realizing that her husband liked women in stiletto heels, learned to wear them, and Ian, accustomed to wearing a suit even at home, began to allow himself a T-shirt and jeans. They have learned to ignore rumors and gossip and calmly read the news about their divorce.

For the sake of my beloved I changed my faith

Some dear relatives from the bride's side were not present at their wedding. They were outraged that the mullah did not give permission for the marriage of a Muslim woman and a Jew. All the years of their happy life together, Alsou remembered this, and this topic tormented her. Before giving birth to one of her daughters, the singer asked her husband to go to the Bashkir village where she was born and undergo a ceremony to convert to Islam. And Ian did not refuse his beloved. After some time, their marriage was blessed by the mullah.

Alsou admitted that there were moments when she thought about leaving her creative career in order to devote more time to her family, daughters, and husband. But so far she manages to combine these three hypostases and be flawless and the best in each.

The famous singer will not appear in Russia for at least another year

Alsou went overseas to give birth. But before that, I decided to complete all the important things. She persuaded her husband, Yan ABRAMOV, to perform a special Muslim ritual with her - nikah. Which took place in the strictest secrecy in the homeland of Alsou’s father, Ralif SAFINA, in the Bashkir village of Uyandykovo.

The Safin family is very religious; the singer’s father, a businessman and ex-candidate for the presidency of Bashkiria, even built a mosque in his homeland with his own money - as a gift to his fellow countrymen.

Until recently, the singer herself not only did not observe the customs of her ancestors, but also knew the Tatar language much worse than English. When she decided to marry a Jew, this completely upset the patriarchs of the Safin family. Some relatives did not even come to her wedding. Both Alsou's grandmothers - Khalida and Taskira - were very worried that the marriage did not receive the blessing of the mullah.


Alsou, of course, could not be indifferent to all this. And therefore, before giving birth, I decided to observe a very important tradition. The nikah ritual is one of the most important events in the life of Muslims; it is the one that spiritually transforms strangers into husband and wife.

But in this case there was a serious obstacle - the husband must be a Muslim! Since Ian agreed to scrupulously fulfill everything that was required during the sacred ceremony (Abramov was even wearing a traditional Tatar skullcap), an exception was made for him. In the eyes of the mullah, he was a full-fledged Muslim for the duration of the sacrament. Fathers Yan and Alsou were present as witnesses, as expected. True, it is customary to go from the mosque to the groom’s house, and the Abramov couple, for obvious reasons, invited everyone to a treat at the house of Alsou’s grandmother, Khalida. But the happy old lady herself baked Tatar triangular pies with meat and potatoes - echpochmak.

Alsou's Muslim relatives feared in vain that they would not find a common language with the Jewish husband of their favorite.

Having gotten to know Abramov better, I became convinced that he is a very decent, well-mannered young man,” says the famous Ufa composer and poet Rim Khasanov, who has been friends with the Safin family for many years. - By the way, we spoke Tatar to him! He is not an ordinary Jew, he is a “tat” - that’s what Azerbaijani Jews are called. His family comes from Baku, and, as you know, they are mostly Muslims.

By the way, it was Khasanov who wrote several songs in Tatar for Alsou: one of them - “Papa” - the singer always performs at all her father’s birthdays.

The celebrity guests did not stay long in the village. After spending the night, we went to Ufa. Ralif Safin chartered a ship and arranged a cruise on the Belaya River for his daughter and son-in-law. Tatar and Bashkir pop stars sang for the guests, among whom were Ian’s parents. Alsou's husband also pleased his father-in-law - he sang national songs in a duet with local celebrity Aidar Galimov.


The newspapers were full of rumors that Alsou was going to give birth in London. This had its own logic, since Alsou has a house there and she knows this city very well. But in order to protect themselves from annoying journalists, the Abramovs decided to look for another place. Another option is Israel, where Ian has many relatives and friends, which would facilitate many organizational issues. However, the war with Hezbollah forced the abandonment of these plans. According to our data, the Abramovs chose a hospital in Los Angeles, where many Hollywood celebrities gave birth. Since Ian has an American passport, this simplified many formalities. But Alsou will now get back to Russia no earlier than in a year. After all, making such long flights across the ocean with babies is categorically not recommended. But the baby will automatically become a US citizen by birthright.