Since 2008, the US FBI has annually compiled a list of the world's most dangerous criminals. These are people who have committed serious crimes in the past and pose a certain danger to society. The American Bureau of Investigation is willing to pay a decent monetary reward for providing information about the whereabouts of international villains. However, getting it is not so easy, because “terrible” lawbreakers are not easy to find. But every person should know who the most dangerous criminal in the world is and why he is wanted by the FBI, CIA and other secret agencies.

TOP 10 most dangerous world criminals

Among the wanted international villains are terrorists, rapists, murderers, child abductors, and drug traffickers. Today they are all free and continue to commit crimes. The US FBI presented the 10 most dangerous criminals in the world (list).

1. Mexican drug lord, billionaire - Joaquin Guzman Loera.

2. The leader of Al-Qaeda in Egypt is Ayman al-Zawahiri.

3. Indian leader of the mafia organization D-Company - Daud Ibrahim.

4. Russian businessman and leader of the organized crime group“Solntsevskie” - Semyon Yudkovich Mogilevich.

5. Yemeni terrorist, leader of al-Qaeda - Nasir al-Wuhaishi.

6. Sicilian mafioso, boss of the famous Cosa Nostra - Matteo Messina Denaro.

7. Russia's largest, “thief in law” - Alimzhan Tursunovich Tokhtakhunov.

8. Rwandan businessman accused of genocide - Felicien Kabuga.

9. Ugandan commander of the Lord's Resistance Army - Joseph Kony.

10. Terrorist Doku Umarov.

Semyon Mogilevich - the genius of the underworld

Large Russian entrepreneur- the most dangerous criminal in the world. He has many names: Sergei Schneider, Don Simenon, Saiman, Sam, Suvorov. He is a citizen of 4 states at once: Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Hungary. He is wanted by the same countries. Mogilevich is considered the leader of the Russian mafia. In the 80s, he earned $1 million by buying gold for pennies from Jews emigrating from Ukraine and Russia. For this, Mogilevich was arrested in 1975. After leaving prison, he decided to continue his “business”. The crime boss created a financial pyramid and in 1994 brought Inkombank, the largest private bank in Russia, into it. WITH light hand Mogilevich's bank soon went bankrupt. In 1996, a crime boss acquired part of a large military plant that produced aircraft. Mogilevich is accused of creating an investment fund headquartered in Pennsylvania. The most dangerous criminal in the world moves around countries using Russian, Greek, Israeli. Today he is free and continues to engage in criminal business: prostitution, sale of weapons and drugs, racketeering. The US FBI is offering $100,000 for information about Mogilevich's whereabouts.

The elusive gangster of the 21st century

Matteo Messina Denaro is a mafioso from Sicily who is on the list of the most dangerous criminals in the world. Denaro is a famous womanizer and fashionista with a charming smile. However, few people know that behind this pretty appearance hides a ruthless killer. At first, Denaro worked as a hitman. More than 50 people died at his hands. But " world fame» Matteo got it when he killed Vincenzo Milazzo and later strangled his pregnant girlfriend. He also organized a series of explosions in Florence, Milan, and Rome. In 2002, the Italian gangster was sentenced to life imprisonment in absentia. But they still can't find him.

Joseph Kony

The famous Ugandan is the commander of the Lord's Resistance Army. It is a sectarian-Christian military group that is in constant battle with the Ugandan government. Joseph Kony is the most dangerous criminal in the world. He demonstrates and proves his love for God by committing murders. All members of the group believe that they are talking with the Creator. They call themselves God's warriors. The leader of the group, D. Koni, is confident that love for the Almighty must be instilled from childhood. For this purpose, he kidnaps children. During his reign, 30,000 children were kidnapped from African families. Each child was first “brainwashed” and then given a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The child had to prove his devotion to God by killing his family. Despite committing numerous murders, Joseph Kony has not yet been arrested.

Russia's most wanted mafiosi

In 2014, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs published 10 names of the most dangerous crime bosses, murderers and maniacs in the country. Some of them could be included in the list of “TOP most dangerous criminals in the world” based on the number of crimes committed. Below is a list of the 5 most dangerous Russian villains.

Fugitive Russian criminals often hide in the CIS

Employees of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia say that the majority of fugitive offenders are hiding in the CIS. They are trying to legalize themselves there using fake documents. But only a few go to foreign countries, because there are certain difficulties both with paperwork and with finances. Every year, the US FBI updates its list of the World's Most Dangerous Criminals. Photos of international villains are published in the media. The list of the most dangerous Russian criminals is also being updated. But a reward for help in finding them appeared in Russia recently. Now it amounts to 1 million rubles for providing reliable information about the whereabouts of the criminal.

25.11.2018 at 15:51 · oksioksi · 2 490

10 most dangerous criminals in the world in history

There has always been a lot in the world dangerous people who committed acts that terrified ordinary people. Among them are maniacs, rapists, murderers and other representatives underworld. In many cases, these people have mental problems, but those who committed terrible crimes in their right mind and sober mind are more frightening. In this article we will talk about the most brutal criminals in the world.

10. Bruno Lüdke

This is one of the most dangerous European criminals. Bruno Lüdke, a maniac from Germany, took the lives of many women: approximate quantity his victims are 85. Lyudke was detained when he tried to rape another victim. As a result, the maniac was castrated, but he continued to kill. In 1944, Bruno Lüdke was executed in Vienna: he was nevertheless found guilty of all the murders.

9. General “Bare Ass”

He is a former preacher whom people considered to be a very friendly person. However, Joshua Blahai tried to convey very unusual thoughts to the masses. People who remembered him said that he seemed to be controlled by evil forces.

In 1996, Blahai became a tyrant and began to openly promote satanic ideology. In the First Liberian War, he had men under his command whom he forced to fight without clothes. The military leader only gave the soldiers weapons and shoes: this is what gave rise to his nickname. When preparing to fight, Blahai chose small child and sacrificed him to dark forces.

8. Matteo Messina Denaro

This is an Italian mafioso, whom the authorities are still looking for. Denaro became the head of the mafia in Sicily when the previous boss was arrested. He gained a reputation as an amateur luxurious life and a womanizer, because he did not adhere to conservative family values(unlike other Cosa Nostra leaders). This mafioso committed many terrible crimes, which is why he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment. Denaro has been hiding from the police since 1993. He managed to receive treatment incognito in one of the Barcelona clinics.

7. Rodney Alcala

Rodney Alcala is a former amateur photographer. He was considered one of the most brutal killers in America. This man was distinguished by such character traits as composure, wit and charm. They greatly helped him get in touch with future victims. Thanks to his interesting profession and charm, Alcala attracted admiring girls. This maniac took the lives of about 100 people over several years, but the police still managed to expose him. Now Rodney Alcala will never be released.

6. John Wayne Gacy

This criminal received the nickname "killer clone." John Wayne Gacy performed at children's parties. He chose a victim, after which he lured her to visit. The maniac raped the child for a long time, and then took his life. Sometimes he invited homosexuals involved in prostitution, whom he also killed. During his life, Gacy killed at least 33 people.

When the maniac was tried, it turned out that in childhood he was bullied by many people around him: his peers, his father, who drank a lot, his friend, who was a pedophile. This greatly affected Gacy's psyche. He was executed by lethal injection. While awaiting sentencing, the killer drew clowns in his cell: these drawings were then sold for big money.

5. Semyon Mogilevich

This criminal's name was different names: Suvorov, Palagnyuk, Sam and many others. He is a citizen of Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Hungary. Semyon Mogilevich was a major entrepreneur. He is the head of a criminal network that extends throughout the world. The criminal is engaged in money laundering, selling weapons, drugs and other types of illegal activities. Mogilevich was nevertheless arrested in 2008, but a year later he had to be released on his own recognizance. Now representatives of the law are looking for information that will allow them to convict and arrest the criminal.

4. Andrei Chikatilo

It was proven that Andrei Chikatilo committed 53 murders, but he himself said that there were more. The maniac met his victims on the street, after which, under various pretexts, he led them into the forest and took their lives. The killer cut off people's body parts and gouged out their eyes. It was difficult to discern a maniac in him: that’s why everything went so easily. Chikatilo did not leave evidence, he was cunning and resourceful. When the killer came out of the forest after another murder, a policeman noticed him. Chikatilo's death penalty took place in February 1994.

3. Jack the Ripper

This killer is one of the most famous. At the end of the 19th century, murdered prostitutes began to be found in London: the person who took their lives did it with great cruelty. Representatives of the law suspected many people, but none of them were ever found guilty. The Central News Agency received a mysterious letter signed “Jack the Ripper”: after this the maniac began to be called that way. In the letter, he confessed to all the murders that had been committed.

2. Joseph Kony

This man is at the head of a military group, which previously was only a sect with a Christian bias. It's called the Lord's Resistance Army. The conflict that erupted between the Ugandan government and this group has been dragging on for a very long time. Like-minded people of Joseph Kony think that God communicates with them through him. Members of the group commit very brutal murders. Many children were accepted into this sect: they were kidnapped from their parents and turned against infidels (including their own relatives).

1. Pedro Alonso Lopez

Pedro Alonso Lopez was born in 1949. He said that he took the lives of 300 young girls. Only 53 victims of this were found brutal killer. He killed his victims in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Lopez hated all women because he was sure that his life was ruined by his mother, who made her living as a prostitute. The maniac was declared sane, but the prison psychologist said that he had never had the opportunity to communicate with such a misanthrope.

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What else to see:

Joaquin "Tiny" Guzman

The most wanted criminal in the world is the head of the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel, Joaquin Guzman. At the very beginning of the century, a drug lord nicknamed "Little" (El Chapo) escaped from prison in a drug cart. dirty laundry and since then has been hiding from Mexican justice somewhere in the mountains in the northwest of the country. Guzman earned billions from trafficking marijuana and cocaine - last year Forbes included him in the list of the richest people on the planet. A $5 million reward has been offered for Guzman's capture.

Ayman al-Zawahiri

For a long time Zawahiri was al-Qaeda's second-in-command after Osama bin Laden. After the death of the latter, Zawahiri became one of the contenders for the vacant post of “terrorist number one.” The FBI considers Zawahiri responsible for the bombings of American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in the late 1990s.

Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim heads the huge crime syndicate D-Company, whose interests extend to all imaginable areas of criminal activity - from drug trafficking to contract killings. The syndicate's interests are limited mainly to India, Pakistan and the UAE. According to the FBI, Ibrahim has close ties to al-Qaeda and its South Asian affiliate Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was responsible for the 2008 terrorist attack on the Indian city of Mumbai. There is evidence that Ibrahim lives in Pakistan under the cover of local intelligence services. Islamabad categorically denies this information, calling it absurd. However, they said the same thing about Osama bin Laden.

Semyon Mogilevich

The United States suspects Russian businessman Semyon Mogilevich, also known as Sergei Schneider, of money laundering and trafficking in weapons, possibly even nuclear weapons. In 2008, Mogilevich was arrested in the Arbat Prestige cosmetics store chain, but was then released. Washington tried to get Mogilevich extradited from Moscow, but was refused: the lack of an extradition treaty between the countries prevented it.

Nasser Al-Wahishi

Leader of the highly successful al-Qaeda affiliate in Yemen. In 2006, he escaped from a local prison and since then, the so-called “Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” has become more powerful every year. Not much is known about Wakhishi, but the United States blames him for organizing dozens of major terrorist attacks in the region.

Matteo Messina Denaro

Denaro, nicknamed by analogy with the hero of the Italian comic book “Diabolic”, became one of the leaders of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra following the arrest of Bernardo Provenzano in 2006. Despite unprecedented efforts by local police to end the mafia's dominance, Denaro remains at large. 39-year-old Denaro has a passion for women, expensive cars, watches and other luxury items.

Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Taiwanchik)

Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov, also known as Taiwanchik, is accused by the United States of trafficking in drugs, weapons and stolen cars. In addition, in 2002, Taiwanchik was suspected of attempting to bribe referees during a sports competition. figure skating at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. A year later, Taiwanchik was detained in Italy. Washington failed to achieve his extradition: Tokhtakhunov was released.

Felicien Kabuga

Felicien Kabuga financed one of the worst genocides in human history - the mass extermination of 800,000 Rwandans from the Tutsi and Hutu tribes in 1994.

Joseph Kony

Under the leadership of Joseph Kony, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has been trying to establish a Christian dictatorship in Uganda for two decades. IN Lately The LRA lost its historical power as a result of the combined actions of the armies of Uganda, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo with the support of the UN. However, LRA troops still regularly attack small villages, killing and driving thousands of people into slavery. There is a rumor among the illiterate population that Kony can stop bullets.

Doku Umarov

Emir of the Caucasus Emirate and leader of Chechen separatists Doku Umarov is considered the organizer of a number of major terrorist attacks on Russian territory, including the bombing of the Nevsky Express train and explosions in the Moscow metro in 2010. Earlier this year, Umarov claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack at Domodedovo airport. In the spring, information appeared that Umarov was killed during a Russian raid law enforcement. Genetic testing, however, did not confirm his death. The US is offering a $5 million reward for the capture of Umarov.

Semyon Mogilevich, Joaquin “Kroshka” Guzman, Taiwanchik, Doku Umarov and others. Forbes has prepared a traditional list of the world's most wanted criminals. The rating was based on information received from the FBI, CIA, US Drug Enforcement Department and intelligence services of other countries. For the first time in the four years of the ranking's existence, there is not a single American in it. But Russia has the widest representation. The list included Semyon Mogilevich, Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov, nicknamed Taiwanchik, and the leader of the Chechen separatists Doku Umarov. The leader of the list has changed: Osama bin Laden, who was killed last spring, was replaced by Mexican drug lord Joaquin “Tiny” Guzman.

Joaquin "Tiny" Guzman

The most wanted criminal in the world is the head of the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel, Joaquin Guzman. At the very beginning of the century, a drug lord nicknamed "Little" (El Chapo) escaped from prison in a laundry cart and has since been hiding from Mexican justice somewhere in the mountains in the northwest of the country. Guzman earned billions from trafficking marijuana and cocaine - last year Forbes included him in the list of the richest people on the planet. A $5 million reward has been offered for Guzman's capture.

Ayman al-Zawahiri

For a long time, Zawahiri was the second in command of al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden. After the death of the latter, Zawahiri became one of the contenders for the vacant post of “terrorist number one.” The FBI considers Zawahiri responsible for the bombings of American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in the late 1990s.

Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim heads the huge crime syndicate D-Company, whose interests extend to all imaginable areas of criminal activity - from drug trafficking to contract killings. The syndicate's interests are limited mainly to India, Pakistan and the UAE. According to the FBI, Ibrahim has close ties to al-Qaeda and its South Asian affiliate Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was responsible for the 2008 terrorist attack on the Indian city of Mumbai. There is evidence that Ibrahim lives in Pakistan under the cover of local intelligence services. Islamabad categorically denies this information, calling it absurd. However, they said the same thing about Osama bin Laden.

Semyon Mogilevich

The United States suspects Russian businessman Semyon Mogilevich, also known as Sergei Schneider, of money laundering and trafficking in weapons, possibly even nuclear weapons. In 2008, Mogilevich was arrested in connection with tax evasion by the Arbat-Prestige cosmetics chain, but was later released. Washington tried to get Mogilevich extradited from Moscow, but was refused: the lack of an extradition treaty between the countries prevented it.

Nasser Al-Wahishi

Leader of the highly successful al-Qaeda affiliate in Yemen. In 2006, he escaped from a local prison and since then, the so-called “Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” has become more powerful every year. Not much is known about Wakhishi, but the United States blames him for organizing dozens of major terrorist attacks in the region.

Matteo Messina Denaro

Denaro, nicknamed "Diabolic" by analogy with the Italian comic book hero, became one of the leaders of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra after the arrest of Bernardo Provenzano in 2006. Despite unprecedented efforts by local police to end the mafia's dominance, Denaro remains at large. Denaro, 39, has a passion for women, expensive cars, watches and other luxury items.

Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Taiwanchik)

Crime boss Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov, also known as Taiwanchik, is accused by the United States of trafficking in drugs, weapons and stolen cars. In addition, in 2002, Taiwanchik tried to bribe referees during the figure skating competition at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. A year later, Taiwanchik was detained in Italy. Washington failed to achieve his extradition: Tokhtakhunov was released.

Felicien Kabuga

Felicien Kabuga financed one of the worst genocides in human history - the mass extermination of 800,000 Rwandans from the Tutsi and Hutu tribes in 1994.

Joseph Kony

Under the leadership of Joseph Kony, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has been trying to establish a Christian dictatorship in Uganda for two decades. Recently, the LRA has lost its historical strength as a result of the combined actions of the armies of Uganda, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the support of the UN. However, LRA troops still regularly attack small villages, killing and driving thousands of people into slavery. There is a rumor among the illiterate population that Kony can stop bullets.

Doku Umarov

Emir of the Caucasus Emirate and leader of Chechen separatists Doku Umarov is considered the organizer of a number of major terrorist attacks on Russian territory, including the bombing of the Nevsky Express train and explosions in the Moscow metro in 2010. Earlier this year, Umarov claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack at Domodedovo airport. In the spring, information appeared that Umarov was killed during a raid by Russian law enforcement agencies. Genetic testing, however, did not confirm his death. The US is offering a $5 million reward for the capture of Umarov.